Various podcast appearances by on the subjects of SEO, PPC ads and Digital Marketing.
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Various podcast appearances by on the subjects of SEO, PPC ads and Digital Marketing.
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In Jun 2020 the (now sadly deceased) Bill Slawski (thanks again Bill for all your help) wrote a blog on a 2018 patent application r.e. ranking search results based on "information gain" scores.
This Google patent was aimed at addressing the problem "…when a set of documents is identified that share a topic, many of the documents may include similar information." and appears to relate to Google's Helpful Content update of 2022 ("part of a broader effort to ensure people see more original, helpful content written by people, for people, in search results").
See for more information. 's talk that he gave at the Brighton SEO Autumn 2021 conference. Chris gave some insights about the uses of / trends in Voice Search from Keyword Research using Google Keyword Planner / Trends data, including Amazon Alexa, Microsoft Cortana etc .
C. Byrne is a freelance SEO / PPC / Google Analytics & Ecommerce Consultant (established 2008) working in the London area and beyond, offering expert White Label services internationally. He has 15+ years experience. For more information on the talk & to download theslides go to: . Follow him at
View the presentation with slides: 's talk on statistics on the use of online adblocker technology usage, innovations & trends in the UK in 2021 from the Search Advertising Show (a sister conference of which is dedicated to PPC advertising on Google, Bing and Amazon). Slides etc: .
C. Byrne is a freelance SEO / PPC / Google Analytics & Ecommerce Consultant (established 2008) working in the London area and beyond, offering expert White Label services internationally. He has 15+ years experience. For more information on the talk & to download theslides go to: . Follow him at
View the presentation with slides: 's tutorial podcast from the Brighton SEO conference on the 25th March 2021 on how to analyse the compliance of competitors' inbound link building activities with Google Webmaster Guidelines with a view to identifying (and reporting) your competitors' paid / sponsored links quickly and easily. The information in this free tutorial can potentially be used to diminish your competitions' online visibility by legal 'negative SEO' techniques.
C. Byrne is a freelance SEO / PPC / Google Analytics & Ecommerce Consultant (established 2008) working in the London area and beyond, offering expert White Label services internationally. He has 15+ years experience. For more information on the talk & to download theslides go to: . Follow him at
View the presentation with slides:
In today's episode, we are joined by Chris Byrne, freelance SEO and PPC consultant from to talk about the state of ad-blocking. Chris starts off talking about origin of ad-blocking and what it is. He then moves on to discuss why we are seeing a rise of ad-blocking. He explains that the history of ad blocking started with radio presets, remote controls or Tivo and that this has been going on since the early 2000's in various forms. In general this may be considered is a UX Problem, as ads can often be percieved to harm the user experience (what the advertising industry calls" bad ads"). Chris then explains what the attitude of big companies like Facebook are towards these ad blockers and how ad-blockers are now available in the iOS store. He explains that people are realising that sometimes they've only got a certain amount of data per month (research said that up to 5% of a smartphone plan is used by ads). So, some people have started using ad blockers to stretch their allowance a little bit ...
This podcast was recorded in 2017.
Chris Byrne, a Freelance SEO specialist ( , talks about his 10+ years self-employed in the often maligned and very misunderstood SEO industry - including some tips and tricks for (aspiring) freelancers. This talk took place in Winchester, Hampshire, UK.