- You need this episode if you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by situations going on inside your heart that you’re trying to balance with the things going on around you.
- You need this if you’ve ever felt down on yourself despite knowing you are meant for more than the status quo.
- You need to listen if you’re asking yourself, “What’s the end game of this personal development journey?”
Katie is a Level 1 Certified Crossfit Coach, a multi-sport athlete, and qualified for the Arnold this past year (the National Championship for weightlifting). She is fierce, genuine, and unapologetic. A military spouse and mom to two kiddos, Katie has moved many times and has continued to chase her calling with every step. Her blog article, “That is AMERICA,” has been read over 1.8 MILLION TIMES. You can best connect with Katie on Instagram: @Strong_Anyway
- You will come away from this episode feeling determined to be “Strong Anyway” despite adversity that is staring you down.
- You will have actionable ways to tackle this new mindset and how to immediately apply it to your life.
- If you coach young adults, you’ll gain a new appreciation for the teenage mindset and how best to relate to those teenagers during the recruiting process.
- You’ll spend time reflecting and then amplifying this message because it is universal.
- If you follow Katie on social, which you should 150,000% DO – you’ll probably feel like you’ve gained a friend who is both an empathizer and a truth-teller.
Katie and I have been friends since middle school. We belonged to the same youth group and traveled together each summer going to Bonclarken Church Camp in Flat Rock, NC. We also worked together as counselors for Camp Joy, a camp that pairs young people with mental and physical disabilities with counselors on a 1:1 ratio for a week of summer camp fun.
In travel ball and high school, we played softball together, and some of our best memories are cruising Lake Wales in KPal’s black Pontiac and singing along to every song on those burnt CDs. We laugh reaaaally loud, we work best in the land of NO BS, and I freakin’ adore her family.
- Go to stronganyway.com and bookmark Katie’s site so you can read her latest posts.
- Follow Katie on instagram: @Strong_Anyway and leave her some love
- If you loved the episode, share it far and wide. Facebook, twitter, instagram, snapchat, carrier pigeon – it matters not to us – tag @LeadBeyondSport so we can thank you for rockin’ it out with us.
- Please subscribe to the podcast and leave a review – we’d love that!
- Next Week’s Episode will feature Jenny Coluccio (@CoachColuccio), Head Women’s Golf Coach at the University of Toledo.
Thank y’all for all of the encouragement to keep pursuing this podcast and this community – you make me smile super big and I’m grateful for each of you.
If you have an idea for a topic you’d love to see in an upcoming episode, hit me up thought the DM on instagram: @LeadBeyondSport
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