⛷️🏔️ Jamie MoCrazy's journey – from being a renowned X Games skier to surviving a devastating crash where her fatality report was filled out in the helicopter to making a full recovery and founding a non-profit for brain injury awareness – is nothing short of inspiring.
Jamie has taken her story and experience and leveraged it to start the MoCrazy Strong Foundation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to educating Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) survivors and their family caregivers on how to build a productive and fulfilling life after brain injury. Through programs, policy, and education, the MoCrazy Strong Foundation focuses on what’s possible for a patient after TBI, regardless of the outcome of their recovery. As Jamie says in this interview, “Every brain injury survivor can create a life they love. […] There’s so much variety [in finding] a way to contribute back to society, and [finding] a way for you to feel like there’s a reason you survived.” ✨🧠
🎥 In this conversation, Jamie and Dick talk about her experience surrounding the crash, the difficulty yet importance of TBI survivors remaining in contact with the TBI world, how TBI survivors can reintegrate with society after their injury, her ongoing efforts to break the stigma around TBI, and the potential for collaboration to improve TBI outcomes.
In Jamie’s words, “Every aspect of brain injury, from the initial research to the end result, is so important to the whole picture. […] We definitely need to work more in collaboration […] because we all want the end result to be […] somebody who is not just living, but alive to thrive.” 💙🌎
Tune in for a motivating and uplifting conversation, and check out the links below to learn more about Jamie and contribute to her cause! Thanks for visiting Moberg Analytics and for all that you do, Jamie! ⛷️🌟
– Jamie MoCrazy –
Website: https://www.mocrazystrong.org
Contact (Email): info@mocrazystrong.org
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/🏔-jamie-mocrazy-07b58131
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jamiemocraz...