Disney has a much publicized split with Netflix, as Disney plans on starting their own streaming service in 2019. Disney had the following to say in their own press release.
“The new Disney-branded service will become the exclusive home in the U.S. for subscription-video-on-demand viewing of the newest live action and animated movies from Disney and Pixar, beginning with the 2019 theatrical slate, which includes Toy Story 4, the sequel to Frozen, and The Lion King from Disney live-action, along with other highly anticipated movies. Disney will also make a significant investment in an annual slate of original movies, TV shows, short-form content and other Disney-branded exclusives for the service. Additionally, the service will feature a vast collection of library content, including Disney and Pixar movies and Disney Channel, Disney Junior and Disney XD television programming.”
The Marvel Netflix shows (Daredevil, Jessica Jones, etc...) are still safe on Netflix. But what does this mean for Star Wars movies? the Marvel MCU?
In Deadpool news, we got our first glimpse of Josh Brolin as Cable, and Zazie Beets as Domino. What are the initial reactions?
The middle portion of the show looks at the Flarrowverse and the much anticipated four-way crossover between Supergirl, Arrow, Flash, and Legends Of Tomorrow. CW president Mark Pedotiz had this to say about the premise of the mega event.
“I do not want to give it away, I don’t want to give any spoiler alerts but let me just say, romance is in the air.”
So what does this mean? Are Barry and Iris finally tying the not? Ollicity reborn? Alex and Maggie? With all the 'ships in the Flarrowverse this could be just one big CW Prom Night that could double as the Musical Episode.
In Arrow news, Marc Guggenheim has revealed they have plans for a Season 7 already.
"We’ve already started talking about ooh, we have a shape for season seven already. This is the earliest we’ve ever had an idea for a season that far ahead, but it’s come out of our conversations about season six."
"I think we’ve always had an endpoint in mind. We’ve always known how we want to end the show. That end point doesn’t require X number of seasons. If we had to, we could work towards it as long as we knew with enough leeway, we could work towards the moment we’ve been talking about since day one."
At the end of the article
“Certainly the whole idea behind the cliffhanger is that there are consequences to the explosions on the island that affect Oliver and affect the surviving members of his team,” Gugenheim said. “Spoiler alert, we didn’t kill off everyone except for Oliver and one person. He still will have a team. The question is what is the composition of that team and how are they all affected by the trauma of what happened at the end of last year. For us, it’s more than a binary thing of who lives and who dies. There are consequences that we’re also playing around with as a result.”
It's also confirmed that Tom Felton will be leaving in Season 4 of Flash, but Hartley Sawyer will be joining the cast
Lots of news on Legends of Tomorrow Season 3. We're getting Gorilla Grodd back, and more info on Damien Darkh. Plus hints that this will be a much mor mystical and magic oriented season. Ummm, Constantine anyone?
Judge Dredd fans may rejoice, as Karl Urban has confirmed talks with the producers of Mega City One, the Dredd TV show in pre-production
Finally, Seth and Train pay tribute to the memory of the late great Glen Campbell. How does Glen Campbell fit in with geekery? Well, you'll understand if you've seen Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2.
All this, plus Cop Rock references and more in another fun-filled Geekville Radio!