Need to learn Spanish quickly?
Join Ray on his quest to improve his Spanish in these quick mini-episodes as he walks you through and breaks down real-world Spanish conversations.
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Need to learn Spanish quickly?
Join Ray on his quest to improve his Spanish in these quick mini-episodes as he walks you through and breaks down real-world Spanish conversations.
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Welcome to Unit 6 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. In this unit we are going to teach you how to: Ask for specific produce and meat products in a market. Ask the price for a specific amount – in kilograms – for each product, confirm you want to purchase the product and pay the amount requested for the product.
If there are any parts you are still not clear about just replay this episode and the entire unit until you understand everything.
This 15th episode places you in three common scenarios you will face when taking a taxi or an Uber in Latin American countries. See if you can converse your way through them. If not, review the earlier m-episodes in this unit until you can.
Let's listen again to the first conversation you heard. You should now be able to understand it. If there are any parts you don't understand, go back to those 13 episodes and repeat.
To finish off your initial conversation with a taxi driver, let’s let the driver know how many pieces of luggage you have. This m-episode will teach you how to do so.
This 11th episode is designed to help you learn how to negotiate a lower price for your taxi rides. You could also negotiate a higher price, if you so desired, but who are we kidding?
Now that you know how to ask your driver how to get to a location, let’s learn how to ask how far, or close the location is. This 9th episode covers basic vocabulary you can use to ask that, and to understand when they answer you.
Let's learn how to tell a driver where you want to go. In Spanish, when you are telling somebody you want to go to a place, you use the word: “A”. We'll explain.
This 7th episode covers how to answer if someone asks you if you are free at a specific time of the day.
Now let’s put all of this information about times and dates together to learn how to ask if somebody is free at a certain day and time.
This 5th episode is all about time. If you want to talk about a certain time of the day or week, such as the afternoon or this weekend, here are the phases you would use.
This 4th episode covers the days of the week in Spanish. This is useful if you want to arrange a taxi or any other event for a future day.
This 3rd episode covers cultural and language notes regarding taking a taxi or a ride-share in Latin American countries.
Welcome to Unit 5.5 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. In this unit you will learn how to: Say the day of the week and time of day, ask a cab driver if they are free, bargain with them over the fare, and understand if they ask if you have any luggage.
This 14th episode is a quick recap of Unit 5 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. It offers a congratulations on your hard work so far in learning Spanish.
In this 13th episode, you have the chance to work through a visualization practice to help you learn how to purchase bus, train, and airplane tickets, how to ask when a bus, train, or plain arrives, and how to ask when one will depart.
This 12th episode revisits the conversation that you heard in Unit 5.1 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. By now, you should be able to understand everything that is said -- if not, go back and review some of the previous episodes until you have it down.
This 11th episode puts together everything you've learned in this unit and the previous units of the LiveLingua Spanish Podcast. You'll practice with complete sentences, and work on comprehending common responses you may receive to questions.
This 10th episode teaches you to ask for a ticket to a specific destination from a teller. We're going to use some phrases you can use on any type of transportation, so you don't have to worry about the type of vehicle you are going to be using when using these phrases.
This 8th episode covers how to ask what time a train, bus, or airplane departs from the terminal, and how to understand the reply that you will receive. In Spanish you ask "when does x leave for y?", where "x" is the vehicle (bus, plane, train) and "y" is the location you want to go to.
Now that you know how to say and understand the hours, let’s focus a bit on the minutes. In Spanish, you can say the minutes after the hours, just like in English. This m-episode covers how to do that, and how to say the information in a sentence.
This m-episode brings together all of the information you have learned in the previous four episodes of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast, and helps you learn how to memorize it and use the skills in daily conversation while in a Latin American country.
Here you'll learn a basic formula for saying and reading all Spanish numbers between 10 and 999,999. You'll also gain basic information on how to tell time in Spanish, using the numbers we cover in this episode. Episode 2.5 may be a helpful preview.
Welcome to Unit 5 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. If you’re going to be traveling between cities in Spain or Latin America, chances are you’re going to be using some kind of public transportation, whether it be buses, trains or planes. In this unit, we’re going to work through some conversations on how to buy tickets for public transportation.
This 10th episode is a quick recap of Unit 4 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. It offers a congratulations on your hard work so far in learning Spanish.
In this 9 thepisode, you have the chance to work through a visualization practice to help you learn how to ask for directions in Spanish, and how to locate common tourist sites in Latin American countries such as hotels, restaurants, the bus station, and the airport.
This 8th episode walks you again through the first conversation you heard at the beginning of Unit 4. You should now be able to understand all of the conversation on how to ask for directions in Spanish. If there's are any parts that's still not clear, feel free to review this unit as many times as you need.
This 6th episode brings together all of the information you have learned so far in Unit 4 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. We review asking for directions in Spanish, and how to locate common sites that tourists visit in Latin American countries.
This 6th episode covers basic words people use to give directions. Knowing this vocabulary is critical, not only if you want to give directions, but actually, if you want to understand what people in Spanish speaking countries say when they give you the answer to the question ¿Dónde está? that you learned in the previous episode.
This 4th episode walks you through the vocabulary for some common locations you would need to get to when you're traveling in Latin America. You'll learn about asking for directions to places like airports, bus stations, hotels, restaurants, and more common tourist sites.
This 2nd episode is a short conversation about how to ask for directions in Latin American countries. You may not understand all of it yet, but after working through Unit 4 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast, you will be able to ask for, and understand, directions in Spanish.
If you’re traveling to a Spanish-speaking country, or if you’re traveling anywhere, you probably need to ask for directions. This 1st episode is an introduction to the topic, and covers basic information on getting around in Latin American countries.
This 17th episode summarizes everything you have learned in Unit 2 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast, and offer a congratulations on your hard work so far in learning Spanish.
This 15th episode contains a thorough conversation about work and family in the Spanish language. You should be able to understand what is being said, and be able to apply the questions and answers to your own personal situations regarding employment and family.
Like in English, and many other languages, there are many ways to say “goodbye” in Spanish. Here are a few of them you can use in most situations. We'll cover the most common ways to say goodbye, and explain the situations in which you'd want to use each one.
Now that you know how to ask someone where they live, let’s practice answering people when they ask where you live. The answer can be as general as a country, or as specific as a street. After practicing this 12th episode, you will be able to tell someone where you live.
When asking someone where they live, the correct question based on the number of people and whether the situation is formal or informal. This 11th episode will teach you how to ask, and the cultural notes associated with the question.
Once someone knows that you have children, they will likely ask whether they are boys or girls. This 9th episode teaches you how to answer that, including what to do if you have multiple children who are of different genders.
This 8th episode will teach you how to answer when someone asks you about how many kids you have. For this you will need to remember the numbers from 1-10 you learned in Episode 2.5, which you can skip back to review if necessary.
Like most circumstances in Spanish the way you ask if somebody has children depends on the number of people you are speaking to and whether you are in a formal or informal setting. This 7th episode covers both situations.
When you ask somebody what they do for a living, there is a small variation on the way you ask the question depending on whether you are being formal or informal. It also varies depending on whether you are talking to an individual or to a group. We cover both in this m-episode.
This 4th episode teaches you how to say some basic professions in Spanish. Of course, this is not an exhaustive list and you may need to look up how to say your profession. Some can be pretty complicated!
In Latin America, it is actually unusual for somebody to ask what you do when you first meet. The first question you get is usually about your family -- it will more likely be about whether you are married or have children. This m-episode covers work and family cultural notes.
This 2nd episode is a basic overview of how to talk about work and family in Spanish. It is a conversation between Mrs. Laura Ramirez & Michael Smith. They have just met and are getting to know each other.
This 1st episode is an introduction to Unit 3 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. In this unit, you will learn how to -- Talk about your family, explain what you do for work, ask people about their employment, and say goodbye and end conversations.
Here we summarize everything you have learned in Unit 2 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast, and offer a congratulations on your hard work so far in learning Spanish.
This 21st episode is a visualization practice, which covers everything you have learned in Unit 2. We review the conversations and information and provide visual exercises for you to do to make sure you have memorized it all.
This 20th episode reviews the first conversation we covered in Unit 2 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. By now, you should be able to understand the conversation and answer the questions for yourself! If not, time to review the previous episodes to get caught up.
There are three ways to ask someone in Latin America where they are from. There are two ways to ask an individual -- a formal and informal way., and one way to ask a group. This 17th episode covers all three situations and tells you how to ask where people are from.
This 16th episode uses what you learned in the previous exercises in this unit to translate the following English phrases into Spanish. By the end of this, you should be able to answer a basic question about the weather in the place where you are from.
In this 15th episode, we're going to ask you about the weather where you live, and you will learn how to answer the question for yourself and for a group. We'll cover basic yes or no questions about the weather that people commonly ask about your hometown when they meet you.
To ask somebody about whether it is hot or cold in a certain place you use the same phrase as you would if you were simply telling them the information. This 14th episode covers how to do just that, explaining how to emphasize a question differently than a normal sentence.
In this 11th episode, we're going to cover how to talk about whether or not you like where you live, and how to answer that question both individually and for a group. You'll work through exercises and examples.
When asking if someone likes a country they are in, the way you ask varies slightly depending on whether you are asking an individual or a group of people. For an individual, you say, "Le gusta . . ." This means "Do you like." For a group, you would say, "Les gusta . . . " This m-episode walks you through each, with examples.
Here, we bring together everything we've learned in Unit 2 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast so far. You'll practice talking about where you live, using basic numbers and days, weeks, or months to describe.
In this 8th episode we will make sure you have grasped what we've learned in this unit so far. In this episode, we'll see how well you can answer questions about how long you've lived somewhere -- on the fly! We'll provide a time frame -- say, four months -- and you add "He vivido in Mexico" in front of it.
In this 6th episode, you will learn how to say the word "day(s)," week(s)," and month(s)," and similar terms in Spanish. This is really important if you want to tell someone how long you've been somewhere, how long you're going to be somewhere, or find out how long other people have been in those locations.
Let's learn how to ask someone how long they have lived somewhere. In this m-episode, we're going to give you a location and all you have to do is repeat it out loud by adding the words "Cuanto tiempo a vivido en . . . " to the beginning of each sentence.
To understand a conversation in Spanish, you need to understand not only the language but also the culture. In this episode, we talk about the language and cultural notes that came up in the conversation you heard in the previous episode.
In this 2nd episode, we take a look at a basic conversation in which two people discuss a location. That location is Boston, where a Mr. Michael Smith is from. This is a conversation between Mrs. Laura Ramirez & Michael Smith. Mr. Smith has recently moved to Mexico.
Congratulations! You have made it to the end of Module 1 of the Spanish Lingua podcast, brought to you by Live Lingua. You should now be able to: Greet others Respond to others when they greet you Introduce yourself and others with you Respond when others introduce themselves to you. If you are not confident with this yet, repeat this episode as many times as you need If you want additional free practice just visit our website If you liked this episode, please take a minute to leave us a review on iTunes, Stitcher or your favorite podcast app. As a small family-run boutique language school, we really appreciate it. In the next episode you will learn how to share basic information about where you are from and ask the same information of others you meet. Hasta pronto.
Welcome to episode 1.5 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. In this 5th episode, we are going to learn about honorifics in Spanish. I’ll be honest — when I started learning Spanish, I didn’t actually know what an honorific was. It wasn’t until I started learning another language that I actually learned that that was the word we use for titles — such as Mrs., Mr., and Dr. In this exercise, we’re going to learn some of these titles. Side note — In Mexico and the rest of Latin America, they put a lot of emphasis on these titles. It’s very important that you call them Señor, Señora, Señorita. If you know they have a college degree or a Masters, they even have a title for that — and you’re going to learn this in this episode. It can be difficult for somebody who is not a native Spanish speaker to pick up on this in the beginning. But really put in the effort — in addition to the titles, you have to remember the gender. Enjoy the 5th episode. Let’s get started. Empezamos.
This 17th episode summarizes everything you have learned in Unit 2 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast, and offer a congratulations on your hard work so far in learning Spanish.
Let's make sure you are comfortable in a situation where you have to speak about your work and family. This is a visualization exercise that will help you become comfortable talking about these two very common conversation pieces, in Spanish.
This 15th episode contains a thorough conversation about work and family in the Spanish language. You should be able to understand what is being said, and be able to apply the questions and answers to your own personal situations regarding employment and family.
This 14th episode is a review of how to talk about work and family in Spanish. We'll revisit the information we've covered in Unit 3 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast, and give you some exercises to practice what you've learned in common situations.
Like in English, and many other languages, there are many ways to say “goodbye” in Spanish. Here are a few of them you can use in most situations. We'll cover the most common ways to say goodbye, and explain the situations in which you'd want to use each one.
Now that you know how to ask someone where they live, let’s practice answering people when they ask where you live. The answer can be as general as a country, or as specific as a street. After practicing this 12th episode, you will be able to tell someone where you live.
When asking someone where they live, the correct question based on the number of people and whether the situation is formal or informal. This 11th episode will teach you how to ask, and the cultural notes associated with the question.
This 10th episode brings together everything you have learned so far in Unit 3 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. You'll be able to practice asking and answering what you do for work, and how many kids you have, and will know the cultural notes to accompany the questions
Once someone knows that you have children, they will likely ask whether they are boys or girls. This 9th episode teaches you how to answer that, including what to do if you have multiple children who are of different genders.
This 8th-episode will teach you how to answer when someone asks you about how many kids you have. For this you will need to remember the numbers from 1-10 you learned in Episode 2.5, which you can skip back to review if necessary.
Like most circumstances in Spanish the way you ask if somebody has children depends on the number of people you are speaking to and whether you are in a formal or informal setting. This 7th-episode covers both situations.
When you ask somebody what they do for a living, there is a small variation on the way you ask the question depending on whether you are being formal or informal. It also varies depending on whether you are talking to an individual or to a group. We cover both in this 6th-episode.
This 5th-episode teaches you how to explain what you do for work in Spanish. If someone asks your profession, you could give a one-word answer as we did in the previous m-episode. But in general, it would sound more professional if you could actually speak in full sentences. In this m-episode, we'll learn how to do that.
This 4th-episode teaches you how to say some basic professions in Spanish. Of course, this is not an exhaustive list and you may need to look up how to say your profession. Some can be pretty complicated!
In Latin America it is actually unusual for somebody to ask what you do when you first meet. The first question you get is usually about your family -- it will more likely be about whether you are married or have children. This m-episode covers work and family cultural notes.
This 2nd-episode is a basic overview of how to talk about work and family in Spanish. It is a conversation between Mrs. Laura Ramirez & Michael Smith. They have just met and are getting to know each other.
This m-episode is an introduction to Unit 3 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. In this unit, you will learn how to -- Talk about your family, explain what you do for work, ask people about their employment, and say goodbye and end conversations.
Here we summarize everything you have learned in Unit 2 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast, and offer a congratualtions on your hard work so far in learning Spanish.
This 21st-episode is a visualization practice, which covers everything you have learned in Unit 2. We review the conversations and information and provide visual exercises for you to do to make sure you have memorized it all.
This 20th-episode reviews the first conversation we covered in Unit 2 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. By now, you should be able to understand the conversation and answer the questions for yourself! If not, time to review the previous episodes to get caught up.
This 19th-episode brings together what you've learned in the last few episodes to talk about where you live. Using what you learned in this unit translate common English sentences about where you live and what the weather is like there.
This 18th-episode covers how to tell someone where you are from. We'll give you examples both for yourself, and for a group (in case you are traveling with friends or family, and need to answer for everyone).
There are three ways to ask someone in Latin America where they are from. There are two ways to ask an individual -- a formal and informal way., and one way to ask a group. This m-episode covers all three situations and tells you how to ask where people are from.
This 16th-episode uses what you learned in the previous exercises in this unit to translate the following English phrases into Spanish. By the end of this, you should be able to answer a basic question about the weather in the place where you are from.
In this 15th-episode, we're going to ask you about the weather where you live, and you will learn how to answer the question for yourself and for a group. We'll cover basic yes or no questions about the weather that people commonly ask about your hometown when they meet you.
To ask somebody about whether it is hot or cold in a certain place you use the same phrase as you would if you were simply telling them the information. This m-episode covers how to do just that, explaining how to emphasize a question differently than a normal sentence.
This 13th-episode covers how to describe the weather in the place where you live. This is a key way to note whether or not you like this place, and this episode covers basic conversation about the weather and how to answer people's questions about it.
In this 12th-episode you will say some phrases using the material you've learned in the last few episodes. The first time, we'll only say it in English to see if you can answer in Spanish yourself. The second time through, we'll say it in English and Spanish. Using what you learned in the previous two exercises translate the following English phrases into Spanish.
In this 11th episode, we're going to cover how to talk about whether or not you like where you live, and how to answer that question both individually and for a group. You'll work through exercises and examples.
When asking if someone likes a country they are in, the way you ask varies slightly depending on whether you are asking an individual or a group of people. For an individual, you say, "Le gusta . . ." This means "Do you like." For a group, you would say, "Les gusta . . . " This 10th episode walks you through each, with examples.
Here, we bring together everything we've learned in Unit 2 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast so far. You'll practice talking about where you live, using basic numbers and days, weeks, or months to describe.
In this 8th episode we will make sure you have grasped what we've learned in this unit so far. In this episode, we'll see how well you can answer questions about how long you've lived somewhere -- on the fly! We'll provide a time frame -- say, four months -- and you add "He vivido in Mexico" in front of it.
This episode brings together the previous few. You'll learn how to tell people how long you've lived in a certain place, and how to understand how long they have lived where they live now. We'll practice in a few different situations.
In this episode, you will learn how to say the word "day(s)," week(s)," and month(s)," and similar terms in Spanish. This is really important if you want to tell someone how long you've been somewhere, how long you're going to be somewhere, or find out how long other people have been in those locations.
Learning numbers in Spanish is probably one of the most valuable things you can do. This is true whether you're just visiting a country and want to negotiate, or whether you're planning on living there long-term. In this m-episode we're going to learn the numbers 1 through 10.
To understand a conversation in Spanish, you need to understand not only the language but also the culture. In this episode, we talk about the language and cultural notes that came up in the conversation you heard in the previous episode.
In this episode, we take a look at a basic conversation in which two people discuss a location. That location is Boston, where a Mr. Michael Smith is from. This is a conversation between Mrs. Laura Ramirez & Michael Smith. Mr. Smith has recently moved to Mexico.
This episode welcomes you to Unit 2 of the Live Lingua Spanish podcast. In this unit, you're going to learn how to reply when people ask where you live, count from 1 to 10 in Spanish, talk about how long you've lived somewhere, and how much you like (or don't like) living there.
Congratulations! You have made it to the end of Module 1 of the Spanish Lingua podcast, brought to you by Live Lingua. You should now be able to: Greet others Respond to others when they greet you Introduce yourself and others with you Respond when others introduce themselves to you. If you are not confident with this yet, repeat this episode as many times as you need If you want additional free practice just visit our website If you liked this episode, please take a minute to leave us a review on iTunes, Stitcher or your favorite podcast app. As a small family-run boutique language school, we really appreciate it. In the next episode you will learn how to share basic information about where you are from and ask the same information of others you meet. Hasta pronto.
One of the best ways to learn anything is to visualize it. This is why you see boxers doing a visualization of their practice and shadowboxing. We’re going to try the equivalent in language learning. We’re going to give you three scenarios. Close your eyes (as long as you’re not driving, of course) and imagine you’re in the scenarios. You’ll say something in Spanish based on what we’ve learned in this unit. Try to imagine the conversation in your head — either be the person who is asking the questions or answering them. Let’s see if you can do it! After listening, check out the corresponding blog post for written exercises and more. Don't forget to subscribe here, rate 5 stars, and leave a review!
This is a review to help you review what we’ve learned so far in Unit 1 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. If you’ve listed to all of them and practices the exercises, you should be able to get through every word of it now – even if you weren’t able to when you started this course! If you listen to it again and there’s a part you still don’t understand, go back and listen to that episode (links here in the previous articles.) And be sure to check out the written material and exercises corresponding to this episode in our blog post. Let’s get started. Don't forget to subscribe here, rate 5 stars, and leave a review!
Let’s bring together everything you’ve learned in Unit 1 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. You learned how to say “Good Morning,” “Good Afternoon,” “Good Evening.” You also learned people’s titles, and how to introduce the people in your family. Now, we’re going to give you a few phrases — in English — combing all of these. What I need you to do is to say them in Spanish! The first time we’re going to give you only the English. The second time, we’re going to say it in Spanish (after a short break) to give you the answer. Let’s get started! After listening, review the exercises and material in this blog post. Don't forget to subscribe here, rate 5 stars, and leave a review!
Let’s practice introducing others. To introduce others we will use the phrase ‘le presento’ which means ‘may I introduce you to’. This is followed by my ‘mi’ if you are introducing a family member, since you are implying a relationship to you. Example: Le presento a mi esposo -> May I introduce you to my husband. If you are introducing a person by their first name, without including their title, you add an ‘a’ before the name: Example: Le presento a Ray Blakney -> May I introduce you to Ray Blakney. If you are introducing a person with their title you add either an ‘a la’ if they are female or ‘al’, spelled ‘A-L’ if they are male. That is just contraction of ‘a el’. Example: Le presento a la doctora Sánchez -> May I introduce you to Dr. Sánchez. Now, repeat all the following phrases out loud, but add the word ‘le presento’ at the beginning of each one. Example: A mi hijo -> Le presento a mi hijo. Find more practice exercises in this blog post after listening to the episode. Don't forget to subscribe here, rate 5 stars, and leave a review!
For better or worse, we may actually have to introduce members of our family to the people we meet in Latin America or in Spain — this may be more embarrassing for some than for others! Here at Live Lingua, we’re going to teach you the basic vocabularly words you need to do so. Say them out loud, both in English and Spanish — we promise, it will help you memorize the terms. Without further ado, let’s get started with the practice. After listening, try the practice episodes here in this blog post. Don't forget to subscribe here, rate 5 stars, and leave a review!
In this section, we’re going to learn how to say “How are you?” in different circumstances. Now, this might sound simple — but in Spanish, we have both formal and informal, and to add a spin in there, it’s even more complicated when talking to a group of people. Asking “How are you guys?” or “How are you girls?” has it’s own way of being said in Spanish. If you’re going to ask one person how they are doing, you’d say “¿Come esta?” That’s formal, but you could make it more formal by saying “¿Como esta Usted? You don’t have to add the pronoun, but you can. In an informal setting among friends, you would say “¿Como estas?” If we’re talking plural, whether three people or a million people, you would say “¿Como estan?” With the pronoun, that would be, “¿Como estan Ustedes?” Notice that we don’t actually have gender differences here, which makes it a little easier. We don’t have to worry about Mr. and Mrs. when we’re asking this. In this section we practice saying “How are you?” in the formal singular ‘usted’ or informal ‘tú’ form as well as the plural ‘ustedes’ form. Note that in most of Latin America there is no different formal and informal for the plural. After listening, work through the exercises in the corresponding blog post. Don't forget to subscribe here, rate 5 stars, and leave a review!
Now that you’ve learned how to say good morning, good afternoon, and good evening in Spanish, as well as addressing the people you’re talking to, let’s move on to the next step: How to introduce yourself! When you introduce yourself, the only phrase you really need to know is “Yo soy” – “I am.” You put this phrase in front of your name and you’ve done it! Yo soy Ray Blakney — I am Ray Blakney. In this example, we’ll pretend you are introducing yourself. To make it more complicated, replace the names we give you with your own name so that you can practice using the phrase as you will in a Spanish speaking country. Practice introducing yourself at the phrase “yo soy” (I am) to the front of each Spanish phrase. Example: El señor Jack Smith -> Yo soy el Señor Jack Smith. La doctora Jane Sánchez -> Yo soy la doctora Jane Sánchez. Run through the practice exercises in our blog post after listening to this episode. Don't forget to subscribe here, rate 5 stars, and leave a review!
In this episode, we’re going to practice everything that you’ve learned in the past episodes. We’re going to do this by giving you the time of day and the subject of the conversation. Perhaps “married female” or “Dr. Ramirez.” From that, we’re going to ask you to come up with the correct greeting for this person. For example: Example: Morning – Married female -> Buenos días, señora. Afternoon – Doctor Ramírez -> Buenas tardes, doctor Ramírez (where it is implied that Dr. Ramírez is a man). When you hear the time of day and title of the person in English, create the greeting in Spanish. The first time through, we will only say the question so you can come up with the answer. Then we will go through the questions a second time and include the correct answer in Spanish. Do try it the first time through yourself — you don’t want to just blindly repeat what we say! Review the practice episodes here after listening to this episode. Don't forget to subscribe here, rate 5 stars, and leave a review!
What we’re going to do in this section is bring it all together! We’re going to combine what you’ve learned in the past few episodes about greetings and honorifics. Let’s practice a little bit. When you hear a phrase in Spanish, we want you to translate it into English. Say it out loud if you can, because that’s one of the best ways to learn. Here are some examples: If we say, “Buenos Dias, Señor Smith.” You would say, “Good morning, Mr. Smith.” If we say, “Buenas Noches, Licienciada Sanchez.” That translates to, “Good evening, Mrs. Sanchez,” but we’re also implying that Mrs. Sanchez has a Bachelor of Arts Degree. Is that clear? Don’t worry if not, because we’re going to go through all of this and our exercises are pretty much the same — and you can repeat this episode as many times as you need. After listening, complete the practice episodes here in our blog post. Don't forget to subscribe here, rate 5 stars, and leave a review!
Welcome to episode 1.5 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. In this m-episode, we are going to learn about honorifics in Spanish. I’ll be honest — when I started learning Spanish, I didn’t actually know what an honorific was. It wasn’t until I started learning another language that I actually learned that that was the word we use for titles — such as Mrs., Mr., and Dr. In this exercise, we’re going to learn some of these titles. Side note — In Mexico and the rest of Latin America, they put a lot of emphasis on these titles. It’s very important that you call them Señor, Señora, Señorita. If you know they have a college degree or a Masters, they even have a title for that — and you’re going to learn this in this episode. It can be difficult for somebody who is not a native Spanish speaker to pick up on this in the beginning. But really put in the effort — in addition to the titles, you have to remember the gender. Enjoy the m-episode. Let’s get started. Empezamos.
¡Buenos dias! In this episode, we're going to learn how to say Good Morning (hint: we just did!), Good Afternoon, and Good Evening in Spanish. In order to say "Good Morning," you'd say: Buenos Dias In order to say "Good Afternoon," you'd say: Buenas Tardes In order to say "Good Evening," you'd say: Buenas Noches The one thing to pay attention to is the ending on the "Buenos.," the "good" part. In the morning, it ends with an "-os," as the term is male. In the afternoon and evening, it ends in "-as", as the term is female. This is one of the most common errors I see people trying to learn Spanish make when they are trying to greet people in Mexico. As you listen to this episode, complete the exercises in this blog post by simply repeating what you hear -- repeat it in Spanish and in English, as this will actually imprint it on your mind. Don't forget to subscribe here, rate 5 stars, and share!
In this episode we’re going to go over some basic language and cultural notes for the Spanish language. When you’re learning another language, one of the most important things to understand is that it’s not just about learning the words and vocabulary. I know this from personal experience when I was learning Spanish — it’s about learning about the culture. There are certain things that make sense to English speakers that aren’t done in the same way when you’re speaking Spanish. An anecdotal story for me is that when I was first learning Spanish in Mexico, I would attempt to tell jokes. Even when I knew the words for the jokes, the jokes made absolutely no sense to the Mexicans. While I thought I was being hilarious, I was usually greeted with crickets. Sadly, this hasn’t improved that much 10 years down the road, but I’m still working on it. But that’s why it’s so important to listen to the sections and understand what we say. because that will make this unit and all future units in the Live Lingua Spanish Podcasts make sense. After listening to the episode, click here for practice exercises. Don't forget to subscribe here, rate 5 stars, and leave a review!
¿Are you ready to learn Spanish?
Welcome to the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast, a Spanish course in podcast form.
This podcast will teach you basic Spanish like how to introduce yourself and others, how to talk about what you do for a living, and how to order food in a restaurant.
For more, and to follow along with the exercises related to each episode, please visit our website at Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
If you don't want to miss future episodes, don't forget to subscribe,
Que tenga un buen día.
This m-episode is a quick recap of Unit 10 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. It offers a congratulations on your hard work so far in learning Spanish.
This m-episode is a visualization practice that picks up where the visualization practice of Unit 9 leaves off.
It continues the dining experience through ordering your meal. You may find it helpful to play both visualization practices back to back, just for practice.
In this m-episode, you will listen again to the first conversation you heard. You should now be able to understand it.
If there are any parts you are still not clear about, just replay this m-episode and the prior m-episodes in Unit 10.
This m-episode brings everything you have learned in the past few episodes together.
Listen to the material in English and say it in Spanish. The first run through we won’t give you the Spanish answer to give you time to say it yourself. Then we’ll go through it again and say the English with the Spanish answer.
This one is for those with dietary restrictions and their travel companions. One of the difficulties when traveling to a foreign country, if you have dietary restrictions or food allergies, is finding food to eat.
In this m-episode we’ll practice asking if a dish has a specific ingredient.
One of the difficulties when traveling to a foreign country, if you have dietary restrictions or food allergies, is finding food to eat.
In this m-episode we’ll practice asking if a dish has a specific ingredient.
You'll learn how to do that in this m-episode, including uncommon ingredients.
If you are going to order steak in Latin America they will probably ask you how well you would like it cooked.
This m-episode will teach you how to order your steak just how you like it, and know what to expect when the order is taken.
You'll learn about these, and how to order them, in this m-episode.
You'll learn about common dining times and customs, and things to avoid when eating out, along with tips to have the best experience possible.
You'll do just that in this m-episode, a conversation between Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs and a waiter at a restaurant. They are seated at a table and order their meal.
Welcome to Unit 10 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
Objectives. In this unit you will learn how to ask for the menu, understand when the waiter asks what you want to order, ask what are certain dishes, and order your meal.
This m-episode is a quick recap of Unit 9 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
It offers a congratulations on your hard work so far in learning Spanish.
This m-episode is a visualization practice that will help you imagine yourself dining at a restaurant in a Latin American country -- can you successfully ask for a table, peruse the menu, and order drinks?
You should be able to, after reviewing the episodes in this Unit.
In this m-episode, you will listen again to the first conversation you heard at the beginning of Unit 9.
You should now be able to understand it. If there are any parts you are still not clear about, just replay this episode.
We'll form more of a realistic situation with entering, asking for a table, and ordering drinks, all in the Spanish language.
When ordering a drink you would use the phrase: Tráigame un X por favor” -> “Please bring me a X," Where the X is the drink that you want. Remember that to change the gender of the word “un” (a) based on the gender of the drink.
In this m-episode you will learn about the types of drinks at a restaurant in Spanish.
There are many different types of drinks in Latin America. You can find the common ones found around the word along with types that are unique to the region.
When you enter a restaurant, one of the first things you will be asked is how many people are in your party. To answer the phrase you would use say the following: A table for X people please -> Una mesa para X personas, por favor.
You'll learn how to address the waitstaff, how to phrase common orders, and more that will make your dining experience easier.
Here you will experience a common restaurant situation in Spanish.
This is a conversation between Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs and a waiter at a restaurant. They have just arrived and ask for a table and give their drink order.
Welcome to Unit 9 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
In this unit you will learn how to ask for a table based on your party size, understand the waiter when they ask you what you want to drink, and how to order drinks.
This m-episode is a quick recap of Unit 8 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. It offers a congratulations on your hard work so far in learning Spanish.
This is a visualization practice that helps you imagine you are in a Latin American department store. You want to try on some clothing, but first you need to ask for it based on item description, its color, its size, and other factors.
Practice in this m-episode.
This m-episode reviews the conversation you heard in Unit 8.1 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
By now, you should be able to understand the entire conversation, and be able to make slight modifications to apply it to your personal shopping experience.
This m-episode puts together everything you've learned about trying on items in a department store, asking for them based on specific sizes, colors, and other requests, and how to tell someone whether or not it fits.
If you haven't grasped anything in this m-episode, go back and review the rest of this Unit.
So you tried on the item and now you want to let the clerk know how well it fit. First, you would tell them if it even fits or not, before asking to try on another item of clothing or purchase the item you've tried on.
You'll learn how to do these things in this m-episode.
This m-episode teaches you how to ask to try on an item in Spanish.
If you like an item but want to try it on, there are two ways to ask. You can do it by specifically naming the item or you can refer to the item as “it”, just like in English.
This m-episode brings together all you have learned in the last four m-episodes.
Say the following in Spanish. The first time through we will only say the English version so you have time to say it in Spanish. The second time through we’ll say it in Spanish and English so you can see if you got it right.
Sometimes you need to buy items for people other than yourself.
Let’s practice telling the clerk who you are buying the items for. This m-episode teaches you just that. It may be helpful to review Unit 1.10 of the podcast if you struggle to remember how to say each family member.
You'll learn how to ask for specific items in specific colors, properly. The m-episode covers common differences between English and Spanish, such as that in Spanish, the color goes after the item, no before, like in English.
You'll learn how to apply them to shopping in a department store, and how to ask for certain clothing items in a specific color of your choice.
This m-episode is an introduction to shopping in a department store.
You'll hear a common conversation that might take place between two people in the store.
Don't worry if you don't understand it all yet -- we'll get to that and by the end of this unit, you will be shopping like a pro.
In this unit you will learn how to shop in a department store, and we'll also cover basic vocab for shopping and lifestyle excursions such as colors in Spanish, sizing of clothes, and how to ask to try on an item.
This m-episode is a quick recap of Unit 7 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
It offers a congratulations on your hard work so far in learning Spanish.
This is a visualization practice that helps you imagine you are in a Latin American market.
You come across one or more souvenirs you want to buy, and decide that the price is too high. So, you negotiate that price down successfully, and come away with your souvenirs.
What happens when the conversation flows back and forth during a market negotiation?
After practicing through this m-episode you will be able to successfully negotiate your way through a negotiation in a Latin American marketplace.
This m-episode brings together everything you have learned about negotiating for souvenirs in Latin American markets.
By now, you should have the terms and sentence structure down to go to a market and come away with the things you want to buy.
We're going to put you into a (hypothetical) situation in this exercise. The seller is going to give you a price for an item that you would like to buy. It costs too much -- and you should ask for a price 100 pesos less than the one offered.
The third part of our "negotiating" series will make you a master negotiator at Latin American markets (after a bit of practice, of course).
The final thing we need to add, building on the last two m-episodes, is asking for multiple items, or items that are plural by nature (like shoes or earrings).
Here we are going to build on what you learned in the past m-episode to boost your negotiating skills even further.
In the previous episode you learned how to ask “How much for this?” Now, we are going to learn how to ask for an item that is farther away from you by asking “How much for that?”
Like all things in Spanish, the gender used when negotiating is very important.
After listening to this m-episode. You will know how to ask how much something costs, while referring to it in the correct gender so as to show proper respect and knowledge of your subject.
When you are interested in buying something, you may also be interested in what the product is made of. The most commonplace situation where this can apply is with jewelry.
This m-episode will teach you how to ask what something is made of, and how to understand the answer.
This m-episode is all about vocabulary.
You'll learn the Spanish words for many common items that you'd shop for at a market, like souvenirs, plates, dolls, and more. In the accompanying blog post, there are matching exercises to help you memorize each of the items.
This m-episode is a conversation between Mr. Jacobs and a seller in a souvenir shop.
You will hear the basics of a negotiation in Spanish. Mrs. Jacobs asks about the cost and material used in some of the souvenirs and tries to negotiate a lower price.
Welcome to Unit 7 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
In this unit you will learn how to ask for some common souvenir items by name, understand what material an item is made from, and negotiate a lower price.
This m-episode is a quick recap of Unit 6 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. It offers a congratulations on your hard work so far in learning Spanish.
This m-episode is a visualization exercise of what you've learned in Unit 6 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. Imagine you are in Latin American market. Try to visualize these three scenarios and picture how the conversation would go. If you're in a place that allows it, try to have this conversation out loud.
This m-episode reviews the conversation that you heard at the beginning of this unit, and helps to bring it together into a complete conversation. You should now be able to understand all of it. If there's parts of it that still aren't clear, just review the episodes in this unit as many times as you need.
Welcome to Unit 6 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. In this unit we are going to teach you how to: Ask for specific produce and meat products in a market. Ask the price for a specific amount – in kilograms – for each product, confirm you want to purchase the product, and pay the amount requested for the product.
If there are any parts you are still not clear about just replay this episode and the entire unit until you understand everything.
This m-episode places you in three common scenarios you will face when taking a taxi or an Uber in Latin American countries. See if you can converse your way through them. If not, review the earlier m-episodes in this unit until you can.
Let's listen again to the first conversation you heard. You should now be able to understand it. If there are any parts you don't understand, go back to those m-episodes and repeat.
To finish off your initial conversation with a taxi driver, let’s let the driver know how many pieces of luggage you have. This m-episode will teach you how to do so.
This m-episode is designed to help you learn how to negotiate a lower price for your taxi rides. You could also negotiate a higher price, if you so desired, but who are we kidding?
Now that you know how to ask your driver how to get to a location, let’s learn how to ask how far, or close the location is. This m-episode covers basic vocabulary you can use to ask that, and to understand when they answer you.
Let's learn how to tell a driver where you want to go. In Spanish, when you are telling somebody you want to go to a place, you use the word: “A”. We'll explain.
This m-episode covers how to answer if someone asks you if you are free at a specific time of the day.
Now let’s put all of this information about times and dates together to learn how to ask if somebody is free at a certain day and time.
This m-episode is all about time. If you want to talk about a certain time of the day or week, such as the afternoon or this weekend, here are the phases you would use.
This m-episode covers the days of the week in Spanish. This is useful if you want to arrange a taxi or any other event for a future day.
This m-episode covers cultural and language notes regarding taking a taxi or a ride-share in Latin American countries.
Welcome to Unit 5.5 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. In this unit you will learn how to: Say the day of the week and time of day, ask a cab driver if they are free, bargain with them over the fare, and understand if they ask if you have any luggage.
This m-episode is a quick recap of Unit 5 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. It offers a congratulations on your hard work so far in learning Spanish.
In this m-episode, you have the chance to work through a visualization practice to help you learn how to purchase bus, train, and airplane tickets, how to ask when a bus, train, or plain arrives, and how to ask when one will depart.
This m-episode puts together everything you've learned in this unit and the previous units of the LiveLingua Spanish Podcast. You'll practice with complete sentences, and work on comprehending common responses you may receive to questions.
This m-episode teaches you to ask for a ticket to a specific destination from a teller. We're going to use some phrases you can use on any type of transportation, so you don't have to worry about the type of vehicle you are going to be using when using these phrases.
This m-episode covers how to ask what time a train, bus, or airplane departs from the terminal, and how to understand the reply that you will receive. In Spanish you ask "when does x leave for y?", where "x" is the vehicle (bus, plain, train) and "y" is the location you want to go to.
Now that you know how to say and understand the hours, let’s focus a bit on the minutes. In Spanish, you can say the minutes after the hours, just like in English. This m-episode covers how to do that, and how to say the information in a sentence.
This m-episode brings together all of the information you have learned in the previous four episodes of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast, and helps you learn how to memorize it and use the skills in daily conversation while in a Latin American country.
Here you'll learn a basic formula for saying and reading all Spanish numbers between 10 and 999,999. You'll also gain basic information on how to tell time in Spanish, using the numbers we cover in this episode. M-episode 2.5 may be a helpful preview.
This m-episode is an introductory lesson on how to buy a bus ticket at a terminal or station in Latin America, speaking in Spanish. You'll hear a conversation between a purchaser and seller, and learn the basics of how to talk through the transaction.
This m-episode is a quick recap of Unit 4 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. It offers a congratulations on your hard work so far in learning Spanish.
Welcome to Unit 5 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. If you’re going to be traveling between cities in Spain or Latin America, chances are you’re going to be using some kind of public transportation, whether it be buses, trains or planes. In this unit, we’re going to work through some conversations on how to buy tickets for public transportation.
In this m-episode, you have the chance to work through a visualization practice to help you learn how to ask for directions in Spanish, and how to locate common tourist sites in Latin American countries such as hotels, restaurants, the bus station, and the airport.
This m-episode walks you again through the first conversation you heard at the beginning of Unit 4. You should now be able to understand all of the conversation on how to ask for directions in Spanish. If there's are any part that's still not clear, feel free to review this unit as many times as you need.
This m-episode brings together all of the information you have learned so far in Unit 4 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. We review asking for directions in Spanish, and how to locate common sites that tourists visit in Latin American countries.
This m-episode covers basic words people use to give directions. Knowing this vocabulary is critical, not only if you want to give directions, but actually, if you want to understand what people in Spanish speaking countries say when they give you the answer to the question ¿Dónde está? that you learned in the previous episode.
This m-episode walks you through the vocabulary for some common locations you would need to get to when you're traveling in Latin America. You'll learn about asking for directions to places like airports, bus stations, hotels, restaurants, and more common tourist sites.
This m-episode is a short conversation about how to ask for directions in Latin American countries. You may not understand all of it yet, but after working through Unit 4 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast, you will be able to ask for, and understand, directions in Spanish.
If you’re traveling to a Spanish-speaking country, or if you’re traveling anywhere, you probably need to ask for directions. This m-episode is an introduction to the topic, and covers basic information on getting around in Latin American countries.
This m-episode summarizes everything you have learned in Unit 2 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast, and offer a congratulations on your hard work so far in learning Spanish.
This m-episode contains a thorough conversation about work and family in the Spanish language. You should be able to understand what is being said, and be able to apply the questions and answers to your own personal situations regarding employment and family.
Like in English, and many other languages, there are many ways to say “goodbye” in Spanish. Here are a few of them you can use in most situations. We'll cover the most common ways to say goodbye, and explain the situations in which you'd want to use each one.
Now that you know how to ask someone where they live, let’s practice answering people when they ask where you live. The answer can be as general as a country, or as specific as a street. After practicing this m-episode, you will be able to tell someone where you live.
When asking someone where they live, the correct question based on the number of people and whether the situation is formal or informal. This m-episode will teach you how to ask, and the cultural notes associated with the question.
Once someone knows that you have children, they will likely ask whether they are boys or girls. This m-episode teaches you how to answer that, including what to do if you have multiple children who are of different genders.
This m-episode will teach you how to answer when someone asks you about how many kids you have. For this you will need to remember the numbers from 1-10 you learned in Episode 2.5, which you can skip back to review if necessary.
Like most circumstances in Spanish the way you ask if somebody has children depends on the number of people you are speaking to and whether you are in a formal or informal setting. This m-episode covers both situations.
When you ask somebody what they do for a living, there is a small variation on the way you ask the question depending on whether you are being formal or informal. It also varies depending on whether you are talking to an individual or to a group. We cover both in this m-episode.
This m-episode teaches you how to say some basic professions in Spanish. Of course, this is not an exhaustive list and you may need to look up how to say your profession. Some can be pretty complicated!
In Latin America it is actually unusual for somebody to ask what you do when you first meet. The first question you get is usually about your family -- it will more likely be about whether you are married or have children. This m-episode covers work and family cultural notes.
This m-episode is a basic overview of how to talk about work and family in Spanish. It is a conversation between Mrs. Laura Ramirez & Michael Smith. They have just met and are getting to know each other.
This m-episode is an introduction to Unit 3 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. In this unit, you will learn how to -- Talk about your family, explain what you do for work, ask people about their employment, and say goodbye and end conversations.
Here we summarize everything you have learned in Unit 2 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast, and offer a congratualtions on your hard work so far in learning Spanish.
This m-episode is a visualization practice, which covers everything you have learned in Unit 2. We review the conversations and information and provide visual exercises for you to do to make sure you have memorized it all.
This m-episode reviews the first conversation we covered in Unit 2 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. By now, you should be able to understand the conversation and answer the questions for yourself! If not, time to review the previous episodes to get caught up.
There are three ways to ask someone in Latin America where they are from. There are two ways to ask an individual -- a formal and informal way., and one way to ask a group. This m-episode covers all three situations and tells you how to ask where people are from.
This m-episode uses what you learned in the previous exercises in this unit to translate the following English phrases into Spanish. By the end of this, you should be able to answer a basic question about the weather in the place where you are from.
In this m-episode, we're going to ask you about the weather where you live, and you will learn how to answer the question for yourself and for a group. We'll cover basic yes or no questions about the weather that people commonly ask about your hometown when they meet you.
To ask somebody about whether it is hot or cold in a certain place you use the same phrase as you would if you were simply telling them the information. This m-episode covers how to do just that, explaining how to emphasize a question differently than a normal sentence.
In this m-episode, we're going to cover how to talk about whether or not you like where you live, and how to answer that question both individually and for a group. You'll work through exercises and examples.
When asking if someone likes a country they are in, the way you ask varies slightly depending on whether you are asking an individual or a group of people. For an individual, you say, "Le gusta . . ." This means "Do you like." For a group, you would say, "Les gusta . . . " This m-episode walks you through each, with examples.
Here, we bring together everything we've learned in Unit 2 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast so far. You'll practice talking about where you live, using basic numbers and days, weeks, or months to describe.
In this m-episode we will make sure you have grasped what we've learned in this unit so far. In this episode, we'll see how well you can answer questions about how long you've lived somewhere -- on the fly! We'll provide a time frame -- say, four months -- and you add "He vivido in Mexico" in front of it.
In this m-episode, you will learn how to say the word "day(s)," week(s)," and month(s)," and similar terms in Spanish. This is really important if you want to tell someone how long you've been somewhere, how long you're going to be somewhere, or find out how long other people have been in those locations.
Let's learn how to ask someone how long they have lived somewhere. In this m-episode, we're going to give you a location and all you have to do is repeat it out loud by adding the words "Cuanto tiempo a vivido en . . . " to the beginning of each sentence.
To understand a conversation in Spanish, you need to understand not only the language but also the culture. In this episode, we talk about the language and cultural notes that came up in the conversation you heard in the previous episode.
In this m-episode, we take a look at a basic conversation in which two people discuss a location. That location is Boston, where a Mr. Michael Smith is from. This is a conversation between Mrs. Laura Ramirez & Michael Smith. Mr. Smith has recently moved to Mexico.
Congratulations! You have made it to the end of Module 1 of the Spanish Lingua podcast, brought to you by Live Lingua. You should now be able to: Greet others Respond to others when they greet you Introduce yourself and others with you Respond when others introduce themselves to you. If you are not confident with this yet, repeat this episode as many times as you need If you want additional free practice just visit our website If you liked this episode, please take a minute to leave us a review on iTunes, Stitcher or your favorite podcast app. As a small family-run boutique language school, we really appreciate it. In the next episode you will learn how to share basic information about where you are from and ask the same information of others you meet. Hasta pronto.
This m-episode revisits the conversation that you heard in Unit 5.1 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. By now, you should be able to understand everything that is said -- if not, go back and review some of the previous episodes until you have it down.
Welcome to episode 1.5 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. In this m-episode, we are going to learn about honorifics in Spanish. I’ll be honest — when I started learning Spanish, I didn’t actually know what an honorific was. It wasn’t until I started learning another language that I actually learned that that was the word we use for titles — such as Mrs., Mr., and Dr. In this exercise, we’re going to learn some of these titles. Side note — In Mexico and the rest of Latin America, they put a lot of emphasis on these titles. It’s very important that you call them Señor, Señora, Señorita. If you know they have a college degree or a Masters, they even have a title for that — and you’re going to learn this in this episode. It can be difficult for somebody who is not a native Spanish speaker to pick up on this in the beginning. But really put in the effort — in addition to the titles, you have to remember the gender. Enjoy the m-episode. Let’s get started. Empezamos.
In this episode we’re going to go over some basic language and cultural notes for the Spanish language. When you’re learning another language, one of the most important things to understand is that it’s not just about learning the words and vocabulary.
I know this from personal experience when I was learning Spanish — it’s about learning about the culture. There are certain things that make sense to English speakers that aren’t done in the same way when you’re speaking Spanish.
An anecdotal story for me is that when I was first learning Spanish in Mexico, I would attempt to tell jokes. Even when I knew the words for the jokes, the jokes made absolutely no sense to the Mexicans. While I thought I was being hilarious, I was usually greeted with crickets.
Sadly, this hasn’t improved that much 10 years down the road, but I’m still working on it.
But that’s why it’s so important to listen to the sections and understand what we say. because that will make this unit and all future units in the Live Lingua Spanish Podcasts make sense.
After listening to the episode, click here for practice exercises. Don't forget to subscribe here, rate 5 stars, and leave a review! Subscribe Link
Conversations — the vehicle of language. Being able to properly introduce yourself is akin to hopping into the vehicle.
This audio and text guide will show you how to do just that. This is a conversation between Ms. Laura Ramirez and her husband, Ray, who is an American that speaks a little bit of Spanish (yes, those are really our names!)
They’re meeting with someone called Miguel Gomez, and this episode is an introduction when they first meet. Then, the same conversation in Spanish. Don’t worry if you can’t understand it yet. We will break it down and practice it.
After listening to the episode, click here for free practice exercises.
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Welcome to the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast!
This unit is made up of 15 episodes that take from 1 to 5 minutes.
That way, you can go back and review the parts that you’ve missed without having to go through a whole 45-minute class.
The goal of Unit 1 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast is to learn how to introduce yourself and others in Spanish.
In this unit of the podcast, you’ll learn how to greet others, respond to others when they greet you, introduce yourself and others, and respond when others introduce themselves to you.
This episode introduces the podcast and its format, and will get you prepared for Unit 1, where you will learn how to introduce yourself and others in Spanish.
After listening to the episode, click here for free practice exercises.
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This m-episode is a quick recap of Unit 10 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. It offers a congratulations on your hard work so far in learning Spanish.
This m-episode is a visualization practice that picks up where the visualization practice of Unit 9 leaves off. It continues the dining experience through ordering your meal. You may find it helpful to play both visualization practices back to back, just for practice.
In this m-episode, you will listen again to the first conversation you heard. You should now be able to understand it. If there are any parts you are still not clear about, just replay this m-episode and the prior m-episodes in Unit 10.
This m-episode brings everything you have learned in the past few episodes together. Listen to the material in English and say it in Spanish. The first run through we won’t give you the Spanish answer to give you time to say it yourself. Then we’ll go through it again and say the English with the Spanish answer.
This m-episode moves on to the good stuff -- how to order a meal in Spanish. When a waiter is ready to take your order, they will typically say something like, ¿Qué van a pedir señores? In this episode you'll learn how to reply.
This one is for those with dietary restrictions and their travel companions. One of the difficulties when traveling to a foreign country, if you have dietary restrictions or food allergies, is finding food to eat. In this m-episode we’ll practice asking if a dish has a specific ingredient.
One of the difficulties when traveling to a foreign country, if you have dietary restrictions or food allergies, is finding food to eat. In this m-episode we’ll practice asking if a dish has a specific ingredient.
If you are traveling to a place you have never been before, you may run into dishes you don’t know. In these cases you may want to ask what is in the dish. You'll learn how to do that in this m-episode, including uncommon ingredients.
If you are going to order steak in Latin America they will probably ask you how well you would like it cooked. This m-episode will teach you how to order your steak just how you like it, and know what to expect when the order is taken.
While the variety of food you can try when traveling around Latin America and Mexico is almost limitless, there are some staple dishes that you can see almost everywhere. You'll learn about these, and how to order them, in this m-episode.
This m-episode covers the cultural notes surrounding dining in Latin American countries. You'll learn about common dining times and customs, and things to avoid when eating out, along with tips to have the best experience possible.
The best way to get familiar with how to dine at a Latin American restaurant is to dive into conversation. You'll do just that in this m-episode, a conversation between Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs and a waiter at a restaurant. They are seated at a table and order their meal.
Welcome to Unit 10 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. Objectives. In this unit you will learn how to ask for the menu, understand when the waiter asks what you want to order, ask what are certain dishes, and order your meal.
This m-episode is a quick recap of Unit 9 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. It offers a congratulations on your hard work so far in learning Spanish.
This m-episode is a visualization practice that will help you imagine yourself dining at a restaurant in a Latin American country -- can you successfully ask for a table, peruse the menu, and order drinks? You should be able to, after reviewing the episodes in this Unit.
In this m-episode, you will listen again to the first conversation you heard at the beginning of Unit 9. You should now be able to understand it. If there are any parts you are still not clear about, just replay this episode.
This m-episode brings together everything you have learned so far about dining in a restaurant in Latin America. We'll form more of a realistic situation with entering, asking for a table, and ordering drinks, all in the Spanish language.
Now let's learn how to say "no" when a waiter asks you if you would like something to drink. If you don’t want to order anything to drink then you would use the phrase: No, no voy a tomar nada.If you are answering for two or more people you would say: No, no vamos a tomar nada.
In this m-episode you will learn how to order drinks in Spanish at a restaurant in Latin America. When ordering a drink you would use the phrase: Tráigame un X por favor” -> “Please bring me a X," Where the X is the drink that you want. Remember that to change the gender of the word “un” (a) based on the gender of the drink.
In this m-episode you will learn about the types of drinks at a restaurant in Spanish. There are many different types of drinks in Latin America. You can find the common ones found around the word along with types that are unique to the region.
When you enter a restaurant, one of the first things you will be asked is how many people are in your party. To answer the phrase you would use say the following: A table for X people please -> Una mesa para X personas, por favor.
This m-episode covers common cultural notes related to dining at restaurants in Latin American countries. You'll learn how to address the waitstaff, how to phrase common orders, and more that will make your dining experience easier.
Here you will experience a common restaurant situation in Spanish. This is a conversation between Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs and a waiter at a restaurant. They have just arrived and ask for a table and give their drink order.
Welcome to Unit 9 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. In this unit you will learn how to ask for a table based on your party size, understand the waiter when they ask you what you want to drink, and how to order drinks.
This m-episode is a quick recap of Unit 8 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. It offers a congratulations on your hard work so far in learning Spanish.
This is a visualization practice that helps you imagine you are in a Latin American department store. You want to try on some clothing, but first you need to ask for it based on item description, its color, its size, and other factors. Practice in this m-episode.
This m-episode reviews the conversation you heard in Unit 8.1 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. By now, you should be able to understand the entire conversation, and be able to make slight modifications to apply it to your personal shopping experience.
This m-episode puts together everything you've learned about trying on items in a department store, asking for them based on specific sizes, colors, and other requests, and how to tell someone whether or not it fits. If you haven't grasped anything in this m-episode, go back and review the rest of this Unit.
So you tried on the item and now you want to let the clerk know how well it fit. First you would tell them if it even fits or not, before asking to try on another item of clothing or purchase the item you've tried on. You'll learn how to do these things in this m-episode.
This m-episode teaches you how to ask to try on an item in Spanish. If you like an item but want to try it on, there are two ways to ask. You can do it by specifically naming the item or you can refer to the item as “it”, just like in English.
You'll learn how to ask for specific items in the right size for you (or someone else) in this m-episode. Like the rest of the world, in Latin America the item size can be described in two ways. A general size such as small, medium and large and a specific size like size 6 or size 10.
This m-episode brings together all you have learned in the last four m-episodes. Say the following in Spanish. The first time through we will only say the English version so you have time to say it in Spanish. The second time through we’ll say it in Spanish and English so you can see if you got it right.
Sometimes you need to buy items for people other than yourself. Let’s practice telling the clerk who you are buying the items for. This m-episode teaches you just that. It may be helpful to review Unit 1.10 of the podcast if you struggle to remember how to say each family member.
This m-episode builds on the previous two episodes. You'll learn how to ask for specific items in specific colors, properly. The m-episode covers common differences between English and Spanish, such as that in Spanish, the color goes after the item, no before, like in English.
You'll learn how to say the names of many common items found in department stores in this m-episode. There is some overlap in items found in a department store and those we went over in Unit 7, so please feel free to review that episode if you need to brush up on them.
This m-episode is a basic introduction to the common colors in Spanish. You'll learn how to apply them to shopping in a department store, and how to ask for certain clothing items in a specific color of your choice.
Here you'll learn the common cultural notes to be aware of before shopping in a Latin American department store. You will learn how to ask whether or not you can pay with a credit card, for example, and other common phrases necessary for a successful excursion.
This m-episode is an introduction to shopping in a department store. You'll hear a common conversation that might take place between two people in the store. Don't worry if you don't understand it all yet -- we'll get to that and by the end of this unit, you will be shopping like a pro.
Welcome to Unit 8 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. In this unit you will learn how to shop in a department store, and we'll also cover basic vocab for shopping and lifestyle excursions such as colors in Spanish, sizing of clothes, and how to ask to try on an item.
This m-episode is a quick recap of Unit 7 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. It offers a congratulations on your hard work so far in learning Spanish.
This is a visualization practice that helps you imagine you are in a Latin American market. You come across one or more souvenirs you want to buy, and decide that the price is too high. So, you negotiate that price down successfully, and come away with your souvenirs.
What happens when the conversation flows back and forth during a market negotiation? After practicing through this m-episode you will be able to successfully negotiate your way through a negotiation in a Latin American marketplace.
This m-episode brings together everything you have learned about negotiating for souvenirs in Latin American markets. By now, you should have the terms and sentence structure down to go to a market and come away with the things you want to buy.
Here is your chance to practice. We're going to put you into a (hypothetical) situation in this exercise. The seller is going to give you a price for an item that you would like to buy. It costs too much -- and you should ask for a price 100 pesos less than the one offered.
Now we're going to actually give you the skills (and the terms behind those skills) to negotiate like an experienced market shopper in Latin America. If an item is more expensive than it should be, this episode will teach you how to talk it down to a more appropriate price.
The third part of our "negotiating" series will make you a master negotiator at Latin American markets (after a bit of practice, of course). The final thing we need to add, building on the last two m-episodes, is asking for multiple items, or items that are plural by nature (like shoes or earrings).
Here we are going to build on what you learned in the past m-episode to boost your negotiating skills even further. In the previous episode you learned how to ask “How much for this?” Now, we are going to learn how to ask for an item that is farther away from you by asking “How much for that?”
Like all things in Spanish, the gender used when negotiating is very important. After listening to this m-episode. You will know how to ask how much something costs, while referring to it in the correct gender so as to show proper respect and knowledge of your subject.
When you are interested in buying something, you may also be interested in what the product is made of. The most commonplace situation where this can apply is with jewelry. This m-episode will teach you how to ask what something is made of, and how to understand the answer.
This m-episode is all about vocabulary. You'll learn the Spanish words for many common items that you'd shop for at a market, like souvenirs, plates, dolls, and more. In the accompanying blog post, there are matching exercises to help you memorize each of the items.
This m-episode is an overview of cultural notes to be aware of before going to a market in Latin American countries. It also covers things to be aware of, how to avoid paying more than you should, and common words and phrases that you'll hear along the way.
This m-episode is a conversation between Mr. Jacobs and a seller in a souvenir shop. You will hear the basics of a negotiation in Spanish. Mrs. Jacobs asks about the cost and material used in some of the souvenirs and tries to negotiate a lower price.
Welcome to Unit 7 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. In this unit you will learn how to ask for some common souvenir items by name, understand what material an item is made from, and negotiate a lower price.
This m-episode is a quick recap of Unit 6 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. It offers a congratulations on your hard work so far in learning Spanish.
This m-episode is a visualization exercise of what you've learned in Unit 6 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. Imagine you are in Latin American market. Try to visualize these three scenarios and picture how the conversation would go. If you're in a place that allows it, try to have this conversation out loud.
This m-episode reviews the conversation that you heard at the beginning of this unit, and helps to bring it together into a complete conversation. You should now be able to understand all of it. If there's parts of it that still aren't clear, just review the episodes in this unit as many times as you need.
In this m-episode we’ll learn how to ask for a specific number of a product. You'll learn how to use a complete sentence to put in your order, and learn what to expect in return from the seller at a market in Latin America. If you need to refresh your Spanish numbers, please review Units 2.5 and 5.4 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
In this m-episode we’ll learn how to ask for a specific weight of a product. You'll learn how to ask for and understand these weights using the Metric system, the primary unit of measurement used in Latin America. If you need to refresh your Spanish numbers, feel free to review episodes 2.5 and 5.4.
Here, you will practice using the vocabulary you learned in the last m-episode and make it practical to use. After hearing the word for a product in English, you'll learn to translate it into Spanish and add the phrase "¿cuánto cuesta un kilo de x?" in the front of it.
This m-episode covers some basic products in the market. We're going to say them in English and in Spanish so just repeat them both out loud until you memorize them.
In this m-episode you'll learn the cultural notes necessary for a proper trip to the market. Most countries in Latin America measure things in the metric system. This means they use kilometers and meters when measuring distance, and kilograms and grams when measuring weight.
This m-episode is a conversation between Laura Ramirez and a seller at a market. Miss. Ramirez is buying her weekly groceries. Don't worry if you can't understand it yet, we'll break it down and practice it in the episodes of this unit.
Welcome to Unit 6 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. In this unit we are going to teach you how to: Ask for specific produce and meat products in a market. Ask the price for a specific amount – in kilograms – for each product, confirm you want to purchase the product, and pay the amount requested for the product.
If there are any parts you are still not clear about just replay this episode and the entire unit until you understand everything.
This m-episode places you in three common scenarios you will face when taking a taxi or an Uber in Latin American countries. See if you can converse your way through them. If not, review the earlier m-episodes in this unit until you can.
Let's listen again to the first conversation you heard. You should now be able to understand it. If there are any parts you don't understand, go back to those m-episodes and repeat.
This m-episode brings together everything you have learned so far in Unit 5.5 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. We'll give you phrases in English, and you translate them in Spanish. The second time through, we'll give you the answer after we're done so you can make sure you got it right.
To finish off your initial conversation with a taxi driver, let’s let the driver know how many pieces of luggage you have. This m-episode will teach you how to do so.
This m-episode is designed to help you learn how to negotiate a lower price for your taxi rides. You could also negotiate a higher price, if you so desired, but who are we kidding?
Now let’s practice what you've learned about distance, but put everything into full sentences. When asking how near or far a location is, you can use the word "Queda."
Now that you know how to ask your driver how to get to a location, let’s learn how to ask how far, or close the location is. This m-episode covers basic vocabulary you can use to ask that, and to understand when they answer you.
Let's learn how to tell a driver where you want to go. In Spanish, when you are telling somebody you want to go to a place, you use the word: “A”. We'll explain.
This m-episode covers how to answer if someone asks you if you are free at a specific time of the day.
Now let’s put all of this information about times and dates together to learn how to ask if somebody is free at a certain day and time.
This m-episode is all about time. If you want to talk about a certain time of the day or week, such as the afternoon or this weekend, here are the phases you would use.
This m-episode covers the days of the week in Spanish. This is useful if you want to arrange a taxi or any other event for a future day.
This m-episode covers cultural and language notes regarding taking a taxi or a ride-share in Latin American countries.
This m-episode is a conversation between Laura Ramirez and a taxi driver. Mrs. Ramirez is trying to get to her hotel and must negotiate the price. Don't worry if you don't understand it all yet, we're going to break it down bit by bit in this unit and practice everything.
Welcome to Unit 5.5 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. In this unit you will learn how to: Say the day of the week and time of day, ask a cab driver if they are free, bargain with them over the fare, and understand if they ask if you have any luggage.
This m-episode is a quick recap of Unit 5 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. It offers a congratulations on your hard work so far in learning Spanish.
In this m-episode, you have the chance to work through a visualization practice to help you learn how to purchase bus, train, and airplane tickets, how to ask when a bus, train, or plain arrives, and how to ask when one will depart.
This m-episode revisits the conversation that you heard in Unit 5.1 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. By now, you should be able to understand everything that is said -- if not, go back and review some of the previous episodes until you have it down.
This m-episode puts together everything you've learned in this unit and the previous units of the LiveLingua Spanish Podcast. You'll practice with complete sentences, and work on comprehending common responses you may receive to questions.
This m-episode teaches you to ask for a ticket to a specific destination from a teller. We're going to use some phrases you can use on any type of transportation, so you don't have to worry about the type of vehicle you are going to be using when using these phrases.
This m-episode covers how to ask what time a train, bus, or airplane arrives at its destination, and how to understand the reply that you will receive. In Spanish, ask "when does x arrive?", where "x" is the vehicle, you just have to say "¿a qué hora llega "x"?
This m-episode covers how to ask what time a train, bus, or airplane departs from the terminal, and how to understand the reply that you will receive. In Spanish you ask "when does x leave for y?", where "x" is the vehicle (bus, plain, train) and "y" is the location you want to go to.
Now that you know how to say and understand the hours, let’s focus a bit on the minutes. In Spanish, you can say the minutes after the hours, just like in English. This m-episode covers how to do that, and how to say the information in a sentence.
Now let’s combine the numbers you learned in the previous m-episode so you can tell the time. When telling time in Spanish all you need to do is start the sentence with “Son las” and add the number, unless it is 1:00, where you would say '"Es La."
This m-episode brings together all of the information you have learned in the previous four episodes of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast, and helps you learn how to memorize it and use the skills in daily conversation while in a Latin American country.
Here you'll learn a basic formula for saying and reading all Spanish numbers between 10 and 999,999. You'll also gain basic information on how to tell time in Spanish, using the numbers we cover in this episode. M-episode 2.5 may be a helpful preview.
In this m-episode you will learn how to understand information about public transportation in Latin American countries. For example, we'll cover what someone will reply when you ask them what time a bus leaves, and how to ask about the price of a ticket.
This m-episode is an introductory lesson on how to buy a bus ticket at a terminal or station in Latin America, speaking in Spanish. You'll hear a conversation between a purchaser and seller, and learn the basics of how to talk through the transaction.
Welcome to Unit 5 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. If you’re going to be traveling between cities in Spain or Latin America, chances are you’re going to be using some kind of public transportation, whether it be buses, trains or planes. In this unit, we’re going to work through some conversations on how to buy tickets for public transportation.
This m-episode is a quick recap of Unit 4 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. It offers a congratulations on your hard work so far in learning Spanish.
In this m-episode, you have the chance to work through a visualization practice to help you learn how to ask for directions in Spanish, and how to locate common tourist sites in Latin American countries such as hotels, restaurants, the bus station, and the airport.
This m-episode walks you again through the first conversation you heard at the beginning of Unit 4. You should now be able to understand all of the conversation on how to ask for directions in Spanish. If there's are any part that's still not clear, feel free to review this unit as many times as you need.
If you're asking for directions in Spanish, there's generally two things that can happen after they're given to you. You can either say "thank you" and be on your way, or you can ask for a clarification. This m-episode walks you through both situations. Listen and repeat the following phrases in English and in Spanish.
This m-episode brings together all of the information you have learned so far in Unit 4 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. We review asking for directions in Spanish, and how to locate common sites that tourists visit in Latin American countries.
This m-episode covers basic words people use to give directions. Knowing this vocabulary is critical, not only if you want to give directions, but actually, if you want to understand what people in Spanish speaking countries say when they give you the answer to the question ¿Dónde está? that you learned in the previous episode.
After learning the vocabulary in the last episode for some common locations in Spanish, this m-episode puts it into a complete sentence. You'll learn how to specifically ask where something is, in the Spanish language.
This m-episode walks you through the vocabulary for some common locations you would need to get to when you're traveling in Latin America. You'll learn about asking for directions to places like airports, bus stations, hotels, restaurants, and more common tourist sites.
This m-episode covers cultural notes regarding directions, as specific to Latin American countries. You'll learn how to understand key differences and nuances between asking for directions in English and asking for directions in Spanish.
This m-episode is a short conversation about how to ask for directions in Latin American countries. You may not understand all of it yet, but after working through Unit 4 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast, you will be able to ask for, and understand, directions in Spanish.
If you’re traveling to a Spanish-speaking country, or if you’re traveling anywhere, you probably need to ask for directions. This m-episode is an introduction to the topic, and covers basic information on getting around in Latin American countries.
This m-episode summarizes everything you have learned in Unit 2 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast, and offer a congratulations on your hard work so far in learning Spanish.
Let's make sure you are comfortable in a situation where you have to speak about your work and family. This is a visualization exercise that will help you become comfortable talking about these two very common conversation pieces, in Spanish.
This m-episode contains a thorough conversation about work and family in the Spanish language. You should be able to understand what is being said, and be able to apply the questions and answers to your own personal situations regarding employment and family.
This m-episode is a review of how to talk about work and family in Spanish. We'll revisit the information we've covered in Unit 3 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast, and give you some exercises to practice what you've learned in common situations.
Like in English, and many other languages, there are many ways to say “goodbye” in Spanish. Here are a few of them you can use in most situations. We'll cover the most common ways to say goodbye, and explain the situations in which you'd want to use each one.
Now that you know how to ask someone where they live, let’s practice answering people when they ask where you live. The answer can be as general as a country, or as specific as a street. After practicing this m-episode, you will be able to tell someone where you live.
When asking someone where they live, the correct question based on the number of people and whether the situation is formal or informal. This m-episode will teach you how to ask, and the cultural notes associated with the question.
This m-episode brings together everything you have learned so far in Unit 3 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. You'll be able to practice asking and answering what you do for work, and how many kids you have, and will know the cultural notes to accompany the questions
Once someone knows that you have children, they will likely ask whether they are boys or girls. This m-episode teaches you how to answer that, including what to do if you have multiple children who are of different genders.
This m-episode will teach you how to answer when someone asks you about how many kids you have. For this you will need to remember the numbers from 1-10 you learned in Episode 2.5, which you can skip back to review if necessary.
Like most circumstances in Spanish the way you ask if somebody has children depends on the number of people you are speaking to and whether you are in a formal or informal setting. This m-episode covers both situations.
When you ask somebody what they do for a living, there is a small variation on the way you ask the question depending on whether you are being formal or informal. It also varies depending on whether you are talking to an individual or to a group. We cover both in this m-episode.
This m-episode teaches you how to explain what you do for work in Spanish. If someone asks your profession, you could give a one-word answer as we did in the previous m-episode. But in general, it would sound more professional if you could actually speak in full sentences. In this m-episode, we'll learn how to do that.
This m-episode teaches you how to say some basic professions in Spanish. Of course, this is not an exhaustive list and you may need to look up how to say your profession. Some can be pretty complicated!
In Latin America it is actually unusual for somebody to ask what you do when you first meet. The first question you get is usually about your family -- it will more likely be about whether you are married or have children. This m-episode covers work and family cultural notes.
This m-episode is a basic overview of how to talk about work and family in Spanish. It is a conversation between Mrs. Laura Ramirez & Michael Smith. They have just met and are getting to know each other.
This m-episode is an introduction to Unit 3 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. In this unit, you will learn how to -- Talk about your family, explain what you do for work, ask people about their employment, and say goodbye and end conversations.
Here we summarize everything you have learned in Unit 2 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast, and offer a congratualtions on your hard work so far in learning Spanish.
This m-episode is a visualization practice, which covers everything you have learned in Unit 2. We review the conversations and information and provide visual exercises for you to do to make sure you have memorized it all.
This m-episode reviews the first conversation we covered in Unit 2 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. By now, you should be able to understand the conversation and answer the questions for yourself! If not, time to review the previous episodes to get caught up.
This m-episode brings together what you've learned in the last few episodes to talk about where you live. Using what you learned in this unit translate common English sentences about where you live and what the weather is like there.
This m-episode covers how to tell someone where you are from. We'll give you examples both for yourself, and for a group (in case you are traveling with friends or family, and need to answer for everyone).
There are three ways to ask someone in Latin America where they are from. There are two ways to ask an individual -- a formal and informal way., and one way to ask a group. This m-episode covers all three situations and tells you how to ask where people are from.
This m-episode uses what you learned in the previous exercises in this unit to translate the following English phrases into Spanish. By the end of this, you should be able to answer a basic question about the weather in the place where you are from.
In this m-episode, we're going to ask you about the weather where you live, and you will learn how to answer the question for yourself and for a group. We'll cover basic yes or no questions about the weather that people commonly ask about your hometown when they meet you.
To ask somebody about whether it is hot or cold in a certain place you use the same phrase as you would if you were simply telling them the information. This m-episode covers how to do just that, explaining how to emphasize a question differently than a normal sentence.
This m-episode covers how to describe the weather in the place where you live. This is a key way to note whether or not you like this place, and this episode covers basic conversation about the weather and how to answer people's questions about it.
In this m-episode you will say some phrases using the material you've learned in the last few episodes. The first time, we'll only say it in English to see if you can answer in Spanish yourself. The second time through, we'll say it in English and Spanish. Using what you learned in the previous two exercises translate the following English phrases into Spanish.
In this m-episode, we're going to cover how to talk about whether or not you like where you live, and how to answer that question both individually and for a group. You'll work through exercises and examples.
When asking if someone likes a country they are in, the way you ask varies slightly depending on whether you are asking an individual or a group of people. For an individual, you say, "Le gusta . . ." This means "Do you like." For a group, you would say, "Les gusta . . . " This m-episode walks you through each, with examples.
Here, we bring together everything we've learned in Unit 2 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast so far. You'll practice talking about where you live, using basic numbers and days, weeks, or months to describe.
In this m-episode we will make sure you have grasped what we've learned in this unit so far. In this episode, we'll see how well you can answer questions about how long you've lived somewhere -- on the fly! We'll provide a time frame -- say, four months -- and you add "He vivido in Mexico" in front of it.
This m-episode brings together the previous few. You'll learn how to tell people how long you've lived in a certain place, and how to understand how long they have lived where they live now. We'll practice in a few different situations.
In this m-episode, you will learn how to say the word "day(s)," week(s)," and month(s)," and similar terms in Spanish. This is really important if you want to tell someone how long you've been somewhere, how long you're going to be somewhere, or find out how long other people have been in those locations.
Learning numbers in Spanish is probably one of the most valuable things you can do. This is true whether you're just visiting a country and want to negotiate, or whether you're planning on living there long-term. In this m-episode we're going to learn the numbers 1 through 10.
Let's learn how to ask someone how long they have lived somewhere. In this m-episode, we're going to give you a location and all you have to do is repeat it out loud by adding the words "Cuanto tiempo a vivido en . . . " to the beginning of each sentence.
To understand a conversation in Spanish, you need to understand not only the language but also the culture. In this episode, we talk about the language and cultural notes that came up in the conversation you heard in the previous episode.
In this m-episode, we take a look at a basic conversation in which two people discuss a location. That location is Boston, where a Mr. Michael Smith is from. This is a conversation between Mrs. Laura Ramirez & Michael Smith. Mr. Smith has recently moved to Mexico.
This m-episode welcomes you to Unit 2 of the Live Lingua Spanish podcast. In this unit, you're going to learn how to reply when people ask where you live, count from 1 to 10 in Spanish, talk about how long you've lived somewhere, and how much you like (or don't like) living there.
Congratulations! You have made it to the end of Module 1 of the Spanish Lingua podcast, brought to you by Live Lingua. You should now be able to: Greet others Respond to others when they greet you Introduce yourself and others with you Respond when others introduce themselves to you. If you are not confident with this yet, repeat this episode as many times as you need If you want additional free practice just visit our website If you liked this episode, please take a minute to leave us a review on iTunes, Stitcher or your favorite podcast app. As a small family-run boutique language school, we really appreciate it. In the next episode you will learn how to share basic information about where you are from and ask the same information of others you meet. Hasta pronto.
One of the best ways to learn anything is to visualize it. This is why you see boxers doing a visualization of their practice and shadowboxing. We’re going to try the equivalent in language learning. We’re going to give you three scenarios. Close your eyes (as long as you’re not driving, of course) and imagine you’re in the scenarios. You’ll say something in Spanish based on what we’ve learned in this unit. Try to imagine the conversation in your head — either be the person who is asking the questions or answering them. Let’s see if you can do it! After listening, check out the corresponding blog post for written exercises and more. Don't forget to subscribe here, rate 5 stars, and leave a review!
This is a review to help you review what we’ve learned so far in Unit 1 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. If you’ve listed to all of them and practices the exercises, you should be able to get through every word of it now – even if you weren’t able to when you started this course! If you listen to it again and there’s a part you still don’t understand, go back and listen to that episode (links here in the previous articles.) And be sure to check out the written material and exercises corresponding to this episode in our blog post. Let’s get started. Don't forget to subscribe here, rate 5 stars, and leave a review!
Let’s bring together everything you’ve learned in Unit 1 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. You learned how to say “Good Morning,” “Good Afternoon,” “Good Evening.” You also learned people’s titles, and how to introduce the people in your family. Now, we’re going to give you a few phrases — in English — combing all of these. What I need you to do is to say them in Spanish! The first time we’re going to give you only the English. The second time, we’re going to say it in Spanish (after a short break) to give you the answer. Let’s get started! After listening, review the exercises and material in this blog post. Don't forget to subscribe here, rate 5 stars, and leave a review!
Let’s practice introducing others. To introduce others we will use the phrase ‘le presento’ which means ‘may I introduce you to’. This is followed by my ‘mi’ if you are introducing a family member, since you are implying a relationship to you. Example: Le presento a mi esposo -> May I introduce you to my husband. If you are introducing a person by their first name, without including their title, you add an ‘a’ before the name: Example: Le presento a Ray Blakney -> May I introduce you to Ray Blakney. If you are introducing a person with their title you add either an ‘a la’ if they are female or ‘al’, spelled ‘A-L’ if they are male. That is just contraction of ‘a el’. Example: Le presento a la doctora Sánchez -> May I introduce you to Dr. Sánchez. Now, repeat all the following phrases out loud, but add the word ‘le presento’ at the beginning of each one. Example: A mi hijo -> Le presento a mi hijo. Find more practice exercises in this blog post after listening to the episode. Don't forget to subscribe here, rate 5 stars, and leave a review!
For better or worse, we may actually have to introduce members of our family to the people we meet in Latin America or in Spain — this may be more embarrassing for some than for others! Here at Live Lingua, we’re going to teach you the basic vocabularly words you need to do so. Say them out loud, both in English and Spanish — we promise, it will help you memorize the terms. Without further ado, let’s get started with the practice. After listening, try the practice episodes here in this blog post. Don't forget to subscribe here, rate 5 stars, and leave a review!
In this section, we’re going to learn how to say “How are you?” in different circumstances. Now, this might sound simple — but in Spanish, we have both formal and informal, and to add a spin in there, it’s even more complicated when talking to a group of people. Asking “How are you guys?” or “How are you girls?” has it’s own way of being said in Spanish. If you’re going to ask one person how they are doing, you’d say “¿Come esta?” That’s formal, but you could make it more formal by saying “¿Como esta Usted? You don’t have to add the pronoun, but you can. In an informal setting among friends, you would say “¿Como estas?” If we’re talking plural, whether three people or a million people, you would say “¿Como estan?” With the pronoun, that would be, “¿Como estan Ustedes?” Notice that we don’t actually have gender differences here, which makes it a little easier. We don’t have to worry about Mr. and Mrs. when we’re asking this. In this section we practice saying “How are you?” in the formal singular ‘usted’ or informal ‘tú’ form as well as the plural ‘ustedes’ form. Note that in most of Latin America there is no different formal and informal for the plural. After listening, work through the exercises in the corresponding blog post. Don't forget to subscribe here, rate 5 stars, and leave a review!
Now that you’ve learned how to say good morning, good afternoon, and good evening in Spanish, as well as addressing the people you’re talking to, let’s move on to the next step: How to introduce yourself! When you introduce yourself, the only phrase you really need to know is “Yo soy” – “I am.” You put this phrase in front of your name and you’ve done it! Yo soy Ray Blakney — I am Ray Blakney. In this example, we’ll pretend you are introducing yourself. To make it more complicated, replace the names we give you with your own name so that you can practice using the phrase as you will in a Spanish speaking country. Practice introducing yourself at the phrase “yo soy” (I am) to the front of each Spanish phrase. Example: El señor Jack Smith -> Yo soy el Señor Jack Smith. La doctora Jane Sánchez -> Yo soy la doctora Jane Sánchez. Run through the practice exercises in our blog post after listening to this episode. Don't forget to subscribe here, rate 5 stars, and leave a review!
What we’re going to do in this section is bring it all together! We’re going to combine what you’ve learned in the past few episodes about greetings and honorifics. Let’s practice a little bit. When you hear a phrase in Spanish, we want you to translate it into English. Say it out loud if you can, because that’s one of the best ways to learn. Here are some examples: If we say, “Buenos Dias, Señor Smith.” You would say, “Good morning, Mr. Smith.” If we say, “Buenas Noches, Licienciada Sanchez.” That translates to, “Good evening, Mrs. Sanchez,” but we’re also implying that Mrs. Sanchez has a Bachelor of Arts Degree. Is that clear? Don’t worry if not, because we’re going to go through all of this and our exercises are pretty much the same — and you can repeat this episode as many times as you need. After listening, complete the practice episodes here in our blog post. Don't forget to subscribe here, rate 5 stars, and leave a review!
Welcome to episode 1.5 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. In this m-episode, we are going to learn about honorifics in Spanish. I’ll be honest — when I started learning Spanish, I didn’t actually know what an honorific was. It wasn’t until I started learning another language that I actually learned that that was the word we use for titles — such as Mrs., Mr., and Dr. In this exercise, we’re going to learn some of these titles. Side note — In Mexico and the rest of Latin America, they put a lot of emphasis on these titles. It’s very important that you call them Señor, Señora, Señorita. If you know they have a college degree or a Masters, they even have a title for that — and you’re going to learn this in this episode. It can be difficult for somebody who is not a native Spanish speaker to pick up on this in the beginning. But really put in the effort — in addition to the titles, you have to remember the gender. Enjoy the m-episode. Let’s get started. Empezamos.
¡Buenos dias! In this episode, we're going to learn how to say Good Morning (hint: we just did!), Good Afternoon, and Good Evening in Spanish. In order to say "Good Morning," you'd say: Buenos Dias In order to say "Good Afternoon," you'd say: Buenas Tardes In order to say "Good Evening," you'd say: Buenas Noches The one thing to pay attention to is the ending on the "Buenos.," the "good" part. In the morning, it ends with an "-os," as the term is male. In the afternoon and evening, it ends in "-as", as the term is female. This is one of the most common errors I see people trying to learn Spanish make when they are trying to greet people in Mexico. As you listen to this episode, complete the exercises in this blog post by simply repeating what you hear -- repeat it in Spanish and in English, as this will actually imprint it on your mind. Don't forget to subscribe here, rate 5 stars, and share!
Conversations — the vehicle of language. Being able to properly introduce yourself is akin to hopping into the vehicle. This audio and text guide will show you how to do just that. This is a conversation between Ms. Laura Ramirez and her husband, Ray, who is an American that speaks a little bit of Spanish (yes, those are really our names!) They’re meeting with someone called Miguel Gomez, and this episode is an introduction when they first meet. Then, the same conversation in Spanish. Don’t worry if you can’t understand it yet. We will break it down and practice it. After listening to the episode, click here for free practice exercises. Don't forget to subscribe here, rate 5 stars, and leave a review!
Welcome to the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast!
This unit is made up of 15 episodes that take from 1 to 5 minutes.
That way, you can go back and review the parts that you’ve missed without having to go through a whole 45-minute class.
The goal of Unit 1 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast is to learn how to introduce yourself and others in Spanish.
In this unit of the podcast, you’ll learn how to greet others, respond to others when they greet you, introduce yourself and others, and respond when others introduce themselves to you.
This episode introduces the podcast and its format, and will get you prepared for Unit 1, where you will learn how to introduce yourself and others in Spanish.
After listening to the episode, click here for free practice exercises.
Click here to subscribe. Don't forget to rate 5 stars, subscribe, and leave a review!
Welcome to the Learn Spanish with Live Lingua podcast. With this series of podcasts we are going to learn how to have basic conversations in Spanish from the comfort of your own home in small 3-5 minute lessons every day. Emp
This m-episode is a quick recap of Unit 10 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. It offers a congratulations on your hard work so far in learning Spanish.
This m-episode is a visualization practice that picks up where the visualization practice of Unit 9 leaves off. It continues the dining experience through ordering your meal. You may find it helpful to play both visualization practices back to back, just for practice.
In this m-episode, you will listen again to the first conversation you heard. You should now be able to understand it. If there are any parts you are still not clear about, just replay this m-episode and the prior m-episodes in Unit 10.
This m-episode brings everything you have learned in the past few episodes together. Listen to the material in English and say it in Spanish. The first run through we won’t give you the Spanish answer to give you time to say it yourself. Then we’ll go through it again and say the English with the Spanish answer.
This one is for those with dietary restrictions and their travel companions. One of the difficulties when traveling to a foreign country, if you have dietary restrictions or food allergies, is finding food to eat. In this m-episode we’ll practice asking if a dish has a specific ingredient.
One of the difficulties when traveling to a foreign country, if you have dietary restrictions or food allergies, is finding food to eat. In this m-episode we’ll practice asking if a dish has a specific ingredient.
If you are going to order steak in Latin America they will probably ask you how well you would like it cooked. This m-episode will teach you how to order your steak just how you like it, and know what to expect when the order is taken.
Welcome to Unit 10 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. Objectives. In this unit you will learn how to ask for the menu, understand when the waiter asks what you want to order, ask what are certain dishes, and order your meal.
This m-episode is a quick recap of Unit 9 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. It offers a congratulations on your hard work so far in learning Spanish.
This m-episode is a visualization practice that will help you imagine yourself dining at a restaurant in a Latin American country -- can you successfully ask for a table, peruse the menu, and order drinks? You should be able to, after reviewing the episodes in this Unit.
In this m-episode, you will listen again to the first conversation you heard at the beginning of Unit 9. You should now be able to understand it. If there are any parts you are still not clear about, just replay this episode.
In this m-episode you will learn about the types of drinks at a restaurant in Spanish. There are many different types of drinks in Latin America. You can find the common ones found around the word along with types that are unique to the region.
When you enter a restaurant, one of the first things you will be asked is how many people are in your party. To answer the phrase you would use say the following: A table for X people please -> Una mesa para X personas, por favor.
Here you will experience a common restaurant situation in Spanish. This is a conversation between Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs and a waiter at a restaurant. They have just arrived and ask for a table and give their drink order.
Welcome to Unit 9 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. In this unit you will learn how to ask for a table based on your party size, understand the waiter when they ask you what you want to drink, and how to order drinks.
This m-episode is a quick recap of Unit 8 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. It offers a congratulations on your hard work so far in learning Spanish.
This is a visualization practice that helps you imagine you are in a Latin American department store. You want to try on some clothing, but first you need to ask for it based on item description, its color, its size, and other factors. Practice in this m-episode.
This m-episode reviews the conversation you heard in Unit 8.1 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. By now, you should be able to understand the entire conversation, and be able to make slight modifications to apply it to your personal shopping experience.
This m-episode puts together everything you've learned about trying on items in a department store, asking for them based on specific sizes, colors, and other requests, and how to tell someone whether or not it fits. If you haven't grasped anything in this m-episode, go back and review the rest of this Unit.
So you tried on the item and now you want to let the clerk know how well it fit. First you would tell them if it even fits or not, before asking to try on another item of clothing or purchase the item you've tried on. You'll learn how to do these things in this m-episode.
This m-episode teaches you how to ask to try on an item in Spanish. If you like an item but want to try it on, there are two ways to ask. You can do it by specifically naming the item or you can refer to the item as “it”, just like in English.
This m-episode brings together all you have learned in the last four m-episodes. Say the following in Spanish. The first time through we will only say the English version so you have time to say it in Spanish. The second time through we’ll say it in Spanish and English so you can see if you got it right.
Sometimes you need to buy items for people other than yourself. Let’s practice telling the clerk who you are buying the items for. This m-episode teaches you just that. It may be helpful to review Unit 1.10 of the podcast if you struggle to remember how to say each family member.
This m-episode is an introduction to shopping in a department store. You'll hear a common conversation that might take place between two people in the store. Don't worry if you don't understand it all yet -- we'll get to that and by the end of this unit, you will be shopping like a pro.
This m-episode is a quick recap of Unit 7 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. It offers a congratulations on your hard work so far in learning Spanish.
This is a visualization practice that helps you imagine you are in a Latin American market. You come across one or more souvenirs you want to buy, and decide that the price is too high. So, you negotiate that price down successfully, and come away with your souvenirs.
What happens when the conversation flows back and forth during a market negotiation? After practicing through this m-episode you will be able to successfully negotiate your way through a negotiation in a Latin American marketplace.
This m-episode brings together everything you have learned about negotiating for souvenirs in Latin American markets. By now, you should have the terms and sentence structure down to go to a market and come away with the things you want to buy.
The third part of our "negotiating" series will make you a master negotiator at Latin American markets (after a bit of practice, of course). The final thing we need to add, building on the last two m-episodes, is asking for multiple items, or items that are plural by nature (like shoes or earrings).
Here we are going to build on what you learned in the past m-episode to boost your negotiating skills even further. In the previous episode you learned how to ask “How much for this?” Now, we are going to learn how to ask for an item that is farther away from you by asking “How much for that?”
Like all things in Spanish, the gender used when negotiating is very important. After listening to this m-episode. You will know how to ask how much something costs, while referring to it in the correct gender so as to show proper respect and knowledge of your subject.
When you are interested in buying something, you may also be interested in what the product is made of. The most commonplace situation where this can apply is with jewelry. This m-episode will teach you how to ask what something is made of, and how to understand the answer.
This m-episode is all about vocabulary. You'll learn the Spanish words for many common items that you'd shop for at a market, like souvenirs, plates, dolls, and more. In the accompanying blog post, there are matching exercises to help you memorize each of the items.
This m-episode is a conversation between Mr. Jacobs and a seller in a souvenir shop. You will hear the basics of a negotiation in Spanish. Mrs. Jacobs asks about the cost and material used in some of the souvenirs and tries to negotiate a lower price.
Welcome to Unit 7 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. In this unit you will learn how to ask for some common souvenir items by name, understand what material an item is made from, and negotiate a lower price.
This m-episode is a quick recap of Unit 6 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. It offers a congratulations on your hard work so far in learning Spanish.
This m-episode is a visualization exercise of what you've learned in Unit 6 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. Imagine you are in Latin American market. Try to visualize these three scenarios and picture how the conversation would go. If you're in a place that allows it, try to have this conversation out loud.
This m-episode reviews the conversation that you heard at the beginning of this unit, and helps to bring it together into a complete conversation. You should now be able to understand all of it. If there's parts of it that still aren't clear, just review the episodes in this unit as many times as you need.
Welcome to Unit 6 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. In this unit we are going to teach you how to: Ask for specific produce and meat products in a market. Ask the price for a specific amount – in kilograms – for each product, confirm you want to purchase the product, and pay the amount requested for the product.
If there are any parts you are still not clear about just replay this episode and the entire unit until you understand everything.
This m-episode places you in three common scenarios you will face when taking a taxi or an Uber in Latin American countries. See if you can converse your way through them. If not, review the earlier m-episodes in this unit until you can.
Let's listen again to the first conversation you heard. You should now be able to understand it. If there are any parts you don't understand, go back to those m-episodes and repeat.
To finish off your initial conversation with a taxi driver, let’s let the driver know how many pieces of luggage you have. This m-episode will teach you how to do so.
This m-episode is designed to help you learn how to negotiate a lower price for your taxi rides. You could also negotiate a higher price, if you so desired, but who are we kidding?
Now that you know how to ask your driver how to get to a location, let’s learn how to ask how far, or close the location is. This m-episode covers basic vocabulary you can use to ask that, and to understand when they answer you.
Let's learn how to tell a driver where you want to go. In Spanish, when you are telling somebody you want to go to a place, you use the word: “A”. We'll explain.
This m-episode covers how to answer if someone asks you if you are free at a specific time of the day.
Now let’s put all of this information about times and dates together to learn how to ask if somebody is free at a certain day and time.
This m-episode is all about time. If you want to talk about a certain time of the day or week, such as the afternoon or this weekend, here are the phases you would use.
This m-episode covers the days of the week in Spanish. This is useful if you want to arrange a taxi or any other event for a future day.
This m-episode covers cultural and language notes regarding taking a taxi or a ride-share in Latin American countries.
Welcome to Unit 5.5 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. In this unit you will learn how to: Say the day of the week and time of day, ask a cab driver if they are free, bargain with them over the fare, and understand if they ask if you have any luggage.
This m-episode is a quick recap of Unit 5 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. It offers a congratulations on your hard work so far in learning Spanish.
In this m-episode, you have the chance to work through a visualization practice to help you learn how to purchase bus, train, and airplane tickets, how to ask when a bus, train, or plain arrives, and how to ask when one will depart.
This m-episode revisits the conversation that you heard in Unit 5.1 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. By now, you should be able to understand everything that is said -- if not, go back and review some of the previous episodes until you have it down.
This m-episode puts together everything you've learned in this unit and the previous units of the LiveLingua Spanish Podcast. You'll practice with complete sentences, and work on comprehending common responses you may receive to questions.
This m-episode teaches you to ask for a ticket to a specific destination from a teller. We're going to use some phrases you can use on any type of transportation, so you don't have to worry about the type of vehicle you are going to be using when using these phrases.
This m-episode covers how to ask what time a train, bus, or airplane departs from the terminal, and how to understand the reply that you will receive. In Spanish you ask "when does x leave for y?", where "x" is the vehicle (bus, plain, train) and "y" is the location you want to go to.
Now that you know how to say and understand the hours, let’s focus a bit on the minutes. In Spanish, you can say the minutes after the hours, just like in English. This m-episode covers how to do that, and how to say the information in a sentence.
This m-episode brings together all of the information you have learned in the previous four episodes of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast, and helps you learn how to memorize it and use the skills in daily conversation while in a Latin American country.
Here you'll learn a basic formula for saying and reading all Spanish numbers between 10 and 999,999. You'll also gain basic information on how to tell time in Spanish, using the numbers we cover in this episode. M-episode 2.5 may be a helpful preview.
Welcome to Unit 5 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. If you’re going to be traveling between cities in Spain or Latin America, chances are you’re going to be using some kind of public transportation, whether it be buses, trains or planes. In this unit, we’re going to work through some conversations on how to buy tickets for public transportation.
This m-episode is a quick recap of Unit 4 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. It offers a congratulations on your hard work so far in learning Spanish.
In this m-episode, you have the chance to work through a visualization practice to help you learn how to ask for directions in Spanish, and how to locate common tourist sites in Latin American countries such as hotels, restaurants, the bus station, and the airport.
This m-episode walks you again through the first conversation you heard at the beginning of Unit 4. You should now be able to understand all of the conversation on how to ask for directions in Spanish. If there's are any part that's still not clear, feel free to review this unit as many times as you need.
This m-episode brings together all of the information you have learned so far in Unit 4 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. We review asking for directions in Spanish, and how to locate common sites that tourists visit in Latin American countries.
This m-episode covers basic words people use to give directions. Knowing this vocabulary is critical, not only if you want to give directions, but actually, if you want to understand what people in Spanish speaking countries say when they give you the answer to the question ¿Dónde está? that you learned in the previous episode.
This m-episode walks you through the vocabulary for some common locations you would need to get to when you're traveling in Latin America. You'll learn about asking for directions to places like airports, bus stations, hotels, restaurants, and more common tourist sites.
This m-episode is a short conversation about how to ask for directions in Latin American countries. You may not understand all of it yet, but after working through Unit 4 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast, you will be able to ask for, and understand, directions in Spanish.
If you’re traveling to a Spanish-speaking country, or if you’re traveling anywhere, you probably need to ask for directions. This m-episode is an introduction to the topic, and covers basic information on getting around in Latin American countries.
This m-episode summarizes everything you have learned in Unit 2 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast, and offer a congratulations on your hard work so far in learning Spanish.
This m-episode contains a thorough conversation about work and family in the Spanish language. You should be able to understand what is being said, and be able to apply the questions and answers to your own personal situations regarding employment and family.
Like in English, and many other languages, there are many ways to say “goodbye” in Spanish. Here are a few of them you can use in most situations. We'll cover the most common ways to say goodbye, and explain the situations in which you'd want to use each one.
Now that you know how to ask someone where they live, let’s practice answering people when they ask where you live. The answer can be as general as a country, or as specific as a street. After practicing this m-episode, you will be able to tell someone where you live.
When asking someone where they live, the correct question based on the number of people and whether the situation is formal or informal. This m-episode will teach you how to ask, and the cultural notes associated with the question.
Once someone knows that you have children, they will likely ask whether they are boys or girls. This m-episode teaches you how to answer that, including what to do if you have multiple children who are of different genders.
This m-episode will teach you how to answer when someone asks you about how many kids you have. For this you will need to remember the numbers from 1-10 you learned in Episode 2.5, which you can skip back to review if necessary.
Like most circumstances in Spanish the way you ask if somebody has children depends on the number of people you are speaking to and whether you are in a formal or informal setting. This m-episode covers both situations.
When you ask somebody what they do for a living, there is a small variation on the way you ask the question depending on whether you are being formal or informal. It also varies depending on whether you are talking to an individual or to a group. We cover both in this m-episode.
This m-episode teaches you how to say some basic professions in Spanish. Of course, this is not an exhaustive list and you may need to look up how to say your profession. Some can be pretty complicated!
In Latin America it is actually unusual for somebody to ask what you do when you first meet. The first question you get is usually about your family -- it will more likely be about whether you are married or have children. This m-episode covers work and family cultural notes.
This m-episode is a basic overview of how to talk about work and family in Spanish. It is a conversation between Mrs. Laura Ramirez & Michael Smith. They have just met and are getting to know each other.
This m-episode is an introduction to Unit 3 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. In this unit, you will learn how to -- Talk about your family, explain what you do for work, ask people about their employment, and say goodbye and end conversations.
Here we summarize everything you have learned in Unit 2 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast, and offer a congratulations on your hard work so far in learning Spanish.
This m-episode is a visualization practice, which covers everything you have learned in Unit 2. We review the conversations and information and provide visual exercises for you to do to make sure you have memorized it all.
This m-episode reviews the first conversation we covered in Unit 2 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. By now, you should be able to understand the conversation and answer the questions for yourself! If not, time to review the previous episodes to get caught up.
There are three ways to ask someone in Latin America where they are from. There are two ways to ask an individual -- a formal and informal way, and one way to ask a group. This m-episode covers all three situations and tells you how to ask where people are from.
This m-episode uses what you learned in the previous exercises in this unit to translate the following English phrases into Spanish. By the end of this, you should be able to answer a basic question about the weather in the place where you are from.
In this m-episode, we're going to ask you about the weather where you live, and you will learn how to answer the question for yourself and for a group. We'll cover basic yes or no questions about the weather that people commonly ask about your hometown when they meet you.
To ask somebody about whether it is hot or cold in a certain place you use the same phrase as you would if you were simply telling them the information. This m-episode covers how to do just that, explaining how to emphasize a question differently than a normal sentence.
In this m-episode, we're going to cover how to talk about whether or not you like where you live, and how to answer that question both individually and for a group. You'll work through exercises and examples.
When asking if someone likes a country they are in, the way you ask varies slightly depending on whether you are asking an individual or a group of people. For an individual, you say, "Le gusta . . ." This means "Do you like." For a group, you would say, "Les gusta . . . " This m-episode walks you through each, with examples.
Here, we bring together everything we've learned in Unit 2 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast so far. You'll practice talking about where you live, using basic numbers and days, weeks, or months to describe.
In this m-episode we will make sure you have grasped what we've learned in this unit so far. In this episode, we'll see how well you can answer questions about how long you've lived somewhere -- on the fly! We'll provide a time frame -- say, four months -- and you add "He vivido in Mexico" in front of it.
In this m-episode, you will learn how to say the word "day(s)," week(s)," and month(s)," and similar terms in Spanish. This is really important if you want to tell someone how long you've been somewhere, how long you're going to be somewhere, or find out how long other people have been in those locations.
Let's learn how to ask someone how long they have lived somewhere. In this m-episode, we're going to give you a location and all you have to do is repeat it out loud by adding the words "Cuanto tiempo a vivido en . . . " to the beginning of each sentence.
To understand a conversation in Spanish, you need to understand not only the language but also the culture. In this episode, we talk about the language and cultural notes that came up in the conversation you heard in the previous episode.
In this m-episode, we take a look at a basic conversation in which two people discuss a location. That location is Boston, where a Mr. Michael Smith is from. This is a conversation between Mrs. Laura Ramirez & Michael Smith. Mr. Smith has recently moved to Mexico.
Congratulations! You have made it to the end of Module 1 of the Spanish Lingua podcast, brought to you by Live Lingua. You should now be able to: Greet others Respond to others when they greet you Introduce yourself and others with you Respond when others introduce themselves to you. If you are not confident with this yet, repeat this episode as many times as you need If you want additional free practice just visit our website If you liked this episode, please take a minute to leave us a review on iTunes, Stitcher or your favorite podcast app. As a small family-run boutique language school, we really appreciate it. In the next episode you will learn how to share basic information about where you are from and ask the same information of others you meet. Hasta pronto.
Welcome to episode 1.5 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. In this m-episode, we are going to learn about honorifics in Spanish. I’ll be honest — when I started learning Spanish, I didn’t actually know what an honorific was. It wasn’t until I started learning another language that I actually learned that that was the word we use for titles — such as Mrs., Mr., and Dr. In this exercise, we’re going to learn some of these titles. Side note — In Mexico and the rest of Latin America, they put a lot of emphasis on these titles. It’s very important that you call them Señor, Señora, Señorita. If you know they have a college degree or a Masters, they even have a title for that — and you’re going to learn this in this episode. It can be difficult for somebody who is not a native Spanish speaker to pick up on this in the beginning. But really put in the effort — in addition to the titles, you have to remember the gender. Enjoy the m-episode. Let’s get started. Empezamos.
¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 10.13 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This m-episode is a quick recap of Unit 10 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. It offers a congratulations on your hard work so far in learning Spanish.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 10.12 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This m-episode is a visualization practice that picks up where the visualization practice of Unit 9 leaves off.
It continues the dining experience through ordering your meal.
You may find it helpful to play both visualization practices back to back, just for practice.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 10.11 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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In this m-episode, you will listen again to the first conversation you heard. You should now be able to understand it.
If there are any parts you are still not clear about, just replay this m-episode and the prior m-episodes in Unit 10.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 10.10 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This m-episode brings everything you have learned in the past few episodes together. Listen to the material in English and say it in Spanish.
The first run through we won’t give you the Spanish answer to give you time to say it yourself.
Then we’ll go through it again and say the English with the Spanish answer.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 10.9 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This m-episode moves on to the good stuff -- how to order a meal in Spanish.
When a waiter is ready to take your order, they will typically say something like, ¿Qué van a pedir señores? In this episode you'll learn how to reply.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 10.8 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This one is for those with dietary restrictions and their travel companions.
One of the difficulties when traveling to a foreign country, if you have dietary restrictions or food allergies, is finding food to eat.
In this m-episode we’ll practice asking if a dish has a specific ingredient.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 10.7 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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One of the difficulties when traveling to a foreign country, if you have dietary restrictions or food allergies, is finding food to eat.
In this m-episode we’ll practice asking if a dish has a specific ingredient.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 10.6 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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If you are traveling to a place you have never been before, you may run into dishes you don’t know. In these cases you may want to ask what is in the dish.
You'll learn how to do that in this m-episode, including uncommon ingredients.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 10.5 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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If you are going to order steak in Latin America they will probably ask you how well you would like it cooked.
This m-episode will teach you how to order your steak just how you like it, and know what to expect when the order is taken.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 10.4 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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While the variety of food you can try when traveling around Latin America and Mexico is almost limitless, there are some dishes that you can see almost everywhere.
You'll learn about these, and how to order them, in this m-episode.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 10.3 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This m-episode covers the cultural notes surrounding dining in Latin American countries.
You'll learn about common dining times and customs, and things to avoid when eating out, along with tips to have the best experience possible.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 10.2 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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The best way to get familiar with how to dine at a Latin American restaurant is to dive into conversation.
You'll do just that in this m-episode, a conversation between Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs and a waiter at a restaurant.
They are seated at a table and order their meal.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 10.1 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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Welcome to Unit 10 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
In this unit you will learn how to ask for the menu, understand when the waiter asks what you want to order, ask what are certain dishes, and order your meal.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 9.11 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode is a quick recap of Unit 9 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
It offers a congratulations on your hard work so far in learning Spanish.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 9.10 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This m-episode is a visualization practice that will help you imagine yourself dining at a restaurant in a Latin American country -- can you successfully ask for a table, peruse the menu, and order drinks?
You should be able to, after reviewing the episodes in this Unit.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 9.9 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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In this m-episode, you will listen again to the first conversation you heard at the beginning of Unit 9. You should now be able to understand it.
If there are any parts you are still not clear about, just replay this episode.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 9.8 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This m-episode brings together everything you have learned so far about dining in a restaurant in Latin America.
We'll form more of a realistic situation with entering, asking for a table, and ordering drinks, all in the Spanish language.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 9.7 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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Now let's learn how to say "no" when a waiter asks you if you would like something to drink.
If you don’t want to order anything to drink then you would use the phrase: No, no voy a tomar nada.If you are answering for two or more people you would say: No, no vamos a tomar nada.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 9.6 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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In this m-episode you will learn how to order drinks in Spanish at a restaurant in Latin America.
When ordering a drink you would use the phrase: Tráigame un X por favor” -> “Please bring me a X," Where the X is the drink that you want.
Remember that to change the gender of the word “un” (a) based on the gender of the drink.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 9.5 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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In this m-episode you will learn about the types of drinks at a restaurant in Spanish.
There are many different types of drinks in Latin America.
You can find the common ones found around the word along with types that are unique to the region.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 9.4 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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When you enter a restaurant, one of the first things you will be asked is how many people are in your party.
To answer the phrase you would use say the following: A table for X people please -> Una mesa para X personas, por favor.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 9.3 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This m-episode covers common cultural notes related to dining at restaurants in Latin American countries.
You'll learn how to address the waitstaff, how to phrase common orders, and more that will make your dining experience easier.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 9.2 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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Here you will experience a common restaurant situation in Spanish.
This is a conversation between Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs and a waiter at a restaurant.
They have just arrived and ask for a table and give their drink order.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 9.1 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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Welcome to Unit 9 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
In this unit you will learn how to ask for a table based on your party size, understand the waiter when they ask you what you want to drink., and how to order drinks.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 8.15 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode is a quick recap of Unit 8 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
It offers a congratulations on your hard work so far in learning Spanish.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 8.14 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This is a visualization practice that helps you imagine you are in a Latin American department store.
You want to try on some clothing, but first you need to ask for it based on item description, its color, its size, and other factors. Practice in this m-episode.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 8.13 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This m-episode reviews the conversation you heard in Unit 8.1 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
By now, you should be able to understand the entire conversation, and be able to make slight modifications to apply it to your personal shopping experience.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 8.12 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This m-episode puts together everything you've learned about trying on items in a department store, asking for them based on specific sizes, colors, and other requests, and how to tell someone whether or not it fits.
If you haven't grasped anything in this m-episode, go back and review the rest of this Unit.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 8.11 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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So you tried on the item and now you want to let the clerk know how well it fit.
First you would tell them if it even fits or not, before asking to try on another item of clothing or purchase the item you've tried on.
You'll learn how to do these things in this m-episode.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 8.10 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This m-episode teaches you how to ask to try on an item in Spanish.
If you like an item but want to try it on, there are two ways to ask.
You can do it by specifically naming the item or you can refer to the item as “it”, just like in English.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 8.9 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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You'll learn how to ask for specific items in the right size for you (or someone else) in this m-episode.
Like the rest of the world, in Latin America the item size can be described in two ways.
A general size such as small, medium and large and a specific size like size 6 or size 10.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 8.8 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This m-episode brings together all you have learned in the last four m-episodes. Say the following in Spanish.
The first time through we will only say the English version so you have time to say it in Spanish.
The second time through we’ll say it in Spanish and English so you can see if you got it right.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 8.7 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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Sometimes you need to buy items for people other than yourself. Let’s practice telling the clerk who you are buying the items for.
This m-episode teaches you just that. It may be helpful to review Unit 1.10 of the podcast if you struggle to remember how to say each family member.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 8.6 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This m-episode builds on the previous two episodes. You'll learn how to ask for specific items in specific colors, properly.
The m-episode covers common differences between English and Spanish, such as that in Spanish, the color goes after the item, no before, like in English.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 8.5 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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Welcome to Unit 8 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
You'll learn how to say the names of many common items found in department stores in this m-episode.
There is some overlap in items found in a department store and those we went over in Unit 7, so please feel free to review that episode if you need to brush up on them.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 8.4 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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Welcome to Unit 8 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
This m-episode is a basic introduction to the common colors in Spanish.
You'll learn how to apply them to shopping in a department store, and how to ask for certain clothing items in a specific color of your choice.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 8.3 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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You will learn how to ask whether or not you can pay with a credit card, for example, and other common phrases necessary for a successful excursion.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 8.2 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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Welcome to Unit 8 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
This m-episode is an introduction to shopping in a department store.
You'll hear a common conversation that might take place between two people in the store.
Don't worry if you don't understand it all yet -- we'll get to that and by the end of this unit, you will be shopping like a pro.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 8.1 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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Welcome to Unit 8 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
In this unit you will learn how to shop in a department store, and we'll also cover basic vocab for shopping and lifestyle excursions such as colors in Spanish, sizing of clothes, and how to ask to try on an item.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 7.14 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode is a quick recap of Unit 7 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. It offers a congratulations on your hard work so far in learning Spanish.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 7.13 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This is a visualization practice that helps you imagine you are in a Latin American market.
You come across one or more souvenirs you want to buy, and decide that the price is too high.
So, you negotiate that price down successfully, and come away with your souvenirs.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 7.12 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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What happens when the conversation flows back and forth during a market negotiation?
After practicing through this m-episode you will be able to successfully negotiate your way through a negotiation in a Latin American marketplace.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 7.11 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This m-episode brings together everything you have learned about negotiating for souvenirs in Latin American markets.
By now, you should have the terms and sentence structure down to go to a market and come away with the things you want to buy.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 7.10 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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Here is your chance to practice. We're going to put you into a (hypothetical) situation in this exercise.
The seller is going to give you a price for an item that you would like to buy. It costs too much -- and you should ask for a price 100 pesos less than the one offered.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 7.9 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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Now we're going to actually give you the skills (and the terms behind those skills) to negotiate like an expertienced market shopper in Latin America.
If an item is more expensive than it should be, this episode will teach you how to talk it down to a more appropriate price.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 7.8 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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The third part of our "negotiating" series will make you a master negotiator at Latin American markets (after a bit of practice, of course).
The final thing we need to add, building on the last two m-episodes, is asking for multiple items, or items that are plural by nature (like shoes or earrings).
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 7.7 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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Here we are going to build on what you learned in the past m-episode to boost your negotiating skills even further.
In the previous episode you learned how to ask “How much for this?”
Now, we are going to learn how to ask for an item that is farther away from you by asking “How much for that?”
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 7.6 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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Like all things in Spanish, the gender used when negotiating is very important.
After listening to this m-episode. you will know how to ask how much something costs, while referring to it in the correct gender so as to show proper respect and knowledge of your subject.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 7.5 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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When you are interested in buying something, you may also be interested in what the product is made of.
The most commonplace situation where this can apply is with jewelry.
This m-episode will teach you how to ask what something is made of, and how to understand the answer.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 7.4 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This m-episode is all about vocabulary. You'll learn the Spanish words for many common items that you'd shop for at a market, like souvenirs, plates, dolls, and more.
In the accompanying blog post, there are matching exercises to help you memorize each of the items.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 7.3 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This m-episode is an overview of cultural notes to be aware of before going to a market in Latin American countries.
It also covers things to be aware of, how to avoid paying more than you should, and common words and phrases that you'll hear along the way.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 7.2 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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Welcome to Unit 7 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
This m-episode is a conversation between Mr. Jacobs and a seller in a souvenir shop. You will hear the basics of a negotiation in Spanish.
Mrs. Jacobs asks about the cost and material used in some of the souvenirs and tries to negotiate a lower price.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 7.1 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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Welcome to Unit 7 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
In this unit you will learn how to ask for some common souvenir items by name, understand what material an item is made from, and negotiate a lower price.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 6.9 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode is a quick recap of Unit 6 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. It offers a congratulations on your hard work so far in learning Spanish.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 6.8 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode is a visualization exercise of what you've learned in Unit 6 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. Imagine you are in Latin American market.
Try to visualize these three scenarios and picture how the conversation would go.
If you're in a place that allows it, try to have this conversation out loud.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 6.7 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode reviews the conversation that you heard at the beginning of this unit, and helps to bring it together into a complete conversation.
You should now be able to understand all of it.
If there's parts of it that still aren't clear, just review the episodes in this unit as many times as you need.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 6.6 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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In this m-episode we’ll learn how to ask for a specific number of a product.
You'll learn how to use a complete sentence to put in your order, and learn what to expect in return from the seller at a market in Latin America.
If you need to refresh your Spanish numbers, please review Units 2.5 and 5.4 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 6.5.2 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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In this m-episode we’ll learn how to ask for a specific weight of a product.
You'll learn how to ask for and understand these weights using the Metric system, the primary unit of measurement used in Latin America.
If you need to refresh your Spanish numbers, feel free to review episodes 2.5 and 5.4.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 6.5.1 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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Here, you will practice using the vocabulary you learned in the last m-episode and make it practical to use.
After hearing the word for a product in English, you'll learn to translate it into Spanish and add the phrase "¿cuánto cuesta un kilo de x?" in the front of it.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 6.4 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This m-episode covers some basic products in the market. We're going to say them in English and in Spanish so just repeat them both out loud until you memorize them.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 6.3 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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In this m-episode you'll learn the cultural notes necessary for a proper trip to the market.
Most countries in Latin America measure things in the metric system.
This means they use kilometers and meters when measuring distance, and kilograms and grams when measuring weight.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 6.2 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This m-episode is a conversation between Laura Ramirez and a seller at a market. Miss. Ramirez is buying her weekly groceries.
Don't worry if you can't understand it yet, we'll break it down and practice it in the episodes of this unit.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 6.1 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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In this unit we are going to teach you how to:
Ask for specific produce and meat products in a market.
Ask the price for a specific amount – in kilograms – for each product, confirm you want to purchase the product, and pay the amount requested for the product.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.5-16 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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Congratulations. You have made it to the end of Unit 5.5 of the Live Lingua Spanish podcast, brought to you by You should now be able to:
If you are not confident with this yet, repeat this episode as many times as you need.
If you want additional free practice just visit our website,
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.5-15 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This m-episode places you in three common scenarios you will face when taking a taxi or an Uber in Latin American countries.
See if you can converse your way through them. If not, review the earlier m-episodes in this unit until you can.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.5-14 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
Let's listen again to the first conversation you heard. You should now be able to understand it.
If there are any parts you don't understand, go back to those m-episodes and repeat.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.5-13 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This m-episode brings together everything you have learned so far in Unit 5.5 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
We'll give you phrases in English, and you translate them in Spanish.
The second time through, we'll give you the answer after we're done so you can make sure you got it right.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.5-12 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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To finish off your initial conversation with a taxi driver, let’s let the driver know how many pieces of luggage you have. This m-episode will teach you how to do so.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.5-11 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This m-episode is designed to help you learn how to negotiate a lower price for your taxi rides.
You could also negotiate a higher price, if you so desired, but who are we kidding?
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.5-10 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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Now let’s practice what you've learned about distance, but put everything into full sentences.
When asking how near or far a location is, you can use the word "Queda."
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.5-9 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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Now that you know how to ask your driver how to get to a location, let’s learn how to ask how far, or close the location is.
This m-episode covers basic vocabulary you can use to ask that, and to understand when they answer you.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.5-8 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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Let's learn how to tell a driver where you want to go. In Spanish, when you are telling somebody you want to go to a place, you use the word: “A”.
We'll explain.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.5-7 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This m-episode covers how to answer if someone asks you if you are free at a specific time of the day.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.5-6 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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Now let’s put all of this information about times and dates together to learn how to ask if somebody is free at a certain day and time.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.5-5 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This m-episode is all about time. If you want to talk about a certain time of the day or week, such as the afternoon or this weekend, here are the phases you would use.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.5.4 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This m-episode covers the days of the week in Spanish. This is useful if you want to arrange a taxi or any other event for a future day.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.5.3 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This m-episode covers cultural and language notes regarding taking a taxi or a ride-share in Latin American countries.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.5.2 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This m-episode is a conversation between Laura Ramirez and a taxi driver. Mrs. Ramirez is trying to get to her hotel and must negotiate the price.
Don't worry if you don't understand it all yet, we're going to break it down bit by bit in this unit and practice everything.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.5.1 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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Welcome to Unit 5.5 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. This unit covers taking a taxi or an Uber in Latin America.
In this unit you will learn how to: Say the day of the week and time of day, ask a cab driver if they are free, bargain with them over the fare, and understand if they ask if you have any luggage.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.14 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode is a quick recap of Unit 5 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. It offers a congratulations on your hard work so far in learning Spanish.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.13 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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In this m-episode, you have the chance to work through a visualization practice to help you learn how to purchase bus, train, and airplane tickets, how to ask when a bus, train, or plain arrives, and how to ask when one will depart.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.12 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode revisits the conversation that you heard in Unit 5.1 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
By now, you should be able to understand everything that is said -- if not, go back and review some of the previous episodes until you have it down.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.11 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This m-episode puts together everything you've learned in this unit and the previous units of the LiveLingua Spanish Podcast.
You'll practice with complete sentences, and work on comprehending common responses you may receive to questions.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.10 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This m-episode covers how to ask what time a train, bus, or airplane arrives at its destination, and how to understand the reply that you will receive.
In Spanish, ask "when does x arrive?", where "x" is the vehicle, you just have to say "¿a qué hora llega "x"?
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.9 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode covers how to ask what time a train, bus, or airplane arrives at its destination, and how to understand the reply that you will receive.
In Spanish, ask "when does x arrive?", where "x" is the vehicle, you just have to say "¿a qué hora llega "x"?
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.8 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This m-episode covers how to ask what time a train, bus, or airplane departs from the terminal, and how to understand the reply that you will receive.
In Spanish you ask "when does x leave for y?", where "x" is the vehicle (bus, plain, train) and "y" is the location you want to go to.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.7 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
Now that you know how to say and understand the hours, let’s focus a bit on the minutes. In Spanish, you can say the minutes after the hours, just like in English.
This m-episode covers how to do that, and how to say the information in a sentence.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.6 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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Now let’s combine the numbers you learned in the previous m-episode so you can tell the time.
When telling time in Spanish all you need to do is start the sentence with “Son las” and add the number, unless it is 1:00, where you would say '"Es La."
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.5 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This episode brings together all of the information you have learned in the previous four episodes of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast, and helps you learn how to memorize it and use the skills in daily conversation while in a Latin American country.
You’re going to be a master of numbers in Spanish!
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.4 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
Here you'll learn a basic formula for saying and reading all Spanish numbers between 10 and 999,999.
You'll also gain basic information on how to tell time in Spanish, using the numbers we cover in this episode. M-episode 2.5 may be a helpful preview.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.3 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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In this m-episode you will learn how to understand information about public transportation in Latin American countries.
For example, we'll cover what someone will reply when you ask them what time a bus leaves, and how to ask about the price of a ticket.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.2 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode is an introductory lesson on how to buy a bus ticket at a terminal or station in Latin America, speaking in Spanish.
You'll hear a conversation between a purchaser and seller, and learn the basics of how to talk through the transaction.
Let’s get started!
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.1 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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Welcome to Unit 5 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
If you’re going to be traveling between cities in Spain or Latin America, chances are you’re going to be using some kind of public transportation, whether it be buses, trains or planes. In this unit, we’re going to work through some conversations on how to buy tickets for public transportation.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 4.10 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode is a quick recap of Unit 4 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
It offers a congratulations on your hard work so far in learning Spanish.
Let’s get started!
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 4.9 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
In this m-episode, you have the chance to work through a visualization practice to help you learn how to ask for directions in Spanish, and how to locate common tourist sites in Latin American countries such as hotels, restaurants, the bus station, and the airport.
Let’s get started!
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 4.8 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode walks you again through the first conversation you heard at the beginning of Unit 4.
You should now be able to understand all of the conversation on how to ask for directions in Spanish.
If there's are any part that's still not clear, feel free to review this unit as many times as you need.
Let’s get started!
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 4.7 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
If you're asking for directions in Spanish, there's generally two things that can happen after they're given to you.
You can either say "thank you" and be on your way, or you can ask for a clarification.
This m-episode walks you through both situations. Listen and repeat the following phrases in English and in Spanish.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 4.6.2 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode brings together all of the information you have learned so far in Unit 4 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
We review asking for directions in Spanish, and how to locate common sites that tourists visit in Latin American countries.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 4.6.1 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode covers basic words people use to give directions.
Knowing this vocabulary is critical, not only if you want to give directions, but actually, if you want to understand what people in Spanish speaking countries say when they give you the answer to the question ¿Dónde está? that you learned in the previous episode.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 4.5 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
After learning the vocabulary in the last episode for some common locations in Spanish, this m-episode puts it into a complete sentence.
You'll learn how to specifically ask where something is, in the Spanish language.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 4.4 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode walks you through the vocabulary for some common locations you would need to get to when you're traveling in Latin America.
You'll learn about asking for directions to places like airports, bus stations, hotels, restaurants, and more common tourist sites.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 4.3 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode covers cultural notes regarding directions, as specific to Latin American countries.
You'll learn how to understand key differences and nuances between asking for directions in English and asking for directions in Spanish.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 4.2 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode is a short conversation about how to ask for directions in Latin American countries.
You may not understand all of it yet, but after working through Unit 4 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast, you will be able to ask for, and understand, directions in Spanish.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 4.1 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
If you’re traveling to a Spanish-speaking country, or if you’re traveling anywhere, you probably need to ask for directions.
This m-episode is an introduction to the topic, and covers basic information on getting around in Latin American countries.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 3.17 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode summarizes everything you have learned in Unit 2 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast, and offer a congratulations on your hard work so far in learning Spanish.
Let’s get started!
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:…-congratulations/
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 3.16 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
Let's make sure you are comfortable in a situation where you have to speak about your work and family.
This is a visualization exercise that will help you become comfortable talking about these two very common conversation pieces, in Spanish.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 3.15 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode contains a thorough conversation about work and family in the Spanish language.
You should be able to understand what is being said, and be able to apply the questions and answers to your own personal situations regarding employment and family.
Let’s get started!
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:…-work-and-family/
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 3.14 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode is a review of how to talk about work and family in Spanish.
We'll revisit the information we've covered in Unit 3 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast, and give you some exercises to practice what you've learned in common situations.
Let’s get started!
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:…-work-and-family/
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 3.13 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
Like in English, and many other languages, there are many ways to say “goodbye” in Spanish. Here are a few of them you can use in most situations.
We'll cover the most common ways to say goodbye, and explain the situations in which you'd want to use each one.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 3.12 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
Now that you know how to ask someone where they live, let’s practice answering people when they ask where you live.
The answer can be as general as a country, or as specific as a street.
After practicing this m-episode, you will be able to tell someone where you live.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 3.11 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
When asking someone where they live, the correct question based on the number of people and whether the situation is formal or informal.
This m-episode will teach you how to ask, and the cultural notes associated with the question.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 3.10 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode brings together everything you have learned so far in Unit 3 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
You'll be able to practice asking and answering what you do for work, and how many kids you have, and will know the cultural notes to accompany the questions
Let’s get started!
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:…ou-have-children/
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 3.9 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
Once someone knows that you have children, they will likely ask whether they are boys or girls.
This m-episode teaches you how to answer that, including what to do if you have multiple children who are of different genders.
Let’s get started!
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:…of-your-children/
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 3.8 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode will teach you how to answer when someone asks you about how many kids you have.
For this you will need to remember the numbers from 1-10 you learned in Episode 2.5, which you can skip back to review if necessary.
Let’s get started!
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:…dren-do-you-have/
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 3.7 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
Like most circumstances in Spanish the way you ask if somebody has children depends on the number of people you are speaking to and whether you are in a formal or informal setting.
This m-episode covers both situations.
Let’s get started!
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:…-formal-informal/
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 3.6 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
When you ask somebody what they do for a living, there is a small variation on the way you ask the question depending on whether you are being formal or informal.
It also varies depending on whether you are talking to an individual or to a group. We cover both in this m-episode.
Let’s get started!
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:…rmal-vs-informal/
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 3.5 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode teaches you how to explain what you do for work in Spanish. If someone asks your profession, you could give a one-word answer as we did in the previous m-episode.
But in general, it would sound more professional if you could actually speak in full sentences. In this m-episode, we'll learn how to do that.
Let’s get started!
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:…omplete-sentence/
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 3.4 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode teaches you how to say some basic professions in Spanish.
Of course, this is not an exhaustive list and you may need to look up how to say your profession. Some can be pretty complicated!
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 3.3 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
In Latin America it is actually unusual for somebody to ask what you do when you first meet.
The first question you get is usually about your family -- it will more likely be about whether you are married or have children.
This m-episode covers work and family cultural notes.
Let’s get started!
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:…d-cultural-notes/
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 3.2 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode is a basic overview of how to talk about work and family in Spanish. It is a conversation between Mrs. Laura Ramirez & Michael Smith.
They have just met and are getting to know each other.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 3.1 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode is an introduction to Unit 3 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. In this unit, you will learn how to -- Talk about your family, explain what you do for work, ask people about their employment, and say goodbye and end conversations.
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:
Let’s get started!
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 2.22 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
Here we summarize everything you have learned in Unit 2 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast, and offer a congratulations on your hard work so far in learning Spanish.
Enjoy this m-episode.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 2.21 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode is a visualization practice, which covers everything you have learned in Unit 2.
We review the conversations and information and provide visual exercises for you to do to make sure you have memorized it all.
Enjoy this m-episode.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 2.20 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode reviews the first conversation we covered in Unit 2 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
By now, you should be able to understand the conversation and answer the questions for yourself! If not, time to review the previous episodes to get caught up.
Enjoy this m-episode.
Let’s get started!
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:…t-where-you-live/
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 2.19 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This episode brings together what you've learned in the last few episodes to talk about where you live.
Using what you learned in this unit, translate common English sentences about where you live and what the weather is like there.
Enjoy this m-episode.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 2.18 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This episode covers how to tell someone where you are from.
We'll give you examples both for yourself, and for a group (in case you are traveling with friends or family, and need to answer for everyone).
If you are answering just for yourself you would say: “Soy de”
If you are answering for a group you would say:
“Somos de”
Enjoy this m-episode.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 2.17 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
There are three ways to ask someone in Latin America where they are from.
There are two ways to ask an individual -- a formal and informal way., and one way to ask a group. This m-episode covers all three situations and tells you how to ask where people are from.
For somebody you know well you would ask: “¿De donde eres?”
For somebody you don’t know well you would ask:
“¿De donde es?”
Enjoy this m-episode.
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To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:…-formal-informal/
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 2.16 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode uses what you learned in the previous exercises in this unit to translate the following English phrases into Spanish.
By the end of this, you should be able to answer a basic question about the weather in the place where you are from.
Enjoy this m-episode.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 2.15 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
In this m-episode, we're going to ask you about the weather where you live, and you will learn how to answer the question for yourself and for a group.
We'll cover basic yes or no questions about the weather that people commonly ask about your hometown when they meet you.
If someone asked, "¿Hace calor en San Francisco?"
You would answer, "No hace calor en San Francisco."
By the end of the episode, you'll be able to answer whether or not it is hot in your city, among other things.
Enjoy this m-episode.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 2.14 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
In this m-episode, we're going to learn how to tell the difference between a question and a statement in Spanish.
To ask somebody about whether it is hot or cold in a certain place you use the same phrase as you would if you were simply telling them the information.
This episode covers how to do just that, explaining how to emphasize a question differently than a normal sentence.
The emphasis happens vocally, so be sure to pay special attention to the way the sentences in this m-episode are pronounced.
Once you grasp where to place the emphasis, you won't have any problems knowing the difference.
Enjoy this m-episode.
Let’s get started!
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:…stion-in-spanish/
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 2.13 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode covers how to describe the weather in the place where you live.
This is a key way to note whether or not you like this place, and this episode covers basic conversation about the weather and how to answer people's questions about it.
Enjoy this m-episode.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 2.12 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
In this m-episode you will say some phrases using the material you've learned in the last few episodes.
The first time, we'll only say it in English to see if you can answer in Spanish yourself. The second time through, we'll say it in English and Spanish.
Using what you learned in the previous two exercises translate the following English phrases into Spanish.
Enjoy this m-episode.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 2.11 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
In this m-episode, we're going to cover how to talk about whether or not you like where you live, and how to answer that question both individually and for a group.
You'll work through exercises and examples.
Enjoy this m-episode.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 2.10 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
When asking if someone likes a country they are in, the way you ask varies slightly depending on whether you are asking an individual or a group of people.
For an individual, you say, "Le gusta . . ." This means "Do you like."
For a group, you would say, "Les gusta . . . " This m-episode walks you through each, with more examples.
Enjoy this m-episode.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 2.9 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
Here, we bring together everything we've learned in Unit 2 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast so far.
You'll practice talking about where you live, using basic numbers and days, weeks, or months to describe.
Enjoy this m-episode.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 2.8 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
In this m-episode we will make sure you have grasped what we've learned in this unit so far.
In this episode, we'll see how well you can answer questions about how long you've lived somewhere -- on the fly! We'll provide a time frame -- say, four months -- and you add "He vivido en Mexico" in front of it.
In order to say, "I have lived in Mexico for two months," you'd say:
He vivido en Mexico por dos meses.
Enjoy this m-episode.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 1.4 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode brings together the previous few. You'll learn how to tell people how long you've lived in a certain place, and how to understand how long they have lived where they live now.
We'll practice in a few different situations, and encourage you to review how to tell someone how long you've lived somewhere in the corresponding blog post.
Enjoy this m-episode.
Let’s get started!
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:…-lived-somewhere/
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 2.6 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
In this episode, you will learn how to say the word "day(s)," week(s)," and month(s)," and similar terms in Spanish.
This is really important if you want to tell someone how long you've been somewhere, how long you're going to be somewhere, or find out how long other people have been in those locations.
For example, to say "day" or "days" in Spanish, you'd say: día(s).
To say "week" or "weeks", you'd say: semana(s).
To say "month", you'd say: mes
But to say "months", you'd say: meses
We'll cover more in the m-episode.
Enjoy this m-episode.
Let’s get started!
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:…onths-in-spanish/
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 2.5 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
Learning numbers in Spanish is probably one of the most valuable things you can do.
This is true whether you're just visiting a country and want to negotiate, or whether you're planning on living there long-term. In this m-episode we're going to learn the numbers 1 through 10.
You'll be counting to ten in Spanish in tres, dos, uno . . .
Enjoy this m-episode.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 2.4 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
Let's learn how to ask someone how long they have lived somewhere.
In this m-episode, we're going to give you a location and all you have to do is repeat it out loud by adding the words "Cuanto tiempo a vivido en . . . " to the beginning of each sentence.
For example, I have lived in Querétaro for ten years. So, I would say:
He vivido en Querétaro por diez años.
Enjoy this m-episode.
Let’s get started!
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:…ave-you-lived-in/
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 2.3 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
To understand a conversation in Spanish, you need to understand not only the language but also the culture.
In this m-episode, we talk about the language and cultural notes that came up in the conversation you heard in the previous m-episode.
Enjoy this m-episode.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 2.2 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
In this m-episode, we take a look at a basic conversation in Spanish, in which two people discuss a location. That location is Boston, where a Mr. Michael Smith is from.
This is a conversation between Mrs. Laura Ramirez & Michael Smith. Mr. Smith has recently moved to Mexico.
Enjoy this m-episode.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 2.1 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode welcomes you to Unit 2 of the Live Lingua Spanish podcast.
In this unit, you're going to learn how to reply when people ask where you live, count from 1 to 10 in Spanish, talk about how long you've lived somewhere, and how much you like (or don't like) living there.
Enjoy this m-episode.
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You have made it to the end of Unit 1 of the Live Lingua Spanish podcast, brought to you by Live Lingua.
You should now be able to:
If you are not confident with this yet, repeat this episode as many times as you need.
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In the next unit, you will learn how to share basic information about where you are from and ask the same information of others you meet.
Enjoy this m-episode.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 1.14 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
In this m-episode, we are going to do visualization practice of introductions and greetings in Spanish to help you cement what you have learned in this unit.
One of the best ways to practice Spanish is to visualize it. This is why you see boxers doing a visualization of their practice and shadowboxing.
We’re going to try the equivalent in language learning. We’re going to give you three scenarios.
During this m-episode your eyes (as long as you’re not driving, of course) and imagine you’re in the scenarios.
You’ll say something in Spanish based on what we’ve learned in this unit.
Try to imagine the conversation in your head — either be the person who is asking the questions or answering them. Let’s see if you can do it!
Enjoy this m-episode.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 1.13 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
This is a m-episode will review what we’ve learned in Unit 1 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
If you’ve listened to all of the other episodes of in this unit until now and have practiced the exercises, you should be able to get through every word of it now – even if you weren’t able to when you started this course!
If you listen to it and there’s a part you still don’t understand, go back and listen to that episode and try again.
Enjoy this m-episode.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 1.12 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
Let’s bring together how to do introduction is Spanish everything you’ve learned in Unit 1 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
You learned how to say “Good Morning,” “Good Afternoon,” “Good Evening.”
You also learned people’s titles, and how to introduce the people in your family. Now, we’re going to give you a few phrases — in English — combing all of these.
What I need you to do is to say them in Spanish!
The first time we’re going to give you only the English.
The second time, we’re going to say it in Spanish (after a short break) to give you the answer.
Enjoy this m-episode.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 1.11 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
Let’s practice introducing your family members in Spanish. To introduce others we will use the phrase ‘le presento’ which means ‘may I introduce you to’.
This is followed by my ‘mi’ if you are introducing a family member since you are implying a relationship with you.
Le presento a mi esposo -> May I introduce you to my husband.
If you are introducing a person by their first name, without including their title, you add an ‘a’ before the name:
Le presento a Ray Blakney -> May I introduce you to Ray Blakney.
If you are introducing a person with their title you add either an ‘a la’ if they are female or ‘al’, spelled ‘A-L’ if they are male. That is just a contraction of ‘a el’.
Le presento a la doctora Sánchez -> May I introduce you to Dr. Sánchez.
Now, repeat all the following phrases out loud, but add the word ‘le presento’ at the beginning of each one.
A mi hijo -> Le presento a mi hijo.
Enjoy this m-episode.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 1.10 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
For better or worse, we may actually have to introduce members of our family to the people we meet in Latin America or in Spain — this may be more embarrassing for some than for others!
So in this episode, we’re going to teach you the basic vocabulary words for family members in Spanish you need to do so.
Say them out loud, both in English and Spanish — we promise, it will help you memorize the terms. Without further ado, let’s get started with the practice.
Enjoy this m-episode.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 1.9 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
In this section, we’re going to learn how to say “How are you?” in Spanish in different circumstances.
Now, this might sound simple — but in Spanish, we have both formal and informal, and to add another twist in there, it’s even more complicated when talking to a group of people.
Asking “How are you guys?” or “How are you girls?” has it’s own way of being said in Spanish. If you’re going to ask one person how they are doing, you’d say “¿Cómo está?”
That’s formal, but you could make it more formal by saying “¿Cómo está usted? You don’t have to add the pronoun, but you can. In an informal setting among friends, you would say “¿Cómo estás?”
If we’re talking plural, whether three people or a million people, you would say “¿Cómo están?” With the pronoun, that would be, “¿Cómo están ustedes?”
Notice that we don’t actually have gender differences here, which makes it a little easier. We don’t have to worry about Mr. and Mrs. when we’re asking this.
In this section we practice saying “How are you?” in the formal singular ‘usted’ or informal ‘tú’ form as well as the plural ‘ustedes’ form.
Note that in most of Latin America there is no different formal and informal for the plural.
Enjoy this m-episode.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 1.8 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
Now that you’ve learned how to say good morning, good afternoon, and good evening in Spanish, as well as addressing the people you’re talking to, let’s move on to the next step and learn how to how to introduce yourself in Spanish!
When you introduce yourself, the only phrase you really need to know is “Yo soy” – “I am.”
You put this phrase in front of your name and you’ve done it! "Yo soy Ray Blakney" — "I am Ray Blakney". In this example, we’ll pretend you are introducing yourself.
To make it more complicated, replace the names we give you with your own name so that you can practice using the phrase as you will in a Spanish speaking country.
Practice introducing yourself at the phrase “yo soy” (I am) to the front of each Spanish phrase.
El señor Jack Smith -> Yo soy el Señor Jack Smith.
La doctora Jane Sánchez -> Yo soy la doctora Jane Sánchez.
Enjoy this m-episode.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 1.7 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
In this episode, we’re going to practice the Spanish greetings and honorifics you learned in the past episodes.
We’re going to do this by giving you the time of day and the subject of the conversation. Perhaps “married female” or “Dr. Ramirez.”
From that, we’re going to ask you to come up with the correct greeting for this person.
Morning – Married female -> Buenos días, señora.
Afternoon – Doctor Ramírez -> Buenas tardes, doctor Ramírez (where it is implied that Dr. Ramírez is a man).
When you hear the time of day and title of the person in English, create the greeting in Spanish. The first time through, we will only say the question so you can come up with the answer.
Then we will go through the questions a second time and include the correct answer in Spanish. Do try it the first time through yourself — you don’t want to just blindly repeat what we say!
Enjoy this m-episode.
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¡Hola! Welcome to episode 1.6 of the Live Lingua Spanish Spanish Podcast.
What we’re going to do in this section is bring it all together! We’re going to combine what you’ve learned in the past few episodes about Spanish greetings and honorifics.
In this m-episode we are going to practice a little bit. When you hear a phrase in Spanish, we want you to translate it into English.
Say it out loud if you can, because that’s one of the best ways to learn. Here are some examples: If we say, “Buenos Dias, Señor Smith.” You would say, “Good morning, Mr. Smith.”
If we say, “Buenas Noches, Licienciada Sanchez.” That translates to, “Good evening, Mrs. Sanchez,” but we’re also implying that Mrs. Sanchez has a Bachelor of Arts Degree.
Is that clear? Don’t worry if not, because we’re going to go through all of this and our exercises are pretty much the same — and you can repeat this episode as many times as you need.
Enjoy this m-episode.
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¡Hola! Welcome to episode 1.5 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
In this m-episode, we are going to learn about honorifics in Spanish.
I’ll be honest — when I started learning Spanish, I didn’t actually know what an honorific was.
It wasn’t until I started learning another language that I actually learned that that was the word we use for titles — such as Mrs., Mr., and Dr.
In this exercise, we’re going to learn some of these titles.
Side note — In Mexico and the rest of Latin America, they put a lot of emphasis on these titles. It’s very important that you call them Señor, Señora, Señorita.
If you know they have a college degree or a Masters, they even have a title for that — and you’re going to learn this in this episode.
It can be difficult for somebody who is not a native Spanish speaker to pick up on this in the beginning. But really put in the effort — in addition to the titles, you have to remember the gender.
Enjoy the m-episode. Let’s get started. Empecemos.
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¡Hola! Welcome to episode 1.4 of the Live Lingua Spanish Spanish Podcast. In this episode, we're going to learn how to say Good Morning (hint: we just did!), Good Afternoon, and Good Evening in Spanish. In order to say "Good Morning," you'd say: Buenos Dias
In order to say "Good Afternoon," you'd say: "Buenas Tardes"
In order to say "Good Evening," you'd say: "Buenas Noches"
The one thing to pay attention to is the ending on the "Buenos," the "good" part. In the morning, it ends with an "-os," as the term is masculine.
In the afternoon and evening, it ends in "-as", as the term is feminine.
This is one of the most common errors I see people trying to learn Spanish make when they are trying to greet people in Mexico.
Enjoy this m-episode. Let’s get started. Empezamos. ---- If you want to read the transcripts of this episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 1.3 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. ¿Ready to learn Spanish? In this m-episode, we’re going to go over some basic language and cultural notes for the Spanish language.
When you’re learning another language, one of the most important things to understand is that it’s not just about learning the words and vocabulary. I know this from personal experience when I was learning Spanish — it’s about learning about the culture.
There are certain things that make sense to English speakers that aren’t done in the same way when you’re speaking Spanish. An anecdotal story for me is that when I was first learning Spanish in Mexico, I would attempt to tell jokes. Even when I knew the words for the jokes, the jokes made absolutely no sense to the Mexicans. While I thought I was being hilarious, I was usually greeted with crickets. Sadly, this hasn’t improved that much 10 years down the road, but I’m still working on it. But that’s why it’s so important to listen to the sections and understand what we say. because that will make this unit and all future units in the Live Lingua Spanish Podcasts make sense.
Enjoy this m-episode. Let’s get started. Empezamos.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 1.2 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
Conversations — the vehicle of language. Being able to properly introduce yourself is akin to hopping into the vehicle.
This audio and text guide will show you how to do just that. This is a conversation between Ms. Laura Ramirez and her husband, Ray, who is an American that speaks a little bit of Spanish (yes, those are really our names!)
They’re meeting with someone called Miguel Gomez, and this episode is an introduction when they first meet. Then, the same conversation in Spanish. Don’t worry if you can’t understand it yet.
We will break it down and practice it.
Enjoy this m-episode.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 1.1 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
Welcome to the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast!
This unit is made up of 15 episodes that take from 1 to 5 minutes.
That way, you can go back and review the parts that you’ve missed without having to go through a whole 45-minute class.
The goal of Unit 1 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast is to learn how to introduce yourself and others in Spanish.
In this unit of the podcast, you’ll learn how to greet others, respond to others when they greet you, introduce yourself and others, and respond when others introduce themselves to you.
This episode introduces the podcast and its format, and will get you prepared for Unit 1, where you will learn how to introduce yourself and others in Spanish.
After listening to the episode, click here for free practice exercises.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 10.13 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode is a quick recap of Unit 10 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. It offers a congratulations on your hard work so far in learning Spanish.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 10.12 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This m-episode is a visualization practice that picks up where the visualization practice of Unit 9 leaves off.
It continues the dining experience through ordering your meal.
You may find it helpful to play both visualization practices back to back, just for practice.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 10.11 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
In this m-episode, you will listen again to the first conversation you heard. You should now be able to understand it.
If there are any parts you are still not clear about, just replay this m-episode and the prior m-episodes in Unit 10.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 10.10 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode brings everything you have learned in the past few episodes together. Listen to the material in English and say it in Spanish.
The first run through we won’t give you the Spanish answer to give you time to say it yourself.
Then we’ll go through it again and say the English with the Spanish answer.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 10.9 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This m-episode moves on to the good stuff -- how to order a meal in Spanish.
When a waiter is ready to take your order, they will typically say something like, ¿Qué van a pedir señores? In this episode you'll learn how to reply.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 10.8 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This one is for those with dietary restrictions and their travel companions.
One of the difficulties when traveling to a foreign country, if you have dietary restrictions or food allergies, is finding food to eat.
In this m-episode we’ll practice asking if a dish has a specific ingredient.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 10.7 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
One of the difficulties when traveling to a foreign country, if you have dietary restrictions or food allergies, is finding food to eat.
In this m-episode we’ll practice asking if a dish has a specific ingredient.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 10.6 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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If you are traveling to a place you have never been before, you may run into dishes you don’t know. In these cases you may want to ask what is in the dish.
You'll learn how to do that in this m-episode, including uncommon ingredients.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 10.5 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
If you are going to order steak in Latin America they will probably ask you how well you would like it cooked.
This m-episode will teach you how to order your steak just how you like it, and know what to expect when the order is taken.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 10.4 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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While the variety of food you can try when traveling around Latin America and Mexico is almost limitless, there are some dishes that you can see almost everywhere.
You'll learn about these, and how to order them, in this m-episode.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 10.3 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode covers the cultural notes surrounding dining in Latin American countries.
You'll learn about common dining times and customs, and things to avoid when eating out, along with tips to have the best experience possible.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 10.2 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
The best way to get familiar with how to dine at a Latin American restaurant is to dive into conversation.
You'll do just that in this m-episode, a conversation between Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs and a waiter at a restaurant.
They are seated at a table and order their meal.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 10.1 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
Welcome to Unit 10 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
In this unit you will learn how to ask for the menu, understand when the waiter asks what you want to order, ask what are certain dishes, and order your meal.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 9.11 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode is a quick recap of Unit 9 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
It offers a congratulations on your hard work so far in learning Spanish.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 9.10 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode is a visualization practice that will help you imagine yourself dining at a restaurant in a Latin American country -- can you successfully ask for a table, peruse the menu, and order drinks?
You should be able to, after reviewing the episodes in this Unit.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 9.9 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
In this m-episode, you will listen again to the first conversation you heard at the beginning of Unit 9. You should now be able to understand it.
If there are any parts you are still not clear about, just replay this episode.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 9.8 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode brings together everything you have learned so far about dining in a restaurant in Latin America.
We'll form more of a realistic situation with entering, asking for a table, and ordering drinks, all in the Spanish language.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 9.7 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
Now let's learn how to say "no" when a waiter asks you if you would like something to drink.
If you don’t want to order anything to drink then you would use the phrase: No, no voy a tomar nada.If you are answering for two or more people you would say: No, no vamos a tomar nada.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 9.6 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
In this m-episode you will learn how to order drinks in Spanish at a restaurant in Latin America.
When ordering a drink you would use the phrase: Tráigame un X por favor” -> “Please bring me a X," Where the X is the drink that you want.
Remember that to change the gender of the word “un” (a) based on the gender of the drink.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 9.5 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
In this m-episode you will learn about the types of drinks at a restaurant in Spanish.
There are many different types of drinks in Latin America.
You can find the common ones found around the word along with types that are unique to the region.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 9.4 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
When you enter a restaurant, one of the first things you will be asked is how many people are in your party.
To answer the phrase you would use say the following: A table for X people please -> Una mesa para X personas, por favor.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 9.3 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode covers common cultural notes related to dining at restaurants in Latin American countries.
You'll learn how to address the waitstaff, how to phrase common orders, and more that will make your dining experience easier.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 9.2 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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Here you will experience a common restaurant situation in Spanish.
This is a conversation between Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs and a waiter at a restaurant.
They have just arrived and ask for a table and give their drink order.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 9.1 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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Welcome to Unit 9 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
In this unit you will learn how to ask for a table based on your party size, understand the waiter when they ask you what you want to drink., and how to order drinks.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 8.15 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This m-episode is a quick recap of Unit 8 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
It offers a congratulations on your hard work so far in learning Spanish.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 8.14 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This is a visualization practice that helps you imagine you are in a Latin American department store.
You want to try on some clothing, but first you need to ask for it based on item description, its color, its size, and other factors. Practice in this m-episode.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 8.13 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This m-episode reviews the conversation you heard in Unit 8.1 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
By now, you should be able to understand the entire conversation, and be able to make slight modifications to apply it to your personal shopping experience.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 8.12 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This m-episode puts together everything you've learned about trying on items in a department store, asking for them based on specific sizes, colors, and other requests, and how to tell someone whether or not it fits.
If you haven't grasped anything in this m-episode, go back and review the rest of this Unit.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 8.11 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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So you tried on the item and now you want to let the clerk know how well it fit.
First you would tell them if it even fits or not, before asking to try on another item of clothing or purchase the item you've tried on.
You'll learn how to do these things in this m-episode.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 8.10 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This m-episode teaches you how to ask to try on an item in Spanish.
If you like an item but want to try it on, there are two ways to ask.
You can do it by specifically naming the item or you can refer to the item as “it”, just like in English.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 8.9 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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You'll learn how to ask for specific items in the right size for you (or someone else) in this m-episode.
Like the rest of the world, in Latin America the item size can be described in two ways.
A general size such as small, medium and large and a specific size like size 6 or size 10.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 8.8 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This m-episode brings together all you have learned in the last four m-episodes. Say the following in Spanish.
The first time through we will only say the English version so you have time to say it in Spanish.
The second time through we’ll say it in Spanish and English so you can see if you got it right.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 8.7 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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Sometimes you need to buy items for people other than yourself. Let’s practice telling the clerk who you are buying the items for.
This m-episode teaches you just that. It may be helpful to review Unit 1.10 of the podcast if you struggle to remember how to say each family member.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 8.6 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This m-episode builds on the previous two episodes. You'll learn how to ask for specific items in specific colors, properly.
The m-episode covers common differences between English and Spanish, such as that in Spanish, the color goes after the item, no before, like in English.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 8.5 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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Welcome to Unit 8 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
You'll learn how to say the names of many common items found in department stores in this m-episode.
There is some overlap in items found in a department store and those we went over in Unit 7, so please feel free to review that episode if you need to brush up on them.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 8.4 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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Welcome to Unit 8 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
This m-episode is a basic introduction to the common colors in Spanish.
You'll learn how to apply them to shopping in a department store, and how to ask for certain clothing items in a specific color of your choice.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 8.3 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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You will learn how to ask whether or not you can pay with a credit card, for example, and other common phrases necessary for a successful excursion.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 8.2 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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Welcome to Unit 8 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
This m-episode is an introduction to shopping in a department store.
You'll hear a common conversation that might take place between two people in the store.
Don't worry if you don't understand it all yet -- we'll get to that and by the end of this unit, you will be shopping like a pro.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 8.1 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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Welcome to Unit 8 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
In this unit you will learn how to shop in a department store, and we'll also cover basic vocab for shopping and lifestyle excursions such as colors in Spanish, sizing of clothes, and how to ask to try on an item.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 7.14 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode is a quick recap of Unit 7 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. It offers a congratulations on your hard work so far in learning Spanish.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 7.13 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This is a visualization practice that helps you imagine you are in a Latin American market.
You come across one or more souvenirs you want to buy, and decide that the price is too high.
So, you negotiate that price down successfully, and come away with your souvenirs.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 7.12 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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What happens when the conversation flows back and forth during a market negotiation?
After practicing through this m-episode you will be able to successfully negotiate your way through a negotiation in a Latin American marketplace.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 7.11 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This m-episode brings together everything you have learned about negotiating for souvenirs in Latin American markets.
By now, you should have the terms and sentence structure down to go to a market and come away with the things you want to buy.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 7.10 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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Here is your chance to practice. We're going to put you into a (hypothetical) situation in this exercise.
The seller is going to give you a price for an item that you would like to buy. It costs too much -- and you should ask for a price 100 pesos less than the one offered.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 7.9 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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Now we're going to actually give you the skills (and the terms behind those skills) to negotiate like an expertienced market shopper in Latin America.
If an item is more expensive than it should be, this episode will teach you how to talk it down to a more appropriate price.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 7.8 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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The third part of our "negotiating" series will make you a master negotiator at Latin American markets (after a bit of practice, of course).
The final thing we need to add, building on the last two m-episodes, is asking for multiple items, or items that are plural by nature (like shoes or earrings).
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 7.7 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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Here we are going to build on what you learned in the past m-episode to boost your negotiating skills even further.
In the previous episode you learned how to ask “How much for this?”
Now, we are going to learn how to ask for an item that is farther away from you by asking “How much for that?”
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 7.6 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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Like all things in Spanish, the gender used when negotiating is very important.
After listening to this m-episode. you will know how to ask how much something costs, while referring to it in the correct gender so as to show proper respect and knowledge of your subject.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 7.5 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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When you are interested in buying something, you may also be interested in what the product is made of.
The most commonplace situation where this can apply is with jewelry.
This m-episode will teach you how to ask what something is made of, and how to understand the answer.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 7.4 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This m-episode is all about vocabulary. You'll learn the Spanish words for many common items that you'd shop for at a market, like souvenirs, plates, dolls, and more.
In the accompanying blog post, there are matching exercises to help you memorize each of the items.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 7.3 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This m-episode is an overview of cultural notes to be aware of before going to a market in Latin American countries.
It also covers things to be aware of, how to avoid paying more than you should, and common words and phrases that you'll hear along the way.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 7.2 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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Welcome to Unit 7 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
This m-episode is a conversation between Mr. Jacobs and a seller in a souvenir shop. You will hear the basics of a negotiation in Spanish.
Mrs. Jacobs asks about the cost and material used in some of the souvenirs and tries to negotiate a lower price.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 7.1 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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Welcome to Unit 7 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
In this unit you will learn how to ask for some common souvenir items by name, understand what material an item is made from, and negotiate a lower price.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 6.9 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode is a quick recap of Unit 6 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. It offers a congratulations on your hard work so far in learning Spanish.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 6.8 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This m-episode is a visualization exercise of what you've learned in Unit 6 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. Imagine you are in Latin American market.
Try to visualize these three scenarios and picture how the conversation would go.
If you're in a place that allows it, try to have this conversation out loud.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 6.7 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This m-episode reviews the conversation that you heard at the beginning of this unit, and helps to bring it together into a complete conversation.
You should now be able to understand all of it.
If there's parts of it that still aren't clear, just review the episodes in this unit as many times as you need.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 6.6 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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In this m-episode we’ll learn how to ask for a specific number of a product.
You'll learn how to use a complete sentence to put in your order, and learn what to expect in return from the seller at a market in Latin America.
If you need to refresh your Spanish numbers, please review Units 2.5 and 5.4 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 6.5.2 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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In this m-episode we’ll learn how to ask for a specific weight of a product.
You'll learn how to ask for and understand these weights using the Metric system, the primary unit of measurement used in Latin America.
If you need to refresh your Spanish numbers, feel free to review episodes 2.5 and 5.4.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 6.5.1 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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Here, you will practice using the vocabulary you learned in the last m-episode and make it practical to use.
After hearing the word for a product in English, you'll learn to translate it into Spanish and add the phrase "¿cuánto cuesta un kilo de x?" in the front of it.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 6.4 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This m-episode covers some basic products in the market. We're going to say them in English and in Spanish so just repeat them both out loud until you memorize them.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 6.3 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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In this m-episode you'll learn the cultural notes necessary for a proper trip to the market.
Most countries in Latin America measure things in the metric system.
This means they use kilometers and meters when measuring distance, and kilograms and grams when measuring weight.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 6.2 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This m-episode is a conversation between Laura Ramirez and a seller at a market. Miss. Ramirez is buying her weekly groceries.
Don't worry if you can't understand it yet, we'll break it down and practice it in the episodes of this unit.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 6.1 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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In this unit we are going to teach you how to:
Ask for specific produce and meat products in a market.
Ask the price for a specific amount – in kilograms – for each product, confirm you want to purchase the product, and pay the amount requested for the product.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.5-11 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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Congratulations. You have made it to the end of Unit 5.5 of the Live Lingua Spanish podcast, brought to you by You should now be able to:
If you are not confident with this yet, repeat this episode as many times as you need.
If you want additional free practice just visit our website,
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.5-15 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This m-episode places you in three common scenarios you will face when taking a taxi or an Uber in Latin American countries.
See if you can converse your way through them. If not, review the earlier m-episodes in this unit until you can.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.5-14 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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Let's listen again to the first conversation you heard. You should now be able to understand it.
If there are any parts you don't understand, go back to those m-episodes and repeat.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.5-13 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This m-episode brings together everything you have learned so far in Unit 5.5 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
We'll give you phrases in English, and you translate them in Spanish.
The second time through, we'll give you the answer after we're done so you can make sure you got it right.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.5-12 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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To finish off your initial conversation with a taxi driver, let’s let the driver know how many pieces of luggage you have. This m-episode will teach you how to do so.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.5-11 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This m-episode is designed to help you learn how to negotiate a lower price for your taxi rides.
You could also negotiate a higher price, if you so desired, but who are we kidding?
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.5-10 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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Now let’s practice what you've learned about distance, but put everything into full sentences.
When asking how near or far a location is, you can use the word "Queda."
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.5-9 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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Now that you know how to ask your driver how to get to a location, let’s learn how to ask how far, or close the location is.
This m-episode covers basic vocabulary you can use to ask that, and to understand when they answer you.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.5-8 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
Let's learn how to tell a driver where you want to go. In Spanish, when you are telling somebody you want to go to a place, you use the word: “A”.
We'll explain.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.5-7 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode covers how to answer if someone asks you if you are free at a specific time of the day.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.5-6 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
Now let’s put all of this information about times and dates together to learn how to ask if somebody is free at a certain day and time.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.5-5 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode is all about time. If you want to talk about a certain time of the day or week, such as the afternoon or this weekend, here are the phases you would use.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.5.4 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This m-episode covers the days of the week in Spanish. This is useful if you want to arrange a taxi or any other event for a future day.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.5.3 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode covers cultural and language notes regarding taking a taxi or a ride-share in Latin American countries.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.5.2 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This m-episode is a conversation between Laura Ramirez and a taxi driver. Mrs. Ramirez is trying to get to her hotel and must negotiate the price.
Don't worry if you don't understand it all yet, we're going to break it down bit by bit in this unit and practice everything.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.5.1 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
Welcome to Unit 5.5 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. This unit covers taking a taxi or an Uber in Latin America.
In this unit you will learn how to: Say the day of the week and time of day, ask a cab driver if they are free, bargain with them over the fare, and understand if they ask if you have any luggage.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.14 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode is a quick recap of Unit 5 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. It offers a congratulations on your hard work so far in learning Spanish.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.13 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
In this m-episode, you have the chance to work through a visualization practice to help you learn how to purchase bus, train, and airplane tickets, how to ask when a bus, train, or plain arrives, and how to ask when one will depart.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.12 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode revisits the conversation that you heard in Unit 5.1 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
By now, you should be able to understand everything that is said -- if not, go back and review some of the previous episodes until you have it down.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.11 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode puts together everything you've learned in this unit and the previous units of the LiveLingua Spanish Podcast.
You'll practice with complete sentences, and work on comprehending common responses you may receive to questions.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.10 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode covers how to ask what time a train, bus, or airplane arrives at its destination, and how to understand the reply that you will receive.
In Spanish, ask "when does x arrive?", where "x" is the vehicle, you just have to say "¿a qué hora llega "x"?
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.9 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode covers how to ask what time a train, bus, or airplane arrives at its destination, and how to understand the reply that you will receive.
In Spanish, ask "when does x arrive?", where "x" is the vehicle, you just have to say "¿a qué hora llega "x"?
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.8 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode covers how to ask what time a train, bus, or airplane departs from the terminal, and how to understand the reply that you will receive.
In Spanish you ask "when does x leave for y?", where "x" is the vehicle (bus, plain, train) and "y" is the location you want to go to.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.7 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
Now that you know how to say and understand the hours, let’s focus a bit on the minutes. In Spanish, you can say the minutes after the hours, just like in English.
This m-episode covers how to do that, and how to say the information in a sentence.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.6 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
Now let’s combine the numbers you learned in the previous m-episode so you can tell the time.
When telling time in Spanish all you need to do is start the sentence with “Son las” and add the number, unless it is 1:00, where you would say '"Es La."
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.5 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This episode brings together all of the information you have learned in the previous four episodes of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast, and helps you learn how to memorize it and use the skills in daily conversation while in a Latin American country.
You’re going to be a master of numbers in Spanish!
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.4 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
Here you'll learn a basic formula for saying and reading all Spanish numbers between 10 and 999,999.
You'll also gain basic information on how to tell time in Spanish, using the numbers we cover in this episode. M-episode 2.5 may be a helpful preview.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.3 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
In this m-episode you will learn how to understand information about public transportation in Latin American countries.
For example, we'll cover what someone will reply when you ask them what time a bus leaves, and how to ask about the price of a ticket.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.2 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode is an introductory lesson on how to buy a bus ticket at a terminal or station in Latin America, speaking in Spanish.
You'll hear a conversation between a purchaser and seller, and learn the basics of how to talk through the transaction.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.1 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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Welcome to Unit 5 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
If you’re going to be traveling between cities in Spain or Latin America, chances are you’re going to be using some kind of public transportation, whether it be buses, trains or planes. In this unit, we’re going to work through some conversations on how to buy tickets for public transportation.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 4.10 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode is a quick recap of Unit 4 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
It offers a congratulations on your hard work so far in learning Spanish.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 4.9 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
In this m-episode, you have the chance to work through a visualization practice to help you learn how to ask for directions in Spanish, and how to locate common tourist sites in Latin American countries such as hotels, restaurants, the bus station, and the airport.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 4.8 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode walks you again through the first conversation you heard at the beginning of Unit 4.
You should now be able to understand all of the conversation on how to ask for directions in Spanish.
If there's are any part that's still not clear, feel free to review this unit as many times as you need.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 4.7 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
If you're asking for directions in Spanish, there's generally two things that can happen after they're given to you.
You can either say "thank you" and be on your way, or you can ask for a clarification.
This m-episode walks you through both situations. Listen and repeat the following phrases in English and in Spanish.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 4.6.2 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode brings together all of the information you have learned so far in Unit 4 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
We review asking for directions in Spanish, and how to locate common sites that tourists visit in Latin American countries.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 4.6.1 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode covers basic words people use to give directions.
Knowing this vocabulary is critical, not only if you want to give directions, but actually, if you want to understand what people in Spanish speaking countries say when they give you the answer to the question ¿Dónde está? that you learned in the previous episode.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 4.5 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
After learning the vocabulary in the last episode for some common locations in Spanish, this m-episode puts it into a complete sentence.
You'll learn how to specifically ask where something is, in the Spanish language.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 4.4 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode walks you through the vocabulary for some common locations you would need to get to when you're traveling in Latin America.
You'll learn about asking for directions to places like airports, bus stations, hotels, restaurants, and more common tourist sites.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 4.3 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode covers cultural notes regarding directions, as specific to Latin American countries.
You'll learn how to understand key differences and nuances between asking for directions in English and asking for directions in Spanish.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 4.2 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode is a short conversation about how to ask for directions in Latin American countries.
You may not understand all of it yet, but after working through Unit 4 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast, you will be able to ask for, and understand, directions in Spanish.
Let’s get started!
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 4.1 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
If you’re traveling to a Spanish-speaking country, or if you’re traveling anywhere, you probably need to ask for directions.
This m-episode is an introduction to the topic, and covers basic information on getting around in Latin American countries.
Let’s get started!
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 3.17 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode summarizes everything you have learned in Unit 2 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast, and offer a congratulations on your hard work so far in learning Spanish.
Let’s get started!
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:…-congratulations/
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 3.16 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
Let's make sure you are comfortable in a situation where you have to speak about your work and family.
This is a visualization exercise that will help you become comfortable talking about these two very common conversation pieces, in Spanish.
Let’s get started!
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:…-work-and-family/
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 3.15 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode contains a thorough conversation about work and family in the Spanish language.
You should be able to understand what is being said, and be able to apply the questions and answers to your own personal situations regarding employment and family.
Let’s get started!
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:…-work-and-family/
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 3.14 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode is a review of how to talk about work and family in Spanish.
We'll revisit the information we've covered in Unit 3 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast, and give you some exercises to practice what you've learned in common situations.
Let’s get started!
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:…-work-and-family/
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 3.13 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
Like in English, and many other languages, there are many ways to say “goodbye” in Spanish. Here are a few of them you can use in most situations.
We'll cover the most common ways to say goodbye, and explain the situations in which you'd want to use each one.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 3.12 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
Now that you know how to ask someone where they live, let’s practice answering people when they ask where you live.
The answer can be as general as a country, or as specific as a street.
After practicing this m-episode, you will be able to tell someone where you live.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 3.11 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
When asking someone where they live, the correct question based on the number of people and whether the situation is formal or informal.
This m-episode will teach you how to ask, and the cultural notes associated with the question.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 3.10 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode brings together everything you have learned so far in Unit 3 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
You'll be able to practice asking and answering what you do for work, and how many kids you have, and will know the cultural notes to accompany the questions
Let’s get started!
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:…ou-have-children/
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 3.9 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
Once someone knows that you have children, they will likely ask whether they are boys or girls.
This m-episode teaches you how to answer that, including what to do if you have multiple children who are of different genders.
Let’s get started!
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:…of-your-children/
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 3.8 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode will teach you how to answer when someone asks you about how many kids you have.
For this you will need to remember the numbers from 1-10 you learned in Episode 2.5, which you can skip back to review if necessary.
Let’s get started!
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:…dren-do-you-have/
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 3.7 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
Like most circumstances in Spanish the way you ask if somebody has children depends on the number of people you are speaking to and whether you are in a formal or informal setting.
This m-episode covers both situations.
Let’s get started!
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:…-formal-informal/
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 3.6 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
When you ask somebody what they do for a living, there is a small variation on the way you ask the question depending on whether you are being formal or informal.
It also varies depending on whether you are talking to an individual or to a group. We cover both in this m-episode.
Let’s get started!
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:…rmal-vs-informal/
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 3.5 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode teaches you how to explain what you do for work in Spanish. If someone asks your profession, you could give a one-word answer as we did in the previous m-episode.
But in general, it would sound more professional if you could actually speak in full sentences. In this m-episode, we'll learn how to do that.
Let’s get started!
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:…omplete-sentence/
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 3.4 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode teaches you how to say some basic professions in Spanish.
Of course, this is not an exhaustive list and you may need to look up how to say your profession. Some can be pretty complicated!
Let’s get started!
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 3.3 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
In Latin America it is actually unusual for somebody to ask what you do when you first meet.
The first question you get is usually about your family -- it will more likely be about whether you are married or have children.
This m-episode covers work and family cultural notes.
Let’s get started!
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:…d-cultural-notes/
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 3.2 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode is a basic overview of how to talk about work and family in Spanish. It is a conversation between Mrs. Laura Ramirez & Michael Smith.
They have just met and are getting to know each other.
Let’s get started!
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 3.1 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode is an introduction to Unit 3 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. In this unit, you will learn how to -- Talk about your family, explain what you do for work, ask people about their employment, and say goodbye and end conversations.
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 2.22 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
Here we summarize everything you have learned in Unit 2 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast, and offer a congratulations on your hard work so far in learning Spanish.
Enjoy this m-episode.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 2.21 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode is a visualization practice, which covers everything you have learned in Unit 2.
We review the conversations and information and provide visual exercises for you to do to make sure you have memorized it all.
Enjoy this m-episode.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 2.20 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode reviews the first conversation we covered in Unit 2 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
By now, you should be able to understand the conversation and answer the questions for yourself! If not, time to review the previous episodes to get caught up.
Enjoy this m-episode.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 2.19 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This episode brings together what you've learned in the last few episodes to talk about where you live.
Using what you learned in this unit, translate common English sentences about where you live and what the weather is like there.
Enjoy this m-episode.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 2.18 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This episode covers how to tell someone where you are from.
We'll give you examples both for yourself, and for a group (in case you are traveling with friends or family, and need to answer for everyone).
If you are answering just for yourself you would say: “Soy de”
If you are answering for a group you would say:
“Somos de”
Enjoy this m-episode.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 2.17 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
There are three ways to ask someone in Latin America where they are from.
There are two ways to ask an individual -- a formal and informal way., and one way to ask a group. This m-episode covers all three situations and tells you how to ask where people are from.
For somebody you know well you would ask: “¿De donde eres?”
For somebody you don’t know well you would ask:
“¿De donde es?”
Enjoy this m-episode.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 2.16 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode uses what you learned in the previous exercises in this unit to translate the following English phrases into Spanish.
By the end of this, you should be able to answer a basic question about the weather in the place where you are from.
Enjoy this m-episode.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 2.15 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
In this m-episode, we're going to ask you about the weather where you live, and you will learn how to answer the question for yourself and for a group.
We'll cover basic yes or no questions about the weather that people commonly ask about your hometown when they meet you.
If someone asked, "¿Hace calor en San Francisco?"
You would answer, "No hace calor en San Francisco."
By the end of the episode, you'll be able to answer whether or not it is hot in your city, among other things.
Enjoy this m-episode.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 2.14 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
In this m-episode, we're going to learn how to tell the difference between a question and a statement in Spanish.
To ask somebody about whether it is hot or cold in a certain place you use the same phrase as you would if you were simply telling them the information.
This episode covers how to do just that, explaining how to emphasize a question differently than a normal sentence.
The emphasis happens vocally, so be sure to pay special attention to the way the sentences in this m-episode are pronounced.
Once you grasp where to place the emphasis, you won't have any problems knowing the difference.
Enjoy this m-episode.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 2.13 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode covers how to describe the weather in the place where you live.
This is a key way to note whether or not you like this place, and this episode covers basic conversation about the weather and how to answer people's questions about it.
Enjoy this m-episode.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 2.12 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
In this m-episode you will say some phrases using the material you've learned in the last few episodes.
The first time, we'll only say it in English to see if you can answer in Spanish yourself. The second time through, we'll say it in English and Spanish.
Using what you learned in the previous two exercises translate the following English phrases into Spanish.
Enjoy this m-episode.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 2.11 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
In this m-episode, we're going to cover how to talk about whether or not you like where you live, and how to answer that question both individually and for a group.
You'll work through exercises and examples.
Enjoy this m-episode.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 2.10 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
When asking if someone likes a country they are in, the way you ask varies slightly depending on whether you are asking an individual or a group of people.
For an individual, you say, "Le gusta . . ." This means "Do you like."
For a group, you would say, "Les gusta . . . " This m-episode walks you through each, with more examples.
Enjoy this m-episode.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 2.9 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
Here, we bring together everything we've learned in Unit 2 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast so far.
You'll practice talking about where you live, using basic numbers and days, weeks, or months to describe.
Enjoy this m-episode.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 2.8 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
In this m-episode we will make sure you have grasped what we've learned in this unit so far.
In this episode, we'll see how well you can answer questions about how long you've lived somewhere -- on the fly! We'll provide a time frame -- say, four months -- and you add "He vivido en Mexico" in front of it.
In order to say, "I have lived in Mexico for two months," you'd say:
He vivido en Mexico por dos meses.
Enjoy this m-episode.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 1.4 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode brings together the previous few. You'll learn how to tell people how long you've lived in a certain place, and how to understand how long they have lived where they live now.
We'll practice in a few different situations, and encourage you to review how to tell someone how long you've lived somewhere in the corresponding blog post.
Enjoy this m-episode.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 2.6 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
In this episode, you will learn how to say the word "day(s)," week(s)," and month(s)," and similar terms in Spanish.
This is really important if you want to tell someone how long you've been somewhere, how long you're going to be somewhere, or find out how long other people have been in those locations.
For example, to say "day" or "days" in Spanish, you'd say: día(s).
To say "week" or "weeks", you'd say: semana(s).
To say "month", you'd say: mes
But to say "months", you'd say: meses
We'll cover more in the m-episode.
Enjoy this m-episode.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 2.5 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
Learning numbers in Spanish is probably one of the most valuable things you can do.
This is true whether you're just visiting a country and want to negotiate, or whether you're planning on living there long-term. In this m-episode we're going to learn the numbers 1 through 10.
You'll be counting to ten in Spanish in tres, dos, uno . . .
Enjoy this m-episode.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 2.4 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
Let's learn how to ask someone how long they have lived somewhere.
In this m-episode, we're going to give you a location and all you have to do is repeat it out loud by adding the words "Cuanto tiempo a vivido en . . . " to the beginning of each sentence.
For example, I have lived in Querétaro for ten years. So, I would say:
He vivido en Querétaro por diez años.
Enjoy this m-episode.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 2.3 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
To understand a conversation in Spanish, you need to understand not only the language but also the culture.
In this m-episode, we talk about the language and cultural notes that came up in the conversation you heard in the previous m-episode.
Enjoy this m-episode.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 2.2 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
In this m-episode, we take a look at a basic conversation in Spanish, in which two people discuss a location. That location is Boston, where a Mr. Michael Smith is from.
This is a conversation between Mrs. Laura Ramirez & Michael Smith. Mr. Smith has recently moved to Mexico.
Enjoy this m-episode.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 2.1 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode welcomes you to Unit 2 of the Live Lingua Spanish podcast.
In this unit, you're going to learn how to reply when people ask where you live, count from 1 to 10 in Spanish, talk about how long you've lived somewhere, and how much you like (or don't like) living there.
Enjoy this m-episode.
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You have made it to the end of Unit 1 of the Live Lingua Spanish podcast, brought to you by Live Lingua.
You should now be able to:
If you are not confident with this yet, repeat this episode as many times as you need. If you want additional free practice just visit our website
In the next unit, you will learn how to share basic information about where you are from and ask the same information of others you meet.
Enjoy this m-episode. Let’s get started. Empezamos.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 1.14 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
In this m-episode, we are going to do visualization practice of introductions and greetings in Spanish to help you cement what you have learned in this unit.
One of the best ways to practice Spanish is to visualize it. This is why you see boxers doing a visualization of their practice and shadowboxing.
We’re going to try the equivalent in language learning. We’re going to give you three scenarios.
During this m-episode your eyes (as long as you’re not driving, of course) and imagine you’re in the scenarios.
You’ll say something in Spanish based on what we’ve learned in this unit.
Try to imagine the conversation in your head — either be the person who is asking the questions or answering them. Let’s see if you can do it!
Enjoy this m-episode.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 1.13 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
This is a m-episode will review what we’ve learned in Unit 1 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
If you’ve listened to all of the other episodes of in this unit until now and have practiced the exercises, you should be able to get through every word of it now – even if you weren’t able to when you started this course!
If you listen to it and there’s a part you still don’t understand, go back and listen to that episode and try again.
Enjoy this m-episode.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 1.12 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
Let’s bring together how to do introduction is Spanish everything you’ve learned in Unit 1 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
You learned how to say “Good Morning,” “Good Afternoon,” “Good Evening.”
You also learned people’s titles, and how to introduce the people in your family. Now, we’re going to give you a few phrases — in English — combing all of these.
What I need you to do is to say them in Spanish!
The first time we’re going to give you only the English.
The second time, we’re going to say it in Spanish (after a short break) to give you the answer.
Enjoy this m-episode.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 1.11 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
Let’s practice introducing your family members in Spanish. To introduce others we will use the phrase ‘le presento’ which means ‘may I introduce you to’.
This is followed by my ‘mi’ if you are introducing a family member since you are implying a relationship with you.
Le presento a mi esposo -> May I introduce you to my husband. If you are introducing a person by their first name, without including their title, you add an ‘a’ before the name:
Le presento a Ray Blakney -> May I introduce you to Ray Blakney.
If you are introducing a person with their title you add either an ‘a la’ if they are female or ‘al’, spelled ‘A-L’ if they are male. That is just a contraction of ‘a el’.
Le presento a la doctora Sánchez -> May I introduce you to Dr. Sánchez.
Now, repeat all the following phrases out loud, but add the word ‘le presento’ at the beginning of each one. Example:
A mi hijo -> Le presento a mi hijo.
Enjoy this m-episode. Let’s get started. Empezamos.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 1.10 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
For better or worse, we may actually have to introduce members of our family to the people we meet in Latin America or in Spain — this may be more embarrassing for some than for others!
So in this episode, we’re going to teach you the basic vocabulary words for family members in Spanish you need to do so.
Say them out loud, both in English and Spanish — we promise, it will help you memorize the terms. Without further ado, let’s get started with the practice.
Enjoy this m-episode. Let’s get started. Empezamos.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 1.9 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
In this section, we’re going to learn how to say “How are you?” in Spanish in different circumstances.
Now, this might sound simple — but in Spanish, we have both formal and informal, and to add another twist in there, it’s even more complicated when talking to a group of people.
Asking “How are you guys?” or “How are you girls?” has it’s own way of being said in Spanish. If you’re going to ask one person how they are doing, you’d say “¿Cómo está?”
That’s formal, but you could make it more formal by saying “¿Cómo está usted? You don’t have to add the pronoun, but you can. In an informal setting among friends, you would say “¿Cómo estás?”
If we’re talking plural, whether three people or a million people, you would say “¿Cómo están?” With the pronoun, that would be, “¿Cómo están ustedes?”
Notice that we don’t actually have gender differences here, which makes it a little easier. We don’t have to worry about Mr. and Mrs. when we’re asking this.
In this section we practice saying “How are you?” in the formal singular ‘usted’ or informal ‘tú’ form as well as the plural ‘ustedes’ form.
Note that in most of Latin America there is no different formal and informal for the plural.
Enjoy this m-episode.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 1.8 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
Now that you’ve learned how to say good morning, good afternoon, and good evening in Spanish, as well as addressing the people you’re talking to, let’s move on to the next step and learn how to how to introduce yourself in Spanish!
When you introduce yourself, the only phrase you really need to know is “Yo soy” – “I am.”
You put this phrase in front of your name and you’ve done it! "Yo soy Ray Blakney" — "I am Ray Blakney". In this example, we’ll pretend you are introducing yourself.
To make it more complicated, replace the names we give you with your own name so that you can practice using the phrase as you will in a Spanish speaking country.
Practice introducing yourself at the phrase “yo soy” (I am) to the front of each Spanish phrase.
El señor Jack Smith -> Yo soy el Señor Jack Smith.
La doctora Jane Sánchez -> Yo soy la doctora Jane Sánchez.
Enjoy this m-episode. Let’s get started. Empezamos.
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 1.7 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
In this episode, we’re going to practice the Spanish greetings and honorifics you learned in the past episodes.
We’re going to do this by giving you the time of day and the subject of the conversation. Perhaps “married female” or “Dr. Ramirez.”
From that, we’re going to ask you to come up with the correct greeting for this person.
Morning – Married female -> Buenos días, señora.
Afternoon – Doctor Ramírez -> Buenas tardes, doctor Ramírez (where it is implied that Dr. Ramírez is a man).
When you hear the time of day and title of the person in English, create the greeting in Spanish. The first time through, we will only say the question so you can come up with the answer.
Then we will go through the questions a second time and include the correct answer in Spanish. Do try it the first time through yourself — you don’t want to just blindly repeat what we say!
Enjoy this m-episode. Let’s get started. Empezamos.
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:
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¡Hola! Welcome to episode 1.6 of the Live Lingua Spanish Spanish Podcast.
What we’re going to do in this section is bring it all together! We’re going to combine what you’ve learned in the past few episodes about Spanish greetings and honorifics.
In this m-episode we are going to practice a little bit. When you hear a phrase in Spanish, we want you to translate it into English.
Say it out loud if you can, because that’s one of the best ways to learn. Here are some examples: If we say, “Buenos Dias, Señor Smith.” You would say, “Good morning, Mr. Smith.”
If we say, “Buenas Noches, Licienciada Sanchez.” That translates to, “Good evening, Mrs. Sanchez,” but we’re also implying that Mrs. Sanchez has a Bachelor of Arts Degree.
Is that clear? Don’t worry if not, because we’re going to go through all of this and our exercises are pretty much the same — and you can repeat this episode as many times as you need.
Enjoy this m-episode. Let’s get started. Empezamos.
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¡Hola! Welcome to episode 1.5 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
In this m-episode, we are going to learn about honorifics in Spanish. I’ll be honest — when I started learning Spanish, I didn’t actually know what an honorific was.
It wasn’t until I started learning another language that I actually learned that that was the word we use for titles — such as Mrs., Mr., and Dr.
In this exercise, we’re going to learn some of these titles.
Side note — In Mexico and the rest of Latin America, they put a lot of emphasis on these titles. It’s very important that you call them Señor, Señora, Señorita.
If you know they have a college degree or a Masters, they even have a title for that — and you’re going to learn this in this episode.
It can be difficult for somebody who is not a native Spanish speaker to pick up on this in the beginning. But really put in the effort — in addition to the titles, you have to remember the gender.
Enjoy the m-episode. Let’s get started. Empecemos.
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¡Hola! Welcome to episode 1.4 of the Live Lingua Spanish Spanish Podcast. In this episode, we're going to learn how to say Good Morning (hint: we just did!), Good Afternoon, and Good Evening in Spanish. In order to say "Good Morning," you'd say: Buenos Dias
In order to say "Good Afternoon," you'd say: "Buenas Tardes"
In order to say "Good Evening," you'd say: "Buenas Noches"
The one thing to pay attention to is the ending on the "Buenos," the "good" part. In the morning, it ends with an "-os," as the term is masculine.
In the afternoon and evening, it ends in "-as", as the term is feminine.
This is one of the most common errors I see people trying to learn Spanish make when they are trying to greet people in Mexico.
Enjoy this m-episode. Let’s get started. Empezamos. ---- If you want to read the transcripts of this episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 1.3 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. ¿Ready to learn Spanish? In this m-episode, we’re going to go over some basic language and cultural notes for the Spanish language.
When you’re learning another language, one of the most important things to understand is that it’s not just about learning the words and vocabulary. I know this from personal experience when I was learning Spanish — it’s about learning about the culture.
There are certain things that make sense to English speakers that aren’t done in the same way when you’re speaking Spanish. An anecdotal story for me is that when I was first learning Spanish in Mexico, I would attempt to tell jokes. Even when I knew the words for the jokes, the jokes made absolutely no sense to the Mexicans. While I thought I was being hilarious, I was usually greeted with crickets. Sadly, this hasn’t improved that much 10 years down the road, but I’m still working on it. But that’s why it’s so important to listen to the sections and understand what we say. because that will make this unit and all future units in the Live Lingua Spanish Podcasts make sense.
Enjoy this m-episode. Let’s get started. Empezamos.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 1.2 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
Conversations — the vehicle of language. Being able to properly introduce yourself is akin to hopping into the vehicle.
This audio and text guide will show you how to do just that. This is a conversation between Ms. Laura Ramirez and her husband, Ray, who is an American that speaks a little bit of Spanish (yes, those are really our names!)
They’re meeting with someone called Miguel Gomez, and this episode is an introduction when they first meet. Then, the same conversation in Spanish. Don’t worry if you can’t understand it yet. We will break it down and practice it.
Enjoy this m-episode.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 1.41of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. ¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This unit is made up of 15 episodes that take from 1 to 5 minutes.
That way, you can go back and review the parts that you’ve missed without having to go through a whole 45-minute class.
The goal of Unit 1 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast is to learn how to introduce yourself and others in Spanish.
In this unit of the podcast, you’ll learn how to greet others, respond to others when they greet you, introduce yourself and others, and respond when others introduce themselves to you.
This episode introduces the podcast and its format, and will get you prepared for Unit 1, where you will learn how to introduce yourself and others in Spanish.
After listening to the episode, click here for free practice exercises.
Enjoy this m-episode. Let’s get started. Empezamos.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 10.13 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode is a quick recap of Unit 10 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. It offers a congratulations on your hard work so far in learning Spanish.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 10.12 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode is a visualization practice that picks up where the visualization practice of Unit 9 leaves off.
It continues the dining experience through ordering your meal.
You may find it helpful to play both visualization practices back to back, just for practice.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 10.11 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
In this m-episode, you will listen again to the first conversation you heard. You should now be able to understand it.
If there are any parts you are still not clear about, just replay this m-episode and the prior m-episodes in Unit 10.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 10.10 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode brings everything you have learned in the past few episodes together. Listen to the material in English and say it in Spanish.
The first run through we won’t give you the Spanish answer to give you time to say it yourself.
Then we’ll go through it again and say the English with the Spanish answer.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 10.9 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode moves on to the good stuff -- how to order a meal in Spanish.
When a waiter is ready to take your order, they will typically say something like, ¿Qué van a pedir señores? In this episode you'll learn how to reply.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 10.8 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This one is for those with dietary restrictions and their travel companions.
One of the difficulties when traveling to a foreign country, if you have dietary restrictions or food allergies, is finding food to eat.
In this m-episode we’ll practice asking if a dish has a specific ingredient.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 10.7 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
One of the difficulties when traveling to a foreign country, if you have dietary restrictions or food allergies, is finding food to eat.
In this m-episode we’ll practice asking if a dish has a specific ingredient.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 10.6 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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If you are traveling to a place you have never been before, you may run into dishes you don’t know. In these cases you may want to ask what is in the dish.
You'll learn how to do that in this m-episode, including uncommon ingredients.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 10.5 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
If you are going to order steak in Latin America they will probably ask you how well you would like it cooked.
This m-episode will teach you how to order your steak just how you like it, and know what to expect when the order is taken.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 10.4 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
While the variety of food you can try when traveling around Latin America and Mexico is almost limitless, there are some dishes that you can see almost everywhere.
You'll learn about these, and how to order them, in this m-episode.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 10.3 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode covers the cultural notes surrounding dining in Latin American countries.
You'll learn about common dining times and customs, and things to avoid when eating out, along with tips to have the best experience possible.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 10.2 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
The best way to get familiar with how to dine at a Latin American restaurant is to dive into conversation.
You'll do just that in this m-episode, a conversation between Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs and a waiter at a restaurant.
They are seated at a table and order their meal.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 10.1 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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Welcome to Unit 10 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
In this unit you will learn how to ask for the menu, understand when the waiter asks what you want to order, ask what are certain dishes, and order your meal.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 9.11 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode is a quick recap of Unit 9 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
It offers a congratulations on your hard work so far in learning Spanish.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 9.10 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode is a visualization practice that will help you imagine yourself dining at a restaurant in a Latin American country -- can you successfully ask for a table, peruse the menu, and order drinks?
You should be able to, after reviewing the episodes in this Unit.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 9.9 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
In this m-episode, you will listen again to the first conversation you heard at the beginning of Unit 9. You should now be able to understand it.
If there are any parts you are still not clear about, just replay this episode.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 9.8 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode brings together everything you have learned so far about dining in a restaurant in Latin America.
We'll form more of a realistic situation with entering, asking for a table, and ordering drinks, all in the Spanish language.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 9.7 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
Now let's learn how to say "no" when a waiter asks you if you would like something to drink.
If you don’t want to order anything to drink then you would use the phrase: No, no voy a tomar nada.If you are answering for two or more people you would say: No, no vamos a tomar nada.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 9.6 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
In this m-episode you will learn how to order drinks in Spanish at a restaurant in Latin America.
When ordering a drink you would use the phrase: Tráigame un X por favor” -> “Please bring me a X," Where the X is the drink that you want.
Remember that to change the gender of the word “un” (a) based on the gender of the drink.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 9.5 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
In this m-episode you will learn about the types of drinks at a restaurant in Spanish.
There are many different types of drinks in Latin America.
You can find the common ones found around the word along with types that are unique to the region.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 9.4 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
When you enter a restaurant, one of the first things you will be asked is how many people are in your party.
To answer the phrase you would use say the following: A table for X people please -> Una mesa para X personas, por favor.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 9.3 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode covers common cultural notes related to dining at restaurants in Latin American countries.
You'll learn how to address the waitstaff, how to phrase common orders, and more that will make your dining experience easier.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 9.2 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
Here you will experience a common restaurant situation in Spanish.
This is a conversation between Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs and a waiter at a restaurant.
They have just arrived and ask for a table and give their drink order.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 9.1 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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Welcome to Unit 9 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
In this unit you will learn how to ask for a table based on your party size, understand the waiter when they ask you what you want to drink., and how to order drinks.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 8.15 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode is a quick recap of Unit 8 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
It offers a congratulations on your hard work so far in learning Spanish.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 8.14 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This is a visualization practice that helps you imagine you are in a Latin American department store.
You want to try on some clothing, but first you need to ask for it based on item description, its color, its size, and other factors. Practice in this m-episode.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 8.13 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode reviews the conversation you heard in Unit 8.1 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
By now, you should be able to understand the entire conversation, and be able to make slight modifications to apply it to your personal shopping experience.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 8.12 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This m-episode puts together everything you've learned about trying on items in a department store, asking for them based on specific sizes, colors, and other requests, and how to tell someone whether or not it fits.
If you haven't grasped anything in this m-episode, go back and review the rest of this Unit.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 8.11 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
So you tried on the item and now you want to let the clerk know how well it fit.
First you would tell them if it even fits or not, before asking to try on another item of clothing or purchase the item you've tried on.
You'll learn how to do these things in this m-episode.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 8.10 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This m-episode teaches you how to ask to try on an item in Spanish.
If you like an item but want to try it on, there are two ways to ask.
You can do it by specifically naming the item or you can refer to the item as “it”, just like in English.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 8.9 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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You'll learn how to ask for specific items in the right size for you (or someone else) in this m-episode.
Like the rest of the world, in Latin America the item size can be described in two ways.
A general size such as small, medium and large and a specific size like size 6 or size 10.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 8.8 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode brings together all you have learned in the last four m-episodes. Say the following in Spanish.
The first time through we will only say the English version so you have time to say it in Spanish.
The second time through we’ll say it in Spanish and English so you can see if you got it right.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 8.7 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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Sometimes you need to buy items for people other than yourself. Let’s practice telling the clerk who you are buying the items for.
This m-episode teaches you just that. It may be helpful to review Unit 1.10 of the podcast if you struggle to remember how to say each family member.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 8.6 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This m-episode builds on the previous two episodes. You'll learn how to ask for specific items in specific colors, properly.
The m-episode covers common differences between English and Spanish, such as that in Spanish, the color goes after the item, no before, like in English.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 8.5 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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Welcome to Unit 8 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
You'll learn how to say the names of many common items found in department stores in this m-episode.
There is some overlap in items found in a department store and those we went over in Unit 7, so please feel free to review that episode if you need to brush up on them.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 8.4 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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Welcome to Unit 8 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
This m-episode is a basic introduction to the common colors in Spanish.
You'll learn how to apply them to shopping in a department store, and how to ask for certain clothing items in a specific color of your choice.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 8.3 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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Welcome to Unit 8 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 8.2 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
Welcome to Unit 8 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
This m-episode is an introduction to shopping in a department store.
You'll hear a common conversation that might take place between two people in the store.
Don't worry if you don't understand it all yet -- we'll get to that and by the end of this unit, you will be shopping like a pro.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 8.1 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
Welcome to Unit 8 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
In this unit you will learn how to shop in a department store, and we'll also cover basic vocab for shopping and lifestyle excursions such as colors in Spanish, sizing of clothes, and how to ask to try on an item.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 7.14 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode is a quick recap of Unit 7 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. It offers a congratulations on your hard work so far in learning Spanish.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 7.13 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This is a visualization practice that helps you imagine you are in a Latin American market.
You come across one or more souvenirs you want to buy, and decide that the price is too high.
So, you negotiate that price down successfully, and come away with your souvenirs.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 7.12 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
What happens when the conversation flows back and forth during a market negotiation?
After practicing through this m-episode you will be able to successfully negotiate your way through a negotiation in a Latin American marketplace.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 7.11 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This m-episode brings together everything you have learned about negotiating for souvenirs in Latin American markets.
By now, you should have the terms and sentence structure down to go to a market and come away with the things you want to buy.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 7.10 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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Here is your chance to practice. We're going to put you into a (hypothetical) situation in this exercise.
The seller is going to give you a price for an item that you would like to buy. It costs too much -- and you should ask for a price 100 pesos less than the one offered.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 7.9 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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Now we're going to actually give you the skills (and the terms behind those skills) to negotiate like an expertienced market shopper in Latin America.
If an item is more expensive than it should be, this episode will teach you how to talk it down to a more appropriate price.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 7.8 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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The third part of our "negotiating" series will make you a master negotiator at Latin American markets (after a bit of practice, of course).
The final thing we need to add, building on the last two m-episodes, is asking for multiple items, or items that are plural by nature (like shoes or earrings).
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 7.7 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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Here we are going to build on what you learned in the past m-episode to boost your negotiating skills even further.
In the previous episode you learned how to ask “How much for this?”
Now, we are going to learn how to ask for an item that is farther away from you by asking “How much for that?”
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 7.6 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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Like all things in Spanish, the gender used when negotiating is very important.
After listening to this m-episode. you will know how to ask how much something costs, while referring to it in the correct gender so as to show proper respect and knowledge of your subject.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 7.5 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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When you are interested in buying something, you may also be interested in what the product is made of.
The most commonplace situation where this can apply is with jewelry.
This m-episode will teach you how to ask what something is made of, and how to understand the answer.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 7.4 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This m-episode is all about vocabulary. You'll learn the Spanish words for many common items that you'd shop for at a market, like souvenirs, plates, dolls, and more.
In the accompanying blog post, there are matching exercises to help you memorize each of the items.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 7.3 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This m-episode is an overview of cultural notes to be aware of before going to a market in Latin American countries.
It also covers things to be aware of, how to avoid paying more than you should, and common words and phrases that you'll hear along the way.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 7.2 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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Welcome to Unit 7 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
This m-episode is a conversation between Mr. Jacobs and a seller in a souvenir shop. You will hear the basics of a negotiation in Spanish.
Mrs. Jacobs asks about the cost and material used in some of the souvenirs and tries to negotiate a lower price.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 7.1 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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Welcome to Unit 7 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
In this unit you will learn how to ask for some common souvenir items by name, understand what material an item is made from, and negotiate a lower price.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 6.9 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode is a quick recap of Unit 6 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. It offers a congratulations on your hard work so far in learning Spanish.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 6.8 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This m-episode is a visualization exercise of what you've learned in Unit 6 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. Imagine you are in Latin American market.
Try to visualize these three scenarios and picture how the conversation would go.
If you're in a place that allows it, try to have this conversation out loud.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 6.7 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This m-episode reviews the conversation that you heard at the beginning of this unit, and helps to bring it together into a complete conversation.
You should now be able to understand all of it.
If there's parts of it that still aren't clear, just review the episodes in this unit as many times as you need.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 6.6 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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In this m-episode we’ll learn how to ask for a specific number of a product.
You'll learn how to use a complete sentence to put in your order, and learn what to expect in return from the seller at a market in Latin America.
If you need to refresh your Spanish numbers, please review Units 2.5 and 5.4 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 6.5.2 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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In this m-episode we’ll learn how to ask for a specific weight of a product.
You'll learn how to ask for and understand these weights using the Metric system, the primary unit of measurement used in Latin America.
If you need to refresh your Spanish numbers, feel free to review episodes 2.5 and 5.4.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 6.5.1 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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Here, you will practice using the vocabulary you learned in the last m-episode and make it practical to use.
After hearing the word for a product in English, you'll learn to translate it into Spanish and add the phrase "¿cuánto cuesta un kilo de x?" in the front of it.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 6.4 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This m-episode covers some basic products in the market. We're going to say them in English and in Spanish so just repeat them both out loud until you memorize them.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 6.3 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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In this m-episode you'll learn the cultural notes necessary for a proper trip to the market.
Most countries in Latin America measure things in the metric system.
This means they use kilometers and meters when measuring distance, and kilograms and grams when measuring weight.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 6.2 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This m-episode is a conversation between Laura Ramirez and a seller at a market. Miss. Ramirez is buying her weekly groceries.
Don't worry if you can't understand it yet, we'll break it down and practice it in the episodes of this unit.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 6.1 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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In this unit we are going to teach you how to:
Ask for specific produce and meat products in a market.
Ask the price for a specific amount – in kilograms – for each product, confirm you want to purchase the product, and pay the amount requested for the product.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.5-16 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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Congratulations. You have made it to the end of Unit 5.5 of the Live Lingua Spanish podcast, brought to you by You should now be able to:
If you are not confident with this yet, repeat this episode as many times as you need.
If you want additional free practice just visit our website,
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.5-15 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This m-episode places you in three common scenarios you will face when taking a taxi or an Uber in Latin American countries.
See if you can converse your way through them. If not, review the earlier m-episodes in this unit until you can.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.5-14 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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Let's listen again to the first conversation you heard. You should now be able to understand it.
If there are any parts you don't understand, go back to those m-episodes and repeat.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.5-13 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This m-episode brings together everything you have learned so far in Unit 5.5 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
We'll give you phrases in English, and you translate them in Spanish.
The second time through, we'll give you the answer after we're done so you can make sure you got it right.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.5-12 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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To finish off your initial conversation with a taxi driver, let’s let the driver know how many pieces of luggage you have. This m-episode will teach you how to do so.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.5-11 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This m-episode is designed to help you learn how to negotiate a lower price for your taxi rides.
You could also negotiate a higher price, if you so desired, but who are we kidding?
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.5-10 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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Now let’s practice what you've learned about distance, but put everything into full sentences.
When asking how near or far a location is, you can use the word "Queda."
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.5-9 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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Now that you know how to ask your driver how to get to a location, let’s learn how to ask how far, or close the location is.
This m-episode covers basic vocabulary you can use to ask that, and to understand when they answer you.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.5-8 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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Let's learn how to tell a driver where you want to go. In Spanish, when you are telling somebody you want to go to a place, you use the word: “A”.
We'll explain.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.5-7 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This m-episode covers how to answer if someone asks you if you are free at a specific time of the day.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.5-6 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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Now let’s put all of this information about times and dates together to learn how to ask if somebody is free at a certain day and time.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.5-5 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This m-episode is all about time. If you want to talk about a certain time of the day or week, such as the afternoon or this weekend, here are the phases you would use.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.5.4 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This m-episode covers the days of the week in Spanish. This is useful if you want to arrange a taxi or any other event for a future day.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.5.3 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This m-episode covers cultural and language notes regarding taking a taxi or a ride-share in Latin American countries.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.5.2 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This m-episode is a conversation between Laura Ramirez and a taxi driver. Mrs. Ramirez is trying to get to her hotel and must negotiate the price.
Don't worry if you don't understand it all yet, we're going to break it down bit by bit in this unit and practice everything.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.5.1 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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Welcome to Unit 5.5 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. This unit covers taking a taxi or an Uber in Latin America.
In this unit you will learn how to: Say the day of the week and time of day, ask a cab driver if they are free, bargain with them over the fare, and understand if they ask if you have any luggage.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.14 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode is a quick recap of Unit 5 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. It offers a congratulations on your hard work so far in learning Spanish.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.13 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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In this m-episode, you have the chance to work through a visualization practice to help you learn how to purchase bus, train, and airplane tickets, how to ask when a bus, train, or plain arrives, and how to ask when one will depart.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.12 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode revisits the conversation that you heard in Unit 5.1 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
By now, you should be able to understand everything that is said -- if not, go back and review some of the previous episodes until you have it down.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.11 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This m-episode puts together everything you've learned in this unit and the previous units of the LiveLingua Spanish Podcast.
You'll practice with complete sentences, and work on comprehending common responses you may receive to questions.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.10 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This m-episode covers how to ask what time a train, bus, or airplane arrives at its destination, and how to understand the reply that you will receive.
In Spanish, ask "when does x arrive?", where "x" is the vehicle, you just have to say "¿a qué hora llega "x"?
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.9 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode covers how to ask what time a train, bus, or airplane arrives at its destination, and how to understand the reply that you will receive.
In Spanish, ask "when does x arrive?", where "x" is the vehicle, you just have to say "¿a qué hora llega "x"?
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.8 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This m-episode covers how to ask what time a train, bus, or airplane departs from the terminal, and how to understand the reply that you will receive.
In Spanish you ask "when does x leave for y?", where "x" is the vehicle (bus, plain, train) and "y" is the location you want to go to.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.7 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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Now that you know how to say and understand the hours, let’s focus a bit on the minutes. In Spanish, you can say the minutes after the hours, just like in English.
This m-episode covers how to do that, and how to say the information in a sentence.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.6 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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Now let’s combine the numbers you learned in the previous m-episode so you can tell the time.
When telling time in Spanish all you need to do is start the sentence with “Son las” and add the number, unless it is 1:00, where you would say '"Es La."
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.5 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This episode brings together all of the information you have learned in the previous four episodes of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast, and helps you learn how to memorize it and use the skills in daily conversation while in a Latin American country.
You’re going to be a master of numbers in Spanish!
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.4 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
Here you'll learn a basic formula for saying and reading all Spanish numbers between 10 and 999,999.
You'll also gain basic information on how to tell time in Spanish, using the numbers we cover in this episode. M-episode 2.5 may be a helpful preview.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.3 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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In this m-episode you will learn how to understand information about public transportation in Latin American countries.
For example, we'll cover what someone will reply when you ask them what time a bus leaves, and how to ask about the price of a ticket.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.2 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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This m-episode is an introductory lesson on how to buy a bus ticket at a terminal or station in Latin America, speaking in Spanish.
You'll hear a conversation between a purchaser and seller, and learn the basics of how to talk through the transaction.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 5.1 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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Welcome to Unit 5 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
If you’re going to be traveling between cities in Spain or Latin America, chances are you’re going to be using some kind of public transportation, whether it be buses, trains or planes. In this unit, we’re going to work through some conversations on how to buy tickets for public transportation.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 4.10 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode is a quick recap of Unit 4 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
It offers a congratulations on your hard work so far in learning Spanish.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 4.9 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
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In this m-episode, you have the chance to work through a visualization practice to help you learn how to ask for directions in Spanish, and how to locate common tourist sites in Latin American countries such as hotels, restaurants, the bus station, and the airport.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 4.8 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode walks you again through the first conversation you heard at the beginning of Unit 4.
You should now be able to understand all of the conversation on how to ask for directions in Spanish.
If there's are any part that's still not clear, feel free to review this unit as many times as you need.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 4.7 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
If you're asking for directions in Spanish, there's generally two things that can happen after they're given to you.
You can either say "thank you" and be on your way, or you can ask for a clarification.
This m-episode walks you through both situations. Listen and repeat the following phrases in English and in Spanish.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 4.6.2 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode brings together all of the information you have learned so far in Unit 4 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
We review asking for directions in Spanish, and how to locate common sites that tourists visit in Latin American countries.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 4.6.1 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode covers basic words people use to give directions.
Knowing this vocabulary is critical, not only if you want to give directions, but actually, if you want to understand what people in Spanish speaking countries say when they give you the answer to the question ¿Dónde está? that you learned in the previous episode.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 4.5 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
After learning the vocabulary in the last episode for some common locations in Spanish, this m-episode puts it into a complete sentence.
You'll learn how to specifically ask where something is, in the Spanish language.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 4.4 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode walks you through the vocabulary for some common locations you would need to get to when you're traveling in Latin America.
You'll learn about asking for directions to places like airports, bus stations, hotels, restaurants, and more common tourist sites.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 4.3 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode covers cultural notes regarding directions, as specific to Latin American countries.
You'll learn how to understand key differences and nuances between asking for directions in English and asking for directions in Spanish.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 4.2 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode is a short conversation about how to ask for directions in Latin American countries.
You may not understand all of it yet, but after working through Unit 4 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast, you will be able to ask for, and understand, directions in Spanish.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 4.1 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
If you’re traveling to a Spanish-speaking country, or if you’re traveling anywhere, you probably need to ask for directions.
This m-episode is an introduction to the topic, and covers basic information on getting around in Latin American countries.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 3.17 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode summarizes everything you have learned in Unit 2 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast, and offer a congratulations on your hard work so far in learning Spanish.
Let’s get started!
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:…-congratulations/
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 3.16 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
Let's make sure you are comfortable in a situation where you have to speak about your work and family.
This is a visualization exercise that will help you become comfortable talking about these two very common conversation pieces, in Spanish.
Let’s get started!
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:…-work-and-family/
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 3.15 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode contains a thorough conversation about work and family in the Spanish language.
You should be able to understand what is being said, and be able to apply the questions and answers to your own personal situations regarding employment and family.
Let’s get started!
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:…-work-and-family/
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 3.14 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode is a review of how to talk about work and family in Spanish.
We'll revisit the information we've covered in Unit 3 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast, and give you some exercises to practice what you've learned in common situations.
Let’s get started!
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:…-work-and-family/
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 3.13 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
Like in English, and many other languages, there are many ways to say “goodbye” in Spanish. Here are a few of them you can use in most situations.
We'll cover the most common ways to say goodbye, and explain the situations in which you'd want to use each one.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 3.12 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
Now that you know how to ask someone where they live, let’s practice answering people when they ask where you live.
The answer can be as general as a country, or as specific as a street.
After practicing this m-episode, you will be able to tell someone where you live.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 3.11 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
When asking someone where they live, the correct question based on the number of people and whether the situation is formal or informal.
This m-episode will teach you how to ask, and the cultural notes associated with the question.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 3.10 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode brings together everything you have learned so far in Unit 3 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
You'll be able to practice asking and answering what you do for work, and how many kids you have, and will know the cultural notes to accompany the questions
Let’s get started!
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:…ou-have-children/
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 3.9 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
Once someone knows that you have children, they will likely ask whether they are boys or girls.
This m-episode teaches you how to answer that, including what to do if you have multiple children who are of different genders.
Let’s get started!
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:…of-your-children/
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 3.8 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode will teach you how to answer when someone asks you about how many kids you have.
For this you will need to remember the numbers from 1-10 you learned in Episode 2.5, which you can skip back to review if necessary.
Let’s get started!
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:…dren-do-you-have/
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 3.7 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
Like most circumstances in Spanish the way you ask if somebody has children depends on the number of people you are speaking to and whether you are in a formal or informal setting.
This m-episode covers both situations.
Let’s get started!
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:…-formal-informal/
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 3.6 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
When you ask somebody what they do for a living, there is a small variation on the way you ask the question depending on whether you are being formal or informal.
It also varies depending on whether you are talking to an individual or to a group. We cover both in this m-episode.
Let’s get started!
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:…rmal-vs-informal/
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 3.5 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode teaches you how to explain what you do for work in Spanish. If someone asks your profession, you could give a one-word answer as we did in the previous m-episode.
But in general, it would sound more professional if you could actually speak in full sentences. In this m-episode, we'll learn how to do that.
Let’s get started!
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:…omplete-sentence/
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 3.4 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode teaches you how to say some basic professions in Spanish.
Of course, this is not an exhaustive list and you may need to look up how to say your profession. Some can be pretty complicated!
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 3.3 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
In Latin America it is actually unusual for somebody to ask what you do when you first meet.
The first question you get is usually about your family -- it will more likely be about whether you are married or have children.
This m-episode covers work and family cultural notes.
Let’s get started!
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:…d-cultural-notes/
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 3.2 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode is a basic overview of how to talk about work and family in Spanish. It is a conversation between Mrs. Laura Ramirez & Michael Smith.
They have just met and are getting to know each other.
Let’s get started!
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 3.1 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode is an introduction to Unit 3 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. In this unit, you will learn how to -- Talk about your family, explain what you do for work, ask people about their employment, and say goodbye and end conversations.
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:
Let’s get started!
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 2.22 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
Here we summarize everything you have learned in Unit 2 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast, and offer a congratulations on your hard work so far in learning Spanish.
Enjoy this m-episode.
Let’s get started.
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 2.21 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode is a visualization practice, which covers everything you have learned in Unit 2.
We review the conversations and information and provide visual exercises for you to do to make sure you have memorized it all.
Enjoy this m-episode.
Let’s get started.
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 2.20 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode reviews the first conversation we covered in Unit 2 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
By now, you should be able to understand the conversation and answer the questions for yourself! If not, time to review the previous episodes to get caught up.
Enjoy this m-episode.
Let’s get started.
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:…t-where-you-live/
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 2.19 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This episode brings together what you've learned in the last few episodes to talk about where you live.
Using what you learned in this unit, translate common English sentences about where you live and what the weather is like there.
Enjoy this m-episode.
Let’s get started.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 2.18 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This episode covers how to tell someone where you are from.
We'll give you examples both for yourself, and for a group (in case you are traveling with friends or family, and need to answer for everyone).
If you are answering just for yourself you would say: “Soy de”
If you are answering for a group you would say:
“Somos de”
Enjoy this m-episode. Let’s get started.
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:…-from-in-spanish/
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 2.17 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
There are three ways to ask someone in Latin America where they are from.
There are two ways to ask an individual -- a formal and informal way., and one way to ask a group. This m-episode covers all three situations and tells you how to ask where people are from.
For somebody you know well you would ask: “¿De donde eres?”
For somebody you don’t know well you would ask:
“¿De donde es?”
Enjoy this m-episode. Let’s get started.
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:…-formal-informal/
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 2.16 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode uses what you learned in the previous exercises in this unit to translate the following English phrases into Spanish.
By the end of this, you should be able to answer a basic question about the weather in the place where you are from.
Enjoy this m-episode. Let’s get started.
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 2.15 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
In this m-episode, we're going to ask you about the weather where you live, and you will learn how to answer the question for yourself and for a group.
We'll cover basic yes or no questions about the weather that people commonly ask about your hometown when they meet you.
If someone asked, "¿Hace calor en San Francisco?"
You would answer, "No hace calor en San Francisco."
By the end of the episode, you'll be able to answer whether or not it is hot in your city, among other things.
Enjoy this m-episode. Let’s get started. Empecemos.
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 2.14 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
In this m-episode, we're going to learn how to tell the difference between a question and a statement in Spanish.
To ask somebody about whether it is hot or cold in a certain place you use the same phrase as you would if you were simply telling them the information.
This episode covers how to do just that, explaining how to emphasize a question differently than a normal sentence.
The emphasis happens vocally, so be sure to pay special attention to the way the sentences in this m-episode are pronounced.
Once you grasp where to place the emphasis, you won't have any problems knowing the difference.
Enjoy this m-episode.
Let’s get started.
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:…stion-in-spanish/
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 2.13 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode covers how to describe the weather in the place where you live.
This is a key way to note whether or not you like this place, and this episode covers basic conversation about the weather and how to answer people's questions about it.
Enjoy this m-episode.
Let’s get started!
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 2.12 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
In this m-episode you will say some phrases using the material you've learned in the last few episodes.
The first time, we'll only say it in English to see if you can answer in Spanish yourself. The second time through, we'll say it in English and Spanish.
Using what you learned in the previous two exercises translate the following English phrases into Spanish.
Enjoy this m-episode.
Let’s get started.
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 2.11 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
In this m-episode, we're going to cover how to talk about whether or not you like where you live, and how to answer that question both individually and for a group.
You'll work through exercises and examples.
Enjoy this m-episode. Let’s get started. Empezamos.
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 2.10 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
When asking if someone likes a country they are in, the way you ask varies slightly depending on whether you are asking an individual or a group of people.
For an individual, you say, "Le gusta . . ." This means "Do you like."
For a group, you would say, "Les gusta . . . " This m-episode walks you through each, with more examples.
Enjoy this m-episode. Let’s get started. Empezamos.
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 2.9 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
Here, we bring together everything we've learned in Unit 2 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast so far.
You'll practice talking about where you live, using basic numbers and days, weeks, or months to describe.
Enjoy this m-episode. Let’s get started. Empezamos.
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 2.8 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
In this m-episode we will make sure you have grasped what we've learned in this unit so far.
In this episode, we'll see how well you can answer questions about how long you've lived somewhere -- on the fly! We'll provide a time frame -- say, four months -- and you add "He vivido en Mexico" in front of it.
In order to say, "I have lived in Mexico for two months," you'd say:
He vivido en Mexico por dos meses.
Enjoy this m-episode. Let’s get started. Empezamos.
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 1.4 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode brings together the previous few. You'll learn how to tell people how long you've lived in a certain place, and how to understand how long they have lived where they live now.
We'll practice in a few different situations, and encourage you to review how to tell someone how long you've lived somewhere in the corresponding blog post.
Enjoy this m-episode. Let’s get started. Empezamos.
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:…-lived-somewhere/
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 2.6 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
In this episode, you will learn how to say the word "day(s)," week(s)," and month(s)," and similar terms in Spanish.
This is really important if you want to tell someone how long you've been somewhere, how long you're going to be somewhere, or find out how long other people have been in those locations.
For example, to say "day" or "days" in Spanish, you'd say: día(s).
To say "week" or "weeks", you'd say: semana(s).
To say "month", you'd say: mes
But to say "months", you'd say: meses
We'll cover more in the m-episode.
Enjoy this m-episode. Let’s get started. Empezamos.
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:…onths-in-spanish/
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 2.5 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
Learning numbers in Spanish is probably one of the most valuable things you can do.
This is true whether you're just visiting a country and want to negotiate, or whether you're planning on living there long-term. In this m-episode we're going to learn the numbers 1 through 10.
You'll be counting to ten in Spanish in tres, dos, uno . . .
Enjoy this m-episode. Let’s get started. Empezamos.
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 2.4 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
Let's learn how to ask someone how long they have lived somewhere.
In this m-episode, we're going to give you a location and all you have to do is repeat it out loud by adding the words "Cuanto tiempo a vivido en . . . " to the beginning of each sentence.
For example, I have lived in Querétaro for ten years. So, I would say:
He vivido en Querétaro por diez años.
Enjoy this m-episode. Let’s get started. Empezamos.
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:…ave-you-lived-in/
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 2.3 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
To understand a conversation in Spanish, you need to understand not only the language but also the culture.
In this m-episode, we talk about the language and cultural notes that came up in the conversation you heard in the previous m-episode.
Enjoy this m-episode. Let’s get started. Empezamos.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 2.2 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
In this m-episode, we take a look at a basic conversation in Spanish, in which two people discuss a location. That location is Boston, where a Mr. Michael Smith is from.
This is a conversation between Mrs. Laura Ramirez & Michael Smith. Mr. Smith has recently moved to Mexico.
Enjoy this m-episode. Let’s get started. Empezamos.
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 2.1 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This m-episode welcomes you to Unit 2 of the Live Lingua Spanish podcast.
In this unit, you're going to learn how to reply when people ask where you live, count from 1 to 10 in Spanish, talk about how long you've lived somewhere, and how much you like (or don't like) living there.
Enjoy this m-episode. Let’s get started. Empezamos.
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:…t-where-you-live/
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You have made it to the end of Unit 1 of the Live Lingua Spanish podcast, brought to you by Live Lingua.
You should now be able to:
If you are not confident with this yet, repeat this episode as many times as you need. If you want additional free practice just visit our website
In the next unit, you will learn how to share basic information about where you are from and ask the same information of others you meet.
Enjoy this m-episode. Let’s get started. Empezamos.
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 1.14 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
In this m-episode, we are going to do visualization practice of introductions and greetings in Spanish to help you cement what you have learned in this unit. One of the best ways to practice Spanish is to visualize it. This is why you see boxers doing a visualization of their practice and shadowboxing.
We’re going to try the equivalent in language learning. We’re going to give you three scenarios. During this m-episode your eyes (as long as you’re not driving, of course) and imagine you’re in the scenarios.
You’ll say something in Spanish based on what we’ve learned in this unit.
Try to imagine the conversation in your head — either be the person who is asking the questions or answering them. Let’s see if you can do it!
Enjoy this m-episode. Let’s get started. Empezamos.
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 1.4 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
This is a m-episode will review what we’ve learned in Unit 1 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
If you’ve listened to all of the other episodes of in this unit until now and have practiced the exercises, you should be able to get through every word of it now – even if you weren’t able to when you started this course!
If you listen to it and there’s a part you still don’t understand, go back and listen to that episode and try again.
Enjoy this m-episode. Let’s get started. Empezamos.
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 1.12 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
Let’s bring together how to do introduction is Spanish everything you’ve learned in Unit 1 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
You learned how to say “Good Morning,” “Good Afternoon,” “Good Evening.”
You also learned people’s titles, and how to introduce the people in your family. Now, we’re going to give you a few phrases — in English — combing all of these.
What I need you to do is to say them in Spanish! The first time we’re going to give you only the English.
The second time, we’re going to say it in Spanish (after a short break) to give you the answer.
Enjoy this m-episode. Let’s get started. Empezamos.
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 1.11 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
Let’s practice introducing your family members in Spanish. To introduce others we will use the phrase ‘le presento’ which means ‘may I introduce you to’.
This is followed by my ‘mi’ if you are introducing a family member since you are implying a relationship with you.
Le presento a mi esposo -> May I introduce you to my husband. If you are introducing a person by their first name, without including their title, you add an ‘a’ before the name:
Le presento a Ray Blakney -> May I introduce you to Ray Blakney.
If you are introducing a person with their title you add either an ‘a la’ if they are female or ‘al’, spelled ‘A-L’ if they are male. That is just a contraction of ‘a el’.
Le presento a la doctora Sánchez -> May I introduce you to Dr. Sánchez.
Now, repeat all the following phrases out loud, but add the word ‘le presento’ at the beginning of each one. Example:
A mi hijo -> Le presento a mi hijo.
Enjoy this m-episode. Let’s get started. Empezamos.
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 1.10 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
For better or worse, we may actually have to introduce members of our family to the people we meet in Latin America or in Spain — this may be more embarrassing for some than for others!
So in this episode, we’re going to teach you the basic vocabulary words for family members in Spanish you need to do so.
Say them out loud, both in English and Spanish — we promise, it will help you memorize the terms. Without further ado, let’s get started with the practice.
Enjoy this m-episode. Let’s get started. Empezamos.
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 1.9 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
In this section, we’re going to learn how to say “How are you?” in Spanish in different circumstances.
Now, this might sound simple — but in Spanish, we have both formal and informal, and to add another twist in there, it’s even more complicated when talking to a group of people.
Asking “How are you guys?” or “How are you girls?” has it’s own way of being said in Spanish. If you’re going to ask one person how they are doing, you’d say “¿Cómo está?”
That’s formal, but you could make it more formal by saying “¿Cómo está usted? You don’t have to add the pronoun, but you can. In an informal setting among friends, you would say “¿Cómo estás?”
If we’re talking plural, whether three people or a million people, you would say “¿Cómo están?” With the pronoun, that would be, “¿Cómo están ustedes?”
Notice that we don’t actually have gender differences here, which makes it a little easier. We don’t have to worry about Mr. and Mrs. when we’re asking this.
In this section we practice saying “How are you?” in the formal singular ‘usted’ or informal ‘tú’ form as well as the plural ‘ustedes’ form.
Note that in most of Latin America there is no different formal and informal for the plural.
Enjoy this m-episode. Let’s get started. Empezamos.
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 1.8 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
Now that you’ve learned how to say good morning, good afternoon, and good evening in Spanish, as well as addressing the people you’re talking to, let’s move on to the next step and learn how to how to introduce yourself in Spanish!
When you introduce yourself, the only phrase you really need to know is “Yo soy” – “I am.”
You put this phrase in front of your name and you’ve done it! "Yo soy Ray Blakney" — "I am Ray Blakney". In this example, we’ll pretend you are introducing yourself.
To make it more complicated, replace the names we give you with your own name so that you can practice using the phrase as you will in a Spanish speaking country.
Practice introducing yourself at the phrase “yo soy” (I am) to the front of each Spanish phrase.
El señor Jack Smith -> Yo soy el Señor Jack Smith.
La doctora Jane Sánchez -> Yo soy la doctora Jane Sánchez.
Enjoy this m-episode. Let’s get started. Empezamos.
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 1.7 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
In this episode, we’re going to practice the Spanish greetings and honorifics you learned in the past episodes.
We’re going to do this by giving you the time of day and the subject of the conversation. Perhaps “married female” or “Dr. Ramirez.”
From that, we’re going to ask you to come up with the correct greeting for this person.
Morning – Married female -> Buenos días, señora.
Afternoon – Doctor Ramírez -> Buenas tardes, doctor Ramírez (where it is implied that Dr. Ramírez is a man).
When you hear the time of day and title of the person in English, create the greeting in Spanish. The first time through, we will only say the question so you can come up with the answer.
Then we will go through the questions a second time and include the correct answer in Spanish. Do try it the first time through yourself — you don’t want to just blindly repeat what we say!
Enjoy this m-episode. Let’s get started. Empezamos.
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:
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¡Hola! Welcome to episode 1.6 of the Live Lingua Spanish Spanish Podcast.
What we’re going to do in this section is bring it all together! We’re going to combine what you’ve learned in the past few episodes about Spanish greetings and honorifics.
In this m-episode we are going to practice a little bit. When you hear a phrase in Spanish, we want you to translate it into English.
Say it out loud if you can, because that’s one of the best ways to learn. Here are some examples: If we say, “Buenos Dias, Señor Smith.” You would say, “Good morning, Mr. Smith.”
If we say, “Buenas Noches, Licienciada Sanchez.” That translates to, “Good evening, Mrs. Sanchez,” but we’re also implying that Mrs. Sanchez has a Bachelor of Arts Degree.
Is that clear? Don’t worry if not, because we’re going to go through all of this and our exercises are pretty much the same — and you can repeat this episode as many times as you need.
Enjoy this m-episode. Let’s get started. Empezamos.
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Welcome to episode 1.5 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
In this m-episode, we are going to learn about honorifics in Spanish. I’ll be honest — when I started learning Spanish, I didn’t actually know what an honorific was.
It wasn’t until I started learning another language that I actually learned that that was the word we use for titles — such as Mrs., Mr., and Dr.
In this exercise, we’re going to learn some of these titles.
Side note — In Mexico and the rest of Latin America, they put a lot of emphasis on these titles. It’s very important that you call them Señor, Señora, Señorita.
If you know they have a college degree or a Masters, they even have a title for that — and you’re going to learn this in this episode.
It can be difficult for somebody who is not a native Spanish speaker to pick up on this in the beginning. But really put in the effort — in addition to the titles, you have to remember the gender.
Enjoy the m-episode. Let’s get started. Empezamos.
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:
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¡Buenos días! Welcome to episode 1.4 of the Live Lingua Spanish Spanish Podcast. In this episode, we're going to learn how to say Good Morning (hint: we just did!), Good Afternoon, and Good Evening in Spanish. In order to say "Good Morning," you'd say: Buenos Dias
In order to say "Good Afternoon," you'd say: "Buenas Tardes"
In order to say "Good Evening," you'd say: "Buenas Noches"
The one thing to pay attention to is the ending on the "Buenos," the "good" part. In the morning, it ends with an "-os," as the term is masculine.
In the afternoon and evening, it ends in "-as", as the term is feminine.
This is one of the most common errors I see people trying to learn Spanish make when they are trying to greet people in Mexico.
Enjoy this m-episode. Let’s get started. Empezamos. ---- If you want to read the transcripts of this episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 1.3 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. ¿Ready to learn Spanish? In this m-episode, we’re going to go over some basic language and cultural notes for the Spanish language.
When you’re learning another language, one of the most important things to understand is that it’s not just about learning the words and vocabulary. I know this from personal experience when I was learning Spanish — it’s about learning about the culture.
There are certain things that make sense to English speakers that aren’t done in the same way when you’re speaking Spanish. An anecdotal story for me is that when I was first learning Spanish in Mexico, I would attempt to tell jokes. Even when I knew the words for the jokes, the jokes made absolutely no sense to the Mexicans. While I thought I was being hilarious, I was usually greeted with crickets. Sadly, this hasn’t improved that much 10 years down the road, but I’m still working on it. But that’s why it’s so important to listen to the sections and understand what we say. because that will make this unit and all future units in the Live Lingua Spanish Podcasts make sense.
Enjoy this m-episode. Let’s get started. Empezamos.
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:
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Conversations — the vehicle of language. Being able to properly introduce yourself is akin to hopping into the vehicle. This audio and text guide will show you how to do just that. This is a conversation between Ms. Laura Ramirez and her husband, Ray, who is an American that speaks a little bit of Spanish (yes, those are really our names!) They’re meeting with someone called Miguel Gomez, and this episode is an introduction when they first meet. Then, the same conversation in Spanish. Don’t worry if you can’t understand it yet. We will break it down and practice it.
Enjoy this m-episode. Let’s get started. Empezamos.
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:
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¡Hola! Welcome to m-episode 1.1 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast. ¿Ready to learn Spanish?
This unit is made up of 15 episodes that take from 1 to 5 minutes.
That way, you can go back and review the parts that you’ve missed without having to go through a whole 45-minute class.
The goal of Unit 1 of the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast is to learn how to introduce yourself and others in Spanish.
In this unit of the podcast, you’ll learn how to greet others, respond to others when they greet you, introduce yourself and others, and respond when others introduce themselves to you.
This episode introduces the podcast and its format, and will get you prepared for Unit 1, where you will learn how to introduce yourself and others in Spanish.
After listening to the episode, click here for free practice exercises.
Enjoy this m-episode. Let’s get started. Empezamos.
To read the transcripts of this m-episode additional free practice you can find it on our website here:
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¡Hasta pronto!
¿Are you ready to learn Spanish? Welcome to the Live Lingua Spanish Podcast, a Spanish course in podcast form.
This podcast will teach you basic Spanish like how to introduce yourself and others, how to talk about what you do for a living, and how to order food in a restaurant.
For more, and to follow along with the exercises related to each episode, please visit our website at Live Lingua Spanish Podcast.
If you don't want to miss future episodes, don't forget to subscribe, Que tenga un buen día.