If you are in the field of psychotherapy or psychodrama or sociometry or somatic experience or reiki or pretty much any other healing art than you know who Jean Cambell is or you need to know who Jean Campbell is.
Jean is a Board Certified Trainer, Educator and Practitioner of Psychodrama, Sociometry and Group Psychotherapy, a Fellow of the American Society of Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama (ASGPP), a Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner, a Practitioner and Trainer of Psychodramatic Bodywork®, a Masters Level Certified Experiential Therapist, a TEDx Presenter, a Co-Recipient of the Innovators Award from the ASGPP, a Reiki Master, a Graduate of the Wholebeing Institute Certificate in Positive Psychology, and a Certified Professional Coach. Jean has extensive teaching experience, including as an Adjunct Professor at San Diego University for Integrative Studies in San Diego, CA; as an Instructor at UCLA Extension, University of California, Los Angeles, CA; as a Faculty Member at Ryokan College in Los Angeles, CA; as a Psychodrama Trainer at Onsite Workshops in Cumberland Furnace, TN, and as a Program Faculty Member of the I*CARE (Interpersonal Communication and Relationship Enhancement) Program at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas.
Over the last 25 years, Jean has worked in a variety of clinical settings, including as Director of the Family Program at Inter-Care, Ltd. in New York, NY, as Clinical Director of Clearview Treatment Programs in Los Angeles, CA, in private practice and as a consultant. She started the Action Institute of California in 2005 and is committed to providing safe spaces for leadership, training and personal growth, so that everyone has the opportunity to step into his/her/their best self.
Jean brings her own 30 year healing journey to every workshop or training she offers, is committed to using action to effect change. She believes that what we can’t do alone, we can do together.
I have the privilege of being the grasshopper to the master, of listening to Jean and watching her work. She is a living legend and someone to watch. She is innovative and honest, brave hearted and wise. Jean is the real deal. I hope you enjoy our conversation.
You can learn more about Jean's work with the Action Institute of California (and watch her Ted Talk) and BraveHeart Retreats.