In this episode, we give an update on the orchard and talk about our favorite apples. We get to listen to our good friends Mac and Cindy Lake. They introduce our theme for the next several months: Transitioning Well.
We spend 12-20 years getting ready for the early years of our lives but often forget how to prepare for the next season. In the interview, Mac and Cindy share the importance of having role models, being life-long learners, and leaving a legacy.
Show Notes:
Mac and Cindy shared that they brought into their marriage strong convictions about marriage. It was based on the healthy role models that they had in their lives.
Take a minute, reflect, and then answer the following set of questions:
-Who have been healthy role models in my life?
-What did I learn from them?
-How am I employing what I learned from into my life?
In this section, we are asking you to do a couple's assessment. Please don't skip it. Too many couples lose their identities as people and couples when kids come along. Someday these little ones grow up and leave. What happens to the marriage when they are gone? It starts now, be intentional about prioritizing your marriage relationship. Your future self will be thankful.
How do you prioritize your relationship with your spouse?
On a scale of 1-10 (1 = we are being crushed, 10 = we could teach the course), answer the following:
1. We have daily couples only check-in time.
2. We carve out weekly time for a date.
3. Our couple's calendar takes priority over the kid's calendar.
4. We have a private space within our home just for us.
5. We work to be on the same page about family decisions.
Which of these is a strength? Which needs some work?
What is one action step you can take in the next two weeks to strengthen this area? Who will hold you accountable?
The Lake's gave several good examples about how they had created a development culture when they had kids in the home. It has continued now that they are grandparents. This culture of development shows up in how they are consistently learning something new. Sometimes it is just for fun; sometimes it's for their vocations.
What does it look like to create a similar culture of development in your marriage?
How can you become a lifelong learner?
Mac and Cindy talked a lot about health, specifically physical health. Mac said, "We want to die young at an old age." What does that look like for you and your spouse? What changes can you make now that will have an impact on your future self?
We hope you have found these questions helpful as you processed the content from the podcast. Check back in next month as we explore the topic of family fun. How do you get out and explore the world when your kids are little, teenagers, and young adults. Be sure and check out Apple Stories blog post at