A collection of Doctor Who audio stories through time and space with The Doctor and Companions!
This is a Fan Production, no way associated with The BBC
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A collection of Doctor Who audio stories through time and space with The Doctor and Companions!
This is a Fan Production, no way associated with The BBC
Copyright: © TOONERDZ
The doctor and J land in Yorkshire 1982 to uncover a mixture of returns... one of an enemy. One of a location and one of an object.
Theme By: Soundsmyth Productions.
Background Music By: Kevin MacLeod
The Doctor and J land on Skaro and try to remain incognito however it doesn’t exactly work to plan. Theme By: Soundsmyth Productions. Background Music By: Artem Grebenshchikov & Jonathan Segev
The doctor and J land on Skaro and try to remain incognito however it doesn’t exactly work to plan.
Theme By: Soundsmyth Productions.
Background Music By: Artem Grebenshchikov
A new doctor and a new trial... the new face of the doctor is given two choices but will he choose the correct one?
Theme By: Soundsmyth Productions
Background Music By: Jonathan Segev
The doctor and J decide to take a historical trip to Germany however the results would be life threatening.
The doctor and J decide to take a historical trip to Germany however the results would be life threatening.
The Doctor and J land back on earth, this time in the year 4001 however somethings changed and it isn’t the Doctor
The Doctor and J land back on earth, this time in the year 4001 however somethings changed and it isn’t the Doctor
The Doctor needs a rest, but gets far from it, with an old enemy and a new friend, the doctors in for the long run
The Doctor needs a rest, but gets far from it, with an old enemy and a new friend, the doctors in for the long run
The Doctor is struggling with his controls yet again, this time crashing into his own ship and encountering his previous face!
The Doctor is struggling with his controls yet again, this time crashing into his own ship and encountering his previous face!
The Doctor stumbles uncross a Dalek Cruizer along with a universe threatening weapon, with no choice but to detonate the ship this could be the Doctor’s final end
The Doctor’s dodgy piloting ends him up in an even more threatening situation than usual, Existence threatening!
The Doctor’s dodgy piloting ends him up in an even more threatening situation than usual, Existence threatening!
A new face, a new shoe size and a new man. The Doctor has to face not only regeneration but also an old enemy, The Cybermen
A new face, a new shoe size and a new man. The Doctor has to face not only regeneration but also an old enemy, The Cybermen
A new face, a new shoe size and a new man. The Doctor has to face not only regeneration but also an old enemy, The Cybermen
The Doctor, still suffering from her loss of Thomas decides to answer a distress call, little did she know she’d be the one in distress Music By: TeknoAXE
The Doctor, Thomas & Airrissa arrive at Testimony for a sight seeing trip when they see a truly unholy sight along with a irreversible Tragedy
The Doctor, Thomas & Airrissa arrive at Testimony for a sight seeing trip when they see a truly unholy sight along with a irreversible Tragedy
The Doctor & Thomas Land In Dover In 2025 due to a set of improper death dates, finding a new friend along the way as well as an old enemy
The Doctor & Thomas Land In Dover In 2025 due to a set of improper death dates, finding a new friend along the way as well as an old enemy
The Doctor & Thomas go to a completely mechanical planet to find out why tourists stop visiting only to find an unwelcoming host
This is non canon! Featuring a non canon cast! The Tardis lands in Scotland in the year 2000 after the Tardis had picked up strange electrical surges. Electric had never been so live before.
This is non canon! Featuring a non canon cast! The Tardis lands in Scotland in the year 2000 after the Tardis had picked up strange electrical surges. Electric had never been so live before.
This is non canon! Featuring a non canon cast! The Tardis materialises in London modern day after detecting a strange frequency. The frequency of course being more familiar than they thought.
This is non canon! Featuring a non canon cast! The Tardis materialises in London modern day after detecting a strange frequency. The frequency of course being more familiar than they thought.
This is non canon! Featuring a non canon cast! The Doctor and Thomas land in the year 3032 on Christmas Day to find a “orphanage” run by a strange old man who doesn’t celebrate Christmas for some reason, however that isn’t his only weirdness.
This is non canon! Featuring a non canon cast! The Doctor and Thomas are forced into the year 1971, in the middle of nowhere, they are confused as the only form of society is a little cabin nearby, the true question is, what brought them there?
This is non canon! Featuring a non canon cast! The Doctor and Thomas are forced into the year 1971, in the middle of nowhere, they are confused as the only form of society is a little cabin nearby, the true question is, what brought them there?
This is non canon! Featuring a non canon cast! The Doctor and Thomas land on Idiolea where they are greeted by their tour guide and to their surprise, The Book Of Time. However it's missing two pages, guess who's.
This is non canon! Featuring a non canon cast! The Doctor and her companion Thomas are on their way to a library planet when a Judoon ship approaches and those inside accuse the Doctor and her companion of stealing the Book Of Time. What will happen to the pair?
This is non canon! Featuring a non canon cast! The Doctor and her companion Thomas are on their way to a library planet when a Judoon ship approaches and those inside accuse the Doctor and her companion of stealing the Book Of Time. What will happen to the pair?