Negative Feedback Surprise
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In this podcast I share what happened when I received a negative feedback surprise from someone who said they wanted to read my book but hadn't yet!
What happens when you receive negative feedback?
Do you consider the source? If it’s a source you don’t know or respect, do you dismiss their feedback and move forward without taking action or making changes?
If it’s a source you respect, do you consider their negative feedback and take action to improve?
Or does negative feedback have such an impact on your ego and self-esteem that it doesn’t matter where it comes from. Does it put you in a foul or depressed mood and that keeps you from moving forward at all?
I’m usually pretty defensive when I get negative feedback.
This week something really unusual happened.
Someone I am connected to on social media sent me feedback that I wasn’t expecting.
I’m regularly asking people in my network who have read my book SALES FUEL to let me know how the ideas in the book work for them and their businesses. I’m planning to incorporate reader feedback into the book. I’ll publish a revised edition on Amazon next year with reader insights and interviews.
I’ve received some wonderful comments from people all over the world who are using and sharing the ideas with their teams.
There was one person who sent me feedback but she had not read my book. You'll have to listen to the podcast to hear what happened next.
About Debbie Donaldson:
Debbie Donaldson published the book Superpowers Activated after realizing her own personal journal contained life balance and growth mindset motivation anyone looking for self improvement would find beneficial. As an entrepreneur and enthusiastic reader of self help books and business books, Donaldson quickly realized that her ideas for how to journal daily improved her own self talk. Although we all have strengths and weaknesses, this new success habit retrained her brain to focus on strengths instead of focusing on weaknesses that lead to self sabotage.
As a business motivational speaker her focus is on sharing the ideas that empower her audiences with a plan for how to experience power that goes beyond personal willpower to succeed. The change in self talk she inspires in her readers gives them an internal compass for how to be confident in their own unique combination of talents, gifts and blessings combined with their knowledge skills and experience. She even credits the practice of a daily focus on strengths for helping her win her battle with cancer.
As her consulting business evolved and attracted business entrepreneurs, Donaldson began looking for ways to share her business success ideas. Within a year Donaldson completed a second book, SALES FUEL to give business owners new ideas for how to get more customers.
Access a free copy of SALES FUEL here:
--- is an international online marketing, sales and leadership training organization for entrepreneurs interested in profitable, enjoyable, accelerated business growth.