Episode 52. Childhood friends/drug addicts, Gilbert Trejo and Andrew Mishko, join us to talk adolescent heart attacks and shooting cocaine on Planet Venice, CA. Plus, the craziest room Russian Danny ever set foot in, mushrooms while babysitting, and a never-ending story about meeting President Barrack Obama. And tutorials! How to (successfully) go 3 months without shitting, and how to file down a football pump for shooting dope (don't try any of this at home, ever). Also—maybe a first in podcast history— Keith takes a whiz on air. It's all here this week. And it's all bad.
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Follow us on Instagram for episode related pics and future updates: @itisallbad, @gilberttrejo38, @andrewmishko, @keithwager, @la_scumbag, @mmmmmmmike, @halfmanhalfclark