Helping moms overcome overwhelm, ditch burnout and pursue Christ through simple daily rhythms!
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Helping moms overcome overwhelm, ditch burnout and pursue Christ through simple daily rhythms!
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Copyright: © 2022 HER PURSUIT - Mom Life Balance, Simple Time Management, Christian Motherhood, Morning Routine, Stay at Home Mom, Intentional SAHM
Tired? In need of a break? Wanting to prioritize rest, but not sure how or where to start? In today's conversation we'll talk about the importance of rest and how to practically do that even if you find yourself in a busy season of life.
We'll also discuss:
I'm glad you found this episode. I pray it blesses and encourages you!
Also mentioned:
Ep 132. How to Prioritize "Me Time" as a Busy Mom
Ep 135. Create Your Summer Bucket List *MOM EDITION*
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School is out (or almost) and you're making summer plans. What are you going to do with your kids? What memories will you make? The question I'm asking you today is this: What are you going to do for YOURSELF?! Kind of weird to think about right?
The thing is you're going to make sure your kids have the best summer yet. It's just what we do as moms. So how about this summer we make a list for ourselves?! If you're in, then press play and let's get started.
Don't forget to grab your free summer bucket list template here!
Mentioned in this episode:
132. How to Prioritize "Me Time" as a Busy Mom
042. Create a Realistic Summer Bucket List with Your Kids
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Read my latest article on here!
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Many of us dream of the day we will become mothers. We long to experience pregnancy and grow a family of our own. But that dream can seem far off or impossible when you're in the throes of trying to conceive.
For some, we quickly realize what we thought would come easily takes more time and planning than expected. This episode is for the woman trying to conceive, the woman who feels barren, the woman longing for the day she'll have a baby of her own. I see you. More importantly God sees you. This one is for you🤍
We'll also talk about:
I wrote this article that I pray encourages you as well:
Suffering is Never for Nothing book
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Have you been dealing with chronic symptoms? Do doctors tell you it's all in your head? If so, you're not alone.
I've had countless tests run over the years, tons of blood work, scans, ultasounds, and MRIs only to be told "Everything looks fine. You're healthy and perfectly normal." when I felt anything BUT fine and normal. In this episode I'll share the recent testing done and how I found out there's actually a lot going on under the surface that traditional doctors were missing.
Why does this matter? Because maybe it's not "all in your head". Maybe you're not a bad mom or a bad Christian. Maybe there is an actual reason you're feeling this way. And more importantly, maybe there IS a way to heal and feel better! If you've been struggling for a while without answers I'm so glad you found this episode. Press play and let's get started!
Mentioned in this episode:
Made to Crave
Suffering is Never for Nothing
Reach out to The Wellness Way *please note - they have started charging $15 for the discovery call since this episode was recorded*
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We've been talking a LOT about burnout lately, so what's the antidote? How do we remedy what's stealing our peace and joy as moms? The answer lies partly in learning how to prioritize "me time" as a busy mom. Press play as we dive into this conversation all about why time alone isn't selfish, how doing so actually follows Jesus' example for us, and how to let go of what's good for something even better. We'll also discuss 3 questions to ask in order to find more time for yourself right now!
Also mentioned in this episode:
129. Let's Talk About Burnout
120. Emily Jensen on Weakness in Motherhood
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Are you worn out? Is your soul weary? Today we'll talk about 6 verses you can use to cling to truth when you feel spiritually exhausted. These are verses I've been clinging to lately even when I haven't "felt" like they were true. If you find yourself in a wildness season when it comes to your faith, I hope you know you're not alone.
We'll also discuss:
Bible verses referenced in this episode:
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Welcome back to Part 2 of this conversation all about burnout! If you missed the first part check out that episode here. Today we'll talk about:
Also mentioned in this episode:
The parental burnout assessment is linked here!
The Body Keeps the Score (book *commissioned link*)
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Do you feel disconnected? Are you experiencing physical symptoms and you can’t pinpoint why? Are you stuck in fight or flight? Are you chronically stressed? You could be experiencing burnout. Let’s talk about it! We'll also discuss:
Also mentioned in this episode:
Here are links to the articles and research I came across in my search to find out more on burnout
If you are in crisis, please reach out to someone or dial 988. Find more help here.
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Unlike the newborn and toddler phases, parenting teens doesn't come with many resources or "how-to" guides. Today my guest, Melissa B. Kruger, shares wisdom and encouragement from her latest book Parenting with Hope: Raising Teens for Christ in a Secular World. Even as a mom of young kids, one a pre-teen, this book gave me so much practical advice for preparing to head into the teenage years.
Whether you want to instill a strong faith in your child's life, create open communication with them, or just need practical wisdom for navigating the teen years, this conversation will give you some starting points for building a stronger relationship with your child.
We'll also discuss:
Melissa uses biblical teachings, insights from developmental experts, and her personal experiences as a teacher and mother of three young adults to help guide parents on raising teens with a rock-solid faith in her new book. Grab a copy here!
Connect with Melissa:
Instagram: @melissabryankruger
Facebook: @melissabkrugerwitsend
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This is the ultimate tool to GET YOUR LIFE TOGETHER. If you feel overwhelmed and/or pulled in a million different directions, you're not the only one! If you struggle to manage your time effectively, you're not alone. You're not a bad person. You're not a bad mom. This tool WILL HELP you! You CAN organize your time and your days for success. So press play and let's get started!
Get the FREE Mom's Guide to Time Blocking HERE!
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Are you in need of a fresh start? Are you praying for a new season? Spring is FINALLY here, but what does that say about the times in our lives when we feel stuck? I pray this episode encourages and inspires you right where you're at! We'll discuss:
Also mentioned in this episode:
The Power of Daily Rhythms
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Habits shape our lives in ways we aren't even aware of. They influence our actions, mindset, and overall well-being. Whatever the end goal may be, understanding the power of habits is key.
In this episode, we'll explore how tiny habits can completely transform your life and some practical ways to get started! We'll also talk about:
Mentioned in this episode:
Atomic Habits book
094: 3 Questions to Ask Yourself Every Morning
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Are you always busy, but really want to prioritize time with God and study your bible more? Do you ever believe the lie that if you can't spend 30 minutes quietly reading then why bother?! (PS I can relate) If you answered yes to either of these questions, this episode is for you. In it we'll talk about:
Try BetterHelp and get matched with a therapist!
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We don't have to convince ourselves that we need time for what we enjoy. The question is HOW do we find time for ourselves to do... well, whatever we'd like! It's important to find time for our hobbies. To do the things that interest you and fill you up. But the challenge we all face is how. HOW do I find time to do the things I enjoy as a busy mom? So I hope we can answer this question today and look at 6 practical ways to find time for yourself. Because you definitely deserve it! ♡
Today’s episode is sponsored by Hiya - the daily children’s multivitamin made with 12 organic fruits and veggies. Formulated by pediatricians, Hiya helps even the pickiest eaters fill in common nutritional gaps for total peace of mind! For a limited time, your first order and refillable glass bottle is just $15. And shipping is FREE! Click here to order.
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Winter is my least favorite month. There, I said it! But are there ways to abide in Christ even through winter months when we feel like we're barely hanging out, surviving until Spring comes?! The answer is yes and that's exactly what we're going to talk about in this episode. So cozy up, grab your coffee and let's chat♡
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As moms everything feels important, right? We manage a LOT of things. And there aren’t many that we can completely stop doing.
It can be difficult to establish our priorities when everything is important. This episode will help you figure out where to start when it comes to identifying your prioritize for this year (or at least your current season). So grab your head phones, some coffee, or keep doing whatever you are already doing and let’s chat!
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When we're weak, He is strong. I can't think of more times I've felt weak than as a mom. In this conversation, I sit down with Emily Jensen to discuss how we can respond when we feel weak, regardless of the circumstances.
I pray this conversation encourages you and reminds you of truth. Maybe you, like me, will discover that weakness is something we can embrace instead of run away from. And that God can even use it to draw us closer to Him.
Emily is an author, a podcaster, and the cofounder and content director of Risen Motherhood. Her latest book, He is Strong: Devotions for When You Feel Weak, encourages us to rest in God’s help and strength for every one of our inadequacies.
You can find out more at or follow her on Instagram
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We rarely talk about the process. The messy middle. The unknowns and the frustration. This conversation is for the girl who is wrestling with God, fumbling her way through the season she's in, and wonders if ANYONE else is struggling as hard as her.
It's me. I'm her. How about you? It's hard to be in process. It's hard to feel like you're always problem solving and figuring things out day by day. But if you find yourself in a similar place, I hope you know you're not alone! Press play and let's get started♡
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Does finding God's purpose for your life feel exhausting? Does setting vision leave you feeling anxious? Are you looking for practical ways to move forward in your calling?
Today's conversation with Ciara Laine Myers is not only encouraging, but full of practical ways you can seek God in these areas and take baby steps forward even if you can't see God from where you're currently standing.
Ciara is a wife, mother, award-winning business owner, and author of Glasses Off: Seeing God When Your Vision Is Gone. In her book, Ciara unpacks the need to find our place in the world and guides readers to solidify their faith in God to find their true calling.
In a fresh and modern way, Myers shares her struggles to believe that God made her for a specific purpose and how living with the lack of clarity and validation from God left her feeling exhausted, drained and anxious, but after shifting her focus and seeking God out, He showed her His vision. Through captivating personal stories, Myers walks readers through her journey of how God helped identify her true calling to create and write.
Connect with Ciara:
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Does the pressure of goal setting have you weighed down? Is the noise of resolutions too loud? I'm right there with you, so today I'm sharing how I plan to take a reasonable approach to the new year and let go of the pressure to completely overhaul my entire life🤪 If this episode encouraged you, don't forget to share it with a friend!
Mentioned in this episode:
Article: Why a New Year Doesn't Have to Define You
Episode: How to Live With Tension
Book: Right Where You Belong
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We often think finishing strong means doing more. We run ourselves ragged to the point of burnout & exhaustion. We picture ourselves running around at an unrealistic pace while doing ALL THE THINGS. What if there were a different way to finish strong? What if we could do less and still finish the year strong? Is that even possible? Press play and let's get started!
Mentioned in this episode:
Why Vision Matters
Stress Free Holidays
Don't forget to share your "Do Less" List on Instagram! Tag me @heyitscason
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Creating holiday memories doesn't have to be stressful! If you're ready to simplify traditions, release the pressure of perfection, and make Jesus’ birth the central focus of Christmas, then today's episode is for you. Stress-free memories are all about doing what works for you and your family right now in a realistic way. Once you decide what you will prioritize with your family, you can simplify and plan out your traditions. Doing so will give you the confidence to tune out all the noise and focus on what truly matters this Christmas.
We'll also discuss:
I've created this free guide to help you work through everything we talk about in this episode!
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As we wrap up our mini series on gratitude, I thought it would be fitting to focus on the gift of Jesus' birth. Press play to kick off the holiday season with a thankful heart, regardless of what you're walking through. My hope is that you remember this truth: you are always seen, you are fully known, and you are deeply loved. Don't forget to grab your FREE gratitude guide below. I'm thankful for you, friend!
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Struggling with your thoughts this Thanksgiving? Finding it hard to be thankful? Do you feel like "maybe if I prayed harder or read my bible more, then...."? If so, today is for you! We're focusing on our minds in this episode of our mini series all about cultivating gratitude. Don't forget to grab the FREE gratitude guide here!
Mentioned in this episode:
Retraining Your Brain with Lindsay Mitchell
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Tis the season for thanksgiving! Let's practice gratitude together every Thursday right here on Her Pursuit. If you'd like the free journal prompts that will correspond to each week's episode, sign up here. You only need to sign up once in order have the prompts delivered to your inbox!
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Tis the season for thanksgiving! Let's practice gratitude together every Thursday right here on Her Pursuit. If you'd like the free journal prompts that will correspond to each week's episode, sign up here. You only need to sign up once in order have the prompts delivered to your inbox!
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Today's episode will cover a heavy topic, so use discretion when listening around little ears. Please know if you're struggling, you're not alone. There is no shame in asking for help. You can also call 988 if you are in crisis.
Today we'll discuss:
Mentioned in this episode:
Take Control of Your Thoughts
Carina's Interview on Ending the Stigma of Mental Health
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How do you navigate challenges in life and motherhood? Do you find it hard to bounce back? (I do.) What is resilience and what do rhythms have to do with it? Today's episode is all about how rhythms can make us... stronger?! Yes, it's true! Press play and let's dive in.
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With so many things fighting for our time and attention, we all want to know the secret to making time for what matters most to us! How can we make time for what's most important to us in this season right now as moms? Today we'll talk through some simple and practical steps that will actually help you get started.
Mentioned in this episode:
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Today's conversation with Alli will encourage you as a woman and mom. We cover so much as we discuss her latest book Remaining You While Raising Them. Here is a peek at what we discuss:
Alli Worthington is a best-selling author of five books including Remaining You While Raising Them, Standing Strong , The Year of Living Happy , Fierce Faith, and Breaking Busy. She is an in-demand speaker who spends her days helping women as a life and business coach. She is the co-founder of Called Creatives and the founder of The Coach School, guiding women in developing their God-given callings. Her goal is to help women delight in the life God created them to live with encouragement and practical tools to live happier, less busy, and with a fierce faith in the Lord. Alli’s no-nonsense, guilt-free take on life, family, and balance led to appearances on The Today Show and Good Morning America. And her down-to-earth, practical teaching style has given her to the opportunity to speak at some of the nation’s biggest events and churches all over the country. Alli, her husband, Mark, and their five sons live outside of Nashville, TN with a very pampered golden retriever. You can find her on her weekly podcast, The Alli Worthington Show.
Connect on Instagram: @alliworthington
Get your copy of Remaining You While Raising Them here!
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If you feel like a hot mess mom... if things are constantly spiraling out of control and you wish you had more order in your life or just felt more calm (first of all.. SAME), but I'm glad you're here because today is for you (for both of us)! We're going to take a spiritual look at why this matters and how rhythms can restore order to the chaos of our everyday lives as moms. Connecting these dots has helped me see motherhood in a whole new way. God brings order from chaos. It's part of his character. We see this throughout Scripture. And He invites us to partner with Him in calming chaos every single day. I'm glad you're here, friend!
Mentioned in this episode:
3 Questions to Ask When Building Realistic Rhythms
This episode is sponsored by Hiya, a daily children's multivitamin with 12 organic fruits & veggies and zero added SUGAR. Get HALF OFF + free shipping here!
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You may be thinking, "Why should I time block as a SAHM?" especially if you don't have to be at a certain place by a certain time. But there are actually many benefits to time blocking (don't worry, we'll discuss them in this episode!). I'll also share what I love about time blocking and how it's about so much more than filling every single waking moment or being productive for the sake of productivity. I hope you'll want to try it for yourself. As always, you'll walk away with simple steps for getting started! I'm so glad you're here. Don't forget your free download to get started time blocking! Print it out and follow along.
Mentioned in this episode:
The Difference Between Rhythms & Routines
Use code MAMA35 to get 30% off your first order with Orgain here!
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There's a time for everything, right?? We've heard it said. Maybe we've even read it in the Bible, but do we really believe there is a time for everything? With a new season approaching, I wanted to take a minute to share some things I've been wrestling through and asking myself in hopes of encouraging you right where you're at. I pray this one blesses you!
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Being a stay-at-home mom is a full-time job and if you’re a working mama you’re balancing work either outside of the home or AT home along with everything else required of you. It can often feel like there's little time or space in the day for getting still, being quiet, meditating on God’s word or even praying. But today we're going to explore what it would look like to prioritize prayer as a mom in a realistic way, regardless of your season. Let's dive in!
Don't forget to grab your FREEBIE: Prioritizing Prayer in Motherhood
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Today's conversation is all about how God's character serves as our guide in all seasons of life and motherhood. I recently had the privilege of sitting down with Ruth Chou Simons and talking about how the truths written in her latest book, Pilgrim, apply to us as everyday mamas in the thick of raising babies and kids. I think this conversation is one you’ll come back to again and again. I know I definitely will! Ruth shares so much wisdom in today's episode and I can't wait for you to dive in.
We'll also discuss:
Ruth Chou Simons is a Wall Street Journal bestselling and award-winning author of several books and Bible studies, including Pilgrim, GraceLaced, Beholding and Becoming, and When Strivings Cease. She is an artist, entrepreneur, podcaster, and speaker, using each of these platforms to spiritually sow the Word of God into people’s hearts. Through social media, her online shoppe at, and the GraceLaced Collective community, Simons shares her journey of God’s grace intersecting daily life with word and art. Ruth and her husband, Troy, are grateful parents to six boys—their greatest adventure.
Grab Ruth's latest book, Pilgrim here!
Connect with Ruth on Facebook
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Other episodes you may enjoy:
5 Simple Gratitude Practices
3 Questions to Build Realistic Rhythms
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As moms, we juggle so many things. We want to do this and know we need to do that, but sometimes finding a rhythm that truly works for us can feel like an impossible task. We wonder if it's actually possible to create a rhythm that fits into our specific lives and the answer is YES! That's why we're going to tackle the three essential questions you need to ask yourself before creating a daily rhythm if you want it to be both practical and fulfilling. I'm so glad you're joining me! Keep doing whatever it is you're doing and let's dive in.
Mentioned in this episode:
The Difference Between Rhythms & Routines
This episode is sponsored by Hiya, a daily children's multivitamin with 12 organic fruits & veggies and zero added SUGAR. Get HALF OFF + free shipping here!
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ten·sion the state of being stretched tight
Tension can be a motivator, but it can also be overwhelming. Tension between where we are and where want want to be may cause some to work harder toward their goals, but others of us tend to shut down when things get hard and, well, TENSE. Growth and change are SUPER uncomfortable, so how do we learn to live with tension and grow into a different version of ourselves?
We'll also discuss:
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This episode is for the mom asking herself:
Today's episode is sponsored by Orgain. I have been using Orgain for over 3 years now and LOVE it. The protein powder is my favorite! Click here to order & use code MAMA35 for 30% off your first order!
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Is it possible to overcome overwhelm? How do we overcome overwhelm as Christian women? Busy moms? So often we find ourselves behind on tasks, struggling to find balance, and overwhelmed by negative thoughts and self-doubt. We long for a sense of structure, discipline, and consistency in our lives- both in our faith journey and daily routines.
If you're wondering if it's possible to break free from constant overwhelm and find true peace for your everyday, this episode is for YOU!
We'll discuss:
Please note, the scripture mentioned at the 8:28 minute mark is from Revelation 12:11, not Romans (I misspoke!)
Other episodes you may enjoy:
Your Mess Isn't Unfixable
5 Things to Try For More Mental Space
Proof You Aren't Stuck Forever
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If the back to school season brings out #allthefeels for you, then you're in the right place! Today we're going to talk about how to manage those feelings, how to work through them, and I'm going to share some of my own feelings as we start our second year of homeschooling. However you're feeling, you're not alone! God sees you. I see you. And there are so many ways to find support. Grab some headphones, reheat your coffee, and press play!
Today's episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Sign up today to get 10% off your first month. Clicking this link not only supports this podcast, but it also helps you connect with a professional therapist in just a few days!
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It's easy to feeling like we're running out of time. Especially in today's lightning fast culture where we have pretty much anything we want at our fingertips. But the fast pace of this world can sometimes leave us feeling behind or like there's not enough time for us to do all the things we want (and need) to do, especially as moms.
I hope today encourages the woman who is asking:
Mentioned in this episode:
This episode is sponsored by Hiya, a daily children's multivitamin with 12 organic fruits & veggies and zero added SUGAR. Try Hiya for $15 + free shipping now!
Previous episode: Identity Crisis? Finding Yourself After Becoming MOM
Previous episode: Living Out Your Identity in Christ
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How are you? No, like really… how are YOU?! Today is all about catching up, summer lately, being where you are & leaning into your season and OH YEAH… the podcast is TWO🥳
Thank you so much for your support these past two years. There are women tuning in each week from all over the WORLD and I couldn’t be more thankful for every single one of you!!🫶
If today encourages you in any way, share it with a friend or take a screenshot and tag on socials! This is how we keep spreading messages of hope and light to women everywhere. I can’t do it without you, so thank you!!!
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These questions I’m about to share were pivotal for me in my journey to healing and learning to check in on myself. Today I'm giving you three questions to ask yourself when you wake up or as soon as you think about it and I promise when you do, God will use them to do a work in your life! I'm so glad you're here friend. Let's get started!
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Mentioned in this episode:
Proof You Aren't Stuck Forever!
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Feeling like a mess? You're not alone. We all have messes (inside AND out). The good news is that no matter how messy your feel, whether it’s your internal headspace, your spirit, your mind, or your physical space in your home, your mess isn’t unfixable. There's always SOMETHING that can be done to fix the mess. And not because Cason says so but because God says so! So press play and let's get into this episode full of hope and encouragement!!
Mentioned in this episode:
Ready for More Peace? Press Play!
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Does your mind feel like a jumbled mess? Glad I'm not the only one! Today I'm sharing 5 things that will help you create more mental space. Some of them are backed by research and others are just things that I've found to be helpful. Choose one thing from this list to try and let me know how it goes for you. I was seriously SO shocked by how helpful #2 is. Press play, mama! I'm glad you're here.
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Mentioned in this episode:
10 Things My Social Media Fast Taught Me
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Feeling impatient, mama? You're not alone. If you're looking for practical ways to show up as a calm and present mom for your family, this episode is for you. Let me confess: I needed this conversation! I pray it encourages you in whatever season of motherhood you find yourself in.
Elizabeth is a stress coach for Christian moms. She is the host of Emotionally Healthy Legacy podcast and a mom of 4. Elizabeth is super passionate about mental health and emotional wellness in motherhood. She helps stressed Christian moms manage their mom anger so they can respond with patience and calm towards their kids. She teaches proactive ways to be less stressed, prioritizing moms needs without guilt and ways to regulate emotions when feeling triggered.
Grab your freebie from Elizabeth here!
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If you are one of those people thinking “I wish I could just go with the flow!” I’m glad you’re here. Because me too! There are certain times in my life when I wish I could just be more carefree and let go. I'll share a season I walked through that taught me how to embrace where God has me and go with the flow a little more. This episode is full of encouragement and practical steps you can take to embrace your season and live with more ease and flow. And who doesn't want that?!
Mentioned in this episode:
WHY Thoughts Matter
HOW to Take Control of Your Thoughts
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So you want to practice gratitude? Unsure of where to start? Feel like you're overcomplicating it? In this episode we'll talk about 5 simple ways you can get started incorporating gratitude into your daily life. If you're ready to find more JOY in the everyday, PRESS PLAY!
We'll also discuss:
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I’m not a Pinterest mom by any stretch, but I do love to plan and make lists. I ESPECIALLY love summer bucket lists! Something about summer is nostalgic and chill, yet so fun and full of energy. And ready or not... here it comes! So, today we're going to create a realistic summer bucket list together. Let's go!
Mentioned in this episode:
68. My Low Expectation Summer Bucket List + FREEBIE!
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Lindsay Mitchell is the founder of Vital-Side, a membership program that empowers those with chronic illness and limbic system impairment to retrain their brain out of the chronic stress response so they can get relief from their symptoms and find freedom in their lives.
Her training in medicine as a physician assistant, work as an NLP practitioner, and experience having recovered from Lyme disease makes her uniquely qualified to assist others in learning how to shift their response and experience positive changes to their symptoms. You can find free brain training tips & tools on Instagram @myvitalside or join her Membership!
In today's episode we'll discuss:
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Today’s episode is for a specific woman. You are always on my heart, but recently you've really been on my mind. All around us we see evidence of spring. Flowers are blooming, everything is turning green, it’s warming up in most places, everything is coming alive.
This episode is for the person who feels like they’re still walking through a winter season even though it feels as if everyone else has moved on to spring. If this is you, PRESS PLAY!
Mentioned in this episode:
Why Thoughts Matter
How to Take Control of Your Thoughts
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Have you ever considered getting off of social media? Have you ever considered fasting? Well, I recently fasted for 40 days (for the first time ever) and today I'm here to spill #allthethings that I learned during my time of digital disconnection.
We'll also talk about simple ways you can start your own fast and ideas of what you can fast from (maybe it's something different for you!). Wherever this episode finds you, I pray it blesses and encourages you. LET'S GET STARTED!
Mentioned in this episode:
Social Media Fasting: What I'm Doing and Why
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I don't know about you, but my mental space is easily cluttered. All kinds of thoughts pack in. So much so that I feel like I can’t even see straight sometimes, much less think clearly. Scary, shameful, and even negative thoughts get stuck in this repetitive loop that can feel hard to escape. So you are definitely not alone if you also experience this!
The good news is you can absolutely get back in the drivers seat, take control of your thoughts, and ultimately steer them in the direction you want to go. You can actually begin to choose your thoughts and tell them what to think instead of feeling like your thoughts are bossing you around!
In this episode we'll cover:
Mentioned in this episode:
Why Thoughts Matter
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I’m no stranger to struggling with my thoughts, so I GET how overwhelming your mind feels at times. Negative thoughts. Scary thoughts. Anxious thoughts. All kinds of thoughts. But have you ever stopped to ask whether or not the thoughts you play on repeat matter? Does what we think all day every day actually matter? And if so, why?
In this episode we'll talk about why thoughts matter and exactly how powerful they are. Wherever this finds you, I pray it blesses and encourages you! If it does, share the love and pass it along to a mom friend.
We'll also cover:
Let's figure out how to move from survival mode and constantly spiraling to living out the abundant life of freedom God calls us to right now... yes, even as busy, tired mamas! Press play, sis. I'm glad you're here :)
Mentioned in this episode:
PROOF You Aren't Stuck Forever!
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When was the last time you felt good? When is the last time you had a good day? We’re all moms here so we all know the hard parts about it: how demanding it is and how draining it can feel. But what if we could FEEL better… like right now. If you’re looking for ways to feel better and you’re willing to try anything, then today’s episode is FOR YOU. Let’s get started!
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Have you ever thought something like, “This is hopeless. There's no point in trying. This will never change. I’LL never change” ??? You aren’t the only one. It is so easy to get stuck in a rut, especially as moms BUT I have amazing news. You are actually not stuck forever. In fact, today I’m sharing actual proof that you CAN change. It’s is POSSIBLE!!! I hope that brings a smile to your face and hope to your spirit! I'm sharing something I learned very early on in my journey to reclaiming my life when it felt completely out of control and it has truly helped me break free from survival mode (and continues to help me even now when I get super overwhelmed). I pray this encourages you right where you’re at, mama. Press play and let's get started!
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Heidi Lee Anderson is a writer, speaker, and stay-at-home mom. While crafting Instagram devotionals @heidileeanderson and writing kid’s curriculum @thismotherhen for over 100,000 followers, she’s a master at cleaning up Cheerios spills and building LEGO towers while simultaneously chugging coffee like a Gilmore. Heidi has a bachelor’s degree in marketing from University of Northwestern, MN, and has spent her career doing ministry—from teaching hundreds in kids’ ministry to writing daily devotionals, Bible reading plans, and small group curriculum as a content developer. After being diagnosed with cancer, Heidi’s fuel is now to make sure that Christ-followers realize, know, and claim the sure promises God offers—in the mundane, amid the heartache, and on top of the highest mountains. To find further devotionals and biblical encouragement, visit her website or connect with her on Instagram and YouTube.
In today's episode, here's some of what we discuss:
I'm so glad you're here, friend. Press play and let's get started!
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We’re all longing for peace, to feel grounded and like we’re doing a good enough job as moms. We have the world at our fingertips and can connect within seconds and yet we feel more disconnected (and overstimulated) than ever before.
Studies show 1 in 5 mothers report dealing with mental health struggles. 1 in 4 Christians report the same.
This is a huge problem I'm passionate about shining a light on and talking more about so that we can get to the root of what's going on and take our peace back. The question remains: What in the world is going on? What's stealing our peace? And what can we do about it?
In this episode we'll discuss pursuing a peaceful motherhood and what that can look like for you regardless of the season you find yourself in. I want you to know this isn’t something I have completely figured out. There's no magic formula that will fix all of our problems and guarantee we'll never struggle with negative thoughts, anxiety, or depression ever again. But I believe there are steps we can take to stop the spiral. There are small shifts we can make to radically transform our mindset and ultimately our lives. You can BREAK FREE from survival mode. But it requires intentional steps in order to do so.
This show exists to come alongside you to help you move from surviving each day and barely getting by to thriving, living with peace, and enjoying motherhood. I'm so glad you're here, mama. Press play and let's get started!
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Does your journey feel impossible? Do you feel weary? Worn out? Exhausted? If you're feeling unsure you'll ever make it to the other side, today's episode is for you!
We'll talk about WHAT you can do when you don't see a light at the end of the tunnel; when your goals seem so far out of reach; when motherhood becomes too overwhelming. It's such a simple concept, but so much harder to LIVE it out.
Thankfully we're not doing it alone! We get to walk together in community. I pray this one blesses you mama♡
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Hey there! I'm so excited to share this bonus episode with you. It was kind of a game time decision to participate in Lent this year as it's something I've never done.
I've also never fasted, BUT this was the perfect time for me to start. In this bonus episode we'll discuss:
Thanks for hanging out with me today!
Here is the article from YouVersion. Here's the 40-Day Social Media Fast book
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Today's conversation is all about staying focused when life feels crazy. Let's face it, motherhood (and life in general) is chaotic at times... ehh, okay, maybe most of the time!
But how can we remained focused in our journeys? Maybe you're working toward a certain goal or you've set out to create a new habit or routine. Is it possible to stay focused when everything (and everyone) requires our constant attention?
I hope today encourages the mama who needs a little motivation to stay focused. I think if we're honest, that's all of us at some point! More importantly, I hope you walk away with the refreshing truth of what the Gospel says about how we can persevere through tough seasons and continue pressing on to know Jesus more, regardless of what we're facing!
So press play, momma. I'm so glad you're here!
If you missed the beginning of this series, catch up here.
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You're setting out on a new journey. Your foundation is solid and your identity is rooted in Christ. But how do you get to where you want to go?
In this episode, I'll sit down with Polly Payne, founder and CEO of Horacio Printing, to discuss WHY setting vision matters and HOW we can do that as modern Christian women.
We'll discuss the following:
-Why vision matters
-Casting vision vs. Manifestation
-Continuously surrendering our goals and dreams to God
-Practical steps to get started partnering with God to set vision in your own life
-and SO MUCH more!
Polly is the host of the Dream Printing Podcast. She is on a mission to help Christian women pursue and achieve their God-given dreams.
Listen to the Dream Printing episode mentioned here!
Check out Polly's Dream Printing workshop here!
Follow Horacio Printing on Instagram here!
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We live by so many labels: mom, wife, friend, sister. We define ourselves by a number of external factors - the car we drive, our schooling choices, our size, our appearance, our religious denomination, plus SO MUCH ELSE.
But, what is our true identity? Who are you really? Today's episode is all about walking out our true identities.
I pray this conversation blesses the mom who needs to be reminded of who she truly is at her core. I know it's something I have to remind myself of daily.
If you missed any previous episodes in this season, catch up here!
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If you're just joining, WELCOME! We've kicked off the new year with a brand new season all about New Beginnings. Catch up by starting with Episode 1 here!
Today is all about building the foundation of our lives as modern Christian moms. What good is a house, a structure, or anything else if the foundation is unstable?
What does building a "firm foundation" mean? What SHOULD our lives be built on? And how can we practically do this when we're in the thick of raising little kids?
I don't believe you're here by accident, friend. So press play and let's dive in together!
Mentioned in this episode:
Matthew 13:1-9
1 Corinthians 3:11
Luke 6:47-49
10 Foundations for Christian Living
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This one is going to step on some toes... including my own! We just want to hit the mark, right? We want to know we're doing enough. We want to BE enough.
In this episode we're going to take a look at the next part of rebuilding when things feel like they've fallen apart. When you've experienced a ground zero moment, you have a choice to rebuild or do nothing. Part of rebuilding is deciding how you're going to operate: surrendered or striving?
We'll take a look at what the Bible says about living a surrendered life and get really honest about this message of "not being enough". Is it toxic and discouraging or could it actually be full of hope and grace?
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"Year in review"... Is it okay to talk about this in January of the new year? I know 2022 is technically over and so many people share these things at the END of the year, but I needed the dust from the Christmas chaos to settle so I could collect my thoughts and share this important message of encouragement for the mom who feels behind and like a complete failure.
If you feel like the past year just didn’t measure up or turn out how you’d hoped, today's episode is for you. I want to talk about getting to the end of the year and not feeling like you crushed it.. because I haven't heard anyone else sharing this and I think it's a real thing for so many of us. Does anyone else feel this way?! If you got to the end of 2022 and felt behind or like you didn't measure up, I just want to say.. me too. You're not alone. We're going to get really honest about all of this and more in today's episode of Her Pursuit!
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3 months later and.. I'm baaaaaaaaaaaack!!!!
Well, kind of! I'm back for this episode to share a little bit about where I've been and hopefully encourage you right where you are.
Today is the first day of winter. It's also the darkest day of the year and every year it holds so much meaning for me. I can't wait to share this with you! This episode is for the mom who has been struggling. You're weary, worn out, and exhausted. You're at the end of yourself. Life feels heavy, overwhelming, maybe even impossible. Today we're talking about how to find hope in really dark seasons when you feel hopeless.
As always, this episode is packed with honesty, real life, and truth. We'll get super honest about what it's like when life just feels like too much and how to fight back with truth.
This is a good one, friend, so grab your headphones or plug this into your car and let's chat. I'VE MISSED YOU!!!
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Grab your tissues, friend. You've been warned!
Have you ever been in a season when you felt like you needed to let go of something, but you just weren't sure how? Is it possible to continue carrying things with us season to season and still experience the fullness of God?
Today we're talking about seasons changing, experiencing major shifts, and letting go.. that's not always easy. Sometimes we're called to let go of things that we don't really want to let go of. And that is really, really scary & uncomfortable. If you're there now, don't worry sis - I got you! In this episode I'll share a few things that will hopefully help you navigate seasons of change and (in true Cason fashion..) open up a little about what I'm letting go of right now.
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Are there seasons in life when rhythms and routines just aren't enough? Maybe you feel like you're doing all you know to do.. you're doing what you feel called to... and yet you find yourself asking WHY your season isn't changing. Why don't I feel different if I'm doing all the "right" things? What's wrong?! Grab your headphones or plug your phone in on the go, this is going to be a good one friend!
Mentioned in this episode:
3 Tips for Making Your "Quiet" Time Happen Daily
Realistic Ways to Get Into the Word as a Busy Mom
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I've been thinking a lot lately and I think I've figured out what's at the root of overwhelm, regardless of what's causing it. And I think knowing what's at the center of overwhelm is a great first step to moving OUT of overwhelm. So, press play and let's get started!
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Hey friend! Is it okay if we just chat today? Can I just fill you in on where I'm at with some things in life, motherhood, and "work"? (Okay, okay.. my "work" never really feels like work because I enjoy it SO much!)
If you've been here for any amount of time, you know I keep it real. I wish we could sit face to face over hot tea or coffee and just hang out.. maybe one day! For now, this will have to do, so grab your headphones or plug your phone into your car as you drive and let's talk...
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Mom life is demanding, right? Today we're talking about 3 things you can do if you feel pulled in all different directions and HOW you can hit reset in motherhood today!
Mentioned in this episode:
16: I'm Not A Hot Mess Mom - Here’s Why
70: Lacking Direction? The Reason Vision Matters as a Christian Mom!
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If you're looking to create consistent time with God through prayer, stillness, and/or reading your Bible then this episode is FOR YOU! After today's episode you will have a renewed perspective on what your "quiet time" can actually look like and 3 PRACTICAL ways for making time for God every day. I'm glad you found this episode!! Press play and let's get started.
Mentioned in this episode:
Realistic Ways to Get Into the Word as a Busy Mom
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This week we're talking all about managing our thoughts and emotions during big seasons of transition (like back-to-school season). Today I'm sharing 5 ways you can process through any emotions you may be feeling now (or any time!) in a healthy way.
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In this episode of our back to school series we're talking MINDSET. How can we manage our mindset and emotions in healthy ways, especially during big seasons of transitions? Because, let's be real.. as moms, emotions can run high when school starts back for many different reasons. So keep doing whatever you're doing, mama and let's get started!
As with all suggested resources, please filter what you read and hear through the lens of your faith. Take what applies and leave what doesn't. The book mentioned in this episode has helpful practical application, but that doesn't mean all will be applicable! Check out the book mentioned here: Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle
*commissioned link
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In this episode of our back to school series I'll share 5 things to prep the night before in order to help your mornings run smoother so you can get out the door with LESS stress and frustration. Pick ONE thing to try to prep this week and see if it makes your mornings easier! I'd love to hear how you're doing this. Join the Facebook group here:
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This week is all about prepping! But don't run away. This doesn't have to be scary, complicated, or overwhelming. Today we're breaking down HOW a little bit of prep in the evenings will save you time and sanity in the mornings as you're trying to get out the door.
This is episode is part of our Back to School series, so be sure to check out any previous episodes you may have missed!
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Today is a high-level overview of 3 things that are going to help us all transition back to school with ease and flow. Whether you’re homeschooling or your kids are going to a traditional school, these things are going to help you get into a rhythm that works for you and your family. Even if you’re a mom of a newborn or toddler and you’re not quite there yet, these three things will still help you navigate seasons of transition (which, let's be honest, we're always facing as mamas).
In the weeks that follow, we will take a deeper dive into each of these three areas so that you don't have to guess or fumble your way through how to practically live these things out in your life. I want to show you how to simplify rhythms and routines as the back-to-school season kicks off. I'm so glad we get to do this together! Grab your headphones and a cup of coffee or plug you phone into your car as you drive and let's get started.
Listen to more episodes on morning routines here: Episode 78 | Episode 9
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I'm sharing a "little" announcement to kick off Part 1 of our "Back to School" series. You can probably guess from the title that our school year is going to look a LOT different. Today I'm sharing our back-to-school plans and setting the stage for the rest of this series.
Regardless of whether your child is school-aged or just a baby (or whether you're homeschooling or going the traditional route), we ALL face seasons of transitions and that's what this series will be all about.
It's the perfect time for us to cover everything from daily rhythms and routines to how to ride out transitions in life so you don't lose your sanity in the process! I'm so glad you're here with me today.
Mentioned in this episode:
What to Do While You Wait
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If you've ever compared yourself to another mom, then today's episode is going to give you some great reminders that you can keep in your "toolbox" and refer back to whenever you're falling hard into the trap of comparison and PS - you're not the only one! I struggle with this too (along with many others). Today I'm sharing 5 Truths from Scripture to remind yourself of when you notice you're comparing your life to someone else's (whether in real life or on social media). Grab your headphones and push play!
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Today is all about reclaiming your life. Is it possible to actually create change in your life? Is it possible for you to do something different. To be different. To react differently. To FEEL different? And if so, WHERE should you start? I'm going to share THE BIGGEST shift I made in order to move from completely overwhelmed and always on the struggle bus to living an intentional life withpurpose and fulfillment!
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Summer is coming to a close, well not like the season on the calendar, but summer season before kids go back to school. How is it almost over?! I want to share a summer recap with you, along with an update from our bucket list and a few lessons I learned the past few months. I think you'll relate to some of these and I hope they encourage you!
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Have you bought into the lie that if you could just do more THEN you'd find the balance you're longing for? Today we're talking about why "productivity" (or getting MORE) done is not the key to finding balance in your motherhood and life. We'll talk about redefining balance and figuring out how to create it in your life. It's so much simpler than you think! Press play and let's get started.
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Other things mentioned:
Episode 70 on Creating Vision
Episode 40 on Practical Steps to Setting Clear Boundaries
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Want a quick, simple way to feel lighter? Then you need to listen to this episode RIGHT NOW! You will be shocked at how much lighter you'll feel after cleaning these three things. PS - I'm not a clean freak nor do I regularly clean my house.. oops! But cleaning these 3 things always makes me feel so much more "put together"!
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Are you in a season of waiting? I have had quite a few seasons like this in my life where it feels like okay, God, where are you? What's going on? What's the point of this? What's next? Today we're going straight to Scripture to find out what we can do while we wait.
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Today's topic is one I think almost every single mom on the planet can relate to. We're talking about find our identity after becoming "mama". At any point postpartum, did you feel like you didn't recognize yourself? Asking questions like "who am I now?" and "what do I even enjoy?"
It's okay if you don't feel like the same person. In a way, you aren't! And that's normal. Today we're talking about how to find yourself again after becoming MOM, so get cozy if you're having some alone time or pop in your headphones if you're on the go and let's dive in!
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How is the podcast ONE?! I hope you'll press play and celebrate with me whether this is your first time listening or you've been here since the beginning! I'm sharing some life lessons I've learned along the way, major milestones the show has reached, and of course thanking YOU over and over because this show wouldn't be where it is today without (#1 God) but also YOU listening and sharing each week!!!!! PS - if you listen all the way thru, you'll hear a special way I'd like to say 'thank you' tucked within this episode. Good luck ;)
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Do you feel behind? Are you tempted to run faster, work hard, and keep up with the pace of the world? If you're ready to slow down and practically implement rest into your life, I'm glad you're here. Press play and let's get started!
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Raise your hand if you've ever thought, can I just do something for myself?? With kids home all summer, it can be challenging to find pockets of time for us to do something for ourselves. We're always doing for our kids and husbands and while we're called to serve and pour out, it's also important to take time to pour into ourselves. Today's focus is not on the (WHAT) you would do if you had the time, but rather WHERE is the time for you to do something for.. YOU.
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Today, we're talking about REALISTIC ways you can read your bible and spend time with God even as a busy mama. Because newsflash — we're all busy!! I used to think I was like BUSIER than other moms... because she doesn't have to do this, or she has this, or she doesn't have to deal with THIS, or her life is just easier than mine... and I definitely just don't have time to sit and open my bible and read, study, pray..
But it turns out everyone is busy. No one really has extra time and we're all making the time for what's important to us. After today's show, I hope you have NO more excuses for not spending the time with God that honestly, you know you need and truly WANT!
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I'm gonna be honest - this wasn't originally part 3 of this series, but after Part 2, I knew I had to share this with you and be SUPER HONEST about what I discovered and my summer plans for my phone. Think of this as a continuation to Part 2 of Soaking Up Summer, so if you haven't listened yet, go play that one first!
In this episode I'll discuss evaluating boundaries with our phone, checking in on our screentime, re-establishing boundaries when lines get blurred, and how to do that in a clear and healthy way. This episode is kind of vulnerable because I'm literally telling you the amount of time I've been spending on my phone each week (you'll be as shocked as I was!) and also what I'm planning to do about it.
If you find yourself continuously getting sucked into an unhealthy scroll, this episode is for you! Press play and let's dive in together!! PS - just promise not to judge me for the amount of time I've been spending on my phone, okay?!
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I'm not a morning person, but morning time is my new BFF so if you reallly want a consistent morning routine, this episode is FOR YOU. I'm so pumped because my mornings have literally changed my life. And I know that sounds dramatic, but it's absolutely true. I'm going to share some mini truth bombs with you today, so I hope you're holding tight to your seat. These 3 things are going to completely transform the way you see not only your time, but your MORNING time specifically, so grab some headphones, reheat your coffee or just keep doing what you're doing and let's get started!!
Mentioned in the show:
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Are you tired of getting caught up in the scroll? Are you done wasting time on socials? Press play on today's episode for a little dose of "tough" love and a big heart check. PS - You're not the only one wasting time on your phone. I also have to keep an eye on my boundaries around my phone and screentime and today I'm walking you through some tips that will help YOU do the same so that you can spend less time scrolling and more time being present this summer (and really year-round)!
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It's summertime and I want to question the narrative that we have to "survive" this summer with our kids home all day every day. How can we truly be present and soak up this time we have with them? How can we make the most of the season we're in?
Today, we're going to get some perspective on time and just how many weeks (and summers) we have to raise our babies and spend as much time with them as possible. You know I'm all for a healthy balance, so this episode isn't to say you must be with them 24/7, but rather being intentional about the time we ARE spending with them. Grab your headphones and press play!
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Today I'm kicking off a new series "Soaking Up Summer" by sharing my low expectation, imperfect summer bucket list. Not only will I share a few ideas from our list, but we'll also discuss WHY this matters. Not that a bucket list is required by any means - it's all about intent, which we will discuss further in this episode, so grab your headphones or plug your phone into your car and let's get started!
You can grab your FREE Summer Bucket List Printable here! Once you get it filled out (or write yours down on paper) post it to socials and tag me!! I can't wait to see your ideas!
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Does summertime have to mean goodbye to structure?! I say no. Not if you don't want it to! So in today's episode we're going to discuss rhythms. Here's some of what we'll cover:
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I don't know about you, but there are some days that just feel meaningless. It's easy to wonder if anything we're doing or saying matters. If we're not careful, we fall into the trap of thinking "this is so pointless". Today I'm sharing 3 reminders from the Bible that will renew your HOPE and sense of PURPOSE - right now, in whatever you're facing. Grab your headphones or plug your phone in as you drive and let's dive in!
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Is it possible to keep faith and hold on to hope in the middle of unexpected circumstances? How can we keep perspective on time and life when we face impossible situations like discovering a child is terminally ill? Today my friend Jess comes on to share her family's story and spread awareness about her daughter Jolene's recent diagnosis.
Jess is such a light and an inspiration. She reminds us that it is possible to choose truth and joy even when we encounter unplanned circumstances.
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After today's time tip, you're going to have a simplified planning process that will help you go from procrastinating to action taking because I know one of the hardest parts about time management is knowing where to start and what to do. My (simple) planning process will give you the exact steps to take, questions to ask, and things to think through in order to manage your time, mama!
Time management and planning out your day or week does NOT have to be complicated. I'm here to help you simplify it and show you the basics that help you go from feel like life is happening TO you to YOU happening to LIFE. It's possible friend, even in the little years. I'm glad we get to do it together! Press play and let's dive in!!
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What is vision? Why does it matter for your family? What does it mean to you as a Christian mom? Is there biblical significance? Today we're discussing the importance of vision, why vision matters, and how you can set clear direction and get intentional with setting a vision for your family and your life.
If you're lacking direction, this episode will motivate and encourage you to get started taking action. But remember, YOU are the only one who can take the action steps. And as you do, I'll be right here to guide you every step of the way!
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TRIGGER WARNING - this episode discusses highly sensitive topics that may not be appropriate for everyone. Please use discretion before pressing play.
Today my friend Carina comes on to talk about maternal mental health. Carina is a mom of two littles, a wife, and dog mom. She likes to share her mental health journey, motherhood, and a little bit of lifestyle in between. She is also a follower of Jesus.
In this episode, we discuss stigmas surrounding mental health and things like anxiety, depression, and suicide ideation. As uncomfortable as it may be to discuss, these are very real issues that so many moms are fighting alone. There can be so many mixed emotions surrounding mental health and reaching out for help. We hope this conversation reminds you that you aren't the only one if you find yourself struggling or if you've been there in the past. And there is nothing wrong, bad, or shameful about reaching out for help.
Even if you don't relate to any of these struggles, we hope you'll better understand your friend or family member who struggles with mental health.
As always, this is not medical advice. We are not medical professionals. We are simply sharing from our own personal experiences. This conversation strictly discusses our journeys and how we found help. If you feel you may be in crisis, please seek help immediately. You can call the National Mental Health Hotline | 866-903-3787
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Happy Mother's Day, mama!!!! Something told me to record this prayer for you. It was very last minute, in the front seat of my car, through my phone... I actually laid down in bed to go to sleep and realized I'd forgotten to upload it! So here I am, up past 10 pm, making sure this message finds your ears!! It's that important. Very "messy", but also very much a God-thing. So, I hope whenever you play this, whether on Mother's Day or beyond, that the words are exactly what you need to hear. I pray the Holy Spirit moves in your life and speaks to you through it, exactly where you are. He will do that, sis.
I'm always doing this mom-life thing right alongside you, friend!
xo, Cason
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Today I'm sharing the rest of my mom's interview, so if you missed the first part, check it out here. In this conversation, my mom and I sit down to talk about real life things moms like you and I are facing. We discuss everything from having babies at a young age to the fact that you never truly stop being "Mama". I hope this episode encourages you in some way and reminds you that you're not alone in whatever it is you're facing.
Resources mentioned in this episode:
The Power of Praying® for Your Adult Children
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If you know her, you love her! My mom sat down with me for a special Mother's Day Interview to share some of her story and what it was like finding out she was pregnant at such a young age. We talk about everything from unexpected pregnancies to marriage, divorce, and blended families. Nothing is off the table as we share this honest conversation with you about real life and raw motherhood moments.
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Hey friend, this is part 3 of my story, so if you're just finding this episode and haven't listened to the previous 2 episodes, you may want to do that in order for everything to make sense.
Today, I'm sharing the basic 6 steps I took to move from anxiety to abundance, burned out to balanced, and pain to purpose. I'll also give you some "real life" steps I took to continue seeking help with my mental health.
I don't want to overwhelm you further, but rather empower you with a reminder that YOU can take TINY steps of action toward change. In fact, you're THE only one who can.
Others can come alongside and support you, but you are the one who has to decide to seek help and do something different in your life. I pray my story has been one of hope, encouragement, and inspiration. You are NEVER stuck, regardless of how heavy or dark your circumstances may feel.
If you believe you’re in crisis mode, please seek help immediately or call National Mental Health Hotline | 866-903-3787
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I know, the title is heavy. It's a lot to take in. But it's the reality SO many moms are facing - most of them in silence or all alone.
That's why I think it's so important to share more of my story with the you, so you can better understand where I've been. So you can have context when you hear me share about all the things I do now.
I don't come from a place of having it all together all of the time. I come from knowing what it's like to be at the bottom, surrounded by darkness, weighed down with anxiety, and feeling all alone.
There is no explicit language, however, I want to give you a warning that this episode does go into more depth on my struggles with mental help and being in crisis mode. Please also be mindful of whether or not hearing these things may be a trigger for you in any way and whether or not you're okay with little ears listening as well.
My ultimate hope and prayer is that this reminds you that you aren't alone. And it's okay to reach out for help. If you believe you’re in crisis mode, please seek help immediately or call National Mental Health Hotline | 866-903-3787
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Can we just take a deep breath together before you press play on this one?? *inhale...exhale*
This episode has been a long time coming. To be honest, I haven't really had the words or known how to share more of my story like I do in this episode.
Even though we've been hanging out for a while, and I share so much with you, there are still parts of my story that feel scary to share. This episode is Part 1 of that. Sometimes there's no pretty or easy way to share our mess, right? So, I'm just ripping the band aid off with this one.
I share for a few reasons, but mostly because I want you to understand that if you struggle with mental health - you are not alone. Also, I want you to understand that when I say "I see you" or "I get it" in reference to certain circumstances or situations, I actually do. I've been deep down in the pit... and please hear me when I say, I don't want the focus to be so much on where I've been, but rather where I AM now. But I know it's hard to appreciate or understand the power of the present without first having context of the past.
As I share in this episode, I'd always planned to circle back and continue sharing some of my life experiences as a continuation of episodes 1 and 2, but I never did.
You may want headphones for this one or to listen when little ears aren't around. There's no explicit language, but the subject matter isn't suitable for children who may be able to comprehend certain terms or phrases (in my opinion).
I hope this encourages you and gives you HOPE.
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Today we're talking through some practical implementation steps that Jenna gave us in Part 3 of the Spring Cleaning Series. We discussed how we can clean out our calendars and reclaim some of our time. If you missed it, catch up here!
This episode is for the mom who is ready to take some things OFF the calendar and maybe even put some things ON the calendar that will serve you and your family well. We're getting super practical, sis. Grab your coffee, tea, and headphones, or plug your phone into your car as you drive and let's DIVE IN!
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Welcome to part 3 of the Spring Cleaning Series! Today we're looking at the area of time. My friend Jenna Arvidson comes on the show to talk to us about cleaning out our calendars and making more time for what matters to us as busy mamas. How can we align our calendars with what matters most to us; what we value? What does that look like and why does it matter? We'll also discuss:
Connect with Jenna here:
Podcast: The Simple Home Podcast
The Simple Home Mentorship Program
IG: @jennaarvidson
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Okay friend, today we're following up and following through with Part 2 of our Spring Cleaning Series, which was all about taking inventory of our thoughts and cleaning them out! Today I want to share my ONE take away and action step from the conversation I had with Mindset Coach and Author, Gabe Cox, in episode 57. If you missed it, be sure to tune in and catch up here before listening to this episode!
I won't lie sis, I'm bringing *insert fire emoji* in this one. Because I know this area all too well. I've been ruled by thoughts for as far as I can remember. They cycled through every single day, constantly on repeat. I was a victim to negative thoughts and let them filter my lens of reality for far too long. So, I get fired up when I share with you WHY this matters. Because the good news is, I didn't stay there and YOU DON'T HAVE TO EITHER! Let's go, mama....
Grab your headphones, you do not want to miss this one! If you'd like to check in for accountability, you can join the group here!
Ready to find more time and get things done? Grab your spot in the More Time For Mom Mentorship - a live, 30-day group program where you'll learn the exact steps to find more time, stop procrastinating, and get things done! Use code 'MORETIME' for a special discount. But hurry the code expires soon!
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In part TWO of our Spring Cleaning Series, I'm sitting down with Author and Mindset Coach, Gabe Cox, for some practical ways we can clean out our thoughts. In this episode we discuss:
You can connect with Gabe here! Check out her website here.
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If you missed Part 1 of the Spring Cleaning Series, you'll want to catch that here before listening to today's episode. You can think of this as a follow up to Part 1 where I sat down with Decluttering Expert, Katy Wells to talk about how busy moms can get started cleaning OUT their things. How can we get rid of the stuff that makes us feel like we can't breathe and why does it matter?! We talk about it ALL in Part 1.
This episode serves to give ONE action step you can take this week/weekend to actually live out what you heard in Part 1. Because around here we don't just absorb... we also take ACTION! So join the community group for some accountability as we get ready to LIVE IT OUT!
Ready to find more time and get things done? Grab your spot in the More Time For Mom Mentorship - a live, 30-day group program where you'll learn the exact steps to find more time, stop procrastinating, and get things done! Use code 'MORETIME' for a special discount. But hurry the code expires soon!
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During the month of April I'll be bringing you a "Spring Cleaning Series" where we're going to walk through different areas of our lives we can clean out to ultimately make more time and space for what matters to us as busy moms while also creating more intentional lives.
One of the more practical areas we can start cleaning out is clutter. Most of our homes are overrun with THINGS. But how can we live a life of more with less? Is that even possible for you as a busy stay at home mom? Decluttering expert Katy Wells comes on to help you get started on your decluttering journey. In this episode we'll cover:
I cannot wait to dive into this episode with you, so grab your headphones and let's dive in!
You can connect with Katy and dig into more resources by clicking any of the links below!
Katy's website:
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Does your mind feel overrun with all of your to-dos and things you can't forget about? How about your thoughts and worries? If your head feels cluttered, this simple practice will help you create more mental space for yourself. Writing down your thoughts, your tasks, getting all of the things that are taking up mental space out of your mind and onto paper will actually help you create more mental space, and be able to better focus. Studies show it also helps with anxiety!
Grab your pen and paper and let's dive into this practical episode!!
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If we're honest, we've all felt unfulfilled in motherhood to some degree. Maybe it doesn't look or feel how we thought it would. Maybe it's not everything we "dreamed" of. Maybe we don't know how to measure success or can't tell if our efforts are worthwhile.
Listen, friend. I've been there. We've all been there in some shape, form, or fashion. You're not alone. And you're not a bad mom for feeling that way. In this episode, I want to see if we can reframe "success" in motherhood and find the fulfillment we're all longing for. Grab some headphones and let's dive in!
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Does your home feel like a wreck? But you don't have a ton of extra time to clean and pick up? If you answered YES to either of those questions, today's episode is going to be so helpful for you. We're chatting about this proven strategy that will get your results in just 10 minutes!
If the mess overwhelms you, if you don't know where to start, if you continuously procrastinate, press play and let's get right to it!
Ready to find more time and get things done? Grab your spot in the More Time For Mom Mentorship - a live, 30-day group program where you'll learn the exact steps to find more time, stop procrastinating, and get things done! Use code 'MORETIME' for a special discount. But hurry the code expires soon!
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I’m excited to bring you today’s episode all about prepping for your week. If you find yourself being caught up in the whirlwind of your days without a plan, without direction, making last minute decisions (which leaves you frustrated), then today’s episode is going to help you out SO much.
I’m explaining how I prep for my weeks every Sunday, how this came about, why it matters to me, and how it has helped calm *some* of the chaos and alleviate some of the decision fatigue I was feeling on a daily basis.
Grab your tea and headphones.. Maybe even a pen and paper if you want to take notes. This one is super practical and we dive RIGHT IN!
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NEWFLASH: You do not need fancy task management systems or color-coded planners to get started with time management, especially if you're a busy overwhelmed mom who is just trying to get started.
It is possible to take your time back, manage your time efficiently, and get things done using these 4 simple steps! Grab your pen and paper mama, you may want to take some notes. Listen to more on time blocking here!
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I've been feeling it and I think you have too! Sometimes life gives us one thing after another.. after another. What do we do when we feel stuck in the suck? How do we get unstuck, get back up, and move forward?
On today's episode I'm sharing where I've been lately and what I'm planning to intentionally DO to help myself get out of this sucky, sticky place! Life is going to knock you down mama, but you've got to get back up.
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You know I'm not a morning person, but my morning time could quite possibly be my favorite. If you're wanting to create a manageable, sustainable morning routine you can ACTUALLY show up for and put into practice each day, this episode is for you!
We're walking through 3 simple steps to map out your own, personalized morning routine that you can start implementing as soon as you're ready. So grab your air pods and some coffee or tea and let's chat!
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Does balance exist? Do you feel like you're always dropping the ball? Do you ask yourself if you'll ever be able to get it together? Feel like you're not doing enough? Can't ever keep up? Too many hats, balls, plates?! Here's the one truth that will change everything!
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Hey mama! It's MARCH!!! And while it's not spring... yet... it is soooo close. This episode is going to bless and encourage you and remind you of the hope that a new season IS COMING, especially if you've been feeling overwhelmed by where you're at right now in motherhood and life. Maybe winter has felt dark in more ways than one. Maybe you feel as if your hope is fading. Maybe you just feel stuck in a super hard season. If you relate to any of these, then YOU are who this message is for.
So grab some coffee or tea and your headphones and let's get started! I am SO pumped about today's show. Let's do it!!!
You can read the full blog post mentioned in today’s episode here
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We all have an inner critic. It's that negative voice we hear on repeat. I call her the mean girl in my head. It's the condescending, negative thoughts that replay in our minds day in and day out. More than likely, you have the same set of negative thoughts running through your mind each day.
Do our thoughts matter?
Does what we focus on matter?
Is there any way to change or get rid of these nasty, mean thoughts that consume us?
I'm so glad you're here because the answer is YES! You can take control of your mind and the thoughts you think. And it may not be as complicated as you believe it is. You are not stuck, mama. There is hope for you!! Grab some tea or coffee, a pair of headphones and get ready to be encouraged, informed, and inspired to create change in your life by starting with just one thought.
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Do you ever get to the end of your day and ask yourself, "What did I actually do all day?" or "Where is all of my time going?". If so, you're not alone.
It's so easy as busy mamas not even to "waste" our time but spend it doing everything else for everybody else and not actually getting anything done that wewould like to get done - whether that be for ourselves or in our homes.
Today I'm sharing 5 tips for being more productive as a stay at home mom. It can be hard to structure your day and manage your time efficiently. But don't worry, friend, I've got you!
Productivity and time management doesn't have to be complicated or difficult and this episode will walk you through some simple steps to take to get more done! Put your headphones on or plug your phone into your car and let's get started.
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Loving our bodies postpartum and even years after having babies can be a difficult thing to navigate. I'm so excited to have my friend Liz Henderson on today's show to share her knowledge and expertise in this area.
We'll talk about what's it's like to feel like a stranger in your own skin, wanting to feel like yourself again, and how impatient we can be with change and weight loss after delivery.
Liz reminds us we’re not alone in the unpredictability of motherhood and that there are many layers to healing, processing, and finding ourselves again after delivery. It does take time, but there are things you can do now, or as soon as you feel ready, to help support yourself in your healing journey and begin feeling like yourself again postpartum.
If you're wondering where to start and how to begin loving your body after babies, this episode is for you! How does mindset play into health, wellness, and weight loss? It may be a bigger factor than you realize.
Lastly and maybe most importantly, we'll talk about how to pick the ONE thing that is simple and sustainable for you and your life. Grab some earbuds or plug us into the car and let's dive in!
Liz Henderson is a postpartum weight loss coach who helps moms get consistent and lose weight. She supports the moms in her community through their postpartum journey.
You can find her podcast, The Tough Love Mom Podcast, here.
Connect with Liz on Instagram here!
Join her online community here!
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Have you ever asked yourself “will this season of motherhood last forever?” “will I ever be able to do (fill in the blank) again? In this episode we will talk about how to shift your focus from where you are now, zoom out, and look at your life as a whole and how that gives us perspective to enjoy the season we’re in right now. Sometimes it feels like certain seasons of motherhood are never-ending. And it can be difficult to find perspective during those hard seasons.
I hope this episode reminds you of how quickly life and our seasons change - even though some days feel FOREVER long! Is it possible that one day, when they’re all grown up we’ll look back and think about how small this whole season of the little years truly was. So how can we be fully present and enjoy it right now? Put your earbuds in and get ready for a heart to heart from me to you.
We’ll laugh together and probably cry together in this one, mama. So grab the tissues and listen when you can feel any feels that may come up for you! (P.S - I was so in my feels that I said my middle is 5... she's definitely still 4!)
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What are boundaries? What do healthy boundaries look like in our everyday lives?
How can we define and set our own boundaries (and enforce them)? On today’s episode we’re scratching the surface on this topic, but I hope it’s practical and helpful for you in setting your own boundaries. I’ll even walk you through a simple step by step process for how to do this.
How to Create Healthy Boundaries Article
Boundaries Info Sheet (
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Yep, you read that right! Grab you ear buds, mama, it's story time.
Have you ever thought, "I wish I could just get away for a night or two and hang out with some girlfriends or even just be alone!"? In today's episode I'm sharing why I decided to get away for a weekend... alone *gasp* and why you should give yourself permission to do the same.
Motherhood can be a lot. t can sometimes be overwhelming and heavy and draining. And while it's important to make small pockets of alone time a regular thing, sometimes life happens, and those things aren't always a regular occurrence.
What would happen if you took a weekend trip alone? Make sure you're in the community group! I have a feeling these discussions are going to be good. And if you've taken a trip away with friends or alone, come on in and tell us all about your experience! Join us here.
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Are you feeling stuck when it comes to your mindset? Do you ever catch yourself in a mid-day funk just wishing you could hit the reset button? If so, today's episode will help you reset any time any place. I'm sharing a few practical things you can use whenever you feel overwhelmed, frustrated, or like your day is just a total crap show. Learn to reset when motherhood and life feel like too much for you to handle using these simple steps.
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Do you find yourself saying, "I wish I had more time." or "There are never enough hours in the day!". Today I'm sharing 5 time management tips you can use as a busy stay at home mama in order to make the most of your time and spend it wisely! I'm guilty of getting to the end of the day and asking myself what I even did - where did all of my time go? So if that's you, you're not alone! These five things will help you feel more balanced, productive, and on top of the motherhood game. You have more time than you think! Grab your headphones and press play so that I can show you how to find it!!
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If you’d like to read through today’s episode, you can find the full transcript here!
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In today’s episode, we’re talking all things mindset. Do you struggle with mindset or negative thoughts? Do you ever feel like the mean girl in your mind bosses you around or even bullies you? What would it look like to take control of your thoughts and begin to tell your thoughts what to think? How is this possible and where do you even start? Today I’m giving some practical advice for getting back in the driver’s seat and taking control of your thoughts and mindset.
If you feel stuck in a negative mindset or tend to take a glass half empty approach, then this episode is for you. You have a choice and you have the power to stand up to the negative thoughts that try to consume you and boss you around. Just because you think it doesn’t make it true, so let that empower you, mama!
There are so many good truth bombs in this episode, like why you should start to question the narrative you may have had on repeat for majority of your life and reminding you that YOU get to decide what you believe about yourself and those around you. What story will you tell yourself about who you are and your life?
Let’s rewrite your narrative, friend. Because you only get one life. You only get one shot at motherhood. Don’t let it pass you by just barely surviving each day. You can thrive in motherhood and life right now, right where you are if you can learn to master your mindset. There is so much freedom and abundance waiting for you to step into. These practical tips will encourage you and get you started! And I promise it’s much simpler than you think!
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Have we connected on Instagram? You can find me here: @heyitscason
If you’d like to read through today’s episode, you can find the full transcript here!
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Becoming a mom is one of the most difficult transitions we make as women. Whether you struggled from the beginning or had a hard time transitioning from 1 to 2 or 2 to 3, adjusting to mom life is HARD. Motherhood can consume you quick, fast, and in a hurry, but you don’t have to stay in that place of survival. Today we’re talking about how to find yourself after becoming a mom. If you ever look in the mirror and don’t recognize yourself, this episode will encourage and inspire you to find yourself again (through baby steps, of course!). I’ll give you 5 very practical, very simple things you can do to find yourself in motherhood. After my first delivery ended in an emergency c-section, I felt like my life had been uprooted, thrown around, and spit out into a million pieces. I was completely lost and had no idea who I was. Struggling with postpartum depression and postpartum anxiety, I spiraled for nearly a year before asking for help and doing the work to find myself again. I hope today's episode encourages you and reminds you that YOU matter, friend!
If you'd like to read through this episode, you can find the full transcript here!
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Are you feeling the pressure of a new year? Maybe you feel like you need to get your life together and be a completely different person? Are you frustrated or discouraged that you feel like the same exact you even though we’re in a new year? If so, this episode is exactly what you need.
Today we’ll discuss how to honor the season you’re in, even if that means that goal setting isn’t at the top of your priority list and how to shift your beliefs about when you can create change in your life. (P.S. - It’s not just once a year!)
Give yourself permission to not chase after a “new me” in the new year & recognize the lies of the enemy and how to fight back against discouragement & feelings of worthlessness and not being good enough using the things we discuss in this episode.
Today's talk is full of encouragement and reminders for the mom who feels like she doesn’t measure up or should be further along by now. We’ll relate this practically and spiritually in order to ENcourage your discouragement.
If you'd like to read through this episode, you can find the full transcript here!
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The noise and chaos of motherhood and the world around us is LOUD. It seems impossible to get still, much less quiet. Today I'm sharing 4 things will help you really begin to live in the present moment you have - right here, right now - and be a more present mom. This episode combines spiritual and practical application that is helpful for today’s Christian mama living in a noisy, busy world. If you struggle with being present and want to be a more mindful mama, these 4 tips will help you regularly get into the habit of “being where your feet are”. Maybe you struggle with anxiety, spiraling, constantly feel like you’re reliving the past, or worried about the future. Today I’m sharing how to practically create time and space for yourself in motherhood and 4 things to try in order to become more present.
In this episode I’ll share with you the importance of looking for pockets of time during your day where you can get still. Because even though you’re a mom now, you still matter. You deserve time to sit and just be. I want to help you cut through the noise and distractions of life in order to do just that!
Here’s the link to the article referenced for tip 1 & 3: Grounding techniques for anxiety, PTSD, and trauma (
If you would like to read through this episode, you can find the full transcript here!
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Anyone else hate mornings? Not a morning person? Me either! In today's episode I'm sharing HOW you can create a simple morning routine that works for you. We're all in different stages of motherhood and we all have different needs, so a morning routine isn't always a one size fits all. That's why it's important to create something that works for you right where you are. I'm going to share with you how I started waking up earlier and a fool proof way to make sure you create a morning routine you can actually stick to! Grab some coffee and headphones as we walk through this episode together.
If you would like to read through this episode, you can find the full transcript here!
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Do you ever get to the end of the day and wonder where all your time went? Do you wish you had more time for things you need and want to get done? In today's episode I'm sharing a very simple way to structure your time each week to squeeze the most out of each day. This is how I structure my schedule as a busy mom of 3. If you want to maximize your time and tell you time where to go, then this episode is for you.
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