Season 2 shifts to Boston as episode 21 features Mike Avery’sconversation with John Baldovin, S.J. As a former student, Averyreminiscences about his time at the Boston College School ofTheology and Ministry and particularly with Fr. Baldovin’s class onthe Eucharist. The conversation takes several turns from PopeFrancis’ focus on marriage and family to Post Vatican II liturgicalreform. Along the way, Fr. Baldovin ultimately shares his love forall liturgical seasons and even reveals a hidden passion forarchitecture.
John F. Baldovin, S.J., is professor ofhistorical and liturgical theology at theBoston CollegeSchool of Theology and Ministry. He is a priest of the New YorkProvince of the Society of Jesus. He received his B.A. from theCollege of theHoly Cross, an M.Div. from Weston School of Theology, an M.A.,M.Phil. and Ph.D. from Yale University. Baldovin has taught at Fordham University,the JesuitSchool of Theology at Berkeley, and, since 1999 at Weston andnow Boston College’s School of Theology and Ministry. He has alsobeen visiting professor at the University of Notre Dame and St.John Vianney National Seminary in Pretoria, South Africa. He servedon the advisory committee for the Bishops’ Committee on the Liturgyof the USCCB as well as the advisory committee of the International Commissionon English in the Liturgy (ICEL) from 1994 to 2002. He is pastpresident of the North American Academy of Liturgy (NAAL) as wellas the international ecumenical Societas Liturgica. He received theBerakah Award for distinguished achievement from the NAAL in 2007.He is also past-president of the International Jungmann Society forJesuits and the Liturgy. Baldovin has published on liturgy widelyin journals including Worship, TheologicalStudies, America, andCommonweal. Hiswritings have been translated into French, German, Spanish,Japanese, and Albanian. He has a number of presentations with NowYou Know Media, the latest of which, “Lent, Holy Week and Easter,” has recently beenreleased. His books includeThe Urban Character of ChristianWorship: The Origins, Development and Meaning of StationalLiturgy (Orientalia Christiana analecta 228, Rome, PontificalOriental Institute Press, 1987, Reprinted, 2002), Liturgy in AncientJerusalem (Alcuin/GROW Studies in Worship, Bramcote,Nottingham: Grove Books, 1989), Worship: City, Church andRenewal (Washington, DC: Pastoral Press, 1991), Bread of Life, Cup ofSalvation: Understanding the Mass (Lanham, MD: Rowman andLittlefield, 2003), Reforming the Liturgy: A Response to theCritics(Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 2008). He has alsoco-edited Commentary on the Order of Mass of the RomanMissal (Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 2011) and (withDavid Farina Turnbloom) Catholic Sacraments: A Rich Source ofBlessings (New York: Paulist Press, 2015). Fr. Baldovin,along with Mike Avery, helped found the journal Lumen et Vita, the graduate academic journal ofthe BC School of Theology and Ministry.
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