Have I fallen for Beloved Zofia?
Thank you Deku, for sneezing during a recording session once. Thank you Jackel for catching it and clipping it so I could edit it in randomly. Thank you Gaia for doing something actually productive and helping to go through the episode and make sure I wasn't smooth-brained. Teamwork!
This episode covers a topic I have been wanting to go in depth on for some time. For reference, my numbers used in the episode are as follows.
Mass Duel Simulator: Low Investment unrefined with Enemy initiating and Celica next turn countering: 229 Wins, 127 Losses, 19 Undecided. With Beloved Zofia refined: 263 Wins, 108 Losses, 4 Undecided. This shows that refining Beloved Zofia both enhances Celica's offenses and defenses, allowing her to function as a strangely good mixed phase unit. She her battles won went up by a considerable amount and her battles lost went down a decent amount as well. I also enjoy how some of the new victory matchups were losses before the refine, meaning against certain high level opponents, this refine can literally decide whether she defeats her opponent or falls herself.
Mass Duel Simulator: Max Investment: Special Refined Beloved Zofia, Ardent Sacrifice (flexible), Glimmer, Fury 4, Spurn 3, Rouse Atk/Def 3, Brazen Atk/Def 3. +10 Merges, +15 Dragonflowers, +Spd IV. 375 Wins, 0 Losses, 0 Undecided.
The beauty of this kit is how the skills move around the HP so fluidly to keep her in range of her perfect zone. Ardent Sacrifice takes her from full hp down right to the tip of Brazen Range, allowing her best use of her kit and stats to get a perfect win rate on the simulator. Each combat will move her HP around, but thanks to the healing abilities of her sword as well as the Fury HP reduction, she will always end combat able to at least activate Fury 12, and probably except under specific circumstances Brazen Atk/Def.
All in all, it was a meh unit who was never all that impressive who now has a refine and many options thanks to the skills available in the game who can become a dominant force to be reckoned with on the Battlefield. I consider that to be a good refinement because without it her prf wouldn't be good and there would be little reason to use her over other units. But now thanks to the refine, she has a purpose and a direction you can take her and she will fill the role very nicely. Of note, this build also does in fact defeat my standard Arden Build, who is +10+10+Def, so that is nothing to sniff at. Other than her, only Matthew has ever been able to do this. Curse you, Joel...
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