When Oakley discovered that her newborn son had Down Syndrome, she was shocked and scared. But that quickly turned to optimism and faith as they got to know their son and realized that down syndrome isn't a tragedy, it's not a terminal illness, but that their son is literally an angel in their family.
Follow Oakley: @nothingdownaboutit
Follow the Dashleys for more!
Some of the questions she answers on this podcast:
What is the most positive part of being a parent to a child with special needs?
Top 3 things you wish everybody who is unfamiliar with down syndrome knew?
Did you have any preconceptions about having a child with Downs, which ones were true/false?
Talk about the stress it put on your marriage as you were figuring it all out, how does it affect your marriage today.
What are some good ways to deal with meltdowns and overstimulation?
When you have multiple children and 1 is special needs, how do you divide your time? How do you make sure your other kids don’t feel left behind?
How to separate disciplining a Down Syndrome child vs your other children
Are there any common phrases/questions you get that bug you?
Where do you find information to help you to raise and continue to raise your son?
How to explain DS/special needs to little kids
How can I support my friend whose daughter has down syndrome. I feel like I won’t say the right things sometimes.
How do you plan for your child’s long term future?
My Nephew has D.S. and I was wondering how you handle sensory issues?