Show Notes:
01:35Dressing for inside vs. outside.
03:12Working out at the Dog Pound without passing out.
07:02Purging and losing weight – from our stuff.
10:55Dan’s 1,000 catches a day routine.
12:40Mags ADR for her recent film.
16:50Maggie’s latest expression not ideal in all situations. Fire!
18:05Grandma joins the military at Uncle Teddy’s funeral.
21:38Mary Poppins strikes again.
22:55Still moving in and rearranging stuff so Dan can’t find it.
24:15Who knows Dad better – mom or Mags?
26:58Listener question from Rob: in applying to college; should he lower academic challenge for a better fit personally, or go for the more challenging academic school?
32:49Dan, dogs, parks and spontaneous hours of leisure.
33:52Mags learning to say “no thanks” to take time for herself.
35:13Mags tries meat after several years as a vegetarian.
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