In which Jesse and Peter answer questions on funding models, shifting from output to impact, demonstrating value, and the challenges of being a design leader right now.
Questions addressed:
(01:00) "How does a good business fund design activity?"
(09:28) "How can one handle being a good lead designer, when in the company where you work, the majority of product owners don't understand their role."
(12:43) "[How can] design influence their orgs to move from an artifact/output-based model of design to a practice/impact one?"
(16:40) "How [can] a design team better frame their unique value inside an organization that is crowded out by engineering voices and investment. How can I articulate the value that the design team creates as being as critical as sound software engineering?"
(26:34) "How can I help my team feel secure and supported when my own world is adrift on stormy seas," and "How to help my designers feel safe and secure in rocky times."