Season 2, Ep. 11: God calls you beautiful today, simply because you are His workmanship - His creation - and when He looks at you, He is pleased. You don't have to change who you are, and you don't have to add anything to yourself in order to please God. He loves you deeply...overwhelmingly...just because you are, and simply because you exist.
Many times, the media, people and other sources try to make you believe that you aren't enough. They tell you that you need more...more money, more beauty, more love, more fitness, more (fill in the blank) --when the truth is, God created you with exactly what you needed, already inside of you. In fact, He's placed one of His greatest treasures in you according to the Bible, which shares that the Kingdom of God is within every one of us.
Luke 17:21 says, "They can't say, 'Here it is!' or 'There it is!' You see, the Kingdom of God is within you." What's in the Kingdom of God? Peace, love, resources, answers, ideas, and EVERYTHING YOU NEED. God developed His Kingdom, and then encased it inside of something very precious to Him...YOU. You are special to God. God calls you beautiful for that very reason.
Beautiful woman, know today that God is accompanying you, and He's pleased with you. He smiles when He looks at you, and He calls you beautiful. Decide today to place your heart, your hope, your dreams, your scars, your brokenness and your healed places at the feet of Jesus. He sees you with everything you are carrying, and God calls you beautiful. Receive the love and adoration He has for you today.
Foundational Scripture for Today: "For we are His masterpiece, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them." Ephesians 2:10
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