Listen to this episode because there is an art and science side to addressing age diversity in the workplace. On the one hand, it can hinder your organizational culture if you're too focused on varying generations. The balance is in figuring out what are those differences and how the team/(organization) can benefit from each other and create a positive multi-generational culture.
What does it look like to allow people to tell their stories and bring their WHOLE SELVES to work; their experiences, past jobs, and way of thinking? How careers shape up is just different now.
Bust out the pen ladies and gentlemen, it's time to take notes.
Key episode takeaway: "As our workforce continue to change, and as our communities grow, we need to be more open to the way people think, not just how they look and how old they are. Your vibe attracts your tribe. Focus on what it means to work for your company."
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This episode is Part 2 of a three-part series. When you listen to all parts of the series, you are eligible to receive PDCs for your participation.