Being happy is an aspiration that is thrown around so easily and often, we wonder if it’s really even a goal in life. But happiness is crucial for healthy children, and we’re going to be talking all about it with our guest, Beth Perkel. Beth is an author, freelance writer and essayist. Her recent book is called Light At the Beginning of the Tunnel: Wiring our Children for Happiness.
Beth believes that most children need to be taught the “talent” of happiness, that it doesn’t happen automatically, and that it’s the central key that enables them to lead successful, productive and meaningful lives. In her book, she synthesizes deep concepts from ancient wisdom, the most up-to-date psychological methods, scientific studies and research and weaves them into a practical, personalized system for us and our children.
In the episode we discuss:
-Beth’s journey as a writer, and how she learned to dig deep and be vulnerable
-Why she wrote a book on parenting, and how her approach is unique
-What happiness looks like in different people
-Her favorite chapters in the book
-Advice for parents with children who are “not happy”
-Examples of parenting wins from her own life
Beth’s book and speaker recommendations:
Beth’s book - Light at the Beginning of the Tunnel: Wiring our Children for Happiness (best to purchase from Feldheim or Mosaica)
Beth's Podcast - Ideas That Change Lives
Rav Wolbe’s Planting and Building
Rebbetzin Spetner as a parenting educator
Stress Less: Stop Stressing, Start Living by: Kate Hanley
The Power of Now by: Eckhart Tolls
Rebbetzin Dina Schoonmaker’s shiurim
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