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#1 You're Not Happy With Yourself As A Parent
This one is huge.
Recently I've had a bunch of parents tell me that they're just not happy as a parent. They feel like they could and should be doing more. They feel like they're failing, and they are miserable.
Okay, maybe miserable is a stretch, but they're not happy.
There are lots of things that can cause unhappiness as a parenting. The important thing to understand is that this isn't "bad" or a problem.
#2 You Don't Like Your Teen
Okay, this is another one that I've heard a lot recently. Honestly, what I coach people on often drives my podcast.
You don't have to like your teen.
Not liking your teen doesn't mean that you're a terrible parent.
But, if you're like me, you probably don't like how it feels when you don't like your teen.
Also if you're like me, you probably don't like how you parent when you don't like your teen.
If this is you, and you don't like your teen as much as you'd like, this is simply an indicator of an area for growth.
#3 You Feel Like Your Out of Control
If you feel like you're out of control, you're almost certainly trying to control things and others outside of your control.
If you are like many of the parents inside the Firmly Founded Family membership, you are probably guilty of focusing on things outside of your control from time to time.
Good news, the simple reason why is that you are focusing on things outside of your control.
This too is an indication of a potential area of growth.
#4 You're Parenting Out of Alignment with Your Core Values
One of my favorite lessons that I teach is on values.
I LOVE understanding how values impact my life, my clients lives, and your life.
If you are unhappy, it's probably because you are out of alignment with your values somewhere.
#5 You Can't Communicate with Your Teen
If you and your teen can't communicate, there's a problem. Often times when parents tell me that they can't communicate with their teen, it's because they are trying to avoid a blowup or temper tantrum.
This means you're focusing on things outside of your control.
It's not your job to regulate how your teen thinks, feels, or acts.
Make the effort to communicate with your teen in the way that you feel most comfortable.
For me, it's relaxed, calm, and reassuring.
Even when I'm mad, and we "need to have a tough conversations," I try to be relaxed, calm, and reassuring.
Even if I can't perfectly do that, I still commit to having the conversation.
#6 You Constantly Overwhelmed, Stress, and Worried
Overwhelm, stress, and worry will impact all of your relationship, whether it be with your teen, spouse, or friends or family.
If you constantly feel overwhelmed, stressed, and worried, this is an indicator that you have areas of potential growth.
#7 You're Not Creating the Results that You Want
Ultimately, if you are not creating the results that you want in your family or in your relationship with your teen, you have room for growth.
Your results will always reflect your way's of BEing. Want better results, up-level your parenting!
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