Newcomers Drew Powers, Clay Hetrick, and Isaac Scroggins RPG it up with veterans Eric Vargo Jr. and Chris Wright in a new Dungeons and Dragons actual play podcast! Come on in and listen in to the dealings of their new characters in a world specifically created for them by Eric, the god of this particular universe. Have fun, and stay tuned for more Free Four All.
You can tweet the show using #f4acast, and follow us @f4acast
You can also follow the crew:
Eric Vargo Jr. (@ericvargojr)
Drew Powers (@drwpwrs)
Chris Wright (@chrisxwright)
Isaac Scroggins (@isaacscroggins)
Clay Hetrick (@clay_hetrick)
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Free Four All is a proud member of the PolarCap Network. Find all of our shows at, and follow us @polarcapstudios
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