Welcome to APOTO (The Show), an all-star show hosted by Linda Surovich and Allison McCague from A Pod of Their Own, a show by the women of Amazin’ Avenue and Brian Salvatore from Amazin’ Avenue Audio (The Show). This is the first, but hopefully not the last, collaborative show of this kind during the 2020/2021 offseason.
First up, we discuss new Mets owner Steve Cohen’s introductory press conference, where he not only got up the hopes of the entire Mets fanbase, but also broke some new ground for ownership by saying “Black lives do matter” into a microphone at an official team event. We discuss Cohen’s wealth, his management style, and some of the ideas he hopes to implement to the Mets in 2020.
Next up, we discuss Marcus Stroman, a new/old Met, who accepted the team’s Qualifying Offer on Wednesday. The $18.9 million contract helps the Mets’ rotation in a number of ways, and may allow the team to avoid playing the Trevor Bauer game, especially as his price likely rose considerably after wining the National League Cy Young Award last night.
Next, the show transitions into a discussion of new Chicago White Sox manager Tony LaRussa and the revelation of his 2020 arrest for driving under the influence of alcohol. We move from this irresponsible behavior to the irresponsible behavior of Justin Turner, who celebrated on the field, mask down, after testing positive for COVID-19.
Brian’s Music Pick:
Stone Temple Pilots - Purple
Linda’s Music Pick:
Various Artist - Oh Brother, Where Art Thou? Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
Allison’s Music Picks:
Frederik Wiedmann - The Dragon Prince, Season 1 Soundtrack
YG and Nipsey Hustle - “FDT”
Finally, we wrap things up with Walk-off Wins, where each of us talks about what’s making us happy this week, baseball-related or otherwise.
You can listen or subscribe to all of our wonderful Amazin’ Avenue Audio podcasts through Apple Podcasts, where we encourage you to leave a review if you enjoy the show. It really helps! And you can find us on the Stitcher app, Spotify, or listen wherever you get podcasts.
You can follow A Pod of Their Own on Twitter (@apodoftheirown) and you can also follow all of our co-hosts on Twitter: Allison McCague (@PetitePhD), Maggie Wiggin (@maggie162), and Linda Surovich (@LindaSurovich). You can also email the show at aa.apodoftheirown@gmail.com.
If you’ve got questions that you’d like us to discuss on (The Show), email us at aaaudiopodcast@gmail.com. Make sure to follow the site on Twitter (@AmazinAvenue), as Brian (@BrianNeedsaNap). and Chris (@ChrisMcShane).
And, until next time, Let’s Go Mets.
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