He created the Metal Gear franchise and became one of the world's only mega-famous video game designers. And then his company tried to erase his legacy. Throughout the 80s and 90s, Hideo Kojima crafted some of the most interesting, as well as most successful video games in the world. He created the Metal Gear franchise, which experienced massive critical and commercial success over the last three decades. However, in the 2010s there started to be a sea change in the video game world. Things were shifting away from the big-budget, story-driven experiences that Kojima was known for - and more towards a pick-up and play mobile experience. And, as a result, the company that he'd worked for since 1986, Konami, unceremoniously kicked him to the curb and tried to erase his legacy. This is the story of the life and career of Hideo Kojima, and how he got screwed over by Konami.
"The Bombastically Meaningful Futility of Hideo Kojima" was written and edited by Andrew Price.
Our guest was Jordan Morris. You can check out his new comic, bubble, available anywhere you buy comics on July 13, 2021.
You can pre-order his comic, Bubble, here: https://us.macmillan.com/books/9781250245557
You can listen to the Bubble podcast here: https://maximumfun.org/podcasts/bubble/
"Andrew & Dave Save Hillsmer" was written by Andrew & Dave and edited by Andrew.
It featured Andrew, Dave, Hillsmer, Zero, Baron Puppers Von Beulsenbark, Computer, Sherman, Rex, and Charles Wexler Weller, and a mysterious narrator that seems to have some kind of weird ulterior motive.
These people are being credited for no particular reason, but in a very specific order: Nikki Howard, Seth Garben, Brandon Nebitt, and Wes Robertson, and Mike Miller.
You can check out Nikki Howard’s sketch comedy on Facebook by searching her name or by going to facebook.com/nikkialexishoward
Oh My Goodness was written, performed, and produced by the Deadboy Detectives featuring Charles Wexler Weller, Hillsmer, and Rex.
With drums performed by Jake Naugle.
And sound mixing by Santiago Morillo Segovia.
Incidental music by D. Catalano appears courtesy of Fivese7encollective You can find more of his music by searching on Spotify or any other music streaming platform or by going to wekeepoddhours.bandcamp.com
Additional incidental music by:
Dadbeats. You can listen to his food debate podcast, Food Fight, anywhere you get your podcasts.
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