JACK MURPHY LIVE – where I bring you the best guests talking about today’s most important topics.
In-depth long form interviews with experts across such fields as politics, culture, philosophy, the media, masculinity, and more.
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JACK MURPHY LIVE – where I bring you the best guests talking about today’s most important topics.
In-depth long form interviews with experts across such fields as politics, culture, philosophy, the media, masculinity, and more.
Is America becoming gayer? Is White replacement real? What is the history and the implications of demographic change in America?
What are the root causes of political difference today? Is our polarization a result of psychological differences? Is LGBTQ making people mentally ill?
Eric Kaufmann and I touch on all these subjects and a whole lot more in this wide ranging discussion. Eric is an author and professor the University of London. He's a fellow at the Manhattan Institute and he knows his stuff. We look at real data and history to discuss these hot button issues.
Jack Murphy's Book, "Democrat To Deplorable," Now Available On Audiobook: https://adbl.co/3qXvlEY
Liminal Order: https://www.liminal-order.com
Follow Jack Murphy: Twitter: https://twitter.com/jackmurphylive
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jackmurphylive/
Minds: https://www.minds.com/jackmurphylive/
David P. Goldman and Jack Murphy Live.
David Goldman is the Spengler columnist for Asia Times and PJ Media; President, Macrostrategy LLC; Claremont Institute Center for the American Way of Life, Washington Fellow, a former NatSec official and former Head of Credit Strategy for Credit Suisse.
Jack and David discuss:
- Grand Strategy vis-a-vis China
- Russia and Ukraine
- The Petro Dollar
- Interest Rates
- Foreign Policy
- Angelo Codevilla
Jack Murphy's Book, "Democrat To Deplorable," Now Available On Audiobook: https://adbl.co/3qXvlEY
Liminal Order: https://www.liminal-order.com
Follow Jack Murphy: Twitter: https://twitter.com/jackmurphylive
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jackmurphylive/
Catherine Shanahan, M.D. and Jack Murphy Live.
Dr. Cate and Jack discuss:
- How big Ag, Big Pharm, and Big Education conspire to keep us fat, sick, and dumb
- How food and environment effect your epigenetics and could be creating a separate nutritional class in America
- The impact of your food choices on your children and DNA - Is Autism caused by seed oils?
- Deep Nutrition
- Fat Burn Fix
Catherine Shanahan, M.D is a board-certified family physician. She trained in biochemistry and genetics at Cornell University before attending Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. She practiced medicine in Hawaii for a decade, where she studied ethnobotany, as well as the culinary habits of her healthiest patients. Her books include Deep Nutrition and The Fat Burn Fix. She currently runs a metabolic health clinic in Denver, Colorado and serves as the Director of the Los Angeles Lakers PRO Nutrition Program.
Jack Murphy's Book, "Democrat To Deplorable," Now Available On Audiobook: https://adbl.co/3qXvlEY
Liminal Order: https://www.liminal-order.com
Follow Jack Murphy: Twitter: https://twitter.com/jackmurphylive
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jackmurphylive/
Ian Crossland and Jack Murphy Live. Ian Crossland is the co-host of the famous TIMCAST IRL podcast. Musician, technologist, entrepreneur, polymath and all around great guy; joins Jack to talk, life, graphene, being very online, and whatever else comes up. After doing 25+ shows together on TIMCAST IRL, this is the first time Jack and Ian have sat down together to talk, just the two of them.
Jack Murphy's Book, "Democrat To Deplorable," Now Available On Audiobook: https://adbl.co/3qXvlEY
Liminal Order: https://www.liminal-order.com
Follow Jack Murphy: Twitter: https://twitter.com/jackmurphylive
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jackmurphylive/
We all go through life changes. How we feel about it on the inside is important, but how the world perceives our changes is important too.
History and rhetoric show us that we as humans have built in mechanisms for understanding the changes we see in others. Whether or not your change fits those models will determine how well your community accepts or rejects your evolutions or your returns.
For those seeking to effect political and cultural changes, these models can also shape to what extent political changes are understood, perceived, and/or adopted by the public.
Dr. Adam Ellwanger is a professor who teaches rhetoric, philosophy, and history and he is the author of the book "METANOIA: Rhetoric, Authenticity, and the Transformation of Self."
He joins me to discuss his book, current political rhetoric, the New Right, Frogs, and my own personal experiences with change.
Interesting, powerful, revealing, and educational - this is a another JML classic.
Jack Murphy sits down with Luke Burgis, author of "Wanting: The Power of Mimetic Desire in Everyday Life" - an insightful book that draws on the work of French polymath René Girard to bring this hidden force to light and reveals how it shapes our lives and societies.
Why do you want what you want?
And how do we influence what other's want?
Once you understand the power of memetic contagion, you'll see it everywhere.
"A groundbreaking exploration of why we want what we want, and a toolkit for freeing ourselves from chasing unfulfilling desires. Gravity affects every aspect of our physical being, but there’s a psychological force just as powerful―yet almost nobody has heard of it. It’s responsible for bringing groups of people together and pulling them apart, making certain goals attractive to some and not to others, and fueling cycles of anxiety and conflict. In Wanting, Luke Burgis draws on the work of French polymath René Girard to bring this hidden force to light and reveals how it shapes our lives and societies. According to Girard, humans don’t desire anything independently. Human desire is mimetic―we imitate what other people want. This affects the way we choose partners, friends, careers, clothes, and vacation destinations. Mimetic desire is responsible for the formation of our very identities. It explains the enduring relevancy of Shakespeare’s plays, why Peter Thiel decided to be the first investor in Facebook, and why our world is growing more divided as it becomes more connected. Wanting also shows that conflict does not arise because of our differences―it comes from our sameness. Because we learn to want what other people want, we often end up competing for the same things. Ignoring our large similarities, we cling to our perceived differences."
Jack Murphy's Book, "Democrat To Deplorable," Now Available On Audiobook: https://adbl.co/3qXvlEY
Liminal Order: https://www.liminal-order.com
Follow Jack Murphy: Twitter: https://twitter.com/jackmurphylive
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jackmurphylive
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jackmurphylive/
The Mob, The Long Night, and the Path of Maximum Courage
Jordan Hall: futurist, technologist, philosopher, sense maker. He returns to JML to discuss and wide range of topics including how the world has changed after the Russia invasion, open source network swarm, egregores, humility, sense making, personal sovereignty, propaganda, the end of history, spiritual journeys, web3, lorecraft, emergent phenomenon and more. Talks with Jordan are always worth the time.
- Russia / Ukraine - Fukiyama - What is War energy? - The death energy - Blood lust - Open source network swarm (re: John Robb) - Changing the niche of our own social environment - Collective intelligence - Emergent phenomenon - Oral tradition - printing press - internet - Coordination Capacity - Egregore - How do humans coordinate - Moloch - Ensoulment - Something so scary it feels like a lie - Victorian synthesis - Blue Church / Red Religion - Crossing the adaptive valley - There's no here to stay in - Adapt or die - Weimar Germany - Russia in the adaptive valley, blood lust, and collective intelligence. - Risk aversion - Courage - How to use digital to nudge behavior - Chinese Social Credit System - How to make small changes in the choice landscape - How to nudge the mob - Identity and control structures - Surrender - Soul, body, persona - Path of maximum courage - Niche adaption - The Mob, The Long Night, and the Path of Maximum Courage - Power vs Strength - Personal Sovereignty - How to listen to your gut, and why - The clean feedback of getting punched in the face - Self, Family, Community - How community can solve the world - DAO - web3 - lorecraft - ego death - transcendent design
John Robb, author of Brave New War and the Global Guerrillas Report, joins Jack to discuss the terrifying nature of the Open Source Network war which has been unleashed as a result of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
John and Jack cover a lot of ground in this important podcast. Topics: - Hollowed out Nation States - 4th Generation Warfare Networks - Information War - Network Swarms - Chinese Social Credit - Corporate Fascism - Wang Huning - Complex Systems - Empathetic Triggers - Pattern matching - America vs America - Putin's Russia - Nuclear escalation - Plausible Promise - Network disruption - How to end the Russia conflict - Decentralization - Network Foco - Nonlinearity and Nuclear Weapons - Existential Risk - Brinksmanship - Strategic moral quadrant - How to distract the network? - Network disruption as victory - General Artificial Intelligence - AI as supernatural - The Long Night - What to tell your children?
Jack Murphy's Book, "Democrat To Deplorable," Now Available On Audiobook: https://adbl.co/3qXvlEY
Liminal Order: https://www.liminal-order.com
Follow Jack Murphy: Twitter: https://twitter.com/jackmurphylive
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jackmurphylive
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jackmurphylive/
Jack Murphy sits down with John Gibbs, former Trump staffer under Dr. Ben Carson, now running for Congress to represent Michigan's 3rd District.
They discuss his beginnings working for Apple and as a missionary in Japan, how he joined the Trump administration, how to actually help lift people out of poverty, and why he's running for office in Michigan.
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Jack Murphy's Book, "Democrat To Deplorable," Now Available On Audiobook: https://adbl.co/3qXvlEY
Liminal Order: https://liminal-order.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jackmurphylive
Facebook: https://facebook.com/jackmurphylive
Instagram: https://instagram.com/jackmurphylive
Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/JackMurphyLive
Minds: https://www.minds.com/jackmurphylive/
Jack Murphy sits down with Thomas G. West, author of The Political Theory of the American Founding and professor of politics at Hillsdale College.
They discuss how the founders understood a system of government must be tailored for the people, how they would not have allowed government dependents to vote, how victimhood has supplanted civic virtue, and much more.
Thomas G. West Author and Professor
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Jack Murphy's Book, "Democrat To Deplorable," Now Available On Audiobook: https://adbl.co/3qXvlEY
Liminal Order: https://liminal-order.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jackmurphylive
Facebook: https://facebook.com/jackmurphylive
Instagram: https://instagram.com/jackmurphylive
Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/JackMurphyLive
Minds: https://www.minds.com/jackmurphylive/
Jack Murphy sits down with European fine art sculptor Fen de Villiers, based in Antwerp, Belgium.
They dive into the distortion of modern art toward leftist political ends, how revitalizing art can lift us out of this spiritual dark age, how dissenting artists must unite and take a stand, and much more.
Fen de Villiers Fine Art Sculptor Twitter: @ FendeVilliers Website: https://www.fendevilliers.com/
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Jack Murphy's Book, "Democrat To Deplorable," Now Available On Audiobook: https://adbl.co/3qXvlEY
Liminal Order: https://liminal-order.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jackmurphylive
Facebook: https://facebook.com/jackmurphylive
Instagram: https://instagram.com/jackmurphylive
Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/JackMurphyLive
Minds: https://www.minds.com/jackmurphylive/
Jack Murphy brings on pseudonymous writer and cultural critic Indian Bronson.
They discuss the rise of pseudonymous culture, how automation will affect our world, the NFT phenomenon, and his role at the crypto payment infrastructure start-up, Swype.
Indian Bronson Pseudonymous Writer and Cultural Critic Twitter: @ lndian_Bronson Substack: https://indianbronson.substack.com/
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Jack Murphy's Book, "Democrat To Deplorable," Now Available On Audiobook: https://adbl.co/3qXvlEY
Liminal Order: https://liminal-order.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jackmurphylive
Facebook: https://facebook.com/jackmurphylive
Instagram: https://instagram.com/jackmurphylive
Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/JackMurphyLive
Minds: https://www.minds.com/jackmurphylive/
Jack Murphy welcomes back Aleksandr Dugin, prolific philosopher and author of The Great Awakening vs. The Great Reset.
They discuss the concept of returning to a more sacred, organic way of life, Universalism versus Multi-polarity, and how disparate forces must align to combat the Globalist tyrannical takeover.
Aleksandr Dugin Philosopher & Author
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Jack Murphy's Book, "Democrat To Deplorable," Now Available On Audiobook: https://adbl.co/3qXvlEY
Liminal Order: https://liminal-order.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jackmurphylive
Facebook: https://facebook.com/jackmurphylive
Instagram: https://instagram.com/jackmurphylive
Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/JackMurphyLive
Minds: https://www.minds.com/jackmurphylive/
Jack Murphy interviews the legendary Adam Curry, aka the "Podfather," co-host of the No Agenda show, former MTV personality, entrepreneur, and Bitcoin maximalist. They discuss the evolution of the podcasting medium, how Adam is working to transform it with crypto and Web3 integration, how society becomes hypnotized, how to fight back against totalitarianism, and much more. Adam Curry Podcast Pioneer & Entrepreneur Twitter: @ AdamCurry
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Jack Murphy's Book, "Democrat To Deplorable," Now Available On Audiobook: https://adbl.co/3qXvlEY
Liminal Order: https://liminal-order.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jackmurphylive
Facebook: https://facebook.com/jackmurphylive
Instagram: https://instagram.com/jackmurphylive
Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/JackMurphyLive
Minds: https://www.minds.com/jackmurphylive/
Jack Murphy welcomes back Bo Winegard, a social scientist who was cancelled in 2020 for daring to talk about race and biology.
They dive into whether human nature has fundamentally changed over thousands of years, the dogma surrounding discussion about population differences, and how civilization can balance discipline with freedom.
Bo Winegard Independent Scholar and Former Professor Twitter: @ EPoe187
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Jack Murphy's Book, "Democrat To Deplorable," Now Available On Audiobook: https://adbl.co/3qXvlEY
Liminal Order: https://liminal-order.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jackmurphylive
Facebook: https://facebook.com/jackmurphylive
Instagram: https://instagram.com/jackmurphylive
Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/JackMurphyLive
Jack Murphy interviews Raw Egg Nationalist, author of the underground hit cookbook Raw Egg Nationalism and editor of Man's World journal.
They discuss the rise of spiritual praise for obesity, the stereotypes preventing men from bonding, how food has become political, and how raw eggs represent the antithesis of the globalist, processed soy lifestyle. Raw Egg Nationalist Author of Raw Egg Nationalism Twitter: @ BabyGravy9
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Jack Murphy's Book, "Democrat To Deplorable," Now Available On Audiobook: https://adbl.co/3qXvlEY
Liminal Order: https://liminal-order.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jackmurphylive
Facebook: https://facebook.com/jackmurphylive
Instagram: https://instagram.com/jackmurphylive
Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/JackMurphyLive
Jack Murphy interviews Matthew Peterson, founding editor of The American Mind, Vice President of Education at the Claremont Institute, and president of New Founding.
They discuss how the New Right must create an aligned parallel culture, the lost discipline of assimilation in America, and how the leftist takeover won't stop until the people take action to do so.
Matthew Peterson Founding Editor of The American Mind Twitter: @ docMJP
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Jack Murphy's Book, "Democrat To Deplorable," Now Available On Audiobook: https://adbl.co/3qXvlEY
Liminal Order: https://liminal-order.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jackmurphylive
Facebook: https://facebook.com/jackmurphylive
Instagram: https://instagram.com/jackmurphylive
Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/JackMurphyLive
Jack Murphy interviews Glenn Ellmers, a senior fellow at the Claremont Institute who studied with Harry Jaffa. He recently authored The Soul of Politics: Harry V. Jaffa and the Fight For America.
Glenn Ellmers Author and Claremont Institute Senior Fellow Twitter: @ soul_politics
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Jack Murphy's Book, "Democrat To Deplorable," Now Available On Audiobook: https://adbl.co/3qXvlEY
Liminal Order: https://liminal-order.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jackmurphylive
Facebook: https://facebook.com/jackmurphylive
Instagram: https://instagram.com/jackmurphylive
Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/JackMurphyLive
Jack Murphy interviews Marc Lobliner, a pro bodybuilder, entrepreneur, and political commentator.
They dive into the insanity of establishment nutritional "science," how the true pandemic is obesity, and powerful tips for health, strength, and overall fitness.
Marc Lobliner Pro Bodybuilder and Entrepreneur Twitter: @ MarcLobliner
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Jack Murphy's Book, "Democrat To Deplorable," Now Available On Audiobook: https://adbl.co/3qXvlEY
Liminal Order: https://liminal-order.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jackmurphylive
Facebook: https://facebook.com/jackmurphylive
Instagram: https://instagram.com/jackmurphylive
Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/JackMurphyLive
Jack Murphy interviews Arthur Kwon Lee, a painter, martial artist, and conservative commentator who integrates the spirit of mythology and heroism in his artwork.
They dive into the leftist desecration of objective beauty, the power of art in fortifying our values, and how being a real man today is to be a dissident.
Arthur Kwon Lee Painter & Founder of Genesis Council Instagram/Twitter: @ ArthurKwonLee
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Jack Murphy's Book, "Democrat To Deplorable," Now Available On Audiobook: https://adbl.co/3qXvlEY
Liminal Order: https://liminal-order.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jackmurphylive
Facebook: https://facebook.com/jackmurphylive
Instagram: https://instagram.com/jackmurphylive
Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/JackMurphyLive
Jack Murphy welcomes back Joe Kent, a retired Green Beret running as an America First Republican for Congress for Washington state's 3rd District.
They hone in on Joe's approach to building the America First coalition, the need to address the failing establishment GOP, how to avoid taking the Black Pill, and the situation around Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller.
Joe Kent Congressional Candidate for WA-3 / Retired Green Beret Twitter: @JoeKent16Jan19
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Jack Murphy's Book, "Democrat To Deplorable," Now Available On Audiobook: https://adbl.co/3qXvlEY
Liminal Order: https://liminal-order.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jackmurphylive
Facebook: https://facebook.com/jackmurphylive
Instagram: https://instagram.com/jackmurphylive
Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/JackMurphyLive
Jack Murphy interviews Blake Masters, Chief Operating Officer of Thiel Capital, who recently announced his candidacy for U.S. Senator in Arizona.
They discuss how Blake plans to actually implement America First policy, limiting immigration, how to reign in Big Tech, and how to protect our economy from foreign takeover.
Blake Masters Chief Operating Officer | Thiel Capital Twitter: @ bgmasters
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Jack Murphy's Book, "Democrat To Deplorable," Now Available On Audiobook: https://adbl.co/3qXvlEY
Liminal Order: https://liminal-order.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jackmurphylive
Facebook: https://facebook.com/jackmurphylive
Instagram: https://instagram.com/jackmurphylive
Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/JackMurphyLive
Jack Murphy interviews J.D. Vance, author of Hillbilly Elegy, co-founder of venture capital firm Narya, and Ohio candidate for US Senate.
They discuss how he came around to Trump, how the Left holds no punches in trying to mold the country, and how to develop a more aggressive conservatism.
J.D. Vance Author and US Senate Candidate Twitter: @ JDVance1
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Jack Murphy's Book, "Democrat To Deplorable," Now Available On Audiobook: https://adbl.co/3qXvlEY
Liminal Order: https://liminal-order.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jackmurphylive
Facebook: https://facebook.com/jackmurphylive
Instagram: https://instagram.com/jackmurphylive
Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/JackMurphyLive
Jack Murphy welcomes back Kash Patel, a key Trump administration intelligence official who helped dismantle the Russiagate witch hunt.
They discuss the possible fate of woke General Mark Milley, understanding military chain of command, the Afghanistan debacle, and how Kash is adjusting to life outside the Trump admin.
Kash Patel Former Chief of Staff to the Acting US Secretary of Defense
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Jack Murphy's Book, "Democrat To Deplorable," Now Available On Audiobook: https://adbl.co/3qXvlEY
Liminal Order: https://liminal-order.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jackmurphylive
Facebook: https://facebook.com/jackmurphylive
Instagram: https://instagram.com/jackmurphylive
Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/JackMurphyLive
Jack Murphy interviews David Freiheit, aka Viva Frei, attorney, content creator, and most recently, a candidate for elected office in Canada with the People's Party of Canada.
David Freiheit Attorney & YouTuber Twitter: @thevivafrei
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Jack Murphy's Book, "Democrat To Deplorable," Now Available On Audiobook: https://adbl.co/3qXvlEY
Liminal Order: https://liminal-order.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jackmurphylive
Facebook: https://facebook.com/jackmurphylive
Instagram: https://instagram.com/jackmurphylive
Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/JackMurphyLive
Jack Murphy interviews Joshua Steinman, former Trump administration cybersecurity policy senior director, on emergent cybersecurity threats, how White House staffers undermined Trump, and how to maximize your efficiency in work and everyday life.
Joshua Steinman Former Trump Cybersecurity Senior Director Twitter: @ JoshuaSteinman
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Jack Murphy's Book, "Democrat To Deplorable," Now Available On Audiobook: https://adbl.co/3qXvlEY
Liminal Order: https://liminal-order.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jackmurphylive
Facebook: https://facebook.com/jackmurphylive
Instagram: https://instagram.com/jackmurphylive
Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/JackMurphyLive
Jack Murphy speaks with scientist Joe Norman on how modernity has compromised the human spirit, using complexity science to navigate a blurry world, and how to harness the network power of men.
Joe Norman Founder | Applied Complexity Science Twitter: @ normonics
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Jack Murphy's Book, "Democrat To Deplorable," Now Available On Audiobook: https://adbl.co/3qXvlEY
Liminal Order: https://liminal-order.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jackmurphylive
Facebook: https://facebook.com/jackmurphylive
Instagram: https://instagram.com/jackmurphylive
Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/JackMurphyLive
Jack Murphy speaks with James Lindsay and Christopher Rufo on their incredibly effective work against CRT, the draconian vaccine mandates, how libertarians unwittingly enable leftist tyranny, and the need for a new, common American sensibility.
James Lindsay Founder | New Discourses Twitter: @ ConceptualJames
Christopher Rufo Senior Fellow | Manhattan Institute Twitter: @ RealChrisRufo
JML Panel Show: The best guests, the best topics, the best conversations. From the lofty ideas of philosophy to the nitty gritty on the street, we have got you covered.
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Jack Murphy's Book, "Democrat To Deplorable," Now Available On Audiobook: https://adbl.co/3qXvlEY
Liminal Order: https://liminal-order.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jackmurphylive
Facebook: https://facebook.com/jackmurphylive
Instagram: https://instagram.com/jackmurphylive
Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/JackMurphyLive
Jack Murphy speaks with Larry Schweikart, renowned history professor and author, to explain the four pillars that made America great, how to cut through the leftist distortions of history, and the need for patriotic education.
Larry Schweikart Historian | Wild World of History Twitter: @ history_wild
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Jack Murphy's Book, "Democrat To Deplorable," Now Available On Audiobook: https://adbl.co/3qXvlEY
Liminal Order: https://liminal-order.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jackmurphylive
Facebook: https://facebook.com/jackmurphylive
Instagram: https://instagram.com/jackmurphylive
Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/JackMurphyLive
Jack Murphy sits down with Spencer Klavan and Michael Millerman for an epic conversation on the virtues that define masculinity, the role of philosophy in manhood, and how to fight back against the globalist attempts to stomp out men.
Spencer Klavan Associate Editor | Claremont Institute Twitter: @SpencerKlavan
Michael Millerman Philosopher Twitter: @M_Millerman
JML Panel Show: The best guests, the best topics, the best conversations. From the lofty ideas of philosophy to the nitty gritty on the street, we have got you covered.
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Jack Murphy's Book, "Democrat To Deplorable," Now Available On Audiobook: https://adbl.co/3qXvlEY
Liminal Order: https://liminal-order.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jackmurphylive
Facebook: https://facebook.com/jackmurphylive
Instagram: https://instagram.com/jackmurphylive
Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/JackMurphyLive
Jack Murphy interviews Ian Prior, executive director of Fight For Schools and former DOJ official, who is on the ground in Loudoun County, Virginia, as one of the nation's leaders in the fight against CRT in education.
Ian Prior Executive Director | Fight For Schools Twitter: @ IanDPrior
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Jack Murphy's Book, "Democrat To Deplorable," Now Available On Audiobook: https://adbl.co/3qXvlEY
Liminal Order: https://liminal-order.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jackmurphylive
Facebook: https://facebook.com/jackmurphylive
Instagram: https://instagram.com/jackmurphylive
Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/JackMurphyLive
Jack Murphy sits down with Larry Sanger, co-founder of Wikipedia, to drill down on the philosophy of knowledge, ideological bias in Wikipedia, and the critical need to decentralize curation of information.
Larry Sanger Co-Founder | Wikipedia Twitter: @ LSanger
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Jack Murphy's Book, "Democrat To Deplorable," Now Available On Audiobook: https://adbl.co/3qXvlEY
Liminal Order: https://liminal-order.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jackmurphylive
Facebook: https://facebook.com/jackmurphylive
Instagram: https://instagram.com/jackmurphylive
Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/JackMurphyLive
Jack Murphy interviews Sohrab Ahmari, op-ed editor of the New York Post, contributing editor of the Catholic Herald, and author of The Unbroken Thread: Discovering The Wisdom Of Tradition In An Age Of Chaos.
They discuss the nature of liberty in an era dominated by modern liberalism, how moral decay is passed off as freedom, the role of state power in repairing the West, and more.
Sohrab Ahmari Op-Ed Editor | New York Post Twitter: @ SohrabAhmari
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Jack Murphy's Book, "Democrat To Deplorable," Now Available On Audiobook: https://adbl.co/3qXvlEY
Liminal Order: https://liminal-order.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jackmurphylive
Facebook: https://facebook.com/jackmurphylive
Instagram: https://instagram.com/jackmurphylive
Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/JackMurphyLive
Jack Murphy interviews the powerful Jack Posobiec, senior editor at Human Events, author of The Antifa, and prolific conservative commentator. They dive into the origins of Antifa, diagnose the insanity of the Radical Left, and determine how it's up to everyday Americans to save our country.
Jack Posobiec Senior Editor | Human Events Twitter: @JackPosobiec
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Jack Murphy's Book, "Democrat To Deplorable," Now Available On Audiobook: https://adbl.co/3qXvlEY
Liminal Order: https://liminal-order.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jackmurphylive
Facebook: https://facebook.com/jackmurphylive
Instagram: https://instagram.com/jackmurphylive
Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/JackMurphyLive
Jack Murphy sits down with Spencer Klavan—associate editor at the Claremont Institute, features editor at the American Mind, and host of Young Heretics—to discuss how the Blue Church is desperate to burn the classics, how materialism is killing America, and the need to make masculinity fun again.
Spencer Klavan Associate Editor | Claremont Institute Twitter: @SpencerKlavan
Follow Jack
Jack Murphy's Book, "Democrat To Deplorable," Now Available On Audiobook: https://adbl.co/3qXvlEY
Liminal Order: https://liminal-order.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jackmurphylive
Facebook: https://facebook.com/jackmurphylive
Instagram: https://instagram.com/jackmurphylive
Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/JackMurphyLive
Jack Murphy brings together video journalists Brendan Gutenschwager and Richie McGinniss to discuss street violence, last summer’s harrowing experiences, the future of citizen journalism and renegade truth seekers.
Brendan Gutenschwager Independent Reporter Twitter: @ BGOnTheScene
Richie McGinniss Chief Video Director | Daily Caller Twitter: @ RichieMcGinniss
FRIDAY SESSIONS: The best guests, the best topics, the best conversations. From the lofty ideas of philosophy to the nitty gritty on the street, we have got you covered.
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Jack Murphy's Book, "Democrat To Deplorable," Now Available On Audiobook: https://adbl.co/3qXvlEY
Liminal Order: https://liminal-order.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jackmurphylive
Facebook: https://facebook.com/jackmurphylive
Instagram: https://instagram.com/jackmurphylive
Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/JackMurphyLive
Jack Murphy speaks with Sean Stone, filmmaker and actor, to pull back the veil of the New World Order, the globalist transhumanist plot, and the power of spirituality.
Sean Stone Filmmaker and Actor Twitter: @WatchingSean
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Jack Murphy's Book, "Democrat To Deplorable," Now Available On Audiobook: https://adbl.co/3qXvlEY
Liminal Order: https://liminal-order.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jackmurphylive
Facebook: https://facebook.com/jackmurphylive
Instagram: https://instagram.com/jackmurphylive
Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/JackMurphyLive
Jack Murphy sits down with the eminent Kurt Schlichter, a senior columnist for Townhall, conservative action author, trial law firm partner, and retired Army Infantry Colonel.
They reflect on the power of servant-style leadership, how wokeism infiltrated our military, and the need for masculine virtues.
Kurt Schlichter Senior Columnist | Townhall Twitter: @ KurtSchlichter
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Jack Murphy's Book, "Democrat To Deplorable," Now Available On Audiobook: https://adbl.co/3qXvlEY
Liminal Order: https://liminal-order.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jackmurphylive
Facebook: https://facebook.com/jackmurphylive
Instagram: https://instagram.com/jackmurphylive
Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/JackMurphyLive
Jack Murphy brings on return guest Jordan Hall, tech CEO and entrepreneur turned philosopher, for an epic conversation about decoding our future, cryptocurrency, traditionalism, and more.
Jordan Hall Co-Founder of the Neurohacker Collective / DivX Founder Twitter: @ jgreenhall
Follow Jack
Jack Murphy's Book, "Democrat To Deplorable," Now Available On Audiobook: https://adbl.co/3qXvlEY
Liminal Order: https://liminal-order.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jackmurphylive
Facebook: https://facebook.com/jackmurphylive
Instagram: https://instagram.com/jackmurphylive
Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/JackMurphyLive
Jack Murphy sits down with intrepid journalists Pedro Gonzalez and Jordan Schachtel to discuss COVID mania, the GOP's escalating failures, and the Left's new religion of "anti-racism."
Pedro Gonzalez Senior Writer for American Greatness Twitter: @emeriticus
Jordan Schachtel Independent Journalist Twitter: @JordanSchachtel
FRIDAY SESSIONS: The best guests, the best topics, the best conversations. From the lofty ideas of philosophy to the nitty gritty on the street, we have got you covered.
Follow Jack
Jack Murphy's Book, "Democrat To Deplorable," Now Available On Audiobook: https://adbl.co/3qXvlEY
Liminal Order: https://liminal-order.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jackmurphylive
Facebook: https://facebook.com/jackmurphylive
Instagram: https://instagram.com/jackmurphylive
Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/JackMurphyLive
Jack Murphy brings on titan Jesse Kelly, host of "I'm Right" on The First, for an epic discussion on the state of fatherhood & masculinity, the potential balkanization of America, and how to chart a course for the future.
Jesse Kelly Host of "I'm Right" on The First Twitter: @JesseKellyDC
Follow Jack
Jack Murphy's Book, "Democrat To Deplorable," Now Available On Audiobook: https://adbl.co/3qXvlEY
Liminal Order: https://liminal-order.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jackmurphylive
Facebook: https://facebook.com/jackmurphylive
Instagram: https://instagram.com/jackmurphylive
Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/JackMurphyLive
Jack Murphy brings on Kash Patel, a Trump administration intelligence official who helped dismantle the Russiagate witch hunt. Kash gives us an inside look into counterterrorism in the Trump admin, the flimsy evidence used to justify the FISA warrant, and the false narrative of the alleged white supremacy threat.
Kash Patel Former Chief of Staff to the Acting US Secretary of Defense
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Jack Murphy's Book, "Democrat To Deplorable," Now Available On Audiobook: https://adbl.co/3qXvlEY
Liminal Order: https://liminal-order.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jackmurphylive
Facebook: https://facebook.com/jackmurphylive
Instagram: https://instagram.com/jackmurphylive
Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/JackMurphyLive
Jack Murphy sits down with Joe Kent, a retired Green Beret running as an America First Republican for Congress for Washington state's 3rd District. They dive into Joe's military background, how to preserve masculinity in American culture, how to fight back against Critical Race Theory, and the need to adjudicate the 2020 election.
Joe Kent Congressional Candidate for WA-3 / Retired Green Beret Twitter: @JoeKent16Jan19
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Jack Murphy's Book, "Democrat To Deplorable," Now Available On Audiobook: https://adbl.co/3qXvlEY
Liminal Order: https://liminal-order.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jackmurphylive
Facebook: https://facebook.com/jackmurphylive
Instagram: https://instagram.com/jackmurphylive
Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/JackMurphyLive
Julie Kelly joins Jack Murphy to share the TRUTH about January 6th, what has happened since, the atrocious behavior of the Feds, and what we can expect moving forward.
Julie Kelly Senior Contributor at American Greatness Twitter: @julie_kelly2
Follow Jack
Jack Murphy's Book, "Democrat To Deplorable," Now Available On Audiobook: https://adbl.co/3qXvlEY
Liminal Order: https://liminal-order.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jackmurphylive
Facebook: https://facebook.com/jackmurphylive
Instagram: https://instagram.com/jackmurphylive
Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/JackMurphyLive
Jack Murphy sits down with former Trump administration staffers Darren J. Beattie and Amanda Milius to peer behind the White House veil.
They share their honest opinions on Trump himself, insider baseball on the executive branch, how we can strive for liberty, and the use of narrative warfare.
Amanda Milius Plot Against The President Twitter: @AmandaMilius
Darren J. Beattie Revolver.News Twitter: @DarrenJBeattie
FRIDAY SESSIONS: The best guests, the best topics, the best conversations. From the lofty ideas of philosophy to the nitty gritty on the street, we have got you covered.
Follow Jack
Jack Murphy's Book, "Democrat To Deplorable," Now Available On Audiobook: https://adbl.co/3qXvlEY
Liminal Order: https://liminal-order.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jackmurphylive
Facebook: https://facebook.com/jackmurphylive
Instagram: https://instagram.com/jackmurphylive Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/JackMurphyLive
Jack Murphy speaks with author Michael Lind, who breaks down a critical aspect to understanding the battle for America: the New Class War.
Lind argues that managerial, blue-check marked elites dominate our institutions, disempowering the working class, and place political wedges between us all.
Find more of Lind's work in Tablet Magazine, and read his book, "The New Class War."
Follow Jack
Jack Murphy's Book, "Democrat To Deplorable," Now Available On Audiobook: https://adbl.co/3qXvlEY
Liminal Order: https://liminal-order.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jackmurphylive
Facebook: https://facebook.com/jackmurphylive
Instagram: https://instagram.com/jackmurphylive
Jack Murphy brings together philosophical titans Michael Anton and Curtis Yarvin to explore fundamental questions about America's future in the flow of history. If we fall to the techno corporate fascists, is there still hope for the West?
FRIDAY SESSIONS: The best guests, the best topics, the best conversations. From the lofty ideas of philosophy to the nitty gritty on the street, we have got you covered.
Michael Anton Claremont Institute / Hillsdale College claremont.org Curtis Yarvin (aka Mencius Moldbug) Gray Mirror Of The Nihilist Prince graymirror.substack.com
Follow Jack
Jack Murphy's Book, "Democrat To Deplorable," Now Available On Audiobook: https://adbl.co/3qXvlEY
Liminal Order: https://liminal-order.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jackmurphylive
Facebook: https://facebook.com/jackmurphylive
Instagram: https://instagram.com/jackmurphylive
The one and only Mike Cernovich and Jack Murphy sit down for a long over-due conversation on fatherhood, family, masculinity, life, God, and more. Don't miss this one!
Follow Mike on Twitter at @Cernovich and on his website at Cernovich.com.
Follow Jack
Jack Murphy's Book, "Democrat To Deplorable," Now Available On Audiobook: https://adbl.co/3qXvlEY
Liminal Order: https://liminal-order.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jackmurphylive
Facebook: https://facebook.com/jackmurphylive
Instagram: https://instagram.com/jackmurphylive
Jack Murphy talks with all stars Dr. Karlyn Borysenko, Corey DeAngelis, and Christopher Rufo, taking aim at the education front of the Culture War. They dive into the Critical Race Theory warriors, teachers unions, and how the public feels about the current state of education in the US.
FRIDAY SESSIONS: The best guests, the best topics, the best conversations. From the lofty ideas of philosophy to the nitty gritty on the street, we have got you covered.
Dr. Karlyn Borysenko Zen Workplace @DrKarlynB
Corey DeAngelis Reason Foundation / Cato Institute @DeAngelisCorey
Christopher Rufo Discovery Institute / City Journal @RealChrisRufo
Follow Jack
Jack Murphy's Book, "Democrat To Deplorable," Now Available On Audiobook: https://adbl.co/3qXvlEY
Liminal Order: https://liminal-order.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jackmurphylive
Facebook: https://facebook.com/jackmurphylive
Instagram: https://instagram.com/jackmurphylive
Did the Civil Rights Act of 1964 kill the Constitution? Are we headed for an insurmountable conflict due to dueling governing documents? What were the negative repercussions of the 60's? Are we all better or worse for the 'revolution?'
Christopher Caldwell, author of "The Age of Entitlement," explains it all on Jack Murphy Live.
Follow Jack
Jack Murphy's Book, "Democrat To Deplorable," Now Available On Audiobook: https://adbl.co/3qXvlEY
Liminal Order: https://liminal-order.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jackmurphylive
Facebook: https://facebook.com/jackmurphylive
Instagram: https://instagram.com/jackmurphylive
Jack Murphy and Arthur Milikh discuss how to build a new conservatism, the desecration of masculinity, and how to empower states to buck tyranny.
Arthur Milikh is the executive director of the Claremont Institute's new Center for the American Way of Life. Learn more at claremont.org.
Follow Jack
Jack Murphy's Book, "Democrat To Deplorable," Now Available On Audiobook: https://adbl.co/3qXvlEY
Liminal Order: https://liminal-order.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jackmurphylive
Facebook: https://facebook.com/jackmurphylive
Instagram: https://instagram.com/jackmurphylive
Dave Rubin and Jack Murphy talk about the art of conversation, Gina Carano's cancellation, the future of media and journalism, the rift in the Intellectual Dark Web, and what it's like on the other side of a Democrat to Deplorable transformation.
Follow Dave on Twitter at @RubinReport and on his website https://www.daverubin.com.
Follow Jack
Jack Murphy's Book, "Democrat To Deplorable," Now Available On Audiobook: https://adbl.co/3qXvlEY
Liminal Order: https://liminal-order.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jackmurphylive
Facebook: https://facebook.com/jackmurphylive
Instagram: https://instagram.com/jackmurphylive
John Robb returns to Jack Murphy Live to discuss the intersection of war, technology, and politics.
Learn more about John Robb on his renowned blog, Global Guerrillas here: https://globalguerrillas.typepad.com. Follow him on Twitter @JohnRobb.
Follow Jack
Jack Murphy's Book, "Democrat To Deplorable," Now Available On Audiobook: https://adbl.co/3qXvlEY Liminal Order: https://liminal-order.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jackmurphylive
Facebook: https://facebook.com/jackmurphylive
Instagram: https://instagram.com/jackmurphylive
Jack Murphy brings together Darren Beattie, Will Chamberlain, and Dave Reaboi to figure out how to mobilize the New Right.
FRIDAY SESSIONS: The best guests, the best topics, the best conversations. From the lofty ideas of philosophy to the nitty gritty on the street, we have got you covered.
Darren Beattie Revolver News https://revolver.news/
Will Chamberlain Human Events https://humanevents.com/
Dave Reaboi https://davereaboi.com/
Follow Jack
Jack Murphy's Book, "Democrat To Deplorable," Now Available On Audiobook: https://adbl.co/3qXvlEY
Liminal Order: https://liminal-order.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jackmurphylive
Facebook: https://facebook.com/jackmurphylive
Instagram: https://instagram.com/jackmurphylive
Jack Murphy and Hotep Jesus dive into the unique philosophy behind the Hoteps, the importance of the hustle, how Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez laid a trap for the Right, and how to tap into the power of the "God Influx."
Learn more about Hotep Jesus at https://HotepNation.com and find him on Twitter @HotepJesus.
Follow Jack
Jack Murphy's Book, "Democrat To Deplorable," Now Available On Audiobook: https://adbl.co/3qXvlEYLiminal Order: https://liminal-order.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jackmurphylive
Facebook: https://facebook.com/jackmurphylive
Instagram: https://instagram.com/jackmurphylive
Matt Stoller's book Goliath is a tremendous exploration of the history between corporate power, our government, and the Democrats in particular.
Stoller, a Democrat, writes a scathing critique of the Democrat party, its fusion with the neo liberals, and how that lead to big problems for America.
Matt Braynard is a man of action. When the election was in doubt, he cancelled a family vacation (mid stream!) - returned to DC, and got to work.
He identified enough illegal votes in the right jurisdictions in amounts sufficient to turn the election.
But Rudy, Wood, and Powell distracted the President and the nation and allowed Biden to take office.
Matt acted in 2020 and now he's taking action in 2021.
His new organization, lookaheadamerica.org has created policies, training programs, and initiatives that will prevent 2020 from happening again.
Executive Director of Look Ahead America. Frm Data/Strat Dir DJT 2016. matt@braynard.com
Follow Jack
Liminal Order: liminal-order.com
Twitter: twitter.com/jackmurphylive
Facebook: facebook.com/jackmurphylive
Instagram: instagram.com/jackmurphylive
Beginning with Heidegger is an in-depth examination of the influence that Martin Heidegger's inceptual thought exerted on Leo Strauss, Richard Rorty, Jacques Derrida and Alexander Dugin. How did these vastly different thinkers employ Heideggerian concepts to define their own philosophies and often antagonistic politics?
Join me and author Michael Millerman as we discuss his new book and a whole lot more.
Michael Millerman with Jack Murphy in JML #046. Learn more about Michael's work at https://www.michaelmillerman.ca, and find his class on Leo Strauss at https://otherlife.co/strauss.
Follow Jack
Liminal Order: liminal-order.com
Twitter: twitter.com/jackmurphylive
Facebook: facebook.com/jackmurphylive
Instagram: instagram.com/jackmurphylive
Filmmaker, journalist, activist, father, almost politician - Christopher Rufo is on the front lines of media, politics, and culture. We talk current events, Rufo's latest documentary, and 2021 - join us!
Christopher Rufo with Jack Murphy in JML #045. Follow Chris at @realchrisrufo on Twitter.
Follow Jack
Liminal Order: liminal-order.com
Twitter: twitter.com/jackmurphylive
Facebook: facebook.com/jackmurphylive
Instagram: instagram.com/jackmurphylive
The funniest man in the country, Ryan Long comes on to talk comedy, dissident art, the role of ridicule, Ryan's story, current events and more.
Info Wars, Sense Making, and the Networked Future - Michael Guimarin - JML #043
@jackmurphylive everywhere
School Choice, Teacher's Unions, Covid, and how adults put kids second every single time.
The War for Eternity: Inside Bannon's Far-Right Circle of Global Power Brokers. An explosive and unprecedented inside look at Steve Bannon's entourage of global powerbrokers and the hidden alliances shaping today's geopolitical upheaval. Author: Benjamin Teitelbaum
The most powerful tech companies in the world are determined to stop Donald Trump.
Journalist Allum Bokhari has spent four years investigating the tech giants that dominate the Internet: Google, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter. He has discovered a dark plot to seize control of the flow of information, and utilize that power to its full extent - to censor, manipulate, and ultimately sway the outcome of democratic elections. His network of whistleblowers inside Google, Facebook and other companies explain how the tech giants now see themselves as "good censors," benevolent commissars controlling the information we receive to "protect" us from "dangerous" speech. They reveal secret methods to covertly manipulate online information without us ever being aware of it, explaining how tech companies can use big data to target undecided voters. They lift the lid on a plot four years in the making - a plot to use the power of technology to stop Donald Trump's re-election.
The new movie THE PLOT AGAINST THE PRESIDENT describes in detail the most outrageous hoax and violation of American trust ever perpetrated on the citizens of our country.
Amanda Milius is a film maker and former Trump admin insider. Together we talk about what it's like to be MAGA inside the bureaucracies of Washington DC.
We cover russia hoax, information warfare, and lots of inside baseball. Don't miss this one!
John Robb is the author of Brave New War, he's a networked warfare specialist, a technologist, and an all around future-seer. Join us as we discuss potential coup mechanics, civil war triggers, and tribal totalitarianism.
ANTIFA burns our cities, loots our buildings, and kills our citizens. Yet the Democratic left dismiss ANTIFA as just an "idea." Does an "idea" have history, tactics, a handbook, and a flag?
Kyle Shideler is the Director and Senior Analyst for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism at the Center for Security Policy and he joins me for a deep dive into ANTIFA, their history, tactics, funding, and more.
Important podcast!
Alexander Dugin is Russia's most influential philosopher. He has written books on Fourth Political Theory and Geo Politics, among countless others. Dugin's influence is felt world wide.
Listen as he reveals a radical new view point on America.
We discuss: modernity, individualism, Color Revolutions, Information warfare, American traditionalism, what it means to be a Warrior and more.
Riveting, fascinating, and engaging - Listen now!
David Reaboi is a strategic communications consultant, a national security, a political warfare expert, and a jazz musician. He has written extensively on the Middle East, the Arabian Gulf and Sunni Islamist movements.
Trump has fostered a new era of nationalism, security, and peace for the Middle East.
Together we talk Jazz, Trump, and the Middle East.
Reaboi explains all.
Listen now:
Christopher Rufo called on the President to declare war on Critical Race Theory - and the President responded! Through Rufo's research, journalism, and activism he was able to influence the administration to take important steps towards ridding our government of the scourge that is CRT.
Rufo is a warrior! And together we discuss his background, work, the new media environment, Critical Race Theory, struggle sessions, and what it's like for regular folks to deal with CRT in the work place.
Long form, free range, uncensored: the Jack Murphy Live Podcast!
Color Revolutions are a systemic process to overthrow duly elected governments. There is a "Playbook" and the Democrats are following it to the letter in 2020. The left wants to control you and everything in society, but they can't control the ballot box. Or can they? Learn the step by step plan at work to steal the Presidency from Donald Trump.
Dr. Beattie was a former Trump speech writer, he is a journalist, a mathematician, a philosopher and an expert on political theory.
Join us as we examine the possible origins of a domestic Color Revolution. You may be shocked!
Will America Survive 2020? Or at we at the point of no return? Will our country come apart? What does the future look like? Why?
Michael Anton asks these questions in his latest book: "The Stakes" and he joins me to discuss.
Anton is a former member of the National Security Council, a Trump speech writer, author, professor, and all around flame thrower.
We also talk Bronze Age Pervert, General Flynn, and what it was like working for President Donald Trump.
How can we avoid the inevitable death cascade of complex systems? Are long-range connections killing us? Is the age of indiscriminate connectivity finished? Will we see people and nations adaptively disconnect?
Joe Norman, PhD, is a complex systems scientist who has a deep understanding of the underlying principals which shape our environment. Together we work to unearth a unifying theme which explains our current predicaments.
Localism, complexity, social media, memetics, and more!
Title IX policies opened the door for the Trojan Horse of Intersectionality and in the middle of the night an army of bureaucrats sneaked into our Universities, took over their culture, trampled our rights, and brain washed our youths to believe victimhood was sainthood. Trump was elected in part to fix this mess and in May, 2020 he delivered. Robby Soave of Reason Magazine has reported on the dark side of Title IX and the multitude of abuses committed in its name as well as this latest victory. Join us to celebrate this momentous achievement and learn why defeating Title IX is the biggest victory in the culture war to-date.
Michael Millerman, PhD is the leading English language expert on Alexander Dugin. Together he and I explore Dugin's Fourth Political Theory, a controversial, novel, and challenging notion of politics, philosophy, and knowledge.
It is said Dugin has Putin's ear, so if you want to understand geo-politics today, you must understand Dugin.
We take you through his theories step-by-step. "Dugin for Dummies" is a must listen!
James Lindsay's latest book, Cynical Theories, is one of the most important releases of 2020. Cynical Theories is the first and only comprehensive scholarly work that draws a clear line from post modern philosophy to the cancerous ideologies of Social Justice which have corrupted our institutions and present an existential threat to Western Society.
James is fun, funny, and enlightening despite the terrifying nature of his work. Join us - this podcast could change your life!
Delicious Tacos is one of the finest fiction writers alive today. He unearths universal truths of pain, desire, and loneliness yet still manages to find the hope we all need.
From silly to serious, Delicious Tacos has you covered:
What is true love?
What if Corona Virus eats your testicles?
How to monetize pain?
What will it take for Delicious Tacos to dox himself?
Writing tips, dating advice, and ancient wisdom all in one show!
Don't miss it!
CHINA: Our failed grand strategy. Perhaps no other relationship has made the impact on our society than our contentious one with China. The causes and effects of our failed engagement with China ripple through our economy, politics, and technology. JML #25 goes deep to explore all of this with an expert.
Understand the coming crisis with China...and a whole lot more!
Samuel Hammonds is a Director at the Niskanen Center, and one heckuva essayist.
How to Limit Damage in the Age of Corona.
Geoffrey Miller, PhD is an evolutionary psychologist, author, and polymath. We discuss the relationship between biology, evolution, government, borders, disease, and existential crises.
The era of indiscriminate connection is over. Strategic disconnection is vital to our future. Corona proves it.
We put everything in context. Listen now!
Geoffrey Miller:
Personal website: https://www.primalpoly.com/
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/geoffrey_miller
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/geoffreymillerphd
Twitter: https://twitter.com/primalpoly
The Corona Kairos: How to find meaning and opportunity amid the CoronaVirus crisis.
Jordan Hall is a technologist, an entrepreneur, and a visionary. He joins me for a impromptu podcast to get us up to date on how to manage the CoronaVirus crisis into something positive for all of us.
Topics: network cognition, open source intelligence, peer to peer credit systems, signal to noise, exponents, decentralized agency, complexity, retreat of Federal State, the individual revolution, and the end of indiscriminate connections and the rise of discernment.
The era of ever expanding connectivity is dead. The future is strategic disconnection for nations, communities, and individuals. Engage with the network on your own terms.
JML #022 with John Robb:
- Power of Open Source Information Networks
- The Edge of Chaos
- NATO / WTO / Social Media Retreat
- Rise of the Neo-Tribal Man
- 2020 Election
- Corona Virus
- Personal Sovereignty
- Sanctuary Cities
Deny Reality, Deliver Disaster. Why and how the Claremont Institute works to defend America and defeat identity politics.
Ryan Williams, The President of the Claremont Institute, explains to Jack Murphy why they engaged with Bronze Age Pervert, Curtis Yarvin, and Jack Posobiec.
Learn how a west coast think tank and underground new media figures landed on the same page and now work together towards saving the Nation.
Claremont took a big risk to work with BAP, Moldbug and Posobiec, but to them it was worth it.
CI engages with new right while promoting America's founding vision.
Nick Cassimatis, PhD is an Artificial Intelligence industry insider and leader. He earned his Doctorate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and was an Associate professor of Cognitive Science and Computer Science at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
Nick is a also successful tech entrepreneur whose last start up was acquired by Yahoo.
He's an expert in: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Natural Language Learning (NLP), and machine reasoning.
Nick explains the current state of AI research, what AI means for you, and whether or not AI will bury us all in paper clips and strawberries.
Exclusive insider information only available here!
Scott Adams is creator of the world-famous Dilbert Cartoon. He is also an accomplished author whose latest book, LOSERTHINK, is a best seller.
Join Jack and Scott as they discuss reality, authenticity, and persuasion. Plus:
- Do we need to agree on reality?
- How do you create success?
- Are our mental models of the world broken?
- What's an ideal life arc?
- Is Scott an authentic artist?
- and much more!
Find Scott on twitter @scottadamsays.
Jordan Hall, the tech CEO turned philosopher, returns to the JML Podcast for another in depth conversation on personal sovereignty, coherence, and emergence.
We discuss technology and spirituality, how to embody the future you desire, and how to respond to courage and integrity.
And we explain participatory knowing and relevance realization.
Jordan's first podcast with us was transformative for many listeners and this one is a fantastic follow up.
If you can see the problems in our world today and what do know what to DO, then check this out.
Bo Winegard is an evolutionary psychologist at Marietta College. He has published numerous papers and has been a featured writer at Quillette. We discuss race, IQ, genetics, government, society, culture, sex norms, and whole lot more:
Is liberalism dead?
Is freedom best for everyone?
How do our genetics drive society?
Is "race" real? How do we foster empathy for everyone no matter where they are on the social hierarchy?
Is psychology useless for understanding human behavior?
The achievement gap, nationalism, diversity, embryo selection and more!
Bo and I pull no punches and show no fear as we address taboo but important issues for our society today.
Social Psychology is dead Nicholas Wade, A Troublesome Inheritance Group differences Do different cultures require different forms of government? Is universal liberalism ideal for everyone? Does everyone thrive under freedom? Government and the psychology of its citizens Does progressivism erode Western values? Democrat to Deplorable You can't have freedom without discipline The Wonder Years Meaning Intelligence and class structure Socially enforced monogamy Sex and economic redistribution Intersectionality Sex attitudes by political party Victim culture Is it OK to love Anglo America? Alienation of former Democrats Sometimes diversity is bad What does a winning coalition look like? The coalition of decent humans Racism isn't the worst sin in the universe The achievement gap, IQ, genetics IQ and scholastic achievement Christian emphasis on sanctity of life Cultural plurality Embryo selection Immigration restriction important to preserve Anglo culture Culture, genetics, outcomes Cultural affinity Hierarchies Hatred of excellence Nationalism gives meaning to people Compassionate hierarchy
Bronze Age Pervert (BAP) is a mysterious figure who wrote a powerful book which has struck fear into the heart of the political establishment. BAP speaks directly to the disenfranchised youth around the world and the powers that be are worried.
Word is, BAP's book, Bronze Age Mindset, is so influential that it's being read, perhaps, by top members of the Trump Administration.
And while BAP has "no interest in respectability," his book demands serious consideration, which is why I spoke with him.
As he and I talked it became clear he was in a foreign country, in some oddly noisy room, and was either using a fake accent to speak or he had a voice masking system.
It was apropo for a man on the run and one who is the target of voodoo magic. And to go along with the cloak and dagger feel, the audio is filled with weird sounds, strange crackles, and what sounded like a clothes washer running the entire time. In short, this podcast is gritty on the issues, gritty on the future, and gritty in its recording. And at the same time, totally hilarious.
Former UFC Contender and MMA legend Jon Fitch joins me on this week's podcast.
We go from back country farm fights to the shining lights of the UFC and everything in between.
We discuss his background, the fight mindset, journaling, his new book, the UFC lawsuit, and MMA in general.
Jack Murphy interviews social media super star Jack Posobiec who is also an up and coming broadcast journalist with One America News.
This is a personal, often revealing, interview with Jack P where we dig into his back story, his rise to fame, his victories, and even his regrets.
The interview is filled with exclusive information, new stories, and reflections on the 2016 campaign.
Jack Posobiec is a fascinating personality and he and Jack Murphy give you 120 minutes of a riveting podcast experience.
Find Jack Posobiec on twitter @jackposobiec
Publisher of Human Events
Prolific Periscoper
New Media Star
Will is a return guest to the Jack Murphy Live Podcast. Together we discuss the most important issues of the day. As always at JML we try to put the biggest issues into personal context through meaningful conversations. Today we cover:
Senior Tech Correspondent at Breitbart News
Allum is a leading tech journalist covering Google, Facebook, YouTube and the rest of the leading tech companies worldwide. His excellent reporting has revealed how Google now sees itself as "The Good Censor" and how Google itself is now pushing a tyranny of sorts around the world.
The early ideals of the internet have been squashed in search of greater profits and faster growth. Big tech now controls the discussions in our public square thereby elevating some speakers and silencing others.
Listen and learn how our once respected online leaders should now be feared.
We also discuss GamerGate and how a squabble within the gaming community just may have helped get Donald Trump elected.
As always we cover a lot of ground so don't miss this one!
JOHN ROBB - Network warfare, social media, and you
Air Force Captain, Tech CEO. Military Strategist, Author, Network Specialist, Visionary
We are engaged in a war which sees no distinction between military or civilian.
Social media is our battleground.
Nothing less than the future of our country is at stake.
Do you want to be informed or ignorant of the most significant battle in our lifetimes?
You've been conscripted whether you know it or not.
Find out how + why.
Ignoring the problem will not make it go away.
networked intelligence
emergent collective intelligence
guerrilla warfare
red insurgency
deep state
financial crisis
Iraq War
Afghanistan War
fictive kinship
open source protest
open source insurgency
memetic boiler rooms
moral space
mental space
attrition space
maneuver warfare
consensus morality
network coherence
CEO and Founder of DivX, Co-Founder of the Neurohacker Collective, Harvard Law Graduate, and techno philosopher.
Visionary. Thought leader. A rare thinker.
Together we tackle the biggest issues facing us today: the collision of technology, society, and culture.
Jordan coined the phrase the "Blue Church" to describe the collective intelligence network of old - deep state, universities, broadcast media, and all our institutions.
Sense making, reality, perception, choice making, integrity, discernment, and embodiment = sovereignty.
History, tech, evolution, politics, the future, and Dungeons and Dragons.
This is episode is not be missed!
meta adaptation
OODA loops
recursive feedback
niche construction
cambrian explosion of search
S curves
Blue Church
Red Religion
Situational Assessment
Deep State
sense making
meta strategy
"Tell Me What You Really Want"
Dr. Lehmiller and I discuss his latest book which studied the sexual fantasies of over 4,000 Americans. In it we learn that almost everyone has had fantasies of group sex, threesomes, orgies, bondage, S&M, or dominant / submissive behavior. What we once thought as wild and crazy is actually perfectly normal!
We discuss how to conduct a large scale study, the state of sex science in America, plus of course, everyone's sexual fantasies.
You can find Dr. Miller's work at www.lehmiller.com
See below for detailed show notes:
Educating Sex Educators
Why don’t people want to study sexuality?
Is sexuality a science?
Why sex study stigmatizing?
What is the Kinsey Institute?
Reducing shame around “normal”
Justin’s book “Tell Me What You Want”
How to conduct a national survey?
Why do people want to talk about our sex fantasies?
What is a sex fantasies?
Fantasy versus Desire
Do fantasies change with age?
Freud and sexual fantasies
Sexual fantasies as pathological
Fantasies labelled paraphilia
What is a healthy sexual fantasy?
A model for healthy sexual behaviors
What are the most common fantasies?
Group Sex, threesomes, orgies - 90%!
BDSM Fantasies -nearly 90% of Americans
Dominance / submission
Power dynamics - 80%+
What is BDSM? (not what you think!)
What causes people to be interested power dynamics?
The most erotic thing you can do is be “present”
Sexual mindfulness
Quit racing towards orgasm
Tantra, Sex Yoga, Mindfulness
How to decrease sexual anxiety
Novelty, adventure, variety
Coolidge Effect
Pornography, masturbation, and novelty
Porn escalation effect
Porn as infidelity
Sexual disfunction and pornography
Is an orgasm just an orgasm? Or does context matter?
Does acting out a fantasy change fantasies?
Conservative vs liberal sexual fantasies?
Do social constructs influence urges and fantasies?
Do Democrats masturbate to wearing an apron and cooking?
Sexual orientation vs sexual flexibility?
What is sexual flexibility?
Are women from sexually flexible? (yes)
Women’s fantasies are varied and diverse
How do you make sex fantasies happen?
Vulnerability and communication unlock sexual fantasies
Abstinence only sex education
Talking about sex can lead to fewer abortions
The underground fiction phenom surfaces to speak with Jack Murphy. Delicious Tacos latest novella, "Finally, Some Good News" is a cultural analysis, auto biography, and flex of amazing writing technique wrapped up into an apocalyptic race against nuclear war.
Delicious Tacos prose is tight, his is imagery powerful, and his critique of modern culture is spot on.
Join us as we discuss writing, craft, technique, and all the reasons why the world should blow up.
Get his book here: www.amazon.com
Tanner Guzy is a style and fashion consultant who works with clients to improve their outward appearance. Tanner goes way beyond simply telling you whats fashionable, he has created a detailed process which explores your personal archetype and how to align your personality with your presentation.
Tanner is an author, a coach, and a teacher. He has created two course which can help take your confidence to the next level.
Click HERE to access Tanner's courses. If you use the discount code "MURPHY" you will get 20% off!
Our podcast covers more than just fashion, we discuss e-commerce, boxing, parenting, and more. Check it out!
Jack Murphy Live #006
Elizabeth is an Associate Editor at Reason Magazine, the national libertarian news publication. She covers the intersection of sex and politics so of course I had to have her on the show. In today's episode we cover a wide range of topics but they all lead up to an explanation of the Backpage sex trafficking scandal.
Sex trafficking numbers are over stated, a hysteria ensues, laws get passed, and free speech and civil liberties are trampled.
All these issues criss cross each other online with a trickle down impact on social media, censorship, independent agency and freedom.
Listen as Elizabeth and I discuss a myriad of today's hot button issues as they relate to you, me, and just about everyone else.
Hysterical, insightful, bold.
Art Tavana and I roar through all the issues of the day: Trump, Dave Rubin, Milo, tariffs, porn stars, feminism, pro wrestling, Laura Loomer, social media censorship, writing on bathroom walls, and whether one should be a writer or be rich. From Guns n' Roses to guns n' ammo we cover it all. News vs PR, truth vs lies, and why the battle of the sexes was a good thing.
Come hang out with us.
Art's writing has appeared in the National Review, the Weekly Standard, VICE, Playboy, Penthouse, LA Weekly, the Village Voice, MTV News, and Pitchfork.
About David J. LeyDavid J. Ley, Ph.D., is an internationally-recognized expert on issues related to sexuality, pornography and mental health. He has appeared on television with Anderson Cooper, Katie Couric, Dr. Phil and has been in publications ranging from the LA Times and the London Telegraph, to Playboy and HUSTLER magazines. Dr. Ley has published extensively in both the academic and “pop” realms of literature. His two books, The Myth of Sex Addiction (2012) and Insatiable Wives (2009) were revolutionary explorations of sexual issues which blended a powerful client-centered narrative with a rich understanding of psychology, biology, and sociology. His latest book, Ethical Porn for Dicks is available now on Amazon.
Subjects we cover on the podcast: