Good News EVERYONE! We'll be catching up to the show this weekend with this Episode and another which we'll have available sometime tomorrow! We'd like to mention _ali_ on reddit for giving us a tiny push to do so! Hello fellow Handmaids and Harlots fans!
Inserts obvious spoilers warning here!
In this episode myself and Kae breakdown the main themes of Episode 6, Season 3 of "The Handmaids Tale."
There are just a few more days left of Pride month and Kae's fundraiser for Trevor Project. If you are a gamer, enjoy streaming and want to support the Trevor Project you can find Kae's stream at HistoricalSquid on Twitch.
If you enjoy this or any other episodes, please remember to smash your like button wherever you find us!
We'd really LOVE to get your feedback!
We'd like to make the following shout out: to EDM_Mond for the use of his music.
Thank you wonderful folk for your feedback! We really appreciate it! Also if you haven't already or don't already subscribe, we highly recommend you subscribe to r/TheHandmaidsTale.
We often mention writing and discussions found there that pertain to the current episode we're spotlighting or past ones.
We've just opened up "Listener Contributions" for those who want to support the content. As this is our first crack at podcasting, support and feedback would go a long way to helping us improve our game. Thanks ahead of time if you drop some dollars in the bucket.
If you are interested, please follow us @HandmaidsH on twitter!
If you would like to read some of our long-form essays we encourage you to subscribe to our wordpress blog - You can leave comments, critiques and questions at any outlet above or feel free to email us at
We can't wait to see you again next week, for Episode 7 of Season 3! Until then,
Blessed be the Fight!