In this episode, Stephanie talks about 25 ways health can drive world change.
25 Ways Wealth drives World Change
Which one of these fires you up the most? I would love to hear what you would do once you began to build wealth!
Email: to let me know!
Fund a Private Adoption
Private adoptions cost tens of thousands of dollars.
Fulfill a wish for a critically ill child
The Make-A-Wish foundation makes children's dreams come true
Create a Scholarship Program
Scholarship programs can help children get into higher education, a variety of organizations, and more.
Support Global Missionaries
Missionaries depend on financial support from people back home so they can uproot themselves and their families to go serve all around the world.
Fund cancer research
I think all of us have been affected by cancer in some way. Either we have experienced it or someone we love has.
Provide clean water
In Sub-Saharan Africa, 750,000 children die each year from diarrheal diseases alone. Each week 30,000 deaths occur from unsafe water and unhygienic living conditions, 90% of these that die are children under 5 years old. Water for Life is an organization that is constantly working to provide clean water.
Donate to your local church
Many times our local church is meeting the needs for people specifically in the community you life in.
Sponsor Feminine Hygiene Kits
Days for Girls International is a non-profit that work tirelessly to hand-make feminine hygiene kits and their goal is to give one to "Every Girl, Everywhere. Period." There are teams all around the world sewing kits at their kitchen tables. Shipping globally costs $$.
Financially support disaster relief
Unfortunately, natural disasters happen. It takes a lot of manpower and a lot of money to get towns cleaned up and running again.
Support AA, Celebrate Recovery, NA
Addiction is such a hard chain to break. When we see broken families a lot of time it can be linked back to addiction. Sponsors are working tirelessly every day to mentor addicts and they are trying to show them a different way of life. These meetings cost money to run and your support would be invaluable.
Assist in medical relief
Bill Gates anyone? I know he's controversial right now, but he still has a goal to eradicate malaria. All controversy aside, that would be incredibly world-changing.
Sponsor a low-income school
Often time lower-income schools have teachers and coaches spending a lot of their own money to make sure every kid gets what they need.
Pay for lay-away at a major retail store.
Doesn't everyone have a dream to be able to do this around the holidays? How amazing would this be?
Pay off overdue school lunch fees.
As they say, as a teacher, you can't worry about Bloom's stuff until you fulfil the Maslow stuff.
Where are my animal lovers at?
There are so many ways to support animals by paying for strays to be neutered, pet adoptions, etc.
Working as a private lender
You can support local small businesses by being a private lender. It's a win-win.
Provide funding for extra-curricular activities
There are many schools that need a face-lift when it comes to gyms, uniforms, etc. Could you be someone that steps into this space?
Help someone cover crippling medical bills
Medical bills can be a devastating blow to a family who has come up against an unexpected diagnosis.
Help a family member/friend in need
Did someone you know find themselves in a hard position? Do they need help covering their rent to avoid eviction?
Send a friend to a _____ conference
You could send a friend/relative to business, marriage, education, or personal development conference on your dime.
Help cover funeral costs
Yes, it's ideal to have all your life insurance in place...but if someone isn't prepared for a sudden loss...what a gift it would be to not have to worry about the cost of a funeral as they are grieving.
Take your mom on that dream vacation
Did your mom/dad/grandma/sister always want to go on that Disney Cruise? How fun would it be to be able to provide that experience for the ones you love the most?
Support mental health research
So much of what is wrong in this world can be linked back to mental health. Unfortunately, there is just still so much to learn about mental health.
Sponsor a church/organization with a financial course.
Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University is life-changing. The course is around $130. Imagine buying that course for 100 couples to go through. Could you imagine the difference in the trajectory that family would then be on?