The Never-Ending Fight
1 Corinthians 10:13 ESV
Temptation: Anything that entices you to the point that you consider walking contrary to God’s will.
I Corinthians 10:13 – “No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.” (ESV)
Three clear takeaways from this verse:
o Temptation is common to everyone.
o Temptation’s allure can only go so far.
o Temptation has an escape route.
Eight Truths about Temptation
1. Our enemy has been scouting us a lot longer than we’ve been scouting him.
2. Temptation always returns to the scene of its previous success.
Guilt is rooted in shame & is used by the enemy to keep us from getting closer to God. Conviction is rooted in love & is used by God to keep us from getting closer to sin.
3. Yielding to temptation will not cut you off from God’s grace, but it will limit your usefulness to Him.
4. Any temptation constantly indulged in, denied or hidden will eventually enslave you.
5. Satan has assigned certain people to feed your temptation. Be discerning!
6. Your temptations will always bond with the wrong people & make you uncomfortable in the presence of the right people.
7. Temptation cannot be overcome by human reasoning or willpower. The way to overcome temptation is by complete separation from it.
8. Failure to identify & target your dominant temptations guarantees defeat.
Spiritual Ammunition for The Never-Ending Fight:
1) Our vulnerability to temptation strikes during two key times: 1) In our greatest successes & in our greatest trials.
2) Ask yourself this diagnostic question: Why am I drawn to this?
3) Look inside out.
o Who Christ is in you— Savior and Provider.
o Who you are in Christ—God’s adopted child, eternally secure & indwelt by the Holy Spirit.
o What you have in Christ—The promise of access to almighty God.
Sermon in a Sentence: “Never develop an appetite for the fruit of a tree you cannot climb.” (African Proverb)