Episode #40- Cahill Camden bravely joins the show today and talks blockchain, authority building, and marketing with the "Marketing Geeks." That's right, Justin Womack and Andros Sturgeon are back for the third time in 6 days to shock the world with so many episodes that heads are exploding.
Cahill Camden is the founder and CEO of the Byte Media Group, a strategic marketing consultancy that helps blockchain and technology companies with their branding, marketing, PR, and community development. If you don't know this, blockchain is the underlying technology behind cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and of course, Dogecoin. He is so well-versed that he even wrote a book on the subject to shed light on an industry that very few people understand. Cahill has worked with venture and angel-backed startups, ICO’s and blockchain companies. His insights and reports have been published in dozens of media outlets including Huffington Post, Toronto Star (Canada's largest newspaper), LA Times, SF Chronicle, USA Today, National Post, Startup Nation, and Brave New Coin, and among others.
Connect with Cahill Camden on Twitter at @cahill_camden and if you're interested in becoming a thought leader, reach out to him.
Check out Cahill's marketing consultancy, Byte Media Group:
Check out the book "What is Cryptocurrency" and get a FREE sample chapter:
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Justin Womack: https://www.linkedin.com/in/justinwomack1/
Andros Sturgeon: https://www.linkedin.com/in/androssturgeon
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