In episode 8, we will pivot from the first 25 years to the next 25 years of e-commerce. We will discuss challenges to the credibility of content (e.g. fake reviews), and highlight several fundamental tensions – the tension between the benefits of curation and the risks of personalization, the tension between being watched and ignored in privacy, the tension between the convenience of fast delivery and cost to the environment, and the tension between efficiency in shopping and doing away of human interactions. All of these questions must be wrestled with in order to safeguard and elevate trust and trustworthiness in e-commerce in the future.
You’ll hear from Vint Cerf (Chief Internet Evangelist at Google; one of the founding fathers of the Internet), Christine Varney (Former Federal Trade Commissioner), Tim O’Reilly (Founder of O’Reilly Media), Pierre Poignant (Co-Founder and CEO of Lazada), Sebastian Klauke (President of Otto Group in Germany), Amy Webb (Founder of the Future Today Institute), Jonathan Nelson (CEO of Organic), Chris Maguire (Cofounder of Etsy), Bob Glushko (XML pioneer; Professor at UC Berkeley), Jane Winn (Professor at University of Washington School of Law), Don MacKenzie (Professor, Sustainable Transportation Lab at University of Washington), and Rachel Botsman (researcher on trust).