Kim Grenawitzke from Solid Starts joins Allison for a discussion on introducing solid foods and developing adventurous eaters. Kim is the Senior Feeding and Swallowing Specialist at Solid Starts and a mom of two.
This episode is packed from start to finish with actionable advice for your family, no matter what feeding stage you’re in. You’ll hear strategies for starting solids with your young baby and for improving eating habits if your child is a picky eater. Kim shares approaches to feeding if you’re concerned about food allergies, and language you can use to keep mealtimes positive and to encourage your children to become confident eaters who enjoy sharing the experience of eating food with people they love. Allison and Kim share personal experiences and lessons learned from feeding their own children, and provide professional tips and guidance for avoiding the many pitfalls parents encounter around feeding and mealtimes.
Here are the topics they discussed with time stamps to help you find sections of interest:
[9:52] When to start introducing solids and why? What development signs are you looking for in your child to know the time is right?
[14:29] What to do if your child shows no interest in food, but is developmentally ready to start solids?
[16:10] At what age should you consult your healthcare provider for help if your child is not interested in food?
[16:48] What are the fundamentals of Kim’s approach for introducing solid foods and the physiological reasons driving these principles?
[21:02] How do you choose what food to introduce to your child first?
[23:29] How to make sure the solid food you choose to share is safe for your child? What size and texture is appropriate for young eaters?
[30:21] How to handle feeding if your child is gagging when food is in their mouth or choking while eating?
[34:29] What are the pros and cons of feeding homemade food and store bought baby food?
[38:02] Do I need to feed my baby a special baby yogurt or is regular yogurt a good choice?
[42:59] How and when do you introduce foods in the nine major allergy groups (peanut, tree nut, dairy, egg, tinned fish, shellfish, soy, sesame, wheat)?
[47:54] Which babies are considered high-risk to develop a food allergy? What is the strategy for introducing allergy foods for this group?
[52:19] Why are food allergies more prevalent today than they were in the past?
[53:44] What are strategies for improving mealtimes with toddlers and preschoolers who have become picky or sensitive eaters or are refusing food?
[59:30] Is it ok if my child chooses to skip a meal or goes to sleep without eating dinner?
[1:00:55] In what situations would I need to take my child to a feeding specialist?
[1:08:29] How do parents set up a mealtime environment to encourage children to become adventurous eaters?
[1:09:44] Who do I consult if my child is struggling to gain weight due to not eating enough?
[1:13:51] If a parent feels they’ve handled food introductions incorrectly and now has a picky eater, how do they make changes and improve the situation?
[1:16:54] Allison and Kim discuss how building family connections at the dinner table can help improve eating behaviors and result in smoother bedtime transitions as well. What are interesting conversation starters and ways to foster connection at meal times?
[1:22:56] What language should you use with your children when it comes to food and mealtimes? And what language should you avoid using?
[1:35:29] What services does Solid Starts provide and who can benefit? How can I get help feeding my family?
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Pre-order your copy of Solid Starts for Babies: How to Introduce Solid Food and Raise a Happy Eater (available April 1, 2025)
This episode is sponsored by Stacey Olson. Find out more about Stacey at her website or order your copy of Your Balanced and Bold Life: Work Less, Live More and Be Your Best.
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