Grand Rapids, Michigan musicians Bek Graham and Bridget Nicole Rose join us to discuss A.M.P.T. - or A.rtists & M.usicians P.rogressing T.ogether - a collaborative group and zine. We learn the process of how it all came together and the ways a zine about abuse in the music scene can be an asset to communities far beyond their own.
In their words:
a.rtists & m.usicians p.rogressing t.ogether is an informal, collaborative group of folks who decided that the grand rapids, michigan music and arts scene has had unaddressed issues with abuse for too long. we are small and humble, but we are mighty! even though this topic is a lot to unpack, our goal is to provide some resources and hope to those who are facing a difficult situation. we want this zine to be informative for those looking for support where our music and art community is unfortunately lacking. our work is far from perfect, but we hope it can make an impact.
Visit A.M.P.T.:
Bek Graham plays guitar in bands The Quirk, Charlie Darling, and subs for Bong Mountain.
Bridget Nicole Rose plays bass in FLUSHED, is on the founding committee of Girls Rock! Grand Rapids, and is the social media manager at the DAAC.
If you have been on the receiving end of harm from someone: be it artist, venue owner, audience member, or someone else and would like to share your story on a future episode, please reach out to us at:
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enough. is a feature on Bad Copy: