A deep dive into the shallow end of creativity. Me Too is a sit down with creatives who do what they love for a living, or at least make what they love a huge part of their life. No matter who someone is, they are still a person like any of us. To title anyone as “lucky”, or “gifted” is to downplay their hard work to get where they are. We will take a look at how they got to their 10,000 hours towards mastery, or what their road towards it looks like, but also talk frankly about the internal obstacles that may, or may not still get in the way. A friend once told me that the two words “me Too” are the most healing words a person can hear. My hope is for listeners to hear a “me Too” in these talks that they can relate to and find hope in. Hope to persue your dreams, dream job, or just comraderie in knowing someone you may look up to poops as well. We all do. So do you.