Which cycling shoes should I buy? This may seem like a straightforward question. But the better thing to ask is: Which shoes are right for my feet? If you’ve been a professional cyclist with extensive experience as a bike fitter, like show host Colby Pearce, the answer to that more complex question becomes an hour-long podcast, filled with the nuances of human anatomy. There are several questions about your physiology and biomechanics that need to be answered before you can select the ideal shoe for you, and for the purpose of your rides. Dial that Boa in—but not too tight. There’s much to be learned in today’s episode of Cycling in Alignment.
Lake 403s – https://lakecycling.com/products/cx-403?variant=30307106029662
Device that expands toe-box – https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07B4SKS82?tag=duckduckgo-osx-20&linkCode=osi&th=1&psc=1
Cycling Tips Podcast about Bont shoes: https://cyclingtips.com/2015/05/bont-vaypor-s-shoe-review/
Bont Helix – https://www.bontcycling.com/products/road/helix/index.html
Bontrager – https://www.trekbikes.com/us/en_US/bike-clothing/cycling-shoes/road-bike-shoes/bontrager-xxx-road-cycling-shoe/p/25000/
Lintamen – https://www.lintaman.com/
Hanseeno – https://hanseeno.com/collections/performance/products/u100g-shoes
Treadlabs orthotics – https://treadlabs.com/
Superfeet orthotics – https://www.superfeet.com/en-us
Icebug orthotics – https://icebug.com/insoles
G8 orthotics – https://www.g8performance.com/
Colby’s Site – http://www.colbypearce.com/
Email – cyclinginalignment@fastlabs.com
Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/cyclinginalignment/
Twitter – https://twitter.com/CyclinginAlign_
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