No matter who you are, where you live, or what your daily schedule is like, sleep is going to be one of the most important components of your health and wellness. Not only is the amount of sleep that you are getting important, the QUALITY of sleep that you are getting is of paramount importance. It is during our sleeping hours that our bodies regulate function and repair systems. Sleep is when we recover and is when we become better. Everything from physical performance to mood can be either positively or negatively effected by our sleep patterns, so in this episode Malak and Vic have decided to share 10 tips for getting more and better quality sleep.
1. Understand the value of sleep.
2. Wake up early and get more sunlight during the day. The body clock is most responsive to sunlight in the early morning between 6am and 8:30 am.
3. Avoid screens before bed.
4. Have a caffeine curfew.
5. Keep your bedroom cool.
6. Go to bed at the right time.
7. Optimize your sleep with Magnesium.
8. Make sure your room is super dark.
9. Exercise and decrease your body weight.
10. Create a bedtime ritual.
For more information about exactly why and how these tips can help you be sure to listen to the entire episode! Health is wealth so let's find fortune together!