In this episode we are at PAXU! in Philly! Along with my friends Andrew Smith from The Family Gamers, Chris Whitpan from Game All Nite, and Bruce Voge from The Party GameCast, North Star Games, as well as On Board Games. The Gamefication Wheel makes an appearance, the Rethemeification Wheel shows up! Audience participation! Prizes! And we chat about Betrayl at the House on the Hill rethemed with Evolution!
Also HUGE THANKS to Tiki Tiki Games, Top Shelf Fun! and Game Up! I’m so sorry about the poor audio quality on this episode, but there are more surprises in store! Have a listen and then go check out this plethora of links.
What do you get when you have 3 guys who love blow stuff up, but also love saving the world? Well, you give them access to an orbital base full of stuff and teleport heavy weaponry to them whenever they want it of course! This episode I meet up with my pal Jesse Olejnicak and we talk about this somewhat forgotten gem from the 80’s. How it could be made into a game, and then of course Jesse dons his Centurion helmet and takes on GAME TIME!
And of course, stay tuned for episode 100! Coming in just three short weeks! I guarantee its going to be a fun one! POWER XTREME!
Frankly I don’t know what these guys have against proper spelling. There is an ‘E’ at the beginning of ‘Extreme’. Kids look up to you. At least teach proper spelling while you’re blowing things up.
Episode 100 – Pick Your Path Podcast! (POST IS BEING WORKED ON)
Aug 20, 2022
EPISODE 100! For this episode I knew that I had to pull out all the stops! So I decided to take on a project like no other! I created a Pick Your Path Podcast! I gathered up podfolks, game industry folks, and gamers from all around the world, put together the story, and the guests helped put this one over the top! This episode is not intended to be listened to from end to end, you will listen to the beginning, and then use your pod-device to jump/scrub to various points in the podcast. Help me with my Quest for the True Heart of BoardGameLand! So, grab this META MEGA EPISODE, and have fun with it! I hope you enjoy! And Thank You to the guests, the listeners, and the Patrons of the show who all make this show very possible!
The Story Begins!
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Get ready to get all smurfed up! In this smurfin’ episode I talk to one of my favorite smurfing smurf enthusi-smurfs the one and only Bruce Voge! We talk smurfs, how they are timeless, yet dated in some respects. Gargamel, Azreal We talk about the Smurf Spin-A-Round game (both old and new versions). And of course Game Time! Where Bruce proves if he knows smurf about smurf! Can he smurf to the challenge and win a smurf-abulous prize for a lucky listener? And most definitely go check out Bruces new Youtube channel – Board Game the Game Show. I guaran-smurfin’-tee you will have a good time. And subscribe! Hit the subscribe button! Its free!
In this episode I bump into my good friend and someone a lot of people consider to be the “6th Lion” (in a squishy podcaster body) Eric Summerer! We talk about Voltron! Defender of the Universe! The Board Game! So much to chat about! The toys, the cartoons, the history, and of course how many tons of kitty food you would have to feed Voltron to keep him happy. Eric then enters the Game Time Pit! Draws a name of a lucky listener and attempts to win them a fabulous prize! Does he prevail? Listen and find out! And whilst you are in a listening mood, check out Erics new Audiobook he has out. I know I’m going to! You can find it wherever books and audiobooks are sold.
Teen Wolf the cartoon series! All the way from 1985! (Actually 87 I think, but who is checking timelines really) I think Micheal J. Fox had some other movie or something that had to do with 1985, but we all know that this was the movie/cartoon show that launched his career into the future, and beyond! This episode I meet up with my friend Brendan Riley, and we chat all things Teen Wolf. The movie, the cartoon show, and how it could be brought to the board game realm. There is talk of Play-Doh, He Man action figures, and more! And of course, Game Time! Brendan digs a name out of the cereal box and battles for a fabulous prize for a lucky listener! Will it be you? You never know!
And make sure to head on over and check out Brendans Pick up and Deliver podcast. You ever want to take a stroll with a gamer friend and just have a one sided conversation about games? Well, Brendan is going to bring that dream alive!
In this episode John Kaelin from the Arcade Castle and I talk about BraveStarr! A cartoon that fell off of my radar initially, but thanks to living in the future its easy to jump right into New Texas and see some crazy adventures! We talk about Cyber Horses, Judges with crazy outer space gavels, and of course the baddest (take that word in any connotation you wish) space marshal around BraveStarr! We also discuss how BraveStarr could be brought to the modern gaming world and of course, GAME TIME! Will John win a fabulous prize for a lucky listener? Listen and find out! And of course go check out the Arcade Castle. Here is a handy dandy link to their listings on BGG.
Duck Tales! One of the most adventurous, unique, and magical series ever to hit Saturday morning! Join Plumpy Thimble and me as we chat about Ducks, which one is the best character, does it hold up, what modern board games would compare to Duck Tales and of course GAME TIME! Where Daniel goes to bat for a lucky listener! We tackle the hard questions such as, How rich is that duck exactly? Where are Huey, Duey and Louie’s parents? How is GizmoDuck so cool? This and much more in this episode! Enjoy!
In this episode I chat with Jason Tagmire from Button Shy games! We chat about what gaming is going on in the Tagmire household during the Pandemic, Button Shy games and what their formula is, the rise of Print and Play, AND the time I got the chance to snag a copy of Alien Memory from one of the most up and coming young game designers Leon Tagmire! And don’t forget GAME TIME! Jason knows how much each wallet game he produces weighs, but does he know the weight? I pit his brain against the BGG hivemind and see if he can tell me the weight of some of his top games!
Turnips! Who would of known they would become a beloved video game food? This episode I chat the the husband and wife dynamic duo Ryan Metzler and Andrea Dexter about the latest craze, Animal Crossing New Horizons! This game is the game that tipped the scales to get me to buy a Switch AND a Switch Lite. Also the game that made me into a hardcore florist! We chat about what we love about this game (a lot), what we don’t like about this game (not too much), AND they go to bat in Game Time and try to win a fabulous prize for a lucky listener! *Hat tip to Scott Nicholson who (in my heart) designed the first game about TurnipMania. Enjoy!
Hey! One of the freshest smelling podcasts out there! Recorded today! In this episode I chat about Play by Mail games! What are they? Where do they come from? How much is a stamp? WHAT is a stamp grandpa? And pssssttt… there might be a contest hidden in there as well! Come and check it out!
In this episode I bump into my good friend… ME! Yes everything is in lockdown, pretty much everywhere including in BoardGameLand. So, I take this opportunity to truly explore some solo games. I’ll tell you about my top 3 solo games that are lurking in my collection (and maybe yours too!). And I’ll share some of my favorite responses from the Contest that I posted on all of the social medias. Plus a winner! Somebody will be walking away with one of the games I discussed on the show today. It could be you! Enjoy!
In this episode I bump into my friend Aaron Uglum, creator of the LABS comic strip! We chat about LABS itself, the characters, and what Aaron would expect if it became a game! The key is “keep it simple”, robots aren’t all that smart… Aaron then participates in another GAME TIME and tries to win a fabulous prize for another lucky listener! And go check out Aaron’s website, it’ll make you smile!
Episode 87 – Honey Bunches O Unpainted Minis
Feb 09, 2020
Its a star studded mega-episode! This week, I bump into my good friend Moderator Chris and we chat about a few of our “Unpainted Minis”. “Whats an unpainted mini?” you might ask? Well, its projects that we are working on, things that are brewing in the back of our heads, and hopefully one day get pulled together into a finished game! AND! I team up with the cast from the Party Game Cast and we sit down to try Chicken and Waffles Breakfast cereal! You’ll have to listen to the episode to hear how it all went down! You can find Chris’s latest “Finished Mini” project known as Roll Estate, a fun roll and write love letter to the classics here…
And of course you can’t forget the Party Game Cast! Home of Ripley, the Party Game Cat! You can check out their stuff here…
In this episode we start in one of the stinkiest places in BoardGameLand, in the TRASH COMPACTOR!!! Amongst the punchboards, broken meeples, and discarded score sheets I bump into my friend Doug Weed from the Gamers Closet! We talk about the newly re-released Kenner board game Escape from Death Star! Where you get not one, but two pawns! You start out in the trash compactor and you have to work your way to the rebel base. Stormtroopers! Death Star Plans! Tie Fighters! Spinners! What more could you ask for? Oh yeah! Game Time as well! Will Doug win a fabulous prize for a winner? Listen and find out! You can also find Doug’s Youtube channel right here… The game we played on BGG here…
Pole Position! If you had an Atari 2600, you most likely played hours and hours of this fine game. Then it was a Board Game! Then it was a Saturday Morning Cartoon! Then a zillion years later, it was a podcast episode! I bump into my friend Scott King. Author, Photographer, Calendar Publisher, and all around rad dude. We chat about Pole Position the board game, Star Wars Q-Tips, a bit about Pokemon, and Scott goes to bat in Game Time! Ready, set, listen!
In this episode, its the RETURN OF THE WHEELS! I meet up deep underwater with my friend Daniel Newman! We talk about Aqua-Sphere, Escape Rooms, and how we would go about designing an Aqua Sphere themed escape room! Octopods! Locks! Puzzles! and of course we can’t forget Game Time where Daniel takes the challenge on for one lucky listener. And definitely head on over to BGG to take a look Daniels profile and all of the great games that he has made. Enjoy!
In this episode I bump into my old friend Nick Martinelli from the Family Gamers podcast! Nick is like me and a lover of all things Transformers! And gaming! We talk about Transformers, our favorites, our least favorites, Transformer games, and what kind of Transformer games we wish we could see. Then Nick goes into battle in a TF themed Game Time! Will he defeat the Decepticon Trivia squashing foes to win something for a lucky listener?
In this episode, I’m hanging out in the BoardGameLand fish market (where all the great fish-based games come from) and I bump into my pal Stephen Duetzmann from Engaged Family Gaming! We chat about Sushi Go, Sushi Roll, and a bunch of other games that have been remixed into other versions of themselves. And of course, GAME TIME! Check it out and see if you are the lucky listener to get your name pulled from the cereal box! Make sure to check out Stephen’s site over at And follow him at the tweets place @efgaming Games we chat about..
In this episode I bump into my friend Carla Kopp from Weird Giraffe Games! We chat about Giraffes (even the weird ones), Libraries, and Fires in Libraries. We also chat about what other games they have cooking up, and we can’t forget GAME TIME! Will Carla win a fabulous prize for a lucky listener? Will it be you? Well, listen and find out!
And make sure to head on over to the Weird Giraffe Games website and check out all the great games they have going on over there.
What is one of your favorite things to do on Saturday Morning? Well? Listen to two idiots taking questions about games, and game conventions in the car! That’s what! In this episode Flip and Moderator Chris are on their way to ReUnity Games in Danvers MA. They are playing Cow Tiger Santa Claus by ButtonShy Games, and they talk about everything from game mashups to who is the best Doctor Who companion. Enjoy! You should also go check out Chris’s new game Roll Estate as well! Its a ton of fun! And I couldn’t be more proud to see this project come to fruition. Check it out.
Episode 78 – Passion Fruit Orange and Guava
Sep 21, 2019
In this episode, I bump into my Inverse Genius friend, Donald Dennis! We chat about one of the hottest games of the 90’s, POGS! I know, I know, Pogs are the butt of almost every gaming joke around. But, they do have an intriguing history and Donald and I chat about it for a bit.
And do you like food? Do you like Unicorns? Do you like Play Doh? Do you like people named Chris Whitpan? Then do we have a segment for you! Its our inaugural segment of “Cerealiously Cereal Serial” where we try some of the kookiest breakfast cereals and chat about them.
In this episode I chat with my pal Donnie Chase about the original PocketModel game Pirates of the Spanish Main! The great little game from WizKids! You know, the company that was WizKids before it was WizKids? Anyhoo… This game has it all Ships! Treasure! Monsters! Pirates! Islands! and Ramming Speed! We also tax Donnies Pirate game knowledge with Game TIme! Does he win a fabulous trove of treasure for a lucky listener? Tune in and find out Matey! And here linky links to all of the games we chatted about on todays program. Potato Pirates! The REAL Pirates of the Caribbean game… Technically Pirates of the Caribbean Yahtzee And Donnies ongoing project Serafima! And of course Pirates of the Spanish Main!
In this episode I bump into Elizabeth Hargrave, creator of Wingspan, Tussie Mussie and recent Kennerspiel winner! We chat about making games with birds, making games with flowers, the whole Kennerspiel winning experience and then we tax Elizabeth’s brain to the max with Game Time! Tell your friends! Tell your enemies! In the end, they’re going to learn about some great games! So its all good! And here are some linky-links to all of the games we chat about on the show today.
In this episode I run into the man responsible for bringing Cosmic Encounters to BoardGameLand. The man who you can find hiding behind a Dune every now and then. Hanging out on the Borderlands, and if you need him to Decipher something he is more than happy to… Who is it? Well its my pal Peter Olotka! We chat about his games, (all the ones mentioned above) and a few others. Then Mr. Olotka goes to bat for a lucky listener! Could it be you? Listen and find out! And make sure to check out ALL of the links below, its all GREAT stuff! Peters BGG profile The Issac Asimovs Robots video. SOOOOOOO GOOD! Cosmic Encounter dot com! So much more than just Cosmic Encounter. The BGG page for the Enterprise Encounter The BGG page for Issac Asimovs Robots, the second best VHS SciFi game out there.
Episode 74 – CUBES CUBES and more CUBES
Aug 03, 2019
In this episode we meet our pal Jeff Boltz from Punk Vest games and chat about a great little, and timeless Cheapass Game called Cube Farm. And just because the CUBE gods like to align stuff, Top Shelf Fun has been teasing all week from Gen Con about the “CUBE Take an Action Figure” all week!
We also chat a bit about Jeff’s upcoming game about constructing lei’s (soon to be coming from Card Lords, check it out Gen Con). And Jeff attempts to win a fabulous prize for a lucky listener!
In this episode we revisit some good friends in BoardGameLand! Based on listener requests, its a rebroadcast of a bunch of our Gamestormin’ with Kids segments. We chat with Evan, Dustin, Trixie, and Nova (along with their parent-folks) and possible games based on their titles alone. Its an absolute blast! If its your first time hearing these segments then, enjoy! And if you have heard them before, then enjoy them again!
Episode 72 – FLGS The L stands for LOVE
Jul 20, 2019
Your Friendly Local Game Store, hopefully you have one, and even if its not so local, I hope you have one that is within a bit of drive. In this episode I chat with my good friend Brenden, owner of Crossroad Games in Standish Maine (my FLGS). I have been a huge fan of this store for many years, and Brenden is just one cool, smart dude to chat with about Games, Game stores, and what makes our hobby so special. Its a good listen. WARNING: the audio in this episode is a tad rough. Not unlisten-able, but I did record in an ACTUAL game store, where actual games were being played. It played all kinds of havoc on the audio quality. On the bright side, I learned a lot about audio issues, editing, and how to do it much better next time. Plus, GAME TIME! You just might win this week! Tune in to find out.
In this episode we chat with our good friends Sarah and Will Reed! Sarah is one of the super rad hosts on the Our Turn! podcast. And Will, well he is a bit of lego nut, and does a bit of blogging and podcasting as well. We chat about a game that has off the hook box control, deep genetics in lego games, and add a bit of customization to boot and you have yourself one fun, dice chucking game! And guess what? We have GAME TIME once again! Will Sarah and Will win something for a lucky listener? I don’t know. Its all in the DICE! And make sure to go check out Sarahs podcast Our Turn! Its just a good listen. Enjoy!
Its the power of combining the Force and Thimbles! I mean, does it get any cooler than that? I don’t think so. On this episode I chat with my pal Daniel Robison (also known as Plumpy Thimble). We chat about Star Wars Risk. A nice little 2 player game that recreates the battle for Endor in Return of the Jedi. Cards! Tiny Ships! A Death Star! ITS A TRAP! So much to love. Also witness Daniel taking GAME TIME head on to try to win a “Surprise Inside” for a lucky listener! Could it be you? [powerpress} And you can find all the cool media Daniel is putting out at… Facebook! BGG! and most importantly YouTube!
Once in a while a game comes out with components that are so cool, so clever, that it becomes almost an insta-buy. Well, this game this week falls into that category. Just imagine a cool little meeple, then you get to actually EQUIP it with stuff! Yeah! I know! I bump into my pal Chris Yi from Meeple Overboard, and we chat about Tiny Epic Quest, and Chris goes to bat for a lucky Instagram listener! Does he get the “surprise inside” for our listener? I don’t know! You’ll have to listen to find out. And you can find all the cool things Chris and Wendy are doing over at Meeple Overboard at Or on the Youtubes!
GoBots! Mighty Robots! Might Vehicles! They Go! They’re Bots! Thats pretty much it! But alas, they had a board game, and Chris Whitpan from Game all Nite! visits me in BoardGameLand to chat about this “game”. Spoilers, its about as much game as a GoBot was the coolest toy on playground. But hey! Chris goes to bat for a lucky listener! Does he win a fabulous prize inside for them? Well, you’ll have to listen to find out!
Flipsters! Roll ou…. I mean GoBot… out! Just listen will you? Enjoy!
In this episode I get to hang like a spider monkey with my good friends Jim and Adrienne Jones from the Great Big Table podcast! Even though their podcast comes at you like an unexpected, sporadic awesome present, they are quite active in the gaming community. We chat about one of our favorite Haba series, the Rhino Hero series! And never fear true listeners, Jim and Adrienne put their rhino knowledge to the test for one (possibly lucky) listener! Will they succeed? Who knows? You gotta listen! You can find the Jones all over the interwebs. For example on the Twitter Adrienne is @babytoolkit and Jim is @greatbigtable And if you want to see their Extra Life exploits head here —-> And finally, do yourself a favor and check out their podcast website here —->
Mama Mia! This is not your normal Monopoly game! In this episode I bump into the resident Monopoly defender in BoardGameLand Moderator Chris! We sit down in a local pizzeria and chat about Monopoly Pizza game, which is not exactly what you think it is. Yes, its got a good dose of Monopoly, but its actually its own thing at the same time! Chris also goes to bat for a lucky listener in GAME TIME! Will he win some fabulous prize for our lucky listener? Tune in and find out! Check out Monopoly Pizza Game over at BGG, And most definitely check out Chris’s baby, Flip the Table! Its an evergreen podcast that will stand the test of time!
On this episode I run into my pal Patrick Hillier from Patrick and Eric in the Morning! We chat about Iron Dragon, Empire Builder, and Crayon rails. An amazing game with a cult-like following and amazing artwork by the eternal Larry Elmore! Patrick also goes to the “Game Time Mat” to attempt to win a fabulous prize for a listener! Are you the lucky listener? Tune in to find out! And you can find our pal Patrick over at.. And you can find him tweeting at @overthehillier
In this episode we meet up with our friend Annette, otherwise known as Nettersplays, also known as personal perch for Gizmo! We chat about Stefan Felds masterpiece It Happens!
We chat about anteaters, euro games, what can make a childs game fun, and then I hit Nettersplays with all of those hard hitting anteater questions you all want to know.
And we dig another name out of the cereal box, and Nettersplays plays a game for a lucky listener!
In this episode we meet up with our friend Justin Jacobson from Restoration Games. We talk about everyone’s favorite Kaiju, smashing building, and meeple eating game Rampag… *ahem* Terror in Meeple City! No matter what you call it, it equals a good time, unless you hate fun. Then you should steer clear. We also, put Justin through an RPG test where he plays to win a fabulous prize for a lucky listener! Is it you? Tune in and find out! We also chat about Kaiju, and some of our favorites. Including Godzooky!
In this episode we hang out with Game Designer, Game Player, Guy who likes to talk about games, AND Geek of the Week on BGG Nick Shaw! We chat about Ninjas, Robots, and what happens when they meet up in a nice little PNP you can check out for yourself!
We also have GAME TIME where Nick is the champion for one lucky listener! Could it be you? I don’t know, listen and find out! And also keep your peepers peeled to see when Nick’s Kickstarter drops. Rome and Roll! We will let you know when it does! Ninjas! Robots! What are you waiting for?
Episode 61 – The Story of Soggy Struggles
Apr 20, 2019
In this episode my good friend Moderator Chris from the podcast Flip the Table dive into that eternal struggle that (I think) will never end. Yes, you guessed it, the struggle between Cap’n Crunch and the Soggies. We sit down and play the Captain Crunch game, then Chris tests his wits against the Ebay game in yet another struggle to win a fabulous prize for a listener. Will he win? Or will he “Sog Out”? Man, that seems like the most unhip statement ever posted in a blog post. Sorry about that. But, don’t that dissuade you! Listen! And you can find all of the Chris’s episodes of Flip the Table, here… Prize support today was generously donated from our pals at Button Shy Games! Check them out here…
Come and join us Flipsters in bygone era of board gaming! In an era where a hero only needed to use his head to fight against the evil-doers bent on destroying everything. And when I say “only to needed to use his head”, I mean JUST THAT. Only their head. Join me and Chris Whitpan while we chat about the Captain America Game featuring the Falcon and the Avengers! A slow spiral towards the middle, with a spinner, and 4 sets of Cap, AND the Falcon! And Chris faces the ultimate “Is it a head or not a head” challenge!
You can find Chris’ show here…
And check out his website as well!
Robots! Dice! Punchboards! MegaFun! Any person who owns a robot, what are they going to do? Put it in a battle arena of course!!! I meet up with my pal Roy Cannaday from Epic Gaming Night to play Dicebot Megafun! A fun little realtime dice grabbing, robot building, and card fighting game! We take some questions from the listeners, and chat a bit about 3D printing (and how it pertains to gaming). You can check out Dicebot Megafun on BGG And you can check out all of the awesome content Roy puts out over at Epic Gaming night!
Episode 58 – Mega Meeple Phoenix Fun!
Mar 30, 2019
Hey there! This episode I bump into my pal Thomas Grogan from The Mega Meeple! We chat about his number one game (and one I have heard a lot of buzz about) Ashes: Rise of the Phoenixborn! Its a game with a CCG feel, without the commitment of getting into a CCG. And its got dice! Who doesn’t love dice? So, hop on in and check out the episode! Next week, we will be getting a bit more into the new format, new ideas and LEANING INTO all things Saturday Morning! Until then, head on over to the Mega Meeples place on the interwebs and check out what he is doing!
Gaming! Gizmos! Goldfish! GMeeples! In this episode I bump into my pal Roy Cannaday. We chat about the game Gizmos, Pet stores, and what would make for a good slot machine (even though neither of us really gamble). So find out about how we can make a game about mad scientist crazy inventions combine with our furry, feathered, and finned friends!
Hey! We are back at the Granite Game Summit in Nashua New Hampshire! This is a special crossover episode with our pals from the Family Gamers! AND our old friend Moderator Chris! AND Gil Hova from Ludology! AND Super Pal JASON LEES!!! AND LIVE STUDIO AUDIENCE! Its a regular super board game party going on, and everyone is winning! Come and listen as we, guess which game is in the middle, how games smell, and wits will be battled! Plus, we announce a couple of contest winners! One for our “Fun Sized Cereal Box Game” and the other from the credits of our last episode (oooooohhhhh…. secret contest). And while you’re at it, you should check out ALL THE LINKS to our guests shows and kickstarters.
Episode 55 – Bits, Boards, and Battletoads
Mar 09, 2019
In this episode we journey on the borders of BoardGameLand and take a step into the Arcade Castle. We visit with our friend John Kaelin from We chat about video games of yesteryear and try to figure out “Will it game”? Its full of the raiding of rivers, the battling of toads, and dangerously flying luggage!
Make sure to go and check out John’s podcast the Arcade Castle over at He also has a Facebook Group and is on the Twitters at @thearcadecastle
Episode 54 – Two Idiots on the Prairie
Mar 02, 2019
HEY! WE ARE BACK! After what seemed like a long two-ish months we are back on the podcasting airwaves! I sit down with my good pal Matt Jude from This Game is Broken and we have a discussion on “Will it Game”? Also an update on our live show coming up at the Granite Game Summit, and I chat a bit about the future of the show! Great things coming up! Season 2 is going to shine!
Hey there Flipsters! In this episode we hang out with Chip Beauvais and talk about tweeting, gaming, and how the he has successfully joined the two in not ONE, not TWO, but HOW MANY accounts you might ask? Well, take a listen and find out! Plus, I announce the winner of the 3D Cities for Terraforming Mars and also (dons super serious hat) I announce that the podcast is going on a month-ish hiatus. In a nutshell, I’m looking for a job. And I need to adult up and dedicate all of my time and energy towards securing my next opportunity! Never fear gentle listener, we will be back in Season 2 of Flip Florey’s Super Saturday Board Game Serial! It will be here before you know it! So, keep the faith, keep on gaming, keep on Saturdaying! And HAVE FUN!
In this episode we meet up with our old pal from the Dice Tower, Eric Summerer! We chat about one of the most popular licenses that keeps on going! You guessed it, Stargate! We talk about how we would possibly bring this great movie/show/CCG/whatever you wish to the board game world!
And if you’re curious about the Dice Tower, you can find the whole network and flagship show here at…
And don’t forget we have a live show coming up at PAXU!
And while you are clicking around the interwebs, why not check out our Podpledge page? You will gain 100 SUPER karma points!
In this episode I bump into my good friend Brian Gregory from the Game Night Guys! We chit chat about games a bit, and his show, how it came to be, and just about stuff, you know? Keeping it simple, keeping it light! So, come join us at the Yahtzee Yacht Club and grab a fistful of 6 siders and lets have some fun!
You can also check out Brians podcast over here at and don’t forget to go track them down on the Twitters as well.
You also can check out our live show at PAXU here!
In this episode I bump into my friend Curt Covert from Smirk and Dagger Games! We chat about DungeonQuest and Fantastic Voyage! With a dash of SpellJammer and a hint of Magic School Bus. It all makes for a great Saturday Morning! So, hop on in and check out how Fantastic Voyage can be “modernized” OR WILL IT?
And please, go check out Smirk and Dagger games, they make some really fun stuff! You can find them here…
You also can check out (and sign up for) our live show at PAXU here!
In this episode we talk about ScrumBrawl with my good friend David Briel! Its all about monsters, mayhem and mystical orbs! And HEY! Let’s throw some dice in there for good measure! What more do you need? We also visit with our pal Johnathan Edwards and chat about how important a backpack is during the monster apocalypse… you know.
If you would like to check out Scrumbrawl, its worth a click on this linky-link over to BGG to see what its all about.
Tofu and Golems! I mean how much more fun can an episode get? In fact if there was a legit Tofu Golem hanging out right now, I don’t think I could handle it! Well, we chat with our pal Cole Wehrle (Designer of Root) about a little game called Tofu Kingdom. We then talk to our pal Emerson Matsuuchi about Golems and what they are REALLY up to!
Please check all the awesome that both Cole and Emerson are doing over here on BGG Cole has a Root expansion coming out too! Emerson just can’t stop bringing out the hits as well! and why not check out Tofu Kingdom while you’re at it?
And while you are clicking around the interwebs, why not check out our Podpledge page? You will gain 100 SUPER karma points!
What is gaming in the future like? Well, look no further gentle listeners! This is what its all about! Game Cafes! The perfect combination of Restaurant/Bar and Game Store and Library! We visit with our friend Keating Tufts from Boards and Brews Game Cafe in Manchester NH! We chat all about Boards and Brews and field a couple of questions from the listeners as well!
Make sure to go check out a local game cafe if you can, even one that is not so local. You will not regret it. You can also go and check out Boards and Brews website over here at
And while you are clicking around the interwebs, why not check out our Podpledge page? You will gain 100 SUPER karma points!
We’ve all got them, “Unpainted Minis” of one sort or another. Whether they are legit unpainted miniatures, or some other game related projects that we have been whittling away at for years, we can all relate. In this episode we chat with Moderator Emeritus Chris Michaud of Flip the Table. We delve into the origins of 10,000 points and is there a connection between our fabled certificates and Jimmy Fallon? Hop on in! Take a listen! Investigate! And decide for yourself!
And make sure to delve into the Flip the Table archives! You won’t regret it! Just head on over to or hunt them down on Itunes.
And while you are clicking around the interwebs, why not check out our Podpledge page? You will gain 100 SUPER karma points!
Know what has been around for like… Totally Forever? the CON-O-sseum! Also, Con folks as well. As long as there has been someone gullible, there is someone who is going to sell them a bridge. Well, we bump into our good friend Maggibot this episode and we chat about Trajan, and Grifters, and the 80’s! 3 great tastes that taste Radical to the MAX together!
And make sure to check out all the cool stuff Maggibot is putting out over at also known as (that works too).
And while you are clicking around the interwebs, why not check out our Podpledge page? You will gain 100 SUPER karma points!
Well, hey! What do you think a game like Catan needs? More Knights action? Great! Cities and Knights did that! But hey, lets add some Shadow Aliens, and put it in space, aaaaaand lets throw a big mix of alien races along with political intrigue! Sound like the Catan you know and love? Probably not. But our good friend Andrew Smith from The Family Gamers chats with us on how to do just that!
Make sure to go check them out over at
And show the Burgle Bros. contest folks some love over at
And lets not forget the upcoming coloring guild contest supporter Big G Creative over at
And while you are clicking around the interwebs, why not check out our Podpledge page? You will gain 100 SUPER karma points!
Episode 42 – Pan Galactic Burgle Bros.
Sep 22, 2018
What is more chaotic than a high rise chihauhau heist with your friends, well a good dose of Hitchhiker of course! Add the Heart of Gold, a Babel Fish, and some Vogon Poetry and you’ve got chaos supreme! We chat with our friend Ken Grazier from Geek-Craft about how we could take the game Burgle Bros. and throw a towel on it and make it more Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy!
And please go check out all of the cool things that Ken is doing over at And don’t forget to check out as well. And while you are clicking around the interwebs, why not check out our Podpledge page? You will gain 10,042 karma points!
CANDY! Everyone loves Candy! In this episode, I travel through the Molasses Swamp, through the Lollipop Forest, dodge a couple Oompa Loompas looking to take me down and bump into my friend Jamey Stegmaier from Stonemaier Games! We talk about Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and how this could be made into a game! Its a lot of terrifying, yet whimsical fun!
And while you are clicking around the interwebs, why not check out our Podpledge page?
In this episode we bump into our good friend James Wilson designer of Everdell! We spin the wheels and end up chatting about Pandemic Legacy and Bob the Builder! Can we mash these up? YES WE CAN! Also another Super Saturday Super Six! Who will reign supreme?
Make sure to check out James’ game Everdell over on BGG
And more importantly, head on over to Kickstarter and find his new KS which is starting on Sept. 10th. You can get the new expansion for Everdell! Don’t own Everdell yet? No worries! You can get it too! The collectors edition even!
And while you are clicking around the interwebs, why not check out our Podpledge page?
Episode 39 – Womp Rats and Wheelbarrows
Sep 01, 2018
In this episode we visit with Jason Peacock from the the Peacock Podcast on Youtube (also another proud member of the DTN). We chat about everyones favorite dual sun orbiting planet, and Istanbul! PLUS, we chat with our good friend Geoff Engelstein from the Ludology podcast. We find out “Whats the deal” with the Dragon and Flagon cover. Secrets abound! Its a lot of fun!
You can check out Jasons Podcast, which is actually a video podcast on Youtube right here…
And while you’re at it, you should check out Geoffs podcast as well, Ludology. Some really good stuff going on over there as well…
And while you are clicking around the interwebs, why not check out our Podpledge page?
In this episode we meet up with our friend Andrew Parks from Quixotic Games! We chat about his latest Kickstarter, Dungeon Alliance – Second Edition. We then spin the wheels and chat about Talisman, and Aliens! Want a little more chestburster in your fantasy? Well, look no further! Two “cheesy” licenses that cheese well together!
Here we go again Flipsters! In this episode we bump into our good friend Ambie Valdes from Board Game Blitz! We chat about Trains, Disney, keeping that company afloat, and what are the best stocks to invest in when you are at the BoardGameLand stock exchange! They even take Pogs and Monopoly Money as payment!
We announce the winner of the contest from last episode! Walking away with a Game Haul bag! Chat about Pogs a bit, and maybe, just maybe hint at another contest!
So you should definitely check out Ambies podcast Board Game Blitz over at
They truly put out some great material! Always a good listen.
And check out Top Shelf Fun, the supplier of our fine Game Haul bags!
And while you are clicking around the interwebs, why not check out our Podpledge page?
In this episode we visit with our good friend Max Davie from Games 4 Families! We chat about 2 things that are really not that far apart from each other. You guessed it! Zombie invasions and Childrens Birthday Parties! There’s crying, there’s running, there’s puking, and primal feelings of just trying to survive come to the surface. Reminds me of plenty of parties I have been to!
And contests! We have some contests brewing, some have winners and we just might have a contest “hidden” in this episode. Take a listen and find out!
And if you want to see what Max is up to, go ahead and check out his site.
Make sure to visit our friends over at Top Shelf fun as well!
And another week with Super Saturday Super Secret Coloring Guild pictures! Fun!
And while you are hitting the links, why don’t you hit one more and gain 100,000 XP for checking out our PodPledge page?
In this episode we bump into the Legendary Scott Nicholson from “Board Games with Scott” Youtube fame, On Board Games, and now a Professor of Gaming in Canada (the actual name is super ridiculously long, stick around for the credits if you want to know what it is). We talk about Escape Rooms and Making the World a Better Place. Can it be done? Whats an Escape Room?
Also, in this episode there were some audio issues when it originally dropped. But they have been fixed and the episode has been resubmitted for your listening enjoyment. (Just in case you were wondering why it was showing up twice in your podfeed…)
Aaaaaaannnnd, additions to the Super Saturday Super Secret Coloring Guild! Tune into the BGG’s to see the entries. Check out our Facebook page to see the winning entry!
And while you are hitting the links, why don’t you hit one more and gain 100,000 XP for checking out our PodPledge page?
In this episode we bump into our friend Matt Morgan, one of the high mucky-mucks of the PAX world. Matt not only knows his way around helping to create a great boardgame convention (PAX-U), but he knows his way around creating a great meal that even the most bratty, finicky eater will enjoy! And the Networks! Broccoli and Television, they go together just like cookies… and MORE cookies!
Also stay tuned as my friend Emerson and I sniff Century Spice Road Golem edition! Its something else!
And don’t forget to celebrate International Cheesy Games Day! Get out there and post, film, or tweet about your favorite cheesy memories from Flip the Table, or about your favorite cheesy games!
You can find more out about PAX U right here!
And while you are hitting the links, why don’t you hit one more and gain 53.6 XP for checking out our PodPledge page?
Forget target practice on the range! We are diving into one of the greatest shows that feature lasers flying everywhere and not many people getting hit! And that combines with Tokaido almost perfectly! You probably thought I was talking about Tokaido the cartoon show, but no dear Flipster! We are talking Cobra, with my good friend Chaz Marler of Pair of Dice Paradise!
We also chat with Nova Hunnefeld on the future of ponies in the ruined landscape known as Fallout the board game.
And while you are flying all over the interwebs, why not gain some more good karma and check out our Podpledge page?
Episode 32 – Captain Mal-El of Krypton
Jul 14, 2018
Holy Guacamole Flipsters! Have we got a ton of good news coming your way! Pogs are at the printers right now, getting created and pretty soon you could get the chance to throw down with me! Or Slam down. Or Pog Up? I’m not sure on the terminology… But Hey! We’ve got Tickets to BoardGameLand! Check out our social medias to see them! And we visit with Cathy Ford form Our Turn Podcast! We chat about Fireflies and Superheroes who fly faster than the speed of plot!
You can find Cathy’s Podcast over at
And while you are flying all over the interwebs, why not gain some more good karma and check out our Podpledge page?
In this episode we hang out with the Family Gamers! We chat about Mall Madness and what kind of madness ensues when we envision that Mall existing in the realm of Hyrule. Thats right! We are getting all Zelda up in here!
We also have the Super Saturday Super Six results in. It was a close race all around, but we’ve got some interesting choices this time around.
And POGS! Yes, Pogs are coming. Our friends over at Board Game Blitz, Epic Game Night, and Plumpy Thimble, along with Flip Florey’s Super Saturday Board Game Serial are kicking off the Pog revolution! Watch out world! And make sure to watch the videos Ambie from Board Game Blitz made kicking off this awesome adventure!
In this Outer Space Funkadelic Episode we meet up with our good friend Bruce Voge from The Party Gamecast! We chat about a game called Space Base and one of the fine American traditions known as ALL YOU CAN EAT BUFFET! Yes, I did think that it deserved all caps. This was a fun episode to put together and I hope you folks have fun listening to it as well. Plus! A juicy little tidbit is hidden in the credits! Spoiler Alert? Not really sure if that is really spoilery. Oh well, Enjoy!
Make sure to check Bruce out over at
also on the Twitters @brucecothinks
And you can probably find him on the Book of faces as well…
And Hey! While you are looking at all of these links on the internets, why not check out our Podpledge Page? Earn 160.5 XP for doing so!
In this episode we arrive at the table to only end up waiting… Why? Because Gary Pope from Late to the Table is here this week! Its well worth the wait though. We talk about a great 2 player game called Fog of Love and a great anime called Deathnote! How are these two going to work? AND we have a very special Sniffin’ Spiel segment this week. If you like smelling games, you will 1000% not want to miss this one! Crystal Pisano of Board Game Blitz fame is here this week to help us on our olfactory adventure!
You can find Gary’s Youtube channel here ->
And check out Crystals podcast Board Game Blitz while you’re at it. Its really good stuff as well.
And while you are here reading this, you must be online, so why not check out our Podpledge site and consider supporting the show? You will gain 150 Karma XP! And evolve into your final form!
In this episode we are joined by my better half, Debbra Florey! It was super awesomely radsauce that she got to join me today. And what are we talking about? Pokemon Go! of course! Yes, we are on the bandwagon almost 2 years too late, but HEY, we are riding this bandwagon all over the place! And having a blast doing it!
And we are going to keep this description brief, because we have Pokemon we need to get out there and catch! They aren’t coming to us! (Unless we use a Lure and Incense, but its more fun to hunt them down…).
And while you are here reading this, you must be online, so why not check out our Podpledge site and consider supporting the show? You will gain 140 Karma XP!
In this episode we meet up with our good friend Chris Whitpan from the Game All Nite Show! We discuss Stop Thief! and how awesome the plastic “Squawk Box” is and how it is destined to be replaced by a cell phone app. Plus we talk about something completely different and try to mash it into Stop Thief! Do we succeed? Or is it as dead as a parrot? Only you can judge!
We also meet up with our friend Evan Summerer and his Dad Eric! We chat about what possible game “War of the Ring” could be. SPOILER: There are robots involved! Why not?
You can check out Chris’ show on Youtube or go to his website to learn more about it here…
And if you want to check in our progress on “BSG-ing the Monopoly-enean” (also known as the next BIG thing) you find it here.
In this episode we meet up with our good friend Emerson Matsuuchi! Creator of games and all around swell guy! We chat about Crossbows and Catapults, Judge Dredd, which of the movies are superior. And finally come up with a plausible game! I also chat briefly about the ongoing BSG/Monopoly project that is going on right now. You can find out more about that over on BGG. And while you’re there check out Emerson’s games, Spectre Ops, Century Spice Road and Century Golem Edition. You will not regret it!
If you want to discuss how we can mash up Crossbows and Catapults with Judge Dredd, check out the thread we created in our BGG Guild here!
The actual name of this episode is “Traitors go to Jail, they go directly to Jail, do not pass GO!, do not collect 200 Spacebucks”. I didn’t know if the podcast feeds would get a nosebleed from that title so I kinda shortened it. But HEY! We’ve got Moderator Emeritus Chris Michaud in the house! Bumping into him at “Backstabby’s Bar and Grill”. We talk about BSG and Monopoly. Which is the theme? Which is the game? Listen and find out!
Its a Royal Running Rampage! On the day of the Royal Wedding! At least I think its the Royal Wedding, I’m not really sure. But anyhoo…
We’ve got Brian Counter from On Board Games here! Talking about Royal Turf and Running Man! Does a bit more Arnold make something better? TRICK QUESTION! Of course! We also hang out with Patreon supporter Jenny Gracin and chat about Cargo Noir! A forgotten game that is worth another look.
You should really head on over to the home of On Board Games and all of the media that Brian has helped build over the years at Inverse Genius!
Consider helping out the show with the official funding platform of FFSSBGS? PODPLEDGE!
What do you think of when you think of playing sports in a grim, dark fantasy, gore filled world? Well you think of Elmer, Daffy, Bugs and Tweety of course!
In this episode we bump into my good friend Roger Brasslett and we discuss on how we could possibly marry Looney Tunes and Blood Bowl. Two great tastes that taste great together? Well, I’ll let you decide dear listener. Just shout your answer into the pod-listening device. We will hear you. Or share your opinions on our social medias. Whichever makes you happy.
Consider helping out the show with the official funding platform of FFSSBGS? PODPLEDGE!
Episode 22 – Pony Paladin Party Time!
May 05, 2018
In this episode My Little Scythe gets mentioned, then My Little Scythe gets mentioned again, and can you believe it? We talk about My Little Ponies and One Deck Dungeon with our good friends Chip Beauvais and Eve Beauvais. Its a great primer on the wider world of My Little Ponies and how they could work their way into beating a dungeon WITH THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP
We also chat with “The Golden Voice of the DTN” Eric Summerer about another Blockbuster film. If Rampage could happen, why not Jenga? Lets see…
You can check out all of Chips games on BGG, just hit these links.
And don’t forget to head on over to to check out their Board Game of the Month club. Its good stuff!!!
In this episode we chat with our good friend Michael Fox of the Little Metal Dog Show/Television and man about town. He introduces us to the spectacle/sensation that is Love Live! We chat about how in the world we could possibly make this work in one of the most Euro-y Euros out there. AND we have a new segment, introducing the SUPER SATURDAY SUPER SIX! See what the top 6 episode mash-ups are! You will never believe what number 3 is!!!
Plus a contest, for you all to name the game that we came up with! Tweet away! Michael and I will choose the winner and I will announce it on next weeks show.
So, super big shoutouts to my friend Michael Fox, and my good friend Moderator Chris for helping out with the SUPER SATURDAY SUPER SIX! (Yes, that needs to be all caps, all the time. Even when you are whispering it.)
And you love checking out links? Consider helping out the show with the official funding platform of FFSSBGS? PODPLEDGE!
In this episode we bump into our good friend Jonathan Edwards from Forgot my Dice podcast. We talk about Hero Quest and the late great Glen A. Larson, truly a titan of 80’s television. He definitely shaped my childhood. I also chat with Eric Summerer about DugTrio in an “Whats the Deal” segment. What is exactly going on in that one? multiple? one? head of his? Truly a mystery!
You can check out Jonathans podcast over at…
You can also go vote on the Super Saturday Super Six in our BGG guild at this linky-link right here…
In this episode we bump into our good friend Geoff Engelstein from the Ludology podcast! He is also an author and maker of games! The man is just a walking, talking game artifact. And what do the wheels pick for him? Through the Ages and Cap’n Crunch of course! Is Geoff up to the task? Will the Soggies get the best of him? Find out in this weeks action packed episode!
And please go check out his podcast if you haven’t heard of it already. In fact, once you do, you will most likely not come back to this dog and pony show of podcast ever again. But, please do go check out you will not regret it.
And why not check out ONE more link? Consider helping out the show with the official funding platform of FFSSBGS? PODPLEDGE!
In this episode we bump into our old friend Erik Dewey from the On Board Games podcast! We discuss the 128th (maybe 129th) coolest robot pal on TV. Thats right! Twiki! And we find a way to get him to run around Scotland Yard IN SPACE! We also have a special guest on another Gamestormin’ with Kids segment. My nephew Dawson! Dawson tells us all about how to race on a certain kind of road.
You can check out Eriks fine podcast at He’s been doing this podcast thing a lot longer than I have and I consider it a feather in my cap to have had him on the show.
You should also check out their other podcast Inverse Genius while you are over there too.
Consider checking FFSSBGS out at, on Facebook, in our BGG Guild, on Twitter @FFSSBGSerial, on Instagram @FFSSboardgameserial and you can email Flip at
Enough links for you? Why not check out ONE more? And consider helping out the show with the official funding platform of FFSSBGS? PODPLEDGE!
The 2018 Sniffies Awards – An FFSSBGS Special
Apr 01, 2018
Welcome to the 2018 Sniffies Awards! The most anticipated board game industry award show of the year! With an assortment of guests from the podcasting sphere, as well as quotes and commentary from industry leaders as well. Surprises! The Red Carpet! Throngs of gamers applauding! All the pomp and circumstance you have come to expect from the past Sniffie Award ceremonies and MORE! So, gentle listener sit down, tune in, sniff what game wins which category!
Special thanks go out to… And you can thank these fine folks by checking out their websites/games.
Jamey Stegmaier of Stonemaier Games –
Brian Lewis of Pandasaurus Games –
R. Eric Reuss, designer of Spirit Island –
Scott Nicholson of Board Games with Scott (You can find it on Youtube)
Geoff Engelstein of Ludology and the Board Games in general –
Rob Daviau of Restoration Games –
Jason Slingerland of The Building the Game Podcast –
Bruce and Rocki from the Party GameCast –
Crystal and Ambie from Board Game Blitz –\
My good friend Moderator Emeritus Chris Michaud from Flip the Table Podcast –
In this episode we bump into the modern day board game hero (at least to me anyway) Rob Daviau! We chat about the upcoming Fireball Island Kickstarter that is coming up. How this game will be different from its predecessor, ancestor, parent, prequel? However you slice it, its a cult classic brought back to life with some modern twists!
And don’t say Vul-Kar’s name out loud. I don’t know about you but I don’t appreciate all the locusts, constant chanting that seems to haunt my eardrums and the athletes foot that comes with it. Just thought I would warn you.
You can find it on Kickstarter over at
And you can check out the Puppet version of Flip or “PFlip” over in the Facebook group, and enter the contest to decide what goes on his shirt.
Enough links for you? Why not check out ONE more? And consider helping out the show with the official funding platform of FFSSBGS? PODPLEDGE!
Its our first LIVE episode from the Granite Game Summit. This episode is just jammed full of fun. Moderator Emeritus Chris Michaud is our main guest/cohost. We meet our friend Piper and talk about her game. Jason Tagmire jumps in to tell us “Whats the Deal?” with Moff Tarkin. And once again Gil Hova is on the hot seat! PLUS, our most awesomest guest STUDIO AUDIENCE makes an apperance! CUBE! PUNCHY! Its a Grand Time and the Granite Game Summit!
Its also pretty long, you can totally file this one under MEGA-sode.
In this episode we bump into no other than the golden voice of the Dice Tower Network, Eric Summerer! The Gamefication wheel picks a SHOCKER of a game for him, and even more shocking retheme! You will not believe it! We also have our first game review on this episode!
Plus #THELASTYELLOWMEEPILLOW giveaway is still going on (March 20th is the final day). So head on over to our BGG guild and enter!
And haven’t you always wanted to do the funky chicken, for all the world to see? Check out our game review and find out how #SUPERSATURDAYFUNKYCHICKEN can change your game library’s life.
You can also check out Eric on the Dice Tower podcast. You’ve probably, maybe heard of them. They review games and stuff… You know. Check ’em out at
Episode 14 – Space Laser Trains – Pew Pew!
Mar 10, 2018
In this episode we head off into space and also keep a bit down to earth with Professor Laserbooks! We discuss all things Galaxy Trucker, Thomas the Tank engine and marvel at the fact that two lighthearted licenses can become quite dark when you mash them together. Willow also is in attendance, since she is a super fan of Thomas as well. You can explore a ton of episodes where Professor Laserbooks cut his game mashup chops at
We talk about the upcoming Granite Game Summit! You should go! Totally!
And there is still time to possibly get the LAST YELLOW MEEPILLOW! Just head on over to the FFSSBGS BGG guild to learn all about it! And check out while you are at it!
In this episode we meet up with our friend Jason Slingerland from the Building the Game Podcast! We mosey on down to the Mesa and talk about some game called “Saloon Tycoon”, Midicholorians, Gungans, and how to design the perfect game box. We also hear from a cavalcade of guests on why they play yellow!
We chat about our upcoming live show a bit.
Please go and vote for Flip the Table for a Golden Geek award!
And we announce our contest for the LAST YELLOW MEEPILLOW! Yes, you read that right! THE LAST YELLOW MEEPILLOW! And you can win it!
You can find Jason’s podcast, which is celebrating their 300th episode! at
You can AND SHOULD go vote for Flip the Table for a Golden Geek award here–>
And head on over to our BGG guild to submit your entry into the contest for the LAST YELLOW MEEPILLOW!
In this episode we bump into our good friend Jason Tagmire from Button Shy games! We talk about Gelflings and Skeksis and how they would race through the countryside. We have a bunch of announcements, including one BIG one, and our first correction! How fun is that?
And don’t worry folks! We have more sniffing action with our pal Robert Couch! And a contest! What more could you ask for?
You can check out Jason’s website at You can also check out his latest kickstarter at and search for “button shy wallet games” it will pop right up.
And as always, if you are looking for the sound of an actual pin dropping you can find it at
EPISODE 11! In this episode we take a jaunt into the realm of VideoGameLand (but keep our feet in BoardGameLand)! Curtis Hill, one of the Game Night Guys hangs out with us and chats about Call of Duty mashed up with some classic games!
We also have bad puns, and a visit with our friend Trixie Tagmire! Also news on our upcoming live show! And check out our website, its slowly taking shape! We’ve got a few more linky-links looking all snazzy like.
You can find out more about Curtis’ show Game Night Guys at Give it a listen, its a fun time!
You also can check our website at
And for all your nail dropping sound needs check out
EPISODE 10 – Can you believe it? In this episode we meet up with our friend Gil Hova and talk about Powering Grids with Smurfberries. Audio quality of the main segment could of been a tad better, but the episode if smack full of surprises! It will not Smurfin’ disappoint!
We also get to chat with our pal Evan Summerer and his Dad for a bit.
And you get to hear all about the next impossible to ever get game HUGZ! Look for it at an imaginary Kickstarter near you!
And please check out Gils upcoming Kickstarter Bad Medicine: Second Opinion which is dropping on Kickstarter in March.
Check out his podcast (which is one of my permanent top three fave podcasts) Ludology at
and keep your eyes out for The Networks: Executives!
And what goes great with Saturday Morning podcast listening? You guessed it! A nice writhing bowl of Gagh! I’m sure Captain Crunch was looking to get into the Gagh business, probably didn’t pass the pain trials that every Klingon FDA applicant has to go through…
Well, in this episode we bump into the fantastic Michael Fox. We chat with Dustin Devine about feasting and Bill Corey tells us all about dwarves making out! And if you want to check out Michael Fox’s site you should do so. He is a pretty cool dude. You can find him at
and on the Twitters at @idlemichael
And how could I forget? We announce the winners for 3, count ’em 3 contests!
And once again, if you are looking for squirming worms sounds you can find them at
Today we have fun with our pal Danny Devine! Artist, Boardgame Designer, and all around swell guy! We talk about his game Harvest Dice and how an adamantium skeleton might help with weeding the carrots. We also chat about forgotten FBoardgames with Ilan Woll, a Patron of the show, and finally we Sniff some more games with the one, the only Bruce Voge!
You can find more out about Danny at, check out his artwork and for even more fun, check out his games!
Ghosts Love Candy, Harvest Dice and Topiary are just a few of the gems that he has created.
He also did the art for Flip the Table as well as this very show!
I mean seriously, what can Danny not do? The guy is a BoardGameLand powerhouse!
AND another contest appears!!! You will need to “sniff’ this one out as well. #IKillMyselfSometimes
And special thanks to for sound effects and for helping me come up with some new music for our new segment. Check them out for all your creaky door sound needs.
We’ve got the one, the only Robert Couch on the show today! Strolling through BoardGameLand we find him at Draftys Castle! Home of drafts, drafts and drafts! And sometimes draughts! We discuss Robocop and the future (or the past?) of Detroit. We also visit with our friend KING Moderator Emeritus Chris and there is another surprise in store! Grab a glass of Ovaltine and enjoy the show!
You can find our good friend Robert on his own “Building the Game” podcast. Which is conviently located on the interwebs at
Robert also designs games and you can check out his recently published Saloon Tycoon game! Find it wherever fine board games are sold.
And in case you missed it, you can find the super secret thingy I was talking about in the episode right here… Super Secret Stuff
Enjoy the show, and have a great Saturday!
Sound effects provided by – home of of all your creaky door needs.
Episode 06 – Bat’leths and Battlecats
Jan 12, 2018
We are honored to have the King himself, KING JARED HUNNEFELD on the program today. We also dabble a bit into the origins of Punchy the Punchboard, everyones favorite cardboard pal! Then Trixie Tagmire will help us design a game where your musical instrument grows!!!
And…. Pssssttt… this episode is getting released a tad early because Flip hasn’t figured out the “delayed release” feature on his feed yet and he is headed off to SnowCon! So, HEY… Flips stupidity + need to go to a Con = you profit!
You can find Jared talking about the wrestleball on the Twittters at @Jared_Hunnefeld
More importantly you can find him on the Extra Life childrens charity page and help him raise money for childrens hospital. Which you can find at
Enjoy! Have fun! And have a Super Saturday!
And sound effects were sourced from Check them out for all you sniffing sound effect needs!
BoardGameLand is a place full of adventure, most excellent adventures. Tag along as Flip chats with his good friend (and snocone eating platypus fan) Chaz Marler! And Michael Fox pops in again to tell us “What the deal is” with people who play board games about their own dismal lives.
In this episode we head to the outskirts of BoardGameLand to a little known area known as FunkyTown. Flip has never been accused of having “sick moves on the dance floor” so he is a tad out of his element. He is rescued by his good friend Bruce Voge. Moderator Chris also returns to exercise some olfactories as well. And WHAT? Another Contest? YUP!
Check out Bruce’s show The Party Gamecast, featuring the Party Gamecast a podcast about party games and games you take to parties right here —> The Party Gamecast
You can also find him on the Twitters at multiple places, such as @northstargames @brucecothinks @partygamecast and you should follow the cat as well at @partygamecat
Also check out the fine folks at North Star Games you’ll be glad you did.
You think you’ve got what it takes to ride a lightcycle punk? Well… do ya? Sometimes in BoardGameLand there are the Quick and the “Rolled high on the Dexterity chart” types. Join me as I bump into Crystal Pisano from Board Game Blitz, chat with one of the Devine clan, and wrap up some Egyptian mysteries with Gil Hova.
Definitely check out Crystal’s site. They have been friends of Flip the Table for years, and are considered to be kindred spirits.
Episode 02 – Wonderful Wizarding Warpdrives
Jan 06, 2018
We return to BoardGameLand and meet up with our pal Bill Corey Jr. from the Cubist! Then Curtis Hill and I venture into a bit of video game chat about the pros and cons of eating garbage. Remember kids, talk to your parent or guardian before eating something out of an exploding barrel.
Buckle in listeners as we take our first foray into BoardGameLand with Flip and friends. In this episode, we meet up with Moderator Chris from Flip the Table and discuss how to chill while getting hit with a pugil stick. Chill out with Michael Fox, and do something fishy with Bruce Voge of Book Chat fame.
Flip Florey’s Super Saturday Board Game Serial owes 86.75% of everything we have created to Flip the Table and Moderator Chris, so please go check them out!
You can find all of the Flip the Table surviving in the bunker below the ruins of FTT Towers by looking at…
This is the very first episode of Flip Florey’s Super Saturday Board Game Serial that we have put up. We have a secret guest and all kinds of surprises!
In no way is this a placeholder episode just to help getting the feed setup. No way, no how. Its a totally secret episode.