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AI has changed the politics and entertainment industry and every other field. But this revolution also comes with the potential for misuse and copyright infringement. Regulations need to be put in place to protect the rights of the original creators. In this episode of HTTTA, Wes and Goda Go discuss AI politics, cloning, immortality and proper American English, along with AI transforming the entertainment landscape.
● A US GOP Party campaign ad for the 2024 US presidential election was created entirely with AI-generated photos, music, and editing. The ad speaks to the potential for AI-generated misinformation, and the need for regulation.
● We all agree on the importance of transparency when it comes to AI-generated content, and YouTube should include disclaimers when relevant. Currently, AI content detectors are not advanced enough to detect subtle differences in audio. People have not been able to detect when AI-generated audio has been used.
● AI voice technology can now create digital avatars of singers and stars, allowing for the proliferation of AI-generated music. We discuss the first AI hits chart This unlocks a new level of creativity, allowing people to have their favorite artists cross genres and time periods
● The issue of copyright infringement and royalty payments needs to be addressed in order to protect the rights of the original creators. Technology is being used to revolutionize the entertainment industry, from AI-generated songs to video created from text. Companies must navigate the potential for misuse with the potential for creativity, and the industry may be completely changed by 2024 with the rise of AI-generated video
● AI is not replacing jobs, rather people using it to become more creative. People with diverse skills and experiences, or even those with English degrees, can use AI to help them create content.
Happy Prompting Everybody!
US GOP AI-Generated attack Ad: https://youtu.be/kLMMxgtxQ1Y
(This link is posted for educational and awareness purposes only, and is not an endorsement for any political party, candidate, or ideological viewpoints.)
AI Top 100 Charts: https://aihits.co/
MidJourney Master Reference Guide: [bit.ly/3obnUNU]
ChatGPT Master Reference Guide: [bit.ly/3obo7AG]
Learn Prompting: [https://learnprompting.org/]
Discord (Goda Go#3156 & Commordore_Wesmardo#2912)
Goda Go on Youtube: [https://www.youtube.com/@godago]
Wes the Synthmind's everything: [https://linktr.ee/synthminds]
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