Each episode is the first—and only—episode of a failed podcast.
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Each episode is the first—and only—episode of a failed podcast.
Subscribe on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
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With our USAID funding cut, E1 and PAL are forced to merge and downsize. Also discussed: coconut spiders, Busy Town, and Cameron's African roots. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/377-5th-annual-123541604
Area 51 operatives Lieutenant Dimepiece (Branson), Master Sergeant Dr. Dragoon Whopper (Andrew), and Chief Petty Officer Teddy Spaghetti (Charles) leak classified secrets about their work. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Real estate agents Bart “The Dream” Dealer (Branson) and Regis Closer (Andrew) are joined by commercial real estate expert Simon Pizzalato (Charles) to sell the Caesar Clinton Estate and other highly desirable properties. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/123000412
Shy guys Homer Griffin (Branson), Bart Squarepants (Andrew), and Stewie Simpson (Charles) practice being confident and make promises to change their ways. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Relationship experts Peter Busy (Branson), Troy Stable (Andrew), and Dewey Buzzer (Charles) discuss courtship and chivalry and answer relationship questions. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
The Sports brothers—Suds (Branson), Can (John @johnsemley3000), Scoob (Andrew), and Barley (Charles)—provide expert analysis of the Big Game before it happens. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/121934327
CBS Sunday Morning host Ocean Brambleberg (Charles) welcomes SlickDream A.I.'s Tother Glass (Andrew) to unveil the impressive capabilities of the B.R.A.N. 6000 (Branson). Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/373-cbs-sunday-b-121664280
Men of leisure Vic Pomegranate (Branson), Loomis Contraire (Andrew), and Toledo St. John (Charles) discuss their vacations and daily routines. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/121427209
As Shadow King Billy Goodtime's fortunes crumble, various members of his court conspire to usurp the throne. Full campaign on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/dungeons-deagles-121283948
Explorers Captain “Cookie” Cola (Branson), Dr. Mink Moscato (Andrew), and Vermillion Groucho (Charles) touch down on an unexplored planet on a mission to establish the universe's most exotic WingStop franchise. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Commentators Farris Fortune (Branson), Orpheus Griggs (Andrew), and Sir Willy Balderdash (Charles) welcome 10 fluffy kitties competing for glory in the Kitty Cat Club's annual Winter Classic. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/e2-78-kitty-cat-120891304
Podcasters Bobstronaut (Branson), Sotheby Laurence (Charles), and Mason (Andrew) apologize for the unfortunate circumstances that ended their new podcast. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Episodes that never left the drafts folder, including 3 of the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse, mailboxes, snowflakes, three olives in James Bond's martini, and more. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/e2-77-drafts-3-120400663
Former Tonight Show writers Ernie Coldcall (Branson) and Pip Zweihander (Charles) and their caretaker Rocko (Andrew) eat lunch at the Giggle Grove Grill before splitting a tight five at Laughster's Joke Castle. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Modern stone-age guys Kraven Morestone (Branson), Boulder Bailey (Andrew), and Granite Rockwell (Charles) discuss their suburban-style caveman lives over drinks at Ritzi's on the Rock. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Over a bottle of 21 Savages, Andrew sits down with Branson for an exclusive Vanity Fair magazine interview about his new interest in astronomy. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/119435310
Chip Blockoff (Branson), CEO of DealMachine, and Corb Zatch (Charles), CEO of Pick Six Financial, give advice to restore an American culture based on hard work and excellence. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/119161541
Film critics John Fisher Millions (Branson), Clive Devine (Andrew), Reese Soulstone (Charles), and Barbara Throat (Hesse) discuss the latest box office offerings. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/118953682
Submarine captain Stoat Mellows (Andrew) brings finance billionaires Regal Greenstone (Branson) and Tuxedo Jollydollar (Charles) undersea in search of the ancient lost city of Thugview Grotto. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
King Billy Goodtime (Branson), Good King Weaselbarrow (Charles), and Duke Terry Tucker Toledo (Elliott) arrive at Horsement Island's Tropical Crazy Resort and make some magnificent cocktails. Full campaign on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/118427309
Car Salesman Horton Rappaport (Charles) and dealership owner Bunsen Burnside (Branson) help various customers (Andrew). E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Our answers to all the questions from this year's Q&A. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/118100800
NFL Films' Dirk Dougmeyer (Charles) embeds in the locker room with the Providence The Dracula, gaining unfiltered access to head coach Flint Cleanwater (Branson), defensive coordinator Gladys “Fatback” Shuggle (Nate Fisher @BozoMode), offensive coordinator John David Parker Buttcheeks Wilson (Will Sennett @Senn_Spud), and quarterback Samson Sarsaparilla (Andrew). E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Charles welcomes Chef Woopsie Doopsie, Christmas organization expert Steven Keeled, bible salesman Shooter Roundtree, tree expert Hashman, Kirby Shorty the shy medium, and more (Andrew, Branson) for his 2nd annual holiday special. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/117632428
Clown college instructor Mr. Wieners (Andrew) discusses the art of clowning with students Bean Atkinson (Branson) and Zobo (Charles). Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/117376416
Mr. Drama (Andrew), Caden 2 Milli (Branson), and Paper Chaser (Charles) look up Illuminati in the encyclopedia, debate if money is cursed cause there's ghosts on it, and discuss their plans to leave L.A. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/117164269
Pinball Sports personality Tony Ropes (Andrew) interviews country superstar Bryden Brantley (Charles) and his mother (Branson) about his contentious breakup with podcaster Kelly Shoestring (Alana). E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Rylan plans to order a dish called "The Temptation of Saint Anthony (Patron of the Butchers)" at a French restaurant. And once, for an elementary school writing assignment, he tried to pass off the lyrics of Sum 41's Fat Lip as his own. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/116701915
The prophet Zumuwusular (Branson) and his cousin Hylumynomer (Andrew) try to convert mud-brick maker Chris (Charles) to their new religion. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Communications director Zorus Merlin (Branson) and data scientist and consultant Sean Seaside (Charles) assign accountability for the Democrats' electoral loss and raise money for the Kamala Harris presidential campaign to pay off its debts. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Mild-mannered man Benjamin Fox (Andrew) fields phone calls from scammers (Branson and Charles). Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/115803124
Dunstin Checksin (Branson) and Bradford Hockendock (Andrew) report on the Terre Haute Gunblades winning their first-ever LIV Baseball Championship title. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/115550540
E1 and Chapo Trap House break down the 2024 presidential election with Joe Biden, Josh Shapiro, Gilroy Monsanto, and the Dan Boeckner Christmas Time Players. (Recorded 2024.11.04) Featuring Will Menaker, Felix Biederman, Santa Claus, Chris Wade, and the Dan Boeckner Christmas Time Players (Dan Boeckner, Nick Thorburn, Alex Fischel, and Adam Halferty). E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Adventurers Morsel, Davidoff Coolwater, and David Alcohol gather at O'Christmas's Grogville to compete in a yuletide triathlon. Full campaign on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/115221750 Charles - DM Andrew - Morsel Big Branson - Davidoff Coolwater "Little" Branson Reese - David Alcohol
Bump Fresco (Branson), Trophy Belfry (Andrew), and Ethan Elderberry (Charles) spill all the tea in Tinsel Town, including the ongoing saga of Who Shit at the Met Gala. See E1 and Chapo Live in L.A. on Monday: http://link.dice.fm/b1eb3de54f54 E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Gilroy Monsanto (Branson) delivers his third State of the Union Address, revealing that he is woke now and outlining his strategy for the 2028 presidential election. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/114875193 Get tickets for E1 x Chapo live in L.A. on Nov. 4: http://link.dice.fm/b1eb3de54f54
Antiques expert Honus Blotto (Branson) appraises heirlooms and collectibles from a variety of ordinary people (Andrew, Charles). See us live in L.A. with Chapo Trap House on Nov. 4: http://link.dice.fm/b1eb3de54f54 E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/c/e1podcast
This time, Branson, Andrew, Charles, Nick, Joel, and Tom draft presidential cabinets, just in time for Politics Season. Speaking of politics, come to our L.A. show with Chapo Trap House on election eve, Nov. 4: http://link.dice.fm/b1eb3de54f54 Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/e2-71-4th-annual-114441323
Ulysses Broadstroke (Branson), Niney Levin (Charles), and Dr. Hugo Morrow (Mike Ginn @shutupmikeginn) design a utopian city in Iceland. See Chapo x E1 live in LA (11/4): http://link.dice.fm/b1eb3de54f54 E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Young-adult fiction authors Betsy Lavender (Branson), Quince Drumheller (Andrew), and C.A. Walker (Charles) share their latest work. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/113990834 Come to our live election special with Chapo Trap House in L.A. on 11/4: http://link.dice.fm/b1eb3de54f54
Three Pumpkins Mayor Stuart Smartey (Branson) sits down with ABC's Tolliver West (Andrew) for a wide-ranging interview about his political career. L.A. Tix for E1 x Chapo Live on 11/4: http://link.dice.fm/b1eb3de54f54 E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Kensington Clams (Andrew), Chef Aldebert Yummy (Charles), and Evil Dan (Dan Boeckner @d_boeckner) arrive in Chocolate Hell and encounter a variety of dessert-themed demons. Full campaign on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/dungeons-deagles-113420587
Curious Branson (Branson) asks anthropologist Dr. Richard Human (Andrew) the type of unfiltered questions that ordinary Americans are wondering. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/113297267 E1 x Chapo Live in L.A. Election special on 11/4: http://link.dice.fm/b1eb3de54f54
MI6 agent James Bond teams up with sultry centaur She-Biscuit Her-Dalgo to blow the lid off an undercover drug ring operating on the Isle of Women. Starring Taylor @tupacdurex, Hesse Deni, and April Clark Featuring Ivy Wolk, Grace Freud, Raina Douris, Lisa Vitale, Alana, and Margie Written by Charles Austin, Alex Branson, Hesse Deni, and Andrew Hudson Artwork by Haus of Decline Song by Charles Austin, performed by Lisa Vitale
Shy, silly twins Bubby Winky (Branson) and Blinky Winky (Tom) are posted up on Winky Island, where they address the allegations that they bite women and reveal their new shark-bite-resistant line of clothing for women. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/112620460
Rappers Yung DUI (Branson), Bart the Human (Andrew), Mr. Oh He So Goldbars (Charles), Big Sneaky (Thomas @len0killer) and the Artist Formerly Known as Baby Lover (Jake @jakebrodes) discuss their new song. Beats by Kurt Feldman (@icechoir). E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Hollywood screenwriters Lane Costner (Andrew), Clover Sorkin (Branson), and Miles Davinci (Charles) discuss the industry and share their latest work. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/112177504
Gladiators Bustocles (Branson), Veterinarius (Andrew), and Christian Tiberia (Charles) prepare for a battle against a lion at Caesar’s DraftConsuls Coliseum. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Andrew, Branson, and Charles watch the 1998 DreamWorks film Antz. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/111736020
Lizard “Lizzie” Tacoma (Branson) and his friends Silverton Seaside (Andrew) and Ken Koala (Charles) plan his bachelor party and discuss a pre-nup. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/111487781
We recorded the highest elevation podcast in history, towering at over 10,000 ft. It starts raining, Branson sees something in the woods, and we argue who's Team Sun or Team Moon. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/gods-of-31-mvp-111283381
Gordy (Andrew) interviews potential new roommates (Branson, Charles) for his apartment in Terre Haute's trendy Chicken Finger Hill neighborhood. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Game show host Branson Philbin (Branson) welcomes guests (Andrew, Charles) to compete for their shot at a 1.1 million dollars. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/110467170
The Sports brothers—Suds (Branson), Can (John @johnsemley3000), Scoob (Andrew), and Barley (Charles)—discuss their NFL careers and their daily lives. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast Listen to Charles' EP: https://open.spotify.com/album/1wsxKiIHqOzHBx8QOYMKMs?si=8Ja1fywQSa6eUaHj54Ty_Q https://solipse.bandcamp.com/album/more
Reid Gimball (Branson), with the help of his tulpa Squamous (Andrew), tries to get off the internet and be less involved with the paranormal. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/110394166 Listen to Charles' EP: https://open.spotify.com/album/1wsxKiIHqOzHBx8QOYMKMs?si=8Ja1fywQSa6eUaHj54Ty_Q https://solipse.bandcamp.com/album/more
The year is 2132. Japan has been ruled by monster for over 100 years, since the fall of the Ultra Gods, who were very cool and had very cool outfits. Now, three monsters—Mighty Guy 1 (Charles), Tex (Andrew), and Kong Tut (Cameron @DrCameronFetter) must defend their domain. Full campaign on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/110291199
Acting coach William Peter Parsley (Branson) teaches Bennett Roulette (Andrew) and Z.Z. Child (Charles) to convey profound emotion in improvised dramatic scenes. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast Listen to Charles' EP: https://open.spotify.com/album/1wsxKiIHqOzHBx8QOYMKMs?si=8Ja1fywQSa6eUaHj54Ty_Q https://solipse.bandcamp.com/album/more
Dr. Jim Greenhands (Andrew) and Dr. Bevis “Paws” Longfellow (Branson) perform surgeries live in front of a massive Las Vegas crowd. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/109969884 Sequel to: https://soundcloud.com/episode-one-868768631/105-the-surgicast
High schoolers Fairly “Shacho” Harmless (Nick @JucheMane), Greg Head (Branson), Ken Purple (Charles), Galen (Andrew), and Bailey Front (Ty @bobo_circus) go over the weekly anime club agenda. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
History buffs Please Phillips (Branson) and Edwin Gramble Friction (Charles) discuss a little-known incident in the 1930s in which Utah, New Mexico, Colorado, and Arizona briefly went to war over a single park bench. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/109261180
Branson and Charles try to be polite. Andrew gets extremely flagrant inserting unwarranted trivia into the conversation. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/109043391
Barber Sloppy (Branson) and his son Danny (Andrew) cut hair for their customers (Charles). E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Barstool personality Ran Hendricks (Andrew) sits down with NBA players Tick Montana (Branson), Grigori Basketballovski (Joel), and Dallas Uecker (Tom) ahead of their appearance in the 2024 Olympics. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/108614430 Sequel to: https://soundcloud.com/episode-one-868768631/138-bubble-ballers
E1 CEOs Branson and Charles consult with E1's resident artist Titas (@ihaveeczema) about a visual rebrand. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast Listen to Charles' new song: https://open.spotify.com/track/4r6cxwLnd1eokkF8qUAvND?si=461221842bff414e
Angus Balestrom (Branson), Fox Hellman (Andrew), and Tweep Peeper (Charles) discuss some seriously twisted, messed up, F@#!%ed up serial killers. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Three Pumpkins Mayor Stuart Smartey (Branson) is joined by journalist Donnie Trellis (Charles) as he meets with townsfolk and has dinner with Boris Johnson (Andrew) at Ritzi's on the Pier. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/107765102
Host Lee Larson (Andrew) guides three pint-sized gumshoes—Little Zachy (Charles), Yo-Yo (Alex Nichols), and Ashley Angel Parker (Michael Hudson)—on an adventure to stop criminal mastermind Damon Santiago and his nefarious goon Javier Milei. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/107471313
Inhabitants of purgatory Sisyphus (Branson), Culver (Andrew), and King Midazolam (Charles) discuss living alongside legions of unbaptized babies, unjust kings, and pagans. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Uber driver Cooper Sorento (Charles) picks up Walt Tremblay (Branson) and businessman Dominick Market (Andrew) during a big soccer match in Three Pumpkins. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/106815147
Inspector Vincenzo Tarantula (Andrew) interrogates suspects Elmo Ferrari (Branson), Gremolata Coachella (Charles), and Lorenzo Pervertino (Mike F. @DeputyWarlock) regarding the murder of Esmerelda Scorpioni and other beautiful young women at the Hotel Italiano. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Friends Dave (Andrew), Brian (Charles), and Crunk (Branson) discuss their podcasting careers, their new video game company, and their jobs at the grocery store. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/106378475
Music superstars Luke Billy (Branson), Godwin Glass (Andrew), and Bryden Brantley (Charles) discuss their plan to form a country supergroup. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Jam band fans Biscuit (Branson), Dusty (Alex), and Rick (Charles) record a live show by their favorite band The Van Shamans. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/105704481
Walt Tremblay (Branson) and Caitlyn Jenner (Hesse) discuss car accidents, decathlons, Jojo Siwa, and who has to clean up after a war. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/105508586
Extraterrestrials Soothing Smile (Branson), Mr. DVD (Andrew), and xX_DaKrazyAlien_Xx (Charles) scour the Earth for the ideal human specimen to compete in the Alien Triathlon. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Under a bright sizzling cream-ish moon, Nelson boards an alien spaceship for the thrilling conclusion, in which some secrets are revealed and other plot threads are never addressed ever again. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast/posts?filters%5Btag%5D=Nelson%27s+Story
RiscoRiver Pictures executives Candle Westweather (Andrew), James “Jaws” James (Charles), and Latrine St. DuParc (Ty @bobo_circus) workshop movie pitches from screenwriters Orenthal Samaritan (Branson), Clifford Redhound (Spencer @TGOFV_Pod), and Lincoln Large (Andy @Ex_AnarchoAnon). E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Branson, Charles, and Truck the Pignificent (TJ @cookiesandart) host a Memorial Day variety show with a colorful cast of guests, including Andrew from E1, Chef Woopsy Doopsy, ventriloquist Stu K, animal expert Grant Banana, and more. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Greg Head (Branson) and Witman Diggley (Charles) face off against Sean Rogers (Alex @ALEXF0RREST) and Dylan Scarfo (Joe @J0EGLEAS0N) in Mr. Load's (Andrew) high-school debate class final. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Raina Douris (NPR's World Cafe) and Julian Feeld (QAA) join us for the first E1 Book Club, where we read and discuss the sci-fi epic "Nelson's Story" by Mr. Niraj Sharma, the acclaimed author of "1001 Funny Jokes." Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/103758512
When a brand new island is discovered in the Pacific, President Cecil Cobra enlists Andrew, Branson, and Charles to fight for control of its resources in a war against every country on earth. Featuring Brendan James, Noah Kulwin, and Zeke Golvin. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Raina talks about the time she powerplayed Barbra Streisand and reveals whether or not she has intentions to commit espionage or sabotage in the United States. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/103291869
Dickheads Daniel “Dave” Lewis (Branson), Travis Seltzer (Andrew), and Bobby Halo (Charles) discuss their business ideas and their favorite bars as they pregame for Jobbie Nooner. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Tortured poets and whiskey aficionados Silk Brothers aka NightTongue5832985393 (Branson), Mask O’Hare aka UnderBlackWaves (Andrew), Clift Miasma aka RyeOfTheBeholder (Charles), and Vic Chambray aka TheSwelteringSilence (Rylan) weave poetic thoughts awash in women, whiskey, and this fucked world of bullshit. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Dr. Terrance Fingerling (Branson) dispenses advice about modern romance, joined by a cast of callers and special guests (Andrew, Charles). E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Episodes that never left the drafts folder, including sodas (not Pixar), farm animals, mathematical symbols used to denote positive and negative functions, three needles in a haystack, and many more. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/101962357
Gilroy Monsanto (Branson) and campaign manager Savannah Fandango (Hesse) interact with ordinary voters (Andrew, Charles) at the Iowa State Fair. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/101712512
Andrew, Felix, Alex, and Ben discuss the 2018 Rockstar game Red Dead Redemption 2. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/101511528
Singer-songwriter Brewer Grouse finds himself at the center of the early '60s folk boom in Manhattan and sets out to make his message heard—whether people like it or not. E1 on Patreon: www.patreon.com/e1podcast Starring Charles Austin, Dave Weigel, Lisa Vitale, Nate Ruess, Alex Branson, Andrew Hudson, John Semley, Alana Branson, Joel, Margie, Taylor, and Patches. Written by Charles Austin, Alex Branson, and Andrew Hudson Songs by Charles Austin, performed by Charles Austin, Lisa Vitale, Nate Ruess, and Alex Branson. Artwork by Titas Antanas Vilkaitis Edited by Charles Austin
Mr. Drama (Andrew), Caden2Milli (Branson), Paper Chaser (Charles), and FaZe Polanski (Felix) have an adventure at the zoo. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/101045241
Angels Valentini (Branson), Dooriel (Andrew), and Rabbi Judas the Angel (Charles) discuss their jobs and daily routines in Heaven. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Mechanics Sleeve (Branson) and Harley Knewer (Charles) help customers (Andrew, Tom) repair and maintain their sex dolls. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Walt Tremblay (Branson) answers questions from fans. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/100181864
CemeteryScone (Andrew), FunPlayer1 (Branson), MysteriousHumanoid1998 (Charles), and ThatMysticBlerd (@_KOL2) provide commentary on real-life speedruns, including a 100% Map Run of Cook County, IL that pits The Cake Is A Liger vs. SchrödingersTaco, and an attempt to top Dr. Yinz's universe speedrun record. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/99932835
YouTuber Rando Slice (Andrew), prison guard Nate Tussle (Branson), and Brody Bliscoe The World Ice Cream Champ (Charles) discuss their wonderful journey aboard the Elvis of the Sea cruise ship. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Jedi's Tannin Sperm (Branson), Darth Hundo (Charles), and Dape Dode (Andrew) gather to watch the Dantooine 500 podrace. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/99254757
A discussion of the prestige TV show Secret’s Service featuring three super fans: Carl Yummy (Branson), Walton Sears (Andrew), and Filbert Fletcher (Charles). E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
The BRAN 5000 (Branson) and Dr. Cloak Barrows (Andrew) try to help Randy Momo (Charles) overcome his state of extended adolescence. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/98780247
"1001 Funny Jokes" Call of Cthulhu campaign on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/collection/268039
Branson and Andrew discuss being sick. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
This year we draft college frat houses. With Branson, Andrew, Charles, Tom, Joel, and Nick. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/98349005
Greek philosophers Anaenis (Branson), Philosophes (Andrew), and Platonicus (Charles) debate the thorniest philosophical questions of the time. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/98101063
Film critics John Fisher Millions (Branson), Clive Devine (Andrew), and Reese Soulstone (Charles) share their predictions for Oscar season. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Mercenaries Smokemore (Branson), Quickseed (Andrew), and Molvux (Charles) undertake a quest to deliver The King's Flute to King Vahgo. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Jérome Durepois (Andrew) and Joseph Rogan No Relation (Branson) discuss their sadness. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/e2-55-sadcast-96984930
Stamp Grosby was the first player/coach/owner/GM in basketball. How did this former powder magnate end up being the shortest-term owner in NBA history? Slut Phillips (Branson), Kevin Hatleaf (Andrew), and Slim Dragoon (Joel) explain. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Branson, Andrew, and Charles dish about taxes, invent a nephew for Uncle Sam, and encourage all listeners to put down their bombs and embrace peace. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/96550496
E1 and Podcast About List go on vacation at their timeshare in Nashua, NH but arrive to a discomforting surprise… E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Bartenders Muck Leghorn (Alex Branson) and Clint Kentucky Royale (Nick Branson @Destroyomax9000) serve customers at The Crevice. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/95866521
Smith Michael Jenson (Andrew), Michael Jenson Smith (Branson), and Jenson Smith Michael (Charles) flex about their incredible lives and lifestyles. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Charles takes it upon himself to record a Christmas special this year, despite his tepid interest in the holiday. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Charon (Branson) guides his passengers Spider Lindell (Andrew) and Jawja Nawlins (Charles) down Ichor Creek in Silver Spoons, GA to complete missions for their elite clients. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Wade Tacoma (Andrew) discusses his divorce proceedings with his brother Lizard “Lizzie” Tacoma (Branson) and his lawyer Ken Koala (Charles). Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/94259866
Fan fiction authors TheRakishRaconteur (Branson), DarkEmergencyX (Andrew), DarkNarutoX (Charles), and Tom D. Anime (Tom) share their latest stories. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/94081195
Long-haul trucker Yardman (Andrew) picks up hitchhikers (Branson, Charles) on his trek across the country. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Local journalist Donnie Trellis (Charles) spends a day with Mayor Stuart Smartey (Branson) as he interacts with the ordinary citizens (Andrew) of Three Pumpkins, CA. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Reid Gimball (Branson) returns to Terre Haute to tell his old friend Curtis Hong (Andrew) about his interdimensional escapades. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/93239891
Silver Spoons, GA radio personalities Buck Summers (Andrew) and Kevin Rylan (Branson) welcome country superstar Bryden Brantly (Charles) to discuss his values, the Damn I Clean Up Good tour, and his new single. "The Smallest Town You Can Have" on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/00SNSeWb6vqSj0HpxbS6C9?si=PE-6m20TTFuJzgNtI1khrg Download on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/smallest-town-92402038
Dunk (Branson) and Keys (Andrew) welcome Greenville sportswriter Chip Dip (Tom) to discuss the 2023–24 NBA season. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/92826024
Hmm. the Alien (@cringe_genius) says goodbye to his human bowling pals Grover Skirts (Branson), Cecil Monte Cristo (Andrew), and Clever Tim (Charles). E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
U.S. Senators Reggie Loud (Charles) and Shelly Chimp (Andrew) investigate allegations against podcaster Alex Branson that his unhusbandlike conduct may disqualify him from receiving federal subsidies under the Tom Sandoval Act of 2023. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/92421579
Torturers Bullfrog (Branson), Slime Francis (Andrew), and Pallid Ass (Joel) torture Charles the Worst (Charles) in King Vahgo's Dungeon. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/92167516
Dracula University undergrads Jimmy Treats (Branson), Dunmer (Andrew), Hal O’Ween (Charles), and Frank N. Steinsmonster (Cameron Fetter) tell spooky stories around a campfire. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
After a shooting at Club Pogo derails the release party for Charles the DJ's "DJ Play the Song," Zap News Reporter Kevin Slider (Charles) discusses the tragedy with Walt Tremblay (Branson), the only man who saw the assailant's escape. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/91535004
Pastor Clyde Sunbeam (Charles) answers questions from callers (Andrew, @Lowenaffchen) during his afternoon call-in show. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
AWW CEO Billy Crust (Branson) makes plans for Mr. Rumble's Royale with Brisk Santiago (Andrew), Crispin Ekphrasis (Charles), Big Tom Springsteen (@murderxbryan), and Derry Polumbo (@theCJS). E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
King Vahgo (Branson) holds court before his subjects, knights, and advisors (Andrew, Charles). Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/302-in-court-of-90412053
Branson, Andrew, and Charles answer listener questions about the lore and metaphysics of the Pixar's Sodas universe. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/90205575
Caden 2 Milli (Branson), Mr. Drama Orange (Andrew), and Diet Paper Chaser Vanilla (Charles) rent out an entire theater to watch Pixar's Sodas, but things get confusing when FaZe Polanski turns into a Mountain Dew. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
When Pepsi is purchased at a Naperville Circle K, Coke and his friends go on the adventure of a lifetime to track her down. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast Starring Hasan Piker, Felix Biederman, Raina Douris, and Zola Jesus Featuring Will Menaker, Matt Christman, Nate Ruess, Alex Press, Cameron Fetter, Caleb Pitts, Patrick Doran, Julian Feeld, Alex Nichols, Branson Reese, Dan Boeckner, Titas Antanas Vilkaitis, Michael Hudson, Sweet Palma, John Semley, Alana Branson, Tom, Hesse, Derek, Wererat (Joel, TJ, and Elliott), and a text-to-speech thing Written by Alex Branson, Charles Austin, Andrew Hudson, and Felix Biederman Song by Charles Austin, Nate Ruess, and Raina Douris Artwork by Branson Reese Edited by Charles Austin
Anthropologists Schumer Stacks (@charlesraustin) and Fedder Bolis (@intellegint) conduct research on a new Tarzan (@necrobranson) discovered in the Three Pumpkins Rainforest. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Andrew and Branson interview with Charles in hopes of getting hired back on E1. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/89122793
Car designers Garamond Load (@necrobranson), Aldo Vera (@intellegint), and Carl Cerveza (@charlesraustin) discuss some of their more innovative vehicle designs. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/88919883
Paranormal investigator Cassius Muldoon (@intellegint) hangs out at the Rusty Spoon Diner interviewing subjects with eerie stories (@necrobranson @charlesraustin). Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/88763353
Hosts Denny Scrimshaw (@intellegint) and Region Alexander (@charlesraustin) judge contestants (@necrobranson @cookiesandart @ElliottZegas) from across America to find out who's got the juice and who's got to vamoose. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Jack Nicholson (@necrobranson) and Jack Nicholson (@intellegint) tell Hollywood stories. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Local radio personalities Bradford Hockendock (@intellegint) and Dunstin Checksin (@necrobranson) host the Terre Haute 1000 at the Dinty Moore Racetrack on a hot summer day. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/88045270
In the near future (less than 1 week from now), three guys and three robots who are exactly as smart as each other set off on an incredible journey of friendship. Guest starring Jesse Farrar, Mike Hale, and Zeke Golvin. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Cowboys Grover Goodfellow (@necrobranson), August Leroy Jubilee (@intellegint), Ozymandias Reed (@charlesraustin), and Ezekiel Tanner (@cookiesandart) discuss their faith, sing cowboy songs, and keep watch for rustlers. Listen to Charles' album: https://tr.ee/Qc8LZOA4he https://solipse.bandcamp.com/album/morning-forms
When Branson, Andrew, and Charles ruin Steven Soderbergh's pair of Bruce Springsteen's jeans, they must concoct another lie. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/87346499 Listen to Charles' album: https://tr.ee/Qc8LZOA4he
Gus Tooper (@necrobranson) hosts a college football tailgate with his freshman son Ferris Tooper (@intellegint) and his son's friends Jimmy Squalor (@charlesraustin) and Greg Beerski (@JucheMane). Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/87136672
St. Peter (@charlesraustin) hangs out at the Pearly Gates, determining who should and shouldn't get into Heaven. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
HR representative Rayleigh Silvers (@ZeroSuitCamus) mediates disputes about the E1 company mixer at Rainforest Cafe, a questionable batch of magic beans, and the revelation that Branson may have stolen the idea for his Hawaiian house party. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/86595569
Aspiring stoner Laguna Birch (@charlesraustin) consults with Hashman (@intellegint) and Tony Grow (@necrobranson) to find his perfect strain. Listen to Charles' new song: https://open.spotify.com/track/0J3mCBoXrZHmlicioyepij E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Scientists Prof. Scoop Dresser (@intellegint), Dr. Dollop Salv (@necrobranson), and Dr. Benjamin Watts-Updog (@charlesraustin) share the latest research in their respective fields. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Some of the most premiere gentlemen within the world—Mr. Swipps (@intellegint), Mr. Dundas (@necrobranson), Mr. Pontchartrain (@charlesraustin), and Mr. Óveður (@neonwario)—partake in a conversation rich with wine, wit, and good cheer. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Will Menaker (@willmenaker) and Taylor (@tupacdurex) join Andrew to discuss the 1998 Joe Dante film Small Soldiers. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/85531510
Terre Haute, Indiana, 1929. Three independently wealthy gentlemen converge at the Cordial Center for Dignified Living when strange occurrences begin to disrupt everyday life… Full series on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/1001-funny-jokes-85432454
CIA agents Scyther (@charlesraustin), Keaton (@intellegint), and Kegger (@necrobranson) discuss notable previous operations and plot a coup on Christmas Island. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Surfers Goby Jones (@intellegint), Jon Condom (@necrobranson), and Rider Vega (@charlesraustin) discuss surf culture and the legendary 100 ft. wave making its way to Breakfast Beach. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Shoutcasters Reclxner (@necrobranson), SynaptiKle (@intellegint), and f.GUMP (@charlesraustin) provide commentary at the annual DooDash Bridge of Bastards Invitational featuring the Chocobos on Crack vs. the MyFood.Gov Mudkips vs. the FaZe Clan's Brazilian team. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/84823132
Wizards Sop the Smartest (@necrobranson), Solabaster the Silver (@intellegint), and Dewey the Wizard King (@charlesraustin) discuss their favorite spells and reagents. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Toymakers Dish Whistle (@intellegint), Eddie Seawave (@charlesraustin), and Doc Sprocket (@necrobranson) discuss their inventions. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Branson takes a quiz to find out if he's good at sucking dick. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/84109420
Spicy pepper breeders Monte Anjou (@necrobranson) and “Spicy” Joe Renegade (@charlesraustin) discuss their peppers, their hot sauces, and the annual spicy pepper convention HotCon. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/83906027
The Three Pumpkins Lords a Leaping take on the Terre Haute Gunblades with commentary from Salty Pepper (@necrobranson), Kohl Nordstrom (@charlesraustin), and Rock Goblin (@JucheMane). Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/83735866
Jedi's Darth Hundo (@charlesraustin), Dape Dode (@intellegint), and Tannin Sperm (@necrobranson) gather at the Star Wars cantina to talk about the life of Jedi's. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Dirty eating guru True Goodwin (@necrobranson) explains his groundbreaking fad diet to morning show hosts Bobo Tabasco (@charlesraustin) and Leto Caprese (@intellegint). E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Branson, Andrew, Charles, Joel, Tom, and Nick draft fantasy basketball teams consisting of any players or characters they want. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/83047347
T.K. Frisbee (@charlesraustin) hosts a yard sale visited by various neighbors (@necrobranson @intellegint). E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
A group of fearless cowboys gathers in a small Texas town to hunt for the fugitive Varnadoe, wanted for a massacre at Hogtown Horse Ranch where he killed up to 50 horses. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/82607425
Landlords Chip Howdy (@necrobranson), Ridley Bins (@intellegint), and Russell Galactica (@charlesraustin) discuss their properties and the struggles of dealing with tenants. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/82514172
Andrew and Branson talk about the D&D movie. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/82349942
Presidential candidate Gilroy Monsanto (@necrobranson) consults with trusted advisors Kentucky Red (@cushbomb), Harvey Cleese (@intellegint), and Noel Articuno (@charlesraustin) about his forthcoming campaign. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Homicide detectives Marvin Mundy (@necrobranson), Lesley Mariner (@intellegint), and Feta Stockwell (@charlesraustin) discuss their investigative techniques and most notable cases. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Genetic engineers Dr. Honus (@necrobranson) and Mr. Neptune (@charlesraustin) introduce new guy New Guy (@intellegint) to the wonders of Opulence's botanical garden before the Festival of the Flowerbaby. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Judges Croak Munch (@necrobranson) and Toby Topp (@charlesraustin) welcome returning contestants Baxton Decker (@len0killer), Catfish (@jakebrodes), and Jason Beandip (@intellegint) to compete for the title of Mr. Ohio. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/81368188
Nostalgia abounds as former GooGo the Goose cast members Otis (@necrobranson), DJ (@intellegint), and Cad (@charlesraustin) reminisce about their time on the legendary children's show. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/81138051
Caden 2 Milli (@necrobranson), Mr. Drama (@intellegint), and Paper Chaser (@charlesraustin) discuss their taxes and the time that Caden 2 Milli died. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/81047253
Archeologists Weevil Sinclair (@intellegint), Missouri Payne (@necrobranson), and Prof. Edgar Llewellyn Porch (@charlesraustin) discuss their latest archeological dig in Mauritius. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Life coach Rice Comstock (@intellegint) tries to help Walt Tremblay (@necrobranson) improve his life and reach his potential. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Andrew, Branson, and Charles go to Hollywood and get involved in a plot to dump their uncle's ashes on the Dalai Lama. (ft. @egolvin and @exMalwa). E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Annapurna Creative Director Johnny Dunn (@USSRdad) and friend of E1 Mike F. (@DeputyWarlock) join Andrew to discuss the 2013 James Ward Byrkit film Coherence. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/80021643
From now on we're doing D&D (or Call of Cthulhu) twice a month at a $10 tier. Full first episode of the new campaign is here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/dungeons-deagles-79971743
Friends and family of the '72 Dolphins O-Line—Erlando Bloon (@BozoMode), Slevin Garnett (@Senn_Spud), Melvin Macaroni (@necrobranson), and Eddie Anasarca (@intellegint)—eulogize their teammates in a service led by Saint Hickory Davis Delight (@charlesraustin). E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Andrew, Branson, and Charles share some episodes that never left the drafts folder. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/79462841
Newly hired HR representative Rayleigh Silvers (@ZeroSuitCamus) explains HR protocol and mediates workplace grievances between Andrew, Branson, and Charles. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Architects Bennie Cinderella (@necrobranson), Leland Marino (@intellegint), and Donovon Groose (@charlesraustin) discuss their design philosophy and the buildings they're proud of. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Actor Michael Imperioli welcomes Architectural Digest for a tour of his intricately decorated, art-filled home. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Branson and Patrick Doran (@lunch_enjoyer) discuss the 2015 Pierre Coffin and Kyle Balda film Minions. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/78315452
Mountaineers Gus Muster (@charlesraustin), Shoe Dooman (@necrobranson), and Frederich Alameda (@intellegint) climb the world's tallest mountain, newly discovered in the Sierra Nevada. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/78133843
Andrew, Will Menaker, and Joshua Eustis (@telefontelaviv) discuss the 2007 Tony Gilroy film Michael Clayton. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/77976188
Jay Leno's mechanics—Jim Whisper (@intellegint), Rinky Doo (@necrobranson), and Ram Mallard (@charlesraustin)—discuss Jay's car collection, their jobs at the garage, and plans for Jay's appearance at the Woodward Dream Cruise. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
‘80s arcade gamers Bomb Pop (@intellegint), Ron Solo (@necrobranson), and Steve Cherry (@charlesraustin) reminisce about their glory days and recall the legend of their friend Jimmy Saltz. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Brothers Danny (@intellegint) and Dicky Dumwaiter (@charlesraustin) hire Normie Smalls the XL Medium (@necrobranson) to help locate the deed to their deceased father's famous estate. More E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Tired of not being taken seriously, E1 tries to go in a new, more serious direction to impress podcasting critics. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/76833920
More Gods of Podcasting on E1 patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Paper Chaser (@charlesraustin) discusses religion and the meaning of life with Mr. Drama (@intellegint) and Caden 2 Milli (@necrobranson). E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Holly Silverbell hates the holidays—ironic for someone from the quaint Christmas town of Kringleville. Can a whirlwind romance with local hunk Dallas Dasher teach her the true meaning of Christmas? And also she has to catch a serial killer. "I Would Kill for Christmas" song on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/42XMQUpMNQuvQIvY2rocsm?si=1f134c7a16a7414f E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast With @RahRahRaina @ByYourLogic @humidnightbIue @charlesraustin @intellegint @necrobranson
FaZe Polanski (@ByYourLogic), Mr. Drama (@intellegint), Caden 2 Milli (@necrobranson), and Paper Chaser (@charlesraustin) prepare for their Christmas party. E1 on Patreon: www.patreon.com/e1podcast
A poetry reading from last weekend's charity stream, featuring Joseph Rogan No Relation (@necrobranson), Jerome Durepois (@intellegint), Thomas Kinkade Jr. (@charlesraustin), Sebastian Goldin (@matthewgoldin), and The Villain Joel (@thevillainjoel). E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
E1 and Podcast About List settle a series of lawsuits against one another. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Turmoil breaks out at an E1 company meeting when it's discovered that someone is stealing from the podcast pension fund. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Friends Dave (@intellegint), Brian (@charlesraustin), and Crunk (@necrobranson) record another podcast. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/75634215
Aspiring pranksters Suck Dipwell (@necrobranson) and Dip Suckwell (@charlesraustin) try their best to prank federal employee Sam Rid (@intellegint). Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/75420458
Agent Louse (@intellegint), Detective Jack Birthday (@necrobranson), Sargent Dunmer (@charlesraustin), and Detective Drew Crease (@sweetxpalma) try to prevent a group of criminals from stealing the Mona Lisa 2. More E1 on Patreon: www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Andrew, Will (@willmenaker), and Chet (@GirlfriendHaver) discuss the 2022 Martin McDonagh film The Banshees of Inisherin. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/74941768
Notorious murderer Jared Calhoun (@necrobranson) and his lawyer Ken Koala (@charlesraustin) sit down for a televised interview with Peter Faulkner (@intellegint) about the events that led to his infamy. Exclusive E1 junk on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Criminals Frankie NoAss (@necrobranson), Fisher “The Fish” Streetview (@intellegint), and Ricky Tang (@sweetxpalma) kidnap museum docent Walker DeLouse (@charlesraustin) as part of a plan to steal the Mona Lisa 2. More E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Game show host Branson Philbin (@necrobranson) welcomes guests (@intellegint @charlesraustin) to compete for their shot at a million dollars. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/74182750
Paranormal investigator Cassius Muldoon (@intellegint) sits at the Rusty Spoon Diner interviewing subjects with eerie stories (@necrobranson @charlesraustin). E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
A full hour of leaked talk radio and commercials from the upcoming Rockstar blockbuster Grand Theft Auto VI. With @necrobranson @intellegint @charlesraustin @sweetxpalma @humidnightbIue E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
This is our new series where we just talk. Most of these will be on Patreon only. https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Pastor Houston Millionaire (@charlesraustin) and Pastor Billy Whiteteeth (@necrobranson) spread the good word of the Lord, sing hymns, and share their favorite bible passages. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
A mysterious invitation to a haunted mansion brings together the motley crew of Dr. Romulus Stone (@intellegint), Colonel Jack Horner (@necrobranson), Reverend Algernon Something (@charlesraustin), Leon Contraire (@thevillainjoel), and Henry Colfer (@cookiesandart). Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/72970223
Caden 2 Milli (@necrobranson) and Mr. Drama (@intellegint) debut their new business that sits at the corner of culture and streetwear. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
MeHelp Helpologists Jerome Baller (@charlesraustin), Lefty Festus (@necrobranson), Dr. Terry Fool (@intellegint) discuss their Helpology techniques and gossip about their clients. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Satan, the great horned one, has summoned the most evil archvillains in all existence to compete to become the new devil. So they head to Champagne City to cause calamity… Full campaign on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/72256278
Film critics John Fisher Millions (@necrobranson), Clive Devine (@intellegint), Reese Soulstone (@charlesraustin), and Barbara Throat (@ZeroSuitCamus) discuss the latest box office offerings. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Murray Mustard (@necrobranson) welcomes Charles (@charlesraustin) and Hubert Rask (@intellegint) on a fantastical tour of his magical sandwich factory. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Branson and Andrew discuss their ailments. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/71373113 See E1 Live in Chicago on 9/8: https://sleeping-village.com/event/local-universe-presents-e1-live/
Captain Oyster (@intellegint) sets off on a deep sea expedition with Wolfgang Puck (@necrobranson) and Former Captain Gordon Cobweb (@charlesraustin). E1 Live in Chicago Sept. 8: https://sleeping-village.com/event/local-universe-presents-e1-live/ E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
The famous MI6 agent James Bond must thwart an alien plot against the British. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Phonebankers for Gilroy Monsanto survey ordinary voters about their political opinions. See E1 Live in Chicago (9/8): https://sleeping-village.com/event/local-universe-presents-e1-live/
Wealthy philanthropists Randi St. Randi (@necrobranson), Morgan Camarilla (@intellegint), and Valencia Marseilles Versailles (@charlesraustin) gossip candidly about the wealthy inhabitants of Rivendell Bay. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/70054547 See E1 Live in Chicago (9/8): https://sleeping-village.com/event/local-universe-presents-e1-live/
Four of the world's greatest butlers gather aboard The Daft and Insouciant yacht for a pleasure cruise in the Opal Sea. Their objective is to impress the legendary butler Dr. London Farber in order to replace him as head butler to the extraordinarily wealthy Ritchie Cardinal. Full campaign on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/dungeons-deagles-69961598
Mr. Smiles (@necrobranson) and GooGo the Goose (@charlesraustin) welcome game designer Chris Metzen (@intellegint) for an hour of kid-friendly fun and games. See E1 Live in Chicago (9/8): https://sleeping-village.com/event/local-universe-presents-e1-live/
Residents of a fantastical junkyard—Whiffy, "The King of Stink" (@necrobranson), Kerosene (@intellegint), and Pablo Honey (@charlesraustin)—talk about the various creatures that inhabit the dump. See E1 Live in Chicago (9/8): https://sleeping-village.com/event/local-universe-presents-e1-live/
Comedy veteran Johnny Moretti (@necrobranson) welcomes legendary comedy duo Max Deezer (@intellegint) and Billy Deezer (@charlesraustin) to reflect on their comedy careers and share some new jokes. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/69304888 See E1 Live in Chicago (9/8): https://sleeping-village.com/event/local-universe-presents-e1-live/
While hanging out in Steven Soderbergh's pool, Andrew (@intellegint), Branson (@necrobranson), and Charles (@charlesraustin) break the Fabergé egg from Ocean's 12 and develop a complicated lie to cover it up. See E1 Live in Chicago (9/8): https://sleeping-village.com/event/local-universe-presents-e1-live/
Commentators Farris Fortune (@necrobranson), Orpheus Griggs (@intellegint), and Sir Willy Balderdash (@charlesraustin) welcome 10 fluffy little ragamuffins competing for glory in the Kitty Cat Club's summer league. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/69001565
E1 opens for Wolf Parade in Los Angeles and San Francisco. (ft. @DanBoeckner) (Recorded 2022.05.20 & 2022.05.22). Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/68787596 See E1 live in Chicago on 9/8: https://sleeping-village.com/event/local-universe-presents-e1-live/
Walt Tremblay hails the return of the Lincoln Lawyer, gives his opinions on politics, and discusses his nephew commenting on his Facebook posts. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/68656465 See E1 live in Chicago on 9/8: https://sleeping-village.com/event/local-universe-presents-e1-live/
Grammy-winning singer Nate Ruess hosts an evening of uproarious sketch comedy with musical guest The Sexy New Guys. (With @nateruessmusic and @womenlover007) New E1 album "Pitchfork Gave This 9.3" out now: https://open.spotify.com/album/3FHS9e1RCViDhjTXJL0WOi E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Old friends Len Stauber (@intellegint), Buddy Johnson (@necrobranson), and Bud Johnson (@charlesraustin) reminisce together on the 50th anniversary of Dice Rollman & The Guilty Victims' classic album "Steak Sandwich." E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Shoutcasters Reclxner (@necrobranson), SynaptiKle (@intellegint), and f.GUMP (@charlesraustin) provide commentary at the annual DooDash Bridge of Bastards Invitational featuring the Super Monkey Pirates vs. TurboTax AllStars. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Alien prisoners Corporal Sergeant Aloysius Beauregard Abernathy (@necrobranson), Lasix (@intellegint), and Shakespeare (@charlesraustin) discuss their captivity and their pasts. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
The cast of Uncle's Houseboat shares their script for the action blockbuster World War Infinity (ft. Felix Biederman) (Recorded 2022-05-19). Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/67250510
DJ Limousine Luxury (@necrobranson) and DJ Unrelenting Mercy (@charlesraustin) DJ their friend's wedding, mourn the death of DJ Dance Crazy, and debut their new song as 100 City DJs. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Beatle fanatics Cromwell Starr (@charlesraustin), Russ Lennon (@intellegint), and Peter Bitch (@necrobranson) discuss Beatles lore and unearth a forgotten track by the Liverpudlian lads from Liverpool. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Friends Dave (@intellegint), Brian (@charlesraustin), and Crunk (@necrobranson) start a podcast. Tix for E1 Live in L.A. (5/19) w/ Felix Biederman: bit.ly/3ORMU5K
A group of greaser toughs goes on a mission to rescue local mechanic Vinnie Five Thumbs. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/66253864 Joel (@thevillainjoel) - DM Andrew (@intellegint) - Ribs Branson (@necrobranson) - Jimmy Trash Charles (@charlesraustin) - Valentino the Slicer Elliott (@ElliottZegas) - Dirty Bruno
Terre Haute Park Rangers Tom Bombadil (@necrobranson) and Ronan (@intellegint) issue an air quality index warning, discuss upcoming park events, and unveil the discovery of The Grand Canyon 2. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/66053244 Tix for E1 Live in L.A. (5/19) w/ Felix Biederman: https://bit.ly/3ORMU5K
Blackjack and O'Doober confront the evil mastermind whose scheme led to the death of Little Susie Drumheller. with @DinkMagic @necrobranson @intellegint @charlesraustin and @humidnightbIue E1 Live tickets (L.A. & S.F.): www.e1pod.com/shows
Game show host Buddy Puddle (@necrobranson) welcomes zookeeper Holton Crazyhouse (@intellegint) and celebrity chef Garisson Weeks (@charlesraustin) for an hour of family-friendly pop culture trivia games. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/65598316
Blackjack and O'Doober head to Calgary to uncover more information about the dangerous street drug known only as Slime. with @DinkMagic @necrobranson @intellegint @charlesraustin and @humidnightbIue E1 Live tickets (L.A. & S.F.): https://www.e1pod.com/shows
Detectives Jack Blackjack and Carmine O'Doober investigate the shocking murder of Little Susie Drumheller, who knew way too much… Perhaps this thing goes all the way to the top? with @DinkMagic @necrobranson @intellegint @charlesraustin and @humidnightbIue E1 Live tickets: https://www.e1pod.com/shows Pretty Dim Wonder: https://anchor.fm/pretty-dim-wonder
Andrew, Branson, and Charles tell a bedtime story about the legend of Skunk Welcher and the Two Kings. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/65061108 E1 Live in L.A. 5/19 and S.F. 5/22: www.e1pod.com/shows
Risco recruiter Ethan Campari (@intellegint) interviews a number of candidates (@necrobranson and @charlesraustin) for a customer service job. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/64853375 E1 Live in L.A. 5/19 and S.F. 5/22: https://www.e1pod.com/shows
Branson, Andrew, Charles, Joel, Tom, and Nick draft fantasy basketball teams consisting of any players or characters they want. E1 Live in L.A. and S.F. in May: www.e1pod.com/shows E1 on Patreon: www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Children's authors Gaston Silverton (@necrobranson), Mason O'Hare (@intellegint), and P.B. Sandwich (@charlesraustin) discuss their craft and share some of their work. E1 Live in L.A. and S.F. in May: www.e1pod.com/shows E1 on Patreon: www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Bradford Hockendock (@intellegint) and Dunstin Checksin (@necrobranson) interview Department of Evil representative Dino Sulfur (@charlesraustin) about a new federal policy legalizing evil in Terre Haute. E1 Live in L.A. and S.F. in May: https://www.e1pod.com/shows E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
DM Oki (@Okimin21) leads contestants King Craven Worm (@necrobranson), Miracle (@intellegint), iPad (@charlesraustin), and Vinnie "The Horny Toad" Van Gundy (@thevillainjoel) into a strange circus tent. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/63799367
Serial killers Peter Things (@necrobranson), Eddie William Stone (@intellegint), Mortimer Longfellow (@charlesraustin), Brian the Ripper (@derek8185338005), and Sebastian Martin (@matthewgoldin) meet up to discuss their craft, their recent kills, and their personal brands. See E1 in L.A. and S.F. in May: https://www.e1pod.com/shows Charles' band Solipse has a new album, The News Unfit: https://linktr.ee/solipse
Branson's good friends join him for his most funnest day ever after he sold a short story for a million dollars. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/63341049 See E1 in L.A. and S.F. in May: https://www.e1pod.com/shows Charles' band Solipse has a new album, The News Unfit: https://solipse.bandcamp.com/album/the-news-unfit
The Poop Doctor (@necrobranson) analyzes another sample. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/63286213
Doctor Poop (@necrobranson) shares his analysis of a sample. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
In the year 2062, Branson pleads with Andrew and Charles to get the gang back together. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/63231479
Dogcatcher Inutaro 06: World’s #1 Dogcatcher!? Inutaro Vs. Bengoshi Akuma—The Universe Trembles!! The truth behind the Dogcatchers' Guild is revealed as Inutaro faces off against the evil lawyer Bengoshi Akuma for the fate of the planet. With @necrobranson @intellegint @charlesraustin @womenlover007 @JucheMane and @humidnightbIue E1 on Patreon: www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Andrew, Branson, and Will discuss the 1982 John Carpenter film The Thing. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/62873150
Dogcatcher Inutaro 05: Tophat Cat with the Mysterious Smile!! The Imposing Tower of The Demon Lawyer!! The Dogcatchers infiltrate Bengoshi Akuma's lair and prepare for the final confrontation. With @necrobranson @intellegint @charlesraustin @womenlover007 @JucheMane and @humidnightbIue E1 on Patreon: www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Poets Joseph Rogan No Relation (@necrobranson), Jerome Durepois (@intellegint), Thomas Kinkade Jr. (@charlesraustin), and Professor Whitey Cornball (@derek8185338005) ambush a Brooklyn coffee shop with new poems to support chapbook awareness. Full episode on Patreon:https://www.patreon.com/posts/62564189
Dogcatcher Inutaro 04: Old Dog Learns New Skill—The Tengoku no Jail Technique!! The Arrival of the Mysterious New Arrival!! Inutaro hones his dogcatching techniques with Rex's training while Primrose infiltrates the law office of the evil animal rights lawyer Bengoshi Akuma. With @necrobranson @intellegint @charlesraustin @womenlover007 @JucheMane and @humidnightbIue E1 on Patreon: www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Dogcatcher Inutaro 03: Teen Intrigue Smile!! Dogcatcher Pamela Shares Her Passion at The Let It Rock Dance!! Inutaro, Rash, and Primrose attend the Dogcatcher High School Dance, where Primrose feels threatened by a new dogcatcher named Pamela and Inutaro stuns everyone with a bold declaration. Meanwhile, another new arrival has caught Inutaro's attention… With @necrobranson @intellegint @charlesraustin @womenlover007 @JucheMane and @humidnightblue E1 on Patreon: www.patreon.com/e1podcast
The Oracle delivers her annual prophecy to Good King Grinstead (@charlesraustin), King Vahgo (@necrobranson), Prince Pussywillow (@intellegint), and Count Snidely (@thevillainjoel). Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/61978312
Dogcatcher Inutaro 02: "Ominous Foreboding in the Lair of Dogs!! The Nefarious Scientist Dr. Insane Einstein Appears!!" The dogcatchers enter the lair of the evil Dr. Insane Einstein and face off against his latest D.O.G.S. creations. With @necrobranson @intellegint @charlesraustin @womenlover007 and @JucheMane E1 on Patreon: www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Dogcatcher Inutaro 01: "Brave Dogcatchers Unite!! The Menace of the Dogs Overload G-System!!" Newly licensed Dogcatchers Inutaro, Rash, and Primrose, along with their mentor Rex, set out to take down the evil Dr. Insane Einstein and his genetically engineered D.O.G.S. With @necrobranson @intellegint @charlesraustin @womenlover007 and @JucheMane E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
When three guys in their 30s get their dream job as rookie NFL quarterbacks, it takes everything they've got to make it to the Big Game. Starring @necrobranson @intellegint and @charlesraustin with @RotoPat as the coach and @egolvin as the narrator. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Pop That Corn East: Branson and Charles talk about the 1998 Shinichiro Watanabe series Cowboy Bebop. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/60993481
A kidnapper (@intellegint) abducts Walt Tremblay (@necrobranson) and asks him to fix a VCR. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/60820460
Funeral home director Custard Mudwick (@necrobranson) and his sons Leech Mudwick (@intellegint) and Shingle Mudwick (@charlesraustin) discuss the family business. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Walt Tremblay shares his thoughts on Mediterranean salads and The Great British Bake Off's Paul Hollywood. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/60324850
Playwright Jake Spear (@charlesraustin) and director Walker Onassis (@intellegint) welcome actors Deacon Barrel (@necrobranson) and Jasper Lazuli (@tupacdurex) for a freewheeling discussion of theater and the stage. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Announcers Croak Munch (@necrobranson) and Toby Topp (@charlesraustin) welcome contestants Jason Beandip (@intellegint), Baxton Decker (@len0killer) and Catfish (@jakebrodes) as they compete for the title of Mr. Ohio Hoss of the Year. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Branson and Andrew talk about the 1959 Howard Hawks film "Rio Bravo" starring John Wayne. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/59877633
Caleb, Patrick, and Cameron from Podcast About List stop by the Santa's Bag casino to share Christmas poems and spread holiday cheer. The other half of our crossover with PAL is here: https://bit.ly/3DJOsb0 E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Branson and Andrew talk about the 1968 Frank Perry film "The Swimmer" starring Burt Lancaster. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/59602639 This is the first in a new E1 series about movies (and I think some TV too?)… Basically it's just the normal kind of podcast where some guys yammer about entertainment.
With the suits at the Zing! Podcast Network breathing down their necks, Branson, Andrew, and Charles scramble to record an emergency podcast. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/206-emergency-59445941 Charles' band Solipse is playing at the Hideout in Chicago on December 6. Tickets here: https://bit.ly/31nmvIA
Aspiring authors Rich Felch (@necrobranson), Colin Nightwood (@intellegint), and G.H.J. Pemberbrook (@charlesraustin) share writing tips and read from their in-progress works for National Novel Writers' Month. E1 merch is 20% off until Nov. 29: bit.ly/3l064J0
Geniuses Opulence (@necrobranson), Wally Tangier (@intellegint), and Roosevelt Smartman (@charlesraustin) engage in a battle of wits with a Sphinx (@tom_on_here) they encounter in an abandoned Boston Market. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/59022492 E1 merch is 20% off until Nov. 29: https://bit.ly/3l064J0
The Gods of Podcasting return to the stage to perform improv but The Joelster interrupts. Then Branson, Andrew, Charles, and Felix reveal their script for Assassin's Creed High School. (Recorded 2021-11-08) Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/58867168
Amateur hunters Harlan Pitts (@necrobranson), Pancake (@intellegint), and Keester (@thevillainjoel) are joined by screenwriter Randall Gavin (@ByYourLogic) on a hunting trip to avenge the death of their friend Clarence Clearwater at the hands of the legendary white stag Prometheus. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/58746308
Journalist Jacob G. Doo (@charlesraustin) hosts a town hall in which Joe Biden (@intellegint), Joe Biden (@necrobranson), and Joe Biden (@ByYourLogic) reflect on the issues facing Americans today. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
The 96th annual Kitty Cat Club Cat Contest kicks off with commentary from Farris Fortune (@necrobranson), Orpheus Griggs (@intellegint), and Sir Willy Balderdash (@charlesraustin) as 10 fluffy little angels strut their stuff to compete for kitty cat glory. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/58304430
Detective Tom Gad seeks to unravel the mysteries surrounding the tragic shooting of Dr. Yinz. Join Sunday's charity auction of the Painting That Will Heal the World here: twitch.tv/bransonowns Get tickets for E1 Live in Chicago on Nov. 8 w/ Felix: bit.ly/e1-live-sv
When Dr. Yinz Llubjana announces that he is ready to reveal the Painting That Will Heal the World, a world-historic event is brought to a standstill by a gunshot—and everybody has a motive. Get tickets for E1 Live in Chicago on Nov. 8: bit.ly/e1-live-sv E1 on Patreon: www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Walt shares his thoughts on fail videos and online dating. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/57561283 Get tickets for E1 Live in Chicago on Nov. 8: bit.ly/e1-live-sv
Sports gambling prognosticators Rocco Cantone (@necrobranson) and Dave the Indian (@exMalwa) welcome Montana Sorbet (@intellegint) and Ace Spades (@charlesraustin) to share their gambling tips and predictions. Get tickets for E1 Live in Chicago on Nov. 8: bit.ly/e1-live-sv E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Laid-back guy Don Chalant (@necrobranson) welcomes Dr. Cory Nary (@intellegint) and Joaquin Away (@charlesraustin) to a Halloween-themed birthday party for his nephew. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/57131289 Get tickets for E1 Live in Chicago on Nov. 8: https://bit.ly/e1-live-sv
I gaze down to the city streets from my posh office on the 114th floor of the Oliver North Tower in downtown Terre Haute. As I observe the blue-gray skyscrapers descend into the brown muck of the city, I realize one thing. This city has a disease. (By @necrobranson). Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/56995249
Fanfiction authors TheRakishRaconteur (@necrobranson), DarkEmergencyX (@intellegint), DarkNarutoX (@charlesraustin), and Tom Gad (@tom_on_here) discuss their craft and share their work. Get Tickets for E1 Live in Chicago on November 8: https://bit.ly/e1-live-sv
Risko PR specialists Wes Spurley (@intellegint) and Jones Alpena (@charlesraustin) coach TV personalities Wendell (@sweetxpalma) and Bussy (@necrobranson) on how to apologize for their unseemly comments about bald men. Get tickets for E1 Live in Chicago on Nov. 8: http://bit.ly/e1-live-sv
Cigar Aficionado's Luca H. Migo (@charlesraustin) sits down with basketball legend Michael Jordan (@necrobranson) and game designer Chris Metzen (@intellegint) to discuss their shared love of cigars. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast Merch store: https://www.hellomerch.com/collections/e1-podcast
Hosts Simon Ropes (@necrobranson) and Victor Fife (@intellegint) welcome genius inventor Mallard Dufrene (@charlesraustin) to discuss his favorite inventors, share insights from the Money Institute, and explain the upcoming Money Night event. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Walt Tremblay (@necrobranson) laments that he'll never be an alien's dog, shares his thoughts on Godzilla vs. Kong, and recalls his struggle to get anyone to talk to him. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/55887313
Amateur tarot reader Arcane Andy (@necrobranson) does readings for his friends Zack Donner (@intellegint) and Arthur Sola (@charlesraustin). Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/55689993
A Chosen Boy named Lordo sets off on a magical quest to defeat the gunmetal dragon Vizhu Peetsu with the help of his adventuring party: the merlin Brian Winchester, the goblin Swoggle Cherrypopper, the elf Cedar Playfair, and the drawf Beagle Barnswallow. With @necrobranson @charlesraustin and @WereratStudios (@thevillainjoel @cookiesandart @ElectrumDaddy and friends) E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Upon passing through the Gates of Hell, Captain Trolley (@necrobranson) is greeted by demons Leedo (@intellegint) and Count Stopo (@charlesraustin), who explain day to day life in the underworld and the traditions of Antichristmas. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/55257237
Sideways superfans Vince Ruby (@intellegint), Professor Rex Person (@necrobranson), and Denny Carruthers (@charlesraustin) discuss their favorite film on the way to the premiere of Sideways 2: The Hunt for the Golden Bottle. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Aboard the S.S. Forneus, Captain Trolley (@necrobranson), First Mate Giles Crowe (@intellegint), and Navigator Wendigo Brewer (@charlesraustin) try to keep the peace as Reid Gimball's flat earth doom cruise gets out of control. Shop the new E1 merch store: https://www.hellomerch.com/collections/e1-podcast
Walt Tremblay (@necrobranson) is joined by his landlord/roommate Stan Cueday (@intellegint) to discuss Malcolm Gladwell's appearance on Hot Ones. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/54719400
Mild mannered moderate man Benjamin Fox (@intellegint) fields a bunch of phone calls from scammers (@necrobranson and @charlesraustin). Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/54563352
High Shaman Bloor (@necrobranson), Henderson (@intellegint), and Rand O'Nally (@charlesraustin) gather at Goofer's Glen to perform the ceremony of Pluckman's Grummet in front of the Okey-Dokey Tree. Check out the new E1 merch store: https://www.hellomerch.com/collections/e1-podcast E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Shy, silly twins Bubby Winky (@necrobranson) and Blinky Winky (@tom_on_here) celebrate getting a billion followers on TikTok, unveil their new boarding school for children with beautiful moms, and discuss their new hype house. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/54147004
Arbiter Andrew (@intellegint) oversees a debate between Branson (@necrobranson) and CJ (@TOS_Violator) regarding the question of whether Fat Bastard actually ate a baby. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Superfans of long-running TV comedy The Fuggos, Roger Doo (@necrobranson) and Sinclair O'Malley (@intellegint), discuss America's most beloved—and hideous—sitcom family. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Zing! Executives Rodney Kroenke (@necrobranson) and Lachlan Walmsey (@charlesraustin) develop concepts for upcoming Zing! podcasts featuring some of the biggest names in entertainment. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
When Good King Grinstead's (@charlesraustin) kingdom comes under siege by Vahgo of the North (@necrobranson), the two must forge a treaty. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/53186239
Nerdcore rappers MC Monster Manual (@necrobranson), MC Schwifty (@intellegint), and MC Dualshock (@charlesraustin) gather for a backyard barbecue with MC Pow Block (@tom_on_here) to discuss Nerdcore Summit 2021 at the Oracle Arena. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Gunt, God of Pleasure (@necrobranson) invites Darklight, God of Hope and Darkness (@intellegint) and Ulf, The Trickster God (@charlesraustin) to celebrate the creation of their own pantheon. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Sales consultant Jack Trophy (@necrobranson) hosts a seminar for Risco sales associates Ben Orleander (@intellegint) and Terry Drexler (@charlesraustin) ahead of the release of the new Risco Bullet and Risco Bullet for Business tablets. E1 on Patreon: patreon.com/e1podcast
Head lifeguard Brad Blond (@necrobranson) welcomes lifeguards Brad (@intellegint) and Brad-Brad Bradley (@charlesraustin) for the start of a new summer at the beach. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/52074548 GET TIX FOR SATURDAY'S LIVE STREAM: frqncy.live/frqncy1
A family's beloved pets are suddenly separated from their humans and must journey through the wilderness outside Bowl Cut Mountain to reunite with their loved ones. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/51986039 Branson (@necrobranson) - DM Andrew (@intellegint) - Memo the Business Dog Charles (@charlesraustin) - French Fry the Cat Joel (@thevillainjoel) - Slimey the Rat Nick (@JucheMane) - Zoot the Chimp
Genealogy expert Gomer Thomas Hastings (@intellegint) welcomes Gilroy Monsanto (@necrobranson) and French Fry the Cat (@charlesraustin) to explore their family histories. Get tickets for our June 5 live stream festival w/ Chapo Trap House, Every Time I Die, Zola Jesus & more: frqncy.live/frqncy1 E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
A documentary about the Terre Haute Bathroom Club tells the story of how a bunch of people who hang out in public restrooms beat MENSA. With @necrobranson, @intellegint, @charlesraustin, @humidnightblue, @alexnpress, and @Destroyomax9000. Written by @necrobranson Get tickets for our June 5 live stream festival w/ Chapo Trap House, Every Time I Die, Zola Jesus & more: frqncy.live/frqncy1 E1 on Patreon: www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Revenge Club members Clint Weapon (@necrobranson), Sidney Drumheller (@intellegint), and Winchester Bone (@DinkMagic) chronicle the various ways they have been wronged and plot what they intend to do about it. Get tickets for our June 5 live stream festival w/ Chapo Trap House, Every Time I Die, Zola Jesus & more: frqncy.live/frqncy1 E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Walt Tremblay (@necrobranson) sits down with Crown of Mist director Horace Mealy (@charlesraustin) to answer questions from fans. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/51097612 Get tickets for our June 5 live stream festival w/ Chapo Trap House, Every Time I Die, Zola Jesus & more: frqncy.live/frqncy1
Cryptocurrency investors Drace Goodstreet (@intellegint) and Arno Argle (@charlesraustin) welcome the world's smartest man, Opulence (@necrobranson), for a discussion of the latest trends in crypto finance. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/50945526 Get tickets for our June 5 live stream festival w/ Chapo Trap House, Every Time I Die, Zola Jesus & more: frqncy.live/frqncy1
Two thieves, Cufflinks (@intellegint) and Joey the Robber (@charlesraustin), are hired to steal the B.R.A.N. 5000 (@necrobranson) from a CERN facility in Geneva. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/50811729 Get tickets for our June 5 live stream festival w/ Chapo Trap House, Every Time I Die, Zola Jesus & more: frqncy.live/frqncy1
Aldo Ceviche (@intellegint), Walt Tremblay (@necrobranson), and Lou Perltzman (@ByYourLogic) workshop a business idea for a spa where rich old guys go to get pickled. Get tickets for our June 5 live stream festival w/ Chapo Trap House, Every Time I Die, Zola Jesus & more: frqncy.live/frqncy1 E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Government interrogators Professor Dips (@necrobranson) and Lieutenant General B.S. Maxwell (@charlesraustin) run a series of tests on college student Hashman (@intellegint) at the covert Silly Labs facility in Terre Haute. Get tickets for our June 5 live stream festival w/ Chapo Trap House, Every Time I Die, Zola Jesus & more: https://frqncy.live/frqncy1 E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Cali guys Goliath Lake (@intellegint), Johnny Feelgood-Johnson (@necrobranson), and Alpine de la North (@charlesraustin) discuss what makes the Golden State the greatest state. JUNE 5 Live Stream Festival Tickets: https://frqncy.live/frqncy1 E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Walt Tremblay (@necrobranson) wants to buy an assault rifle, encourages people to invest in gambling, and fears people will confuse Meghan McCain with Meghan Trainor. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/49948227
Andrew, Branson, and Charles tell a bedtime story about the legend of Skunk Welcher. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Beatle fanatics Cromwell Starr (@charlesraustin), Russ Lennon (@intellegint), and Peter Bitch (@necrobranson) discuss Beatles lore and unearth a forgotten track by the Liverpudlian lads from Liverpool. Full episode and song download on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/171-49501816
WBEN Radio personality Luna d'Ford just wants to interview an alien, but things get out of hand when outerspace aliens from space abduct public intellectual Terrence Hardonne and provoke a confrontation with the local U.S. military general. With @RahRahRaina @willmenaker @necrobranson @intellegint and @charlesraustin Charles' album as Solipse is available now: Live songs from this episode: https://solipse.bandcamp.com/album/live-at-million-yen Studio Album on Bandcamp: https://solipse.bandcamp.com/album/solipse On Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/3AZyVEMa9TDQomaGmQT2no On Apple: https://music.apple.com/us/album/solipse/1554334410 Linktree: https://linktr.ee/solipse
Geniuses Professor Wally Tangier (@intellegint), Roosevelt Smartman (@charlesraustin), and Opulence (@necrobranson) discuss important ideas and display their incredible intellect. Go to MyFunIQTest.com to find out how smart you are. Charles' album out March 24: Preorder: solipse.bandcamp.com/ Spotify Presave: distrokid.com/hyperfollow/solipse/solipse
Gentle King Cornwallis has invited a number of eligible bachelors to the Kingdom of Corn to debut his three adult children at a debutante ball. Who will win the Rose of Love? Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/48792038 Branson (@necrobranson) - DM Andrew (@intellegint) - Rowan Astoria Charles (@charlesraustin) - French Fry the Cat Joel (@thevillainjoel) - Sven Leopold Turkoglu Nick (@JucheMane) - Captain Pierre DuPierrot
Men of leisure Vic Pomegranate (@necrobranson), Loomis Contraire (@intellegint), and Toledo St. John (@charlesraustin) discuss their lifestyles, hobbies, and daily routines. Charles' album out March 24: Preorder: https://solipse.bandcamp.com/ Spotify Presave: https://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/solipse/solipse
Reid Gimball (@necrobranson) and Dr. Yinz Llubjana (@ihaveeczema), newly returned from the Astral Plane, tell their friend Curtis Hong (@intellegint) about New Game Plus and their plan to speedrun life before the upcoming content patch for the Earth—1.1 Arcadium Unleashed. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/48333009 Charles' album: Preorder: https://solipse.bandcamp.com/ Spotify Presave: https://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/solipse/solipse
Alex Branson (@necrobranson) lived a normal life—or so he thought—until he learned that he had been filmed from birth for a reality TV show, "The Branson Show." Journalist Holland Panhandle (@charlesraustin) welcomes Branson and director Gordo (@intellegint) to reflect on their experiences making the show. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Branson takes listeners through a guided meditation about two-time NBA All-Star Zach Randolph. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/47969312
Morning show hosts Ed Boiler (@intellegint) and Bud Corn (@necrobranson) and weatherman Buck Weathers (@charlesraustin) discuss lighthearted news over piping hot coffee. E1 on patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Shane Jackson is an athlete turned rockstar turned all-pro drinker looking for salvation at the bottom of a bottle. And St. Louis is a city that knows how to keep its secrets. But when Chester St. Louis attempts to buy and gentrify Shane's favorite bar, DB's, Shane must act to save the lifestyle—and the city—that defines him. With @intellegint as Shane Jackson; @neonwario as Danny Tremaine; @necrobranson as Big Sal and Jack Scallop; @charlesraustin as Chester St. Louis; @humidnightblue as Trinity Montblanc; and @kath_krueger of @discourse_blog as Tasha St. Cream and Linda Jackson. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Fashion writer Thirty Seconds To Mars (@necrobranson) welcomes designers Wehm Brucht (@intellegint), AuBon Pain (@charlesraustin), and Visconti Bellisimo (@egolvin) for a freeform discussion of their outfits, their fashion trend predictions, and their most prized items of clothing. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/47125550
Radio personalities Peter Milf (@intellegint) and Chase Dunlip (@charlesraustin) sit down for an exclusive interview with lizardfolk Snekt (@necrobranson) and Vyth (@tom_on_here). E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Walt Tremblay (@necrobranson) talks about patronizing a lemonade stand, buying a new car, and his thoughts on President Joe Biden. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/46745206
School bullies Squeezer (@necrobranson), A.J. Baretta (@intellegint), and Matt Marine (@charlesraustin) share their bullying tips, tricks, and equipment. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Public radio personalities Sal Tonguesly (@necrobranson), Gore Wemsley (@intellegint), and Fulton Lighthouse (@charlesraustin) complain about strip clubs, movie theaters, and the way things are. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/46411101
Guitar virtuosos Lezzy Duchamp (@intellegint), Rodney Roger (@necrobranson), Lupo Toscano (@charlesraustin), and Krep Lasagna (@thevillainjoel) swap backstage stories, discuss gear, and show off their chops. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Paranormal enthusiasts Graham Casino (@intellegint), Stu Donut (@necrobranson), and Lawrence Lawhead (@charlesraustin) discuss Merlins, skeleton keys, and a possible demonic possession before taking a call from listener Brian Peebles (@necrobranson). Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/46095982
NBA referees Leslie Action (@necrobranson), Dan Summers (@intellegint), and Rodney Roe (@charlesraustin), along with aspiring ref Darrell Hovis (@tom_on_here), discuss their careers, their interactions with players, and the legendary refs they look up to. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/45938460
Game show host Buddy Puddle (@necrobranson) welcomes rollercoaster designer Marshall Lamieux (@intellegint) and music sensation Bryden Brantley (@charlesraustin) for an hour of family-friendly pop culture trivia games. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Joe Biden (@necrobranson), Joe Biden (@intellegint), and Joe Biden (@ByYourLogic) talk holidays and politics. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/45430087
Pete Sugarbread (@intellegint), Douglas Fir (@necrobranson), and Danny Elfman Jr. (@charlesraustin) share their favorite things about Christmas and trade Christmas tales. E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Walt Tremblay (@necrobranson) confesses his sins to a priest (@intellegint). E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
YA authors Betsy Lavender (@necrobranson), Quince Drumheller (@intellegint), and C.A. Walker (@charlesraustin) share excerpts of their latest work. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/44966869
On August 31, 1997, the world changed forever when the famous Princess Diana died in a car crash. This documentary explores new evidence about what really happened that day. (Written by @necrobranson Starring @DanBoeckner @_devojka_ @humidnightblue @RahRahRaina @ByYourLogic @intellegint @charlesraustin) E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Aldo Ceviche (@intellegint) calls his old friend Boone Corsica (@necrobranson) while driving his Tesla Plymouth Prowler to share a new business idea. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/44634969
Amazon FC Ambassadors Bart (@necrobranson), Crib (@intellegint), and Herb (@charlesraustin) share more experiences from the Amazon fulfillment center and discuss what they're wearing. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/44496611
When Lorne Michaels (@charlesraustin) is diagnosed with funnybone cancer that can only be healed with laughter, he receives treatment from a comedy troupe of doctors including Dr. Calvin Hobbes (@intellegint), Dr. Diet Thunder (@necrobranson), Dr. Tuca Bertie (@lunch_enjoyer), Dr. Conred Murrey (@Braingetter), and Dr. Heathcliff Garfield (@nibiru_TRUTH). E1 on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast
Branson takes listeners through a guided meditation about making chili. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/44221562
All-American dad Bill Blinkerman-Kaminski has the house with the white picket fence and a loving family. But there's one problem. He got laid off from his job at the pollution factory. To win back the respect of his family, Bill joins a dog basketball league whose rulebook does not specify that humans can't play. (Written by @charlesraustin Starring @BronzeHammer @dogboner @RahRahRaina @intellegint @necrobranson)
Shy, silly twins Bubby Winky (@necrobranson) and Blinky Winky (@tom_on_here) discuss their clothing companies and ask girls some questions about what they would do… Haha but they're just playing. Branson's book, Water, Wasted, is available now: https://rarebirdlit.com/water-wasted-signed-by-alex-branson/
Hollywood screenwriters Lane Costner (@intellegint), Clover Sorkin (@necrobranson), and Miles Davinci (@charlesraustin) discuss their craft and preview their upcoming work. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/43577387 Branson's new book, "Water, Wasted" is available for pre-order here: https://rarebirdlit.com/water-wasted-signed-by-alex-branson/
Newscasters Bradford Hockendock (@intellegint) and Dunstin Checksin (@necrobranson) and their numbers guy Jimmy Integer (@charlesraustin) call live results for the 2020 Terre Haute election and interview Terre Haute County Recorder of Deeds Gilroy Monsanto (@necrobranson). Branson's new book, "Water, Wasted" is available for pre-order here: https://rarebirdlit.com/water-wasted-signed-by-alex-branson/
Rapper and father-to-be Paper Chaser (@charlesraustin) hosts a baby shower and discusses the miracle of life with Mr. Drama (@intellegint), FaZe Polanski (@ByYourLogic), and Kirsten Durst (@Lowenaffchen). (Musical guests @ZOLAJESUS and @DanBoeckner) Branson's new book, "Water, Wasted" is available for pre-order here: https://rarebirdlit.com/water-wasted-signed-by-alex-branson/
Paranormal enthusiast and radio personality Gram Casino (@intellegint) comforts late night listeners with more soothing tales. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/42929977
2018 live show featuring poetry and The Farm Report's remembrance of Bill Laimbeer. With @necrobranson @intellegint and @charlesraustin (Recorded 2018-12-21).
Joe Biden (@necrobranson), Joe Biden (@intellegint), and Joe Biden (@ByYourLogic) talk more. Branson's new book, "Water, Wasted" is available for pre-order here: https://rarebirdlit.com/water-wasted-signed-by-alex-branson/
College party guys Raz (@necrobranson), Hashman (@intellegint), Shirts (@charlesraustin), and Scotty Rains (@tom_on_here) celebrate Hashman's birthday and help achieve his dream of being the first man to die of a weed overdose, but not before they gift him their favorite strains and read his eulogies. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/42257007 Branson's new book, "Water, Wasted" is available for pre-order here: https://rarebirdlit.com/water-wasted-signed-by-alex-branson/
Coffee shop owner Thomas Kinkade Jr. (@charlesraustin) and his baristas Jerome Durepois (@intellegint) and Joseph Rogan No Relation (@necrobranson) discuss their good fortune over the past six months and read some new poems. Branson's new book, "Water, Wasted" is available for pre-order here: https://rarebirdlit.com/water-wasted-signed-by-alex-branson/
Fairytale aficionados Bill E. Whippit (@necrobranson), Jensen Cedarwood (@intellegint), Tesco Coppermug (@charlesraustin), and Squeano (@tupacdurex) share some of their favorite fables. Branson's new book, "Water, Wasted" is available for pre-order here: https://rarebirdlit.com/water-wasted-signed-by-alex-branson/
Philosophers Jacques Van Bordeaux (@intellegint) and Ted "Theodeseus" Whip (@charlesraustin) join Dandy (@necrobranson) and his twin brother Randy (@necrobranson) to ponder life's biggest and deepest questions. Branson's new book, "Water, Wasted" is available for pre-order here: https://rarebirdlit.com/water-wasted-signed-by-alex-branson/
Branson talks with Every Time I Die's Keith Buckley (@deathoftheparty) about famous writers' writing advice and the drawbacks of an industry that venerates MFAs. Branson's new book, "Water, Wasted" is available for pre-order here: https://rarebirdlit.com/water-wasted-signed-by-alex-branson/ And heck, why not check out Keith's writing too: https://rarebirdlit.com/scale-signed-by-keith-buckley/
Nightclub owners Nos (@necrobranson), Cousin Mickey (@intellegint), and Barry Hovis (@ByYourLogic) discuss the nightclub lifestyle, how to make your nightclub cool, and how to dress for a night out. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/41393254 Branson's new book, "Water, Wasted" is available for pre-order here: https://rarebirdlit.com/water-wasted-signed-by-alex-branson/
Investigative TV journalists Chip Carwood (@charlesraustin), Hal Reason (@intellegint), and Garth Oldwell (@necrobranson)—along with the ever-opinionated Dooney Sink (@necrobranson)—file a report on change, sit down with internet sensation Mr. Drama (@intellegint), and discuss a worrisome teen trend with Dr. Rudy VonPoker (@necrobranson). Branson's new book, "Water, Wasted" is available for pre-order here: https://rarebirdlit.com/water-wasted-signed-by-alex-branson/
Branson talks with Every Time I Die's Keith Buckley (@deathoftheparty) about the writing process, their embarrassing earliest attempts at writing, and whether writing a book is easy. Branson's new book, "Water, Wasted" is available for pre-order here: https://rarebirdlit.com/water-wasted-signed-by-alex-branson/ And heck, why not check out Keith's writing too: https://rarebirdlit.com/scale-signed-by-keith-buckley/
Paranormal enthusiast and radio personality Gram Casino (@intellegint) takes a break from his "East to West" program to comfort late night listeners. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/40820946
Professor Wiebe Eden-Good (@necrobranson) is dismayed to find that Thom Weir (@intellegint) and Gus Agusta (@charlesraustin) show up to the first session of his Rural Sociology 1104 class. Branson's new book, "Water, Wasted" is available for pre-order here: https://rarebirdlit.com/water-wasted-signed-by-alex-branson/
A guided meditation exercise helps listeners center themselves by considering the life and times of Regis Philbin—a force of unrelenting joy. (With @necrobranson and @humidnightblue edited by @thevillainjoel) Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/40556738 Branson's new book, "Water, Wasted" is available for pre-order here: https://rarebirdlit.com/water-wasted-signed-by-alex-branson/
Pussy Wallace (@necrobranson) and his drinking buddy Dogeyes (@intellegint) reminisce about their adventures in drinking and discuss their favorite bars. Branson's new book, "Water, Wasted" is available for pre-order here: https://rarebirdlit.com/water-wasted-signed-by-alex-branson/
A discussion of nice candles with Branson (@necrobranson), Andrew (@intellegint), Charles (@charlesraustin), and Joel (@thevillainjoel). While we're being self-indulgent, why not mention that Branson's new book, "Water, Wasted" is available for pre-order here: https://rarebirdlit.com/water-wasted-signed-by-alex-branson/ Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/40175472
Gilroy Monsanto (@necrobranson) delivers his second State of the Union Address at the Terre Haute Hooters, addressesing corruption allegations and announcing his candidacy for Terre Haute mayor. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/39939610
Barstool personality Ran Hendricks (@intellegint) sits down with up-and-coming NBA players Tick Montana (@necrobranson), Grigori Basketballovski (@thevillainjoel), and Dallas Uecker (@tom_on_here) to talk about the return of basketball and their time at Disney World.
In a fantasy world that ran out of monsters, Hammer Swinger spends his days bashing peasants instead. But when he turns his back on the Adventurer's Guild, he must face the wrath of King Bastard. (With @necrobranson @intellegint @charlesraustin @thevillainjoel & friends)
Fishing pro Harlan Pitts (@necrobranson) enjoys an afternoon of fishing with old timers Pancake (@intellegint), Clarence Clearwater (@charlesraustin), and Keester (@thevillainjoel), trading fishing stories and listening to Bryden Brantley’s song “Fishin’ Line (On My Big Toe).”
Radio personality Wes Argus (@necrobranson) hosts a rollicking NPR roundtable with humorists Brooks Mertle (@intellegint) and Bryon Roseward (@charlesraustin).
Officers Pud Stunk (@necrobranson), Connor O’Grady McKinley (@intellegint), and Joey Prozboziak (@ByYourLogic) discuss anti-cop sentiment and imagine a world that’s safe for cops. Donate to these bail funds: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/bailfunds
Advice columnists Ansel Manchester (@necrobranson), Henderson Ross (@intellegint), and Chat Dibbins (@charlesraustin) dispense wisdom in response to listeners’ questions. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/38888261
Recent high school graduates Raz (@necrobranson), Hashman (@intellegint), Shirts (@charlesraustin), and Scotty Rains (@tom_on_here) make preparations for their end-of-summer Bastards Day party while their boy Steez films all the antics.
Creepy pasta aficionados Theo Bobo (@necrobranson), Garrett a.k.a. Laughter Beneath (@intellegint), and Thaddeus Rowling (@BetrayedMan1990) share some of their favorite creepy pastas.
Financial experts Belmont Laroux (@necrobranson), Lucas Vogel (@intellegint), and Michael Chestnut (@neonwario) share tax advice, stock tips, and their favorite ways to pinch pennies.
Me Weekly dot Com’s Casey Camoda (@intellegint) welcomes pop-culture superfan Walt Tremblay (@necrobranson) to talk reality TV, politics, and the last movies Walt saw in theaters.
Andrew, Branson, and Charles remember all the good times they’ve had before Branson ships off to Iraq.
Always searching for a bargain on the latest products, Peter Bread (@necrobranson), Jim Choice (@intellegint), and Dartmouth LaChance (@charlesraustin) share killer deals, review products, and unbox gifts.
Andrew, Branson, and Charles answer people's questions from Patreon. Full Q&A on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/37271619
Magical operators working for the Onyx Edge organization—“Buster” Dogmael Ashmore (@necrobranson), Wyatt Agatorous Chevron (@intellegint), Elian Escalon Aguerre (@ByYourLogic), and Mensch Ivorystein (@TrueAnonPod)—discuss their weapons, spells, and past experiences as they descend upon Portugal for a rescue mission.
Young organizers for the Joe Biden campaign—Dash Monsanto (@necrobranson), Prep Hemlock (@intellegint), Adolpho Englehart (@PALMAUNLlMITED), and Vandy (@b8tch_updates)—discuss their hopes for a Biden presidency and their plans to win Joe the election. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/36825861
Eat Chain's CJ (@currentvictim) and Jon (@posts_by_jon) welcome guests Branson (@necrobranson), Andrew (@intellegint), Charles (@charlesraustin), and Tom (@tom_on_here) for a solemn remembrance of their dear friend Ben. From the live charity stream on 2020-04-18. Video version on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJRCscaNaWE Donate to Restaurant Workers Community Foundation: www.restaurantworkerscf.org/
A discussion of fandom with creatives Roland Girlmouth (@necrobranson), Dusty Picard (@intellegint), Chespin Cripper (@charlesraustin), Dick Wimpley (@derek8185338005), and Timmy Southpark (@dril). From the live charity stream on 2020-04-18. Video version on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDeCQbOqLrA Donate to Restaurant Workers Community Foundation: www.restaurantworkerscf.org/
It’s Crazy That It Happened Live host Chris Charmer (@charlesraustin) wraps up the latest season of the landlord-centric reality smash hit The Golden Rules with its cast, Gary Golden (@necrobranson), Danny Keebles (@intellegint), Stacelyn (@kath_krueger), Galt (@willmenaker), and Tanner Sailood (@tom_on_here). From the live charity stream on 2020-04-18. Video version on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VBvaVjwvWgU Donate to Restaurant Workers Community Foundation: https://www.restaurantworkerscf.org/
Music roundtable of critics, artists, and industry guys, with Thomas Kinkade Jr. (@charlesraustin), Morgan Cremister (@intellegint), Caden2Milli (@necrobranson), FaZe Polanski (@ByYourLogic), Kirsten Durst (@Lowenaffchen), Danforth De Grassi (@DanBoeckner), and Amor De Cosmos (@le_petit_trek). From the live charity stream on 2020-04-18. Download "Sunset Strippers (On the Sunset Strip)": https://www.patreon.com/posts/download-leather-36287219 Watch Wolf Parade's "Under Glass" video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGLqq-b-HYU See the remix here: https://twitter.com/E1podcast/status/1252287561827004417 Donate to Restaurant Workers Community Foundation: https://www.restaurantworkerscf.org/
Reading the pilot script for "This is Me: Coma Town" with Branson (@necrobranson), Andrew (@intellegint), Charles (@charlesraustin), Felix (@ByYourLogic), and Taylor (@tupacdurex). From the live charity stream on 2020-04-18. Video version on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0XMXQCK0vw4 Donate to Restaurant Workers Community Foundation: https://www.restaurantworkerscf.org/
Branson playtests the latest build of Joel Quest. From the live charity stream on 2020-04-18. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/36392793 Donate to Restaurant Workers Community Foundation: www.restaurantworkerscf.org/
A poetry slam featuring Joseph Rogan No Relation (@necrobranson), Jerome Durepois (@intellegint), Thomas Kinkade Jr. (@charlesraustin), Stacey Granell (@tom_on_here), Hut Dooly (@ByYourLogic), Jeffrey Loner (@thevillainjoel), and Bruehl Wingston (@JucheMane). From the live charity stream on 2020-04-18. Video version on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-fPvijDDmKE Donate to Restaurant Workers Community Foundation: www.restaurantworkerscf.org/
A powerpoint on rare cryptids with Dr. Doober (@necrobranson), Crest Hucko (@intellegint), Gordon Bealy Albright (@charlesraustin), and Dr. Devin Drendle (@tom_on_here). From the live charity stream on 2020-04-18. Video version on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ld5fcXsrnvE Donate to Restaurant Workers Community Foundation: https://www.restaurantworkerscf.org/
Newly appointed Neighborhood Association President Gaston Farm (@necrobranson), his relative Harrison Honeycrisp (@intellegint), Neighborhood Watch Chief Lieutenant Michael Produce (@brendohare), and Laundry Milkbone (@corysnearowski) discuss the memory of their late fathers and the ongoing problems of the neighborhood. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/36215370
Lord Alphonsis Sedgwick (@necrobranson)—hailing from Vorpal Manor on the isle of Asphyxia, resting just off the Wedgewick Coast of the Black Lake, just south of Terre Haute—tries to summon death to do his bidding and return Terre Haute to feudal monarchist control, but instead he receives the otherworldly bureaucrats Desmond (@intellegint) and Bone (@charlesraustin).
Lawyers Buddy Sweetwater (@necrobranson), Mike Dunker (@intellegint), and Bill Fitzdoberman (@charlesraustin) discuss their legal philosophies and their biggest cases. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/35857167
Walt Tremblay (@necrobranson) recalls his time in CIA detention, discusses his personal life, and critique’s Meghan Trainor’s “Nice to Meet Ya” video. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/35608674
Gamblers Stevie Black (@intellegint), Archie Keano (@necrobranson), and Raleigh Smokes (@ByYourLogic) talk about their favorite places to gamble, their best techniques, and their favorite slot machines.
Captain Pocketwatch Pennyfarthing (@necrobranson) talks about his work at Zippy’s Circus with head clown Scuzzy (@intellegint) and circus workers Tandy Dick (@Lowenaffchen) and Loramps Glub (@tom_on_here).
CIA agents Lutz (@intellegint) and Havarti (@charlesraustin) interrogate Walt Tremblay (@necrobranson) about his experience aboard the weed aliens’ spacecraft, his relationship with Bashar al-Assad, and his knowledge of Reid Gimball’s whereabouts.
Joe Biden (@necrobranson), Joe Biden (@intellegint), and Joe Biden (@ByYourLogic) talk more. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/34914706
Terre Haute Zoo chimps Toottoot (@necrobranson), Jinglebell (@intellegint), and Jonboy (@tom_on_here) talk about chimp stuff like bananas, poop and pee, smoking cigarettes, and killing other chimps.
Happy guys Topher Blinz (@necrobranson), Reef Westhouse (@intellegint), and Tevin Richelieu (@neonwario) talk about the things that make them happy. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/34589571
WBEN news anchors Burt Runner (@necrobranson) and Pat Valsalva (@intellegint), along with field reporter Torvald Julian (@charlesraustin), report on an alien invasion that has Terre Haute going up in smoke.
Uber driver Cooper Sorento (@charlesraustin) picks up Walt Tremblay (@necrobranson) and businessman Dominick Market (@intellegint) on a trip to downtown Terre Haute that goes awry.
The Toad (@necrobranson), Kev O’Kevin (@intellegint), Paris Taylor (@BronzeHammer), and Peanut (@dogboner) reunite at their new home—the Zing Podcast Network—talking about what guys can and can’t say under the changing definition of masculinity. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/34136996
Comedy veterans Johnny Moretti (@necrobranson) and Louis Wallace (@intellegint) drive around discussing their craft, their upbringing, and the state of comedy today. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/33979612
Atorva Staton (@necrobranson) and Gerald Geranium (@intellegint) welcome Dr. Argyle Brownsnake (@charliewinsmore) to discuss the golden age of sports and the greatest generation of people who love the athletes of the golden age. Topics include cheerleaders and the most ancient American sports: football, baseball, hockey, and basketball.
Mech pilots Apollo Ratte (@intellegint), Grinchblade Meriwether (@charlesraustin), Michael Griefer (@dangerousneil), and Balthazar Eros (@JucheMane) reunite for the funeral of Sargent Jim Shorts (@necrobranson), when startling developments lead them back into battle… Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/33592371
When George W. Bush Memorial Middle School teacher Mr. Shirts (@intellegint) takes his class on a wild ride aboard the Magical School Limo, students Zits Lutz (@necrobranson) and Dweezil Sinks (@charlesraustin) learn a lot about human anatomy—and themselves!
Joe Biden (@necrobranson), Joe Biden (@intellegint), and Joe Biden (@ByYourLogic) talk about the kind of shit that Joe Biden talks about.
Bart “The Dream” Dealer (@necrobranson) and Regis Closer (@intellegint) present an exploration in real estate mechanics and finding your dream home for the perfect dream for you and your family.
Acolytes Praetor (@necrobranson), Sapien (@intellegint), and Feisty Fawn (@tom_on_here) discuss the missions they have carried out for the Illuminati over the years and monitor people's Illuminati-related discoveries online. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/32842381
The Christmas Holiday Parade live in Chicago featuring @necrobranson @intellegint @charlesraustin @ByYourLogic and @dangerousneil (Recorded 2019-12-21)
U.S. Senators Reggie Loud (@charlesraustin) and Shelly Chimp (@intellegint) investigate allegations against podcaster Alex Branson (@necrobranson) that his unboyfriendlike conduct may disqualify him from receiving subsidies under the federal Stay-at-Home Boyfriend Relief Act of 2019.
Young-adult authors Betsy Lavender (@necrobranson), Quince Drumheller (@intellegint), and C.A. Walker (@charlesraustin) discuss YA culture and read excerpts from their own work.
Dunstin Checksin (@necrobranson) and Bradford Hockendock (@intellegint) have left WBEN Radio to go independent, just in time to report on the great blizzard of 2019. Stewie (@charlesraustin) gives a report from the 85.5 FM chopper. Tickets for December 21 live show in Chicago: https://www.hideoutchicago.com/e/e-live--80353857551/ Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/32126469
Ex-poets Jérome Durepois (@intellegint) and Joseph Rogan No Relation (@necrobranson) have quit poetry in order to focus on the only other thing they’re good at—being sad.
Dr. Jim Greenhands (@intellegint) and Dr. Bevis “Paws” Longfellow (@necrobranson) share recordings of surgeries they have performed at the Baby Huey Memorial Hospital School of Medicine.
Unedited SNL audition tapes from Branson (@necrobranson), Tom (@tom_on_here), Derek (@eedrk), Alex (@Lowenaffchen), Aaron (@Bertovo), and Neil (@dangerousneil). Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/31698503
Pop-science prodigy Billy Brinkle (@necrobranson) returns to the epic science scene, welcoming Dr. Kepwellow Freezemont (@intellegint) and Dr. Basil Stinkwell (@charlesraustin) to the first episode of his new show to discuss CFCs, GMOs, and their own research. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/31565797
Dr. Helmer Veritas of the Ovetheur Foundation Center for Delinquentism administers a personality test for MMA fighter Prep Hemlock. (Twitter: @necrobranson @intellegint)
Branson and Andrew feel that Charles has been too obsessed with Looney Tunes and decide to host an intervention, which quickly backfires. (Twitter: @necrobranson @intellegint @charlesraustin)
Dougley Kimmel, Scooter Lutz, Bryce “The Nice” Tripley, and Mortimer Hooters IV discuss Guy Code—69 rules that Jesus wrote about what a guy should do—as well as a new business venture, Guy Cove. (Twitter: @necrobranson @intellegint @tom_on_here … free CJ) Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/101-guy-code-30809410
Chaos Mode: The U.S. Army Marines Boot Camp Drill Sargent Luke Nukem (@necrobranson) leads a US Army Marines boot camp with Private Steak Wallop (@intellegint), Private Jim Face (@charlesraustin), Private Jonbenet Runescape (@eedrk), Private Edwin Gibbins (@dril), and Private Henry Click (@shutupmikeginn). Undercover Uber Presents Fast Food Frenzy Uber driver James Cordonbleu (@charlesraustin) drives around fast food reviewers including Lawrence Chode (@boring_as_heck), Pete Canstello (@robwhisman), Jared the Jaw Jackson (@BronzeHammer), Delroy Wiggins (@dogboner), Gage Crescent (@intellegint), and Hot Tub (@necrobranson). Meconium Manor Presents Thrush Fest Preparations for a DIY fest with Mickey Guts (@intellegint), Whimsee (@necrobranson), Frankie Vomit (@thevillainjoel), Musty Joe (@charlesraustin), and Beto O’Rourke (@Lowenaffchen). Gym Rats A discussion of workout routines with Gav Carolla (@ByYourLogic), Azreal LeMirez (@Bertovo), Chester Da Man (@tom_on_here), Cracker Barrel (@necrobranson), YabbaDabboDoo1980 aka The Push-Up Prince (@intellegint), and Slippy (@charlesraustin). Integrous Financial Strategies Market advice from wealthy financiers including Mammon Diabolos (@necrobranson), Dante Bondsman (@intellegint), Evan Richwine (@charlesraustin), Jerry Icy (@dangerousneil), and introducing the 16-year-old whiz kid, John Heed (@neonwario). Eat Chain: The 1,000th Episode Special Jon (@posts_by_jon) and CJ (Free CJ!) introduce the new Ben, Mitch (@Thoirdealbhaigh), and welcome guests Rylan (@neonwario), Andrew (@intellegint), Branson (@necrobranson), and Charles (@charlesraustin) to celebrate 1,000 episodes of Eat Chain. Special appearances from @ihaveeczema and @thesnotgreensea
Neighborhood Association President Frank Farm, his brother-in-law Spine Honeycrisp, Neighborhood Watch Chief Lieutenant George Produce, and Thomas Warhammer Milkbone read last week’s meeting minutes, discuss neighborhood problems, and vote on attractions for the harvest festival. (Twitter: @necrobranson @intellegint @brendohare @corysnearowski)
Television personality Ike Raburn interviews Homie County Recorder of Deeds Gilroy Monsanto about his past, his new book, and his life in politics. (Twitter: @intellegint @necrobranson)
Principal John Hamburger, Mr. Hypebeast, and Mr. Cheener deliver the morning announcements at George W. Bush Memorial Junior High School. (Twitter: @necrobranson @intellegint @thevillainjoel)
Dude Rodney invites Jeff Hydroseal, Dunk “Los Grincho” Einstein, and Alexander Parks onto the ultimate trivia show that’s only for your average joe. Questions cover grilling, karate movies, beer—and yeah—hot chicks. (Twitter: @intellegint @necrobranson @tom_on_here @shutupmikeginn) Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/29709679
Father/son pastors Hunter Hunter Jeremiah Goodword and Enis Goodword the Third welcome youth pastor Trot Lent as they read from the Book of Uncle Rick and debate what the bible says about back pain medicine. (Twitter: @intellegint @necrobranson @Lowenaffchen) Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/29600955
Amazon FC Ambassadors Bart, Crib, and Herb dispel the rumors about working in an Amazon fulfillment center under the guidance of the BRAN 5000. (Twitter: @intellegint @necrobranson @charlesraustin)
Theme park workers Bugsy Russell and Tick talk about their jobs and contemplate the mystery of the Phantom of Rock’n’Roll Land. (Twitter: @intellegint @necrobranson)
The poets (formerly) of Boost House Midwest share their latest work. Psychics make predictions and read horoscopes. (Recorded 2019-08-10) (Twitter: @necrobranson @intellegint @charlesraustin @ByYourLogic)
Andrew, Branson, and Charles read from their CW drama Teen Creek: Gun Summer. The Farm Report’s Dunstin Checksin and Bradford Hockendock team up with conspiracy theorist The Archivist on a Monsanto-sponsored search for Reid Gimball. (Twitter: @necrobranson @intellegint @charlesraustin) Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/28832266
FaZe Polanski, Mr. Drama, Caden2Milli, and SSN Paper Chaser welcome public intellectuals Terrence Hardonne and Gavin Vandersloot for a discussion of ideas big and small. (Twitter: @necrobranson @intellegint @charlesraustin @ByYourLogic @willmenaker @cushbomb)
Starfleet Captain Pavlok commands the USS Entrepreneur with his officers Databyte, Foodie LaGeorge, and Worfer as they embark on a diplomatic mission to Orc Prime to negotiate with the orcs who have been stealing copper from Starfleet.
Bobo Caruso, the CEO of Caruso Web Securities LLC, welcomes hackers Psycho Amazing, Mr. Hankey, and Child Vagina talk about their hacking exploits. (Twitter: @necrobranson @intellegint @dangerousneil @DinkMagic)
Actors Hatchet Landis, Church St. Martin, and Gore Hampton discuss their biggest roles, share acting tips, and read scripts. (Twitter: @necrobranson @intellegint @ByYourLogic) Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/28137473
Submarine Captain Rich Kisser leads Ensign Cosmo Nutmeg, Ensign River Phoenix, and Ensign Rudy F. Fuckboy on a top-secret operation in the Marianas Trench.
A plane crash leaves Andrew, Branson, and Charles stranded on a remote beach.
A cool new D&D campaign begins...
Terre Haute Air pilots Timmy Pumpkin and Casper Wolcott plan to fly through the St. Louis arch on a flight to Brooklyn.
A police detail lays out the ground rules for the evening's show. Successful and enterprising dudes share positive creative visions for their fellow dudes. The cast of E1 presents the E1 Awards.
Pulling the Chair with Dunk and Keys
FaZe Polanski and Mr. Drama welcome Caden2milli and 285-50-2845 Paper Chaser on the hottest show in music. The crew mourns the untimely death of rising hip-hop star Rich Philbin.
Dr. Buzz Gimball and Dr. Aloysius Honeybuckle explore the collections of Terre Haute’s Smithsonian 2 museum.
The Homie Country Recorder of Deeds delivers his first State of the Union address live at the Terre Haute Hooters. Full episode: https://www.patreon.com/posts/26878169
Movie reviewers and pop culture aficionados Smiley Kong, Millennium Duncan, Spencer the Movie Orb, and Lord Laser Nacho review the latest films and discuss their favorite superhero movies.
Harvard alumni Jonathan Haircut, Luscious Grapes, and Elad Heinrich discuss their families, classmates, secret societies, and collegiate antics.
Game of Thrones buff Michael Jackson speaks once again with GoT creator Alex Branson about the most famous television series of all time. Full episode available on Patreon.
Dr. Richard Dude ("Harbinger") and Ken Centennial ("Mr. Artifact") and their pupils Gaz Buttchug and Robbie Rawls discuss the principles of SVXMI: Systemic Understanding 10 (Steps) Mental Inquiry.
Sargent Jim Shorts of the Dudes Alliance commands a ragtag band of teenage mech pilots including Admiral Grinchblade Meriwether, First Lieutenant Apollo Ratte, Lieutenant Michael Griefer, and Commodore Balthazar Eros in the battle against The Fan Collective.
Andrew, Branson, and Charles use Dr. Yinz Llubjana’s Dream Machine to make an accessible, popular, revenue-generating new podcast.
Dr. Yinz Llubjana and his assistant Rocky work with half-orc Chief Scientist Pardner to conduct research for Project Use Your Illusion 3 at an orcish research station outside Shangri-La.
Branson and CJ leave voicemails for Ben.
Country aficionado and oilman Philabuster G. Tycoon, record producer Mud Phillips, and rising star Kid Simpson discuss the rich traditions of country music past and present.
Makeup bloggers Pip Fogle, Emilio, Pebbles Acosta, and Salami dish on the latest makeup tips and trends, talk about their makeup routines, and try some new beauty products.
Performance artists Glans Penis, Salvador Landis, and Matthew Coriander Bausman Hollister discuss their greatest works, their biggest paydays, and the meaning of art.
Officer Percy Kielbasa fields late-night 911 calls at the Terre Haute police station.
Survivalists Otto Coldbeer and Bug West explore Chris Dorner National Park, sharing survival tips along the way.
G4 personalities Johnny Aimbot, Abe Funkso, and Nate Misty talk about what games they’ve been playing, their charity work, cheat codes, and the hottest video game girls of all time. Full episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/25000882
Andrew, Branson, Charles, and Tom do a table read of two DBZ episodes and part of a Riverdale episode.
Virgil Texas, author and cohost of Chapo Trap House, hosts the Chapo/NPR/Vice/Ninja debate for Homie County Recorder of Deeds between candidates Gilroy Monsanto, Chalmers Pinochet Harding, Kobo Walker, Mike Fjeurtminor. The B.R.A.N. 5000 tabulates the outcome of the election. (from 2018-12-17)
Noisey’s Jeremy Tunamelt interviews Brandon Brantley, Pierre LePierre, Marty Kozlowski-Wojciechowski, and Dick Denim about their acclaimed indie rock band The Brooklyn Eventuallys.
Will B. Dinner, Cheeseburger, and I.B. Goodfood compete on a Food Network game show where the winner is eaten by social-media celeb Kiki Champagne.
Kryztov the Cleaner, Lollipop Benny, Sammy the Sperm, and Palmolive talk about their criminal enterprises.
Television writers Turkey Turner, Chris Rickshaw, Pete Romano, and Max Viacom discuss their past shows, their satirical TBS series “The Trumps,” and an SNL spec script.
Swamp Orcs Gub and Chief Beanbowl address a human ambassador with the demands of the Swamp Orcs of Slimetoe Swamp, sharing their gripes about humans and elves.
Aliens Pigdus and Shrimp report back to Research Bureau 214 with their observations of human life on Earth.
Johnny Gamefaqs, The_Demented_Taco, Mr. Bobo, and Clinton Bush discuss the benefits and the hardships of moderating online communities.
Andrew, Branson, Charles, and Felix talk about hypothetical situations. Thomas Kinkade Jr. hosts a telethon featuring '50s superstars Gary Tasteman, Dave Dudley, and Marv Mossad. (recorded 2018-12-22)
Mall ghosts Kurt, Dustin Stuckey, Preston Carter-Pope, and Bo discuss the mall they haunt and the things keeping them stuck on earth.
Debate moderator Bolton Husk hosts a forum featuring Homie County Recorder of Deeds candidates Gilroy Monsanto, Chalmers Pinochet Harding, and Mike Feurtmijnor.
Demons Noctus Asarius Nintendo Hamarazi Hircine and Jellybean talk about their past work, reflect on who they’ve tormented, and describe the levels of Hell.
NASA officers Dr. Duffy Windsor, Dr. Gilmore Woost, and social media coordinator Dinny Spundy discuss their deep-space mission.
A brotherhood of Wicca spiritualists—Staff Sargent Anubius PanLightflare, Kai the Lunar Slug, and Zephyr McDouble—discuss their spiritual beliefs.
Blair Gregoiyevich Pepsi, Cassandra Bologna, and Dana Boyardee Duchovny reunite to talk about their lives, who can get it, and what guys and girls like.
Kid Paradise and “Scratch” (Reid Gimball) report the day’s news in the post-apocalyptic Terre Haute of 2039.
Homer Derby and Foster Paloma welcome guests Petri Huggins and Crispin Torque for a morning show that’s all about dudes’ self-empowerment and positive masculinity.
Tim Towers and Willy Soap sit down with celebrity zookeeper Dwight Bronco a.k.a. Rudy Ridge a.k.a. Tudley. And don’t forget our band leader, the irrepressible Dave Dudley!
NBA Stupid A$s drops new music in this Patreon exclusive episode.
Branson and Andrew reconnect in the year 2058 to talk about old times and what they’ve been up to since they last spoke.
The hosts of the Eat Chain podcast—CJ, Jon, and Ben—welcome special guests Andrew and Branson from the podcast Episode 1. (feat. @adultblackmale @Ennui_Raver and @Radio_Fragments)
The first-ever E1 live show features poets, moguls, cops, and a controversy. (feat. @ByYourLogic and @charlesraustin)
Dr. Yinz Llubjana, Gary “The Blade” Chanise, and Hooper Faud plot their escape from the Terre Haute Federal Supermax. Sweater Weather performs live. (feat. @ihaveeczema)
A new Dungeons & Deagles campaign begins, featuring @necrobranson @charlesraustin @ByYourLogic @intellegint and @JucheMane in The Lost Pig of Bowl Cut Mountain.
Leaked tapes reveal a pitch meeting between HPV Productions CEO Leslie Toast, Sr., and writers Mason Lox and Thomas Kinkade, Jr.
The Toad, Kev O’Kevin, Peanut, and Paris Taylor hit the late-night airwaves on Paramount (formerly Spike TV) to talk about guy stuff: beers, pornos, and pimp moves. (feat. @BronzeHammer and @DogBoner)
Historians Parker Bean, Griffin Fester, and Haddock Philbin discuss the most epic wars, generals, and kings from America’s storied past. (feat. @Lowenaffchen)
E2 Preview - The Farm Report [Patreon Exclusive Episode] by Episode One
Bleeding Edge Business: Solutions Edition
E1 Preview - Dungeons & Deagles [Patreon Exclusive Episode] by Episode One
Inimitable Immaculation: The Canonical Works of Western Art
E2 Preview - Debugging the B.R.A.N. 5000 [Patreon Exclusive Episode] by Episode One
AAA Ball: Terre Haute Gunblades vs. Morrowind Virgins
Gun for Hire: Shoot to Kill: Take the Shot