GeeklyInc’s actual play podcast feed.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Copyright: © GeeklyInc 2015
Forced to confront two of the Sailor Titan clones, the Senshi take…a variety of approaches. Also we goofed off a lot so there's half an hour of bonus content (the word bonus is used very loosely here).
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
We have reached our finale, dear listeners. With your help and bravery our heroes have made it this far. But, they have one final obstacle and it is the biggest one yet. Listen to our thrilling conclusion to with our war with Strahd.
Thank you to all the many people who made our Random Encounters adventures possible! It has been such a fun ride and a true joy getting to play with so many rad folks. But, all things must eventually come to an end. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
This is a Dungeon World game set in Curse of Strahd 5e adventure location and DMed by Josh Scalf. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Kerry Green (@undeadkerry). Tim Lanning (@TimLanning) and Jennifer Cheek (@JenniferCheek)! Don’t forget to follow our editor David Stewart (@spudcam)!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Look. The title says it all. Also we learn more about the mysterious Titan lookalikes.
Your suffering GM is Steph Kingston @StephOKingston and the maniacs are Dave Rollins @BeardedClefable, Christina Ladd @OLaddieGirl, Ivana Greenleaf @arcanevice and Veronica Brady @typicalveronica
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The Penultimate Episode!!! Things continue to get rough what with the fallout of our buddy Strahd.
This is a Dungeon World game set in Curse of Strahd 5e adventure location and DMed by Josh Scalf. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Kerry Green (@undeadkerry). Tim Lanning (@TimLanning) and Jennifer Cheek (@JenniferCheek)! Don’t forget to follow our editor David Stewart (@spudcam)!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
We kinda, like, make a big ol' violence choice that maybe was not a good idea, but like, Strahd sucks and he has got to go.
This is a Dungeon World game set in Curse of Strahd 5e adventure location and DMed by Josh Scalf. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Kerry Green (@undeadkerry). Tim Lanning (@TimLanning) and Jennifer Cheek (@JenniferCheek)! Don’t forget to follow our editor David Stewart (@spudcam)!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
There is some bits of vampire chaos running amok in our safe little town…whoops!
This is a Dungeon World game set in Curse of Strahd 5e adventure location and DMed by Josh Scalf. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Kerry Green (@undeadkerry). Tim Lanning (@TimLanning) and Jennifer Cheek (@JenniferCheek)! Don’t forget to follow our editor David Stewart (@spudcam)!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
We go to a coffin makers house in a vampire game. What is the worst thing that could happen?!
This is a Dungeon World game set in Curse of Strahd 5e adventure location and DMed by Josh Scalf. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Kerry Green (@undeadkerry). Tim Lanning (@TimLanning) and Jennifer Cheek (@JenniferCheek)! Don’t forget to follow our editor David Stewart (@spudcam)!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
We harass a dude just trying to get by in a bad system, but in a good way.
This is a Dungeon World game set in Curse of Strahd 5e adventure location and DMed by Josh Scalf. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Kerry Green (@undeadkerry). Tim Lanning (@TimLanning) and Jennifer Cheek (@JenniferCheek)! Don’t forget to follow our editor David Stewart (@spudcam)!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The gang investigates the strange monstrous twins of Sailor Titan and meet a new friend.
Your GM is Steph Kingston (@StephOKingston) and players are Dave Rollins (@BeardedClefable), Ivana Greenleaf (@arcanevice), and Veronica Brady (@TypicalVeronica)
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The quest for the Bones is heating up but at least we get some dang answers!!!
This is a Dungeon World game set in Curse of Strahd 5e adventure location and DMed by Josh Scalf. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Kerry Green (@undeadkerry). Tim Lanning (@TimLanning) and Jennifer Cheek (@JenniferCheek)! Don’t forget to follow our editor David Stewart (@spudcam)!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
We get to that gross lake chasing down bones or maybe like, people. This world is bad.
This is a Dungeon World game set in Curse of Strahd 5e adventure location and DMed by Josh Scalf. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Kerry Green (@undeadkerry). Tim Lanning (@TimLanning) and Jennifer Cheek (@JenniferCheek)! Don’t forget to follow our editor David Stewart (@spudcam)!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
More underground crypts for us…surprised we are not in them more often honestly…
This is a Dungeon World game set in Curse of Strahd 5e adventure location and DMed by Josh Scalf. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Kerry Green (@undeadkerry). Tim Lanning (@TimLanning) and Jennifer Cheek (@JenniferCheek)! Don’t forget to follow our editor David Stewart (@spudcam)!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Our heroes get Big Timed.
This is a Dungeon World game set in Curse of Strahd 5e adventure location and DMed by Josh Scalf. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Kerry Green (@undeadkerry). Tim Lanning (@TimLanning) and Jennifer Cheek (@JenniferCheek)! Don’t forget to follow our editor David Stewart (@spudcam)!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Join Tim Lanning, Jennifer Cheek, and Jane Ritt as for the continuation of their adventure in the Warlock controlled city of Yon'Cath in a preview adventure for the upcoming 5E Campaign Book, The Red Opera. DMed by Patrick Edwards, co-writer of The Red Opera.
You can find the Kickstarter here –
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
We make new pals in a dour bar with a very forced atmosphere.
This is a Dungeon World game set in Curse of Strahd 5e adventure location and DMed by Josh Scalf. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Kerry Green (@undeadkerry). Tim Lanning (@TimLanning) and Jennifer Cheek (@JenniferCheek)! Don’t forget to follow our editor David Stewart (@spudcam)!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
It has been a while but now that we are out of tax season we are ready to jump back into Strahd season. Wonder which is worse… depends on who you ask, I suppose.
We lose a trusted ally but we gain…what I hope is another trusted ally.
This is a Dungeon World game set in Curse of Strahd 5e adventure location and DMed by Josh Scalf. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Kerry Green (@undeadkerry). Tim Lanning (@TimLanning) and Jennifer Cheek (@JenniferCheek)! Don’t forget to follow our editor David Stewart (@spudcam)!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Sailor Moon Adventures is BACK with all the wholesome teen romance, baking and magic you could ever want out of this hellish real year. Sailors Sunshine and Starshine are going for Princess Boot Camp with none other than Usagi Tsukino herself when a strange new enemy appears…
Your GM is Steph Kingston (@StephOKingston) and players are Dave Rollins (@BeardedClefable), Ivana Greenleaf (@arcanevice), Sam Brady (@creeptasticsam) and our newest cast member is Veronica Brady! (@TypicalVeronica)
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Matthew has taken the reins, and for the next few episodes we are going to be traveling back to the 1980s to have a super natural romp in a small town in Maine. Get your tartar sauce because it is time for Kids on Bikes!
This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Howard Tarpley (@TheSubParHojo), Josh Scalf (@jwscalf), Michael DiMauro (@thriftynerd) and Carly Shields (@animat3dm3)! Don’t forget to follow our editor David Stewart (@spudcam)!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Join Tim Lanning, Jennifer Cheek, and Jane Ritt as they explore the Warlock controlled city of Yon'Cath in a preview adventure for the upcoming 5E Campaign Book, The Red Opera. DMed by Patrick Edwards, co-writer of The Red Opera.
Can Taizen (Tim), Nell (Jennifer), and Moon-Lamb (Jane) discover the means of freeing themselves from their Warlock Patrons? Tune in to find out….
The music you'll hear is all exclusively from the album, The Red Opera by DiAmorte. Head to to check out the Kickstarter pre-launch page.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Matthew has taken the reins, and for the next few episodes we are going to be traveling back to the 1980s to have a super natural romp in a small town in Maine. Get your tartar sauce because it is time for Kids on Bikes!
This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Howard Tarpley (@TheSubParHojo), Josh Scalf (@jwscalf), Michael DiMauro (@thriftynerd) and Carly Shields (@animat3dm3)! Don’t forget to follow our editor David Stewart (@spudcam)!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Matthew has taken the reins, and for the next few episodes we are going to be traveling back to the 1980s to have a super natural romp in a small town in Maine. Get your tartar sauce because it is time for Kids on Bikes!
This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Howard Tarpley (@TheSubParHojo), Josh Scalf (@jwscalf), Michael DiMauro (@thriftynerd) and Carly Shields (@animat3dm3)! Don’t forget to follow our editor David Stewart (@spudcam)!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Matthew has taken the reins, and for the next few episodes we are going to be traveling back to the 1980s to have a super natural romp in a small town in Maine. Get your tartar sauce because it is time for Kids on Bikes!
This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Howard Tarpley (@TheSubParHojo), Josh Scalf (@jwscalf), Michael DiMauro (@thriftynerd) and Carly Shields (@animat3dm3)! Don’t forget to follow our editor David Stewart (@spudcam)!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Matthew has taken the reins, and for the next few episodes we are going to be traveling back to the 1980s to have a super natural romp in a small town in Maine. Get your tartar sauce because it is time for Kids on Bikes!
This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Howard Tarpley (@TheSubParHojo), Josh Scalf (@jwscalf), Michael DiMauro (@thriftynerd) and Carly Shields (@animat3dm3)! Don’t forget to follow our editor David Stewart (@spudcam)!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Matthew has taken the reins, and for the next few episodes we are going to be traveling back to the 1980s to have a super natural romp in a small town in Maine. Get your tartar sauce because it is time for Kids on Bikes!
This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Howard Tarpley (@TheSubParHojo), Josh Scalf (@jwscalf), Michael DiMauro (@thriftynerd) and Carly Shields (@animat3dm3)! Don’t forget to follow our editor David Stewart (@spudcam)!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Matthew has taken the reins, and for the next few episodes we are going to be traveling back to the 1980s to have a super natural romp in a small town in Maine. Get your tartar sauce because it is time for Kids on Bikes!
This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Howard Tarpley (@TheSubParHojo), Josh Scalf (@jwscalf), Michael DiMauro (@thriftynerd) and Carly Shields (@animat3dm3)! Don’t forget to follow our editor David Stewart (@spudcam)!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Matthew has taken the reins, and for the next few episodes we are going to be traveling back to the 1980s to have a super natural romp in a small town in Maine. Get your tartar sauce because it is time for Kids on Bikes!
This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Howard Tarpley (@TheSubParHojo), Josh Scalf (@jwscalf), Michael DiMauro (@thriftynerd) and Carly Shields (@animat3dm3)! Don’t forget to follow our editor David Stewart (@spudcam)!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Who doesn't love this wonderful video by Rob Cantor?
The only thing that could make it better is if you yourself could capture the feeling of being hunted by Shia LaBeouf. Tabletop Gaming to the rescue! If you want to try this game yourself, it is free on reddit.
This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Howard Tarpley (@TheSubParHojo), Josh Scalf (@jwscalf), Michaela Ray (@mrunladylike), Michael DiMauro (@thriftynerd) and Carly Shields (@animat3dm3)! Don’t forget to follow our editor David Stewart (@spudcam)!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
We meet an old friend but a nice old friend not Strahd.
This is a Dungeon World game set in Curse of Strahd 5e adventure location and DMed by Josh Scalf. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Howard Tarpley (@TheSubParHojo). Tim Lanning (@TimLanning) and Jennifer Cheek (@JenniferCheek)! Don’t forget to follow our editor David Stewart (@spudcam)!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
After a stressful event a new haircut can set you right.
This is a Dungeon World game set in Curse of Strahd 5e adventure location and DMed by Josh Scalf. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Howard Tarpley (@TheSubParHojo). Tim Lanning (@TimLanning) and Jennifer Cheek (@JenniferCheek)! Don’t forget to follow our editor David Stewart (@spudcam)!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
We find some gallows and we get visited by an old friend.
This is a Dungeon World game set in Curse of Strahd 5e adventure location and DMed by Josh Scalf. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Howard Tarpley (@TheSubParHojo). Tim Lanning (@TimLanning) and Jennifer Cheek (@JenniferCheek)! Don’t forget to follow our editor David Stewart (@spudcam)!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
We are back in the … real world or whatever you would call this place that never has sunlight. So we go shopping!!!
This is a Dungeon World game set in Curse of Strahd 5e adventure location and DMed by Josh Scalf. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Howard Tarpley (@TheSubParHojo). Tim Lanning (@TimLanning) and Jennifer Cheek (@JenniferCheek)! Don’t forget to follow our editor David Stewart (@spudcam)!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The gang has to escape this house for real this time. But like, there is a problem they did not expect.
This is a Dungeon World game set in Curse of Strahd 5e adventure location and DMed by Josh Scalf. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Howard Tarpley (@TheSubParHojo). Tim Lanning (@TimLanning) and Jennifer Cheek (@JenniferCheek)! Don’t forget to follow our editor David Stewart (@spudcam)!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
One of us makes a horrible sacrifice…
This is a Dungeon World game set in Curse of Strahd 5e adventure location and DMed by Josh Scalf. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Howard Tarpley (@TheSubParHojo). Tim Lanning (@TimLanning) and Jennifer Cheek (@JenniferCheek)! Don’t forget to follow our editor David Stewart (@spudcam)!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
We go deeper into this weird house. After hitting the top floor you just gotta find a secret Super Basement.
This is a Dungeon World game set in Curse of Strahd 5e adventure location and DMed by Josh Scalf. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Howard Tarpley (@TheSubParHojo). Tim Lanning (@TimLanning) and Jennifer Cheek (@JenniferCheek)! Don’t forget to follow our editor David Stewart (@spudcam)!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Maybe we will meet some nice ghost children.
This is a Dungeon World game set in Curse of Strahd 5e adventure location and DMed by Josh Scalf. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Howard Tarpley (@TheSubParHojo). Tim Lanning (@TimLanning) and Jennifer Cheek (@JenniferCheek)! Don’t forget to follow our editor David Stewart (@spudcam)!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Honestly, this house is Hell.
This is a Dungeon World game set in Curse of Strahd 5e adventure location and DMed by Josh Scalf. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Howard Tarpley (@TheSubParHojo). Tim Lanning (@TimLanning) and Jennifer Cheek (@JenniferCheek)! Don’t forget to follow our editor David Stewart (@spudcam)!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
We continue our tour of this shit house.
This is a Dungeon World game set in Curse of Strahd 5e adventure location and DMed by Josh Scalf. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Howard Tarpley (@TheSubParHojo). Tim Lanning (@TimLanning) and Jennifer Cheek (@JenniferCheek)! Don’t forget to follow our editor David Stewart (@spudcam)!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
We go into a dang house we shouldn't and boy was that a bad idea.
This is a Dungeon World game set in Curse of Strahd 5e adventure location and DMed by Josh Scalf. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Howard Tarpley (@TheSubParHojo). Tim Lanning (@TimLanning) and Jennifer Cheek (@JenniferCheek)! Don’t forget to follow our editor David Stewart (@spudcam)!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Oops, we make a new friend and they are not cool with us keeping our blood.
This is a Dungeon World game set in Curse of Strahd 5e adventure location and DMed by Josh Scalf. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Howard Tarpley (@TheSubParHojo). Tim Lanning (@TimLanning) and Jennifer Cheek (@JenniferCheek)! Don’t forget to follow our editor David Stewart (@spudcam)!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
I think we may get to meet my new best friend Strahd, Curse of inthis episode.
This is a Dungeon World game set in Curse of Strahd 5e adventure location and DMed by Josh Scalf. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Howard Tarpley (@TheSubParHojo). Tim Lanning (@TimLanning) and Jennifer Cheek (@JenniferCheek)! Episodes are edited by the lovely Ty Fuhr
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Jennifer is back and we make some new friends!
This is a Dungeon World game set in Curse of Strahd 5e adventure location and DMed by Josh Scalf. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Howard Tarpley (@TheSubParHojo). Tim Lanning (@TimLanning) and Jennifer Cheek (@JenniferCheek)! Episodes are edited by the lovely Ty Fuhr
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
A big thank you right off to the incomparable Josh Scalf (@jwscalf on Twitter and elsewhere on this feed) for editing this beast when Steph was too damn busy to get it done. He is a true warrior of love and justice.
It's finally here, the fight you've all been waiting for if you remember any of it! The Senshi face off against Eclipse: the evil shadow of their friend and the source of all their lost memories!
Your GM is Steph Kingston @StephOKingston and players are Sam Brady @CreeptasticSam Dave Rollins @BeardedClefable Carly Shields @animat3dm3 Christina Ladd @OLaddieGirl and Ivana Greenleaf @Arcanevice
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
We go to the worst bar ever! What fun : )
This is a Dungeon World game set in Curse of Strahd 5e adventure location and DMed by Josh Scalf. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Howard Tarpley (@TheSubParHojo). Tim Lanning (@TimLanning) and Jennifer Cheek (@JenniferCheek)! Episodes are edited by the lovely Ty Fuhr
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Jennifer couldn't make it and Matt's cat turned off his computer but that didn't stop us from fighting some wolves!
This is a Dungeon World game set in Curse of Strahd 5e adventure location and DMed by Josh Scalf. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Howard Tarpley (@TheSubParHojo). Tim Lanning (@TimLanning) and Jennifer Cheek (@JenniferCheek)! Episodes are edited by the lovely Ty Fuhr
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Our heroes get rolling in this their spooky Dungeon World Adventure!
This is a Dungeon World game set in Curse of Strahd 5e adventure location and DMed by Josh Scalf. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Howard Tarpley (@TheSubParHojo). Tim Lanning (@TimLanning) and Jennifer Cheek (@JenniferCheek)! Episodes are edited by the lovely Ty Fuhrman.
Cover art by Sander Goldman.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Join on our first episode of our Dungeon World play through of a modified Curse of Strahd. Some things will remain the same but many more will not. We are very excited to have you on this journey with us!
In this, our inaugural episode, we have an session 0 where we create our characters and learn a little more about the Dungeon World system. Many laughs were had.
This is a Dungeon World game set in Curse of Strahd 5e adventure location and DMed by Josh Scalf. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Howard Tarpley (@TheSubParHojo). Tim Lanning (@TimLanning) and Jennifer Cheek (@JenniferCheek)! Episodes are edited by the lovely Ty Fuhrman.
Cover art by Sander Goldman.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
This is the final episode of Norhall, Academy of Adventurers and Heroes. Thank you.
This is a 5e Dungeons & Dragons adventure set in Northwestern Drunkeros and DMed by Tim Lanning. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Josh Scalf (@jwscalf), Howard Tarpley (@TheSubParHojo) and Nika Howard (@Nika_Howard)! Episodes are edited by the lovely Ty Fuhrman.
Cover art provided by Hugo Alvord!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Fire, baby! You hate to see it when you are in a small hallway. Thanks for listening. I think you look great today.
This is a 5e Dungeons & Dragons adventure set in Northwestern Drunkeros and DMed by Tim Lanning. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Josh Scalf (@jwscalf), Howard Tarpley (@TheSubParHojo) and Nika Howard (@Nika_Howard)! Episodes are edited by the lovely Ty Fuhrman.
Cover art provided by Hugo Alvord!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The heroes are faces with a tough loot based choice. Hate to see it.
This is a 5e Dungeons & Dragons adventure set in Northwestern Drunkeros and DMed by Tim Lanning. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Josh Scalf (@jwscalf), Howard Tarpley (@TheSubParHojo) and Nika Howard (@Nika_Howard)! Episodes are edited by the lovely Ty Fuhrman.
Cover art provided by Hugo Alvord!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
What a strange and dangerous room! Why would they put all these things here!?!?
This is a 5e Dungeons & Dragons adventure set in Northwestern Drunkeros and DMed by Tim Lanning. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Josh Scalf (@jwscalf), Howard Tarpley (@TheSubParHojo) and Nika Howard (@Nika_Howard)! Episodes are edited by the lovely Ty Fuhrman.
Cover art provided by Hugo Alvord!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Our heroes continue through the bank and I sure hope nothing happens. At least we meet a new, large friend!
This is a 5e Dungeons & Dragons adventure set in Northwestern Drunkeros and DMed by Tim Lanning. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Josh Scalf (@jwscalf), Howard Tarpley (@TheSubParHojo) and Nika Howard (@Nika_Howard)! Episodes are edited by the lovely Ty Fuhrman.
Cover art provided by Hugo Alvord!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
First day on the job and that is fun. Oh, plus we finally enter the bank for heist reasons.
This is a 5e Dungeons & Dragons adventure set in Northwestern Drunkeros and DMed by Tim Lanning. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Josh Scalf (@jwscalf), Howard Tarpley (@TheSubParHojo) and Nika Howard (@Nika_Howard)! Episodes are edited by the lovely Ty Fuhrman.
Cover art provided by Hugo Alvord!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
We continue to chat with a person with a debt. We also set up plans for pirates.
This is a 5e Dungeons & Dragons adventure set in Northwestern Drunkeros and DMed by Tim Lanning. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Josh Scalf (@jwscalf), Howard Tarpley (@TheSubParHojo) and Nika Howard (@Nika_Howard)! Episodes are edited by the lovely Ty Fuhrman.
Cover art provided by Hugo Alvord!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Time to make some friends with elves while they eat!
This is a 5e Dungeons & Dragons adventure set in Northwestern Drunkeros and DMed by Tim Lanning. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Josh Scalf (@jwscalf), Howard Tarpley (@TheSubParHojo) and Nika Howard (@Nika_Howard)! Episodes are edited by the lovely Ty Fuhrman.
Cover art provided by Hugo Alvord!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
We were honored to be asked by Dwarven Forge to join in on their special Dungeon of Doom encounter series! This meant that Tim, Nika, Jennifer, Michael and special guest, Carly, were able to play in together in person using Drwarven Forges beautiful terrain. Seriously, this was so fun and it made us sad that we cant play in person more often.
You can actually find the adventure right here so be sure to check it out. And you can listen to other shows try to survive the other encounters by heading to
Here is a link to some pics of us playing if you wanted to get the more visual details.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Their new best bud gives them some advice on breaking into that dang bank!
This is a 5e Dungeons & Dragons adventure set in Northwestern Drunkeros and DMed by Tim Lanning. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Josh Scalf (@jwscalf), Howard Tarpley (@TheSubParHojo) and Nika Howard (@Nika_Howard)! Episodes are edited by the lovely Ty Fuhrman.
Cover art provided by Hugo Alvord!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Hey buddy, we are totally back at Skaldvar. Hopefully no one gives us any guff!
This is a 5e Dungeons & Dragons adventure set in Northwestern Drunkeros and DMed by Tim Lanning. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris),, and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Josh Scalf (@jwscalf), Howard Tarpley (@TheSubParHojo) and Nika Howard (@Nika_Howard)! Episodes are edited by the lovely Ty Fuhrman.
Cover art provided by Hugo Alvord!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Only one thing left to do – go back to Swift and report the success!!!!
This is a 5e Dungeons & Dragons adventure set in Northwestern Drunkeros and DMed by Tim Lanning. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris),, and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Josh Scalf (@jwscalf), Howard Tarpley (@TheSubParHojo) and Nika Howard (@Nika_Howard)! Episodes are edited by the lovely Ty Fuhrman.
Cover art provided by Hugo Alvord!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The pirates are getting destroyed but they still have a few tricks up their sleeves. Their large, poofy sleeves!
This is a 5e Dungeons & Dragons adventure set in Northwestern Drunkeros and DMed by Tim Lanning. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris),, and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Josh Scalf (@jwscalf), Howard Tarpley (@TheSubParHojo) and Nika Howard (@Nika_Howard)! Episodes are edited by the lovely Ty Fuhrman.
Cover art provided by Hugo Alvord!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Uh-oh, is that a boar-man?!
This is a 5e Dungeons & Dragons adventure set in Northwestern Drunkeros and DMed by Tim Lanning. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris),, and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Josh Scalf (@jwscalf), Howard Tarpley (@TheSubParHojo) and Nika Howard (@Nika_Howard)! Episodes are edited by the lovely Ty Fuhrman.
Cover art provided by Hugo Alvord!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Pirate reinforcement? Great just what I needed!
This is a 5e Dungeons & Dragons adventure set in Northwestern Drunkeros and DMed by Tim Lanning. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris),, and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Josh Scalf (@jwscalf), Howard Tarpley (@TheSubParHojo) and Nika Howard (@Nika_Howard)! Episodes are edited by the lovely Ty Fuhrman.
Cover art provided by Hugo Alvord!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
What is this Tiamat thing lol haha.
This is a 5e Dungeons & Dragons adventure set in Northwestern Drunkeros and DMed by Tim Lanning. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris),, and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Josh Scalf (@jwscalf), Howard Tarpley (@TheSubParHojo) and Nika Howard (@Nika_Howard)! Episodes are edited by the lovely Ty Fuhrman.
Cover art provided by Hugo Alvord!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Pirate Murder Fest!
This is a 5e Dungeons & Dragons adventure set in Northwestern Drunkeros and DMed by Tim Lanning. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris),, and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Josh Scalf (@jwscalf), Howard Tarpley (@TheSubParHojo) and Nika Howard (@Nika_Howard)! Episodes are edited by the lovely Ty Fuhrman.
Cover art provided by Hugo Alvord!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Time to Solid Snake our way into this Pirate House!
This is a 5e Dungeons & Dragons adventure set in Northwestern Drunkeros and DMed by Tim Lanning. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris),, and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Josh Scalf (@jwscalf), Howard Tarpley (@TheSubParHojo) and Nika Howard (@Nika_Howard)! Episodes are edited by the lovely Ty Fuhrman.
Cover art provided by Hugo Alvord!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
A brand new friend shows up! Isn't that convenient?? Right when we got close to the pirate hideout. Nice.
This is a 5e Dungeons & Dragons adventure set in Northwestern Drunkeros and DMed by Tim Lanning. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris),, and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Josh Scalf (@jwscalf), Howard Tarpley (@TheSubParHojo) and Nika Howard (@Nika_Howard)! Episodes are edited by the lovely Ty Fuhrman.
Cover art provided by Hugo Alvord!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
An explosive conclusion to the ship encounter! Really wasn't expecting this one…wow.
Huge thank you to Courtney for her time on the show! We will miss her so.
This is a 5e Dungeons & Dragons adventure set in Northwestern Drunkeros and DMed by Tim Lanning. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Courtney Spurlin (@C_A_Spurlin), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Josh Scalf (@jwscalf) and Nika Howard (@Nika_Howard)! Episodes are edited by the lovely Ty Fuhrman.
Cover art provided by Hugo Alvord!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
We continue to fight and well, these pirates are a little strange!!!
This is a 5e Dungeons & Dragons adventure set in Northwestern Drunkeros and DMed by Tim Lanning. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Courtney Spurlin (@C_A_Spurlin), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Josh Scalf (@jwscalf) and Nika Howard (@Nika_Howard)! Episodes are edited by the lovely Ty Fuhrman.
Cover art provided by Hugo Alvord!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
No more flying things! Time for floating things and fighting pirates!
This is a 5e Dungeons & Dragons adventure set in Northwestern Drunkeros and DMed by Tim Lanning. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Courtney Spurlin (@C_A_Spurlin), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Josh Scalf (@jwscalf) and Nika Howard (@Nika_Howard)! Episodes are edited by the lovely Ty Fuhrman.
Cover art provided by Hugo Alvord!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The gang continues to skulk around that Casino and try to not make any enemies.
This is a 5e Dungeons & Dragons adventure set in Northwestern Drunkeros and DMed by Tim Lanning. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Courtney Spurlin (@C_A_Spurlin), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Josh Scalf (@jwscalf) and Nika Howard (@Nika_Howard)! Episodes are edited by the lovely Ty Fuhrman.
Cover art provided by Hugo Alvord!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Swift seems pretty nice and this flying Casino he runs rules.
This is a 5e Dungeons & Dragons adventure set in Northwestern Drunkeros and DMed by Tim Lanning. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Courtney Spurlin (@C_A_Spurlin), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Josh Scalf (@jwscalf) and Nika Howard (@Nika_Howard)! Episodes are edited by the lovely Ty Fuhrman.
Cover art provided by Hugo Alvord!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Welcome to the Magpie!
This is a 5e Dungeons & Dragons adventure set in Northwestern Drunkeros and DMed by Tim Lanning. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Courtney Spurlin (@C_A_Spurlin), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Josh Scalf (@jwscalf) and Nika Howard (@Nika_Howard)! Episodes are edited by the lovely Ty Fuhrman.
Cover art provided by Hugo Alvord!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The gang's all back together, but will it be enough to defeat the villainous Eclipse before she plunges the world into darkness? And where is she anyways?
Also we got real drunk because we were so happy about being back together. Sorry.
Your GM is Steph Kingston (@StephOKingston), featuring Dave Rollins (@DaveRollinsArt), Ivana Greenleaf (@Arcanevice), Carly Shields (@Animat3dm3) Christina Ladd (@OLaddieGirl) and Sam Brady (@CreeptasticSam)
Banner art by Kelly Gallagher.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Time to scope things out, baby!
This is a 5e Dungeons & Dragons adventure set in Northwestern Drunkeros and DMed by Tim Lanning. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Courtney Spurlin (@C_A_Spurlin), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Josh Scalf (@jwscalf) and Nika Howard (@Nika_Howard)! Episodes are edited by the lovely Ty Fuhrman.
Cover art provided by Hugo Alvord!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Meat Grinder of Corrupt Prison Guards!
This is a 5e Dungeons & Dragons adventure set in Northwestern Drunkeros and DMed by Tim Lanning. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Courtney Spurlin (@C_A_Spurlin), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Josh Scalf (@jwscalf) and Nika Howard (@Nika_Howard)! Episodes are edited by the lovely Ty Fuhrman.
Cover art provided by Hugo Alvord!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The Prison antics continue! Oh my gosh this is getting dicey.
This is a 5e Dungeons & Dragons adventure set in Northwestern Drunkeros and DMed by Tim Lanning. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Courtney Spurlin (@C_A_Spurlin), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Josh Scalf (@jwscalf) and Nika Howard (@Nika_Howard)! Episodes are edited by the lovely Ty Fuhrman.
Cover art provided by Hugo Alvord!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Wow, so it's been a while. Sorry about that. But some real shit goes down in this one. Sailors Sunshine and Starshine attempt to help Manami find her transformation and complete the Sun Rod. Also sorry about the audio issues.
Your GM is Steph Kingston (@StephOKingston) featuring Sam Brady (@Creeptasticsam) and Carly Shields (@Animat3dM3).
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The gang goes to prison. What is the worst thing that could happen.
This is a 5e Dungeons & Dragons adventure set in Northwestern Drunkeros and DMed by Tim Lanning. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Courtney Spurlin (@C_A_Spurlin), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Josh Scalf (@jwscalf) and Nika Howard (@Nika_Howard)! Episodes are edited by the lovely Ty Fuhrman.
Cover art provided by Hugo Alvord!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Zin needs some help. Ha ha, man. Luckily, Fingers is around to smear stuff on folks.
This is a 5e Dungeons & Dragons adventure set in Northwestern Drunkeros and DMed by Tim Lanning. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Courtney Spurlin (@C_A_Spurlin), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Josh Scalf (@jwscalf) and Nika Howard (@Nika_Howard)! Episodes are edited by the lovely Ty Fuhrman.
Cover art provided by Hugo Alvord!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
We continue our journey and adventure into this large, not great, city. Wish us luck.
This is a 5e Dungeons & Dragons adventure set in Northwestern Drunkeros and DMed by Tim Lanning. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Courtney Spurlin (@C_A_Spurlin), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Josh Scalf (@jwscalf) and Nika Howard (@Nika_Howard)! Episodes are edited by the lovely Ty Fuhrman.
Cover art provided by Hugo Alvord!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
We up in that Skaldvar and it is…not great!
This is a 5e Dungeons & Dragons adventure set in Northwestern Drunkeros and DMed by Tim Lanning. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Courtney Spurlin (@C_A_Spurlin), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Josh Scalf (@jwscalf) and Nika Howard (@Nika_Howard)! Episodes are edited by the lovely Ty Fuhrman.
Cover art provided by Hugo Alvord!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
There is definitely the world's greatest rogue in this episode.
This is a 5e Dungeons & Dragons adventure set in Northwestern Drunkeros and DMed by Tim Lanning. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Courtney Spurlin (@C_A_Spurlin), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Josh Scalf (@jwscalf) and Nika Howard (@Nika_Howard)! Episodes are edited by the lovely Ty Fuhrman.
Cover art provided by Hugo Alvord!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Time to fight water and friends of water.
This is a 5e Dungeons & Dragons adventure set in Northwestern Drunkeros and DMed by Tim Lanning. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Courtney Spurlin (@C_A_Spurlin), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Josh Scalf (@jwscalf) and Nika Howard (@Nika_Howard)! Episodes are edited by the lovely Ty Fuhrman.
Cover art provided by Hugo Alvord!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The River is not as Safe as We would Want.
This is a 5e Dungeons & Dragons adventure set in Northwestern Drunkeros and DMed by Tim Lanning. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Courtney Spurlin (@C_A_Spurlin), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Josh Scalf (@jwscalf) and Nika Howard (@Nika_Howard)! Episodes are edited by the lovely Ty Fuhrman.
Cover art provided by Hugo Alvord!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Maybe fighting your strong sweaty friends is the best way to learn their secrets.
This is a 5e Dungeons & Dragons adventure set in Northwestern Drunkeros and DMed by Tim Lanning. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Courtney Spurlin (@C_A_Spurlin), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Josh Scalf (@jwscalf) and Nika Howard (@Nika_Howard)! Episodes are edited by the lovely Ty Fuhrman.
Cover art provided by Hugo Alvord!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Why hello! The gang has earned the trust and boon of Miller's Hallow but that just means they have to continue on their way to Skaldvar.
This is a 5e Dungeons & Dragons adventure set in Northwestern Drunkeros and DMed by Tim Lanning. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Courtney Spurlin (@C_A_Spurlin), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Josh Scalf (@jwscalf) and Nika Howard (@Nika_Howard)! Episodes are edited by the lovely Ty Fuhrman.
Cover art provided by Hugo Alvord!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Surfs up! Hopefully everyone performs well under the pressure. I am sure they will!
This is a 5e Dungeons & Dragons adventure set in Northwestern Drunkeros and DMed by Tim Lanning. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Courtney Spurlin (@C_A_Spurlin), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Josh Scalf (@jwscalf) and Nika Howard (@Nika_Howard)! Episodes are edited by the lovely Ty Fuhrman.
Cover art provided by Hugo Alvord!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The Games Continue!
This is a 5e Dungeons & Dragons adventure set in Northwestern Drunkeros and DMed by Tim Lanning. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Courtney Spurlin (@C_A_Spurlin), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Josh Scalf (@jwscalf) and Nika Howard (@Nika_Howard)! Episodes are edited by the lovely Ty Fuhrman.
Cover art provided by Hugo Alvord!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The Senshi take on the hot monster band and learn a little about who Major Key is really after.
Your GM is Steph Kingston (@StephOKingston), Christina Ladd (@OLaddieGirl), Sam Brady (@Creeptasticsam) and Carly Shields (@Animat3dM3)
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
We meet some new friends and have a great time.
This is a 5e Dungeons & Dragons adventure set in Northwestern Drunkeros and DMed by Tim Lanning. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Courtney Spurlin (@C_A_Spurlin), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Josh Scalf (@jwscalf) and Nika Howard (@Nika_Howard)! Episodes are edited by the lovely Ty Fuhrman.
Cover art provided by Hugo Alvord!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The gang makes a young child real confused and weirdly focused on beans.
This is a 5e Dungeons & Dragons adventure set in Northwestern Drunkeros and DMed by Tim Lanning. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Courtney Spurlin (@C_A_Spurlin), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Josh Scalf (@jwscalf) and Nika Howard (@Nika_Howard)! Episodes are edited by the lovely Ty Fuhrman.
Cover art provided by Hugo Alvord!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Time for river hi-jinks. Nothing will go wrong and friends will be made.
This is a 5e Dungeons & Dragons adventure set in Northwestern Drunkeros and DMed by Tim Lanning. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Courtney Spurlin (@C_A_Spurlin), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Josh Scalf (@jwscalf) and Nika Howard (@Nika_Howard)! Episodes are edited by the lovely Ty Fuhrman.
Cover art provided by Hugo Alvord!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
After hearing Vance's new and exciting plan to get the folks of Skaldvar to help them defend against the “Dark Pact” forces the gang now has to decide if this is the life they would like to live.
This is a 5e Dungeons & Dragons adventure set in Northwestern Drunkeros and DMed by Tim Lanning. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Courtney Spurlin (@C_A_Spurlin), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Josh Scalf (@jwscalf) and Nika Howard (@Nika_Howard)! Episodes are edited by the lovely Ty Fuhrman.
Cover art provided by Hugo Alvord!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Your heroes make some new allies and try to nail down the next phase of their quest. They overcome their first wave of freedom based stumbling blocks and taste victory as only a group of heroes can as they strike out on their own. Hopefully the shadow of doubt keeps it horrid visage away for our good and strong team of adventurers are pursuing a swift end to the horrid things happening in Norhall.
This is a 5e Dungeons & Dragons adventure set in Northwestern Drunkeros and DMed by Tim Lanning. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Courtney Spurlin (@C_A_Spurlin), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Josh Scalf (@jwscalf) and Nika Howard (@Nika_Howard)! Episodes are edited by the lovely Ty Fuhrman.
Cover art provided by Hugo Alvord!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The gang is doing really well on the the whole getting out of Norhall thing. Really, top marks all around. But, the road to town is long and full of potential dangers what with work crews fast repairing the damage from the night before. Not the best time to try and sneak out, but that is what makes it special. Top marks. Shame they are leaving the school.
This is a 5e Dungeons & Dragons adventure set in Northwestern Drunkeros and DMed by Tim Lanning. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Courtney Spurlin (@C_A_Spurlin), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Josh Scalf (@jwscalf) and Nika Howard (@Nika_Howard)! Episodes are edited by the lovely Ty Fuhrman.
Cover art provided by Hugo Alvord!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Join Bijaya, Nika, Josh, and Tara as they continue playing Monsterhearts, a game about “the messy lives of teenage monsters”.
In the season finale of the Monsterhearts podcast, Homecoming is finally here! Orion does his best to avoid Becca…and fails. Lex spirals out of control when she discovers a truth she can’t handle. Alexander discovers Cora’s diary. When the drama heats up at the dance, will Rebeqah get the one thing that she wants? Or will there be hell to pay?
If you want to talk with other fans of the podcast about the episode, check out the Geeklyinc Random Encounters Forum!
Follow us on Twitter: @Nika_Howard, @ethnicninja, @wunderfitzig_, and @Tara__Tea.
Lipstick Kiss (2017) by PHYSICAL JOHNSON
Soundtrack Intro (2010)
cdk – Sunday by cdk (c) copyright 2016 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license.
Dandelion by BoganVia
To The Roofs (2017) by COLAARS
Sweet 甘い by Adele Vivari
Right Work by gurdonark (c) copyright 2011 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) license. Ft: KarmaHackeR
Red Light by Nethis (c) copyright 2012 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) license.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Join Bijaya, Nika, Josh, and Tara as they continue playing Monsterhearts, a game about “the messy lives of teenage monsters”.
In this episode, Rebeqah gets a late night house call, Lex has a confrontation with Alexander, and Orion visits a familiar face to borrow some crystals. But quinoa is not the only thing this fae is craving. Is Lex willing to share her maker with the rest of the group?
If you want to talk with other fans of the podcast about the episode, check out the Geeklyinc Random Encounters Forum!
Follow us on Twitter: @Nika_Howard, @ethnicninja, @wunderfitzig_, and @Tara_Tea.
To The Roofs (2017) by COLAARS
cdk – Sunday by cdk (c) copyright 2016 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license.
Rock Me (Intro) (2016) by DANIELLE HELENA
3am (2016) by DANIELLE HELENA
Grasslands by gurdonark (c) copyright 2012 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. Ft: Vo1k1
Never Adjusted (2016) by PORTRAYAL
Whip Whip Whip by Stefano Maggio vs Filippo Manni
To the Mountain by snowflake (c) copyright 2016 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) license. Ft: spinmeister, Blue Wave Theory
Burnin Star (2016) by STRANGEZERO
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Ruh-Oh! The gang has to catch up to a fleeing Smash and try to get out of the Norhall Grounds alive?!? What a strange journey. What an intense turn of event. Hope you have a nice seat with a nicer edge because things are about to get dicey! And random.
This is a 5e Dungeons & Dragons adventure set in Northwestern Drunkeros and DMed by Tim Lanning. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Courtney Spurlin (@C_A_Spurlin), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Josh Scalf (@jwscalf) and Nika Howard (@Nika_Howard)! Episodes are edited by the lovely Ty Fuhrman.
Cover art provided by Hugo Alvord!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Join Bijaya, Nika, Josh, and Tara as they continue playing Monsterhearts, a game about “the messy lives of teenage monsters”.
Rebeqah loses a “friend”, Lex and Alexander have a confrontation, and Orion goes on a moped journey with Becca.
If you want to talk with other fans of the podcast about the episode, check out the Geeklyinc Random Encounters Forum!
Follow us on Twitter: @Nika_Howard, @ethnicninja, @wunderfitzig_, and @Tara_Tea.
Safe and Warm in Hunter's Arms (2016) by ROLLER GENOA
cdk – Sunday by cdk (c) copyright 2016 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license.
Maisie's Dream by gurdonark (c) copyright 2014 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) license. Ft: Loveshadow
Fuck Me High (2013) by DEVYN ROSE
Lipstick Kiss (2017) by PHYSICAL JOHNSON
Fuck Me High (2013) by DEVYN ROSE
Trouble (2013) by DEVYN ROSE
Lipstick Kiss (2017) by PHYSICAL JOHNSON
People From The Underground (2016) VOIC3S
Soundtrack Intro (2010) MARC HANSON
Dark Room Full of Lonely People (2016) DUTILLEUL
Never Adjusted (2016)
Walk With The Dead by STATE SHIRT
Portasoul by STATE SHIRT
Stranger(S) by LEA JAMES
Blind Love Dub by Jeris (c) copyright 2017 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. Ft: Kara Square (mindmapthat)
YCSWIGY by Loveshadow (c) copyright 2015 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) license. Ft: Vidian, Haptic, Dimitri Artmenko
Forgotten Land by Doxent Zsigmond (c) copyright 2014 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. Ft: Gurdonark, Joanne Gabriel
All of the World by Jeris (c) copyright 2014 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) license. Ft: snowflake
Red Light by Nethis (c) copyright 2012 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) license.
Fell Out Of The Sky (Dublin Mix) by Nethis (c) copyright 2012 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) license.
cdk – Sunday by cdk (c) copyright 2016 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license.
Ukuambient Noise by Kara Square (c) copyright 2016 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) license. Ft: Reusenoise
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Join Bijaya, Nika, Josh, and Tara as they continue playing Monsterhearts, a game about “the messy lives of teenage monsters”.
The group has sexy dreams; Rebeqah wakes up in the Doubletree and is ready to kill someone; Orion meets a familiar face; and Lex has some harsh words for Rebeqah.
If you want to talk with other fans of the podcast about the episode, check out the Geeklyinc Random Encounters Forum!
Follow us on Twitter: @Nika_Howard, @ethnicninja, @wunderfitzig_, and @Tara_Tea.
Closer (2015) by JASMINE JORDAN
Who Am I (2013) by DEVYN ROSE
Rock Me (Intro) (2016) by DANIELLE HELENA
3am (2016) by DANIELLE HELENA
To the Mountain by snowflake (c) copyright 2016 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) license. Ft: spinmeister, Blue Wave Theory
Ukuambient Noise by Kara Square (c) copyright 2016 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) license. Ft: Reusenoise
Grasslands by gurdonark (c) copyright 2012 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. Ft: Vo1k1
Maisie's Dream by gurdonark (c) copyright 2014 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) license. Ft: Loveshadow
Walk With The Dead by STATE SHIRT
People From The Underground (2016) VOIC3S
Soundtrack Intro (2010) MARC HANSON
Dark Room Full of Lonely People (2016) DUTILLEUL
Never Adjusted (2016) PORTRAYAL
Walk With The Dead by STATE SHIRT
Portasoul by STATE SHIRT
Stranger(S) by LEA JAMES
Blind Love Dub by Jeris (c) copyright 2017 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. Ft: Kara Square (mindmapthat)
YCSWIGY by Loveshadow (c) copyright 2015 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) license. Ft: Vidian, Haptic, Dimitri Artmenko
Forgotten Land by Doxent Zsigmond (c) copyright 2014 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. Ft: Gurdonark, Joanne Gabriel
All of the World by Jeris (c) copyright 2014 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) license. Ft: snowflake
Red Light by Nethis (c) copyright 2012 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) license.
Fell Out Of The Sky (Dublin Mix) by Nethis (c) copyright 2012 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) license.
cdk – Sunday by cdk (c) copyright 2016 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license.
Ukuambient Noise by Kara Square (c) copyright 2016 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) license. Ft: Reusenoise
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The Senshi track a lead to a local roller rink to learn a little bit about Major Key, and a lot about themselves.
Your GM is Steph Kingston (@StephOKingston) and your Senshi are Christina Ladd (@OLaddieGirl), Carly Shields (@Animat3dm3) and Sam Brady (@creeptasticsam)
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Join Bijaya, Nika, Josh, and Tara as they continue playing Monsterhearts, a game about “the messy lives of teenage monsters”.
In this episode the group figures out what to do with Neville. Rebeqah tries to save him but forgets something important in the process. Orion investigates who Cora is and why they care so much about her. Lex's past is slowly creeping up on her and the authorities finally show up on the scene.
If you want to talk with other fans of the podcast about the episode, check out the Geeklyinc Random Encounters Forum!
Follow us on Twitter: @Nika_Howard, @ethnicninja, @wunderfitzig_, and @Tara_Tea.
Who Am I (2013) by DEVYN ROSE
Here is the copyright Burnin Star (2016) by STRANGEZERO
Dark Room Full of Lonely People (2016)
cdk – Sunday by cdk (c) copyright 2016 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license.
Little Adventures (2017) by PLASTIC LIGHT FACTORY
Safe and Warm in Hunter's Arms (2016) by ROLLER GENOA
Atmosphere (Original mix) (2017) by S.O.F
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
After the gang catches their breath from the previous night's battle it is time to face the music. Not the beautiful music Val plays, no, the music of the reality that is their situation. They have chosen to leave Norhall behind in hopes of saving the land from evil forces!
This is a 5e Dungeons & Dragons adventure set in Northwestern Drunkeros and DMed by Tim Lanning. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Courtney Spurlin (@C_A_Spurlin), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Josh Scalf (@jwscalf) and Nika Howard (@Nika_Howard)! Episodes are edited by the lovely Ty Fuhrman.
Cover art provided by Hugo Alvord!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Join Bijaya, Nika, and Tara as they continue playing Monsterhearts, a game about “the messy lives of teenage monsters”.
In this episode, Rebeqah finds out what's in her pool, Lex meets a stranger in the woods, Neville is convinced to take some drugs, and we reveal the newest member of our cast!
If you want to talk with other fans of the podcast about the episode, check out the Geeklyinc Random Encounters Forum!
Follow us on Twitter: @Nika_Howard, @ethnicninja, and @Tara_Tea.
Who Am I (2013) by DEVYN ROSE
Red Light by Nethis (c) copyright 2012 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) license.
Time Travel (Feat. Blanchard De Wave) (2015) by JASMINE JORDAN
Little Adventures (2017) by PLASTIC LIGHT FACTORY
Right Work by gurdonark (c) copyright 2011 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) license. Ft: KarmaHackeR
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Join Kym, Bijaya, Nika, and Tara as they continue playing Monsterhearts, a game about “the messy lives of teenage monsters”.
In this episode, Lex takes matters into her own hands with some unforeseen consequences, Cora asks the Trickster for the biggest favor yet, and the most important thing to Rebeqah is put in danger.
If you want to talk with other fans of the podcast about the episode, check out the Geeklyinc Random Encounters Forum!
Follow us on Twitter: @Nika_Howard, @ethnicninja, @Tara_Tea, and @kymcattys.
Fell Out Of The Sky (Dublin Mix) by Nethis (c) copyright 2012 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) license.
All of the World by Jeris (c) copyright 2014 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) license. Ft: snowflake
Forgotten Land by Doxent Zsigmond (c) copyright 2014 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. Ft: Gurdonark, Joanne Gabriel
Right Work by gurdonark (c) copyright 2011 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) license. Ft: KarmaHackeR
LoveShadow – Break Free (cdk Mix) by cdk (c) copyright 2017 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) license. Ft: LoveShadow
Whip Whip Whip by Stefano Maggio vs Filippo Manni
Red Light by Nethis (c) copyright 2012 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) license.
Dandelion by BoganVia
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The town of Norhall is under attack! Or at least the agents of the Dark Lady are running through there causing problems. Hate those jerks.
This is a 5e Dungeons & Dragons adventure set in Northwestern Drunkeros and DMed by Tim Lanning. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Courtney Spurlin (@C_A_Spurlin), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Josh Scalf (@jwscalf) and Nika Howard (@Nika_Howard)! Episodes are edited by the lovely Ty Fuhrman.
Cover art provided by Hugo Alvord!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Join Kym, Bijaya, Nika, and Tara as they continue playing Monsterhearts, a game about “the messy lives of teenage monsters”.
In this week's episode, Lex relives her past, Cora visits the North Pole, and Rebeqah finds herself in the ugliest dress she's ever seen.
Follow us on Twitter: @Nika_Howard, @ethnicninja, @Tara_Tea, and @kymcattys.
Right Work by gurdonark (c) copyright 2011 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) license. Ft: KarmaHackeR
Forgotten Land by Doxent Zsigmond (c) copyright 2014 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. Ft: Gurdonark, Joanne Gabriel
Escape Pod by snowflake (c) copyright 2016 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) license. Ft: PorchCat, Spinmeister
All of the World by Jeris (c) copyright 2014 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) license. Ft: snowflake
Blind Love Dub by Jeris (c) copyright 2017 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. Ft: Kara Square (mindmapthat)
Walk With The Dead by STATE SHIRT
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Join Kym, Bijaya, Nika, and Tara as they continue playing Monsterhearts, a game about “the messy lives of teenage monsters”.
In this week's episode, the power goes out at Rebeqah's party and things get sexy as Lex and Rebeqah share a moment. Cora wanders around the mansion and Lex starts loosing it.
Follow us on Twitter: @Nika_Howard, @ethnicninja, @Tara_Tea, and @kymcattys.
Stranger(S) by LEA JAMES
Portasoul by STATE SHIRT
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The Senshi figure out how to get from the Amazon to Egypt, where they attempt to recover the second Sun Kingdom artifact. Results are mixed.
Sorry no extra effects on this one.
Your GM is Steph Kingston (@StephOKingston) and your senshi are Dave Rollins (@DaveRollinsArt), Christina Ladd (@OLaddieGirl), Sam Brady (@creeptasticsam), and Carly Shields (@Animat3dm3)
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Join Kym, Bijaya, Nika, and Tara as they continue playing Monsterhearts, a game about “the messy lives of teenage monsters”.
This week, Rebeqah throws a party that will out party every other party in the history of the universe, the Trickster gets a new follower, and Lex satiates her hunger.
Follow us on Twitter: @Nika_Howard, @ethnicninja, @Tara_Tea, and @kymcattys.
3am (2016) by DANIELLE HELENA
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Join Kym, Bijaya, Nika, and Tara as they continue playing Monsterhearts, a game about “the messy lives of teenage monsters”.
This week, Rebeqah gets a taste of what being a victim of bullying feels like, Cora has some bowel-related problems, and someone meets their grisly end.
Follow us on Twitter: @Nika_Howard, @ethnicninja, @Tara_Tea, and @kymcattys.
LoveShadow – Break Free (cdk Mix) by cdk (c) copyright 2017 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) license. Ft: LoveShadow
Right Work by gurdonark (c) copyright 2011 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) license. Ft: KarmaHackeR
Dandelion by BoganVia
Whip Whip Whip by Stefano Maggio vs Filippo Manni
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Oh dear, these bad people are heading on to fight inside Norhall Castle itself! Oh no! It also looks like they are going towards the Stone Warden's chambers. What could they be getting up to with the Stone Warden? Hopefully nothing too evil.
This is a 5e Dungeons & Dragons adventure set in Northwestern Drunkeros and DMed by Tim Lanning. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Courtney Spurlin (@C_A_Spurlin), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Josh Scalf (@jwscalf) and Nika Howard (@Nika_Howard)! Episodes are edited by the lovely Ty Fuhrman.
Cover art provided by Hugo Alvord!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Is there a supernatural force at work or are you just happy to see me?
Prepare your hearts and minds for Episode 1, as Kym, Bijaya, Nika, and Tara play Monsterhearts, a game about “the messy lives of teenage monsters”.
Follow us on Twitter: @Nika_Howard, @ethnicninja, @Tara_Tea, and @kymcattys.
Lipstick Kiss (2017) by PHYSICAL JOHNSON
Burnin Star (2016) by STRANGEZERO
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Battle time, baby! The gang is in a bit of a pickle. Not even a tasty pickle treat but a full on assault from the forces of the Dark Lady. I hope they survive or else all of this dance food will go to waste.
This is a 5e Dungeons & Dragons adventure set in Northwestern Drunkeros and DMed by Tim Lanning. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Courtney Spurlin (@C_A_Spurlin), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Josh Scalf (@jwscalf) and Nika Howard (@Nika_Howard)! Episodes are edited by the lovely Ty Fuhrman.
Cover art provided by Hugo Alvord!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Dance time, baby! While the general mood of the group is not great we can all agree that a school dance is just the place to get that frown doing flips. Unless of course Zin and his band of goons ruins a perfectly nice night with some high jinks. Who knows!?!! Also, who is that in the foreground there? Yes the one that is shadowed…hmm probably nothing.
This is a 5e Dungeons & Dragons adventure set in Northwestern Drunkeros and DMed by Tim Lanning. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Courtney Spurlin (@C_A_Spurlin), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Josh Scalf (@jwscalf) and Nika Howard (@Nika_Howard)! Episodes are edited by the lovely Ty Fuhrman.
Cover art provided by Hugo Alvord!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
These powerful youths take on yet another challenge – the dreaded slightly awkward party. Plus it is getting real late in the evening and folks's patience is running a little low. I am sure that won't cause any issues.
This is a 5e Dungeons & Dragons adventure set in Northwestern Drunkeros and DMed by Tim Lanning. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Courtney Spurlin (@C_A_Spurlin), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Josh Scalf (@jwscalf) and Nika Howard (@Nika_Howard)! Episodes are edited by the lovely Ty Fuhrman.
Cover art provided by Hugo Alvord!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The group experiences the stranger side of the Harvest Festival when they enter the tent simple called ‘The Rock.” The whole thing is weird. They also grapple with the idea of being the bad guys in order to get the dates they want for the Dance.
This is a 5e Dungeons & Dragons adventure set in Northwestern Drunkeros and DMed by Tim Lanning. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Courtney Spurlin (@C_A_Spurlin), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Josh Scalf (@jwscalf) and Nika Howard (@Nika_Howard)! Episodes are edited by the lovely Ty Fuhrman.
Cover art provided by Hugo Alvord!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The Senshi really need to work on their teleporting skills as it never seems to totally work out for them. On the plus side, it gives Sunshine way more opportunities for costume changes.
Your GM is Steph Kingston (@StephOKingston) and players are Dave Rollins (@Daverollinsart), Carly Shields (@Animat3dm3), Sam Brady (@creeptasticsam), and Christina Ladd (@OLaddieGirl)
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Our fun loving friends are embarking on a much needed round of Carnival based levity. Sure, things are still a little weird, and yes, they are drinking, but I am sure that their weary heart and bones will be much renewed by today's festivities. Hopefully no one does anything too…spooky…to them and throws the whole thing off…I am sure that will not happen.
This is a 5e Dungeons & Dragons adventure set in Northwestern Drunkeros and DMed by Tim Lanning. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Courtney Spurlin (@C_A_Spurlin), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Josh Scalf (@jwscalf) and Nika Howard (@Nika_Howard)! Episodes are edited by the lovely Ty Fuhrman.
Cover art provided by Hugo Alvord!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Our young heroes are in a somewhat awkward situation since they need to make sure they don't look like nerds during the Harvest Festival. They need all of their fashion and maybe dates or maybe not, we are not here to judge a person for their solitary choices. But, regardless of the dates and the fashions that our adventurers may or may not have the Harvest Festival has become a test in its own right for our little group. Can they survive the next few days of hormonal awkwardness or will their shame lead them to a life of exile?
This is a 5e Dungeons & Dragons adventure set in Northwestern Drunkeros and DMed by Tim Lanning. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Courtney Spurlin (@C_A_Spurlin), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Josh Scalf (@jwscalf) and Nika Howard (@Nika_Howard)! Episodes are edited by the lovely Ty Fuhrman.
Cover art provided by Hugo Alvord!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
When a hulking monstrosity wants to test his mettle against our brave adventurers you grin and accept a brand new test. For, any excuse to test our heroes is a good excuse indeed. Listen as they use all they strength to fight against Valoshey the Master at arms of Norhall in his zany room of madness and terror.
Here is a link to the Black Knight/ the tumblr I took it from.
This is a 5e Dungeons & Dragons adventure set in Northwestern Drunkeros and DMed by Tim Lanning. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Courtney Spurlin (@C_A_Spurlin), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Josh Scalf (@jwscalf) and Nika Howard (@Nika_Howard)! Episodes are edited by the lovely Ty Fuhrman.
Cover art provided by Hugo Alvord!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
A lot of this episode revolves around the gang getting paranoid and fashion. So basically your perfect tabletop role-playing experience. Simply put, our heroes are now in a new league within Norhall. Folks finally know their names and have heard of their deeds. But, this level of exposure brings a certain amount of tension when the normally pristine halls are mired by rumors.
This is a 5e Dungeons & Dragons adventure set in Northwestern Drunkeros and DMed by Tim Lanning. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Courtney Spurlin (@C_A_Spurlin), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Josh Scalf (@jwscalf) and Nika Howard (@Nika_Howard)! Episodes are edited by the lovely Ty Fuhrman.
Cover art provided by Hugo Alvord!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The Senshi are off to the beach this episode to investigate the first of three artifacts they need to recover for Princess Manami. Ken makes a surprising discovery and Chiharu sees the ocean for the first time. What a peaceful and relaxing summer day…for now.
Your GM is Steph Kingston (@StephOKingston), and your players are Dave Rollins (@DaveRollinsArt), Christina Ladd (@OLaddieGirl), Sam Brady (@creeptasticsam) and Carly Shields (@Animat3dm3)
Beautiful banner art by @SuperSugarBolt on Twitter
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Our heroes make their way back to Norhall, but soon find out that everything is a test! What were considered simple tasks are now moments of scrutiny and anxiety. What if they get a bad grade? What if someone is…disappointed? The horror! Luckily, the gang starts to make more friends around Norhall so they shouldn't look like huge dorks for the Harvest Festival Dance. That is a good thing, at least.
This is a 5e Dungeons & Dragons adventure set in Northwestern Drunkeros and DMed by Tim Lanning. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Courtney Spurlin (@C_A_Spurlin), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Josh Scalf (@jwscalf) and Nika Howard (@Nika_Howard)! Episodes are edited by the lovely Ty Fuhrman.
Cover art provided by Hugo Alvord!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
With the danger from the spooky bad things gone, the gang tries to get some answers…but in the land of Norhall answers are sometimes just as a rare as a smile. What mysteries will these young heroes uncover? What friendships or allies will they forge in this post battle haze? Listen and find out!
This is a 5e Dungeons & Dragons adventure set in Northwestern Drunkeros and DMed by Tim Lanning. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Courtney Spurlin (@C_A_Spurlin), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Josh Scalf (@jwscalf) and Nika Howard (@Nika_Howard)! Episodes are edited by the lovely Ty Fuhrman.
Cover art provided by Hugo Alvord!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Right there! Don't you see it? That eerie glow coming out of that there church! Couldn't pay a simple Horsk Guard like me to enter that place, no sirree. Hey, there are those green blooded adventurers, let's convince them to do it. I guess just pay them in…mushroom power bars or something I don't know. Maybe they will distract the dead and Father Brioh long enough for us to save our skins.
This is a 5e Dungeons & Dragons adventure set in Northwestern Drunkeros and DMed by Tim Lanning. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Courtney Spurlin (@C_A_Spurlin), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Josh Scalf (@jwscalf) and Nika Howard (@Nika_Howard)! Episodes are edited by the lovely Ty Fuhrman.
Cover art provided by Hugo Alvord!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The citizens of Horsk need the help of our adventurers now more than ever. The streets are filled with spooky monsters and strange enemies the gang has yet to encounter. Fortunately, strength runs deep within their blood and a few spooky strange fog monsters will not slow them down. Unless they die.
This is a 5e Dungeons & Dragons adventure set in Northwestern Drunkeros and DMed by Tim Lanning. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Courtney Spurlin (@C_A_Spurlin), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Josh Scalf (@jwscalf) and Nika Howard (@Nika_Howard)! Episodes are edited by the lovely Ty Fuhrman.
Cover art provided by Hugo Alvord!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
After the horrors of the Spooky Woods the gang must face its first large battle. Monsters and thugs have not prepared these Norhall adventurers for the might of a focused and determined foe. Or maybe they have always been ready…already been hardened. The stuff of “True Heroes” could course through their very bones! Let's find out.
This is a 5e Dungeons & Dragons adventure set in Northwestern Drunkeros and DMed by Tim Lanning. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Courtney Spurlin (@C_A_Spurlin), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Josh Scalf (@jwscalf) and Nika Howard (@Nika_Howard)! Episodes are edited by the lovely Ty Fuhrman.
Cover art provided by Hugo Alvord!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
This episode the Senshi find themselves finishing off the creepy earth zombies, as well as learning a lot about their past lives and future goals. Some of them are more comfortable about it than others. Manami sends the Senshi on a team building quest and leaves Ayaka with a lot to think about.
Sailor Moon gives a fond farewell (for now) to Ivana aka Sailor Titan, as she just gave birth to a healthy baby boy! This episode is dedicated to her and the newly expanded Greenleaf family.
Your GM is Steph Kingston (@StephOKingston), and your players are Dave Rollins (@DaveRollinsArt), Christina Ladd (@OLaddieGirl), Ivana Greenleaf (@arcanevice), Sam Brady (@creeptasticsam) and Carly Shields (@Animat3dm3)
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The Spooky Woods have really turned our heroes around! Hopefully they will focus on the bond they have already formed and fight back against their mysterious attackers. Remember, your adventuring group is only as strong as your weakest link so your friendship chain must be forged in the fires of trust. Or something. Help one another is what I am saying.
This is a 5e Dungeons & Dragons adventure set in Northwestern Drunkeros and DMed by Tim Lanning. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Courtney Spurlin (@C_A_Spurlin), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Josh Scalf (@jwscalf) and Nika Howard (@Nika_Howard)! Episodes are edited by the lovely Ty Fuhrman.
Cover art provided by Hugo Alvord!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
With the unseen and mysterious army approaching the town, our newly minted adventurers have to decide the best plan of defense. The folks from Horsk are not the most highly trained fighting force in Drunkeros but they are hearty people. You have to be in order to live this far North. Will it be enough to save the day? Only one way to find out!
This is a 5e Dungeons & Dragons adventure set in Northwestern Drunkeros and DMed by Tim Lanning. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Courtney Spurlin (@C_A_Spurlin), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Josh Scalf (@jwscalf) and Nika Howard (@Nika_Howard)! Episodes are edited by the lovely Ty Fuhrman.
Cover art provided by Hugo Alvord!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Welcome to season 2 of Geekly Inc's Sailor Moon RPG! We're back again with new characters, and more gayness and glitter than ever before! This season we welcome new cast member: Carly Shields! The senshi meet a mysterious new person who reveals things about their past lives, and creates awkward situations in the bathroom.
Your GM is Steph Kingston (@StephOKingston) and your players are Dave Rollins (@DaveRollinsArt), Ivana Greenleaf (@arcanevice), Sam Brady (@CreeptasticSam), Christina Ladd (@OLaddieGirl), and Carly Shields (@Animat3dm3)
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
After doing some fighting with a spooky vampire the gang has to race against time to save Horsk. Sure, Horsk isn't entirely defenseless but when you are a hero of Norhall Academy you must fight back against evil! But, will the denizens of Horsk trust them enough to accept their help??? Listen to learn the answers to all of these wonderful and spooky questions.
This is a 5e Dungeons & Dragons adventure set in Northwestern Drunkeros and DMed by Tim Lanning. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Courtney Spurlin (@C_A_Spurlin), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Josh Scalf (@jwscalf) and Nika Howard (@Nika_Howard)! Episodes are edited by the lovely Ty Fuhrman.
Cover art provided by Hugo Alvord!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
There is something strange, in the neighborhood of Horsk and your Norhall Heroes have been tasked with bustin it. Sure, folks that were supposedly stronger than them died, but I am sure the Dragoons will be fine. They are joined by another student that should help ease the pain of losing prime somewhat…hopefully.
This is a 5e Dungeons & Dragons adventure set in Northwestern Drunkeros and DMed by Tim Lanning. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Courtney Spurlin (@C_A_Spurlin), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290), Josh Scalf (@jwscalf) and Nika Howard (@Nika_Howard)! Episodes are edited by the lovely Ty Fuhrman.
Cover art provided by Hugo Alvord!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
I have bad news for you. Something bad happens to one of our heroes. Something…unexpected. They thought they were safe. They were not. Lessens have been learned and the state of Norhall has changed forever.
This is a 5e Dungeons & Dragons adventure set in Northwestern Drunkeros and DMed by Tim Lanning. This is all possible due to the wonderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Cody Boker (@codedude3), Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Courtney Spurlin (@C_A_Spurlin), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290) and Nika Howard (@Nika_Howard)! Episodes are edited by the lovely Ty Fuhrman.
Cover art provided by Hugo Alvord!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Mort's falling into a pit, the Paragon of Murkheim may be dead, and sand is in every crevice. It's been a weird day, but it's only going to get weirder.
Brute Force features Adam Bash as the storyteller, Carly Shields as Lola, John Caulfield as Mort McCoy, Bijaya Shrestha as Mirka, and Patrick Rankin as Ezra. We play a heavily refluffed version of World of Darkness set in the mystical lands of Eorith.
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What will happen this week when the students continue their fight against these bad wolf boys? Will everyone be happy and not scared of the horrible monsters? I know that the heroes are more than ready for whatever challenges coming their way.
This is a 5e Dungeons & Dragons adventure set in Northwestern Drunkeros and DMed by Tim Lanning. This is all possible due to the wanderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Cody Boker (@codedude3), Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Courtney Spurlin (@C_A_Spurlin), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290) and Nika Howard (@Nika_Howard)!
Cover art provided by Hugo Alvord!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The story begins in amid the Elysian Sands in the desert wasteland Kingdom of Denderast. Far from home, our intrepid adventurers gather by the fire and await word from Sir Valiant Clashtiger, their leader and the Paragon of Murkheim.
Brute Force features Adam Bash as the storyteller, Carly Shields as Lola, John Caulfield as Mort McCoy, Bijaya Shrestha as Mirka, and Patrick Rankin as Ezra. We play a heavily refluffed version of World of Darkness set in the mystical lands of Eorith.
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Things take a decidedly spooky turn…what with the gang getting close to finding Gustoff's Goat. Do the denizens of Norhall Town harbor a dark secret? Or are they just confused by all of the questions? The answer may be too spooky to find out!
This is a 5e Dungeons & Dragons adventure set in Northwestern Drunkeros and DMed by Tim Lanning. This is all possible due to the wanderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Cody Boker (@codedude3), Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Courtney Spurlin (@C_A_Spurlin), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290) and Nika Howard (@Nika_Howard)!
Cover art provided by Hugo Alvord!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
For this extra special bonus episode, the Senshi receive a mysterious distress signal from space, and it takes them somewhere they really never could have imagined. Luckily there are no bees there, so that's one less thing to worry about.
Special thanks to Adam Bash of @Bruteforcecast and @IamSAYER for the use of his characters and universe. Check him out @theadambash on Twitter. Music by Jesse “Mainfinger” Gregory and Revolution Void.
Your GM is Steph Kingston (@StephOKingston) and your players are Dave Rollins (@DaveRollinsArt), Ivana Greenleaf (@arcanevice), Christina Ladd (@OladdieGirl) and Sam Brady (@creeptasticsam)
Fanart by @Ir0icanventure
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Having just arrived at Norhall, our adventurers must meet with Lady Silver to learn more about this strange situation. Luckily there will most likely be more chocuterie boards to sate everyone's appetite. Also, gifts!
This is a 5e Dungeons & Dragons adventure set in Northwestern Drunkeros and DMed by Tim Lanning. This is all possible due to the wanderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Cody Boker (@codedude3), Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Courtney Spurlin (@C_A_Spurlin), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290) and Nika Howard (@Nika_Howard)!
Cover art provided by Hugo Alvord!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Your young adventurers meet a strong foe who will not take no for an answer. Will they fall before his might? Or will they survive and reach Norhall? What if this is all a test? They have already killed people so I hope it is not a test. But it is good to ask. Maybe they will not die but also not succeed? This is a world of many possibilities!
This is a 5e Dungeons & Dragons adventure set in Northwestern Drunkeros and DMed by Tim Lanning. This is all possible due to the wanderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Cody Boker (@codedude3), Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Courtney Spurlin (@C_A_Spurlin), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290) and Nika Howard (@Nika_Howard)!
Cover art provided by Hugo Alvord!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
We finally made it to the last season one episode of Random Encounters: Sailor Moon! We review the events of season one and talk a little bit about season two. Ayaka, Tsukiko and Ken face the aftermath of the fight with Orochi, and have a righteous sleepover.
Sailor Moon will return!
Your GM is Steph Kingston (@StephOKingston) and your players are Dave Rollins (@DaveRollinsArt), Ivana Sarmiento (@Arcanevice), Christina Ladd (@OLaddieGirl), and Sam Brady (@CreeptasticSam).
Beautiful fanart by @hugodraws
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Hello and welcome to Norhall Academy for Adventurers and Heroes! As you have obviously heard, Norhall Academy for Adventurers and Heroes is the finest place to learn how to be, well, an adventurer in the realm. Situated in the snowy mountains of Norhall, our Academy is ready to train you in the arts of combat, diplomacy, ancient magics, religion and many more! This year we are hosting five brave, young adventurers due to the horrible demon related events in the east. The mind reels at what these youths have seen, but Norhall Academy for Adventurers and Heroes is ready to lead them to a new life of wonder and justice!
This is a 5e Dungeons & Dragons adventure set in Northwestern Drunkeros and DMed by Tim Lanning. This is all possible due to the wanderful folks who support our Patreon. Thank you!
This week we are joined by Cody Boker (@codedude3), Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Courtney Spurlin (@C_A_Spurlin), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290) and Nika Howard (@Nika_Howard)!
Cover art provided by Hugo Alvord!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Join Michael DiMauro (@thriftynerd) as he GMs our lovable group of patrons (and Mike Bachmann@themikebachmann), through the Fate world of The Secrets of Cats.
This week we are joined by Cody Boker (@codedude3), Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Courtney Spurlin (@C_A_Spurlin), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290)!
Audio editing by the Ty Fuhrman (@Squat_Dinosaur).
The Secrets of Cats is an expansion for the Fate system written by Richard Bellingham. We are creating our own unique campaign in this world, but if you want to check out the rule set or play in the included ready-made adventure, you can purchase The Secrets of Cats on amazon!
Check out the new Secrets of Cats: Feline Magic kickstarter!
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Join Michael DiMauro (@thriftynerd) as he GMs our lovable group of patrons (and Mike Bachmann@themikebachmann), through the Fate world of The Secrets of Cats.
This week we are joined by Cody Boker (@codedude3), Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Courtney Spurlin (@C_A_Spurlin), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290)!
Audio editing by the Ty Fuhrman (@Squat_Dinosaur).
The Secrets of Cats is an expansion for the Fate system written by Richard Bellingham. We are creating our own unique campaign in this world, but if you want to check out the rule set or play in the included ready-made adventure, you can purchase The Secrets of Cats on amazon!
Check out the new Secrets of Cats: Feline Magic kickstarter!
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Join Michael DiMauro (@thriftynerd) as he GMs our lovable group of patrons (and Mike Bachmann@themikebachmann), through the Fate world of The Secrets of Cats.
This week we are joined by Cody Boker (@codedude3), Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Courtney Spurlin (@C_A_Spurlin), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290)!
Audio editing by the Ty Fuhrman (@Squat_Dinosaur).
The Secrets of Cats is an expansion for the Fate system written by Richard Bellingham. We are creating our own unique campaign in this world, but if you want to check out the rule set or play in the included ready-made adventure, you can purchase The Secrets of Cats on amazon!
Check out the new Secrets of Cats: Feline Magic kickstarter!
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Guuuuuuuys this week on Sailor Moon the gang's loved ones have been kidnapped! It's up to the Senshi to save them, and all of Tokyo itself from the terrifying dragon Orochi! Will the Senshi get there in time? Will the legendary sword appear? Will Sunshine figure out these confusing feelings? Just stay right there, and we'll show you!
Your GM is Steph Kingston (@StephOKingston) and your players are Dave Rollins (@DaveRollinsArt), Ivana Sarmiento (@Arcanevice), Christina Ladd (@OLaddieGirl), and Sam Brady (@CreeptasticSam).
Beautiful fanart by @Addie_Totman
Outtro music by panerfan on Youtube.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Join Michael DiMauro (@thriftynerd) as he GMs our lovable group of patrons (and Mike Bachmann@themikebachmann), through the Fate world of The Secrets of Cats.
This week we are joined by Cody Boker (@codedude3), Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Courtney Spurlin (@C_A_Spurlin), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290)!
Audio editing by the Ty Fuhrman (@Squat_Dinosaur).
The Secrets of Cats is an expansion for the Fate system written by Richard Bellingham. We are creating our own unique campaign in this world, but if you want to check out the rule set or play in the included ready-made adventure, you can purchase The Secrets of Cats on amazon!
Check out the new Secrets of Cats: Feline Magic kickstarter!
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Join Michael DiMauro (@thriftynerd) as he GMs our lovable group of patrons (and Mike Bachmann@themikebachmann), through the Fate world of The Secrets of Cats.
This week we are joined by Cody Boker (@codedude3), Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Courtney Spurlin (@C_A_Spurlin), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290)!
Audio editing by the Ty Fuhrman (@Squat_Dinosaur).
The Secrets of Cats is an expansion for the Fate system written by Richard Bellingham. We are creating our own unique campaign in this world, but if you want to check out the rule set or play in the included ready-made adventure, you can purchase The Secrets of Cats on amazon!
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Join Michael DiMauro (@thriftynerd) as he GMs our lovable group of patrons (and Mike Bachmann@themikebachmann), through the Fate world of The Secrets of Cats.
This week we are joined by Cody Boker (@codedude3), Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Courtney Spurlin (@C_A_Spurlin), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290)!
Audio editing by the Ty Fuhrman (@Squat_Dinosaur).
The Secrets of Cats is an expansion for the Fate system written by Richard Bellingham. We are creating our own unique campaign in this world, but if you want to check out the rule set or play in the included ready-made adventure, you can purchase The Secrets of Cats on amazon!
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Start your new year off right with a healthy dose of friendship and glitter with this brand new episode of the Sailor Moon RPG. I promise that not every episode has potential teen suicide in it. Ken's boyfriend Hideo is threatening to jump off the roof of the school if Sailor Bear doesn't come to save him, and right in the middle of Ayaka's important history test too! How will the Senshi save Hideo and keep their secret identities intact?
Also we all list the weird things and sexual favours we'll give you if you make us some fan art. So please do that, or Principal Bunhead will give you detention.
Your GM is Steph Kingston (@StephOKingston) and your players are Dave Rollins (@DaveRollinsArt), Ivana Sarmiento (@Arcanevice), Christina Ladd (@OLaddieGirl), and Sam Brady (@CreeptasticSam).
Outtro music by panerfan on Youtube.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Join Michael DiMauro (@thriftynerd) as he GMs our lovable group of patrons (and Mike Bachmann@themikebachmann), through the Fate world of The Secrets of Cats.
I wish this was a Christmas Special. It's not.
This week we are joined by Cody Boker (@codedude3), Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Courtney Spurlin (@C_A_Spurlin), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290)!
Audio editing by the Ty Fuhrman (@Squat_Dinosaur).
The Secrets of Cats is an expansion for the Fate system written by Richard Bellingham. We are creating our own unique campaign in this world, but if you want to check out the rule set or play in the included ready-made adventure, you can purchase The Secrets of Cats on amazon!
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Join Michael DiMauro (@thriftynerd) as he GMs our lovable group of patrons (and Mike Bachmann @themikebachmann), through the Fate world of The Secrets of Cats.
This week we are joined by Cody Boker (@codedude3), Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Courtney Spurlin (@C_A_Spurlin), and Matt Spurlin (@punk1290)!
Audio editing by the Ty Fuhrman (@Squat_Dinosaur).
The Secrets of Cats is an expansion for the Fate system written by Richard Bellingham. We are creating our own unique campaign in this world, but if you want to check out the rule set or play in the included ready-made adventure, you can purchase The Secrets of Cats on amazon!
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
New episodes of the Darkblades drop about every two weeks and feature a canonical story taking place in Drunkeros. Each week will feature Michael “Thrifty Nerd” DiMauro (@thriftynerd) as DM, at least one player from of the Drunks and Dragons podcast with an assortment of special guests.
This week we are joined by Nika Howard (@nika_howard), Cody (@codedude3), Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Fred Greenleaf (@IThinkImFred) and Alex Cater (@happypuke)!
Audio editing by the Ty Fuhrman (@Squat_Dinosaur).
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
This time on Sailor Moon the gang has a heck of a time landing any damn hits on these monsters, and actually take damage for once. Also we decide to start titling the episodes, but we're pretty bad at it. We also discuss our plans for Sailor Moon-ing at GeeklyCon 2016 in Portland! Will the Senshi stop the evil game from taking over the minds of the world? Will Sailor Rainbow continue to be totes adorable? Will Sailor Sunshine figure out what “googling” means? All this and more, to be revealed!
Your GM is Steph Kingston (@StephOKingston) and your players are Dave Rollins (@DaveRollinsArt), Christina Ladd (@OLaddieGirl), Sam Brady (@creeptasticsam) and Ivana Sarmiento (@arcanevice).
Outtro music by Panerfan on Youtube.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
New episodes of the Darkblades drop about every two weeks and feature a canonical story taking place in Drunkeros. Each week will feature Michael “Thrifty Nerd” DiMauro (@thriftynerd) as DM, at least one player from of the Drunks and Dragons podcast with an assortment of special guests.
This week we are joined by Nika Howard (@nika_howard), Cody (@codedude3), Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Fred Greenleaf (@IThinkImFred) and Alex Cater (@happypuke)!
Audio editing by the Ty Fuhrman (@Squat_Dinosaur).
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
New episodes of the Darkblades drop about every two weeks and feature a canonical story taking place in Drunkeros. Each week will feature Michael “Thrifty Nerd” DiMauro (@thriftynerd) as DM, at least one player from of the Drunks and Dragons podcast with an assortment of special guests.
This week we are joined by Nika Howard (@nika_howard), Cody (@codedude3), Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Fred Greenleaf (@IThinkImFred) and Alex Cater (@happypuke)!
Audio editing by the Ty Fuhrman (@Squat_Dinosaur).
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
This weekmonth on Sailor Moon we…hold on. Anyways there's a new game out and…hold on. Ayaka is still really…hold on. And Sailor Bear almost…hold on.
Hold on…
Hold on…
5 more minutes guys…
Join GM Steph Kingston, Sailor Bear (Dave Rollins), Sailor Rainbow (Christina Ladd), and Sailor Sunshine (Sam Brady) this episode as they…hold on.
Outtro music by panerfan on youtube.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
New episodes of the Darkblades drop about every two weeks and feature a canonical story taking place in Drunkeros. Each week will feature Michael “Thrifty Nerd” DiMauro (@thriftynerd) as DM, at least one player from of the Drunks and Dragons podcast with an assortment of special guests.
This week we are joined by Nika Howard (@nika_howard), Cody (@codedude3), Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Fred Greenleaf (@IThinkImFred) and Alex Cater (@happypuke)!
Audio editing by the Ty Fuhrman (@Squat_Dinosaur).
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
New episodes of the Darkblades drop about every two weeks and feature a canonical story taking place in Drunkeros. Each week will feature Michael “Thrifty Nerd” DiMauro (@thriftynerd) as DM, at least one player from of the Drunks and Dragons podcast with an assortment of special guests.
This week we are joined by Nika Howard (@nika_howard), Cody (@codedude3), Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Fred Greenleaf (@IThinkImFred) and Alex Cater (@happypuke)!
Audio editing by the Ty Fuhrman (@Squat_Dinosaur).
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
New episodes of the Darkblades drop about every two weeks and feature a canonical story taking place in Drunkeros. Each week will feature Michael “Thrifty Nerd” DiMauro (@thriftynerd) as DM, at least one player from of the Drunks and Dragons podcast with an assortment of special guests.
This week we are joined by Nika Howard (@nika_howard), Cody (@codedude3), Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Fred Greenleaf (@IThinkImFred) and Alex Cater (@happypuke)!
Audio editing by the Ty Fuhrman (@Squat_Dinosaur).
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Trouble is brewing in Juuban district listeners, and not just because every civilian has crippling face blindness and amnesia. This episode features our Senshi in the most unlikely situation imaginable: the library. Hilarity and book castles ensue.
Join GM Steph Kingston, Sailor Bear (Dave Rollins), Sailor Rainbow (Christina Ladd), and Sailor Sunshine (Sam Brady) this episode as they figure out how to discuss the word “pasta.” And fight evil. But mostly that first bit.
Outtro music by panerfan on youtube.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
New episodes of the Darkblades drop about every two weeks and feature a canonical story taking place in Drunkeros. Each week will feature Michael “Thrifty Nerd” DiMauro (@thriftynerd) as DM, at least one player from of the Drunks and Dragons podcast with an assortment of special guests.
This week we are joined by Nika Howard (@nika_howard), Cody (@codedude3), Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Fred Greenleaf (@IThinkImFred) and Alex Cater (@happypuke)!
Audio editing by the Ty Fuhrman (@Squat_Dinosaur).
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
New episodes of the Darkblades drop about every two weeks and feature a canonical story taking place in Drunkeros. Each week will feature Michael “Thrifty Nerd” DiMauro (@thriftynerd) as DM, at least one player from of the Drunks and Dragons podcast with an assortment of special guests.
This week we are joined by Nika Howard (@nika_howard), Cody (@codedude3), Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Fred Greenleaf (@IThinkImFred) and Alex Cater (@happypuke)!
Audio editing by the Ty Fuhrman (@Squat_Dinosaur).
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
New episodes of the Darkblades drop about every two weeks and feature a canonical story taking place in Drunkeros. Each week will feature Michael “Thrifty Nerd” DiMauro (@thriftynerd) as DM, at least one player from of the Drunks and Dragons podcast with an assortment of special guests.
This week we are joined by Nika Howard (@nika_howard), Cody (@codedude3), Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Fred Greenleaf (@IThinkImFred) and Alex Cater (@happypuke)!
Audio editing by the Ty Fuhrman (@Squat_Dinosaur).
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Sailor Moon has returned, no small part in thanks to you amazing people out there! We're really sorry for taking so long, but unfortunately real life got in the way of us pretending to be magical high schoolers.
Join GM Steph Kingston, Sailor Bear (Dave Rollins), Sailor Rainbow (Christina Ladd), and Sailor Sunshine (Sam Brady) this episode as they try to manage their lives as soldiers of justice while also working together to get Sailor Bear some action.
Outtro music by panerfan on youtube.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
New episodes of the Darkblades drop about every two weeks and feature a canonical story taking place in Drunkeros. Each week will feature Michael “Thrifty Nerd” DiMauro (@thriftynerd) as DM, at least one player from of the Drunks and Dragons podcast with an assortment of special guests.
This week we are joined by Nika Howard (@nika_howard), Cody (@codedude3), Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Fred Greenleaf (@IThinkImFred) and new guy Alex Cater (@happypuke)!
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
New episodes of the Darkblades drop about every two weeks and feature a canonical story taking place in Drunkeros. Each week will feature Michael “Thrifty Nerd” DiMauro (@thriftynerd) as DM, at least one player from of the Drunks and Dragons podcast with an assortment of special guests.
This week we are joined by Nika Howard (@nika_howard), Cody (@codedude3), Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Fred Greenleaf (@IThinkImFred) and Phillip Canada (@canada_phillip)!
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
New episodes of the Darkblades drop about every two weeks and feature a canonical story taking place in Drunkeros. Each week will feature Michael “Thrifty Nerd” DiMauro (@thriftynerd) as DM, at least one player from of the Drunks and Dragons podcast with an assortment of special guests.
This week we are joined by Nika Howard (@nika_howard), Cody (@codedude3), Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Fred Greenleaf (@IThinkImFred) and Phillip Canada (@canada_phillip)!
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
New episodes of the Darkblades drop about every two weeks and feature a canonical story taking place in Drunkeros. Each week will feature Michael “Thrifty Nerd” DiMauro (@thriftynerd) as DM, at least one player from of the Drunks and Dragons podcast with an assortment of special guests.
This week we are joined by Nika Howard (@nika_howard), Cody (@codedude3), Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Fred Greenleaf (@IThinkImFred) and Phillip Canada (@canada_phillip)!
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
New episodes of the Darkblades drop about every two weeks and feature a canonical story taking place in Drunkeros. Each week will feature Michael “Thrifty Nerd” DiMauro (@thriftynerd) as DM, at least one player from of the Drunks and Dragons podcast with an assortment of special guests.
This week we are joined by Tim Lanning (@timlanning), Cody (@codedude3), Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Fred Greenleaf (@IThinkImFred) and Phillip Canada (@canada_phillip)!
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Konnichiwa bishoujo Senshi! Welcome to the first episode of Geekly Inc Random Encounters: Sailor Moon! Join the gang as they navigate the tricky waters of high school, boys, and fighting back the forces of darkness while playing Guardians of Order’s Sailor Moon RPG.
Your Scouts are: Dave Rollins (@BlackMagicBind), Sam Brady (@creeptasticsam), Ivana Sarmiento (@Arcanevice) and Christina Ladd (@OLaddieGirl) led by your GM Steph Kingston (@StephOKingston)
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
New episodes of the Darkblades drop about every two weeks and feature a canonical story taking place in Drunkeros. Each week will feature Michael “Thrifty Nerd” DiMauro (@thriftynerd) as DM, at least one player from of the Drunks and Dragons podcast with an assortment of special guests.
This week we are joined by Tim Lanning (@timlanning), Cody (@codedude3), Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Fred Greenleaf (@IThinkImFred) and Phillip Canada (@canada_phillip)!
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Our intrepid heroes find themselves headed for the Grist Mill of DOOM. Thrill as they come up with plans to infiltrate both daring an fantastical. Marvel as they sneak, bluff, and battle their way to victory.
New episodes of the Darkblades drop about every two weeks and feature a canonical story taking place in Drunkeros. Each week will feature Michael “Thrifty Nerd” DiMauro (@thriftynerd) as DM, at least one player from of the Drunks and Dragons podcast with an assortment of special guests.
This week we are joined by Nika Howard (@nika_howard), Cody (@codedude3), Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Fred Greenleaf (@IThinkImFred) and Phillip Canada (@canada_phillip)!
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Another week, and another grand adventure with the incomparable Darkblades! Will our heroes be able to save Mastwick from imminent doom? Will the Demon Apocalypse worm its way into the heart of the city? Only time will tell.
New episodes of the Darkblades drop about every two weeks and feature a canonical story taking place in Drunkeros. Each week will feature Michael “Thrifty Nerd” DiMauro (@thriftynerd) as DM, at least one player from of the Drunks and Dragons podcast with an assortment of special guests.
This week we are joined by Nika Howard (@nika_howard), Cody (@codedude3), Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Fred Greenleaf (@IThinkImFred) and Phillip Canada (@canada_phillip)!
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Today begins a new era of Darkblades, as we say goodbye to some old friends and meet some new beautiful people.
This new series will publish every two weeks and feature a canonical story taking place in Drunkeros. Each week will feature Michael “Thrifty Nerd” DiMauro (@thriftynerd) as DM, at least one player from of the Drunks and Dragons podcast and an assortment of special guests.
This week we are joined by Nika Howard (@nika_howard), Cody (@codedude3), Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Fred Greenleaf (@IThinkImFred) and Phillip Canada (@canada_phillip)!
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
FINALLY! The exciting conclusion to our battle against Timamat! Will we prevail against a Goddess? Listen to find out.
This week we are joined by Nika Howard (@nika_howard), Sam (@creeptasticsam), Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Fred Greenleaf (@IThinkImFred), Phillip Canada (@canada_phillip), Dylan Ekren (@dekren), and Michael DiMauro (@thriftynerd) as they take on our DM for this session: Tim “Timamat” Lanning (@timlanning)!
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What if? What if we took a bunch of max level 5e characters and tried to take on the most powerful baddie DnD has to offer? That's right, we decided to see if we could take out Tiamat herself. It was truly an epic battle! So epic that we had to break it up into two parts.
This week we are joined by Nika Howard (@nika_howard), Sam (@creeptasticsam), Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Fred Greenleaf (@IThinkImFred), Phillip Canada (@canada_phillip), Dylan Ekren (@dekren), and Michael DiMauro (@thriftynerd) as they take on our DM for this session: Tim “Timamat” Lanning (@timlanning)!
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Today's tale is a story rich with “will they, or won't they” (turn Dragonclaw into a wererat), and mundane tasks like collecting a little carrion crawler mucus. Also, Sam (the human) maybe dies halfway through the episode?
This new series will publish every two weeks and feature a canonical story taking place in Drunkeros. Each week will feature Michael “Thrifty Nerd” DiMauro (@thriftynerd) as DM, at least one player from of the Drunks and Dragons podcast and an assortment of special guests.
This week we are joined by Nika Howard (@nika_howard), Sam (@creeptasticsam), Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Fred Greenleaf (@IThinkImFred) and Phillip Canada (@canada_phillip)!
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The Darkblades get to know Mastwick a little better, and visit a familiar tavern called The Foaming Tankard. Thrill at their first adventure in extortions!
This new series will publish every two weeks and feature a canonical story taking place in Drunkeros. Each week will feature Michael “Thrifty Nerd” DiMauro (@thriftynerd) as DM, at least one player from of the Drunks and Dragons podcast and an assortment of special guests.
This week we are joined by Nika Howard (@nika_howard), Sam (@creeptasticsam), Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Fred Greenleaf (@IThinkImFred) and Phillip Canada (@canada_phillip)!
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Believe it or not, the Darkblades have decided to return for another week. This time, they meet up with a new character. But will he be their undoing??
This new series will publish every two weeks and feature a canonical story taking place in Drunkeros. Each week will feature Michael “Thrifty Nerd” DiMauro (@thriftynerd) as DM, at least one player from of the Drunks and Dragons podcast and an assortment of special guests.
This week we are joined by Nika Howard (@nika_howard), Sam (@creeptasticsam), Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Fred Greenleaf (@IThinkImFred) and Phillip Canada (@canada_phillip)!
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Episode 3 of the Darkblades is here. After gaining their Darkblade sashes, our heroes venture back into the sewers of doom on their second mission. Will another character die horribly? Only time will tell.
This new series will publish every two weeks and feature a canonical story taking place in Drunkeros. Each week will feature Michael “Thrifty Nerd” DiMauro (@thriftynerd) as DM, at least one player from of the Drunks and Dragons podcast and an assortment of special guests.
This week we are joined by Nika Howard (@nika_howard), Sam (@creeptasticsam), Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Fred Greenleaf (@IThinkImFred) and Phillip Canada (@canada_phillip)!
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Random Encounters is back! Again! The Darkblades series is here, and we get to see if Thrifty manages to murder another character this week. Hold on to your butts.
This new series will publish every two weeks and feature a canonical story taking place in Drunkeros. Each week will feature Michael “Thrifty Nerd” DiMauro (@thriftynerd) as DM, at least one player from of the Drunks and Dragons podcast and an assortment of special guests.
This week we are joined by Nika Howard (@nika_howard), Sam (@creeptasticsam), Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Fred Greenleaf (@IThinkImFred) and Phillip Canada (@canada_phillip)!
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Random Encounters is back! Get in on the ground floor with Episode 1 of our Darkblades series, as we follow a young crew of Darkblades as they try to make their name in the Mastwick. Things have gotten extra dicey though, what with the constant demon attacks and all.
This new series will publish every two weeks and feature a canonical story taking place in Drunkeros. Each week will feature Michael “Thrifty Nerd” DiMauro (@thriftynerd) as DM, at least one player from of the Drunks and Dragons podcast and an assortment of special guests.
This week we are joined by Nika Howard (@nika_howard), Sam (@creeptasticsam), Matthew Morris (@matthewmmorris), Fred Greenleaf (@IThinkImFred) and Phillip Canada (@canada_phillip)!
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Hello dear listener, what do you say we take one last jaunt into the ‘verse? Will Molly Mosese' Frontier Jamboree have time to solve all the problems of this little back-water planet? You will just have to listen to find out.
Follow us on Twitter! Tim Lanning, Michael DiMauro with special guests Nika Howard and Sarah Tompkins!
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The stars of Molly Mosese' Frontier Jamboree may be in over their heads this time. They are not really cut out for actual violence and murder. Hopefully everything works out and the Mayor doesn't skin us alive. Listen as we attempt to finally do something good in the ‘Verse. Saving a town oughtta earn a one way ticket to heaven. That is all we want.
Follow us on Twitter! Tim Lanning, Michael DiMauro with special guests Nika Howard and Sarah Tompkins!
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When they said we would be going on a trip I did not think it would be like this! There are so many mysteries afoot in this sleepy little town, but if you ask me, Molly and the crew will sort things out! Let's just hope this zany mayor isn't grinding children into drug paste… and that Thad can bounce back after a stressful night.
Follow us on Twitter! Tim Lanning, Michael DiMauro with special guests Nika Howard and Sarah Tompkins!
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Hey there, space cadets! The gang finally jumps into the actually game of Fate in the Firefly ‘verse this week! After a small amount of fear and trepidation I think we all warmed up to both playing the game and using as many terrible Firefly phrases. We would also like to take this time to apologize to the entire country of China and the wonderful who speak its beautiful language.
Follow us on Twitter! Tim Lanning, Michael DiMauro with special guests Nika Howard and Sarah Tompkins!
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Hello space cadets! I know you want to hop into your star boat and jet into the galaxy and beyond. This is why we decided to play some gorram Firefly using the Fate system. Long story short, when we said “Let's add the Firefly tabletop game to Kickstarter!” we didn't realize that it was out of print and in some sort of legal purgatory. Fate seemed like a great way to learn a popular new system and play around in the Firefly universe.
This first episode is our standard less interesting, but necessary, overview of the Fate system. It is meant to give you a primer on all the neat things you can do.
Follow us on Twitter! Tim Lanning, Michael DiMauro with special guests Nika Howard and Sarah Tompkins!
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Join us for our final episode as we wrap up Shadowrun! Will we all turn on each other? Will we all die? Will we all turn on each other AND die? Listen and find out!
Follow us on Twitter! Tim Lanning, Mike Bachmann, Jennifer Cheek and Michael DiMauro. Guest GM @diceheroes!
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What a long strange trip it has been, huh gang. The beginning of the end. A climatic battle to finish off our Shadowrun campaign! This episode is full of danger, ghosts, explosions, hacking, puppies, bad rolling and more decapitations than you can shake a monofilament whip at! Standard stuff for our group of adventurers. Of course, this is not the final episode, so don't let your gaurde down! If you do, for just one moment, then everyone on the podcast will die! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
Follow us on Twitter! Tim Lanning, Mike Bachmann, Jennifer Cheek and Michael DiMauro. Guest GM @diceheroes!
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This is our most drug positive episode of Drunks and Dragons Random Encounters. Sometimes when you are in the shady underground you have to pass certain tests. In this particular underground we both had to do some murder and some various future drugs. It was weird. Shadowrun is still fun and different enough to scratch that roll-player itch underneath my reinforced armor.
Follow us on Twitter! Tim Lanning, Mike Bachmann, Jennifer Cheek and Michael DiMauro. Guest GM @diceheroes!
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The gang is a little frazzled after their plan to retrieve the first code did not go exactly according to their … well, plan. But a proper runner group cannot be slowed down by a little blood! No, not at all. Listen as we scheme and plot our way into figuring out the yet another plan to retrieve a special fancy code. This time it is being protected by the notorious gang leader, Razor (sp?). He runs a huge section of the slums and he is not someone you want to mess with. We, of course, will be messing with him in due time. What could go wrong?
Follow us on Twitter! Tim Lanning, Mike Bachmann, Jennifer Cheek and Michael DiMauro. Guest GM @diceheroes!
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Things go from bad to worse when, somehow, our plans don't go entirely according to our initial plans. But, we are smart and strong and a slight deviation is nothing to be worried about. We are runners, danger is a part of the job and frankly if we have to cut a person in half from time to time, well that is why we make the big bucks.
Follow us on Twitter! Tim Lanning, Mike Bachmann, Jennifer Cheek and Michael DiMauro. Guest GM @diceheroes!
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Shadowrun is cool, and you know what, we like it! We get right down to completing our mission by trying to track down our mark. Occasionally we bend the rules or gloss over a mechanic so that we can move through the episode at a more effecient and entertaining pace, but most people will not even notice. We hope you like much more active episode!
Follow us on Twitter! Tim Lanning, Mike Bachmann, Jennifer Cheek and Michael DiMauro. Guest GM @diceheroes!
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In this installment of our playthrough of Shadowrun I think we start to get a grasp of how to actually play and what makes each of our characters tick. It is still a little shaky here and there since there are so many dang rules, but Tondi does a fine job letting us feel our way through the whole experience. The crux of this episode centers around which of the targets we want to go after. Now, we are not ones to rush into a dangerous situation blindly, no siree bob, so we had to have all the top info our hacking/ social skills could get us. It was a fun change of pace.
Follow us on Twitter! Tim Lanning, Mike Bachmann, Jennifer Cheek and Michael DiMauro. Guest GM @diceheroes!
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We hop right into Shadowrun this week on Random Encounters. Having spent hours creating our characters we were both excited and nervous about our first interactions in the Sixth World. Some of us chose to min/ max our characters, some decided to focus on a theme while others rolled a dice to figure out who they were going to be 10 minutes before the show. Get ready for another batch of lovable misfits in your podcast hearts!
Follow us on Twitter! Tim Lanning, Mike Bachmann, Jennifer Cheek and Michael DiMauro. Guest GM @diceheroes!
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Onward and forward is what the great elves of Detroit say. Onward and forward we, your humble hosts, continue our dive into learning the ins and outs of Shadowrun. In this episode we get into character building. This should be the last “How the heck do we play this game” episode and then we can start our cyberpunk adventure. This should be the greatest Random Encounters ever.
Here is the video of the dang episode!
Follow us on Twitter! Tim Lanning, Mike Bachmann, Jennifer Cheek and Michael DiMauro.
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I hope you are both sitting and in possession of 77 d6 because we have finally started Shadowrun! Y'all, Shadowrun is confusing so we had to bring in an expert. Please extend your loving appreciation to Tondi (@diceheroes) for agreeing to join us on this dystopian adventure! In this, the first episode, we take some time out to learn about the world of Shadowrun. We knew that several of you wonderful listeners would be just as ignorant of Shadowrun as we were so we decided to make the first 2 episodes focused on learning about the game. Less insane adventures but more insane knowledge! You can share these episodes with your children as you teach them how to Shadowrun.
We are extremely excited to get into the actual gameplay since it seems completely foreign to Dungeons and Dragons. Thank you so much for Kickstarting both our campaign last year and our hearts. We love you!
Follow us on Twitter! Tim Lanning, Mike Bachmann, Jennifer Cheek and Michael DiMauro.
Watch the video below!
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Praise be to Mielikki! A brand new Drunks and Dragons Random Encounters!!! Things are a little different for this Random Encounter in that we are encountering READING! We have always said that our DnD podcasts are funded by the government for the purpose of promoting education and how it can be “both fun and enjoyable for today's children and tomorrow's soldiers” and we are excited to add reading comprehension to the mix. Please join us on our journey through “The Companions” the first book in The Sundering series of novels.
In this our first episode we do a few special things. 1) we discuss our general knowledge of reading in the D&D world. 2) we give a brief no spoiler review of “The Companions”. 3) Tim tells attempts to fill in the backstory of Drizzt and his pals. 4) Go through what actually happens in “The Companions.” Our goal was to let folks who do not want to be spoiled get a general sense of the world so that they can make a choice on their own whether they want to read or not. Future episodes will be much more straight forward.
We are having a contest to win your very own copy of “The Companions” in beautiful hardcover glory. Head on over here to get the rules on how to win.
Here is our live episode discussing “The Companions.”
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Is this our final jaunt on Planet 16? Only time will tell, but this episode brings more death and destruction to the desert planet.
You can find more information on Durance at –
Your hosts: Tim Lanning, Jennifer Cheek, Mike Bachmann and Michael DiMauro. With special guest Sarah Tompkins.
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Mike Bachmann finally joins the Durance party we have been having on Planet 16 for the last few weeks. Jennifer and Thrifty make new characters, and Mitty cries a lot and makes people drink terrible tea. Enjoy!
You can find more information on Durance at –
Your hosts: Tim Lanning, Jennifer Cheek, Mike Bachmann and Michael DiMauro. With special guest Sarah Tompkins.
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We are back on Planet 16 for another epic round of Durance. This week things get ratcheted up to a new level, and not everyone makes it out alive. Tune in for this power struggle that will change the colony of Glaugh forever.
You can find more information on Durance at –
Your hosts: Tim Lanning, Jennifer Cheek and Michael DiMauro. With special guest Sarah Tompkins.
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Welcome to Glough on Planet 16. The gang takes our first delve into the world we created during our first Durance play session. This week we have vase-breaking and face-spitting and all sorts of other interesting thing as we dig deeper into our characters. So grab a flask of reconstituted enzyme water, and kick back for this week's Random Encounter.
You can find more information on Durance at –
Your hosts: Tim Lanning, Jennifer Cheek and Michael DiMauro. With special guest Sarah Tompkins.
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As we are preparing for the next phase of our Random Encounters based world domination we decided to check out the game Durance. From the makers of Fiasco, Durance tasks the players to make tough choices and create a harsh prison planet for your harsh prison colony to exist on. You have to choose whether you want to have a geologically stable planet with breathable air and no aliens vs being able to grow crops on a cool day and maybe have a glass of non-poison water. It is a difficult process. Listen as we learn how to play and how to survive in this first episode of Durance!
You can find more information on Durance at –
Your hosts: Tim Lanning, Jennifer Cheek and Michael DiMauro. With special guest Sarah Tompkins.
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We continue our spoooooooooky adventure through this old house and make some pretty strong decisions on where our characters will go. This one is pretty weird, which is saying something for a game of Fiasco! Please only listen to this episode while you are: carving a pumpkin, trick-or-treating, stuffing straw or leaves into old clothes to make a scarecrow creature or applying stage makeup to make yourself look like a ghoul. Thank you.
Want to add Fiasco to your gaming group? Follow this link!
Your hosts: Tim Lanning, Mike Bachmann, Jennifer Cheek and Michael DiMauro. With special guest Sarah Tompkins.
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As we are busy putting our ducks in a row for the future campaigns, we decided since we have had so much fun with Fiasco that we should go ahead and do another one! We chose the “Back to the Old House” which is the spooky old mansion setting which you can find here. We did some of the planning behind the scenes, but we left a little in so that you wouldn't be totally lost. Let us know what you think!
Want to add Fiasco to your gaming group? Follow this link!
Your hosts: Tim Lanning, Mike Bachmann, Jennifer Cheek and Michael DiMauro. With special guest Sarah Tompkins.
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Lean in close to your walkman for the thrilling conclusion of Dacota Maddock's (@TNF1004) one shot campaign – OF MONSTERS! Do we find what we seek? How many gallons of choco fuel are supped upon? Will love finally bloom on this horrid battlefield? Listen to find out.
Be sure to leave a review on itunes if you haven't since it makes us happy.
Your hosts: Tim Lanning, Mike Bachmann, Jennifer Cheek and Michael DiMauro. Don’t forget to check out our main podcast at
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How is it possible to have two episodes for a one-shot campaign you ask? It would take a scientist to explain, and I am just a simple podcast-man, so please trust me when I tell you that this is part 1 of a 2 part campaign that we are referring to as a one-shot. Semantics aside, please join us and special guest Dacota Maddock (@TNF1004) as we play a group on hairy monsters on a quest to find the one ring!
Your hosts: Tim Lanning, Mike Bachmann, Jennifer Cheek and Michael DiMauro. Don’t forget to check out our main podcast at
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You think that last episode took some weird turns? Just wait until you sink your teeth into this week's chocolatey adventure. Will the cultists raise the Deep God? Will Violet lose her virginity? All of your questions are about to be answered.
Want to add Fiasco to your gaming group? Follow this link!
Your hosts: Tim Lanning, Mike Bachmann, Jennifer Cheek and Michael DiMauro. With special guest Sarah Tompkins.
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Hello beautiful lovelies. We decided that since we had so much fun with Fiasco! last time we played it that we just go ahead and play again. So grab yourself a mug of whiskey and sit back as we take you through a tale set on an expensive ocean ship around the year 1912. It was a titanic amount of fun to play so I hope that you will also enjoy listening.
In a hurry? For the first 45 minutes of the podcast we are setting up the game, so if you would like to skip over that part and go directly to the game, then be our guest.
Want to add Fiasco to your gaming group? Follow this link!
Your hosts: Tim Lanning, Mike Bachmann, Jennifer Cheek and Michael DiMauro. With special guest Sarah Tompkins.
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Eric Feay and the gang continue their game of: Fiasco: A Game of Powerful Ambition & Poor Impulse Control. This is the part of the game that “gets a little crazy” we were told. So we did that. We got really crazy. Don't want to spoil anything here, but there is lots of murder. We hope you like it.
Want to add Fiasco to your gaming group? Follow this link!
Your hosts: Tim Lanning, Mike Bachmann, Jennifer Cheek and Michael DiMauro. Don’t forget to check out our main podcast at
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We were lucky enough to be joined by Eric Feay to play a session of Fiasco: A Game of Powerful Ambition & Poor Impulse Control. Essentially, it is a like playing through a Coen Brothers movie, including all the insanity and murder. This first episode includes a bit rules learning as well as actually playing! This game was a blast!
Want to add Fiasco to your gaming group? Follow this link!
Your hosts: Tim Lanning, Mike Bachmann, Jennifer Cheek and Michael DiMauro. Don’t forget to check out our main podcast at
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Join us as we discuss our thoughts on Gamma World, and what it was like to play this short story arc.
Thank you so very much for all your support for both of our Drunks and Dragons shows! You are very nice and very beautiful. Please remember to leave a 5 star review on itunes so that our parents will love us again.
Your hosts: Tim Lanning, Mike Bachmann, Jennifer Cheek and Michael DiMauro. Don’t forget to check out our main podcast at
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We sure have come a long way and grown as adults.But our trials and tribulations are not ended, no, we are now in the final moments of our crusade. As we all know, it is always darkest before dawn.
Thank you so very much for all your support for both of our Drunks and Dragons shows! You are very nice and very beautiful. Please remember to leave a 5 star review on itunes so that we can go to prom with the cool kids.
Your hosts: Tim Lanning, Mike Bachmann, Jennifer Cheek and Michael DiMauro. Don’t forget to check out our main podcast at
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This week, our heroes need to get back to Sunnydale with their shiny new generators intact. Have they seen the last of the Hoops? Listen to find out.
Sorry for the delay in release, but everyone's schedule has settled down, and we should be very regular from here on out.
Your hosts: Tim Lanning, Mike Bachmann, Jennifer Cheek and Michael DiMauro. Don’t forget to check out our main podcast at
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Our stalwart heroes (and Dr. Thunderhead) continue their epic battle with the Hoops in what is clearly a Home Depot parking lot. Will they survive? You will have to listen to find out. Man, it is going to be tough to roll up new characters with only three episode left.
Your hosts: Tim Lanning, Mike Bachmann, Jennifer Cheek and Michael DiMauro. Don’t forget to check out our main podcast at
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As your stalwart heroes enter the Storage Bay 152 they are greeted most rudely by a gang of Hoops. No worries, friends, because we are prepared to face any challenges that face us! We quickly rallied our wits and put on our “rabbit killin' face.” Make sure you turn the audio way up and listen to our wonderful episode 8!
Your hosts: Tim Lanning, Mike Bachmann, Jennifer Cheek and Michael DiMauro. Don’t forget to check out our main podcast at
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Be sure to have several candles lit for this episode of Drunks and Dragons Random Encounters! We venture forth into the great unknown tunnels on our way to acquire the object of our quest – the replacement generator. While we battled something must have gotten into Lizel's craw because she went on a destructive spree of vengeance! It was wonderful to see.
Thank you so very much for all your support for both of our Drunks and Dragons shows! You are very nice and very beautiful. Please remember to leave a 5 star review on itunes so that we can go to prom with the cool kids.
Your hosts: Tim Lanning, Mike Bachmann, Jennifer Cheek and Michael DiMauro. Don’t forget to check out our main podcast at
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Things get real random on this week's episode of Drunks and Dragons. Without spoiling the surprise let us just say that we make a new friend along the road through the wastes. Maybe this friend can help us with a certain problem. Maybe, this friend has a way into the generator storeroom. Maybe he used to live there. But I am not telling
Thank you so very much for all your support for both of our Drunks and Dragons shows! You are very nice and very beautiful. Please remember to leave a 5 star review on itunes so that we can go to prom with the cool kids.
Also, do you want to hang with the drunks in videogame form? Well hop on over to Dragon Shard on the free-to-play MMO Neverwinter and seek out the Drunks and Dragons guild. You will make so many friends.
Your hosts: Tim Lanning, Mike Bachmann, Jennifer Cheek and Michael DiMauro. Don’t forget to check out our main podcast at
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As the dust settled Dr. Thunderhead surveyed the battlefield. “Ho ho, we are in pain!” yelled Dr. Thunderhead. Lizel focuses her inner fire and lines up an attack on the visceous porkers – “DAMN!” Lizel missed again… George seeing the despiration on his friends face turned and said “Nick Bristow, wanna show these swine who is the boss?!” You know Nick Bristow agreed. He always agreed with showing swine who is the “boss.”
Thank you so very much for all your support for both of our Drunks and Dragons shows! You are very nice and very beautiful. Please remember to leave a 5 star review on itunes so that we can cash our EBT checks.
Also, do you want to hang with the drunks in videogame form? Well hop on over to Dragon Shard on the free-to-play MMO Neverwinter and seek out the Drunks and Dragons guild. You will make so many friends.
Your hosts: Tim Lanning, Mike Bachmann, Jennifer Cheek and Michael DiMauro. Don’t forget to check out our main podcast at
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On this week's episode of Random Encounters we are once again joined by Nick Bristow! The adventure in gamma world takes off this episode as we are finally tasked with an important mission for Sunny Dale. Your heroes are tasked with retrieving a special item but must first travel through a very dangerous highway. Suffice it to say, things get dicey pretty quickly.
Thank you for your added support for this feed! It means a whole heck of a lot to hear/ see your nice words. Also, if you want to hang out with the cast members of this show and you play the Dungeons and Dragons MMO, Neverwinter, we have just started a guild on Dragon Shard! So hop online and let's get stabby!
Your hosts: Tim Lanning, Mike Bachmann, Jennifer Cheek and Michael DiMauro. Don’t forget to check out our main podcast at
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Welcome to another one of our “fast and loose” Gamma World special episodes. This week has a bit of magic and wonder, but I do not want to spoil the surprise. If you pay close attention this week you may hear a familiar voice… or maybe not. Also, we are still trying to get a handle on how the rules work and how to play without an awesome character builder holding our hands. It is a lot of fun.
Your hosts: Tim Lanning, Mike Bachmann, Steven Strom, Jennifer Cheek and Michael DiMauro. Don’t forget to check out our main podcast at
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In this momentous epsiode we get down to actually playing Gamma World! With our new shiny characters we ventured in this new irrated world. We were immediatly met with danger and a battle. Plus, Gamma World is a little confusing so we had to learn what was happening. But I think we can all agree that that is the fun!
Be sure to let you DnD fans know that we now have two excited podcast feeds for your pleasure!
Your hosts: Tim Lanning, Mike Bachmann, Steven Strom, Jennifer Cheek and Michael DiMauro. Don’t forget to check out our main podcast at
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The Big Mistake was 150 years ago. The world has been ravaged by a swirling mix of timelines like a soup that has been mixed with 3 other soups. Small pockets of civilization stand out against the darkness of the blighted landscape. Mutated adventurers roam the broken earth looking for treasure and basic supplies just to survive. The world is Gamma Terra, the Gamma World. Join us as we run through creating our first set of characters in this strange new world.
Be sure to subscribe to this new fantastical feed to follow our adventures through our new different roleplaying lives. You will hear us all do bad accents and live in the skin of strange new heroes. It will be great! Tell your friends and your dentist!
Your hosts: Tim Lanning, Mike Bachmann, Steven Strom, Jennifer Cheek and Michael DiMauro. Don’t forget to check out our main podcast at
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We start off our new podcast with a bang: we are playing Drinking Quest! (this is part one of a two part series)
We are celebrating our successful kickstarter for these two episodes, and it gets a little sloppy, especially in part 2. If you are a new listener, you might want to start with episode 3 of this podcast where we play Gamma World (and then circle back around when the idea of your lovely hosts getting blitzed is funny all by itself).
Your hosts: Tim Lanning, Mike Bachmann, Steven Strom, Jennifer Cheek and Michael DiMauro. Don't forget to check out our main podcast at
Check out the Drinking Quest website
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.