On the latest Eagle Eye podcast, Reuben Frank and Dave Zangaro ask each other questions:
0:00 - Dave and Roob get ready to learn random stuff about each other
2:52 - Most influential person in your journalism career?
8:26 - When did you start playing the piano?
10:47 - What was your greatest athletic moment?
13:53 - How did you get your start covering the NFL?
16:09 - What's your favorite place that you've ever visited?
18:14 - Do you enjoy the parts of the job outside of writing?
22:10 - Where would you most like to visit that you've never been?
23:53 - What would your death row meal be?
25:21 - What's the worst you ever got into trouble as a kid?
29:16 - What's one of your favorite stories you've written?
31:25 - First concert? Best concert?
34:48 - Hobby that you've never done but are interested in
37:08 - Most famous person you've met outside of work
39:37 - Pick four people from Philly sports history to have dinner with
41:48 - What would you be doing if you weren't a sports writer?
42:41 - If you had to do a podcast with one player, who would you pick?
44:35 - Worst travel nightmare
50:37 - Interest or hobby that nobody knows about
52:23 - Which band, living or dead, that you haven't seen, do you want to see?