Welcome back to a brand new episode of Mommy and Daddy Talk. New episodes every THURSDAY @ 11 AM PST.
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Welcome back to a brand new episode of Mommy and Daddy Talk. New episodes every THURSDAY @ 11 AM PST.
Follow Sara! : https://www.instagram.com/sarasaffari__/
Follow Bradley! : https://www.instagram.com/bradleymartyn/
Copyright: © Copyright Mommy Daddy Talk
13:14 sara and brad roast
17:33 what sara did for her birthday
19:48 back to the roast and the Arnold
23:51 sara never watched shrek… the new Shrek coming out
25:07 sara trying things for the first time series
28:54 the david laid story
31:21 changing a girls name in your phone
32:59 the highlight of the arnold
41:07 marvel rivals
42:38 gta 6 / paid servers
45:57 zoo culture miami
46:35 losing a dog
50:10 stealing a car when younger
52:45 The time brad went surfing and lost his dads ring
54:32 the #1 tacobell in the world...
55:56 tom brady being from the Paolo alto
56:57 The connection from dogs is it the same with cats?
1:00:18 the clip of brad about the gym
1:01:30 a lot of men who do body building are short
1:02:09 a man will sacrifice his happiness for his family, women will sacrifice family for their happiness
1:06:33 where Sara is going next
1:07:29 going to vegas
1:09:02 brad and sara working out again
1:11:16 would sara be a good wife
1:11:50 taking sara to the mall for her birthday
1:15:26 do you say something in a restaurant if they messed up / food in general
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10:59 twitch streaming
14:41 the coolest prosthetic to have?
15:13 the movie ends with us
21:52 get a haircut and pull up to saphora...?
23:11 if a guy has a kid already would a girl care?
25:44 at what point does the guy or girl tell the other they have kids
29:25 doing it for the plot...
32:34 Huel ad
34:04 worst way to be woken up
35:19 the new drake and partynextdoor album / drakes leak
39:11 pizzookie / chilis
41:19 diet coke or coke zero?
47:41 dropping everything and go travel
48:07 whats been happening with these plane crashes
51:10 the arnold / Mexico
52:32 cartels classified as terrorist organizations
53:03 girl asking the guy for advice, Sara asking for nail color
55:46 saras birthday
57:16 finding sara a partner
59:40 Getting a dog
This Podcast is sponsored by Huel. Go to https://huel.com/mommydaddytalk and use code: mommydaddytalk for 15% off and a free gift!
This Podcast is sponsored by Factor. Go to https://factormeals.com/mommydaddytalk50off and use code: mommydaddytalk50off to get 50% off plus free shippin on your first box!
13:56 kanye west girl at the grammys and Kanye in general
18:11 who is doing content on social media for attention
19:33 brads part jewish
20:36 sara scared to start beef
21:47 sara went to miami / being flown out by…
25:14 The strip club.... dating a stripper? / relationships
31:05 asking a girl to change something
31:50 Factor ad
32:49 the superbowl / halftime show
36:20 drake and kendrick beef
40:54 sara glazing polo g / nos, huffing and other stuff
42:50 taylor swift
45:32 Huel ad
46:47 drake lawsuit
48:55 miami zoo opening
49:25 Sara not being able to sleep
56:13 what do get your girlfriend for valentines day
59:55 saras type of guy
1:04:01 david laid is a magician?
1:07:50 sara not being cultured
0:00 Intro
1:26 canada
2:38 social media content / calendar
5:33 favorite travel place
7:46 Canada’s prime minister
9:29 best place to vacation in Canada
11:04 Cece being in a future and drake music video
15:59 cece used to be a chef
17:13 how she started social media
24:16 cece has an arthritis disease
33:12 cece is going to teach sara how to cook
36:50 hard to have relationships doing social media?
40:36 scam likely "contact" / cheating
42:47 horescopes and readings
45:16 the arnold and olympia events
46:50 Astrology stories and understanding it
54:28 having kids / school, what you learn and with other kids
57:42 learning from school or in real life?
59:46 valentines day / cats and dogs
This Podcast is sponsored by Huel. Go to https://huel.com/mommydaddytalk and use code: mommydaddytalk for 15% off and a free gift!
0:00 Intro
3:06 sara feels inspired
4:50 deestroying broke his neck
5:39 trying to make it to the NFL
6:46 deestroyings first big viral video / investigation on NCAA
11:35 switching up the content / what goes into creating the content
13:47 what content deestroying enjoys doing the most / doing more of
19:11 how sara and deestroying met
20:24 brad building his businesses
22:09 california being expensive to live in
25:54 moving out of the country
28:19 what sara is into other than fitness
29:09 running being hard
29:51 sara cooking…
36:49 Huel ad
38:04 taking eating seriously in relationship to sports
39:28 whataburger or in n out...?
41:29 chiefs vs eagles (is the NFL rigged?)
49:12 how much money would it take to drop everything and retire
52:26 could brad or sara kick a field goal?
54:46 sara wanted to be a quarter back in high school
55:36 40 yard dash brad and Sara racing with deestroying
59:35 taxes
1:00:19 brad is gonna start live streaming
1:04:13 what training for brad is like
1:06:25 football players with two first names
1:07:26 deestoying working out with sara / Sara’s goal
1:09:31 Heartbreak made Sara jacked
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This Podcast is sponsored by Mando. Go to https://shopmando.com and get $5 off of your starter pack (that’s over 40% off) with promo code: Mommydaddytalk !
0:00 Intro
6:56 sara and steiny went on a date / steiny’s normal dates and girls
13:09 sara working out
15:00 sara saying she can cook
17:31 steiny says would get beat up for sara...
18:50 taking a girls last name after getting married
19:45 steiny would be good in a movie
21:12 sara starting a girl gym house
25:42 politics from creators
29:25 Huel ad
31:08 the most important things to feel protected as a girl / relationships
35:42 girls/guys going viral for sleeping with everyone
38:55 jimmy butler paying for kids
42:24 where can steiny find his wife / steiny’s go to
45:54 Mando ad
47:38 haney and garcia are fighting
50:06 halo coming out
51:04 is sara a fake gamer/streamer?
52:54 putting the spiderman suit on...
53:47 superhero crush
55:55 steiny and sara hitting the batting cages
57:11 steiny wants to golf with brad
58:36 brad bullied steiny
59:47 what steiny looks for in women
1:00:38 describing sara in 3 words
1:03:00 steiny wants a second date with sara
0:00 Intro
17:40 what brads been up to
18:32 would brad date a girl if she was bald?
19:42 sara being more stylish
21:10 icarly first streamer
23:54 sara being a good wingman
26:21 the best gifts
29:14 what sara does when she isn't making content
30:00 Thoughts on fousey new song
34:17 most memorable concert
37:51 what one talent would you want to have
40:07 biggest fears
47:30 how 2025 has been
49:09 rehab for being addicted to your phone
51:29 feeling burnt out / the content drug
52:29 brad and sara going to florida
54:59 the LA scene
1:05:07 saras old guy problems
1:09:56 describing brad in 3 words
0:00 Intro
0:52 one of brad and Saras favorite things to have happened in 2024
2:47 saras moms advice about finding a man
6:04 brad and saras new years plans
8:55 how much food delivery apps tax and brads problem
13:04 sara only likes well done meat...
14:43 sara has been meditating
16:00 napping during the day
18:00 what has changed brads life in his everyday
18:56 mars nuked by aliens? and giant people live there building things on the planet…
25:12 the slander from twitter
28:41 sara drove a lambo
29:31 the travis hunter situation, would you leave or stay?
39:01 2025 advice
43:37 what is verlocks
45:05 whats getting left behind in 2024
47:11 drive thru oil change / Sara Groupons
48:03 tiktok getting banned?
0:00 Intro
9:56 Sara glazing herself, being involve with the idea of love
12:01 things in life don't last
15:21 going to hong kong Mexico
18:52 2024 coming to an end, good year or bad year?
21:31 zoo Miami is official
22:37 weirdest place in America… aliens
25:36 a type of soccer that the losing team dies...
29:12 how saras 2024 was and what she wants to do more of
33:23 new years resolutions
35:31 do you mention to your girlfriend that she's gaining weight?
39:45 felipe got motivated from a girl
43:54 would felipe be less funny if he was skinnier?
45:55 dogs and what they will do for you / losing a dog
49:28 losing a friendship that hurt more than a relationship
54:10 how sara friends describe her / being a friend vs being in a relationship
1:00:27 if its for entertainment for content is it okay?
1:06:17 diegos expired ID telling vegas to googel him
1:08:16 the lines that are drawn between girlfriends in content
1:10:34 should brad switch up his content?
1:11:38 meeting and watching ronaldo play
1:13:51 the time diego and felipe met neymar
1:18:32 the ring camera incident
1:19:41 the hawk tua girl / coin
1:24:10 brad being a good actor
1:28:11 why is sara saffari famous question
1:28:42 the best part of getting recognized
1:30:33 the first time brad found out he had "motion"
1:36:09 carry on (netflix)
0:00 Intro
0:24 Not having uber
1:21 sara saying men take advantage of her
1:52 zach and sara had a thing...
4:17 a story about brad from steiny
5:31 steiny got some
10:23 who pulls the most women out of the 3
12:55 the time brad and steiny went to cancun
17:20 when zach approaches women…
19:23 what is the most you have spent on a girl
22:15 go to line hitting on a girl in the dms
27:04 the most interesting thing Zach has done being in LA
29:36 the ideal first date for a 10/10 girl
34:09 saras ideal first dates
36:07 bitcoin and the hawk coin
39:00 sara and steiny played poker
41:00 the biggest loss in gambling
43:54 most famous person in your contacts
45:29 zach singing gravity by john mayer
50:00 zach wanting to take sara out / putting in effort for Sara
52:05 steinys craziest experience with a girl
54:09 Donating to charity
56:30 steiny and zach duo going out
0:00 Intro
0:29 sara says she cooks...
3:32 the dark side of tiktok
4:32 getting over a heart break
6:46 does losing a friendship feel the same as a heart break
8:32 girls needing more reassurance
12:07 the best way to pick up a girl
16:54 both of brads longterm relationships and what happened
20:55 what makes people uncomfortable in relationships and the meaning behind it
25:09 one thing to teach your kid
32:09 a story from a high school party
34:23 brads college party story
49:19 sara rear ending someone and getting pulled over
55:17 feeling discriminated
56:54 the time sara worked at a mexican restaurant
0:00 Intro
1:20 does brad leave his hat own during...
2:26 girls expecting gifts and money from guys in relationships... thoughts on this
13:52 what if a girl says wait for me i'll be back in 3-6 months i need to take a break?
21:32 having beef with body hair / teleporting humans…
23:15 is cancer curable?
23:53 have you ever brought a friend to an event or dinner pretending to be your date?
24:34 how would you differentiate a hot girl and a beautiful girl?
26:22 how many dates would it take a guy to know if she is the one or a girl to know
30:50 good gifts for your girlfriends or boyfriends
44:26 kai cenet and the magician… / the fat joke on a fat kid with comedians
49:17 do you believe in the horoscopes on a person
59:07 do you sleep with socks on
1:03:05 what would you do if a guys slaps your girls behind at a bar
1:06:14 what if you found out one of your close clouted homies was dming your girl?
1:07:28 you're dating a girl and you find out she has the close friends with a bunch of guys on there...
1:08:02 do you ever look through a girls phone or what if she is on dnd
1:09:37 in a relationship with someone and changed someones name to someone else
1:14:13 A girls body count is it how her last relationship ended made you think things or everything leading up to this vs how many girls a guy has been with
This Podcast is sponsored by Equip Foods. Go to http://equipfoods.com/MommyDaddyTalk to get 20% Off with code: mommydaddytalk ! Or 35% off with a subscription.
0:00 Intro
1:40 the prizepicks event
8:05 steve lost a lot of money and made it back in Vegas / the nfl kickers sucking this year
12:30 is the earth flat or round?
13:07 trump advised not to look into the JFK files, what they don’t want us to know and hiding
17:22 people having a lot of money being into weird things…
20:48 disney being frozen / picture of Michelle Obama pregnant…
23:06 Equip foods ad
24:58 is area 51 real?
26:34 how much of the ocean has been explored / aliens
33:53 what do girls care most about a guy?
37:37 what are the most important thing for girls
39:24 the illuminati
44:48 sara won money playing poker
48:19 jon jones and donald trump at UFC / Podcast in the Whitehouse with Trump
50:47 the new warzone
51:21 having saras brother on the podcast / Sara streaming
53:27 sara and brad stream together
This Podcast is sponsored by Hello Fresh. Go to hellofresh.com/freemommydaddytalk to get 10 free meals applied across 7 boxes! New Subscribers only!
introducing steinys sister
steiny including family in content
the qualities in rachel from sara
The attraction in both guys and girls
the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to steiny
rachel on social media
Brad and Sara on reading comments
is rachel in a relationship?
do brad and sara enjoy going out to parties or bars scene
is steiny gay? Getting hit on by a guy…
The time Rachel knocked out steins
Would Sara or brad compete in power slap?
12 million dollars to disclose about a relationship, are you doing it? The Zach bryan story
when would sara or brad feel comfortable talking about their relationships
school being important?
where do you see yourself in five years?
will podcasting forever be a thing?
Sara not sweating during workout
what mia khalifa is saying online
paul vs tyson who is winning?
what reality tv really is
going to the movies by yourself, go to snack
rachels ideal date, what they all look for in someone
Rachel is a magician
do you believe in psychics
Rachel also is a dj…
rachel fosters dogs, the squirrel incident going on in the world
1:07 sara asking brad questions girls would know the answers to
6:46 favorite halloween costume
8:21 sara being a low risk person
9:15 risk brad has made
11:19 what does sara care about and want to do with her life...
14:32 when did brad know he wanted to open up a gym?
15:42 why sara likes helping people
18:44 as sara been in a fight?
19:32 Brads fights growing up
22:47 any teaches brad liked in school
25:20 any teachers sara liked in school
29:38 brads biggest insecurity and commitment as a whole
35:39 sara saying she’s happy alone
36:07 winning the lottery for $7M or $1K a day for the rest of your life
38:44 how long would sara need to prep for a show?
40:26 finding the love of your life but she has a boyfriend or flipped…
48:41 sara says whenever an opportunity is presented always say yes
51:50 sara always staying at home
52:34 no nut november, brad is challenging the boys
22:01 this time of year...
24:17 what's wrong with sara?
25:35 how the holidays effect sara and brad
29:12 AOL platform
31:03 country music
32:20 mommy and daddy talk and clips
34:01 does brad like halloween?
35:34 faze rugs party
36:45 black ops 6
41:12 equip ad
42:47 brad is excited for halloween
43:23 would brad ever go on a joe rogan podcast or interview him
44:38 the podcast with trump
48:59 brad being a good podcaster
51:48 the best date brad has been on
53:12 sara's good idea for a date
54:16 the nicest thing brad has done for a girl
56:51 the sweetest thing sara has done for a guy
1:01:31 brad can go to any rams game
1:02:46 where in a time in your life did you feel like you had to grow up?
1:07:49 brad not doing any school work
1:09:02 Advising to go to college
1:11:23 what sara should be for halloween
12:37 2 of the most famous bay area rappers...
14:58 if brad had a daughter would he rather her be stuck in the forest with a bear or a man
17:50 would you rather have a gay son or thot daughter?
19:46 would rather have a boy or girl first?
24:06 sara being A-Sexual
24:37 would you ever date someone that is A-Sexual?
25:32 how important is sex in a relationship?
27:35 the right way to break up with someone
30:06 do you fall in love easily?
33:22 how to know if a guy has other girls, following random girls/guys
37:46 can a girl have a guy bestfriend?
43:55 would brad or sara ever date anyone with kids?
50:02 gym bro math
52:35 brad gambling trip with stevewilldoit
57:52 some of the favorite people brad has ever met… who was the rudest?
59:21 the $2 bill in back of your phone
1:01:05 the twitch chat
1:04:34 saras lyft story
This Podcast is sponsored by Hello Fresh. Go to hellofresh.com/freemommydaddytalk to get 10 free meals and subscribing!
This Podcast is sponsored by Equip Foods. Go to http://equipfoods.com/MommyDaddyTalk to get 15% Off! Or use Promo Code: mommydaddytalk with link to get 30% Off your first subscription!
0:00 Intro
8:36 how has felipe's life been different?
10:23 the best part about having money
11:31 felipes goal of becoming a professional soccer player
13:44 soccer being the hardest sport, Messi & Ronaldo
20:06 imagine not being able to walk around in public or do anything normal
22:50 sara played basketball, saying she has never been good at one thing
24:58 has felipe and diego ever done anything off camera?
25:33 felipe started his own vlog channel
26:18 an old video of brad on youtube, Felipe using brad videos in the back as motivation when having sex…
31:24 is sara funny?
32:42 does brad, sara, and felipe believe in hard discipline
38:34 equip food ad
50:00 is it true that you end up dating a girl that's similar to your mom?
50:55 the dragon ball z video game, parents buying you M games…
56:28 is it important to be single in your 20s?
1:00:32 felipe and his relationship
1:01:45 hello fresh ad
1:04:09 the ksi song
1:07:11 what is worse, fast food and drinking or steroids?
1:11:38 try 30 days sober
1:13:42 if your kid wants to take steroids what're you saying…?
1:16:11 felipe taking steroids?
1:18:34 favorite childhood memory?
1:25:40 felipes dad and the story of how he found out he passed away
0:00 Intro
11:23 what is vertigo and what brad has been dealing with
12:49 sara saying being soft
13:25 why can't sara have a relationship?
15:23 brads younger relationships and advice
23:58 brad passing out and needing a shot
25:25 women having back up plans...
30:52 when a girl has suspicions and wants to see your phone or switched
37:11 do women gas light more than men?
39:49 sara letting us know the best places to look for suspicions…
41:55 what happened in saras high school relationship
44:55 is your gut always right if you're always tripping?
46:46 What brad learned through relationships
50:07 the fear of intimacy
52:35 sara asking if she will die alone
54:00 if you had to change anything cosmetically what would it be
0:00 Intro
17:50 Does money truly make you happy?
20:33 What makes sara happy?
23:25 how you start is how you finish...
25:22 What habits does brad have?
29:23 was sara or brad ever bullied in school?
35:36 streaming
36:23 when you were younger when did you think you would get married by?
38:39 at what point do you know you are ready for marriage? Sara is being depressed…
46:36 is brad selfish in relationships?
48:05 creating sara a tinder profile
56:22 does sara want to get better?
58:42 what does sara like spending money on?
1:00:51 brads biggest purchase ever
1:03:25 anything sara has bought that she is happy she has
1:05:07 top 3 choices of a JDM car for Sara…
1:07:03 brad's going to start vlogging again
1:08:39 stevewilldoit is officially moving in
1:12:09 a spontaneous time with steve
1:14:13 is the NFL rigged?
1:16:05 is the taylor swift and travis kelce relationship real?
1:18:30 brads stalker story
1:21:48 nelk pod with faze / most viewed IRL streamer
1:24:43 saras story about austin mcbroom
1:26:49 3 things you need/want before you die?
1:31:05 what brad listens to when he drives
1:32:17 sara thinks star trek is better than star wars
1:34:50 steven hawkins
1:39:52 send clips to make money
0:00 Intro
9:09 Sara went to the UFC 306 in the Sphere, thoughts?
13:25 mortal combat vs DC universe
14:08 what brad has been up to… podcasts?
14:50 stevewilldoit is moving in
16:22 real estate in Nashville
17:49 sara got her blood work done
21:39 sara drove into a fire hydrant
22:28 gambling... going to Vegas
26:30 brad stopped his dogs from fighting
30:01 update on zoo culture miami
36:33 the 5 most attractive things
42:32 video of greg doucette… gym influencer space burnt out?
46:32 creating conflict in your post to pop off
48:17 would sara ever hop on a paid well platform
54:02 having fewer friends while getting older
1:01:17 should brad wear hoops or get a nipple piercing?
1:03:25 the super dark time or times in sara and brads life, people overall
1:14:15 the mentality of being successful and money driven
1:16:51 grown adults going to disneyland... thoughts?
1:20:08 snap summit
0:00 Intro
12:19 Sara went to Atlanta for PrizePicks
19:36 Going to see max crosby and the raiders
22:26 twitch con
25:03 has sara ever done drugs?
26:26 Brads first time getting high
28:15 Brads avatar story on mushrooms
32:18 podcast with steiny
35:39 when is the cut off for going out?
36:21 the oldest sara would date
37:26 the 5 things sara needs to date someone
39:21 people watching
40:08 the oldest brad would date
43:50 jenna ortega
45:36 selena gomez and haley bieber
46:32 how to get sara a female audience
48:04 GTA 6
51:00 minecraft stream
51:52 brad and sara played fortnite
56:09 farting infront of someone you date or dated
57:04 brad and sara streaming together
1:02:03 why brad hasn't been training
1:03:17 brad wanting to beat another addiction, streamers who do coc
1:06:18 linkin park replaced the lead singer
1:09:26 sketch's freestyle
1:14:09 The debate, betting on it?
1:17:54 dressing up for halloween to do a podcast
1:21:28 The DC vs Marvel game
1:25:39 roku vs apple tv
0:00 Intro
5:50 Sara went to Vegas
7:13 Brad beating his addictions
8:38 Life coaching advice from Sara
11:01 How can content creators make valuable content now?
14:17 The goal being an influencer, and life in general
15:39 Things to being investing in to not slow down
18:52 Fortnite
20:42 The Video Game Industry
23:38 Worst date you've ever been on...?
32:14 An ideal date
36:07 The hate comments, being insecure on social media
41:05 Free game for social media
43:46 Instagams new trials
46:07 It's sub-tember on Twitch
47:21 Doing it just for the clip... Clip Farming
51:03 Why Sara needs her PC
52:32 The Starlink
54:32 Would Sara ever sell her feet on the internet?
57:28 The WNBA rookie of the year?
1:03:57 reading comments
1:08:59 Nike coming for Sara about the fake shoes...
1:09:58 Sara's laugh from the comments, Kamala?
1:11:42 People getting paid to talk about either or parties for presidency
1:13:10 Mark Zuckerberg pressured by the democrats
1:14:30 Sara losing muscle...?
1:15:50 Costco
1:18:27 How Sara is feeling after taking Magnesium, all her vitamins/supplements
1:22:05 Hair Genetics
1:22:49 Converse shoes
1:25:10 Brads shoes
0:00 Intro
15:29 what's been going on
17:12 facetiming steiny, his sister…
20:55 N3on doesn’t know who Dr. Dre is
21:26 Can sara name the main 3 in NWA? Felipe?
26:03 Would you spend $100k on your significant others birthday party?
30:39 why do girls want nice things instead
33:13 spending money on nice things
35:11 Buying fake shoes, Sara knows
36:50 brad got sold fake Jordan’s
39:26 is it ever a good time to check up on your ex?
44:47 what's the most you would ever spend on a haicut?
48:36 Social media money doesn’t change no matter the state
50:31 Anxiety
1:01:22 sara shoulder checking at parties
1:03:21 what is sara's deal breaker
1:06:35 deal breaker for brad
1:08:51 being bald
1:12:11 asking sara who the main protagonist in dragon ball z is
1:14:35 pulp fiction or kill bill?
1:16:07 the brand getting canceled, documentary coming out
1:21:26 sara wanting a souvenir from Mexico
0:00 Intro
16:34 Sara went to Spain
17:43 Where Sara has been...
20:44 Fighting with family
24:04 What Sara did on her trip
26:43 If Brad and Sara were partners in the Hunger Games...
30:09 What Brad has been up to
32:44 Brad went rock climbing with Sketch
35:38 Brad doing new Podcast
37:40 Jack Doherty's girl getting robbed...
40:43 Zoo Culture Miami
42:02 Nick's Brad falling off the bike
43:07 More content with Danny Duncan
48:42 The water bottles in Europe
49:27 Venice and Paintball w/Sketch Vlog this week
54:44 Sara being in a good mood
56:05 What's been going on Tiktok
59:33 Men and Women...
1:00:54 Brad and his nicotine
1:01:37 M&D One Year Pod
1:05:31 Learning through the hard way
1:06:34 Steve moving to LA
1:08:51 Football is back
1:09:09 Automatic Shufflers on Cruise Ships…
1:10:57 If Trump gets elected, Elon will be…
On this weeks episode of Mommy & Daddy Talk, we brought back the vlog intro! Sara explains how she got stood up, we have some special guest make an appearance & share some fascinating experiences with plant medicine. Hope You Enjoy!
On this weeks episode of Mommy & Daddy Talk, we brought back the vlog intro! Sara explains how she got stood up, we have some special guest make an appearance & share some fascinating experiences with plant medicine. Hope You Enjoy!
On this weeks episode of Mommy & Daddy Talk, Brad & Sara speak on the Kris Tyson drama, Brad's Trip to Yosemite, Joe Biden Conspiracies, the new ZooCulture & much more!
On this weeks episode of Mommy & Daddy Talk, Brad & Sara dive into everything from Gaming, Streaming, Conspiracies, Fitness & discuss Sara joining Faze Clan!
0:00 Intro
0:46 sara came up with a story about brad
5:09 brads going to big sur with his mom
7:00 insurance fraud for sara
8:10 sara is going to a prizepicks event to eat glizzies
11:11 sara playing cod with brad
15:09 zach justice inspired brad and sara?
16:13 what steve did in compton
18:22 brad streamed with suga sean
20:32 nate diaz fight
21:38 someone dm'd sara saying this...
24:44 throwing a cat
25:41 brad's sweet problem
26:53 hot dogs being rat meat
27:52 sara made food...
28:50 being tired of youtube
32:23 the feeling of getting old as a girl?
33:17 the new tiktok dance
36:07 saras monkey face
37:13 nice guys don't win
38:35 within the first 10 min you know if you wanna date someone?
40:23 why is their so many messed up people?
42:00 sara talks to herself
43:11 one cheat meal for the rest of your life
44:06 one restaurant for the rest of your life
45:47 thinking about violence?
47:17 controversy on TikTok
54:44 There is beauty in everyone…
59:52 saras feet are out, and people liking armpits
1:00:56 Superbad / Napoleon dynamite… Sara doesn’t know either
1:05:17 brad's nicotine addiction?
1:08:01 being alone or settling for the wrong person?
1:08:29 how do you know if it's the right person?
1:10:16 the one what if that keeps you up at night
1:11:21 What is more painful, playing into a toxic love or leaving someone you care about but no longer love?
1:12:10 what's the toughest reality check you have ever faced?
1:15:54 a promise you make to yourself that you fail to keep
1:17:20 is it better to love or to be loved?
1:18:30 what would brads 13 year old self think of him now
1:23:43 what would Saras 13 year old self think of her now
1:24:36 advice you would tell others that you don't follow yourself
1:25:03 can people change or are they set in their ways?
1:28:18 how do you live a life without regrets?
1:29:16 meet them for the first time all over again or just never meet them?
1:31:32 forgiveness or acceptance what's more important?
1:34:32what was brads grades like?
1:36:39 nick nayersina is moving in
0:00 Intro
14:16 first impression of brad
15:22 zach justice intro, Sara fan girl
16:56 how sara and zach met, dating apps
18:43 what zach did before his podcast
19:08 outback steakhouse and the blooming onion
20:15 how brad and sara met
23:06 at what point did zach know he could do social media
26:01 what sara thinks of zach...
27:00 why zach followed a girl
27:42 things are way deeper when you're younger
30:00 caring less or differenlty when you're older
32:25 why is it hard to find a women that challenges you
35:09 an empty void of hope for zach and his podcast
36:07 why do most people quit
37:19 acting, end goal for zach?
38:14 what's made zachs podcast popping
39:07 brad slapped a streamer, and viral streamers
41:33 who is winning this next UFC fight?
42:27 sara texted zach late at night...
44:38 sara bieng a super fan of tari
46:34 sara and zach both do not drink
48:07 does zach wing his podcast?
49:45 david alvarez's videos
51:38 100 guys tried to date sara
53:17 Sara likes medium ugly…
57:11 the boundaries for zach
57:48 rotan tomatoes
58:”28 lets go home and watch a movie..."
1:00:41 sara wants kids
1:03:00 going on other peoples podcast helps?
1:04:00 tiktok being what got zach more attraction
1:04:48 zach hates the gym
1:06:31 saras eating disorder
1:07:18 kentucky
1:08:49 Social media as a job love/hate
1:10:09 saras ultimate goal and dream
1:11:02 cats...
1:12:33 Being alone
1:13:59 favorite movie and zach never seeing forest gump
1:19:10 zach went to college for a year
1:21:50 standup comedy for zach?
1:23:28 growing up without a father
1:28:34 the hard part for military living a normal life after retiring
1:31:04 the white fox event
1:33:02 what sara asked and told zach
1:35:59 would you ever let someone pee on you?
1:36:54 saras and Zach’s attraction for one another
1:41:28 mr beast getting roasted
1:42:10 what it takes to be successful on youtube
1:43:36 zach and sara working out together, trainer
1:48:42 what does zach eat
1:50:41 tiktok feeds
1:51:41 ufc fight coming up
0:00 Intro
5:45 brad slapping the kid
9:02 brad and logan paul
12:54 back to lacy and reynaldo... the slap
14:18 brad is going to turkey
16:24 steroids, and is Logan using?
18:42 sara went to a white fox event
21:31 country is coming back, post malone
23:42 sara went to jail...
24:39 play boy carti no auto tune
26:08 sara thinks she can intro sequence for an artist
27:25 stable reynaldo and sara look alike?
28:20 why sara was in jail and what happened
29:31 brad went fishing
32:32 there is a fly in the studio
35:39 brad is interviewing ron artest
36:42 being in a simulation?
37:29 the interview movie
41:56 girls are crazy
43:44 baby reindeer, the women is suing Netflix
44:31 what happened with ryan garcia
46:56 selim roasting mike majilak
49:46 brad going on jeffs barber shop
51:12 pride month sara wants to celebrate brad
52:31 reading comments
54:14 people having thicker skin to say anything on the internet
55:05 sara and brad playing call of duty
1:00:12 sara went to brads barber, and her insecurities
1:02:22 sara got food poisoning
1:04:20 brad being sick during covid
1:06:06 being with someone that speaks about it on the internet
1:07:04 if brad and Sara went to a deserted island with a book and a friend...
1:08:57 sara used to be in boy scouts, she got a tick
1:11:20 brad had poison oak and ivy
1:12:27 ring worm
1:12:41 brad pod with tana and brooke
1:13:27 the next m&d guest?
0:00 Intro
2:14 the clip of sara saying she likes ugly guys
3:55 do you get naked when taking a poop?
4:35 getting poop shy? farting infront of your girls
6:47 zoo culture miami
12:22 felipe glazing sara
13:14 sara making cooking videos
13:50 the time felipe thought sara would never talk to him again
14:41 brad won't say I love you
15:10 relating felipes father loving him to pleasuring a women...
17:06 felipe needs to hear the "I" in front of love you
20:25 diego and felipe got robbed $23k
25:51 sara ran into mexican ot
29:29 the mexican community loving brad
30:08 Brads work life growing up
33:54 Telling your mom or parents social media is making you money
35:54 brad had a problem with working out and eating
39:30 brad was an abrocrombie model
41:58 brad couldn't get it up because of his diet
49:14 the color orange for brad
50:07 realizing and taking in the moment of being able to do these things and what you have
52:43 felipe used to work construction then come make content at the gym righ after
54:47 diego and felipe thanking brad for what they've been able to accomplish
55:26 brad doing what he liked making social media a thing, changing lives
1:00:16 What brads content consisted of gaining success on social media
1:02:15 brad being himself the entire time on the internet
1:04:10 what life’s about and it's not all about money
1:05:08 the best thing money gives you...
1:05:35 felipe had $100 to his name
1:06:53 everyone can figure it out, believing yourself
1:13:01 sara graduated
1:14:07 the next plans for diego and felipe
1:14:58 felipe has been flying lately
0:00 Intro
13:34 saras life hack
14:36 zoo culture miami
16:48 sara has a lisp...
17:43 what sara did in miami
18:38 brad went to Hawaii for his birthday
22:08 brad is quitting everything
23:06 what sara is best at
24:38 brad shot a bit for nelk in DTLA and was an FBI Agent
26:19 sara went to a strip club
31:34 brad is interviewing will smith for fullsend pod
32:42 brad wants to fight Logan Paul
34:53 Sara and brad brushing their teeth...
35:56 dollar menu and dollar stores are no longer a thing anymore
37:03 fighting politicians
38:50 There is a study for micro plastics in human testicles...
40:36 brad moving to a farm
42:51 reading comments
43:53 brads assistant hops on the podcast
46:42 the time emory went to a drake and future concert and future smelled
47:21 kevin hart & Kai cenat collab
48:01 emory went live on kick saying brad is 260... 260,000 times
49:53 how is it working for brad
51:31 every girl is crazy
54:26 what is too crazy that a girl can do
56:06 couples therapy and normal therapy
58:42 mike tysons medical emergency and fight with jake paul
1:00:20 netflix in other countries
1:02:21 tiktok of guy calling his girl a b**ch
1:03:00 Using the word c*nt
1:06:06 emory suprised brad in hawaii for his 27th birthday
1:10:05 are women standards way too high for men?
1:17:20 instagram is broken
1:18:57 do you sleep with socks on?
1:21:54 what situation would you pull a karen?
0:00 Intro
1:42 What happened with Diddy
3:34 brads fear of saying “I love you”
3:56 Sara doesn’t love…
6:09 back to what happened with diddy
9:48 people that get rich and famous, then do weird sh*t
10:23 drake allegations
16:38 kendrick & drake
20:47 brad is going to hawaii
23:24 vanilla gorilla cafe, it's a pick of brad
24:42 sara is depressed
25:50 favorite movie as a kid
26:53 if sara was a cartoon character...
28:04 brads birthday and what he’s doing
30:08 sara is having a moment...
32:25 if your house was on fire question
37:07 couples therapy
39:37 brads patience
43:29 wishing from a crystal ball? It’s where you make it, focusing on the now
46:33 sara being a mother
47:59 Brad would get a cat
49:39 what is a good instagram photo?
50:33 if someone asked brad what sara was he would say...
51:27 If someone asked Sara what brad was she would say…
54:10 What brad would say at saras funeral
55:44 first impression of sara
56:45 First impression of brad
58:40 the feeling of there is more in life
1:00:28 brads top 3 ideal guest to interview
1:01:16 saras hate towards elon musk and tesla
1:02:28 Being afraid of the dark, and nightmares
1:04:33 if you die on the toilet do you finish peeing?
0:00 Intro
28:06 Saras nails
29:13 what else ads to the look for girls
36:05 Brad went to New York
37:50 Don Lemon pod, the vaccine
40:50 Cars being expensive and have more problems
41:48 Sara hates elon musk and tesla
46:08 The dentist
47:09 Saras incident at forever 21…
52:22 brad catching pedos with vitaly
1:01:58 Tao restaurant
1:04:04 Brads birthday is coming up
1:04:18 The roast of Bradley Martyn
1:05:29 Sara asmr gym weed
1:06:58 if sara and brad could be renamed...
1:07:20 if sara was a worm
1:09:00 a conspiracy theory that you actually believe in
1:09:13 Brad and Saras favorite candy
1:12:10 zodiac signs and why are girls so obsessed
1:15:01 most overrated thing that everyone is obsessed with
1:16:06 does brad have a type?
1:17:40 Icks for Sara
1:22:56 How Sara has been gaining weight
1:24:05 how do you know and how to end a relationship...
1:28:55 when you start distancing in a relationship
This Podcast is Sponsored by Gym Weed. Go to any Vitamin Shop and get any flavor Gym Weed for just $1!
0:00 Gym Weed Ad
1:10 Sara gained 15 lbs
3:46 ordering food being a problem
4:32 life hacks from Sara
9:28 Sara went to Nashville
10:50 viral clip of sara getting breckie hill
13:22 brads cinco de may with these foos
14:02 Sara spending her money on family
16:48 back to brads cinco de mayo
18:35 brads birthday is coming up
19:21 feeling like you have lived another life
20:32 Sara on drinking alcohol
22:30 Sara being on the “spectrum”
24:40 how does someone have a punchable face
25:26 what brad has been up to
26:00 zoo culture miami and brad is leaving sara
27:33 Eric phone call
29:50 everyone should take self defense classes
30:58 if brad had a daughter or son what would he name them
33:11 chris bumstead named his girl bradley
34:57 taking the guys last name…
36:47 the roast of tom Brady
38:04 people not caring anymore
39:36 brads pod with suga Sean
41:03 if suga and ryan boxed who wins
42:51 bare knuckle fighting
43:31 Taylor vs Bryce who is winning?
44:32 who could brad bare knuckle fight?
46:53 Sara needs to fight someone
49:01 brad is moving to Miami
49:53 Saras life hack on a plane
51:28 never fall asleep in an uber
54:39 taking to much Benadryl
57:34 people coming up to sara more when not in LA
59:20 election this year
1:01:40 may being national fitness month
1:05:39 reading comments
1:07:11 Sara being a better friend than partner
1:07:35 reading comments
1:08:05 brad using Sara slangs
1:08:34 reading comments
1:10:36 brad and Sara going bowling
1:11:20 Saras overactive brain
1:12:24 reading more comments
1:13:23 how do you guys feel about sara gaining 15 lbs
1:13:35 Sara picking at her zits
1:15:14 sara saying star trek being better than star wars
1:15:32 sara needing more masculine energy from brad
1:18:09 brad and Saras best features
0:00 intro
16:37 IQ test with brad and Sara
22:39 adesanya said brad wanted to fight him
24:22 brad or adesanya in a street fight
25:31 baby reindeer
27:16 the story behind the show baby reindeer
28:48 tiktok food / rock paper scissors trend
33:00 Sara and brads in n out order
34:09 brad drank a gallon of milk while doing deadlifts
35:26 Saras sound effects
36:18 the plan for the podcast
38:09 Sara is going to Nashville
40:42 sara claims she made the belly chain a thing again
41:48 forever jewelry for your girls
42:06 cute date ideas
43:09 bad first date ideas
45:57 red flags for Sara
47:31 setting the standard for the first date
49:21 the things that really matter in a relationship
49:55 brad went to Coachella
51:13 stagecoach
53:36 the time in n out sued brad
55:09 why don't gym influencers have a headphone brand
57:01 brad wants to go on vacation
58:48 brad has gotten bit by a shark before
1:04:17 sara says she is tripping from the in n out...
1:08:13 Sara wondering if she has crimson chin
1:10:32 Sara says she has issues
1:11:00 Sara hearing people talk in her head
1:14:18 scenarios on whether you tip or not
1:16:32 Saras form of anxiety
1:20:01 the time sara bottomed out her maxima
0:00 intro
7:09 Sara and Brad doing something big
7:51 Sara on having kids
8:36 girls being mean to girls
10:47 baby reindeer
14:22 Garcia vs Haney
17:09 girls shaving their hair
18:12 Kanye West loves hitler
19:33 clarification from Sara and brad
21:18 Kaylee and Silby join the pod
21:56 being sus with the boys
23:32 sara pretends to be drunk when going out
24:45 making a relationship work while being in the scene of things
27:13 does Kaylee enjoy the work she does?
27:48 Sara picking her nose on camera
28:51 does kaylee plan to do more on OF?
29:22 could Silby ever have sex on camera?
30:36 how to know if you found the one
32:03 how Kaylee and Silby met
35:00 what kaylee wanted when she first came to LA
35:37 when girls say I just wanna have fun and do my own thing...
37:08 making small issues into big issues
37:57 people being afraid to mess things up in a relationship
38:42 3 stages of a relationship
39:21 being stubborn
40:16 men and women having that victom mentality
41:17 the biggest difference of silby from other guys in the past
42:46 was OF ever an issue for Silby
43:21 who would take the better photos?
46:00 love languages
47:48 nails being important for girls and men?
48:48 when a guy is kept up and clean
49:26 what is too far for a guy to not be to "pretty"
52:28 brads character with the hat
53:37 stagecoach
54:23 sweating while sleeping
57:03 laser hair removal
58:00 would poop in front of your partner
1:00:17 the classic guy move
1:01:59 proposing to someone
1:02:37 celebrating brads birthday
1:05:12 brad wants a promise ring
1:08:05 do guys give each other advice
1:09:26 2 people being in the scene of things makes the relationship harder...
1:10:40 the craziest thing someone has ever asked kaylee for on OF
1:13:16 what if your girl is liking other dudes photos
1:13:54 silby gets mad when a guy comes up to kaylee
1:18:24 silby always bringing up kaylee in a positive manner
1:20:05 a guy changes his ways when he's with the right girl
1:21:02 brad would officiate the wedding
1:22:00 how the girls feel about marriage
1:22:54 people filming their wedding vowes
1:24:11 sad Sara is back
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This Podcast is sponsored by Babbel. Get 55% off your Babbel subscription - at Babbel.com/MOMMYDADDY (http://babbel.com/MOMMYDADDY). Rules and restrictions may apply.
0:00 Gym Weed
2:01 Brad is fired up
2:34 sara prefers ugly guys
5:03 what animal would symbolize brad
6:21 Sara put on 15lbs
7:15 ufc 300
11:03 Sara being on top of the podcast
11:47 a man punched Sara in the face
13:18 brad thanking sara for being responsable
14:06 right person wrong time…
16:20 having more than one soulmate?
20:34 looking passed sex
23:01 what would your partner have to do for you to not go back
26:16 never speak poorly about your partner to other people
27:49 brad wants kids
30:21 Logan Paul is having a kid
31:35 Ryan Garcia vs devin Haney
34:26 Sara looking for a real job
36:26 selling something you don't believe in
48:52 babbel ad
40:24 Sara doesn’t spend her money
43:43 brad used to buy gear from Philippines
45:37 do you believe in marriage?
49:04 social media
50:58 brad becoming a full time streamer
52:15 TikTok taking over
53:38 jared leto commented on brad and sara's content
57:11 xqc
59:38 Sara is bad at video games
1:02:08 being loyal
1:03:07 being crazy in relationships
1:09:52 working forever
1:10:51 should brad go to high schools and give speeches?
1:11:57 situations for sara not to like her boyfriend doing
1:14:24 are girls more slimy than guys
1:16:28 Sara needs a guy that workouts
1:18:14 what if the guy wants to get a rub n tug...
1:20:26 what if your girl has a guy trainer
1:20:50 is it cheating if…
1:21:32 sharing each others locations
1:24:00 celebrating your anniversary
1:26:50 the best pizza spot
1:28:19 guys buying content from girls
0:00 intro
1:21 Sara made Brad food
2:36 brad and sara are going to livestream
3:17 do you guys know after the first date
4:12 the two things a guy figures out quickly with a girl
5:40 sara being replaced by sketch
6:43 golds venice 2017
8:06 the live streaming setup
9:50 whats crossing the line in a relationship
11:41 not talkin sh*t to your friends about your relationship
13:06 turning M&D into a relationship podcast
14:52 having a high body count
16:38 hard lines in a relationship
18:47 the extension of "you" in a relationship
19:36 being self sufficient
21:48 what most girls do once they turn the age of 18...
22:36 telling the truth on the podcast within a year
23:17 brads mom joins the podcast
23:35 brads brother
25:27 brad is going to pay off his brothers van
29:44 what brads brother did for him and allowed him to do
31:41 sara being the girl version of brad work wise
32:17 brads sister
34:03 brads mom tells a good story about him
38:59 will brad get married and have kids in the near future?
41:46 the time brad pooped his pants
43:05 brad used to play with the racoons
44:12 the time brad got stuck on a hiking trail
45:24 brad playing video games
46:29 is school a waste of time?
48:07 brads first love
50:24 brads ex called his mom and snitched on him for...
52:06 brads mom on if a girl would use him for his money
53:05 the most important thing brads mom has learned about life
55:23 what brads mom thought he was going to do
56:07 brads moms response on brad doing fitness fulltime
58:21 one of the last days brad and his brother saw and spoke to their dad
1:00:17 brad allowing himself to not make or have his moms life difficult
1:01:41 the thought of death
1:04:33 sara building a career alongside brad
1:07:28 brad giving people the benefit of the doubt
1:08:55 needing a backup in any job
1:12:57 brad reading energies of people
1:14:30 characteristics for brads future wife
1:18:19 brads mom saying "okay brother"
1:20:16 brads mom is going to ask her class about sketch
1:22:21 rawgear drop on the 19th
This Podcast is sponsored by Babbel. Get 55% off your Babbel subscription - at Babbel.com/MOMMYDADDY (http://babbel.com/MOMMYDADDY). Rules and restrictions may apply.
0:00 intro
1:16 Sara being a comic book character
3:12 brads beard
3:56 sara’s hate comments
4:38 brads collar with sketch
5:56 brads intervention
7:33 brad saying he is in to yoga but never does it
8:08 has brad changed since knowing sara
10:36 jessa's take on what brad needs and wants to work on
13:22 since jessa has known brad has their been betrayal from people?
14:42 steroids
19:11 the gym is what made brad happy
20:24 brad wanting a family
21:38 the need to let go for brad
23:23 every guy has a baby voice
24:26 what men want out of a relationship from a woman
25:12 men and woman in a relationship
27:44 the last time brad cried
29:28 money and goals
29:53 babbel ad
31:08 if brad had 3 wishes
33:03 if Sara had 3 wishes
36:01 Jessa’s 3 wishes
37:27 brad is leaving
39:04 brad being a dad for sketch
40:39 brad in the social media space
44:12 the narratives brad has on the internet
45:40 what you need most in a relationship as a guy for it to be successful
47:45 you don't have as much time as you think you do
49:05 as a guy never stop working
51:27 Saras purpose and goal
52:24 what makes brad sad
52:36 having pets
54:24 Sara thinks she is a cat
55:28 brad reading discord questions
57:04 Sara likes to be the care taker
58:08 cooking and what comes around it
1:00:46 someone wants to fight Sara
1:03:13 brad did a pod with polo g
1:05:19 people that speak on M&D
1:08:34 brad can win any street fight vs a ufc fighter
1:09:54 Sara has a gremlin voice
1:11:07 is Sydney Sweeney hot
1:12:49 double standards in a relationship?
1:13:27 brad on drinking
1:14:26 brads birthday
1:16:24 no cut podcast?
0:00 Intro
14:38 does sara have the dog in her?
15:59 mike on being other podcasts
17:22 mike on twitter
20:40 mike and Ryan Garcia
23:02 the problems happening in the world
25:17 what Ryan garcia is doing
30:45 the baltimore bridge on twitter with andrew tate
32:31 the problem on social media
35:45 will there ever be any leveling on these platforms?
36:38 andrew huberman conspiracy
40:01 what social media is doing to people
44:07 Sara on being an internet celebrity
44:35 men learning patience in a relationship
45:45 you can be happy or be right in a relationship
48:15 video games while being in a relationship
51:04 when guys say i will do better
55:02 how much of the problem is created from the girl
57:47 how much are the issues self created with women
1:00:17 what men and woman are after in relationships
1:02:04 at what point does the girl realize everything is there from the man
1:05:34 all girls want is reasurance
1:08:04 men need a little bit of space
1:10:49 communication is everything
1:11:40 what you need in a relationship
1:14:59 mikes relationship with Sara
1:17:12 mike says falling off was the best thing
1:20:05 can you find personal space with massive views
1:22:13 why jeff didn't pick sara for the bachelor
1:23:00 mike on Jeff Wittek
1:24:36 Jeff Wittek call
1:29:08 what is going on with impaulsive
1:31:53 Coachella
1:34:34 how many times a day do you wash your hands
1:34:57 the 39 year old comments
1:39:09 everyone lives a different life
1:44:56 it is all timing
1:46:37 mike and his audience
This Podcast is sponsored by Babbel. All listeners get 55% OFF! Go to http://www.babbel.com/mommydaddy
0:00 Intro
4:45 What trevor and michael think of mommy and daddy pod
5:49 Sara being dominant
7:00 Sara wants a sugar daddy
8:08 taxes
10:20 Michaels foot fetish
14:08 are guys scared of Sara?
15:44 gym with no mirrors
18:15 Trevor and his peloton
19:26 Saras headaches
21:43 dan Schneider…
26:38 doing something you didn't want to do because of the internet
27:19 the comedy space doing things that make you question
30:57 babbel ad
32:12 zoo grand opening, brads audience
33:29 best perks of being jacked
37:07 pulling more girls being big
37:51 cats or dogs?
40:01 brad pays for poop service
43:13 how Michael met his girlfriend
43:57 marriage
47:16 why do most marriages fail?
49:20 being an overbearing parent
54:25 sara doesn't have sex, her dating issues
1:01:38 dating apps
1:02:24 can guys and girls be friends?
1:03:50 how would men hit on Sara?
1:07:51 upside down pineapple for swingers
1:08:58 monetizing your marriage
1:09:19 monetizing something you regret later
1:10:44 the next chapter for Trevor
1:12:36 snapchat
1:14:10 regrets for Michael
1:16:05 everyone is out for their own good
1:17:10 burnt out from creating content
1:21:58 live shows
1:24:19 trevor and Michael are best friends bit
1:27:03 who pays on the first date?
0:00 Intro
10:54 Ethan, Brads other Assistant
13:07 Sara’s amazon wish list
18:14 Brad’s employees are Sara’s employees
19:29 brad is going to start posting on instagram again
21:30 Sara is leaving
23:40 is Sara mean?
26:07 is Sara smarter than a 5th grader?
36:14 What is Sara really smart at?
38:35 Sara’s trip to Cancun
39:38 having more people adding value in the social media space
41:04 the negativity in the world
42:54 Sara's daily actions that she knows she shouldn't
45:23 finding a person to grow and communicate with you
47:01 is love enough?
49:17 Sara on having a hard time communicating
51:51 what brad has learned and grew from
56:35 not enjoying the night life
59:19 brad in the ufc…
59:31 Jake Paul vs mike tyson
1:00:47 streaming taking over
1:03:21 the news about TikTok
1:04:46 sam and N3on
1:05:43 brads watch
1:06:37 brad is getting the Tesla truck
1:07:59 Sara not liking dogs
1:09:18 reading comments
0:00 Intro
0:42 brad’s assistant
8:10 brad wants to go to church
8:38 Miami
10:11 what’s going on with Sara lately
10:45 are you smarter than a 5th grader with brad
12:07 if Sara and brad had a falling out…
12:46 Paris, France
14:03 back to are you smarter than a 5th grader
21:42 sara talking to the clippers to make edits
22:17 danny duncans friend kewan benched 225
24:57 trainer only old zoo culture plans
25:33 what is up with fousey?
26:29 love language
27:30 brad and Ryan Reynolds
28:34 Sara likes girls?
29:57 brad says Sara is like Peter Pan
30:45 Sara thinks brad is sus
32:06 Sara’s love language
33:43 the love for this podcast
34:29 girls on their period
38:47 Jeff wittek
40:20 the female fans
42:40 brad with a mustache?
44:42 don’t eat tide pods
46:05 suga sean vs chito vera
49:13 Sara working with brad
52:18 Sara wants to box someone
53:51 who could brad fight?
55:03 what if Sara was fat…
56:53 when brad knew he was fat
59:53 sara’s eating disorder
1:03:41 Sara naming the presidents
1:05:26 Sara doesn’t like guys paying for her
This podcast is sponsored by Better Help. Go to https://www.betterhelp.com/mommydaddy to get 10% off your first month
0:00 Intro
2:38 insecurities
5:31 the karate incident with brad and jeff
7:32 inter sport beef
10:24 jeff wanting to fix his diet
12:36 jeff wittek or ryan garcia in a street fight?
13:14 sara lied to jeff for his bachelor show
15:28 brad is going to cut his beard
20:11 Jeff fought a pro fighter
21:06 jeff stopped it all for his show
22:47 jeff doesn't care for snapchat
25:02 the 30 age bracket content creators
27:19 would jeff ever take any peds?
30:19 marathon
31:38 mike majlak FaceTime
36:39 better help ad
37:43 Jeff and tana
38:38 Jeff’s old camera man
39:51 sara’s favorite movie
42:07 jeff's co host daddy steve...
43:19 Jeff getting beat up
44:36 Jeff’s female audience
45:07 how Jeff got put on
49:01 stevewilldoit and his gambling
52:30 brad and his dad shoes
53:17 jeff had the pauly d haircut
54:22 Jeff cut off Sara from the show
56:50 steiny went to jeffs barber shop
57:24 brad is going on Jeffs barber show
57:56 do women fear Sara
59:00 the time Sara got bullied on the internet
1:00:19 can guys be friends with girls if it wasn't content related
1:01:53 how brad and Sara met
1:05:04 what steven, jeff's co host did...
1:06:20 sara doing only fans
1:07:35 would Jeff ever do OF?
1:08:44 believing something bigger than yourself
1:09:53 brad wants to spar with Jeff
1:11:28 brad wants to fight Logan Paul in MMA
1:12:49 jeff is coming to zoo culture to compete with brad
1:14:40 Sara is going to do jujitsu
1:15:40 the time Jeff got trolled
1:17:46 is Jeff still with impaulsive
1:20:53 jeff's 40lb niece fights the boys in jujitsu
1:21:10 Kanye and Adidas
1:24:17 Jeff opening a barber shop next to zoo?
0:00 Intro
4:16 is nick still dating sky bri
9:51 sky is like family to nick
10:18 sara jealous over a girl nick brought to the gym?
14:36 knowing when a relationship is committed
15:28 nick always fighting with sky
18:36 is nick doing it for content?
18:59 why can't nick and sky let go of each other
20:26 the internet is ruining nicks relationship
22:29 sara fixing her hair...
22:52 is sara a jealous person?
24:44 sara got an ick from nick
27:12 sara being hypocritical
29:30 icks in a relationship
31:01 what makes someone worth it?
32:09 nick on whoever the guy that gets to date sara
34:09 brads a professional gambler now
34:36 should nick get a roster?
35:12 suga sean gave stevewilldoit his belt
37:56 steve being really good at specific things
39:50 nick being good at youtube
41:38 nick found sara a husband
44:40 qualities sara looks for
45:21 nick and Sara…
47:52 wasting time, learning about the person
49:18 when will nick be ready for kids
49:24 Sara is ready for kids and marriage
51:33 prenups
53:28 being with a religious person
56:18 sara apologizing for missing last episode
58:21 sara liking the mili squad
59:45 reading comments
1:05:08 relationships being based on loyalty and respect
0:00 Intro
13:19 relationships domestic violence
14:49 Sara wants to carry the podcast
15:45 what is papi chulo?
16:25 valentines day
19:23 Sara becoming more comfortable
19:58 valentines day gift
25:19 girls want things because others have them
26:29 tiktoks that shouldn't have been made
27:32 the orange theory
28:57 the internet ruining peoples perception
30:15 Sara is jealous
32:12 trump 2024?
32:51 vegas
34:40 Sara finding the love of her life
36:15 same sex
38:20 drinking is an ick for Sara
39:27 love on the spectrum
48:45 farting in front of your significant other
53:21 Saras good intentions
55:30 business partners
57:41 reading comments
59:30 Sara taking initiative
1:01:09 Sara not being scarred from social media
1:02:45 TikTok for new creators
1:04:58 Sara missing a companion
1:06:11 brad and his hat
1:08:36 maxx Crosby
1:09:58 evolving the podcast
1:11:23 reading comments
1:14:27 maxx Crosby FaceTime
1:15:58 reading comments
1:19:42 streaming with you guys
1:24:04 Danny duncan FaceTime
1:26:42 reading comments
1:27:30 being perfect
This podcast is sponsored by Better Help. Go to https://www.betterhelp.com/mommydaddy to get 10% off your first month
0:00 Intro
9:31 money doesn’t matter for friendships
12:35 podcast with adin ross
14:20 everyone should workout
15:05 working out stunts your growth?
16:34 people who don’t care
16:45 n3on and sam
17:40 important to draw your lines
20:58 Sara looking for a husband
25:38 instagram is a dating app
27:36 Maxx Crosby on raw talk
28:07 power slap
29:10 Sara started gaming
32:25 what Sara should be doing at home…
35:13 icks for brad and Sara
39:30 food
40:50 Sara thinks her and brad are friend twin flames
43:08 Sara and her new computer
47:16 better help ad
48:12 reading comments
52:51 brad did a podcast with full send
54:58 will there ever be another Sara?
56:42 what does Sara need to fix?
59:04 Sara is going to cook for the boys
59:55 approval of character
1:01:23 Sara doing good?
1:01:35 a pod with no cuts soon
1:04:17 comment below…
1:06:06 is Sara desperate?
1:08:10 brad is disappearing
0:00 Intro
1:42 Vitaly
2:16 YouTube cutting down
2:45 Doknow Mexican OT interview
3:27 How brad met doknow
4:13 Doknow brad in a street fight
5:04 Mexican Culture
6:30 rap played out
8:13 Rock music
9:07 influence of Mexican culture
10:43 music festivals
11:53 doknow and Sara
13:07 NOS
15:33 doknow in Juvenal hall
16:00 drinking only on weekends
16:45 Sara doesn’t drink
17:12 Doknows family liking Sara
18:19 Sara speaking Spanish
19:42 doknow got a Rawgear code
20:00 people comin up to doknow from lifting with brad
22:30 Sara on social media
23:13 doknow says he would never get buff
24:14 Sara growing up
24:42 Bryson tiller not making music
26:04 girls on social media
27:38 brad and cars
29:17 girls have it easier
30:17 feminist
31:37 brads thoughts on doknow and Sara
33:28 after one date is she your girl?
34:55 doknow dating an OF girl…
35:44 Sara dating an OF guy…
36:02 Sara on plaid platforms
41:47 Drakes recent post
42:33 drake is genius
43:35 Taylor swift
44:55 the time Sara fan girl’d over Polo G
45:38 Doknows camera man
46:57 Polo G’s music
47:52 Kid laroy
48:13 doknows come up
50:53 latino men toxic?
52:24 going through your persons phone
53:21 your girl went to the club…
58:24 gym being related to club?
1:00:08 taking a girl on a first date
1:01:21 home body
1:01:38 cat person?
1:03:31 Cheetos with cheese
1:05:36 Sara and doknow date?
1:06:42 doknows sister being a good cook
1:07:52 important for girls to cook?
1:10:19 Sara providing
1:11:03 doknow is 50/50 with a girl
1:15:12 living without a father
1:18:40 Sara surpressing trauma
1:19:07 does doknow cry
1:21:45 Sara hates taurus
1:22:53 doknow getting mad
1:25:53 if a girl swings on a guy
1:28:00 parents discipline their kids
1:32:23 brad wants kids
1:37:28 Sara and doknow thing brad is unhappy
1:40:25 love
1:43:10 Sara leaving mad
1:43:50 brad being patient
1:44:34 people getting mad at jokes
1:45:20 letting doknows mom come
1:46:52 doknow on brad being good at podcasting
0:00 gym weed ad
2:09 men and women are different
3:22 splitting the bill
4:14 paying on a first date
4:47 being traditional
5:34 living with the person you are with
6:56 taking a girl on a first date
7:53 forced conversations
9:06 brad being good at conversation
9:55 brad on Sara printing money
11:05 being cheap
12:34 better to not look rich?
12:42 stevewilldoit’s gift to brad
14:01 Steve being reckless
16:22 what the internet makes girls do
17:55 the roman era times
18:44 get your girl off social media
20:19 what do we really value
21:17 is marriage good or bad?
23:46 what brad has built through social media
24:28 n3on, sam, and Vitaly at zoo culture
30:02 would brad defend Sara?
32:15 zoo one year was crazy
35:38 Sara getting into a fight
36:58 reading comments
37:30 Jeff wittek
38:39 reading comments
39:04 Jeff wittek FaceTime
43:31 Vitaly phone call
45:32 Sara isn’t scared by brad
45:53 reading comments
48:39 Sara and brad on cutting things out
49:38 reading more comments
50:08 weird things to be into
50:42 reading comments
52:56 bring natural back
54:31 reading comments
59:47 Sara brining her friends on the pod
1:00:30 responding to voice audio from audience
1:00:54 brad lost his phone
1:02:17 Sara dropping n3on
1:03:28 sara’s friend calls
1:04:50 the Mexican culture
1:07:20 Sara thanking brad
1:07:51 the best compliment to get
1:08:54 brad doing his man stuff
1:10:41 Steiny phone call
1:13:03 Sara watched anime
1:13:34 brads favorite anime
1:13:48 brads favorite Rawgear athlete
1:16:01 Vitaly on who he is and was
0:00 Intro
3:18 Big Ego?
4:34 Sara shaved her legs…
6:19 Brads good life change
8:25 New Year new Brad
9:11 Is it okay to mush a girl or guy?
11:41 Brad's New years Eve
12:40 Brad appreciating Sara
14:54 Be respectful to who's helped you
15:56 Pod with Doknow
17:53 Doknow said this was one of his favoitre podcast
20:42 Brads audience
21:25 Trevor Wallace Party
26:20 Sara doesn’t care for a man
27:39 Sean Strickland crying
28:15 Brad went shopping
29:51 Brad and Sara streaming
31:46 Sara’s new years
35:35 Best way to approach girl or guy
37:11 Brad new workout grind
40:35 Sara handling Brad
43:11 Drinking bone broth
44:58 Doknow FaceTime
46:19 people asking Brad about Sara
47:14 is Sara A-Sexual?
52:15 Dating Sara
53:02 Girls in this industry
55:00 Don’t waste your time beefing
58:55 Sara going on Adam22 podcast
1:00:38 Conor McGregor fighting
1:04:58 are you a pretty cryer?
1:08:15 2024 improvements
1:09:31 Brad’s Leaving
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20:55 Factor Meals Ad
This podcast is sponsored by BetterHelp. Celebrate the holidays with the gift of giving! Go to https://betterhelp.com/mommydaddy to get 10% off your first month!
0:00 Intro
4:25 Sara has a roster?
4:49 Sara has a secret crush
7:00 Sky hates Nicks loverboy persona
8:00 Will sky be single for the rest of her life?
9:55 Do girls want to be shown off?
10:35 Has sara ever been in love
11:00 Nick would never date unless he saw a future with them
13:30 Are Sky & Nick still actually dating?
14:30 Sky's 3 favorite things about nick
16:10 sky pressured nick into posting her on social media
19:10 Nick & Sky's crazy story at dinner
25:10 Do they still sleep in the same bed?
25:45 Brad gives nick his flowers
27:40 Are All of nicks videos real?
29:10 Nick and Sky are getting back together...
30:00 Brad exposes nick
32:25 Getting with someone you already got with isnt a body
33:11 Fresh and Fit talk
37:45 Why Nick and sky are better as friends
39:10 The one thing guys can't get over after a relationship...
41:00 Nick wants to wingman sara for a BF
42:30 Sara and brad..Would they ever date
43:50 Why would sky and nick never work out now
48:00 Has sky still worked in the industry lately?
48:30 Has sky made more money being single?
50:00 Sky bri has a super fan
55:25 Has brad ever had a sugar momma
58:23 Random girl sends sky money to hang out
1:02:10 Do guys ever get sent money just because?
1:05:47 Streaming is extremely difficult
1:11:11 LA was way cooler before the P-Demi
1:12:00 YouTube is harder now than it's ever been
1:15:30 Sara and Sky are streamers..
1:16:50 Tiktok has ruined social media
1:19:50 Crazy fan interactions
0:00 intro 2:52 n3on makes sam pay 50% 3:21 talking about fousey 4:09 fousey looks like brads dad 4:45 fousey is back and streams with adin 5:49 brad quits youtube to become a livestreamer 7:29 sara gets nervous public speaking 8:59 sara gets nervous public speaking 9:39 sara is an emotional person 10:51 sara on her emotions and where it comes from 12:08 brad on how Social media is a ton of pressure 16:02 N3on and Sam Relationship talk 17:00 Sara talks how scary "first dates" are 18:29 smashing on the first date 24:26 getting a lie detector if brad was ever in love with sara 25:33 sara breaks down her type 27:50 sara is looking for a husband 29:00 Can sara cook and clean? 30:36 Women roles 32:15 sara is a tomboy 33:50 why you shouldnt care about what people think of you 35:38 stevewilldoit loves brad 36:20 brad biggest problem 38:40 Suga sean fighting chito vera 39:20 is sara a clout chaser? 40:50 The beggining of how brad and sara met 41:50 Why sara would never switch up on brad 43:29 when is sara getting married? 44:05 will sara ever collab with sneako again? 48:33 why they dont take social media seriously 52:30 brads biggest regret on social media 54:00 Life without interent 54:40 lose all your gains or all your money 55:11 Why does sara hate sneako 55:23 The reason why brad doesn't have a wife 57:50 where does brad see the relationship between them going in the future? 1:00:52 Why brad won't ever joke about his fathers death 1:05:00 does sara like girls
Welcome back to another weekly episode of Mommy & Daddy Talk! In this weeks episode Brad And Sara dive deep into their week and all the drama. They talk Kai Cenat, memories in vegas/ japan & how influencer jobs aren't actually real.
Welcome back to another episode of Mommy and Daddy Talk with your hosts Brad and Sara. In this weeks episode, Sneako joins the first person to be on the guest list as brad confronts both sara and sneako on their recent rumors. You don't want to miss this one.
Welcome back to another episode of Mommy & Daddy Talk with your hosts, Brad & Sara! In this episode we get into Sneako and Sara And address some of the internet rumors. You don't want to miss this
Back at it again with a brand new episode of mommy and daddy talk with your hosts, bradley martyn and sara saffari. In this weeks episode we dive into sara and sneako, brads loss of his father and irl streaming. Stay tuned
Back again with another episode of Mommy And Daddy Talk! In this episode, Sara & Bradley join the WWE, Adin Ross Owes Bradley 10k & Selling Feet Pics For Cash. You don't want to miss this one!
Welcome back to a brand new episode of Mommy and Daddy Talk. You don't want to miss this weeks epsiode with your hosts, Sara Saffari And Bradley Martyn, as they both talk about QUITTING Social Media, Boxing and their Gir/Guy Dynamic.
Join us on a new episode of Mommy & Daddy Talk.This week Brad and Sara talk about their personal relationship, Fousey losing his mind and the Logan Paul Dillon Danis beef.
Welcome to the brand new Podcast with your co-hosts, Bradley Martyn and Sara Saffari. In this new episode they dive deep into marriage, IRL streamers like adin ross, fousey and ishowspeed & talk current topics that you never knew you needed until now. Sponsored By: Manscaped! https://www.manscaped.com/ use code DADDY SUBSCRIBE TO MY PODCAST: https://www.youtube.com/c/REALRAWTALK... SUBSCRIBE TO LIFE OF BRADLEY MARTYN: @bradleymartyn GET MY SUPPLEMENTS:https://www.originsupps.com/ GET MY DAILY WORKOUTS: https://www.bradleymartyn.com/ RAWGEAR! http://WWW.RAWGEAR.COM (code raw) TRAINING PROGRAMS AND MEAL PLANS! https://www.bradleymartyn.com/ INTERACT WITH ME!+ TIKTOK | https://www.tiktok.com/@bradleymartyn / bradleymartyn INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/bradleymartyn / bradleymartyn TWITTER: https://twitter.com/bradleymartyn / bradleymartyn FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/BradleyMartyn/ / bradleymartyn SNAPCHAT: BRADLEYMARTYN ============================================= RAWGEAR! : http://WWW.RAWGEAR.COM =============================================Subscribe Here! https://www.youtube.com/bradleymartyn...