Home Shop Machinists Podcast – Episode 22 – Fixtured Beer and Electro Dance Music
May 03, 2020
To confirm that we indeed are back to recording semi regularly here is another episode! We would like to specifically thank Stefan for our very on topic podcast title! Also many thanks to Magnus / Philter for the very brief soundbite intro (track was Sunrise from Queen of Crows). Checkout Philter’s latest album here: https://Philter.no
Just a few of things we talk about (in no particular order):
Another way to waste more time on social: Instamachinist newly setup Discord http://discord.gg/Mv7HTHu
Home Shop Machinists Podcast – Episode 21 – The First and The Worst
Mar 07, 2020
Many things have happened since we last published a podcast. Not only has a year almost gone by, but now there are many more machining related podcasts than ever before. We would like to remind everyone that we are the first and also the worst! And the bad news is we are back and we hope to publish more regularly going forward.
This episode is mostly shop updates and us bantering Top Gear style about what we have been up to.
Stefan wanted us all to have a look at this thread on PM:
Home Shop Machinists Podcast – Episode 19 – CAD
Feb 07, 2019
In this episode learn that Pretzel sticks are universal and one of the snacks that perhaps we home shop machinists can use to break down modern day barriers. Or maybe join Max and have some good old fashion Americana Ritz crackers and join the 3 of us talk about CAD – a subject that we could did talk about for hours.
Home Shop Machinists Podcast – Episode 18 – NYCNC
Dec 29, 2018
No the podcast is not dead! After a very large pause (for various reasons – a story for another day) the podcast is back with an episode recorded way back in September. Nevertheless the conversation is timeless and just as applicable today as it was when it was recorded. In this episode John Saunders, the man who went from a humble machine shop apartment in New York City to a full fledged machine shop in Ohio, joins us and talks shop. Some of the things we talk about include:
Home Shop Machinists Podcast – Episode 17a – ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas
Dec 23, 2018
It’s been a long time since we have posted an episode and that has been my (Justin’s) fault. I won’t go into the details but I wanted to let everyone know that the podcast will continue in the near future. In the meantime I wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy and Healthy 2019 home shop machinists style. Stay tuned!
‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house, Not a creature was stirring, so I sneaked out like a mouse. The drill bits were placed in their index with care, In hopes that new tooling soon would be there.
The machine tools were cleaned, and oiled in their place, While visions of a Moore jig borer brought a smile to my face. And while my family was inside and all snug in their beds, I was working to finish some Christmas gifts for them instead.
When out in the shop there arose such a chatter, I sprang from my band saw to see what was the matter. Away to the lathe I flew like a flash, Hitting the big red stop, it ended with a crash.
Some light on the now freshly wrecked homemade tool Meant no new gifts would be delivered this yule. When, what to my wondering eyes should appear, But a Fiat Panda, and a very tall Stefan Gotteswinter.
With a little old wrench used lively and quick, I knew in a moment he would show me his sharpening trick. More rapid than lightening I took out the workpiece, And I sharpened the tool to finish the gift for my niece.
“Now Hardinge, now Wrong Fu, now Deckel, and Myford! On Linley, on Schaublin, on Monarch and Boxford, To the Deckel clone!, to the sharpening stone! No need to dress the CBN cone!
And then, in a twinkling, I heard “this will not do” Stefan was examining my grinder through and through. As I drew in my head, and was turning around, Out of the Panda came Stefan with Biax scraper inbound.
He was soon covered in Canode from his head to his foot, His clothes were all blue and yellow, including his boots. The efficient German worked diligently through, To turn my Deckel clone into something much more true.
A wink of his eye and a scrape by his hand, Soon gave me to know I would have nothing to dread. He spoke not a word, except for Youtube, And educated the masses so they were no longer noobs.
Soon the Deckel was done, everything adjusted up right, Then Stefan Gotteswinter fled back into the night. And as he started off in his Panda to journey back home, He rolled down his window and gestured towards the Deckel clone.
Home Shop Machinists Podcast – Episode 17 – Home $hop Machini$t
Apr 24, 2018
2 episodes in one month! We can’t believe it either. Don’t worry though we didn’t cut on quantity to get it out – this episode is still over 2 hours. We won’t talk about the quality. Max, Stefan and Justin give shop updates (it has been about 4 months since Stefan has been on – that’s long enough for Stefan to build an entire Saturn V rocket in his basement). After that we talk about making money in the home $hop – when your hobby turns into a business. And no we aren’t the Business of Machining Podcast. In between the weirdness:
Stefan is busy making telescope parts for the Hubble Space telescope a local company requiring telescope parts.
Stefan is on the lookout for a new lathe. He would like a Hardinge HLV (don’t we all!).
Justin and Max suggest looking at the Taiwanese clones like Cyclematic or Feeler
Stefan broke down and bought a face mill with carbide inserts:
Home Shop Machinists Podcast – Episode 16 – King Tutley
Apr 02, 2018
After a one month hiatus due to a number of reasons (typical of home shop machining), Max and Justin are joined by the King of 16″ South Bend lathes: Tom Utley. But nobody in the hobby calls him that. He is King Tutley. Tom, an engineer by day, is best know in this hobby for his time (over the last 3 years!) and dedication in taking a clapped out second world war 16″ South Bend lathe and returning it to better than new condition. Some of the interesting topics:
Tom talks about the bench grinders he has been working on that will soon be up for sale. If you are interested in getting a properly restored Baldor bench grinder be sure to get in touch with Tom!
We talk about paint. Is 2 part epoxies worth the trouble for machine tools?
Previously a woodworker Tom has moved into the metal side of things. The people are generally more friendly, albeit slightly less normal.
Why don’t we encourage more to work with their hands? All three of us share our frustrations with a general society that no longer values craft work. Shop work is good for the soul!
Chemical Etching. Tom has done a fantastic job with all the brass name and label plates on his South Bend:
Photo resist etching. More popular with watchmaking types, Max talks a bit about his journey into photo resist etching:
Variable Frequency drives. Tom has put a great deal of effort into the VFD controls, enclosure, and wiring has installed on his lathe. It is one of the best executed projects of such nature on the web:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opxVLWTiW7E
Home Shop Machinists Podcast – Episode 15 – Snowed, Towed, and Tooled
Feb 13, 2018
If you are just starting out in your home shop or need a few ideas for your next project you will certainly find it in this episode. After getting through the craft beer podcast and shop updates, which involve Max getting a tow, Max and Justin talk about useful simple shop tools as well as Tchotchkes and probably everything in between (don’t tell us you’re surprised!). In the process both Max and Justin have extended their shop project lists. You could even make a really nice homemade brake line flaring tool (we won’t talk about liability):
Home Shop Machinists Podcast – Episode 14 – Phillipsed
Jan 07, 2018
When one Phillips isn’t enough. Recorded in between years as Stefan would say, Max invites his brother Thayer and his father Fred on to join in an end of year discussion with our new semi regular co-host Stefan Gotteswinter! In this episode we talk about:
Fred’s shop that Thayer works out of. Fred has a really nice Rockwell mill (one of our all time home shop favourites) and a Southbend Heavy 13.
We talk about gunsmithing in the United States, Germany and Canada
Live free or die!
CAD and Stefan’s embrace of Autodesk Fusion.
Stefan machined some really nice Torx screws using his Deckel pantograph.
Justin is busy making Christmas presents.
Stefan wants to get a CNC lathe in 2018.
Max is hoping to finish his Trent pinion mill.
Both Max and Justin are hoping to get back to semi regular posting on Youtube.
And finally cars. Max is hoping to get some German iron.
A final note regarding the live stream with Robin Renzetti and Stefan Gotteswinter. We are still hoping to do this in the next few weeks. Stay tuned for more announcements!
Home Shop Machinists Podcast – Episode 13 – Have You Checked Your Oil?
Dec 03, 2017
After over a one month hiatus, Max and Justin are back with episode 13!
Some of the things we talk about include:
Max has had limited time in the shop. What does work always get in the way of what we want to do?
Justin purchased a sub $200 USD digital read out from eBay. He calls it the Shenzhen DRO. And so far it has been pretty good.
Home Shop Machinists Podcast – Episode 11 – Shop of the Future
Oct 02, 2017
In this episode Max and Justin decide to prognosticate about what the home machining shop of the future looks like. 50 or 100 years down the road is it going to be full of modified CNC machines, or will the electronics on those machines render them scrap and only the old school manual machines still be in use? We talk about
Max’s sea foam green stamping fixture
Max is working on a new TV stand for the house
Justin finished his tailstock tap and die holder
A new mill drill for Justin’s shop. Did he make the Rong choice?
The Dodge Omni and Shelby GLHS
Do all VW owners hate Honda owners?
Max’s hatred for all things Digifant
Laser bandsaws
Motivated millennials: will they keep CNC machines going?
Are we living in an golden era for home shop machining?
Home Shop Machinists Podcast – Episode 10 – Practitioner of the Mechanical Arts
Sep 03, 2017
In this episode Max and Justin talk with the great Robin Renzetti, Practitioner of the Mechanical Arts (Robin – we hope you have that on your business card!). We talk about:
Robin’s gifted ability of machining and all things mechanical
Robin’s resume. A model of a helicopter rotor head. And yes, he made very piece in his spare time!
Home Shop Machinists Podcast – Episode 9 – We Are Finished!
Aug 16, 2017
In this episode Max and Justin talk about finishing and both agree that they are terrible at actually finishing projects. In fact, it is amazing that this podcast is still being recorded and not sitting on a shelf somewhere collecting dust waiting for completion. It did actually sit for about a week until Justin managed to finish the editing! In this episode:
Justin finishes his toolpost for the Schaublin 102 and now is onto making proprietary arbors for the tailstock. Why do watchmaking lathes seem to always use proprietary tooling? (Max’s Rivett is no exception)
As usual after about an hour into it we finally get to the topic du jour: finishing. We look at all sorts of angles but find ourselves looking forward to the next podcast guest!
In this episode Max and Justin take a trip down under, and back to the future, and talk with John Creasey, an avid home shop machinist from Australia. As usual the discussion topics vary considerably, but we do talk a bit of machining. In this episode you’ll find:
John and Justin get a little teary eyed over the Queen. Don’t worry – we don’t break out in God Save the Queen
Australian politics: the laws of mathematics are no match for the Australian government!
John lets us know he has 2 Myfords. His first was purchased by his father when he was 16. Let’s here it for great Dads!
Electric cars, VW Vanagons, and taking things apart when we were kids
We talk about scouting, ripping out hard drives, and rip apart day
Home Shop Machinists Podcast – Episode 7 – Work Holding
Jul 04, 2017
In a first for us we manage to get an episode recorded, edited, and posted in about 2 weeks! Don’t worry we didn’t skimp on the quantity of the recording – this episode is a long as the rest of them (note nothing was said about quality!). In this episode we talk about work holding and tool holding in general. Apologies for our voices – we both were recovering from colds. Highlights include:
Max gets his turret finished just in time for Emma’s tool making competition: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xe3ACUzET7Y Check out the pile of chips on the watchmaker’s lathe:
Justin is inching (what is the metric equivalent?) towards getting the Schaublin 102 up and running.
Someone opens a beverage. Identify the time and send Justin an email: justin@thecogwheel.net to claim your prize!
Justin is recording in the middle of a terrible thunderstorm.
2 Jaw independent chuck? We talk about one:
Justin and Max are big fans of ER collets. Maritool is a great source for production quality stuff at reasonable prices.
Use your 3D printer, or a 3D printing service to make soft jaws for your vise! Or a fixture setup for your face plate.
Clamping nuts – we don’t know what they are called but Max made up a set of them. Identify them, send Justin and email justin@thecogwheel.net and claim your prize!
Max thinks Justin should build some die holders with driving squares in them like these ones:
Home Shop Machinists Podcast – Episode 6 – All Scraped Up
Jun 14, 2017
Despite our terrible bantering in episode 2, Stefan Gotteswinter decides to come back on. Max and I think perhaps he might be suffering from poor judgement. In the longest episode to date we talk about:
Home Shop Machinists Podcast – Episode 5 – Cake Decorating and Hauling Iron
Apr 30, 2017
After getting confused as to what podcast they are recording, Max and Justin talk about hauling machine tools home. Of course the stories keep getting better and more ostentatious the more they are told. We also talk about:
Max’s work on his Trent Pinion mill
Change gears on the lathe – you don’t need that 127 tooth to cut metric threads all the time. Max finds a really well done gear calculator on the internet: http://geargenerator.com
Justin gets a Delta Rockwell surface grinder for the home shop and tells the story about dragging it home in his father in law’s truck
Max can’t be outdone: 7 Hjorths, an overloaded van, pouring rain and a flat tire
Any other Hjorth owners out there? Send us some info!
Home Shop Machinists Podcast – Episode 4 – From Grass Cutting to Space
Mar 24, 2017
Max and Justin invite Dan Sherman on for some general shop talk. We started talking about what is going on in the shop but in true home shop machinist fashion this episode heads off on several slightly off topic tangents. Within this episode:
Welding and machining, is it a left brain right brain sort of thing?
We all wonder what normal people do with all their time since they don’t fix anything and don’t spend all their free time in the shop. We are really starting to sound like old farts.
We also talk reel mowers, grass cutting, steel, surfers helping with the space program, the SR71 Blackbird, Koenigsegg and probably some stuff in between.
Home Shop Machinists Podcast – Episode 3 – 10 Tools
Feb 05, 2017
If you are depressed about what is in the news just listen to this podcast and you won’t have a chance to listen to the news again! In the longest episode to date Max and Justin talk about 10 tools that we find essential to our shops. Buried within this episode:
As usual Justin forgets to edit something out that Max says
Max tells us more about his Trent Pinion Mill that arrived from the UK via some sort of beaming machine
Gearotic and Max’s Orrery build (say that without sounding intoxicated!)
Why the Brits put the carriage wheel on the right side of the carriage
Maintenance on cars, 3D printers, and terrible instructions
Max tells a joke
Fecal material on cell phone screens
The 10 tools in the shop that we find useful … which turned out to be 8
Stay tuned for the next episode – it shouldn’t be too far away!
Home Shop Machinists Podcast – Episode 2 – Über Machinist
Jan 08, 2017
It’s been more than a month since our last episode where we said we would try to record an episode 2 times a month. To make up for it we snagged Stefan Gotteswinter for an interview. Thankfully he hung around long enough to answer our questions and didn’t seem to be too put off by our antics. In this episode
Stefan is looking at Onshape.
Max geeks out over Wine for Linux (sorry) and thinks you can easily run Autodesk’s Fusion in Linux.
Max gets a Hemingway kit, the Trent Pinion Mill, and now he has to machine it!
Chinese machine tools really are not that good, but are great for home shop machinists!
Stefan suggests to think of most imported machine tools as casting kits.
How to get banned in less than 5 minutes on Practical Machinist.
Germans have a lot of home shop machinists, who mostly use CNC. Germans and their tech!
Stefan uses carbide in the shop. We’ll make him listen to our first episode again before we invite him back on.
Stefan would be happy on a desert island with a Deckel FP1… and all the accessories. Who wouldn’t?
Max happens to think German is an eloquent language.
How could you interview a German and not ask about beer?
Plus a whole lot more. We managed to trim 10 minutes off this time to get our 1 hour podcast down in 1 hour and 20 minutes!