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July Monthly Message
A Career or a Calling?
Luke 5
Have you ever felt really bad about something you did? Something that hurt to the core? Have you ever hurt someone so badly because of your own pride or your own desires, and then afterward felt the deep heavy pain of that treachery?
Read Luke 5:1-11
Who is Simon Peter (Cephas)?
Generally considered the leader of the 12 disciples
Jesus renamed him as Peter
Family by trade: Fishermen
Brother Andrew also a fisherman
Partners in business with James and John (sons of Zebedee aka Sons of Thunder)
He was married
Part of the inner circle along with James and John
He was quick to speak and very reactionary.
Foot in mouth syndrome
FIM syndrome
Attempted to walk on water
Mountain of Transfiguration - let me build three shelters
Foot washing in upper room - don’t wash my feet
Jesus predicted all followers would fall away after he was crucified. - Peter said not him. Then he did deny him.
Peter fell asleep at Jesus’ critical time of need in the garden of Gethsemane
Peter cut off the ear of the guard coming to arrest Jesus
Peter entered the tomb first
Jesus tells the men to let nets down.
They were very reluctant.
After the massive catch
Peter realized EXACTLY who Jesus is.
Massive Landslide
Not that they left the “millions” worth
In the presence if GOD, Peter saw his sin for what it was. Ugly. Horrendous. Treacherous.
Is God asking you to leave your carrier behind?
Everyone is different but the Bible has verse after verse about hard work. Work for earthly masters as if you are working for God.
God made us to work. It is in us to want to do a good job. Our careers are not the issue. It is making them an IDOL that is the issue.
Do you WORSHIP your job?
David Foster Wallace on Worship at the 2005 Kenyon College graduation address.
“There is no experience you’ve had that you were not at the absolute center of.”
It is hardwired in us to be self-centered.
He states there is no such thing as atheism. No such thing as not worshipping. Everybody worships. The choice is WHAT we worship.
Examples he gives:
MONEY = you will never have enough or never FEEL you have enough.
BEAUTY/BODY = you will always feel UGLY
POWER = you will always feel way and afraid
INTELLECT (being seen as smart) = always feel stupid or like a fraud.
Other areas I have added:
HUSBAND = you will never be enough for him
SERVING = you helpers out there - always resentful that others don’t notice or help too.
CAREER = you will never be enough, have enough, always wanting more.
Micah 6:8 New King James Version (NKJV)
He has shown you, O man, what is good;
And what the Lord requires of you
But to do justly,
To love mercy,
And to walk humbly with your God?
Take a moment to write down all the people, things, and talents that you have and are in your life. Write all the things that matter to you most such as your spouse, your children, your money, your looks, your career, and then imagine if God took it away from you. How would you react?
Allow God to metaphorically take everything away, and then one by one, bring it back to you. How would you steward that gift? Everything God has given you, your mind, your sight, where you live, your friends, your family, all is a gift from him. He desires you to be a good steward of it all. He does not want you to make an idol of any of it. Push out all the idols in your life. Give it all to God.
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