We have the entire medical/production team of 5 physician/researchers to give us an update and behind-the-scenes look at the documentary they are making about the trifecta of MCAS, dysautonomia/POTS, and hypermobility spectrum disorders. We hear from doctors Tania Dempsey, Larry Afrin, Linda Bluestein, Lawrence Kinsella and Leonard Weinstock, along with patient Jill Brook, to hear how filming is going so far and how we can all help support the film. This is a crossover episode with Bendy Bodies with Hypermobility MD, Dr. Linda Bluestein and The POTScast: POTS Matters. You can learn more about the documentary at MCASfund.org.
00:00 Introduction
00:37 Creating Awareness and Increasing Treatment Options
03:09 The Birth of the Documentary Project
05:20 Filming in New York
07:19 Filming in St. Louis
10:32 The Motivation to Work with Complex Patients
15:49 The Journey of Recognizing MCAS
17:34 The Impact of MCAS Treatment
21:00 Personal Experiences and Incorporating MCAS Treatment
22:42 The Need for an Educational Library
25:29 The Challenge of Condensing Information
26:21 Describing MCAS in Sound Bites
31:10 The Importance of Raising Awareness
34:42 Growth and Development Abnormalities in MCAS
40:03 Main Points about Hypermobility Syndromes and Dysautonomia
44:48 Partnership with LDN Research Trust
51:47 Final Words and Call for Support
54:26 Recognition and Treatment of Unrecognized Patients
55:44 Importance of Learning and Trying
56:13 Gratitude for Dedicated Doctors
56:47 Closing Remarks and Resources
You can learn more about the physicians in this episode at:
https://www.drtaniadempsey.com/ for Dr. Tania Dempsey
https://aimcenterpm.com/ for Dr. Tania Dempsey and Dr. Lawrence Afrin
https://www.gidoctor.net/leonard-weinstock-md for Dr. Leonard Weinstock
https://www.ssmhealth.com/find-a-doctor/doctor-details/laurence-j-kinsella-md for Dr. Laurence Kinsella
https://www.hypermobilitymd.com/ for Dr. Linda Bluestein
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