Coming soon…
A podcast by Aiden, Atrioc, and DougDoug
3 guys with enough business expertise to run a lemonade stand try to present and synthesize interesting business/tech/political topics in a way for the average person to connect with
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Coming soon…
A podcast by Aiden, Atrioc, and DougDoug
3 guys with enough business expertise to run a lemonade stand try to present and synthesize interesting business/tech/political topics in a way for the average person to connect with
Copyright: © Lemonade Stand
It's our first episode!This week Aiden, Atrioc, and Doug are discussing Canadian-US relations, AI's effects on the job market, and why you maybe shouldn't cancel those plans.
Coming soon...
A podcast by Aiden, Atrioc, and DougDoug.
3 guys with enough business expertise to run a lemonade stand try to present and synthesize interesting business/tech/political topics in a way for the average person to connect with