Matters Microbial #59: Some (Microbes) Like It Hot—Discussions with the Thermal Biology Institute October 3, 2024
Today is an unusual episode of the podcast. I am visiting four microbiologists in the Thermal Biology Institute at Montana State University of Bozeman, Montana. They discuss their work exploring the unusual microbes and environments to be found in Yellowstone National Park, ranging from the history of the park to opportunities for undergraduate students, as well as up-to-the-minute research done on the microbial denizens of this microbiological landmark.
Host: Mark O. Martin
Guests (in order of appearance:): Brent Peyton, Dana Skorupa, Zackary Jay, Anthony Kohtzy
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Links for this episode
- A history and overview of Yellowstone National Park.
- An overview of microbiology in Yellowstone National Park.
- The story of Yellowstone National Park and PCR.
- Website for the Thermal Biology Institute.
- A prior podcast of #MattersMicrobial involving Dr. Roland Hatzenpichler and the research done by several of today’s guests.
- Dr. Peyton’s faculty website.
- Dr. Peyton’s laboratory website.
- Dr. Skorupa’s faculty website.
- A great article on the adventurous REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates) that Dr. Skorupa supervises.
- Dr. Jay’s faculty website.
- A journal article describing some of Dr. Jay’s (and Dr. Kohtz’) work.
- A page including Dr. Kohtz
- An article describing some of Dr. Kohtz’ (and Dr. Jay’s) work.
Intro music is by Reber Clark
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