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Hey, everyone! I'm Jag Talon, and you're listening to Friends Talk Frontend—a podcast where we talk to amazing people about their habits, how they got to where they are now, and what their day-to-day life is like.
Today I interview Rachel Nabors who, as you might know, is really big in the web animation world. She's written a book called Animation at Work, and she's also published two online courses on her website: One is Web Animation Essentials and the other is Practical Cartooning for Technical Folk.
There is a bunch of echo in this recording, and I apologize for that. But if you're into web animations, comic books, and J-Pop, you won't regret sticking around.
I really enjoyed having Rachel as a guest in this show, and was super grateful for me to be a guest in her home as well. Aside from getting a sneak peek into her life in Seattle, I enjoyed listening to her because the breadth of knowledge that she has in tech is incredible.
I also admire that she's someone who's successfully jumped from one career to another which really shows how much work she puts in in everything that she does.