a real and honest approach to living out your truth.
This is a place where men and women can come to feel heard, understood, validated and loved.
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a real and honest approach to living out your truth.
This is a place where men and women can come to feel heard, understood, validated and loved.
Kim Talks features a 3 part series to close out her podcast channel. Episode 098: Career Talks, part 1 of the 3 part series, we tackle the journey of Kim's career as she invites one of her clients, Chelsea Austin to talk about her career path. We spend 85% of our waking moments in our career, it surely is something to talk about. Where you are in your career? What do you want it to look like? Not look like? Ultimately, let's talk about what we do in our day to day to make it that much better for our everyday. Talk soon, Kim
Kim Talks features a 3 part series to close out her podcast channel. Episode 099: Relationship Talks, part 2 of the 3 part series, Kim brings back one of her closet and longest friends Catherine Meyer. Cath and Kim had previously recorded the most listened to the episode on Kim Talks, "Divorce Love" and it was time for them to come back together to see what a year later we are up to, feeling and thinking about our relationships. Finding out what we (1) want from a relationship (2) don't want from a relationship and (3) our faults in relationships can be a hard, yet, fulfilling journey to go down. This was a fun one to record, heavy at times, and overall a much-needed conversation about relationships. Talk soon, Kim
Kim Talks features a 3 part series to close out her podcast channel. Episode 100: Goodbye Kim Talks (Self Talks), part 3 of the 3 part series, we say goodbye to a 4-year journey on Kim's favorite platform, a voice platform, podcast. Kim started this journey to help her find her voice and it took her down a much more in-depth journey that she imagined. There were 3 evolutions during this 4-year span of recording. We talk about the evolution, the lessons, and the ultimate love she could give herself to close out this chapter in her life. A personal note from Kim: Before you head in, thank you. Simply put. I hope this episode or the ones before it showed you how much it meant for you to show up on this podcast. The talks itself and you, the listener have given me life in the best of times and the hardest of times. I look forward to seeing you soon and in this next chapter of my life. Much love, Kim
After a 'conscious uncoupling' from the podcast for a quarter of the year, Kim is back to talk about her intentions for Kim Talks. Jada, Kim's chocolate lab and Boo Boo, her tabby cat make an appearance on this episode. Spoiler alert: it isn't them making noises. They have some insight to share with y'all.
It's been a long time. I had every intention of coming back. I needed some time to take my "next right move". I appreciate your patience with me leaving and not sharing why (until now).
In this episode, I share where I have been, where I am now, and where we are going. Let's talk, Kim
Kim talks to her great friend Chelsea Rae about a question we both find ourselves asking and now we want to be answered. "What's the matter with me?". Short answer, nothing. Long answer, head in the episode where we break down this thought process and why it is so common in many of us to feel this way. You can find Chelsea over on IG at: chelsea_cornelius_
Kim talks to Steve Hollander, Realtor/Owner at House & Land Estate about the stress of buying and how to make it a smoother experience. This talk was fun as Steve and Kim met while she was in the catering industry (10 years ago) and to see where they both are today shows a great deal of growth for both of them. To see more of Steve, reach out to him at: OR on Facebook at Steve Hollander or House & Land Real Estate
Kim talks to Michaela about seeking Him not him. You will quickly find out the difference being the 'HIM'. It is a powerful message that brings a mirror to our life any proposes the question, "can you see you? really see you?". Follow Michaela and her journey over on IG: @michaelabelle
Kim talks about her introspective approach on, 'what is our purpose on social media?' We run our businesses and personal lives through these apps. Are you clear on why you are on it? Let's check-in on it.
Kim talks about her recent full year around the sun of loss 'celebrations'. For Kim, she talks about the anniversaries she honored for her mom and her ex-husband. You may be about to approach your first anniversary of a loss, coming up on your 20th or want to hear how to cope. This episode, Kim talks about her approach to honoring it and noticing the stuck feeling of how to continue to heal.
Kim talks with her friend, Jaime Karpovich to talk about why we play small, how it has come up in our lives and what starting over for both of us has looked like. Jamie is known for her TV show, Save the Kales, since then she has made a great impact on LGBTQ community and women empowerment.
Kim talks about the year she went Soberish* and what is up next for her. *I say this with most (if not all) of my episodes, please consult with a licensed physician for your medical and health needs. I share from my experience and I have also consulted with licensed physicians for my needs.
Kim talks about the common phrase 'misery loves company' and how that is not a great combo with a big life transition. Relatability Loves Company could be a very positive healing experience to attract in your life.
Kim talks about an exercise that has been serving her and is helping reduce depression without going on medication.
Kim talks about 4 lessons she learned from 4 big life transitions she went through.
Kim talks about the tagline she ends every podcast with, 'Much love today, tomorrow and I'll see you guys soon'.
Kim talks about the importance of who to turn with big life transitions. It sets the tone of the course of your life's path.
Kim talks about how she is rising up for herself to meet that suitor one day and how it's benefiting all aspects of her life.
I wanted to get inside a comedian's mind. Ever since Robin Williams passing, I have been very intrigued as to why comedians are considered a depressing profession. How could that be? They are bringing people to the highest emotional scale, Joy. Yet, they are at the lowest emotional scale most days, grief/despair/depression. This is very conflicting and I wanted to talk about it more. I had the opportunity to talk to local Lehigh Valley comedian, Tyler Rothrock on this and I am very grateful for what he shared with us.
To see more from Tyler ... head over to Tyler Rothrock on all social media channels and check out his upcoming show at Steelstacks in Bethlehem, November 2, 2019.
An open talk about a few things I have been noticing about myself and taking action on to work on. I have gotten a lot of advice in this season of my life. One of them is, "take this time to better yourself". Noted. Doing it and sharing it in this episode. I can't wait to sit down and talk with you about this episode.
Michael Blewett and I sat down to talk about Divorce and so much more came up. The talk behind our 'templates' was a massive takeaway for me on how we are programed very early on to what that is. Are we willing to challenge that template if it is no longer serving our highest good? Will will talk about that. Shame, Guilt, Resentment, Sadness are just a few words that come with the territory of making the decision to get divorced (or go through a break up). I wanted to have this conversation to continue to bring light to a conversation that can be met with love, kindness, and healing ... if we choose to.
With the seasons changing, I want to talk about this new season in my life and how I am (we all are) a work in progress. Let's talk about it.
Have you ever wondered how people can have a certain kind of energy about them? Good, bad and indifferent.
My friend, Lauren Demberg and I talk about all things from spirituality to harnessing the energy, and the ways we have navigated that through our lives. This is a powerful one. Get ready! Want to see more of Lauren? Give her a follow over on INSTAGRAM at @thelighinlaur
This is a valid question. 'How do you keep moving forward?' I am ready to talk about it in this short, jammed packed 'Dear Kim' segment. _____________ If are in need of asking a question and wanting an answer. Please feel free to reach out to me at OR IG: kimxkelty Talk soon!
It has been 10 ++ years since I sat down and talked to my childhood best friend, Ali Cavin Hellmuth. We dive into her life as a Personal Stylist, Mom, and Wife and what 'doing it all' really looks like.
Dear Kim is a segment where I come to you once of week with a question you asked me and I answer it. This one hits home and I share how we can find a place of awareness, relatability and hope when we are asking ourselves and others ... when will it get better? I'll see you there. MUCH LOVE and I really mean it MUCH LOVE OX Kim
Dear Kim is a segment where I come to you once of week with a question you asked me and I answer it. This one hits home and I share how we can find a place of awareness, relatability and hope when we are asking ourselves and others ... when will it get better? I'll see you there. MUCH LOVE and I really mean it MUCH LOVE OX Kim
Jaime and I will talk about all things from Body Image, Relationships, and Sexuality. Jaime, who shares shes is a Queer and myself, who I am straight talk about the dynamics of how it has been for us over 2+ decades of this idea that we have a veil over us when it comes to how we show our face, show up in our relationships, and who we are in our identities. Talk soon!
XO Kim
Hard conversation can come in many facets. This one was hard because they never had it before. We let ourselves believe we can not show up a certain way, but when we break it down it boils down that we haven't had that conversation (1) yet (2) enough times (3) more and more times. Practice makes 'perfect' and we will talk about that on today's Dear Kim. I also touch on hard conversations where there is a competing belief, values, etc. You will be better prepared this time around. See you there! XO Kim
I am checking in with you and seeing where you are at with your Mind, Body and Soul journey. Don't let the Mind, Body, and Soul phrase de-sensitive you from what we can work on to take it all to a place where we are loving our self-care so much that we want to talk about it like this. Also, there is a challenge in here for you and I to level up. Let's talk!
XO Kim
I get asked often what book or resource do I recommend for loss, feeling confident, overall working on one 'self'. #selflove #selfrespect #selfworth In today's segment on 'Dear Kim', I share how I am able to recommend and what would work best for what you are working on. Talk soon! Kim If you want to reach out with a question. Please feel free to reach out to me via social media or by email: (subject line: Dear Kim) Social Media: IG: @kimxkelty FB: Kim Kelty LinkedIn: Kim Kelty
Have you ever asked yourself, "Am I in the RIGHT RACE?". On today's episode, my good friend and Spartan teammate, Bryant Edwards and I talk about being in the RIGHT RACE in life. This is not about doing a Spartan race. It is all about checking in with ourselves on what race we are running and the challenges that happen along the way. This is a new 'take' on Kim TALKS. Bryant is asking the question and I am answering them. See you in there! OX Kim
Dear Kim is a weekly segment on my podcast, Kim TALKS where you ask a question and I share my humble advice. All the questions are anonymous. Dear Kim is designed for you to have a safe space to share and for us to converse about questions that not only you & I need advice from … I know many others do to.
Dear Kim Episode 001 I answer a question that I quite honestly can't believe I am able to answer after all the grief I have experienced. I know to see that experience of sitting in this kind of pain as led to be able to share it with others. With any piece of advice ... take one thing, all of it, or none it. I ask you to be open-minded to be able to heal the best way possible.
If you would like to ask a question and it can be featured on Kim TALKS, Dear Kim segment. Please reach out to me directly at kimxkelty@gmail.comPlease title it 'Dear Kim'.
*** This advice does not mean you do not seek further help from professionals. Please reach out to your healthcare professionals if you believe you are in need of more assistance. Please know you are not alone and that help can be available for you. ***
Anthony Pedersen and I talk about the surface level to the depth of how we feel about social media and what it is doing for us or not ... listen in. We have a lot to say and I believe you will enjoy our opposing sides on it.
I needed therapy. I don't shy away from sharing that. I also don't believe I should be ashamed of it. I do know a lot of people don't agree with it. That is cool too.
I have a core belief that we need a third party to help us in this journey of life. It doesn't need to be therapy. It could be a mentor, energy worker, someone with an unbias and educated approach on the topic/healing at hand.
In today's episode, you will hear different ways to go about it and the effects it has on you or can if you have not gone down this route. I hope this finds you in a place of love, healing, and relief. OX Kim
Today's talk with my dear friend, Ellis Funchess ... we will give it to you Straight Up No Chaser. Ellis and I have a candid conversation about sexuality and our identities. This is a topic him and I have never openly spoken about. It is our time to come out and share what we have to say and see where it goes. We know we are not the first to talk about this or the last but we wanted to be someone to talk about it. MUCH LOVE TO YOU ELLIS! You make me braver. I adore you and I can not wait for the world to hear and see more of you! OX Kim #kimtalks
oh my! This one gives me the chills!!! LOVE TALKS has served me and so many over the last year it has been around. It is time for an evolution! I introduce you ... Kim TALKS!!!
Kim TALKS: where we can talk about love and loss, happiness and sadness, go-getter and being lazy, beauty and beast, laughter and crying, enough and not enough. All of the above is what I believe life is. I also believe you can have all of them co-exists and live a great life. I got too good at making life black and white. I’m all in on happiness or sadness. No in-between. I’m now learning it can be black and living in color.
Social media when it comes to youth, adults, and businesses is a crucial topic to touch on in our day and age. I go in depth on how I believe we can look at this from tactics and principle way to see how we can boost our self-esteem (bring more awareness) when it comes to social media and our day-to-day.
You've heard the saying a million times over. But have you really tried it out? You know ... is the grass REALLY greener on the side? I don't believe we take a minute or a few to realize it when we make this decision or even on the flip side ever make this decision because we are afraid to see if the grass or brown on the other side. The saying, "The grass is always greener where YOU water it" stuck out for me and it is why I wanted to talk about it and see where you are at. I love how its worded because there is a lot of judgment indirectly or directly of how we make our decisions every day. Let alone if we decide to make BIG, LIFE CHANGING ones. Let's tap into what we can take control of and decide for our best and highest self! I'll see you there! ~ Kim
What are men thinking when it comes to the timeline of our life? This episode is all around what my friend, Anthony Pedersen has experienced being on the end of what societal norms shows us what our lives 'should' have panned out to be. If you ever felt like your life was not going the way it 'should' be going, tune in today and hear what Anthony and I have to say about what the stigma is on how our American Dream 'should' be.
boy meets girl, the boy asks the girl to marry him, the girl says yes, and they live happily ever after.
When you realize that the person by your side is not the one, what do you do?
Maybe you try and stay? Maybe you walk away?
Which door would you open?
Catherine Meyer is one of my oldest and dearest friends. Now, we added another notch to our relationship belt as we both have something in common. We both have gone through a divorce and she has become what I like to call her my “Divorce Dalai Lama”. Some humor to a heavy journey.
We talk about her divorce and the journey I have been going through to shed light on a sensitive subject that most people won’t touch and we’re here to talk about it to make more people not feel alone in the decision and if you choose to go down the path of Divorce.
Cheryl Strayed said this and it is so powerful to the journey of heartbreak, break-up, divorce, whatever you are going through...
“Go, even though you love him. Go, even though he’s kind and faithful and dear to you. Go, even though he’s your best friend and you’re his. Go, even though you can’t imagine your life without him. Go, even though he adores you and your leaving will devastate him. Go, even though your friends will be disappointed or surprised or pissed off or all three. Go, even though you once said you would stay. Go, even though you’re afraid of being alone. Go, even though you’re sure no one will ever love you as well as he does. Go, even though there is nowhere to go. Go, even though you don’t know exactly why you can’t stay. Go, because you want to. Because wanting to leave is enough.”
How we think as women can be the best and worst thing for us. I get it as a woman, but I also find it fascinating to break it down. This helps us as women feel seen, heard, understood and today let's challenge it! Hey Men! This is for you too. It will help you get into our thinking and also see it (really) isn't always your fault :) From dieting* to dating to doing we are constantly thinking of what is right, wrong, and the actual direction. Today's episode breaks that down. Let's get into it! *I reference in the dieting portion an article. Click here to access it!
Dating in 2019 can be tricky. From swiping left/right on an app for your match TO figuring out what you enjoy and don't can make it all so tricky and downright not fun. In this episode, my good friend, Joel Carmona teaches a thing or two on what it's like out there. SPOILER ALERT -- Dating can be FUN!!! Joel's background has him around people ALL.THE.TIME. A personal trainer by day and bartender by night. He has seen a lot go down in front of his eyes when it comes to dating.
Joel and I had some fun on today's episode. You will hear us talk about 3 areas of dating that we found important to touch on. (1) Dating while you are single (2) Dating within your relationship and the most important of them all ... (3) Dating yourself I hope you enjoy this episode just as much as I did!
Becky Jennings is one of those women that you will feel strength and love from. January of 2019 her whole world turned upside down when she lost her son at 38.5 weeks pregnant. She shares her journey and how she went from deep sorrow led to deep meaning. Grief is hard to navigate, so is life in general. That is why these conversations are so meaningful to me to have to help us all have a piece of each other's journey to help us keep going.
Our story and the story we tell ourselves to be true ... matters. I was told the story in more or less words, “you’re the pretty, athletic girl”. Then I told myself the story in more or less words, “you’re only that and will never be smart enough to amount to anything more”. How a few words that can be (and is) a compliment turned into a story of words that I gave way too much power to in my youth to adulthood. Step into today’s podcast on LOVE TALKS, on why I believe, very much believe, words matter. We have a way of taking people’s words in, allowing our own self-talk to guide us and ultimately giving it power. This works in a positive and negative effect. That's why I wanted to break it down on: 1- how you can be uber aware of this 2 - take these words into your own hands We can’t control what others say to us and about us. But, we can take control of how we take it in and exude it out into the world. Ironically, this episode made me very insecure that my words weren’t flowing. The story of not being smart enough popped up. You’ll hear it in my voice and I own it at times during the episode. We have these words said to us or said by us and we give it power (positive or negative). I’m sharing how I handle it when, not if, when it comes back up and how I use it to my benefit me vs. against myself. #wordsmatter #lovetalks
I started this 3 part series out of intuition. I knew over the last 365 days a lot has shifted and I wanted it to come out of me what has shifted physically and emotionally. More has shifted (and will continue to) over the last few weeks I have recorded this 3 part series. We're all learning something daily. Take this episode and the other 3 as an opportunity to check in on what you have learned recently, what milestone you have reached, and where you want to go. It's easy for us to forget all we have accomplished. It's easy for us to put ourselves down in the setbacks in life. This piece by piece hard work is where we start to mold carefully what we believe is the best for our individual life. No blueprint to this but there is pockets of light that can bring a calmness to you. See you in there. Thank you for the time, patience and kindness over the last 365 days (and more).
It seems like everyone has it figured out but you, right? Please know deep deep deep down that is so wrong. But I see that when you're in the thick of its very hard to see that pocket of light. Here is that piece of light from a 3 part series of "What I am learning" from what was the darkest, roughest, and most gut-wrenching year of my life. I wish I was being "dramatic" or just saying those words. That would mean I didn't really feel them and experience that but I am intentional with those words but it is my truth. Now, I don't wish this upon anyone but I am proud to be standing and sharing with you today and every day you allow me after that. Much love today and tomorrow. I will see you guys in there for this 3 part series.
When the teacher becomes the student, it is a powerful experience. I am uncovering what lessons I have been learning. A little different dialogue than my normal but this is where I am currently and what to share with you.
Healing is a very tricky subject and I want to simply talk to you about it. Let's jump in there and see what this process looks like for your. I take you through a few steps that has served me greatly during a healing season of my life. 1. Check your ego at the door. 2. Judge on paper 3. Time and patience 4. Love yourself fiercely (and what does that look like for you)
All of this holds power to you. It is a scary but yet invigorating thought. Jump in to start, continue, or fine tune your healing journey. Much love, Kim
We all have our way of doing things. Let's check in if we are doing that for our own path. Tap into "Find Your Way" with 3 stages of thought provoking steps #1 Your past is your pathway #2 Your present helps you believe in patterns #3 You pour yourself into all of it for your future We aren't meant to just die and pay taxes.
We’re meant to live. We’re mean to heal. We’re meant to love. We’re meant to go create something that we feel proud of and it challenges us and makes this path, this journey WORTHWHILE! Much love, Kim
3 "easy" and effective ways to control you mind TODAY. The stress and overwhelm is consuming. Calm it by tuning in and see what you can control. Here are the 3 ways: #1 Reality #2 Environment #3 How far you've come!
Tune in to see which step(s) you're going to take on. Baby steps and it starts here!
Your WORD for 2019. NEW PODCAST EPISODE… celebrate episode #50 with me by tuning in!!! For the last 5 years, I pick a word to focus me on the year. Last year, it didn’t happen. It’s like I forgot to do it and completely forgot all year long. I know why I didn’t but the lack of focus showed up in ways I am not allowing to happen his year. Learn from my mistake in 2018… choose your word and choose it as wisely as where you are.
There is no wrong word either.
This is a powerful tool to make my years better each and every year.
Step in to today's episode and see what my word is for 2019 and how you can pick yours, why you pick it, and ways to keep going all year long effortless.
Much love today and tomorrow
Forgiveness: a word, a feeling, a way of being that is need of attention.
My latest episode on LOVE TALKS is short & sweet to give you the feeling of letting go to be let free.
If you have less than 5 minutes and want to learn how to let go and to be free ... this is your starting point. ❤️
Self love can be a tricky thing to achieve but when you break it down, it could be simple and done by most. A friend shared this message with you and then saw a quote that described it perfectly how self-love can be viewed and accomplished.
Question: How do you actually practice self love?
Answer: By exploring your self hate.
Let's get going on exploring it. #LOVETALKS
Strong women still need their hands held. You are that strong woman (or man). You are. I know it doesn't feel or even look like it right now. Please be ok with that know that we are here to talk about it. This episode on LOVEtalks, I am diving into why we are in a culture that encourages us to be desensitize to the STRONG words that are being said to us, ways of being, and quotes that come our way. Today, we will see what that looks like for you and how you can start or continue that journey you're on. See you in there!
Much love today and tomorrow KIM
Sick of surviving the holiday season? Me too. Let’s talk about how we CAN shift from survival mode to thriving mode. This episode is all about the, Holiday Thriving Kit (LOVEtalks inspired). We will get right into how we can think (our principles) about this season to actually what to do (tactics) to thrive. Know this, you will get through this. You always do. Let’s get into it! Podcast recommendations mentioned: Robin Sharma Mastery Sessions 10% Happier by Dan Harris Light Work by Danielle Laporte Self Service by Jerrico Mandybur (Girlboss) The Brendon Show Change by Choice by Charlotte Ferreux
Other mentions: Podcast app (Apple users) Podcast addict (Android users) Calm app
Short Term Loss, Long Term Gain
do we apply this to our life and love?
Short Term Loss, Long Term Gain episode will walk you through how we can apply this mindset to our everyday life to lead to a fulfilling and aligned life. Look forward to having a LOVEtalk with you in your next of the woods. LOVE. Kim
Hi! Kim Kelty Gorski here and I am honored to have you listen in on today's podcast. We will talk about the evolution of Balance Over Perfect to the new podcast, LOVEtalks. Find a place in your day to feel heard, understood and validated when it comes to your relationships, career goals, wants, needs, desires, health, and LOVE. Much love today and tomorrow XO Kim
A lot can happen in a blink of an eye. This episode is to share The Fear, The Fall, and The Future we all go through...but do we possibly miss all that comes up during those times because life is too busy? My experiences are mine. Yours are yours. Let's keep it that way. If you will have me, I'd love to step into your world by sharing mine to give you some insight to what stopping and feeling and do for you.
How it can benefit you, not harm you. How it can free you, not shackle you. How it can heal you, not torture you. See you in my latest podcast episode, 043: The Fear, The Fall, The Future. Sending LOVE in advance. LOVE. Kim
Ever wonder how to take care of yourself? The buzz word, "self-care" has gotten a good rap and some bad rap. I am here to RANT about an article that has been going viral on Facebook. Check out what I had to say and how you can find SELF-CARE that serves YOU! "Self-care is so underrated because being busy is so trendy". Monika Okron
Check out the article here, that I am referencing in the podcast. This is what self-care really means because its not all salt baths and chocolate cake
I feel we de-sensitive ourselves by the stories that we hear people persevere. Overcoming challenges and adversity is not just for the strong and perfect people we see on the outside. It is FOR YOU if you feel in your heart, gut, and soul that you are meant to make it happen. Listen to Angela tell you her story and how perseverance has served her greatly to live out her BEST (not perfect) life! Check her out at:
IG: @angelizooo
FB: Angela McGlinn For Hair: Apotehca Salon & Boutique in Bethlehem, Pa CLICK HERE TO ACCESS THE SALON
For Barre3 Classes: Barre 3 Bethlehem, Pa and Allentown, Pa CLICK HERE TO ACCESS HER CLASS SCHEDULE
This episode is near and dear to my heart and GUT. I always wondered how I would be able to explain trusting your gut and your intuition....
...because its NOT A ONE SIZE FITS ALL kind of thing to do. I believe I have the TRUST YOUR GUT TRIAL that will caterer to anyone's needs when they are thinking if the next step is right for them or the path they are on is the one they are meant to be doing for YOU. Tune in. We got a lot of relief, validation, and recognizing to uncover!
Knowledge is power, they say.
I agree! But I also agree with increasing your knowledge in the field you are in and/or aspire to be in to create more competency to lead to more confidence. It's a beautiful thing when it happens! Check out this jammed packed 20 minute podcast that will give you the run down of books that you will need in your library this year to build your competency in business to lead to more confidence in biz and LIFE! BIZ BOOKS REFERENCED 1. Sell or Be Sold - Grant Cardone 2. Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook - Gary V 3. Content Inc. - Joe Pulizzi 4. Pre-Suasion - Robert Cialdini 5. Blue Ocean Strategy - W. Chan Kim 6. 101 Leadership- John Maxwell 7. No BS Sales - Dan Kennedy 8. The Compound Effect - Darren Hardy 9. The Perfect Day Formula -Craig Ballantyne
Just like most pants aren't "one size fits all". Either are human beings. I learned a very valuable lesson over the years and was able to reflect on it while watching the 2018 Grammy's. More than ever we need this for our own peace and the people around us.
Are you ready to challenge yourself to feel, be, and do better? 5 minutes out of your day to listen to this will be worth the time. Let's get into it RIGHT NOW. XO Kim
There are a lot of choices in life.
There are over 30 some odd flavors at the local ice cream shop. Whatever happened to just chocolate, vanilla, or dare you do chocolate AND vanilla combo??
That was me ;) I was all about the combo mix.
Now that we are in 2018, we can either get overwhelmed with information overload OR choose to listen/tune in to what our heart leads us too.
I take you down the list of the podcasts in my personal podcast app (for apple users - Podcast ADDICT for Andriord users) to ALL my podcasts I listen to.
Each of these podcast have imprinted on myself, others, and my business in some shape or form.
I believe they will give you an enormous amount of help, support, and guidance in 2018.
5 Podcasts highlighted on the podcast (in no particular order of importance and/or impact):
1. Robin Sharma Mastery Sessions
2. Self-Service
3. The Brendon Show
4. The School of Greatness
5. Change by Choice
Podcast Full List said on the podcast (in no particular order of importance and/or impact):
1. Balance Over Perfect -- yes, I subscribed to my podcast! did you?! ;)
2. Betch Slapped
3. Building A Story Brand with Donald Miller
4. Change by Choice
5. Dear Sugars
6. Earn Your Happy Podcast with Lori Harder
7. The Fitnesspreneur's Life
8. Girlboss Radio
9. Jocko Podcast
10. love always, Jo
11. Magic Lessons with Elizabeth Gilbert
12. Online Marketing Made Easy with Amy Porterfield
13. Self Service
14. Sexy Confident Life
16. The Brendon Show
17. The Confidence Podcast with Trish Blackwell
18. The Empowered Life
19. The Expectful Podcast
20. The GARYVEE Audio Experience
21. The Goal Digger Podcast
22. The Marie Forleo Podcast
23. Robin Sharma Mastery Sessions
24. The School of Greatness
25. The Ultimate Health Podcast
26. Trust & Believe with Shaun T
YES - I LOVE podcasts. WOULD LOVE if you have one and/or recommend on. I share podcast/ episodes with people OFTEN.
I hope one or all of these serve you as much as it has for me.
XO Kim
We are well in to the new year and you're going to need the tools and resources to get you fueling on all cylinders in 2018. SPOILER ALERT: The latest workout plan/drink won't be the only thing you need to make 2018 your best year yet. As much has nutrition & fitness are vital to your overall health, we need to dive into why these mindset books are changing thousands of people's lives, DAILY.
Are you next? Talk to you soon :) XO Kim BOOKS REFERENCED IN THE PODCAST: BOOK #1: White Hot Truth by Danielle Laporte BOOK #2: The Judgement Detox by Gabby Bernstein BOOK #3: Braving The Wilderness by Brene Brown BOOK #4: The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer BOOK #5: The 5 Second Rule by Mel Robbins BONUS BOOK: you will have to tune into hear. See why it is the one that help me overcome not feeling smart enough.
gut check! When I recorded this episode, it made me stop judging my "off" days and appreciate what is "on" on those days. We aren't robots. We are bound to have off hours, days, weeks, months, and even years. But I want to give you 3 REASONS why you're already doing it right and how everyday you can feel MORE THAN ENOUGH. 3 Reasons You Need This Routine EVEN If You're Not PERFECT: REASON #1: Brain Dump REASON #2: How do you want to feel? REASON #3: 3 things you need to get done this week Look forward to seeing which reasons you pick up and/or what reasons that hold a solid foundation for your everyday life of feeling your best. XO KIM RESOURCES REFERENCED FROM THE PODCAST DAILY ACTION PLANNER by Savor The Success Desire Map Planner (DAILY EDITION*) by Danielle Laporte *weekly edition is available as well One Page Productivity Sheet by Brendon Burchard
This love message is for you to take on 3 messages that are ready for you to give yourself or that special someone that empathy, compassion, and challenge to find the clarity you need for YOUR LIFE. This episode is special because its exactly the words that may heal you to go onto the next thing you're going after.
Sending love in advance. Always the best, Kim
Mindfulness and Meditation can make most run far, far, far away. Including my guest today on Balance Over Perfect, Anna Gannon. Anna is a mom to a beautiful 2 year old girl, a wife, yoga teacher, and Community and Editoral Lead at Expetful (a meditation app designed for women looking to concieve, expecting moms to be and motherhood to help them guide through their journey). Anna story is going to feel like you are in it. She speaks directly to your heart and shows you that there is light at the end of the tunnel of what you are struggling with. I promise you won't want to miss the energy, enthusiam and empathy that Anna is going to take you on. Ready to feel more peaceful and less stressed? See you in there.
You can find Anna everywhere! And you will want to follow her to keep you in the space you are about to be after you tune in.
Balance used to be a fairytale word to me. "That doesn't exist," I would say. I love proving myself wrong and finding more and more about balance and how we are can attain it and how we will define it today for you JUST THE WAY YOU NEED IT. Give you a dose of peace and love in this episode as I navigate this self-love journey with you. Sending love, Kim
"Just get over it already." Nails to a chalkboard if you're anything like me. Over the years, and through the research and my own experiences...letting going is not "that easy". Sure, we can say we got "over it", but if we are being completely honest with ourselves, are we really "over it"? In this episode, I share with you 3 Steps that have changed the game for me to let go. I have found so much inner peace and a way better self-talk routine all because of these steps.
STEP 1 - Validate STEP 2 - PERSPECTIVE STEP 3 - RELEASE See what these 3 steps will do for you today. Share with a friend if you found the value of it. I have a feeling that this one is going down for one to talk over with a glass of wine or a cup of coffee with friends. We need more conversations like this. Keep it going! xo Kim
This is for the person that may look like they have it all together but isn't actually chasing their life "dream life". Kenia Nunez, a widower, and a warrior too so many of us of what it wants to DO OUR BEST. She is an author and just released her second book, Savvy Gems. This message you are about to hear will serve OUR YOUTH and EVERY ADULT that needs to hear this kind of healing to be able to live more fully. I can't wait for you to relieve stress, find inner peace and live YOUR very own Savvy Life. You can find Kenia at: on Facebook here IG: @asavvyme OR @SavvyGems
UH YES. Who wouldn't say "yes" if someone said to them... What if I told you that you could lead a Sexy Confident Life without any experience and/or knowledge prior, would you be interested in learning more about it? FOR SURE! This episode, you will be listening to the ever-so-amazing, Anna Renderer, host of PopSugar Fitness and Success & Self-Love Coach who is the creator of the Sexy Confident Life. She will lay down lines that will stir up your soul and give you exactly what you need to hear to start living this life. Before you press play or think this life isn't for you, know that she and I were not in this "sexy confident life" just a few years back. You can do this too. You can find more about Anna Renderer at: FB: Anna Renderer Fitness IG: @annarenderer Podcast on iTunes and Podcast Addict (Andriod Users): Sexy Confident Life
When was the last time you laughed going into a hard conversation you need to have with your spouse, boss, or even yourself?
Probably never. Kim McAdams, a Business and Success Coach takes on us on our ride to share with us how we can NOT ONLY have hard conversations but feel confident with doing them from start to finish. The crazy truth behind hard conversations has nothing to do with the actual conversation itself. It has to do with THIS. You will find out what THIS is and some ways to walk away from your next hard convo and feel confident with how you left it. To find more more about Kim (you will want to!) check her out at: on IG at: @kimberlyimc on Facebook at: Kimberley McAdams - The Accidental Entreprenuer
OMG! When I realized these people were in my life and then quickly realized they were holding me back from feeling best and reaching goals...things started to click. I laid down some truth bombs in here and one of these people is going to surprise you to why you aren't reaching your goals. Tune in will need to hear this and see how you can tackle it TODAY.
Self-care has become a buzz word in our society and I am here to tell you that we need to stop and listen to what this buzz is all about. You may be like me where you want to feel better, do more, be more but not sure how to get there. It gets simple when you conquer the power of you. That starts with self-care. The patterns that success and mindset coach, Charlotte Ferreux lays out for us is MIND BLOWING. She is among the best in her industry and is also a feel burn out like a lot of us here. Before you hit the "this isn't for me" button. Plug into why one nugget from this episode will change the course of your life. It did for me. You can find Charlotte at: FB: Charlotte Ferreux - Change by Choice IG: charlotte_ferreux
Joanna Platt, Life & Relationship Coach, creator of the course, Engaged and Love Always, Jo, the podcast is going on Balance Over Perfect today talking all things inner critic and all things love. You will fall in love with her and the voice that we ALL have inside of us after you tune into today's episode. Jo is just like you and me. She works on that inner critic and honors why it is coming in and how to understand it more to feel better ourselves. To see more of Jo, check her out out on: FB: WEBISTE: PODCAST:
She offers real life love and support to those in need of feeling their best in their relationships and life. WHO DOESN'T NEED THAT?!
Hi my friend, It's Kim again and this episode is near and dear to my heart already. It is a vulnerable piece for me as we talk about the ins and outs of that inner child that so desperately needs attention, love, and affection. If you have ever felt, "Will I ever be good enough?" or "When will this pain ever end?" Know it starts here. It can't be moved forward with a workout and a quick and easy nutrition plan. That helps. Helps a ton. It helps create the space to even think like this. Let's head in there and if this spoke to your heart, please share with your friends. There are a lot of "little" girls and boys running around as adults and all we need to do is this... See you in there! If you are looking for more coaching like this and want to see how you can have a Breakthrough moments like this, reach out to me at and we can chat more about your next steps. XO Kim
"Will I Ever Be Good Enough?" plays over and over in your head. It has for me! A LOT. I was known as the "pretty, athletic girl" and thought my whole life I could I was not smart ENOUGH. It held me back for many years and I want to share how you can get out of not feeling good enough and start living your life. In today's episode, you will see WHY, WHO, WHERE, and HOW to make it stop "you're not good enough" in your life. Tune and you start to feel the refreshing feeling of that fulfilled life.
If you like this episode, please share with your friends, family, and loved ones. For more insight like this and how to become more confident, inspired, and overall balanced visit me at and follow me on Facebook: Kim Gorski and Instagram - @kimkgorski and @balanceoverperfectpodcast (just for the podcast inspo)
Ever feel like you're constantly just trying to make it work but you feel like you're falling short? You're in luck... ...I had our first special guests on Balance Over Perfect in this episode, LISA PEZIK. Creator of Empowered EntrepreHER and fellow podcaster, The Empowered Life. She is one of a kind but she is also a huge giver of love and knowledge. In today's episode, You will see not only how you can RISE above anything but when you feel at your lowest what is possible. These tools are needed to have in our back pocket when we need them. We will need them, its a matter of when. No more stressing about that anymore. Learn them today!
If you like this episode, please share with your friends, family, and loved ones.For more insight like this and how to become more confident, inspired, and overall balanced visit me at and follow me on Facebook: Kim Gorski and Instagram - @kimkgorski and @balanceoverperfectpodcast (just for the podcast inspo)
When you feel like just giving up.... ...plug into these 3 main factors before FULLY throwing in the towel. 1. RELEASE 2. PERSPECTIVE 3. ACTION Don't miss either step. Especially STEP 1.
In today's episode, I am going to spark something inside of you. You may not feel like you're starting over or even at feeling like you're giving up. But you will need this when you do or just a quick pick me up. Ready to take on this show your mind that you are capable of NEVER LOSING HOPE?
If you like this episode, please share with your friends, family, and loved ones.For more insight like this and how to become more confident, inspired, and overall balanced visit me at and follow me on Facebook: Kim Gorski and Instagram - @kimkgorski and @balanceoverperfectpodcast (just for the podcast inspo)
Why aren’t you enough? Why aren’t you worthy of achieving what you want?
In today's episode, I am going to help you generate the feelings of confidence in a stronger foundation. You are going to finish this episode feeling more than enough and excited and capable to accomplish all that you desire!
Too many times when we say, “I am not______(fill in your blank).”, we are getting in our own ways of success.
These sayings may be small or ‘simple’ but the feelings they create in our minds and our guts are very complex. We HAVE to choose to channel positive responses to these “not enough” statements.
Ready to take on this long overdue saying, I am not enough? You CAN take it on!
If you like this episode, please share with your friends, family, and loved ones.For more insight like this and how to become more confident, inspired, and overall balanced visit me at and follow me on Facebook: Kim Gorski and Instagram - @kimkgorski and @balanceoverperfectpodcast (just for the podcast inspo)
How often are you going into your “toolbox” and utilizing the tools you have?!
In today's episode, I am going to remind you of the hard truths that come with working hard for something! You HAVE the capabilities; you have the “tools” to accomplish what it is you desire. But are you using them wisely?
Tapping into the tools and work that you do day in and day out to improve yourself helps you chip away at old habits to rewire your brain. Working on improving yourself never ends; it sometimes just takes rewiring and tapping into the lessons you have learned along the way.
If you like this episode, please share with your friends, family, and loved ones.
For more insight like this and how to become more confident, inspired, and overall balanced visit me at and follow me on Facebook: Kim Gorski - Balance Over Perfect and Instagram - @kimkgorski
How often do you allow yourself to be vulnerable?
In today's episode, I am going to share with you the power of vulnerability and why we should be tapping into it more.
#1 Take ownership for your actions and your vulnerability.
#2 Engage within the competence-confidence loop.
#3 Set the stage to be vulnerable with others.
If you like this episode, please share with your friends, family, and loved ones.
For more insight like this and how to become more confident, inspired, and overall balanced visit me at and follow me on Facebook: Kim Gorski - Balance Over Perfect and Instagram - @kimkgorski
Did you know you have been living by lies your whole life? I know I had no idea until I was taught it myself!
In today's episode, I am going to share with you 3 things we should be doing, but don't.
#1 Things DO NOT have to be perfect.
#2 You DO NOT have to be 'complete' in order to be happy and enough.
#3 The balance you create in your life is YOUR responsibility.
If you like this episode, please share with your friends, family, and loved ones.
For more insight like this and how to become more confident, inspired, and overall balanced visit me at and follow me on Facebook: Kim Gorski - Balance Over Perfect and Instagram - @kimkgorski
Are you nervous around people and lack confidence? It is frustrating to not feel enough around others, right?!
I have been there many times and today's episode, I am going to share my TOP 4 tips on how to become more confident around people and not have to wait to be confident any longer.
#1 Be You
#2 Journal has power
#3 Practice
#4 Repeat 1,2,3
If you like this episode, please share with your friends, family, and loved ones.
For more insight like this and how to become more confident, inspired, and overall balanced visit me at and follow me on Facebook: Kim Gorski - Balance Over Perfect and Instagram - @kimkgorski
Are you exhausted of always thinking positivity and learning how to do that? Are you tired of always wanting to better yourself to reach a certain goal? You will want to tune in today. This was an AH HA moment I needed to hear. 1- Understand why you are feeling like this and not alone. 2- Give yourself the space to know what you want 3- Your best help is compassion Look forward to seeing you in there!
Overwhelm is inevitable! But, it is possible to overcome it have that peace of mind we are all looking for to transform our days and success. Here are 3 ways I overcome the overwhelm
#1 Prepare yourself #2 Practice the habits #3 Pursue your success
----------- GRAB MY FREE PLANNER TO OVERCOME THE OVERWHELM If you need help with your QUICKSTART - I made a FREE 7 day QUICKSTART planner for you! To help you QuickStart your mind, motivation, and mission!
This every woman’s guide to self-love, productivity, and fitness!
You can get it here:
Ever wonder why you seem to procrastinate so much? More often than not it is your subconscious pushing undesirable tasks out of your mind. But on the opposite end of the spectrum, you have the conscious ability to choose what you spend your time doing and how to get things done. It is up to you to choose to spend your time doing things (undesirable or not) that will make moves in a forward and positive direction towards your goals.
Listen to this week's episode of Balance Over Perfect to learn more about procrastination and how to grow out of it!
Ever feel like things are just not going your way and you look up to the man above or the sky and you’re just like COME ON????
Ever feel like this with your…weight loss program? job? relationship?
Today, we’re going to touch upon these kinds of topics and 3 reasons why they're just not working out. Listen to this episode of BALANCE Over PERFECT to hear more.
Believe it or not, we cannot find motivation from others. Every time we are asking others to motivate us, we are actually setting ourselves back!
True motivation that will last and sustain us comes from OURSELVES. We have to generate it ourselves or else we are unable to keep it ongoing in future instances.
And our truest motivation comes from our inner child; the genuine self that we were when we were about 8 years old. Remember that kid? They likely didn't need anyone else to motivate them! It came natural because everything at that age was natural and genuine.
See more of what I mean on this episode of Balance Over Perfect.
xo, Kim
As women, freeing up our thoughts and our to-do lists that are constantly floating around in our mind is one of the hardest things for us! Am I right, moms?!
But it is vital for us to stay sane and in touch with ourselves and our loved ones!
Listen to these 3 tips for how you can free up your mind to learn more!
xo, Kim
Boosting your energy is so much more than just caffeine and it can be created from nothing when you take into consideration the tips above. Stop playing the victim. You are enough and deserve all the energy in the world!
Increased water intake, getting an ample (as in 7-9 hours!) amount of sleep, getting a workout in at least 5 days a week, and nourishing your body with nutritiously dense foods is key when it comes to creating a positive mindset and energy that lasts and thrives.
In my newest podcast episode on Balance Over Perfect, “Four Tips to Boost Your Energy Today.”, I talk more about all these tips and go into more details for you!
Grace is an area that we constantly reminded to dwell in but we aren’t living there often enough. It is why I share a note of grace with you at the end of every email; to remind you to take that time and to give yourself the break of grace.
Living with more grace in your day means honoring the balance between peace and the highs and lows that we all go through. Allowing yourself to honor that balance is what will lead you into a more graceful mindset.
So do you think you're living your life with enough grace? Tune into this most recent episode of Balance Over Perfect to learn more.
xo, Kim
Do you notice that some days you feel lazy and others you feel motivated and excited to do things?!
When those lazy days happen, sometimes they lead us to feel like we aren't "enough." But when these days happen, we need to remember to give ourselves grace. There are days when we deserve to relax and BE lazy. But it is learning how to channel this laziness that is most important.
Are we choosing to be lazy in the appropriate times or are we choosing to be lazy when we should be working, being present with our spouse, and playing with our kids? Laziness is earned and we deserve it.
Listen to my most recent podcast to learn my top 5 tips for learning how to earn your laziness and how to give yourself grace in the process.
When we think about the holidays, the LAST thing we think about is balance. With stress, expectations, travel, and family, balance and peace is farfetched for a lot of us.
When I used to think about balance, I would think it was perfection. Yet, the definition of balance is more centered around finding that PEACE.
In this episode of Balance Over Perfect, you will learn "the 3 THE'S" as well as more about what balance actually is and how you can find it, even in the more stressful times. Give yourself grace during the times where you feel unbalanced and learn how you can find more balance in the crazy times.
xo, Kim
When we struggle with our health and fitness, shouldn't we want to dive in and truly give it our all so that we can grow and overcome the struggle as quickly as possible? There is a lesson to be learned from every "low" and "funk" we are in! When you're in a funk, think EAT: Exercise, Awareness, and Tell yourself. To learn more about embracing the funk you may be in as well as how to EAT to get out of it, listen to this episode of BALANCE over PERFECT.
We have been told a story that success is supposed to look like overworked and overwhelmed. Well, I am over that story. And if you are to...let's start re-writing your new story. In today's Balance Over Perfect, I talk about why we have been telling ourselves this story and how it has evolved over the years to a story that may not even be accurate. Now, let's find your new way through new habits and more fulfillment.
Have you felt you needed to kill your body to get the results you want? I've been there and I am hear to tell you that it is your quickest way to no results. Step into Episode #3 where I talk about the 3 C's to giving yourself compassion and consistency in your health, fitness, and mindset journey.
Hitting rock bottom is no fun. But hitting rock bottom and knowing your not alone makes it that much easier. In this episode, you will find more about your highs and lows in your health, relationships, career, & life and how to take action on it. Give yourself grace for yesterday. Give yourself peace for today. Give yourself a plan for tomorrow. xo Kim