In this heartwarming episode of "It's Our Love," join power couple Tony "The Closer" Robinson and Nichole Lynel as they revisit their love story, complete with a live re-telling and a look at the "receipts" of their DMs. Discover how they overcame trauma and embraced forgiveness to build a strong, loving partnership that defies the stereotypes often associated with love and success.
Listen in as Tony and Nichole share the lessons they've learned from each other and how their connection goes beyond material wealth to focus on consideration and understanding. As they tell their fairytale, they also emphasize the importance of supporting each other and fostering a community where love and collaboration triumph over the competition.
Key Points:
- Challenging the norms around displaying love and success
- The most valuable lesson Nichole learned from Tony
- A live re-telling of Tony and Nichole's love story
- The qualities that set Nichole apart from the rest
- Why consideration matters more than money in a relationship
- The Role of Trauma and the Power of Forgiveness
Memorable Quotes:
"These girls know that you like telling the story about the fairy tale, but they need to know that queens be shooting their shots too."
"They always try to make you choose between your business and your love story. I don't think you have to choose."
"We got to have that forgiveness and understanding and then start building from there. We got to start building from somewhere, and it has to come from a place of love."
Uncover Nichole's journey in her book "My Fashion Fairytale" at
Find fabulous fashion for the glamorous girl on the go at Nichole Lynel The Label: | Instagram: @shopnicholelynel -
Keep up with the latest styles at NL The Label: | Instagram: @nlthelabel -
Stay connected with Tony & Nichole on Instagram for more love, laughter, and inspiration:
Tony | @tonythecloser_ - Nichole | @nicholelynel -
Subscribe to "It's Our Love" and join Tony and Nichole on their journey of love, triumph, and togetherness as they inspire others to build meaningful connections and embrace the power of love.