Its 2018 and Inside The Cave is still here folks! Remember we coined the phrase “thought-provoking ignorance” and CB makes it know that this year unless its beneficial to Inside The Cave there will be no more or atleast less members of the WOKE SOCIETY making cameos on Inside The Cave. Instead he promises more comedians, more athletes, entertainers, and of course more CAVE CRUSH interviews.
Kat makes her return and helps a man who doesn’t understand why his wife is bringing home large amounts of cash home that he isn’t allowed to touch.
Roland brings the Cleeze Report to Inside The Cave by fact checking CBs theory on Oprah running for President and gives his own theory as well.
Sly Question of the Day: Ladies While in your vehicle have you ever flashed a truck driver. Then Big Dawg explains to everyone what a “Lot Lizard” is.
In a new hopefully weekly segment CB gives cheating advice for men.
Joe Dirt tells a story about a man stealing meat and putting it in his pants.
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