Two ex-Christians explore the many oddities, obsessions, and minutiae of American Evangelicalism.
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Two ex-Christians explore the many oddities, obsessions, and minutiae of American Evangelicalism.
Follow us on Twitter and IG @jesusweptpod, or email us at
Copyright: © Jesus Wept
In 1997, Dr. Rosaria Margaretha Champagne Butterfield had it all.
A full professorship of English at Syracuse University. Two beautiful houses in town. A committed relationship with a woman named T. And a sense of fulfillment from her activism in the local LGBTQ community.
But then: she threw it all away to convert to Christianity, marry a man, and become a pastor's wife and homeschool mom.
What does Rosaria's story tell us about how evangelicals view LGBTQ people? Why does that matter? And in today's deeply transphobic political landscape, what can Rosaria tell us about where we're headed?
Follow us on Instagram and Twitter @jesusweptpod, and email us at
TW: homophobia, transphobia, discussion of the AIDS pandemic and recent wave of anti-trans legislation
Join us on an examination of the youth ministry juggernaut Young Life and its meticulously calculated discipleship techniques.
This episode features Grace's personal story of how they fell deep into Young Life as a high schooler and ended up launching a new YL chapter at their college campus—before it all came crashing down. We’re thinking about the ethics of evangelizing to children, the role of coercion in youth ministry, and how adults cultivate close relationships with children in the name of "saving souls." It all begs the question…
Would Jesus Weep?
TW: Discussion of sexual harassment and assault of both children and adults. No graphic descriptions.
Follow us on Instagram and Twitter @jesusweptpod, and email us at
"Youth Ministry Accused Of Deceiving Queer Teens With ‘Bait And Switch'" | Huffington Post
"Christian youth group 'YoungLife' under fire over alleged LGBTQ policy seen in leaked document" | Queen City News
"Young Life projects an image of cool Christianity. But former members say they experienced sexual misconduct during their time at the mega-ministry." | Business Week
Official 2013 "Young Life Leader Training" handbook Grace received
Episode 3 is an examination of the youth ministry empire Young Life and the extensively calculated discipleship and "megachurch marketing" techniques the organization, and others, have pioneered to "win kids for Christ."
This episode features Grace's personal story of how they feel deep into YL as a high schooler and ended up launching a new YL chapter at their college campus—before it all came crashing down.
Stay tuned!
In which our favorite Australian creationist debates Bill Nye, sues the Commonwealth of Kentucky, uses taxpayer money to subsidize what Grace describes as a "big log of shit"—and somehow ends up more powerful than ever.
The epic story of how an Australian fundamentalist named Ken Ham moved to America, created a global evangelical empire, and founded a purported "natural history museum" in Kentucky that teaches its visitors that the earth is 6,000 years old and evolution is a myth.
This is Jesus Wept.
Every episode, writers Grace Gilbert and Boen Wang will take you into the depths of evangelical Christianity, guiding you through stories that are weird/wild/sometimes disturbing—stories that have profound implications for American religion, culture, and society.
You can find us on IG and Twitter @jesusweptpod, or email us at
Stay tuned: things only get weirder from here.